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Transcript analysis as a tool to understand community college student academic behaviors

d e b a t e r e m a i n s s t r o n g not only about

ments matched on particular qualities, which

the overall success of community college students,

provides the means of organizing an overwhelming

but also about how to measure student progress

amount of data into meaningful and homogeneous

and outcomes. Transcript analysis is a blanket term

segments, understandable within the context of

for a group of procedures that collectively uses

the demographics of the particular group. Lastly,

student records to document and understand the

this study provides comparisons between the

complex academic behaviors of community college

groups to better understand the differences and

students. Transcripts—the records of student

similarities in types of community college students

activities that include enrollments, course drops,

in the study’s district.

and grades—are important, yet often ignored,

Findings indicate a need to monitor and

documents that tell of student successes as well

respond to patterns of student behaviors that may

as instances of non-success.

be less likely to produce positive outcomes. This

This study, divided into three parts, begins by

paper provides aspects of transcript analysis, each

presenting “transcript stories,” qualitative individ-

with a differing purpose and level of complexity,

ual cases that provide the equivalent of the voices

that assert the importance and usefulness of tran-

of individual students. Each transcript snippet

script analysis as a powerful medium to study and

provides a glimpse of patterns found in many stu-

isolate student academic behaviors.

dent course-taking patterns and provides material for further discussion. The second part of the analysis introduces the method of “group parsing,” the grouping of students into manageable seg-


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