Educational Psychology

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We are a team of professionally trained, educational psychologists who use psychology to increase learning, development and emotional well-being of children, young people, and their families by working in partnership with other education professionals. We believe in collaborative problem solving and solution-focused consultation, which leads to shared understanding and delivers better outcomes. We apply psychology so that it makes a positive difference to children and young people’s lives. We offer a range of services such as: }} Collaborative problem-solving

and consultation }} Educational Psychology led

interventions }} Direct work with children and

young people }} Bespoke staff training in response

to your needs }} School development and

supporting change Educational Psychology Service Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane, London E8 1GQ T. 020 8820 7519 E.

COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING AND CONSULTATION Staff in schools, parents and others value the opportunity to share concerns with an Educational Psychologist and draw on their knowledge and understanding on a range of issues. Educational Psychologists work collaboratively with you as part of a joint problem solving process to help find a way forward. This approach can be applied to a number of situations such as supporting whole school concerns and issues as well as at the level of the individual. When Educational Psychologists are working with teachers, for example, a partnership is developed that helps to clarify and form a new understanding regarding a situation. We will help develop a shared understanding and ownership of presenting issues that leads to improved outcomes.

“There are always helpful strategies and resources that we can implement.” SENCO, Hackney School

EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY INTERVENTIONS Educational Psychology led interventions are identified following joint problem solving. Below are some examples: }} Direct parent support with individual parents or groups of parents. }} Small group work with pupils for example Circle of Friends or self– esteem groups. }} Therapeutic approaches with children and young people.


DIRECT WORK WITH CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Direct work with children and young people will always include a problem-solving consultation. This involves sharing concerns and agreeing actions, solutions and shared outcomes. When further assessment of need is agreed to inform the problem solving consultation the EP may also complete some of the following: }} observation; }} analysis of existing information; }} direct assessment using psychological tools with the child or young person; }} assessment of social, emotional and mental health needs; }} gathering views of the child or young person. All work of the educational psychologist at the level of the individual will contribute to the graduated response as part of the ‘assess, plan, do, review cycle’ in your school.

“Our Educational Psychologist is a crucial part of the SEN team.” SENCO, Hackney School

CASE STUDY At a school planning meeting concerns were raised about a pupil’s ability to manage his emotions at school, and written tasks due to on-going motor co-ordination issues. Pupil had diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) Patterns of behaviour were identified which involved him complaining that he was feeling unwell and the school needing to ask his parents to collect him early. The EP discussed concerns with those who knew him best including SENCO & school speech & language therapist. They also observed him in class and undertook some individual work with him. Following the EP intervention the pupil was able to recognise the progress he had made with learning. He felt more positive about himself, his achievements and his skills. Information was used to inform intervention strategies that were subsequently implemented by his school.


ROLE OF THE EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST }} Used psychological approaches (Personal Construct Psychology) to gather the child’s views and constructs. }} Effective multi-agency working with school SENCO, the link speech and language therapist for the school, and the HLT specialist teaching service. }} Joined up working led to a language programme which enabled the pupil to develop his narrative. }} Supported the SENCO to implement strategies within the classroom, with pocket sized copies which he used within the playground. }} Enabled the pupil to broaden the range of strategies he uses effectively to manage his emotions when at school. }} Ensure that parents were fully involved in all discussions and intervention plans. This strengthened the relationship between school and home.

BESPOKE STAFF TRAINING IN RESPONSE TO YOUR NEEDS Our Educational Psychology Team can provide training for teachers, TAs and other support staff. Below is a list of possible bespoke training: Working Memory Working memory is one of the strongest indicators for longer term education success (Alloway, 2010). This training will help develop your understanding of memory and how we can support working memory in the classroom. Emotional Literacy and Well-being This training will develop your understanding of what it is to have ‘well-being’ and how we can promote well-being and emotional literacy for the young people (and adults) in your setting. Understanding Literacy Difficulties This training will develop your understanding of literacy difficulties and how we can develop the literacy competencies of all the young people in your setting. Supporting Young People with Specific Learning or Developmental Needs This bespoke training will be catered to your setting’s needs and it will explore the wide variety of learning and developmental difficulties that young people may be experiencing in school such as Autism, ADHD, Attachment difficulties, Down’s Syndrome and more.

“The EP consultation process will throw up new areas that have not been investigated by the school, and this can shed new light on the difficulties that a child is experiencing.” SENCO, Hackney School

Managing Challenging Behaviour This training will offer an in-depth and holistic view of ‘challenging behaviour’. It will explore behaviour as a ‘communication’ and it will aim to develop your confidence in supporting positive behaviour management in your setting. In addition to the above, please talk to us about the training needs of your staff and school as a whole as bespoke training can be designed to meet your needs.

SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORTING CHANGE There may be developmental priorities identified by your school which the EPS can support. Below are some examples of areas where we could provide support }} Reviewing your systems to support and develop the emotional well-being of your staff and pupils. }} Making best use of your teaching assistants. }} Responding to Ofsted recommendations. }} Implementing national guidance such as the SEND Code of Practice. }} Using research and evaluations to maximise the impact of targeted interventions.


QUALITY ASSURANCE Our approach is to use innovation to achieve the highest standards. All our educational psychologists: }} Are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and adhere to the professional, ethical and conduct codes as described by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and British Psychological Society. }} Receive regular supervision. }} Seek informed consent from our service users. }} Are committed to inclusion, emotional well-being, mental health and raising attainment. }} Believe that engaging children and young people in decisions impacting on them is fundamental in delivering positive change. }} Consider that working in partnership with parents/carers is fundamental. }} Are aware of their safeguarding responsibility to all children and young people.

“We are extremely grateful to the EPS for all that the Educational Psychologist does to support the children that we refer. The support provided is hugely beneficial to our students and their families.� SENCO, Hackney Secondary School


ACCESS TO THE EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY TEAM We are committed to providing an accessible and responsive service. As part of this commitment in addition to any traded service we provide: }} Every maintained school in Hackney with a named link educational psychologist. }} Parent advice sessions every week during term time. }} Advice as part of statutory EHC assessments for Hackney pupils. }} Support for children out of school. }} Joint working with preschool agencies for children with complex needs. }} Early Years’ training and support for Early Years settings. }} A programme of training initiatives including central INSET.

RESPONDING TO TRAUMATIC INCIDENTS The Educational Psychology Service has extensive experience working with schools managing traumatic incidents - sudden unpredicted tragic events, which come out of the blue. The EPS provides three types of support in the first days and weeks following a traumatic incident: }} information and advice about action, together with moral support and a trusted sounding board }} advice to school staff about possible emotional responses among staff and pupils, and how to manage these; }} support in developing scripts when communicating with staff, parents and children and young people. We also offer support to settings in responding to urgent or emergency situations including: }} Proactive planning. }} Support for policy development – drawing up practical guidelines in advance. }} Help to manage an incident. }} Support for school leadership team providing reassurance and practical advice. }} Advice about support for staff, pupils and parents. }} Signposting to other services.

CONTACT US For more information, please call 020 8820 7519 or email

NOTE All schools are advised to purchase EP Services by the beginning of the summer term so we can ensure continuity of EPS or allocate time for the new academic year. The time will be delivered evenly over the academic year. Schools also have the option to purchase EPS over two or three years, paid for and planned annually at a reduced cost. For specific training or interventions and costs, please contact us to discuss your needs.




Educational Psychology Bespoke Support – 1-6 days

£610.00 per day


Educational Psychology Bespoke Support – 7-14 days

£585.00 per day


Educational Psychology Bespoke Support – 15+ days

£560.00 per day



Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane London E8 1GQ T. 020 8820 7566 E.

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