Hadley Literary Magazine: Mosaic 2013

Page 23






charge similarly in Act 1 Scene 1 Line 70

In conclusion, if Shakespeare’s did not

when she learns of the witches’ have have strong female characters, the plays prophesied that Macbeth will be the next would have radically different endings. King of Scotland. She says “To beguile the Emilia is a feminist character, as evidenced time, look like the time. You hand your by her progressive views towards adultery, tongue. Look like th’ innocent flower, be the her attitudes towards her huband, and the serpent under ‘t. He that that’s coming must outspoken nature in which she speaks to be provided for; and you shall put the night’s men. This is not dissimilar to Lady Macbeth, great business into me dispatch, which shall who goes against her husband’s wishes to all our nights and days to come give solely fulfill her own desires. The way that the and




masterdom.” female characters in Shakespeare’s plays

Macbeth says “We will speak further.” Lady change the outcomes is similar to how Macbeth replies “Only look up clear. To alter strong women changed history during the favor ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to feminist movement in the early twentieth me.”

This is another great example of century. If all women could take charge like

strong outcome

female of






the these characters, I believe that the world

Shakespeare’s could be a better place.

writings. If Lady Macbeth had not decided that they should kill the king, then the entire play would have been changed. Just like how if Emilia had not spoken out against Othello’s treachery, the play would have also ended in a different way.


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