Nov 2013

Page 34


I Inside view

The advantages of satellite There are many advantages to using satellite broadcasting. It's one of the most common wireless systems, with some distinct features. While terrestrial radio and television broadcasting and mobile phones rely on a network of ground-based transmitters and

receivers, satellite broadcasting systems move the transmitter from the ground to the sky by mirroring the ground transmission. This means a satellite can cover almost onethird of the earth's surface from its position in space and so serve a huge area. Achieving the same coverage with groundbased, terrestrial systems would require a large, expensive network. Satellite transmission allows services to be quickly introduced since coverage is available for everyone from the start, even those in the most remote locations who often have to wait years for a terrestrial service. This allows everyone to enjoy the same level of service as someone living in the centre of a major city. Satellites naturally cross national boundaries, providing numerous possibilities for truly international services. Using satellite to broadcast television is familiar to most people now. Satellites


deliver hundreds of television channels every day across Europe, the United States, the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia. They are also used to supply television signals to terrestrial transmitters and to exchange signals between television studios. But it's not just broadcasting that makes use of satellites. Satellite communication systems are also being used to relay high speed Internet, link phone networks and provide high-speed corporate networks, connecting offices and sites across the world. YahLive's state of the art satellite network provides customers with key competitive advantages by employing the latest technology. Advantages like higher powered and focused beam coverage in a prime orbital location, dish reception size of just 45-60cms and a capacity optimised to provide the bandwidth required to carry the highest quality content all set YahLive apart from the rest. Satellite TV is arguably a novel communication and entertainment phenomenon. The earliest form of satellite TV was the satellite Sputnik that was a Russian advent in 1957, but the receptivity of this early innovation was lousy. A brief history of satellite TV will tell you that the innovation began making its impact in the 1960s when governments and the corporate sector began taking an interest to invest in space communication. The space race between Russia and the western countries ironically contributed to the development of more receptive satellite communication that would include telephones and computers as mediums.

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