2 minute read

Sister Relationship, excerpt

Zoe S. ‘28

(Lights up on Sadie storming in through the door, walking straight to the cabinets full of food)

EVA: (Eva working on homework on the table next to the kitchen) Hi? (no response from Sadie) Hi? Hi? Hi?

SADIE: STOP!!!! I’m not in the mood.

EVA: What, did you lose your soccer game?

SADIE: Yes, in fact I did. (silence for 10 long seconds) Well, aren’t you going to say something?

EVA: No… Why? Was I supposed to say sorry or something?

SADIE: Oh my gosssssshhhhhhh. I don’t want to talk to you right now.

EVA: Fine.

SADIE: Good. (one minute passes.) Ugh. I can’t find it. (still looking around in the cabinet)

EVA: Really, one minute? Come on Sadie. (Eva sighs.) What are you looking for?

SADIE: Lucky Charms, of course, why else would I be here?

EVA: I don’t know.

SADIE: I am really craving cereal and marshmallows. (going on to the last cabinet) Ooo, jackpot! (throwing snacks more harshly onto the ground)

EVA: Wait!!!!!

SADIE: What?

EVA: That’s my favorite cereal! Could you give it to me? Mom got it for me yesterday.

SADIE: I knew it! I knew it! You are mom’s favorite child. She gets anything for you even if you are mean in any way! I just knew it! (throwing the cereal, hits Eva’s head)

SADIE: I knew it! I knew it! You are Mom’s favorite child. She gets anything for you even if you are mean in any way! I just knew it! (throwing the cereal, hits Eva’s head)

EVA: Ouch! You physically hurt me and emotionally hurt me. I have feelings you know!

SADIE: No, you don’t.

EVA: You’re so mean! And why do you need Lucky Charms?!! Why can’t you just buy them separately?!!!!

SADIE: Because I don’t want to. Geeze. They are perfect together. Also for your information, I am not mean; I just tell the truth!

Eva: No you don’t! You don’t! You’re the worst. You know that? You’re the WORST!! I don’t get why it has to be Lucky Charms?! Why can’t you just get marshmallows and put it into another cereal?

SADIE:(getting angrier) It’s NOT the same! You’re the youngest; you get everything that you want. I am annoyed by you. YOU are annoying!

EVA: I am NOT annoying, ok?! I am sorry that it is so hard for you to find your stupid cereal, for your stupid game. And for the last time, I AM NOT ANNOYING!

SADIE: YOU did NOT just say that! YOU THINK YOU’RE NICE?! Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re not. (She runs upstairs as Mom walks in through the door.)

MOM: Hi! I’m home!

EVA: (Mumbling) Hi, Mom.

MOM: What’s wrong?

EVA: Nothinggg.

MOM: I came back from the grocery store…

EVA: Cool.

Zoe S. ‘28

MOM: Hey, where’s your sister?

EVA: Upstairs.

MOM: Can you tell her to come down?

EVA: She’s busy.

MOM: Evaah…

EVA: Fine. (shouting up the stairs) SADIE, MOM WANTS TO SEE YOU!! (no response from Sadie)

MOM: Eva, could you go to your room? I’ve got to talk to Sadie for a minute.

EVA: Sure.( EVA runs up the stairs, and Sadie comes down.)

MOM: Hi…


MOM: What’s wrong?

SADIE: Nothing…It’s just that I feel like Eva gets anything she wants, and I’m just there, invisible.

MOM: Oh, come on. Is this really what it is all about?! Sadie, that’s ridiculous. You know that I love everyone equally.

SADIE: Yeah, yeah, I know.

MOM: Come on, let’s go get you Lucky Charms.

SADIE: Wait, how did you know I wanted Lucky Charms?

MOM: I’m a mother; what can I say? (lights out on Sadie and Mom putting their shoes on)

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