The Geneva initiative - the geneva accord and annexes

Page 127


French Hill


Proposed Modifications to Road Infrastructure Segment A: North of the French Hill Junction

Bet Hanina Pisgat Ze’ev

60 (old)

60 Shu'afat

Shu'afat (Refugee Camp) Segment B: The French Hill Junction

1 To Tel Aviv

To the eastern ring road

Giv'at Ha-Mivtar


French Hill

Segment C: Eshkol Junction

Ramot Eshkol 60

Sheih 60 Jarrah

The French Hill area is a complex and intertwined net of roads and highways serving both east and west Jerusalemites. Re-planning it upon the delineation of a permanent status border will be a challenging task. In order to simplify the issue, each of the following pages focuses on a different segment of the area. In each section, the key planning challenges are highlighted and solutions for the traffic infrastructures Road



are offered. Finally, the combined solution is portrayed and the Light rail infrastructure is examined it its context. It should be noted, that all of the solutions presented here are the outcome of a thorough examination of several alternatives considered for each segment. The chosen solutions are the ones which ensure optimal continuity and mobility on both sides. Israeli


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