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GYRO Editor Contents

Dave Strydom.

FACT Straight up facts. ›pg 4

NATIONAL AVERSION Budgets effect on students. ›pg 6-7

SCARFIE ARMY MOBILIZED Student volunteers in full force. ›pg 8-9

MUSIC COLUMN Reviews of live music in Dunedin ›pg 10

SPORTS BALL Local sports with balls. ›pg 11

DUNEDIN EVENT GUIDE Your guide to local gigs & events. ›pg 12

In this issue we cover the recent government budget and it’s effect on students. I attended the Post-Budget forum host by OUSA where representatives from parties on campus took turns to speak on the budget. Some reps made great points while other only touched the issues highlighted by the TV media. This drove us to focus on the budget this issue with a lengthy piece to give you an idea of what the budget means to students. We have some information on the Scarfie Army student volunteer organisation including an interview with coordinator Darlene. Our sports column looks at the recent Otago Nuggets success while Stacey reviews the Nadia Ried & Ivy gig at

Published by

Chicks Hotel.

OPSA. Copyright (C) OPSA 2012. A member of ASPA.

Set in

I would like to thank everyone who wrote in this

Bell MT, Trade Gothic Condensed, Univers.

week. Please do continue to send us a letters. If you


brief - under 100 words and we’ll add them to the

Trade Gothic Condensed

would like to have the letter published keep them letters page.



It seems that there is no end insight for the erosion on our coastline. With the paved brickwork at the

Dave Strydom.

Esplanade the latest victim. Early estimates put the

Technical Editor

an eye out in our next issue as we ask some questions.

Mark Baxter.

repair job cost in the hundreds and thousands. Keep

Head Designer

Lastly, snow. Winter is here.

Dave Strydom. @designdavenz

So keep warm and stay out of trouble!

Word Stacey ambell

Till next time, Adios!

Gyro Magazine reserves the right to edit all content for reasons of style and clarity.

OPSA President Rebecca Swindells.

Last week I was invited to be a speaker at the PostBudget forum being held by OUSA, more than 30 students attended this forum. At this forum we heard from the OUSA President, the Te Roopu Maori President and representatives from Act of campus, Young National, Young Labour, the Mana Party, the Green Party. At this forum we discussed how the budget changes were going to affect student on campus, these are what some of the representatives thought about the recent budget announcements and the budget;

“It is short-sighted and unsustainable” – Young Green’s

“We’ve got an idiot in charge” – Mana Party “There will be decent investment elsewhere” – Young National

“This budget is SAFE” – Te Roopu Maori Although there are some large negative changes for students in the budget, the government also announced that there will be a Housing Warrant of Fitness (WoF) trial conducted on Housing New Zealand houses, it is my hope that this Housing Warrant of Fitness will in time, be extended to include Student Flats and rental accomdation. If you have any questions about the budget announcements, or if your over 40 and eligible for Student Allowance and are wondering what this means to you or want to share your story please feel free to come up to my office and see me, or email me on Rebecca Swindells OPSA President 2013 Signing off



If you’ve paid your Student Health Levy (part of most students normal fees) flu vaccinations are free for you. Pop into Student Health to make an appointment time.

Student Job search has celebrated it’s 30th birthday with a BQQ and Give-Aways across the country. The local campus prize goes to Jessica Wall! Congratulations!

GIVE AWAY! Dunedin only - first in first served available at the OPSA office. Large amount of thick black polythene. Table on wheels (like the old typing trolley). Bag of used plastic shopping bags. Samsung 35mm camera + outdated film. 2 x keyboards and 2 x mouse (computer variety). Also Check out the FREE bins in Manaaki foyer (Student Centre) for “bits and bobs”

TOASTMASTERS. Do you want to improve your grades? We meet every Friday D Block room 315 (3rd floor) from 12 noon – 1pm - Bring your lunch and join us. Polytechnic Toastmasters is a student club aimed at improving the communication, public speaking and leadership skills of students in a nonthreatening atmosphere.

VACANCY. Shakti Community Council Inc. is a nonprofit, community organisation providing social services for Asian, African and Middle Eastern communities in New Zealand. We are currently seeking efficient and enthusiastic ethnic women representing Asian, African and Middle Eastern communities in Dunedin. If you are interested, please email: 03 4771351/027 8080013

GYRO WRITERS. Gyro is looking for column writers for 2013. We have a topics that we would like covered for each issue or you’re more than welcome to come with one in mind. Contact the editor at

ADD A NOTICE To add a notice to this section email gyro@


>> Straight up facts <<



This weekend saw the 4th heat and finals of

In response to demand for safe and secure

the annual OUSA & Radio 1 battle of the bands.

accommodation from international and national

Celebrating it’s 25th incarnation the event saw over

students the Otago Polytechnic is working on plans

40 acts take to the stage. The overall winner is the 8

for a new hall of residence. Plans have not been

piece reggae group Reo with second and third going


to Iron Tusk and Thoughtful and the Mighty at Heart. Tune into Radio 1 to hear more from these bands.


NUMBERS ARE GOOD EVEN AS GROWTH STAGNATES. Despite the number of enrolments stagnating over

Leaving apples and bananas in a bowl together

the past few years, the Otago Polytechnic is happy

will make the bananas ripen faster. This is because

with the number of enrolments this year. A 1.5%

bananas release ethylene, a natural plant hormone,

increase in students includes a 35% increase in

which causes fruits to ripen faster. To ripen avocados

international students studying in 2013.

faster place them in a paper bag with a ripe banana.

OTAGO HIGH & DRY. The results of a recent survey by Soda Stream revealed that 75% of people asked consumed less than 4 glasses of water a day. Perhaps not too astonishingly over 80% said they felt healthier when they drank lots of water.

MUM & DAD INVESTORS A MYTH Green Party research, confirmed by Treasury, shows that half of the shares in Mighty River Power that National sold to retail investors went to just 13,000 people and that 10 percent of the retail shares went to just 400 wealthy people and organisations, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said. “The truth is that 98 percent of New Zealanders bought no shares at all. Half the retail shares went to just 0.3 percent of the population, and a tiny group of just 400 wealthy individuals and organisations got 10 percent of the retail shares.”


CHINA TO CAP CARBON EMISSIONS FROM 2016. The worlds biggest contributor to world carbon dioxide (25%) has proposed measures to cap its carbon emissions from 2016. In a bid to curb what most scientists agree is the main cause of climate change. More details to come.

WINTER HAS COME. Metservice has issued warnings of severe weather over the coming weeks. Including sleet and snow in the coming days. Later in the week expect a couple of stunning sunny winter days followed by rain and northwesterlies.

OCEAN RE-DECORATES THE ESPLANADE. The paved area of the St Clair Esplanade has become the latest victim of the power of the ocean. The coastline, now notorious for erosion, has increasingly deteriorated over the last decade. And as of Sunday that included the paved area in front of the Surf

Wimbledon uses about 42 000 tennis balls in the

Lifesaving Club. High times and strong winds also saw

roughly 650 matches at the tournament.

flooding in the South and West of the harbour.

(THE GREEN) ARROW. To whom it may concern,


Send your letters to in a 100 words or less.

University’s aren’t suffering. Otago is buying up every piece of available property near campus. And who says

I write to indicate my significant

we’re entitled to Student Allowance

regard for the new series named

anyway? At least we can get loans to

“Arrow”. It is awesome. For one,

educate ourselves. Tertiary education

it’s based on a comic book. This is

is a privilege, not a right.

generally a good thing, with certain agreed and notable exceptions. Secondly, it involves killing bad guys

Regards, The Third Eye.

with a bow and arrow. Thirdly, he does heaps of cool flips and freerunning style shit. It is the dopest. I recommend that you watch it, for your own good. I’m not advertising to you.

CHEMISTRY TAKES TIME. Dear sports fans, You could say The Highlanders have been a tad slow out of the block this

Yours sincerely,

year. When just six players from your

Larry Bron-Johnson.

team of talented players is called up for All Blacks training, you know

YOU DON’t DESERVE YOUR FUNDING? Dear Gyro, It feels like we’re asking to much of the Government when it comes to tertiary funding. Let’s be honest the

there’s a lot of talent left on the bench. Just like with any team of super-stars, chemistry takes time. Signed, The Highlander (not Christopher Lambert)

Find us on Facebook and Twitter Find out the latest news, events and student deals here


What did the latest budget mean for


fter a second

With their surplus target

the student loan program.

term in office

now in sight, Hon Bill

Changes to allowance eligibility

the National

English has allocated “new

include removing eligibility for

Government revealed it’s final

spending” of $900 million in

students over 65, and reducing

budget before the next election.

his latest budget. The 2013

allocation for students over 45

The John Key National-led

Budget focuses on a number

from 200 weeks to 120 weeks.

government has been on a

of changes to curb spending,

Many students are still feeling

law-making spree of late and

stimulate Crown income, and

the effects of National removing

this was not an opportunity

the allocates some funds to

allowance for post-grads. On the

to be wasted. While it’s not

health, education and housing.

other hand, this is a move that

all bad, there is far from much

As so elegantly put by Young

is perhaps not so controversial

good. Let’s take a look at some

National “This budget saw no

when you consider that

of the changes that will affect

stupid lavish spending.”

thousands in scholarships going

students. After all, one of the

Led by Prime Minister Hon

unallocated every year.

most engaging characteristics

John Key and Deputy Prime

of democracy is the public’s

Minister, Minister of Finance

this eligibility makes it nearly

right to question their

and Minister of Infrastructure

impossible for single mothers and


Hon Bill English, the National

low-income workers to up-skill

Government has systematically

through tertiary education. This

strongly motivated by their

reduced the student allowance

has been identified as one factor

election promise: getting the

program and restricted funding

in the cycle of child poverty.

Crown back into surplus by

to the tertiary sector. This is a

2014. This is only The Crown’s

move that has been criticised,

education, the budget did

books, not the country’s

as being likely to lead to an

allocate $130 million to the

international debt. Throughout

underdevelopment of the

tertiary sector over the next four

their two campaigns National

tertiary sector in the long run,

years, including $27 million on

have cut spending and looked

and which will contribute to a

engineering and science. The

at ways to increase revenue.

long-term increase in student

stand down period for student

It’s certainly not an easy task


loans has been increased from 2

National’s fiscal goals are

to undertake given the world’s unstable economic environment.

This year’s budget is the 5th consecutive budget to reduce

However, the removal of

Of the $901 million to

years to 3 years. This budget is encouraging citizens back into the

AVERSION students and New Zealanders a like? workforce, which is what National

regarding child poverty prior

go. The budget addressed

argue needs to happen at this

to the budget release saying

education for early childhood

stage of economic recovery. The

“Children who aren’t fed become

Maori, lifting of teacher

only problem is that most aren’t

victims and the Government

quality and Te Reo Moari

entering the workforce here in

has to deal with that.” This

regeneration. It also made

New Zealand but leaving to hunt

statement was taken by many as

provisions for a Maori trade

for better wages across the ditch.

an indication of coming policies

and cadetship program and

to provide food at schools. This

private training opportunities

budget did not address the issue

aimed at early school leavers.

What else was in the budget? A number of issues have not been address by the Government in this budget.

at all. But then again, it wasn’t exactly promised either.

Interestingly National has taken a 360 degree turn on ACC

The budget adopted three

and Kiwi Rail, cutting levies

Economically speaking,

policies aimed at low-income

for business by 40% as ACC

National will borrow more

housing. The first is opening up

revenue is on the rise - thanks

foreign money while riding the

the provision of social housing to

to the ever increasing revenue

short-term solution of selling

the “private sector”. Mr English

gathered through the ACC slice

state assets to increase Crown

suggested that private providers

of the price of petrol. Minimum

revenue. Environmentally

would include organizations

wage is still on a steady rise,

speaking, our rivers are more

such as the Salvation Army, Iwi

as it has every year, and the

polluted than ever and our

groups and the Presbyterian

budget promised $1.6 billion to

coastlines have been opened

Church. Other policies include the

the health sector over the next

up for deep sea oil exploration

introduction of financial support

4 years.

by foreign companies without

for whiteware loans and the

adequate environmental

allocation of $100 million, over

for students but let’s be grateful

safeguards. Socially speaking

three years, towards insulating

it didn’t take more away. Some

there are still huge issues

low-income housing.

have called this budget “safe”

around child poverty, with an

The budget’s allocation of

This budget saw nothing new

while others have suggested

estimated 250,000 children

spending on Maori education

that it’s just another example

living in poverty.

was welcomed by Nga Kaikokiri

of the “cockroach capitalists”

Prime Minister John Key

Matauranga, but that said,

making the poor poorer, and the

made statements in the media

there’s still a long way to

rich richer.

SCARFIE ARMY MOBILIZED Scarfie Army is a huge group of ordinary students who combine their forces to perform extraordinary feats of generosity for people, ecosystems or animals who need help.


he Scarfie Army is

As part of the Free Car Clinic

“Also, employers often look at

back in full force

day, vehicles belonging to the

work experience when reviewing

for 2013, with a

Cancer Society, the Child Cancer

candidates for jobs. If they are

second cohort of Automotive

Foundation, Canteen, Stop

able to see that our students have

Engineering students from Otago

Violence Dunedin and many

carried out a number of hours

Polytechnic to service a fleet

other community vehicles will

volunteering, then they are likely

of community vehicles free of

be given a full complementary

to view this positively,” says Mr.

charge this Wednesday 29 May.

service on their vehicles. 32


Following on from a successful

Automotive Engineering students

About 20 second-year Social

pilot last year, Scarfie Army is

will carry out the work under

Services students put their

an Otago Polytechnic initiative

the supervision of staff, and

volunteering services to good

which draws inspiration from

BNT Dunedin has generously

use recently, completing various

the remarkable success of its

donated the oil and filters for the

tasks for the North East Valley

Canterbury counterpart, the


Project and their community

Student Volunteer Army. “We

Otago Polytechnic Automotive

garden. “It was fantastic! Students

want to continue to foster a

Programme Manager Hamish

helped by weeding, reupholstering

sense of community-mindedness

Miller sees this initiative as

furniture and beautifying the front

with our students,” says Project

mutually-beneficial. “Charities

garden that had been built by our

Leader, Terry Buckingham.

which often lack money for

Landscape Design students. We

“There is real value in the

maintaining vehicles can redirect

all had a great day and everyone

experience students gain as

their limited funds to other

benefited,” says North East Valley

volunteers and now more than

priorities and students gain real life

Project Coordinator, Hung Lam.

ever, students have a social

work experience while engaging

conscience they want to put to

with and learning about local

good use.”

community projects.

INTERVIEW GYRO interviews the locals.

DARLENE THOMPSON SCARFIE ARMY 1. WHAT IS YOUR ROLE WITH THE SCARFIE ARMY? I am the coordinator. This means that I organize projects that have either been suggested by Polytech staff/students or those suggested by various charities. As the role is new, introductions to charities are just beginning, but once they know about us we expect ideas to roll in. 2. HOW ARE YOUR MISSIONS FUNDED? This year the Polytech have given us a projects budget. This allows for a negotiable budget of $300 per project. So far this money has been used to feed the troops as most related materials have been donated. 3. WHAT IS YOUR NEXT MISSION? A free car clinic on May 29 by automotive students, followed by a family fun day for the child cancer foundation by nursing students on June 8 and a tbc fix up of the Carey’s Bay rowing club by the campus service’s team.

4. CAN STUDENTS SUGGEST IDEAS FOR MISSIONS? Absolutely. I would love to hear from students. The criteria is for class or multi class initiatives where students and staff forgo a day in the classroom for a volunteer day elsewhere as a class unit. No marks, no stress – just a helping hand. It’s best if the project relates to your learning or specific skills gained as part of your degree/diploma. 5. WHAT TOOLS ARE IN THE ARSENAL OF THE SCARFIE ARMY? Anything will be considered as long as it is for a charitable cause and you have buy in from your programme manager. For random, one off volunteer jobs we are working with SJS.

We are updating our website but you can reach me on (03) 4796007 or email

MUSIC REVIEW Courtesy - Suzylee:

SPORTS BALL Courtesy - Phil

I knew it was going to be a good night when I discovered

The Oceana Gold Nuggets are absolutely dominating

that Mei Wah sold deep fried Moros, it had been some

The National Basketball League this season. Their league

time since I’d had my favourite deep fried treat, so I wasn’t

leading 16 points comes courtesy of a perfect record in

even bothered that I’d be a bit late to the Dunedin leg of

2013. Their 8 wins have come at an average win margin of

the Nadia Reid & Luckless Tour at The Church on Dundas

20 points. With this weekends overtime 90 - 85 win the

St. We arrived some way into Ivy Rossiter’s set, and as I’ve

narrowest margin of the season. The Nuggets have been

managed to miss the opening acts of most of the gigs I’ve

unstoppable, scoring an average of 96.5 points while

been to lately I wasn’t bothered about that either - as long

holding teams to an average of 65.5 points.

as I didn’t miss Nadia!

The Nuggest defense has been top notch - impenetrable

But I should have been bothered. I have a ‘thing’ for girls

at times. Beny Anthony, Akeem Wright, Antoine Tisby

who can play electric guitar, by ‘thing’ I mean I’m totally

and Brendon Polyblank make up one of the biggest front

and utterly inspired by, and jealous of women behind a

courts in the league. Sealing the interior with a strong

guitar, rocking out to a heavy riff, that they wrote, I wish

wall of talented big men forcing outside shots and

I was that cool. I now have a thing for Ivy. Not only does

securing rebounds.

she have a powerful Janis-esque voice but she can play,

Veteran leader Mark Dickel runs the point and hassles

boy can she play. By the time she played her last song,

apposing guards on defense. The rest of the back court is

‘Better than being blue’ I was totally in awe - that one track

filled with the familiar faces of Hayden Allen, Riki Buckrell

made my night.

and James Ross helping out at guard. Their current roster

Then it was Nadia’s turn. Accompanied by my all time

boasts youngster Sam Timmins who at the age of 15

favourite, double bass, she played even better than last

stands at 2.04 meters and weights in around 105 kg.

time I saw her, which was pretty unbelievable - In a Yurt

Points have not been hard to come by for this Nuggets team.

in Nelson on my birthday last year. As the New Edinburgh

Anthony is averaging 23 points a night on 60% shooting

Folk Club’s ‘Clarion’ says “This is no gloss-laden floss-

from inside the arc and 40% from outside. While Wright (21)

pedalling romp through a handful of chords” - Nadia’s lyrics

and Tisby (15) both contributing in double figures.

are tales of joy and sorrow, and she captures you and takes

Lead by coach Alf Arlidge and captain Mark Dickel, averaging

you on a true journey to the places they came from. I can’t

6 points, 6 rebounds and 7 assits, backed by a roster of

name a favourite track from her - I like them all. She even

healthy players the Nuggets are looking like the team to

managed a sweet rendition of Anika Moa’s ‘Mother’ for

beat this season.

Mother’s Day, I wished my mum had been there watching,

The turnaround of the franchise has to be one of the top

I think she would have loved it as much as I did. A glass of

business success stories in Otago’s history. With crowd

red would have been a nice accompaniment too - but poor

numbers reaching record breaking numbers make sure to

student status put pay to that.

get your tickets well before the next game.

For a fresh May evening in Dunedin I couldn’t have thought

The Nuggets go on a 2 game road trip and play their next

of a better way to spend it, and I can’t wait for the new

home game against the Jets on Sat 8th June at 7pm at the

material these ladies are working on to become available.

Lion foundation arena.

› › › TH E G Y R O EV EN TS G UID E ‹ ‹‹

TUE Casual YOGA, 6pm-8pm, OUSA Recreation, $5

OPEN MICS & OPEN DECKS night, Refuel


DANCING IN THE WAKE (play), Allen Hall, 7.30pm, $10


WED Queens Got Talent OPEN MIC, Queens 8pm, FREE

SOUTHERN YOUTH CHOIR, Marama Hall 1pm, $2 Banff Mountain FILM FESTIVAL Regent Theatre, 7.30pm, $12 THE FU KING, Refuel, FREE




THE LAON/Maine Coons/TLA, Refuel


CRAIG TERRIS GROUP (indie, pop, rock), Chicks Hotel Sat 8 June

VINTAGE MARKET, Queens, 10am-4pm



LATIN NIGHT, Embassy Nightclub & Karaoke, FREE

ONCE APON A SUNDAY, Heartwarming stories read in the Storypit, City Library



OTAGO FARMERS MARKET, Railway station, 8am until 12 noon.

DARTS & PING PONG, Queens, 8pm

DIE! DIE! DIE! South Island Tour, Queens, ALL AGES, 4pm


BEASTWARS Blood Becomes Fire Tour (metal), ReFuel, 9pm, $15 /$20 KINDRED SOUNDSYSTEM, Sammys, 9pm, $10 STRANGE HARVEST, Opposite Sex & Murderbike, Queens, 9.30pm

31st BIG RICK, Space Bats Attack & Astro Children, Queens

WONKY BOOSH a ‘Mighty Boosh’


SMOKEFREE ROCKQUEST, Kings & Queens Arts Centre (Bay View Rd), 7pm, $20

themed party: MANTHYNG, Cult Disney, Fu King, Main Coons, Ecophonik, Stevolicious & Sonic Smith, Queens, $10



30th The Theomin Art Collection Tour, Olveston House, 4:30pm - 6:30pm



DIE! DIE! DIE! & Opposite Sex, Queens TIGER TIGER, (rock), Lone Star, 9pm

BATTLE OF THE BANDS National Regional Final: Sammys, 8pm, $7


MON Casual YOGA, 6pm-8pm, OUSA Recreation, $5

Queens BIRTHDAY FESTIVAL, bands TBC, 3pm till late! MOUNTAIN MUGS, Otago Museum. All ages, FREE


Please note ticket prices may differ due to the bizarre range of the way people promote their gigs and booking fees.To add a event to the next gyro gig guide email

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