Plug Into Home Energy Savings

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From an interior perspective, no two households have the same heating and cooling system requirements with related duct system design and installation issues, family comfort requirements, appliance and other electrical product usage patterns and maintenance issues, or family demographics. Also, consider the fact that gas or electricity can be utilized in heating and cooling equipment, water heating, clothes drying and cooking. It is important to remain focused on possible solutions for your particular situation by asking questions such as, “What can I do to save energy dollars in my home?� In order to answer this important question, we must educate ourselves about energy usage in our homes. We need to understand where the major energy users are located and then take measures to save, and not waste, energy dollars. This guide is meant to provide information you need to know in order to become aware of potential energy drains and will also provide solutions to help reduce your energy costs. By addressing these issues, you will realize a safer, healthier, more comfortable home environment. Take a moment and review the chart below. Then, read this guide to find information that will help you reduce your home’s energy consumption. Plug in to energy savings.


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