Kaieteur News

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Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

This girl’s demise was a Efforts are underway to needless death undermine the judiciary DEAR EDITOR; Uncaring, bizarre and indifferent are some of the bitter feelings that emanate from the death of a 10 year old girl at the Georgetown Hospital. For someone to die from a kick to the stomach the perpetrator would have to have practiced martial arts, however, in this case a school fight should never have resulted in death. People have recovered from bullet wounds, shrapnel from bombs and intense torture but for a child in this era to die from a relatively frivolous hit is mind boggling. The problem in Guyana is that no one is held accountable for medical malpractice. In the US this

case would produce a multimillion dollar lawsuit. The cheap Cuban so-called doctors are in Guyana to practice—not administer— medical treatment. I am no doctor but I do know that a series of basic tests and continued monitoring are done when someone has a medical complaint. If such was performed then there would be a change in respiration and blood pressure - basic medical observations. Obviously this was too much trouble for the medical staff. Herein lies the dilemma: There must be an investigation and whoever is held culpable brought before whatever medical authority

exists in Guyana. One must recall that the doctor, Conrad Murray, who treated pop star Michael Jackson was sentenced to 4 years jail for malpractice. The drawback is, the country is in dire need of doctors. These Cuban-trained practitioners really need a higher level of training as a really disproportionate number of their patients end up in the mortuary. My heart reaches out to the parents of this little angel and I pay great respect to Freddie Kissoon for his persistence in exposing the trauma of Guyanese life. I am familiar with the deficiencies and incompetence of such ‘doctors.’ My father died at the hands of Cuban doctors. Leyland Chitlall Roopnaraine

Don’t blame the doctors for this little girl’s death

DEAR EDITOR; In response to Freddie Kissoon’s recent article laying the blame for the death of a child partially or wholly at the foot of the Cuban trained doctors toiling at the GPH, it is unfair to these doctors. A ten-year-old girl died as a result of her allegedly being kicked in the stomach by a school mate. While it is tragic and it may seem a simple act that should not have resulted in the death of this child, one cannot go blaming the GPH and claiming negligence on their part. Relevant tests were carried out to ensure there was no internal bleeding and yet, the child died. The article claims incompetence on the part of the Cuban trained doctors and that, had that child been in a developed country she would have lived. But, despite the best doctors and technology, people still die from similar simple circumstances in developed countries. Take for instance the case of twenty-yearold college student Caitlin Nelson in Connecticut last week. The daughter of a 9/

11 survivor, she participated in a pancakeeating contest and began choking. CPR was administered and she was rushed to a hospital in Bridgeport, Connecticut. She was later transferred to Columbia Medical Center in New York where she died three days after the incident occurred. Hospitals in Connecticut and Columbia Medical Center are some of the best medical institutions in the world. Unless the doctor’s roster is populated by another batch of incompetent Cuban doctors, the unfortunate Ms. Nelson definitely had the best doctors attend to her and yet, she succumbed to simply choking on pancakes. While it could also have been due to an allergic reaction, they were unable to save her. The point being made here is, don’t be so quick in judging doctors and medical staff when someone dies of what one may consider a simple malady. As in the case of Ms. Nelson, anyone can die of simple incidents despite the medical attention administered. M. Alves

I would like to see a new Minister of Finance DEAR EDITOR; The country’s wounds will heal I believe, only when Guyana acknowledges the truth of what happened from October 9, 1953 (the date when the Constitution was suspended), to present. As a nation, we have not worked hard enough for true healing and reconciliation to be achieved. Every successive government since then has applied a cosmetic balm to this festering wound. But under the surface, the situation is boiling and it is feeding into the operations of the economy. Thus, it is utterly foolish that government officials continue to make ornamental calls for Social Cohesion Roundtables when the right

policies are not being put in place to achieve social harmony. Truth telling and reconciliation must be part of an overall response to the injustices of the past and present but designed with a mandate to shape a more engaging future and minimal recrimination. No nation can progress when a government appoints 15 out of 16 CEOs of the Government Ministries (Permanent Secretary) for narrow, partisan reasons, totally ignoring all other parts of the society. This happened under this Granger administration in March 2017. Such a policy action will make the government less effective because large swaths of people will start to reject their

legitimacy in their minds. As one writer once said, “whatever the mind conceives, it achieves”. Therefore, these mistakes will have long-term ramifications as more people start to reject the policies of this government and this will undermine economic and social growth. Those who have eyes will see that the economic troubles have recommenced. We are on a clear path to 1982 when the country was first deemed bankrupt and uncreditworthy. Ordinary people have to settle their minds around these realities; banning of products and exchange control. Falling real wages is now in progress. People’s real disposable income is buying less in the market as the sun rises every Continued on page 6

DEAR EDITOR, I have had cause to write repeatedly about the systematic undermining of independent constitutional offices by the coalition Government, coupled with the Administration’s constant attempts at encroaching upon the functional responsibilities of these agencies, as well as attempting to stretch the executive arm of government to trespass upon provinces forbidden by the doctrine of separation of powers. In this essay, I will continue along the same vein, but will focus primarily on the current efforts that, in my view are calculated to undermine the independence of the Judiciary. An independent Judiciary is the sine qua non to a democratic society. Hence, every legal system in the civilized world, either through the medium of written Constitutions or conventions has created a strong institutional framework designed to secure, protect and strengthen judicial independence. Guyana is no different. Ours is expressed in our Constitution. Article 122A states 122A (1), “All courts and all persons presiding over the courts shall exercise their functions independently of the control and direction of any other person or authority; and shall be free and independent from political, executive and any other form of direction and control. (2) Subject to the provisions of articles 199 and 201, all courts shall be administratively autonomous and shall be funded by a direct charge upon the Consolidated Fund; and such courts shall operate in accordance with the principles of sound financial and administrative management.” Article 122A is accompanied by a series of constitutional mechanisms designed to make the Judiciary, self-regulatory, functionally automatous and insulated from any influence or pressure from any other person or authority. The Judiciary is financed from a direct charge on Consolidated Fund and therefore its financing does not require parliamentary approval. The appointment, dismissal and disciplining of judicial officers are all the subject of express provisions and procedures set out in the Constitution, which ascribes these functions to be performed by another group of independent constitutional tribunals, with the executive playing, no more, than a ceremonial role. Over the last 22 months, there has been a multiplicity of actions and or omissions by this Administration, specifically designed to

undermine or defeat this formidable constitutional protective network in order to erode the independence of the Judiciary. Prior to 2015, the Judiciary’s budget was presented by the Attorney General to the National Assembly. This budget was prepared exclusively by the Judiciary, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance. Though the final product was presented by the Attorney General to the National Assembly, the AG would have had no input whatsoever into that budget. That dispensation existed for 50 years without a single complaint ever made by the Judiciary of the Executive’s interference with its budget. This procedure was changed by the new Administration. The process now is for the Judiciary to submit its budget to the Clerk of the National Assembly and for the first time, the Judiciary’s budget has been cut by the Minister of Finance, on the floor of the National Assembly, every time it was presented, depriving the Judiciary of hundreds of millions of dollars. This constitutes an assault on the financial independence of the Judiciary. Over the last 22 months, Chancellor (Ag) Carl Singh, Chief Justice (Ag) Ian Chang, Justice of Appeal B. S. Roy and Puisne Judge William Ramlall have all retired. Additionally, the family Court, constructed by the PPP Administration, became functional in 2016. This court has pulled away two Judges from the High Court who are now functioning only in the family Court. President Donald Ramotar increased the statutory compliment of High Court Judges from 12 to 20. Despite this marked exodus, this Administration is yet to appoint a single Judge, thus far, although the President is in receipt of recommendations from the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) since February 2016, to appoint four (4) Judges; two (2) to the High Court and two (2) to the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal, for the first time since 1966, has not sat for well over 6 weeks. For over a year prior, that Court, which is a three (3) Judges Court when it sits, had only two (2) full-time Judges attached to it. Every time that Court sat, it was forced to burrow a Judge from the High Court, putting great pressure on the High Court, which is already short staffed. The President took almost one (1) month to simply swear-in two (2) Judges appointed to act in the offices of Chancellor and Chief Justice, respectively. Anil Nandlall

Unacceptable things at Zeeburg Secondary School DEAR EDITOR; On Friday 10th February 2017, it was observed that about twenty students were removed from classrooms at Zeeburg Secondary School and used as labourers to mix cement to make a couple concrete strips. These students were forced to dig the area for the strips, push cement mixed in wheel barrows and were standing in wet cement without any footwear on. Is this what we send our children to school to do? It is my view that these children were abused by the very persons entrusted to protect them. At the recently

concluded end of term test students were forced to pay to write their end of term test, since the school does not have funds, however the same school has erected a CCTV camera system to the tune of over $900,000. Students are literally told if you don’t pay for test you can’t write it. Can the Ministry of Education say if Zeeburg

Secondary is now a private school or a correctional facility? Can parents be given an update as to the Ministry’s position with regards to teachers collecting monies? I am encouraging the media to expose this wrong being dealt out to our children and the relevant authorities to hold the teachers at that school accountable for their actions. Concerned parent


Kaieteur News

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Pace of sugar industry’s In Guyana, judges do closure is accelerating have political preferences DEAR EDITOR; Closure of sugar inevitably will increase poverty in Guyana. Although President Granger had emphatically stated in 2015 that sugar is too big to fail and closure is not an option, his APNU+AFC government has pursued a relentless path towards the closure of the sugar industry. His 2015 words have proven to be total fiction and, in retrospect, those words now clearly constitute political deception. His colleagues in misleading the nation and taking sugar workers and their families as children were Nagamootoo and Ramjattan who were specifically assigned to the sugar belt to woo sugar workers with promises of 20% increase in wages and benefits. All three have been shamelessly silent for months as estate after estate is being closed and thousands of workers are on the bread line. Instead of 20% pay increases, workers have had no pay increases for 2015, 2016 and 2017 and no API in 2016. As they travel across the world and travel Guyana’s landscape in SUVs and as privileged people, pounding their chests with their lifestyles, sugar workers, their families and people dependent on the sugar industry are being driven into desperate poverty. Wales Estate is closed. The threat of closure in June 2015 has become a reality and

1700 workers and their families are in a struggle for survival. The workers who by law are owed severance payments have been denied their legal entitlements. But just in case anyone thinks that APNU+AFC might be dissuaded from this disastrous path, there is an acceleration of the pace for closure of the sugar industry. Across the sugar industry the evidence is mounting that APNU+AFC is determined that by the end of 2017, only three factories will be in operation - Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt. Unfortunately, Uitvlugt may also not survive. Along with these, the ethanol plant at Albion has been abandoned and the Enmore Packaging Plant is on the shopping block. The Providence (West Canje) sugar cane cultivation, part of the Rose Hall Estate, is closed. No new cane cultivation occurred since June 2015 and all old canes were harvested by the end of the first crop of 2016. Hundreds of persons employed as cane cutters at Providence have been unemployed since the first crop of 2016. Cane cultivation in other parts of the Rose Hall Estate has been reduced in preparation for closure of Canje Estate, one of the more successful sugar estates in Guyana. At least 1500 sugar workers will lose employment. It is now confirmed that sugar cane cultivation has ceased

The problem of sugar keeps getting worse DEAR EDITOR; Sugar’s dilemma - with its many players - workers, Guysuco, the Union, government and the political opposition (historically aligned to the sugar industry) daily finds its woes deepening. In an article titled ‘East Demerara planters protest Guysuco cane-cutting orders’ (KN March 30, 2017) it was reported protesting cane planters from Enmore Estate took their grievances to the Ministry of Labour at short notice since they felt their issues were serious and credible enough for such a move. To the Minister’s credit along with the Chief Labour Officer, they met with the delegation comprising the union rep and some of the protesting planters. However, after listening to the delegation, the Minister did a Pontius Pilate, washing his hands of the matter by suggesting an audience be sought with Minister of Agriculture. The Minister meeting the delegation therefore was just a token, courtesy gesture, more like a public relations exercise. Something seems not quite right with the course of action indicated. It is reasonable if employees feel their terms and conditions of employment, including job descriptions, have been altered or changed without due process; that is a concern and matter for their union and ultimately MoL/CLO, if no resolution is found. It is a matter of observation that in all the brouhaha surrounding the many labour issues emanating within the sugar industry, such as whether employees from the now closed Wales Estate should take up employment at Uitvlugt, (not withstanding the legal challenge instituted) the apparent unilateral changing of duties, terms and conditions of employment among others the MoL/CLO has remained silent. Sugar’s dilemma continues to deepen. Shamshun Mohamed

at LBI and Enmore. It appears as though existing canes are being harvested with no plans for any new cultivation. As with the other estates, hundreds will become unemployed. In the meantime, APNU+AFC have instructed GUYSUCO to close Skeldon Estate. The first crop has been suspended on the excuse that the boilers at Skeldon Factory have to be repaired. There is ample evidence that the second crop at Skeldon also will be suspended. The Skeldon Factory and its cultivation area are seriously being shopped to either the Indian company (with a Nagamootoo connection) or a Trinidadian company with an AFC connection. Another 2000 persons are likely to lose jobs because of the recklessness of APNU+AFC. Even as thousands of workers are losing their jobs, a small cadre of handpicked persons are being paid millions (close to $150M in 2017) to be the hatchet men. Even as APNU+AFC treats workers like the colonial masters once did and even as they accelerate the closure of this industry, they have no plans for the workers and no plans to deal with the social and economic impact of closure of the sugar industry. The downgrading of sugar has already left a huge vacuum in the country’s foreign currency earnings. The present depreciation of the Guyana dollar is no accident and whatever are the several reasons for the falling Guyana dollar, sugar’s decline has a big role. Few have considered the impact on the small family businesses in the sugar belts. The community markets are dying, the small cake shops and grocery shops are in decline. Cash crop farmers are feeling the pinch as commodity prices hit new lows. Importantly, the manufacturing industry is already feeling the impact. With closure of sugar, Guyana will face a growth in its sugar imports and higher prices and the cost of production of beverages, pastries and other confectionary products will increase. One of the great dilemmas that the government has not considered in all these areas is drainage and irrigation which GUYSUCO has borne responsibility for as part of the cost of sugar production. The ending of cane cultivation will not end or reduce the cost of drainage and irrigation in these communities. The government through its national and local responsibilities will have to assume this cost. Dr. Leslie Ramsammy

DEAR EDITOR; There is a massive politicising of the judiciary in Guyana and if not checked, Guyana will be the worst for it. Many of the legal luminaries, past and present, seem bent on making rulings that do not stand the judicial mustard test. But rather, they show their political biases and philosophical partiality. For instance, we have had the ruling that the presidential two-term constitutional enactment is now unconstitutional and should not stand. This means that the only President, who was legally restricted by the initial constitutional adjustment, is now the only President who can benefit from the now adjudged unconstitutional adjustment. And the Judge who made the ruling is believed to have been an admirer of the president (or the party of the president). It is Jagdeo, who now stands to benefit from the said ruling. In an effort to mitigate the effects of judicial rulings beneficial to the PPP, the Coalition leader and current President, using the law as the barometer, proceeded to legally ask the Judge to go on leave and into retirement. The preferred symbol of the justice system – at least the one used in the USA – is a blindfolded lady with a

balanced scale in her hand. The imagery is blatant and says in clear tones that justice should be both blind and evenly balanced. However, what we have long had in Guyana is a precipitous corrupting of the judicial system by those who wheeled political and financial clout. It was long believed that both the former acting Chief Justice and the former acting Chancellor were in the corner of the former government. Many say that the only reason that they could not have been made substantive was because the leader of the then opposition (Mr. David Granger) would not have sanctioned their judicial and administrative elevations. And there seems to be some support for the claims of political biases, in light of the rulings made by both of these Jurists in their parting days in office. In the final acts of both the Chief Justice and the Chancellor, two significant rulings were made, both of which favored Mr. Jagdeo and by extension, the PPP. First, Chief Justice, Ian Chang ruled that there is no constitutionality to term limits, so he scrapped the two term presidential term limit clause. This he did just as he was leaving office. Then recently, also as he

was about to demit office, Chancellor of the Judiciary, Justice Carl Singh, upheld Justice Ian Chang’s ruling, on the negation of the presidential term limit. And further, Justice Singh threw out the race-baiting charge that was brought against Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo. Since those judgments, some have argued that politics or at least, party preference, must have played a role in those rulings. The United Republican Party (URP) to which I belong, is therefore heartened by the latest significant ruling by the newly appointed acting Chief Justice, Madam Yonette Cummings-Edwards. In the matter of the Red House vs the Lands and Surveys (and the President), she has ruled that the local courts do have jurisdiction to hear a matter. So for the first time since the 80’s a sitting President, will be subject to the law courts in Guyana. This means that a Judge appointed by the current administration has looked at the law and interpreted it on its merit and ruled against the very President who appointed her. This single act speaks volumes, as it pours cold water on the previous perceived political judgments. It also sets a healthy precedent for all her subordinate jurists to follow. Pastor Wendell Jeffrey

An Attorney-General must be... From page 4 caption “judge wants AG to apologise” (Wednesday march 29, 2017) also KN Captioned “Judge says AG disrespectful to him in Court” 2017-03-30, contains extracts from the Judge’s letter of complaint to the Chancellor, (ag) that in my considered view does not even tend to show a prima facie case of contempt, much less to be evidence from which the Judge can feel sure that the AG was guilty of the criminal offence of contempt in the face of the court, of which the particulars that would have to be supplied to the AG, must and could only be the words: “I could say what I want to say and when I want to say it, I have always been like that”; the so called “egregious statement”. The first and most crucial aspect of this is the consideration that the AG is stating or intending to state a description or characteristic of himself. By what logic, or principle, can a description in ordinary English language of one’s self be a contempt of court, even more so, it is nonresponsive I have always

thought that the law of criminal contempt (which in my tenure on the Bench I had studiously researched) requires that something be said or done in relation to the Judge suggesting corruption, dishonesty or

lack of integrity on the part of the Judge. Are those words constituting the “egregious statement” reasonably capable of any such suggestion? Not at all! Maxwell E. Edwards Attorney-at-Law

I would like to see...

From page 5 new day because the currency continues to slide and Team Jordan continues to tax the living daylight out of them. An outcome from this situation will be increases in poverty for the first time since 1990. This will then lead to a further collapse in the social infrastructure in the society and then a reduction in real national consumption, a key ingredient for economic growth. So clearly the economic management of the nation is in a mess. So, Editor, this letter is calling for two things – one the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and two for new leadership in the Ministry of Finance with the appointment of Vice President Carl Greenidge as the Minister of Finance. It is clear as day that Minister Winston Jordan does not have what it takes to protect this economy. Sase Singh

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Limited financial resources put severe strain on Auditor General’s office By Abena Rockcliffe-Campbell Auditor General Deodat Sharma has admitted that his office is falling behind in the execution of some of its duties. Sharma was keen to note, however, that the backlog is no fault of his employees. He is of the opinion that they are all pulling their weight, but the work to employee ratio is simply imbalanced. Sharma said that he wanted to hire more people to make things better, but financial resources do not permit. Minister of Finance Winston Jordan refused to give the Audit Office the amount of money it requested citing constraints. The proposed estimate for this agency was $771,215,000 but Jordan recommended the sum of $754,910,000. Back then, the Opposition argued vehemently for the agency to be granted its full amount requested, given its extreme importance for the maintenance of transparency and accountability in Guyana. Opposition Member Irfaan Ali, who also serves as head of the Public Accounts Committee, sought to justify the reasons why the Audit


Kaieteur News

Auditor General, Deodat Sharma Office had proposed that sum. He was, however, stopped in his tracks by the Speaker of the House, who reminded Ali that his actions were not in keeping with the agreed order in which the Committee of Supply would operate. There were repeated questions from the Opposition seeking for Jordan to justify why the proposed sum for the Office was reduced. The Finance Minister however maintained that the sums recommended were in keeping with the revenue profile of the nation. The sum of $754.9M was subsequently put to a vote and passed by the House.

Ministry orders probe... (From page 3) Resources and Guyana Goldfields. Rasul is not known to be a large-scale miner. Investigators reportedly had details of banking records to support the money laundering complaint against Rasul. It was alleged that in two months alone, Rasul’s companies deposited and withdrew $17B. Sometimes there were as many as seven withdrawals in one day. Why GGB senior officials never picked up the warning signs that something was wrong with the transactions are among some of the questions that investigators will want to know. It was explained that the Gold Board would, under an established system, lock in prices based on the market prices overseas. This meant that prices could fall or rise within a day. The complaint alleged that US authorities, like Homeland Security and the FBI, may have had an interest in Rasul as far back as 2014 and early 2015, for gold exported to the country.

At the end of the first quarter, the Audit Office is realizing the impact of reduced funds. Sharma told Kaieteur News that the reduced amount was earmarked for the funding of a few extra personnel. “What I had to do was reassign my priorities for now. In other words, I had to divide the duties among the staff.”He said that the office is under pressure “but we will have to work with what we have. I mean we still got other things that we would like to do”. In this regard, Sharma noted that there are several accounts that need to be brought up to date but cannot at this point.”If we had to bring, let us say, 10 accounts up to date, we might only be able to bring about seven.” The Auditor General was keen to note that the accounts that need to be brought up to date are those of statutory bodies not Central Government. “Central Government is on track. We need to look at the municipalities and the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, but we do not have enough staffers. The Auditor General Office is also saddled with several other special investigations including one into the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. For GECOM, auditors are looking into the purchase of high frequency radios; toners for printers and photocopiers and pliers and nippers. And they have to investigate GPHC’s recent purchase of hundreds of millions dollars worth of drugs. Meanwhile, the Office still has to produce a yearly report on the spending of Central Government.

Prefabricated terminal at CJIA part of expansion contract

Expansion works at CJIA, Timehri (file photo)

Permanent Secretary (acting) at the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Geoffrey Vaughn, yesterday clarified that the prefabricated terminal being used at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), is temporary. During a discussion with the Government Information Agency, the Permanent Secretary said that the prefabricated terminal is part of the preliminary works included in the contract for the CJIA expansion project. Recently, reports surfaced in the media that, “while a decision on the purchasing of the prefabrication terminal has not been made, the Board is tasked with looking at the pros and cons of such a move.” However, Vaughn explained that there is no extra cost attached for the prefabricated terminal at CJIA. According to a Government statement, the contractor was well aware that this was supposed to be

constructed and should have no difficulty in executing the works. He said the temporary building is for arriving passengers in the interim while the contractors work on the permanent structure for CJIA. The US$150M project which began in 2013 under the previous administration, missed several deadlines. However, it is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2017. Vaughn said that though the board is tentative of the May 31 deadline for the refurbishment of the departure terminal, they are hoping that the deadline would be met. The CJIA expansion project also includes the extension of the runway from 7,500 to 10,800 feet, doubling of aircraft position from four to eight, eight passenger

Permanent Secretary (ag), Geoffrey Vaughn boarding bridges and a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system with approximately 300 cameras. The project is being executed by China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC).


Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

House yet to scrutinize years of audited statements for Public Corporations

Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs

There are a number of public corporations in Guyana for which the Government is responsible. These corporations include the Guyana Sugar Corporation, Guyana Oil Company Limited, Guyana Post Office Corporation, National Insurance Scheme, Guyana Power and Light Inc., Guyana National Newspapers

Limited, Guyana Rice Development Board and the Guyana National Shipping Corporation. On an annual basis, these entities are expected to submit their audited financial statements in the National Assembly. It was expected that over the years, these reports would have been forwarded to the Public

Accounts Committee for perusal. However, this requirement was not honoured. Instead, the reports were simply left to languish on the shelves of Parliament. Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, said that he was not aware of the anomaly when contacted yesterday, but promised to “look into it.” In the meantime, the matter is one that has caught the attention of Chartered Accountant and former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran. The anti-corruption advocate said in his recent writings that all entities in which controlling interest vests with the State are required to have annual audited financial statements within six months of the close of the financial year, and for these statements to be laid in the National Assembly as soon as practicable by the concerned Ministers. Goolsarran said, “Unfortunately, over the years, this requirement has been invariably honoured in the breach, and when the accounts were tabled in the Assembly, they were not

referred to the PAC for detailed examination, in contrast to what prevails at the level of the central government.” He then asked, “If this is not done, then what would be the point of having the statements laid in the National Assembly in the first place?” The PAC is the standing committee that exercises supervisory oversight of the functioning of the Audit Office. The Committee exercises powers in keeping with the Evidence Act, Chapter 1:08, which allows for the summoning of witnesses to give evidence and/or provide documents to it. It also has penalties for noncompliance without proper reason. The Committee examines the annual report of the Auditor General, Deodat Sharma. Furthermore, the recommendation for the PAC to widen its scrutiny was recently made by Goolsarran. His suggestion was made in wake of the damning findings which were uncovered by the forensic audits that were launched by the coalition administration. Goolsarran had told this newspaper that the task of

Chartered Accountant, Anand Goolsarran greater scrutiny by the PAC is enormous but necessary. In this regard, he commented that there is a model that the United Nations uses which is worthy of serious consideration. He explained that it involves having a committee of experts examining these accounts first and submitting the results to the PAC. In this way, Goolsarran said, there will be no need for the PAC to carry out any detailed examination, as it will rely on the work of the committee. It was in May 2015 that the Granger-led administration began expending some $133M of taxpayers’ dollars on 45 of the 50 forensic audits to ascertain how the assets of the state were sold, disposed of or Continued on page 15

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

VAT will murder private education The taxes placed on private education will kill it. The tuition fees are already a heavy burden on parents. When you add a 14% VAT to those fees, it will hurt the pockets of parents. There is a mistaken belief out there that those who send their children to private schools are rich people and can more than afford to pay the increase. The majority of students who go to private schools cannot be considered rich. Pass by Green Acres in the morning or at dismissal time and check for yourself if the majority of those who attend that school can be considered rich. Pass by the Swami school and you will

find that it is not a ‘richpersons’ school. The majority of students in private schools come from upper lower income, lower middle income and middle income families. These parents are making tremendous sacrifices to send their children to private schools. Parents are borrowing from the banks to pay school fees. This means that they have to pay interest, which increases their costs by at least 8-10%. Now, when the government is going to add an additional 14% on that it means that the overall costs to parents can increase by as much as 25%. This is too much for poor parents to bear.

The government is having afterthoughts about the VAT. But it should never have thought about it in the first place, because the government came to power by appealing to the sympathies of those whom it claimed were being made poor under the PPPC. Private education should not be taxed. Guyana had a long history of state education. The private schools were put out of business by the government, even though before then many of them were stateassisted schools. There was never any ban on private education, but people knew that under Burnham, he would have shut


Soulja Bai expose Jagdeo corruption

Dem got nuff way to rob people. Some does pick pun individual people and rob dem wid gun. Some does wait till people go to de bank and tek out dem money. Then dem does rob dem. Politicians like Jagdeo, that scamp, does watch you full in you face and rob you blind. De inflated system wha he does use is de favourite way. Dem boys know bout dem stelling wha he charge how much hundred million fuh build. Upon examination dem used wood and old steel dem pick up from some garbage heap fuh mek dem stelling. If you think dem boys lie go see it fuh youself. Dem deh fuh all eyes to see, even if you half blind. De other day dem boys hear bout a stelling wha build fuh $16 million. Fuh a moment, dem boys thought was a Brer Nancy story. Is when de reporter tell dem that is true and how de Waterfalls paper can send its own reporter that dem boys know was de truth. Jagdeo woulda build that

$16 million stelling fuh $616 million, de same way he renovate de one-flat NIS building pun de Corentyne and seh he spend $69 million. Dem boys show de nation how a two-storey house bigger than de NIS building coulda build from scratch at that time fuh $6.9 million. Dem boys remember de roof fuh de NIS building did cost $7 million and was Luncheon uncle build de roof. That was one of Luncheon kickback that mek him get so rich. Putin is de richest man in de world, according to CNN. Dem seh ee worth hundreds

of billions of dollars. He and Jagdeo became friends when dem use to go to de same school in Russia. Both of dem graduate. Wha dem never announce is wha dem graduate in but dem boys suspect dem receive their degrees in thiefing. How else Putin could get so rich and of course, how Jagdeo can build a mansion like wha he got, own property all over and still got billions tuck away. SOCU done got dem eyes on him and all he kavakamites. Talk half and give Soulja Bai thumbs up fuh that $16 million stelling.

Guyanese shot dead by... (From page 3) going to kill her and racked the slide. He left the house declaring he’d return to finish what he’d started. The woman’s oldest daughter was in the home while this occurred. She got help for her mother. The ex-fiancee had three previous temporary restraining orders against Exum, who had been charged, but not prosecuted in three previous domestic violence incidents against the same woman. The most recent of those incidents included a charge of aggravated battery against a pregnant woman.

you down if you attempted to open a private school. When Hoyte came in, it was a relative of his that made the first move to open a private school. There was no objection. This is how private education was restored. There was never any policy of liberalization. There was never an official policy which sought to implement measures to encourage private education. There were just prosaicisms which were thrown around about its value. Private education is now maturing. It never had any infant support. Private schools need support, not VAT. A growing middle class emerged under the PPPC. A larger middle lower income class also developed. Many

of them want better for their children. Which Minister of the government does not want this too? Private education should be given a tax shelter. Instead of tax on private education, there should be a subvention paid to every parent equivalent to 10% of what it costs to educate a child in a private school. Private education does not enjoy tax concessions. The not-for-profit organizations do not have to pay taxes, but this is because they are tax exempt. They are not into education for profits. They are providing a social service. But what concessions are enjoyed by private schools outside of the not-for-profit? There is no incentive scheme for private

education. The tourism, agricultural, forestry, mining and manufacturing sectors have been generously lavished with government fiscal concessions. The aviation sector has also benefitted. Public transportation has benefitted from reduced taxes on mini buses. But private education has not had concessions. It is time for private education to be given a break so that it can develop in a manner in which even lower income parents would be able to afford to send their children to private school.


Kaieteur News

Wednesday April 05, 2017


My niece committed suicide last week in Wakenaam My niece, Karishma, committed suicide four days ago in Wakenaam where she lived. On hearing the news from her brother my mind flashed immediately to Black Bush Polder, which is the suicide capital of the world; in case you didn’t know, let me repeat it – per capita Black Bush Polder has more suicides than any other place in the entire world. I first saw Black Bush Polder when I was five years old when my sister took me there on her visit to her farmer-boyfriend. I have no memories of that visit. I went back to Black Bush Polder more than fiftyfive years after. It was during the 2015 election campaign and twice I shared the AFC’s platform with Dr. Ramayya. At

one of those meetings, I asked Berbice attorney, Charrandas Persaud, what exactly is this place; it becomes a haunted castle when the sun goes down. After the second campaign meeting, I did some research on the election results in Black Bush Polder from the fifties onwards. The PPP has won Black Bush Polder in landslide victories from 1957 to 2015. That party controlled Berbice for 23 years. What did it do for that part of Berbice? It is the same for Wakenaam. That is the island in the Essequibo where my wife has her roots. Her parents were born there. My first visit to the island was when she took me there. If

you check the election history of Wakenaam you will find it has a strong similarity with Black Bush Polder – it has historically turned out landslide wins for the PPP and it was a landslide in 2015. From the first time I set foot on Wakenaam, I saw the underdevelopment and onto this day I cannot understand why my wife’s relatives continue to vote for the PPP. I could not see a future for the young people in Wakenaam and I always wonder why they wanted to stay there. There is no future for anyone in Wakenaam in the 21st century. So many have got out and because of that, have done well – three famous names from that place are Glenn Lall, Ramnaresh Sarwan and Baroness Amos. Kaieteur Sports journalist Zaheer Mohamed, too, is from Wakenaam. He grew up with my niece, and yesterday when we were discussing Karishma’s death, he told me

the island’s population has been reduced to a mere 5,000 when a decade ago it was 8,000. Glenn Lall only last week said that the part of the island that he comes from, Zeelandia, had about 900 a few years back, but his friend recently told him that Zeelandia now has a mere 41 persons Maybe Karishma should have long moved out. Maybe my wife and I could have done more for her, since my wife is very close to Karishma’s mother. Maybe Karishma’s brother who stayed with us in Georgetown could have done more. But most definitely, the party Wakenaamers put in charge of Guyana for 23 years should have done more for its supporters on the island. There is absolutely nothing in Wakenaam. The PPP Government did absolutely nothing for that island. It is a place of high unemployment; it has been like that for over fifty years.

One of the things I hate in life is when academics use their hard-earned talent to prostitute themselves on the altar of opportunistic sycophancy and questionable fear. We have study after study on the reasons for suicides in Guyana, but not one points to the role of the lack of a modern society in Guyana and the underdevelopment that creates depression and pessimism. There are two reasons for this. I referred to opportunistic sycophancy. That means they want to stay nicely in the government’s good books, so they do not want to cite political factors. The other – questionable fear – is the trepidation they have of the government of the day being annoyed with them and they fear victimization. I end with an extract from my September 9, 2014 captioned, “Suicide in Guyana also has a political

Frederick Kissoon cause to it.” And my Saturday, February 6, 2016 column captioned, “Guyana’s breakdown is connected to our high suicide rate.” What I wrote back then, I still accept. In the first I wrote; “What is driving suicidal inclinations is the uncontrollable angst among the young… they have to face the reality that not in their lifetime will Guyana become even semimodern, much less like what they see in other countries. “ In the second, I observed, “Guyana is a country that is almost impossible to live in. The stress it brings to its population cannot be handled by the younger folks.”

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

Grove, Kitty Police stations among seven to be rehabilitated During the opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), contractors vied for several contracts to rehabilitate police stations and outposts throughout the country. The Number 62 Village Police Outpost:

The rehabilitation of the Blairmont Police Station and barrack room:

Number 51 Police Station:

The Beterverwagting Police Station:

Police called in to probe missing equipment at UG Allegations of theft of equipment and misconduct of staff of the University of Guyana (UG)’s Centre for Information Technology (CIT) at its Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara campus, have not gone undetected. Hours after Kaieteur News was informed of the aforementioned allegations, the University’s Administration sent out a media statement, saying that the institution’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Ivelaw Griffith had moved to summon the Guyana Police Force on the matter. According to the press release, the Vice Chancellor has directly asked the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Guyana Police Force, “to launch an investigation into the operations of the Centre for Information Technology (CIT), following the levelling of serious allegations of theft of equipment from the Centre and misconduct of staff members.”

The University said that the Centre’s Manager, along with several other employees, has been sent on leave as an interim measure to allow the investigation to proceed without disruption of evidence, “and to preserve a safe, orderly, and professional work environment,” the release said. It is understood that a temporary manager has already been identified to oversee the operations of the Centre during the conduct of the investigation. “In meeting with the relevant CIT staff and CID officials yesterday, Vice-Chancellor Griffith voiced his commitment to having the appropriate action taken by the Police after the investigation ends.” Additionally, the Ministry of Public Telecommunication has been asked to conduct a forensic audit of the CIT Continued on page 29

The Kitty Police Station: >>>> Continued on page 28 <<<<


Asian, North American companies earmarked for forestry lands

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman is optimistic that the forestry sector will soon rise again. Trotman acknowledged that the timber industry was “a bit depressed” last year as it underperformed by 15 percent when compared to 2015. He attributed this to the fact that two major companies pulled out last year—Barama Company Limited and Baishanlin International Forest Development Inc. However, he said that in both instances there have been a number of expressions of interest from international and local companies to fill the gap. Trotman told Kaieteur News that interest has been expressed by North

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

American and Asian companies that never operated in Guyana before. The Minister said that due diligence studies are in progress, “and that will tell us how we are going to move forward.” Last year, Barama alone surrendered just about 1.6 millions hectares of forest lands when it left Guyana after 25 years. Also last year, the Guyana Forestry Commission repossessed concessions held by Baishanlin. The decision came after the company failed to deliver on agreed actions to introduce investors to the Commission and having been given time to prove that it had an acceptable plan to clear an approximately G$80M debt.

‘Grey Boy’ maintains innocence in new video recording - says killer will be caught if new ranks take over the investigation Regan Rodrigues, the prime suspect in the murder of political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing, has released a new video recording— maintaining his innocence, just one day after a summons was issued for him. In the recording, Rodrigues called “Grey Boy” said that if the Guyana Police Force reassigns ranks to the case, the killer will be caught and justice would be served. As in the previous recording, he called for the Force to “investigate de police dem. Dey know what happened.” Rodrigues, who has been on the run since the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) requested that the case be reopened, said that he was freed for the murder last year and he would not be turning himself in, as he did the last time. The 33-year-old murder suspect said that he is convinced that there is a plot to have him go down for the murder. “They want I suffer for their crime,” he said. “I aint turning back mahself in. This country aint got justice. This country aint got justice that is why people does turn bad. I leave them in

Regan “Grey Boy” Rodriques

DEAD: Courtney Crum-Ewing the hands of God,” Rodrigues related. Rodrigues failed to show up in court on Monday when the case was called in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before Magistrate Judy Latchman, for the taking of further evidence from police witnesses and to rule on the voluntariness of all oral statements of Rodrigues. Courtney Crum-Ewing’s body was found on March 10, 2015, hours after he had been urging residents, with a bullhorn, to vote against the then ruling People’s Progressive

Party. One month later, Rodrigues was charged with the activist’s death after he was found with the gun that was later confirmed to be the weapon used to execute the political activist. After the charges were read to him, he told the court, “I know that in this country once money passes to the police they do respond to you… I am an APNU stronghold.” He further added, “I know (name of police officer) kill CrumEwing, because when they ask me to kill Crum-Ewing and Mark Benschop. I told them no, because I’m not no killer. I even went to the police to make a report on the matter and they never took my statement.” Rodrigues was subsequently freed on September 14, 2016.

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

Board for Wärtsilä replacement installed The birth of the Power Producer & Distributors Incorporated (PPDI) was yesterday christened with the official instalment of its Board of Directors. Eight of the nine members required to complete the board, were appointed during a simple ceremony at the Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MPI)’s office in Kingston, Georgetown. The members of the company’s board are its Chairman, Mark Bender; Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Arron Fraser; Secretary, Ronald Burch-Smith; Verlyn Klass; Stephen Fraser; Amanza Walton-Desir; Permanent Secretary of the MPI, Geoffrey Vaughn; and Harryram Parmesar. The ninth member of the board, which has to be chosen by the Opposition, is yet to be named. Power Producer and Distributors Incorporated serves as the replacement for Wärtsilä Company, whose contract came to an end in December 2016. The company now takes over the responsibility of managing the operations and maintenance of Guyana Power and Light (GPL) engines. In his address to the directors, Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson, defended government’s decision to not retain the services of the Wärtsilä Company. “The exorbitant rates proposed by the multinational for the new operations and maintenance agreement, (which ranged from US$15.54M to US$26.21M per MW) made the decision easier – we

Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson (5th from left), and Junior Infrastructure Minister, Annette Ferguson (4th from right) pose with the new board members of the Power Producer & Distributors Inc. (PPDI). From left: Harryram Parmesar; Stephen Fraser; CEO, Arron Fraser; Chairman, Mark Bender; Verlyn Klass; Amanza Walton-Desir; Geoffrey Vaughn and Secretary, Ronald Burch-Smith. estimate a saving of US$3.73M per MW,” Patterson explained. Even though Wärtsilä’s human resource comprised of many Guyanese, the Minister said that the move to replace Wärtsilä, was done in the best interest of Guyanese who are fully capable of performing the functions of the overseas company. Patterson indicated that over the years, local professionals have demonstrated increased competency. “The local subsidiary of the multinational was always manned by a 100 percent Guyanese workforce that continues to demonstrate increased competency in the management of the power plants. Over the last two

years the most challenging of maintenance activities – major overhauls – were completed by an entirely local team, thus eliminating the need for overseas service engineers.” Patterson added too, that “Major overhauls conducted by the entirely local engineers lasted 14-16 days, while the last two major overhauls (one of which is ongoing) were conducted by the Wärtsilä experts. These lasted in excess of 30 days.” Minister Patterson clarified that even though the contract with Wärtsilä has not been renewed, the company is still required to complete the remaining overhaul. Nonetheless, the Minister asserted to the board members that they were carefully selected and

assembled to oversee the operations of PPDI, “because they bring a wealth of diverse, but relevant competencies and experiences necessary for its success.” “Though diverse, your competencies and experiences provide an opportunity for excellent synergies, which only augurs well for the future of PPDI,” Patterson added. The Minister said that, “There is a structured employees’ education programme in place which was developed by the locals and is context specific to the Guyana power plants. This programme has been a main contributory factor to the successes of past.” Patterson said too that the retention of generated

profits will facilitate the investment in people and new equipment, “as we prepare for future opportunities.” Also attending the ceremony was Junior Public Infrastructure Minister, Annette Ferguson. “With your experience and ideas, I hope you will be able to enhance and meet the vision of the greening of Guyana by 2025,” she said in brief remarks. In response, the company’s new Chairman, Mark Bender, thanked the ministers on behalf of the

board and indicated his pleasure in the company having gained the experience of Wärtsilä through its capacity. He also said that satisfactory electricity supply is a key component of development and pledged his commitment and dedication to his duty, while employing best practices, in service to the Government and the people of Guyana. The newly installed board is expected to meet shortly to discuss, and soon after, implement its plans.


Kaieteur News

M&CC goes after five city businesses owing over $1B in rates A cash-strapped Mayor and City Councillors of Georgetown (M&CC) has initiated legal proceedings against five businesses which reportedly owe over $1B in rates. According to the council in a statement, the companies which owe include Continental Agency of 12

West Ruimveldt Industrial Site; Ashmins Trading Company of 43-47 High Street, Werk-en-Rust; the Georgetown Fisherman Coop, Meadow Brook/Houston; the Milk Plant, 1 Cowan Street, Kingston and Vernan Garraway (Shoppers Paradise) of 104 Regent Street, Lacytown.

According to the council, the decisions were taken pursuant to sections 219 (1), 220, 221 and 222 of the Municipal District and Councils Act, Chapter 28:01. M&CC, which is struggling for cash to run t h e c i t y, s a i d t h a t i n addition, a number of corporations and

Wednesday April 05, 2017

A cash-strapped City Hall has announced plans to go after five businesses that owe over $1B in rates.

companies have been undervaluing their properties and have been paying less than the required amounts. “Some corporations continue to pay residential rates on properties while operating massive commercial activities using those properties of which council is concerned. The City Council is contemplating ways of addressing this increasingly worrying practice of some businesses as a matter of urgency.” M&CC stressed that it needs all of its monies to provide vital municipal services to citizens in local communities. “These include garbage collection and disposal, construction and maintenance of roads, drains, street lights, markets, parks and open green spaces, cemeteries, public health and environmental services, enforcement of the city’s bylaws.” According to the council, in order for it to provide all the services which are

necessary to secure the integrity and general environment of the city of Georgetown, it needs the resources. “The one that is particularly important to us at this point in time in the context to good environmental management and governance is the collection and disposal of garbage collection. The cost to provide this service is more than forty-eight million dollars a month.” M&CC also disclosed that the collection and disposal of garbage in the city is becoming increasingly expensive because of a number of reasons including changing demographics, climate change and global warming, change of c o n s u m p t i o n , consumerism, changes in the type of garbage generated by local commercial activities, in the particular situation where individuals are using more foods and beverages that are imported with excessive wrapping and

Govt. to meet parents, private school operators to discuss VAT on tuition fees Following the concerns raised by citizens regarding the 14 percent Value Added Tax (VAT) on private tuition, a team of Government Ministers will be meeting with parents and operators of private schools on Friday at the National Cultural Centre. This decision was taken by Cabinet at its meeting yesterday. Government is inviting these stakeholders to attend the consultation to ensure a frank and open d i s c u s s i o n . M i n i s t e r o f E d u c a t i o n , D r. R u p e r t Roopnarine said that, “we are prepared to hear what the concerns are and see how best we can address them”. This tax requirement on private tuition came into effect following the passage of the 2017 national budget.

purchasing materials some of which are non biodegradable.” M&CC said it is appealing to all property owners to settle their accounts. “Those who are experiencing financial difficulties can feel free to come in and talk with the trained staff at the City Treasurer’s Department. The Mayor and City Council remains committed to delivering to all citizens a city that is safe, healthy and prosperous.” Under the laws, M&CC after a period of three months has elapsed after default can institute proceedings for the recovery of the rates. “Rates shall be recoverable from the person liable for the payment thereof(a) as a civil debt, irrespective of the amount, under the Summary Jurisdiction (Petty Debt) Act; (b) by distraint under section 221 on movable property of the person liable, whether such movable property is situated on the property in respect of which the rates are due of elsewhere; (c) by pirate execution under section 222, where the property in respect of which the rates are due is immovable property.” City Hall has been battling cash problems with poor systems, corruption and non-collections affecting performance. A recent attempt to raise monies by installing parking meters in the City Hall, via a private company, stalled after weeks of protests and suspension from government. There were questions over the way the contract was procured as well as rates.

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

‘Terror Gang’ members sentenced to 19 years in jail Three members of the “Colin Jones Terror Gang” were yesterday each sentenced to serve 19 years imprisonment for offences they committed in 2009. Randy Mars, Jafar Simpson and David Anthony Watson pleaded guilty to the multiple offences when they appeared before Justice Navindra Singh at the Georgetown High Court. The men were sentenced moments after the April sessions of the Demerara Criminal Assizes commenced.

The men were among a five-member gang led by Colin Jones facing multiple charges for actions they committed during an alleged reign of terror on November 4, 2009. However, Mars called Rattie, Simpson and Watson called “Tupac” or “Strongie” opted to plead guilty to the offences when the matter came up for trial yesterday. They were represented by a panel of Attorneys including Melvin Duke and Mark Conway. The case was

Gunmen escape with DVR after robbing goldsmith “Bandit mek I making fish cake and egg ball to pay 2012 debt” - victim Armed bandits escaped with over $500,000 in cash and 90 pennyweight of gold after robbing a goldsmith at his Lot 160 Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara home around 14:00 hrs last Friday. The three armed bandits attacked 35-year-old Seenan Deru and tied his uncle, Radha Krishna Chandra while demanding cash and gold. According to information received, the three men called out for Deru, the goldsmith, and told him that they wanted to make a band, similar to what one of the suspects was wearing. When Deru went into his workshop for a scale to weigh the band, one of the men confronted him with a gun. Deru’s aunt, Toolsidas Chandra said that her husband, Radha Krishna Chandra left their home to go visit her nephew. Deru’s workshop is located at the back of his home. Chandra said that Deru left her husband in the workshop and went over to a shop next door to purchase something. On exiting the shop to go home, he saw two men in front of his yard calling out for “the goldsmith.” “He (Deru) said that one of the guys tell him that he wants to make a band that is similar to the one he wearing so he (nephew) tell him to come in and wait under the house while he go for the scale,” Chandra

said. The woman explained that when her nephew returned with the scale, one of the men told him that he had something to show him and pulled out a gun from his pocket. “He (bandit) put my nephew to lie down and then he see my husband in the workshop and they tied him up. They took him upstairs and ask him where the gold and money were, but my husband tell them that he didn’t live there,” the woman said. She further related that one of the bandits returned downstairs and took her nephew up in the house and demanded money and gold. “My nephew gave them the money and gold and they took other things like phone and the DVR,” the woman related. A frustrated Chandra said that she reported the matter but the police failed to contact her with any developments. “This is three times we get robbed. Bandit mek I making fish cake and egg ball to pay out my debts in 2012 when they robbed us,” Chandra said. She explained that after being robbed so many times, she moved from her home and gave her business to her nephew to run. Divisional Commander, Leslie James could not be reached for a comment on the status of the investigation.

House yet to scrutinize... From page 8 transferred under the previous administration. The remaining five audits were sponsored by the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB). Several audits were also launched in July 2015 while others started in later weeks. The forensic audits in some cases have reportedly not only uncovered fraud and various forms of corruption, but investigators have also made several critical recommendations for the way forward on several agencies and sectors, all of which Cabinet is yet to see.

presented by State Lawyers Siand Dhurjon and Tuanna Hardy. The three men were facing a murder charge, in addition to other indictments for attempted murder, discharging a loaded fire with intent and arson. The first charge was for the murder of Waddet Roberts called “Woddet” or “Buck Man”. Roberts was killed between November 3 and 4, 2009. The men pleaded not guilty to the murder. They nonetheless pleaded guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter. The next indictment stated that between November 3 and 4, 2009, they attempted to suffocate Roopchand Gopaul with the intent to murder him. The trio was also charged with

discharging a loaded firearm at Police Detective Dharmindra Indrapaul called “Dharmindra”, with intent to commit murder, on November 4, 2009. Another charge stated that the men discharged a loaded firearm at Police Constable Rovindra Singh on the same date, also with the intent to murder him. The men were also indicted for discharging a loaded firearm at Officer Indrapaul with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, maim, disfigure or disable him. They faced other charges in relation to discharging a loaded firearm with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, maim, disfigure or disable the two officers. They were also indicted for wounding Officer Singh with the intent to maim, disfigure

or disable him. They were also charged for having in their possession, a grenade and 24 7.62 ammunition without being holders of firearm licences at the time. The incident took place on November 4, 2009. The last indictment against Mars, Simpson and Watson stipulated that on that said date, they set fire to a public building, namely the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Judicature. When given a chance to the respond the allegations, the men stood individually in the prisoner’s dock and pleaded guilty to the offences. Mars became emotional as he accepted responsibility for his actions. His colleagues, however, appeared more composed as they entered their pleas.

The men were sentenced to 19 years each in prison on the manslaughter charge; 15 years each for the attempted murder offences, 5 years each for discharging the loaded gun with intent; 5 years each for wounding with intent; 3 years each for the unlicenced ammunition and 15 years for the arson. The Judge said that the sentences would run concurrently. He also ordered that the Guyana Prisons Service make remittances from the sentence based on the time, the men spent on remand pending trial. The trio would have been incarcerated for the past six years. “You have been truly given a second chance to contribute to society, make use of it,” Justice Singh told the men before releasing them to serve their sentences.


Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

Low-grade works at GMC office…

SOCU investigator testifies to interviewing project manager, viewing email The trial of Nizam Hassan, the former General Manager at the Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) and Felecia De SouzaMadramootoo continued yesterday before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. It is alleged that between October 28, 2010 and April 25, 2012 they conspired with each other to continuously approve payments which

were made to contractor of Constantine Engineering and Construction Services Limited, Trinidad and Tobago, for works that were incompetently and incorrectly done with inferior materials to rehabilitate the GMC building at Robb and Alexander Streets, Bourda, Georgetown, knowing that such works should not have been approved. They both pleaded not guilty to the charge and were

each released on $250,000 bail with instructions to report to the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU). Testifying yesterday was Police Sergeant Salish Roopnarine, a detective attached to SOCU. During his testimony, Sergeant Roopnarine recalled interviewing Afraz Ali, who was the project manager for the construction of the GMC building. According to the police witness, “On July 15,

2016 at 09:00hrs I contacted Afraz Ali at SOCU and interviewed him in relation to the construction of the said building. After which I took a statement from him as to his role in the construction of the said building.” The police witness told the court that Ali showed him a cellular phone containing several emails allegedly sent to him by Nizam Ramkissoon, who was a contractor for the construction of the GMC building. The emails, Sergeant Roopnarine recalled, were printed out and handed over to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Sydney James, who is also the head of SOCU. The detective recounted that he later visited the Commercial Registry where he uplifted a certified copy of the articles of incorporation for Constantine Engineering and Construction Services Limited, Trinidad and Tobago. A copy, he added, was also handed over to James. Attorney Glenn Hanoman and Marcell Babb who are representing De SouzaMadramootoo and Hassan respectively, objected to the

Felecia De SouzaMadramootoo

Nizam Hassan

documents being admitted into evidence by the prosecution. However, Chief Magistrate overruled the objections and said that the court was satisfied that the documents are authenticated by the manner prescribed by law. A contract was awarded to Constantine Engineering and Construction Services to build a new head office for GMC and the Guyana Shop, which it runs. A contract in the amount of $23.96M was awarded by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board

(NPTAB). The auditor could not review the bidding documents as NPTAB could not find any information that it was involved in the tender process, even though the contract indicated otherwise. Charges were recommended against Hassan and several other persons after SOCU completed investigations into the construction of the building. An auditor had flagged the construction, citing several worrying things at GMC, an agency of the Ministry of Education. The trial continues today.

Trial of woman accused of stealing from city court…

Prosecution seeking further advice from DPP Police Prosecutor Arvin Moore has disclosed that the case file related to the trial of Tiffany Peters, has been sent back to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for further advice. This announcement was made yesterday to Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, who questioned as to why the file was being sent back for advice, in light of the ongoing trial. Peters, 26, of Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara is accused of stealing $1,127,000 from the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts while being employed as a clerk/servant, between February 7 and September 11, 2012. She is out on self bail. Peters had been convicted in 2014 by Magistrate Judy Latchman for stealing $3,045,000 from the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts between February 7 and September 11, 2012. However, last year, she was pardoned by President David Granger. Meanwhile, Attorney Latchmie Rahamat, who is representing Peters, responded to an accusation of witness tampering, leveled against her by Police Prosecutor, Deniro Jones. Prosecutor Jones, who

was the initial prosecutor, had accused the lawyer of conversing with Lakeram Heeralall, a prosecution witness in the matter, outside of the courtroom. During her address to the court, Attorney Rahamat denied the allegation. Prosecutor Moore was instructed by the Chief Magistrate to make a note of the attorney’s response. At an earlier court hearing, the Attorney had accused the lawyer of attempting to pervert the course of justice after it was brought to her attention that a prosecution witness in the matter was seen outside the courtroom signing -more specifically backdating a report-he prepared back in 2012. The same report, the attorney said, was brought back into the courtroom and handed over to Prosecutor Jones, while another prosecution witness was testifying. Prosecutor Jones and Attorney Rahamat had both disclosed that they would be filing reports with the relevant authorities. This trial will continue of April 18. Earlier on in the trial, Mohammed Bacchus, Former Principal Court of Clerk (ag) at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts; Lakeram

Heeralall, Chief Accountant at Supreme Court of Judicature and Police Lance Corporal Shivalall Bridgelall, of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Headquarters, were called to the stand. During his testimony, Bacchus, of Lusignan, East Coast Demerara had told the court that Peters was employed as a cashier in the Collecting Office during 2012. Meanwhile, Mr. Heeralall during his testimony said that he prepared a report in relation to the matter which he handed over to police. Corporal Bridgelall had told the court that he travelled to the New Amsterdam prison, where Peters was an inmate and showed her documents he received from an individual. According to Corporal Bridgelall, he cautioned the woman who replied, “I would give you a statement, but not under caution. I just want you to write down what I have to say.” Corporal Bridgelall told the court that he obtained a statement from Peters. The statement, the police witness added, was taken to CID Headquarters and then dispatched to the chambers of the DPP for advice.

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

Guyana eyes elimination status for Lymphatic Filariasis Guyana, through the efforts of the Vector Control Services Unit of the Ministry of Public Health, is currently on course to realising elimination status for Lymphatic Filariasis. According to Director (ag) of the Ministry’s Vector Control Services Unit, Dr. Horace Cox, “we are very optimistic [because] we only have to achieve 65 percent coverage of the country over a period of five years in order to achieve elimination status.” The approach that the Ministry will embrace this year to fast-track its efforts, according to Dr. Cox, will include venturing into the school system to distribute medications for lymphatic filariasis to school children. Moreover, the Public Health Ministry has been collaborating with the Ministry of Education in order to secure the consent of parents and guardians, so that this initiative could be a success. “These are minors we will be reaching in the school system and we are going into their setting, so we would want to have their parents’ permission. So we need to map out that activity and ensure that we capture it and secure the authorisation from parents to treat their children and of course, put the

Dr. Horace Cox, Director (ag), Vector Control Services Unit necessary systems in place that they could be followed up,” Dr. Cox related. He however noted that thus far the Ministry has observed that adherence to the use of lymphatic filariasis has been going very well. In fact, he revealed that “we have seen a reduction in the number of cases. We have been looking at the numbers and comparing the data. We would have been comparing, for example, for the past 10 years, data in the different regions...the numbers that we would have had... and we would have seen a reduction. Even in Region Four where we would have had cases diagnosed, based on the number of cases notified, when we compare those, we have seen a reduction,” Dr.

Cox said. The use of medications to tackle lymphatic filariasis, Dr. Cox explained, is preventative chemotherapy, since they are used ahead of the manifestation of the disease. “This is part of the effort to eliminate it in Guyana...so once we are able to do that Guyana should be free of it. Of course we will still need to maintain a surveillance system so that we will be able to pick up if there are to be any additional cases,” Dr. Cox noted. He disclosed that currently there are additional persons in training to effectively diagnose and treat the disease. For a number of years the Ministry has been depending on a house to house distribution of medication initiative to combat the disease. However, this measure, he noted, will be modified with the initiative that will target those within the school system and even be extended to places of work. Given the complex nature of implementing a mass drug initiative, Dr. Cox emphasised the importance of the Public Health Ministry working in close collaboration with stakeholders. It was for this reason that a stakeholders’ forum was recently held to solicit support to help chart the way forward to tackle neglected

Cops capture Rupununi shallow grave suspect Police have detained a 28year-old Rupununi resident who allegedly buried his cousin in a shallow grave last month after clubbing the victim and stabbing him with an arrow. An official said that the suspect was nabbed on Sunday at Kumu Village, Central Rupununi, and police are seeking legal advice to ascertain if he will be charged. The body of Arnold Gordon, 24, a labourer of Crapaud Pond, Central Rupununi, was found in a grave around 16.30hrs on March 17 in an area known as Tiger Plate, also in Central Rupununi.

An arrow was embedded in his right armpit. An iron rod was also found near the murder scene. The sole eyewitness to the killing is said to be a sixyear-old boy, who is the slain man’s cousin. According to reports, Gordon and his six-year-old cousin left home around 17:00hrs on March 16 to fish at a pond next to the Tiger Plate area. While in the area, Gordon encountered his cousin, who is unemployed, and an argument ensued. It is alleged that the suspect picked up a piece of wood and a metal rod and struck Gordon. The six-year-old, who was

with Gordon, ran back home and told his grandmother. When Gordon failed to return home the following day, Gordon’s mother reported the matter to a Toshao, who informed the police. The Toshao and a team conducted a search for Gordon and eventually located what appeared to be a shallow grave in some bushes about twenty feet from the suspect’s camp. After a few minutes of digging, they saw a hand protruding from the grave. They notified police, who dug up the grave, which was about two feet deep, and found Gordon’s corpse.

Press Association blazes Bulkan... (From page 22) newspaper, TV and radio to function as independent entities.” The association said it is calling on President David Granger to ensure that Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and the rest of his Cabinet understand his stated policy on the state media, and to urge them to let their actions be guided accordingly. The release also said that the body will be transmitting

the statement to the association of Caribbean Media Workers, international press freedom body Reporters Without Borders, and other international bodies as part of a dossier of instances of the deteriorating state media climate in Guyana. “The Guyana Press Association further urges the Board of Directors of state-owned TV, radio and newspaper to represent the editorial staff of the Guyana Chronicle against centrally directed dictatorship

in the editorial content of their entities. The GPA also urges all media workers to continue to carry out their work in a professional and ethical manner and to uphold the virtues of this most important profession.”

A mini health check is the first step to donating blood

diseases. Lymphatic filariasis is listed among the neglected diseases that are prevalent in Guyana. Other neglected diseases include chagas disease, soil transmitted helminthes, leishmaniasis, and leprosy. According to Dr. Cox, dealing with neglected diseases are priorities of the Vector Control Services Unit and so “we would normally have semi-annual meetings to discuss how we can continue to collaborate.” Last year the Vector Control Services Unit was engaged in a mass drug administration exercise and, according to Dr. Cox,

sometimes these exercises can cost as much as US$250,000 to US$400,000. He moreover noted that “by the financial resources allocated, you can determine the complexity of these programmes. Therefore when it comes to the implementation, what we look to do is collaborate and get different expertise.” In this regard, Dr. Cox said that “we have recently set up an Advisory Board for Lymphatic Filariasis, where we have representatives from Ministry of Education, Ministry of Communities, the Ministry of Business, persons from school health

and other technical areas, so that we can be advised.” Such collaboration is essential, Dr. Cox noted since “it is not just about distributing medications but we need to ensure that the message gets out there to people for example ‘why you need to take it [medication], and if you don’t take it what happens...” The Vector Control Director is optimistic that when the messages are disseminated and people are able to internalise them, “we should be able to see a change in their behaviour, whereby they want to comply and work along with us too.”


WANTED Female worker wanted sound secondary education, computer literate-Tel: 6225518

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY,ETC.-CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 2161043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana passport application. Graphics design, advertisement. Tel: 6267040; 265-4535. INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, busi ness cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. Passport, permanent & visitor visa application, Professional Immigration Consultant – Sabita Immigration Services. Call: 225-6496/ 662-6045 Eagle’s: Re-gas -$8,000, Washing machine repairs, Gas Stove, Plasma flat Screen computer repairs & more. Call: 697-2969/646-0966

TAXI SERVICE GR TAXI SERVICE. CALL: 219-5000; 227-1982 & 225-7878 (24HRS)

TO LET 4 AC Rooms/2 large hall with 1 extra room, suitable for business/offices @ 21 Seaforth St. Campbellville, Georgetown. Call: 226-4877, 624-7436, 654-9350 For factory or bond, Eccles Industrial Site E.B.D. Call: 609-7675/674-1705/ 233-2614 3 Bedrooms fully furnished upper flat size 38X40ft $160,000 monthly. Call: 6445151


One shop assistant to work in the Interior, must have experienced. Call: 668-6421

1-Leyland DAF GRR Series; excellent condition. Call: 6804101 Dwayne Stephen Auto Sales! New Shipment of Vehicle: Rush, Blue Bird, Note, Axio, Allion. Call: 6652330/ 648-6869 Allion, Primo, Fielder Wagon, Spacio, Bluebird, 212 Carina, NZE, Honda CRV, Toyota IST, RZ & Pit-bull – Call: 650-7501 Toyota Raum, PLL Series, Rims, Alarm. Call: 666-7439/ 628-1450

- Make-up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, etc. - Cosmetology Courses: $120,000 - Technician Course: $45,000. Call: 6471773/660-5257

Straight stitch/over edge machine operators/labourer. Call: 222-2541 8:00am-4:00pm (Mon-Fri) Two years experienced salesgirl @ Christine Variety, Lombard Street. Call: 227-8529

One female domestic worker to work in Trinidad. between ages of 25-35. Call 1868- 6831528 Live in waitress to work in a bar- Call: 604-6606;692-4646 We pay USD for residential house lots, East Bank gets priority. Call Duncan : 6774092 Welder/Fabricator. (Must have at least 3 years’ experience). Apply with written application: Technical Services Inc, 18-23 Eccles. Live in Couple Duties: Husband – Driving with mechanic skills; Wife: domestic, 1 Plant millwright with skills. Call: 227-1830

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. Fibre-Tech 220 9192/6907. Fiberglass, Resin materials in any quantity all for your repairs. Kobelco 210, Perkins 4 CYL, Yangdong 4CYL, Miller Welder, HondaATV, asking -$18,000,000. Call: 651-4699/ 677-8104 One Ford Van E350, one Toyota Tundra, One Caterpillar back hoe 4x4, one bobcat Tel: 660-2212 Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, motors, etc. Call:225-9032;647-2943;604-5198 1 Double twin steer Atkinson Truck. Call: 684-2708 Complete game shop equipment. Call Leon: 2318424 or 610-0808 Miller welder 225 Amps, Honda Generator 6500 Watts Honda Civic – Contact: 6390866

Toyota Avensis, 17" rims, excellent condition -$2.3M. Call: 681-8982

Datsun Bluebird, model Z16…. Used spare parts. Call:614-0162

RZ minibus -$700,000. Call: 697-2550, 613-1810

Design & Make Aluminum windows, doors, stainless rails, showcases, rolling shutters, make & install automatic doors. Call: 2336818/677-5599/659-9999


EDUCATIONAL Kids Easter Computer Classes (2 weeks program) $4,000, Diploma in computers, Computerize Accounting @ Micrographics, Vreed-enHoop. Call: 264-3057 French Classes: 276B Peter Rose Street, Monday-Friday open from 1-5pm, www.alliancefrancaiseguyana. com. Tel: 226-1882

Great Deals on video games & all gaming consoles. PC, video games & repairs – Call: 672-2566; 265-3231 1 Diesel Welder, 1 Generator. Call: 627-7835

PEN PAL Indian Male seeks female age 27/34 write to M.D 7475 Goreway DR #47Mississauga on L4T 3T3, Canada.

PROPERTY FOR SALE 2 bedroom luxury house at madewini villas, open plan kitchen & garage. Price negotiable. call 647-1773. Transported property @ Grove and Diamond $16M negotiable. Call: 625-5461 House & Land available for sale. Contact Pacific Development Inc @ Lot 3 Church Street, G/Town. Call: 223-6035/227-8274

Contract hire car to work @ GR Taxi. Contact Ganesh: 6146202

One male or female to look after layer birds in Interior. Call: 668-6421 VEHICLE FOR SALE


We are buying WamaraTonka Bean Logs, cash down as document ready. Call:6645150

1 Arc Welder with knowledge of Grill Work. Call: 227-4240

Toyota Vigo pickup -$3.5M and Nissan Pathfinder Jeep $1.5M negotiable. Call: 6097766/ 225-8427 (must be sold)

MASSAGE The Gent’s Spa: Massage done by Tiffany, mobile services. Book appointment now! Call: 677-5465

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

FOR SALE/RENT Large 3 bedrooms house for rent/sale, 3 bedroom on First Floor, W.B.D @ La Parfaite Harmonie. Call: 690-5061

Tuschen: 2 storey building, 2031 ft2 - $9.8M Negotiable. Tel: 231-9690 (During working hrs). Parfaite Harmonie: 2 storey building, 1245 ft2 - $9M Negotiable. Tel: 231-9690 (During working hrs). Tain, Corentyne: 2 storey building 3309 ft2 - $8M Negotiable. Tel: 231-9690 (During working hours). House and land for sale block ‘12’ Non Pariel, East Coast Demerara. (no agents) Call: 227-3961/ 270-5302 2 Storey house 35X45 3 bedrooms, 1 self-contained @ 5th Avenue Diamond, H/ Scheme. Call:677-0583/6645052 Newly built @ Craig E.B.D land 91X50, house 40X28, 3 rooms, 1 self-contained$23M. Call: 718-213-6496/ 617-7691

VACANCY Cook/Baker and Kitchen Assistant for interior location. Applicants must be experienced, for details call: 618-2020 Outdoor Salesman/Driver, Salesgirls, general domestic. Apply at R.Sookraj & Son’s, 108 Regent Street Georgetown. Looking for experienced all round IT specialist. Send CV t o jobs@expresstruckingcorp.com or call 227-6025. Wood mizer & moulder operator, timber grant manager at least 5yrs experienced. Call: 609-7675/ 674-1705/ 233-2614 Office Clerk (senior/junior) with CXC English/ Mathematics, computer knowledge an asset. Call: 223-7500 Live in or live out babysitter/ domestic –Call: 223-7500. Monday-Saturday 8:154:15pm Welder: apply in person to Alabama Trading G/town Ferry Stelling. Experienced female Accounts Clerk, Apply in person with hand written application to Alabama Trading 65-66 Robb Street Bourda

Covent Garden E.B.D, land 120X40, house 60X26, 4 bedrooms (1 self-contained), kitchen, cupboard, concrete yard & fence. Call: 612-4722/ 675-9093

Accounts Clerk for Eccles, Industrial Site area knowledge of NIS, PAYE, VAT, Quickbooks. Call: 6144358

One Roadside, 2 storey building @ V/Hoop (ideally business/residence). Call: 614-0107

Exist for Cashiers/ Salesgirls, apply with written application at Nirva Supermarket, 49 Sheriff & Craig Streets. Call: 227-5771 Trainee A.C, Refrigerator, Technician –Call: 231-0655

HEALTH Dietitians Clinic: nutrition guidance for diabetic, obese, high cholesterol, cancer, renal, pregnant patients and more. Call: 231-9335/ 699-7083

TOURS Rodeo, Lethem Rodeo, Brazil, Falls and sightseeing, April 13- 17th. Call: 665-5171, 639-2663, 2237589,658-3758,673-2348 Somaru’s Tavel Service, best rates around Georgetown, local tours, hotel accommodation, etc. Call Vee: 670-1162/223-4187/ 616-2727 Continued on page 27

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

Death of premature baby at West KICKING DEATH… Dem. Hospital being investigated Legal minds to decide on fate

of classmate - police official

The dead child’s mother, Vishawanie Persaud Officials of the Ministry of Public Health have confirmed that an investigation has been launched into the circumstances surrounding the death of a premature baby at the West Demerara Regional Hospital. The baby’s condition and its subsequent death became a viral topic on Facebook and other social media websites over the weekend. Contacted by this newspaper, the dead child’s mother, Vishawanie Persaud admitted that before the birth of the child, she was attending a high risk clinic. “That is because I had some kind of infection. Dem

The baby being administered oxygen bin ah treat it at the high risk clinic, but den dem bin tell meh, that if me get any problems or so, me should go to the out-patient clinic,” Persaud explained. The 19-year-old told Kaieteur News that she began experiencing severe pains early last Thursday morning, and wasted no time in getting to the West Demerara Regional Hospital. “Me guh to the outpatient clinic, but when the doctor see meh he seh that me getting the baby right away, so they carry me to deliver the baby,” Persaud related. The teen, who is also mother to a two-year-old boy,

claims that after the delivery, the doctor told her that, “the baby was alive,” but went further to ask, “Yuh wan’t we dump it in the bin one time?” Appalled at the lack of compassion, Persaud said she was speechless for a few seconds, but then snapped, “Why? Why yuh throw away my baby in the bin? Why?” Eventually, Persaud said that her ability to construct sentences returned, and she asked that the baby be brought directly to her. “But when dem bring out my baby, dem wrap she in a piece ah paper thing, and put she in a bed pan...was like she was nothing...like was just a Continued on page 28

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) will have to decide on the fate of a 10year-old boy, who reportedly kicked his classmate in the stomach, resulting in her death, according to a senior police official yesterday. A Post Mortem examination performed on the remains of 10-year-old Rosanna Harris at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) revealed that she died from blunt trauma to the stomach which is consistent with a kick. Kaieteur News understands that police ranks have questioned Harris’ classmate and are in the process of taking statements from students at the school, who witnessed the incident. Once all the statements are taken, the file will be sent to the DPP for advice on the way forward. Samantha Peters, the child’s mother said that Rosanne attended St. Stephen’s Primary School located in Charlestown, Georgetown. Recalling what transpired, Peters said that two Fridays ago her daughter came home complaining of not feeling well in her stomach. She said that when she asked what

happened, her daughter responded that a student had kicked her to the stomach. According to Peters, on Saturday and Sunday (March 25 and 26, last) her daughter was complaining about pains and began vomiting. She said that the child’s father had gone to the school and enquired about the incident in the new week. She said that on Friday, last, Rosanne complained about feeling as if she had diarrhea but when taken to the washroom, she could not defecate. Peters said that the following day when she checked on her daughter after waking up, she asked her if she wanted to get up and have a bath, and she nodded in the affirmative. Peters said that she left the room for a moment and heard her other daughter

screaming. According to Rosanne’s older sister, when she checked on her sibling and felt her arm, it was stiff and cold. “When I raise up she hand, it didn’t stay up, it just fall right back down.” She said that there was blood running from her sister’s nose as her lifeless body lay on the bed. Rosanne’s father, Randel Harris, in an emotional state, said that when he had visited the school concerning the issue, he did not want to engage in an unfriendly confrontation with the parent of the child who allegedly kicked his daughter. The child’s father said, “This come as a real shock.” According to her mother, the family will have to find money to finance a funeral and that will be difficult.

From page 26

Ministry to reverse ‘step child’ status... (From page 20) more persons are made aware of the rights that their child with a disability has, “I think things will be different.” Among the highlights of the recent forum was the need for an inclusion policy, and for officials within the Ministry of Education to meet and decide how much money will be required to fast-track the Special Education Needs programme. “It is not only having the child with the learning difficulties, you want to make the child a well-rounded individual, whereby they can learn a life skill and even become independent,” said Smith, of the importance of special education. But it has been just this notion that Smith has been embracing over the years. And she has plans to advance this even further with a view of even finding markets for items created by her students such a potted plants. “I would look for market for their products and some of the money earned would go back to the child because it is the child’s work, while the remainder we will invest in buying more seeds,” related Smith. Five years ago, Smith, acting on a vision, decided to open Gifted Hands. Although

the school doors opened with barely a handful of individuals with special needs, today it has more than two dozen individuals enrolled ranging from the ages of eight to 48. Their conditions include Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome, and a few slow learners, among others. The School since its inception has been accommodated in a section of the Parade Street, Georgetown, Chase Academy School. According to Smith, because of her prolonged exposure to the children with disability, she has been able to adopt her own style of teaching and interacting with them. This has been working well for Smith, who has been encouraging her two support teachers to adopt her tactics too. But according to her, she is able to easily execute the delivery of special education needs because “this is my passion, this is my love.” “My faith in God has kept me going,” said Smith, of her will to continue even on the days when things appear to awry. “This is not a money-making business...I think it is one of the cheapest in terms of fees,” said Smith of her school, which is registered with the National Commission on Dis-

ability and the Special Needs Department of the National Centre for Educational Resource Development. “I am not registered as a charity to collect people’s money. It is registered as a business and I pay my taxes. If I could’ve done this for free, I would have done it for free...even if a parent is unable to pay for a child I will not send that child home, because that child is already suffering and should not have to suffer twice.” But Smith had long before prepared for the challenges of the delivery of special education. Her youngest son, Jared, was diagnosed with autism, but has been integrated in the Winfer Gardens Primary, a mainstream public school. Despite their special needs, Smith said that her students have been progressing well. In fact she disclosed that “My students were able to participate in activities put on by the National Sports Commission [last year]. The students were a part of the disability sport and swim meet...the students got five gold, two silver and three bronze medals,” said Smith as she mused over the fact that the students, come May, will again participate in planned sports events. Even as she gears to com-

memorate five years of her school’s existence, Smith’s hope is that within the next five years she will be able to secure a building for her school. She has already been given assurance that once a building is acquired, Digicel Guyana will furnish it. She is convinced that in a building of their own her students will be able to progress even more. “My hope is that my students will be productive citizens; even if it is to sweep a yard or mop floors...people must not abuse them. Each of them has a gift even if it is to make a bed in a hotel, they must be able to do something for themselves,” said Smith. As a prelude to the school’s anniversary, today Digicel Guyana will give the students an opportunity to meet members of the West Indies Cricket team which is slated to participate in matches here. On Thursday, students will indulge in their regular swimming activities while on Friday they will be taking a trip to the Joe Vieira Park, West Bank Demerara, for a day of kite flying. However, Smith has plans to prepare tokens for all those who would’ve helped in some way or another to ensure that the operation of Gifted Hands did not fail over the years.

LAND FOR SALE 1 Transported land in Tuschen Phase 1 -$2M, Tuschen Phase 2 - $1.4M, La ParfaiteHarmonie (main road) -$2M, La ParfaiteHarmonie $1.4M. Call: 642-1252


La Parfaite Harmonie - $1.6M, $1.4M, $1.3M, Tuschen Phase II -$1.2M, Uitvlugt $2M. Call: 614-6802

Lot 14 Croal & Longden Street: 4 Storey building (infront Demico). Call: 6631876

La Parfaite Harmonie -$1.8M, $1.6M, $1.4M, Tuschen Phase II -$1.3, Uitvlugt -$2M, New Road V/Hoop -$27M. Call: 604-6724

1-2 Bedroom house in Lamaha Gardens $1000US monthly. 1-2 bedrooms apartment @ Lyng Street Charlestown -$50,000 monthly. Call: 231-4681/6945000

Diamond Scheme ( 2 nd Avenue), Eccles Scheme (middle) negotiable. Call: 6097766/225-8427 (must be sold) Eccles New Scheme (110X50ft) concrete fence& bridge, land filled (deal) $7M. Call: 684-5822/ 611-7223

Sisher Realtors: if you want to sell, buy or rent. Contact us: 694-5000/231-4681 Apartment for rent – 1 bottom flat 3 bedrooms at Lamaha Gardens. Call: 2258084, 689-6001

Eccles $7.5M, Providence $5M, Farm -$3M, Uitvlugt $2.8M, La Parfaite Harmonie -$1.6M, Bartica -$3M. Call: 233-3006/ 658-5897/651-1969

One bedroom apartment well secured for working couple -$35,000 monthly, light water and garbage included. Call: 638-8858


Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

Grove, Kitty Police stations....

The Grove/Diamond Police Station:

>>>> From page 11 <<<<

The Ministry of Public Security was listed as the procuring entity for the procurement of tools and equipment for the Guyana Fire Service (GFS).

Death of premature baby at West Dem.... From page 27 lil old cloth dem ready fuh throw way,” the young mother cried. Trying desperately to control her sobs, the teen said that she was given adequate drips and medical attention, but was forced to watch her breathing child twitch in the bed pan rested on the small cupboard near her. “My child was breathing, and moving, and making noise. You telling me that there was no way to save her? You mean that they bin going and throw a breathing child in the garbage bin?” Persaud asked. She added, “I keep begging them to put the baby in wan incubator, because me know she na bin dead, but dem keep telling me that dem nah have none, suh then me start begging dem to send me ah Georgetown, but dem never did.” Another relative claimed that the child was administered oxygen, but not by a medical practitioner or nurse, but by one of the hospital’s porters. “They told us that the incubator wouldn’t make sense, because the child’s organs are underdeveloped, and that she would only live for three hours,” the relative related. Persaud said however, that the baby lived for several hours, and was even alive hours later when relatives showed up at the hospital

for the evening visit. It was relatives who videoed the condition of the squirming child, and uploaded it on Facebook. Hours later, on Friday, the child died. “Me na seh that my child woulda live forever. I know it was a premature baby, but dem coulda treat my baby better than this. She was alive. She was not dead. Dey coulda try to be lil understanding or something, but wha dey did to me was heartless,” Persaud wept. Repeated calls to Junior Public Health Minister, Karen Cummings and the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, all went unanswered. However an official from the Ministry confirmed that an investigation has been launched into the incident. “We want to know what really happened. I can’t determine if the mother is telling the truth or if the doctors there wronged her, but we know that the baby died, and I can tell you that the Ministry is to investigating what really happened,” the official said. When contacted, a doctor close to the investigations was not prepared to give out any preliminary findings, saying that it would be regarded as reckless, and unprofessional. The medical practitioner could not say when the investigation would be completed either, but promised that it would be thorough.

Bids were submitted for the contract to procure agricultural equipment, other equipment and office furniture for the Guyana Prison Service (GPS). This contract was divided into three lots.

Contractors also vied for the contract to procure office equipment and furniture for the GFS.

>>>> Continued on page 29 <<<<

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

Grove, Kitty Police stations.... >>>> From page 28 <<<< Bids were submitted for the procurement of infirmary Supplies, tools and equipment for the GPS.

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) is the procuring entity for the provision of consultancy services for the design and supervision for the rehabilitation of the doctors’ quarters Waterloo Street, Georgetown.

Tenders were open for the rehabilitation of swine pens, Lot Two, fattening pens. The procuring entity is the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).

Tenders were open for the supply and delivery of one motor vehicle for the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Bids were submitted for the contract to supply and install one complete 13 kWp gridconnected solar photovoltaic system. The procuring entity is the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA).

Bids were submitted for the rehabilitation of swine pens, Lot One. The procuring entity is also the GDF.

The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) for Region Five (Mahaica/Berbice) is the procuring entity for rehabilitation of Middle Walk Catherina’s Lust - south of Public Road. Tenders were also open for the rehabilitation of Boiler pens.

Finally, under the GDF, tenders were open for the rehabilitation of the senior officers’ accommodations. The RDC is also the procuring entity for the rehabilitation of Sideline Dam, Number Eight/ Number 9 Village.

Police called in to probe... Finally under the RDC, tenders were opened for the rehabilitation of the Nursery School Street at Litchfield.

From page 11 operations at both the Turkeyen and Berbice campuses. Investigations are also likely to be conducted into the four centres of the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education located at Anna Regina, Georgetown, Linden and New Amsterdam, respectively. The audit, according to the statement, begins today. It was explained that Professor Griffith has also briefed the Presidents of the two University Unions – Dr. Jewel Thomas of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and Bruce Haynes of

the University of Guyana Workers’ Union (UGWU). Ron Glasgow, President of the University of Guyana Students’ Society has also been informed of the developments. In the statement, Professor Griffith also assured the university community that, “the Centre’s service to students and staff will be normal while the CID conducts its comprehensive investigation and the Ministry of Public Telecommunications undertakes an institution-wide audit of the CIT, which has been plagued with multiple challenges for some time.”


Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

Guyanese with rape conviction among 31 immigration fugitives rounded up in NY (Washington Examiner) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers arrested 31 criminal illegal immigrants on Long Island and nearby New York counties as part of a three-day sting that ended Monday, according to a press release issued yesterday. The standard enforcement operation targeted criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants, and immigration fugitives. Suffolk County and the Queens Borough topped surrounding regions with the highest number of arrests at six each. The Bronx followed with five arrests, while Westchester, Kings and Nassau counties each had three criminal aliens taken into custody. Manhattan, as well as Dutchess, Hudson and Rockland counties each had one or two residents seized. Approximately 12 of the 31 total arrestees have been convicted of driving under the influence. The second-highest common denominator conviction was dangerous drugs and fraud, followed by robbery and larceny. A Guyanese national with a prior rape conviction in the third degree and a Honduran national felon whose record included acting in a manner to injure a minor were among those taken into

federal immigration custody. Six of the detainees are Mexican nationals, followed by five from the Dominican Republic. Guatemala and Honduras each had four nationals arrested. The remaining individuals are nationals of El Salvador, Trinidad, South Korea, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nepal, Colombia, Haiti and Guyana. “Law enforcement operations like this should reassure the public that ICE is committed to putting public safety first,” Thomas Decker, field office director for ERO New York, said in a statement. “Those who come to the United States to prey upon our neighbors and communities will be prosecuted for their crimes and ultimately returned to their home countries.” Last fiscal year, ICE conducted 240,255 removals nationwide. This month’s busts in New York will contribute to 2017 numbers. The operation is one of many since President Trump signed an executive order directing immigration agents to fully implement the laws outlined in the Immigration and Nationality Act, prompting some to label the operations as an inaugural move to deport illegal aliens.

Canada-based solar power company drives Paramakatoi plant The Solar System at Paramakatoi

GreenHeartTree Energy (GHTE) has taken the initiative to design, engineer, procure, construct and deliver a non-grid connected solar PV micro-grid system for the Paramakatoi Flavours Sun-Dried Tomato Plant. This system takes into consideration the actual climatic data and historical weather patterns of the area. Engineers ran multiple simulations to determine the correct system size based on battery storage capacity, solar PV capacity and the predicted electrical loads requested in the Request For Proposal (RFP) by the Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST). The Paramakatoi Flavours system includes three solar PV racks or arrays complete with top grade Hanwha Q-Cell Modules and American made, German Engineered Schletter Racks. Adjacent to the solar PV arrays is a small building, shipped from Canada, designed to house the batteries and electronics. The lead-acid batteries are on a preassembled custom built battery skid. Each battery comes complete with a visual monitoring float for each cell within every battery. GHTE has included in the shipment additional battery water to ensure the system is maintained using the correct materials and fluids. The battery inverter, solar PV inverter and

a Smart-Transformer will be mounted inside the building on a custom build galvanized steel frame. AC COUPLED MIRCOGRID SYSTEM GHTE has engineered a system that is on the leading edge of technology for microgrid systems. This is an AC coupled system unlike a typical DC coupled one. Even though they usually include an inverter, most batterybased PV systems are “DC-coupled” AC coupled PV systems are gaining wider support through several battery-based inverter manufacturers. GHTE pre-assembled the entire battery system on a custom built skid and electronic components on a custom steel frame to test and confirm operation prior to shipping. Testing in Canada ensures that when the system arrives in Guyana the ‘bugs’ have been worked out and reduces the installation time on site. Once the system installation is complete engineers complete a final quality control check to ensure that all check points of the system construction have been completed to our high quality standards. GHTE has provided technical manuals for all components used along with a technical user ’s guide that outlines necessary maintenance check-points, schedules and defined user necessary operating details.

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

Mexico newspaper stops printing after reporter shot dead

Miroslava Breach was the third journalist killed in Mexico in March (BBC) A regional newspaper in Mexico says the violence against journalists and the lack of punishment for those responsible is forcing it to stop printing. In an editorial, Norte de Ciudad Juarez said Sunday’s print edition would be its last. Its editor said the digital version would also be closed “soon”. Miroslava Breach, a journalist who worked for the paper in Chihuahua city, was shot dead last month. She

was one of three journalists killed in Mexico in March. Breach had reported extensively on the links between organised crime and politicians in Chihuahua state for Norte de Ciudad Juarez and for La Jornada, a national newspaper based in Mexico City. She was shot eight times in her car outside her home in the state capital, Chihuahua. One of her children was in the vehicle but was not hurt. The gunmen left a note say-

ing: “For being a loudmouth.” Oscar Cantu, editor of Norte de Ciudad Juarez, said (in Spanish): “There are neither the guarantees nor the security to exercise critical, counterbalanced journalism.” “Everything in life has a beginning and an end, and a price to pay, and if the price is life, I am not prepared for any more of my collaborators to pay it, nor am I prepared to pay it either.”



Kaieteur News

Colombia landslide: A vision of life in mud-covered Mocoa (BBC) Hundreds of people are confirmed to have lost their lives in Saturday’s landslide in Colombia. Forty thousand people live in the south-western town of Mocoa that was hit by a torrent of mud and debris. The search for survivors continues, but hopes are fading fast for those still waiting on news about loved ones. The BBC’s Laura Bicker has been reporting from the region - sharing images of those affected by the tragedy. The town was devastated by mudslides as water tore through its centre after a night of extremely heavy rain. Neighbourhoods were swept away amongst the rising water levels. Our correspondent says in a Twitter post: “Mud lies thick on the streets of Mocoa. They’re still searching for the missing but with little hope.” “Five main rivers flow off these mountains - the rain came with mud and debris tearing through.”

She described how during a live report for the BBC News at Ten, a small boy tugged at her trousers pleading for help. She explained that while much of the neighbourhood of San Miguel had been wiped out, people still tried to salvage what they could. Some were sitting amongst their mud strewn possessions including a sofa,

she added. In one image, a man is seen sitting alone amongst debris, with roads and pathways now invisible in amongst the mud. People were still living in the rubble in Mocoa, our correspondent said. Colombia’s president has declared a state of emergency, committing 40,000m pesos ($13.9m; £11.1m) towards “ad-

dressing humanitarian priorities” in the disaster’s aftermath. Laura posted an image of Red Cross workers at the scene, who are still continuing their efforts despite the dwindling chances of rescue. She captioned the image: “Over 270 confirmed dead, but they say 374 are still missing.”

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Jamaican national nabbed with cocaine while posing as a pilot NEW YORK, CMC – A Jamaican national has been arrested at the at New York’s John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport after he found to be in possession of five pounds of cocaine. The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said Mario Hudson, who is due to appear before the US Eastern District Court of New York later this month, was detained on March 27, posing as an airline pilot. “Mr. Hudson was dressed in what appeared to be a pilot’s uniform and claimed he was a ‘dead-heading crewmember’,” CBP said, he indicated on his arrival from Jamaica. But during the baggage inspection, CBP said officers discove r e d t h a t H u d s o n had what appeared to be two fraudulent Delta Airlines ID badges. The officers also no-

ticed that the sides and bottom of the luggage appeared to be unusually thick and heavy. CBP said Hudson was escorted to a private search room, “where his suitcase was probed, revealing a white powder that tested positive for cocaine.” Hudson was arrested for the importation of a controlled substance and was turned over to US Homeland Security Investigations. The cocaine had a total weight of five pounds and had a street value of US$85,000. “This seizure demonstrates the vigilance and dedication demonstrated daily by CBP officers at JFK, in keeping these prohibited and dangerous narcotics off the streets of our communities,” said Leon Hayward, acting Director, Field Operations in New York for CBP.

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News

Argentina ex-leader Cristina Fernandez charged with money laundering

Ms Fernandez says the allegations against her are politically motivated (BBC) A judge in Argentina has brought charges of money laundering and corruption against former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and her two children. Two business associates have also been charged in the case and all five are barred from leaving Argentina. Ms Fernandez, 64, already faces other charges including fraudulently administering state funds. She has denied wrongdoing and says she is the victim of political persecution. In a statement on Tuesday, legal officials said Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio had brought formal charges against Ms Fernandez for alleged money laundering in

property dealings. Her daughter, Florencia, and son, Maximo, have also been charged along with businessmen Cristobal Lopez and Lazaro Baez. About $8m (£6.4m) of Ms Fernandez’s assets have been frozen, the statement added. Last month, a judge ruled that Ms Fernandez, who governed from 2007 to 2015, should stand trial on charges of financial mismanagement while in office. She is accused of order-

ing the central bank to sell dollars on the futures market at artificially low prices ahead of a widely expected devaluation of the Argentine peso. Ms Fernandez also faces separate corruption charges alleging that her government steered public contracts to Mr Baez - a businessman close to her family. She insists that all the allegations against her are politically motivated and has accused current President Mauricio Macri of plotting against her.



Kaieteur News

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Wednesday April 05, 2017


Kaieteur News

Super50 key to World Cup selection... Nicola Adams aims for multiple... (From page 32) the April 20-30 showpiece in St Vincent to identify possible new talent which can supplement the existing West Indies squad for the June 24 to July 23 50-overs tournament in England. Josina Luke, the WICB project officer for women’s cricket, underscored the importance of the Regional Super50 to the selection of the West Indies World Cup squad. “Having reached the final of the last ICC Women’s World Cup and following up by winning the World T20 title, a lot is expected of our women’s team at this year’s World Cup in England, so we’ve got to have the right combination of players that will give us a strong side that will be tough to beat,” Luke said. “The success of our women’s team over the last few years should hopefully burn on the inside of the play-

ers during the regional tournament, inspire all of them and make them hungry to be a part of another successful campaign on the World stage, when they see the excitement and benefits that were generated, especially after our team won the World T20 title.” She added: “They should all be eager to play well and the players should see this upcoming regional tournament as an opportunity to get into the selection frame. No one is ever guaranteed a spot in any squad, so it’s about the players putting in the hard work as they prepare for the tournament over the new few weeks and doing it on the field when the time comes.” All of the West Indies Women’s stars will be on show as the likes of batting stars Stafanie Taylor of Jamaica, Deandra Dottin of Barbados and Merissa Aguilleira of Trinidad and Tobago suit up for their respective sides.

T&T, who be led by Aguilleira, clash with Barbados at Sion Hill in the opening round, with Jamaica meeting Leeward Islands at Park Hill and Windward Islands taking on Guyana at the Arnos Vale Sports Complex. Each team will play the other once in a five-round round-robin format, with the top two teams advancing to the final. Last year’s tournament in Guyana was wrecked by rain. Itinerary Thursday, April 20 Barbados vs Trinidad & Tobago – Sion Hill Leeward Islands vs Jamaica – Park Hill Windward Islands vs Guyana – Arnos Vale Sports Complex Saturday, April 22 Windward Islands vs Leeward Islands – Park Hill Trinidad & Tobago vs Guyana – Sion Hill Jamaica vs Barbados – Arnos Vale Sports Complex.

Wednesday April 05, 2017 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts. Be mysterious. TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) Concentrate on work. Your mate, however, may not be too pleased with you. Get down to business. Be sure you get accurate information. GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Your temper may erupt if you have allowed others to cost you too much money. Don't be too shy to promote your own interests. Refrain from using the highway as a racetrack. CANCER (June 21–July 22) Don't let your personal problems interfere with your professional responsibilities. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) You can utilize your versatile mind and dazzle others with your speed and accuracy. Travel will lead you in new directions. A little volleyball or other outdoor sports should be on your agenda. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Your intuition will be right on. Follow your feelings in matters pertaining to financial investments. You need to look into some private matters before you can proceed with your plans. You will meet potential new

mates through business. LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Don't lend or borrow money or belongings. You can expect to have some problems with skin, bones, or teeth if you haven't taken proper care of them. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) You can meet new friends who will let you know just how valuable you are. SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) Don't bother getting even; they'll make themselves look bad. Get involved in physical activities that will stimulate you. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) Keep busy and let them fume while you're not around. You need to make your environment a better place, with more comforts and a better entertainment center. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Take time to relax. Stress and pressure at home may have worn you ragged. Double check your work and be sure that your boss is in a good mood before you do your presentation. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Sign up for courses or join fitness clubs. You will have a greater involvement in groups; however, they may not be to your advantage. You will be up and down emotionally.

(From page 38) Breakfast. The 34-year-old Leeds fighter faces Argentina’s Virginia Noemi Carcamo. Adams, who has been training alongside the likes of American world champion Andre Ward and fellow British Olympian Amir Khan in the United States with Virgil Hunter, aims to target belts in multiple weight divisions before retirement. “I’m going after the title holders. I can hopefully become a multi-weight world champion,” she said. “I’ve got a maximum of

four years I reckon because I’ve got other interests as well. “That feels like it would be a nice time to gracefully disappear from the sport.” Adams has suggested she might revive her acting career after boxing. She appeared as an extra in Coronation Street and Emmerdale before her Olympic success and had a cameo as herself on BBC’s Waterloo Road in 2013. A l i ’s o w n d a u g h t e r Laila had a successful boxing career, retiring unbeaten in 2007 after winning 24 fights and multiple world titles.

Nicola Adams beat France’s Sarah Ourahmoune in the flyweight final at Rio 2016.

Smarter cricket needed to beat... (From page 38) Brathwaite and Kraigg Brathwaite. Carlos Brathwaite, the hero of last year’s T20 World

Kusal Perera... (From page 36) overs, in which he took the wicket of Mahmudullah with a searing yorker, having also done the same to Tamim Iqbal with the second ball of the match. Rain before play had delayed the start by 45 minutes, but no overs were lost. Scores: Sri Lanka 158 for 4 (Kusal 77, Mashrafe 2-32) beat Bangladesh 155 for 6 (Mosaddek 34*, Malinga 238) by six wickets.

Nand Persaud Karibee...

(From page 34) Disturbance. Royal Prince guided by Julius of the Blackman stable scored its first win by taking care of business in the L class non-earners event. Sweet Silence, Royal Progression and Red Weasel occupied the other spots. Jockey Julius was the top jockey with the Nand Persaud Stable the top stable on show. Party Time of the DeMattos stable scored a first and second to be top horse. They received trophies compliments of Ramesh Sunich of Trophy Stall, Bourda Market and the organisers. (Samuel Whyte)

Cup in India, was dropped for poor form while opener Kraigg Brathwaite was replaced because of his inability to score quickly at the top of the order. Law said he expected the new additions to the squad to display their skills throughout the series. “Miguel’s been part of our squad since I’ve been here. I like what he offers. He’s a good death bowling option and he’s got a bit of extra zip as well so it’s a great back up for guys like Shannon Gabriel and Alzarri Joseph,” he explained.

“Chadwick Walton I saw him for the first time in the flesh during the T20 series. He had an outstanding 50overs tournament (Regional Super50). “He scored a hundred against England in a warm-up match in St Kitts as well so he comes in with form under his belt, runs that he has scored. I’m looking forward to seeing what he can provide in the top order. West Indies clash with Pakistan in the second ODI on Sunday and the third next Tuesday, all at the Guyana National Stadium.

Kaieteur News


Wednesday April 05, 2017

First-XI form concerns for Mumbai Indians ESPNcricinfo – Strengths -A settled top order, with Rohit Sharma fit. A fine bowling unit, especially in the death overs - imagine Lasith Malinga from one end and Jasprit Bumrah from the other. And a roster full of options, which i n c l u d e s Wo r l d T 2 0 champion Lendl Simmons, former World Cup champion Mitchell Johnson, the fastest New Zealander to 50 ODI wickets, Mitchell McClenaghan, and Vinay Kumar, who has over 400 first-class wickets. Weaknesses Traditionally slow to start. Their win-loss record after five games over the last three seasons reads 2-3, 1-4 and 0-5 - although they ended up champions in 2015. Trouble at the top. They used five different opening combinations last year; the count was four even when they won the title. Rohit has been offsetting both issues but he comes into the tournament having played only two competitive matches since October 2016. Fixing a proper position for him in the batting order will be important for the team’s balance and performance. A portion of their home matches were shifted to Visakhapatnam due to widespread water scarcity in Maharashtra last year.

Without the comfort of the flat pitch and fast outfield at Wankhede stadium, Mumbai finished fifth out of eight teams. Mahela Jayawardene has been drafted in to coach the team in 2017, taking over from the highly successful Ricky Ponting. They purchased seven players in the 2017 auction. Johnson, who was crucial to their triumph in 2013, was their most high-profile buy. Jharkhand batsman Saurabh Tiwary returned to the fold as well. Among the new recruits was Sri Lanka all-rounder Asela Gunaratne, who struck back-to-back fifties to seal a T20I series in Australia. They also lined-up back-ups for Harbhajan Singh in legspinner Karn Sharma and offspinner K Gowtham. Considering the IPL is a tournament where unfancied names can surprise, there may be interest in uncapped left-arm fast bowler Kulwant Khejrolia. He has so far played only seven List A matches, picking up 17 wickets, including a five-for, at an average of 18.05. What have their players been up to? · Rohit was in excellent form the last time he played for India, scoring a match-winning 70 on a slow Visakhapatnam pitch against New Zealand. But that was six months ago. Since then

Mahela Jayawardene will have his first experience of coaching an IPL team © Peter Della Penna he has scored 16 and 4 in his two competitive matches. · Malinga has only just returned from an ankle injury that took an entire year out of his career. Still he looked pretty good steaming in against Australia in February and is expected to join the squad after April 6, after Sri Lanka’s T20Is against Bangladesh. · Jos Buttler got an extended taste of Indian conditions, playing for England last season. However, in 12 innings across three formats, he only struck one half-century. · Kieron Pollard’s highest score among his 12

most recent international innings is 22. One of the most powerful hitters in the world, he has sometimes been shown up by quality short-pitched fast bowling. · On the plus side, Jasprit Bumrah has been excellent in limited-overs cricket, and even helped India recover from a losing position in the Nagpur T20I against England a little over two months ago. Since then he has been active in 50over domestic cricket, taking 13 wickets in five matches. Overseas-player availability Mumbai is one team that hasn’t been ravaged by

injury. The worst they might have to deal with is Tim Southee, who is recuperating from a hamstring problem. Buttler has been allowed to stay back in India through the time England play an ODI series against Ireland, but he will be back on national duty from May 14. Home and away record in 2016 They won two of their four matches in Mumbai before playing the rest of them in Visakhapatnam, where they were bowled out for 92 and 124 before finally racking up a total of 206 and winning by 80 runs. A loss in their final game of the season sent them tumbling out of the

playoff equation. Likely first-choice XI 1 Rohit Sharma (capt), 2 Parthiv Patel (wk), 3 Jos Buttler, 4 Ambati Rayudu, 5 Kieron Pollard, 6 Hardik Pandya, 7 Krunal Pandya, 8 Harbhajan Singh, 9 Mitchell Johnson, 10 Jasprit Bumrah, 11 Lasith Malinga Reserves Batsmen: Lendl Simmons, Nicolas Pooran, Siddhesh Lad, Saurabh Tiwary, Nitish Rana, Jitesh S h a r m a Bowlers: Vinay Kumar, J S u c h i t h All-rounders: Asela Gunaratne, Shreyas Gopal, Karn Sharma, Deepak Punia, K Gowtham

Gambhir urges big KKR team effort with Russell missing MUMBAI, India, CMC — Kolkata Knight Riders captain Gautam Gambhir has conceded that replacing the banned Andre Russell will be a difficult task but has urged his side to rise above the West Indies all-rounder’s absence and see it as an opportunity to perform. The 28-year-old Russell

has in the last two season become essential to KKR’s title thrust but will sit out this year’s campaign after being recently slapped with a oneyear ban by authorities in his native Jamaica for an antidoping “whereabouts” violation. Gambhir said Russell’s absence would create

opportunities for other players to step up. “There are two ways to look at such situations in life,” Gambhir said. “Either we can see Russell’s absence as a challenge or look at it as an opportunity in bold letters. I as an individual, and KKR as a group, are looking it as an

Super50 key to World Cup selection, says Luke ST JOHN’S, Antigua, C M C – Ti t l e - h o l d e r s Trinidad and Tobago will meet arch-rivals Barbados in the opening game of this month’s Women’s Regional Super50, in a tournament designed to further strengthen the West Indies Women’s squad for their campaign in the ICC World Cup in June. Selectors will be using (Continued on page 31)

WICB project officer for women’s cricket, Josina Luke.

opportunity.” Russell is a bold, attacking lower order batsman, a penetrative newball seamer and an excellent o u t - f i e l d e r, w h o h a s emerged in recent years as one of the most sought-after players in the Twenty20 format. He flattered to deceive with the bat last season but picked up 15 wickets to help take KKR into the playoffs. KKR have turned to allrounders Colin de Grandhomme of New Zealand and Chris Woakes of England to rectify Russell’s absence but Gambhir said the approach needed to be team oriented. “Maybe a combination of Manish Pandey’s batting and Ankit Rajput’s bowling can get us what Russell did,” he explained. “Not only Woakes but the entire team can try to fill in for Russell and for that

West Indies all-rounder Andre Russell … will miss the IPL season for KKR. you don’t necessarily need an all-rounder. Maybe some other pair can do this.” He added: “We are not on the back foot [because Russell is missing]. Russell was an important cog in our wheel not only on-field, but in the dressing room also. “He is a great character to have. There are situations

when players miss out. He will be missed in the dressing room. But we have to look ahead and work with what we have.” The new IPL season opens Wednesday, with KKR set to play their first game on Friday against Gujarat Lions away in Rajkot.

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News


Gc2018 unveils largest competition events schedule in Games’ history

The largest competition events schedule in Commonwealth Games history was yesterday unveiled, with the Official Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) Ticketing Guide allowing spectators to start planning their experience ahead of ticket requests opening on 24 April. Boasting the largest medal event programme and the most number of sessions in Commonwealth Games h i s t o r y, t h e G C 2 0 1 8 Competition Events Schedule details all 23 sporting disciplines across the integrated sport and Para-Sport programme, as well as all competition dates and times. The release of the competition events schedule coincided with yesterday’s

One Year to Go celebrations across the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne as the countdown continues ahead of 4-15 April 2018 event. The key considerations which have been factored into the design of the GC2018 Competition Events Schedule are: - Maximising exposure for all 23 sporting disciplines; through both ticket sales and television audiences. - Maximising the spectator experience, including assisting Transport operations by staggering event start and f i n i s h t i m e s ; - Scheduling a variety of events within sessions to maximise the spectator e x p e r i e n c e ; - Maximising athlete performance by considering

factors such as recovery p e r i o d s ; - Maximising broadcast content for national and international viewers across multiple time zones; Among the highlights of the GC2018 Competition Events Schedule are: - 13 sports will be showcased on Day 1 (Thursday, April 5 ) ; - The first gold medal to be awarded will be the Women’s Triathlon on Day 1 ( T h u r s d a y, A p r i l 5 ) ; - The highly anticipated 100m final (Men’s and Women’s) will be held on Day 5 (Monday, April 9); - Day 10 (Saturday, April 14) will act as “Super Saturday”, with the most number of medals to be awarded (44 gold medals in t o t a l ) ; - The Rugby Sevens finals for men and women will be

the final gold medal events on Day 11 prior to the closing ceremony. The Official GC2018 Ticketing Guide, available o n l i n e a t www.gc2018.com/tickets, also explains the process for how to complete a ticket request. In order to make it fair for everyone, GC2018 tickets will initially be available via a Ticket Request phase. Ticket requests will be accumulated over a four-week period from midday on 24 April until midnight on 22 May 2017 (AEST), and no orders will be confirmed or payments taken until after the Ticket Request phase closes. Any sessions that have more ticket requests than there is availability will have

tickets awarded via a fair and equal draw. The fair and equal draw is made by computer and processed randomly, in addition to being independently audited by KPMG. Spectators can place a ticket request at any time during this phase and no preference will be given to the time of day or date a ticket request is placed. Whilst placing a ticket request does not guarantee success, it provides spectators with the best chance to secure tickets for the most in-demand sports sessions. V i s i t www.gc2018.com/tickets for more information. Spectators can look forward to inclusive, accessible and affordable ticket prices for GC2018,

with adult tickets starting from as low as $20 and h a l f p r i c e c h i l d r e n ’s tickets available from $10. The ticket price includes all fees and free public transport on event days within the South East Queensland TransLink transport network, as well as the Cairns T r a n s L i n k a n d Townsville qconnect bus networks. Tickets for people with accessibility requirements will be available for all events and as GC2018 is affiliated to the Queensland Companion Card program, accessible seating will be provided with a complimentary companion ticket. Infants under the age of two are granted free entry, provided they do not occupy a seat.

LA, Paris pitch Olympic bids amid vote uncertainty AARHUS, DENMARK (Reuters) Los Angeles and Paris presented their candidacies for the 2024 Olympics to international sports federations yesterday amid confusion over the exact election process. The two bids will campaign up until the International Olympic Committee vote in September but the IOC looks now likely to decide to award both the 2024 and the 2 0 2 8 G a m e s simultaneously. Two-time host Los Angeles, which last staged the Games in 1984, highlighted its risk-free plan with every permanent venue already in place and a bid for privately-funded Games free from any government involvement or financing. “We don’t have to build a single permanent new venue. That’s very important because it means a ‘no risk, no surprises’ budget,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti

told a meeting of international sports federations. He said that if awarded the Games, Los Angeles would also “harness the power of our $250 billiondollar sports market for your sports.” Paris bid leaders stressed the plan’s compactness while also highlighting the fact that it is a European bid. Rome, Budapest and Hamburg pulled out of the process, scared off by cost or local opposition to the Games. “Why Paris now?” Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said. “We believe in sport. We believe that the Games are so much more than just entertainment. We believe sport can change the world. Paris is a global city...made for sharing.” Paris, also a two-time host, last staged the Summer Olympics in 1924. But while the two cities campaign for 2024, they

could end up with the 2028 Games. The IOC has set up a working group to look into the possibility of awarding both the 2024 and the 2028 Olympics at the same time in September and the group is expected to report back in July. Four of the six cities that had bid at some point have pulled out in mid-race and the IOC is eager to change bidding to stop “creating so many losers”. “They (IOC) have kept us in broad terms abreast but until something changes n o t h i n g i s d i ff e r e n t , ” Garcetti told reporters when asked about the possibility of awarding two Games and if the rules of the process were clear. “I am going with the assumption that it will be one vote for 2024 then. If those rules changes, I think both cities are adaptable,” he said. “If there is a win-win

The Olympic torch is shown with a depiction of the Los Angeles Coliseum prior to a news conference to announce the city’s final approval to bid for the 2024 Olympic Games, in Los Angeles, California, January 25, 2017. (REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson) solution for everybody I always joke I would be

happy to go to Paris in 2028 but I am sure Mayor Hidalgo

would be happy to go to Los Angeles in 2028 too.”

Kaieteur News


Wednesday April 05, 2017

IAAF says medical records compromised by Fancy Bear hacking group ZURICH (Reuters) The governing body of global athletics (IAAF) said on Monday it had suffered a cyber attack that it believes has compromised information about athletes’ medical records. The IAAF said in a statement the hacking group known as Fancy Bear, which has been linked by western governments and security experts to a Russian spy agency blamed for some of the cyber operations that marred the 2016 U.S. election, was believed to be behind the attack of medical records in February. The hack targeted information concerning applications by athletics for Therapeutic Use Exemptions, the IAAF said. Athletes who had applied for TUEs since 2012 have been contacted and IAAF president, Sebastian Coe, apologized. “Our first priority is to

the athletes who have provided the IAAF with information that they believed would be secure and confidential,” Coe said in the statement. “They have our sincerest apologies and our total commitment to continue to do everything in our power to remedy the situation.” TUEs are issued by sports federations and national anti-doping organizations to allow athletes to take certain banned substances for verified medical needs. The IAAF said that data on athlete TUEs was “collected from a file server and stored on a newly created file”. “The attack by Fancy Bear, also known as APT28, was detected during a proactive investigation carried out by cyber incident response (CIR) firm Context Information Security,” the

IAAF said. Private security firms and U.S. officials have said Fancy Bear works primarily on behalf of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency. Fancy Bear could not be immediately reached for comment. The group and other Russian hackers were behind the cyber attacks during the U.S. presidential election last year that were intended to discredit Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, a Republican, win, according to U.S. intelligence agencies. Russia has repeatedly denied the allegations. It was not known if the information was stolen from the network, the IAAF said, but the incident was “a strong indication of the attackers’ interest and intent, and shows they had access

and means to obtain content from this file at will”. The attack was uncovered after British company Context Information Security conducted a investigation of the IAAF’s systems at the request of the athletics body. Context Information Security said in a separate statement that it was a “sophisticated intrusion” and that “the IAAF have understood the importance and impact of the attack and have provided us comprehensive assistance.” Last year, Fancy Bear hacked into the World AntiDoping Agency (WADA) database and published the confidential medical records of several dozen athletes. Those included cyclist Bradley Wiggins, the 2012 Tour de France winner and Britain’s most decorated Olympian with eight medals,

Sebastian Coe, IAAF’s President, attends a press conference as part of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) council meeting in Monaco, February 6, 2017. (REUTERS/Eric Gaillard) who was revealed to have used TUEs before some races. Wiggins retired last year under something of a cloud after it was revealed he took corticosteroid triamcinolone for asthma, although he broke no antidoping rules. The IAAF banned

Russia’s athletics federation after a WADA commission report found evidence of state-sponsored doping. Almost all Russia’s athletes missed the track and field events at the Rio Olympics last year and are likely to also miss the world athletics championships in London in August.

Nand Persaud Karibee Rice Stable takes top honours -Brave Sky upsets field to take feature from stablemate Golden Blue Echo

Owners of Royal Prince receive their accolade for winning the L non earners event. It was once more a good day on the track for the up and coming Karibee Rice stable which has been back in racing for a short while now. The occasion was the Kennard Memorial Turf Club (KMTC) in collaboration with Anirude and Son Construction Company one day horserace meet at the KMTC track at

Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, Berbice. The feature 1400M event saw Brake Sky owned by Mohindra Persaud and ridden by Prem “Light Weight” Chandra biding its time nicely before racing past the front runners down the homestretch. It was Goodwill Boy and Golden Blue Echo that carried the event for most of the race as

The Ramcharitar connections receive the trophy for Blondie’s win in the Non winner event. the animals were sent on their way before Brake Sky made its move down the homestretch to win from Golden Blue Echo with a fast finishing Settling Star placing third and Goodwill Boy fourth. The win was worth $400,000 and trophy over 1400M. T h e r e w a s a controversial end to the H

and lower 6 furlongs race as the judges gave a dead heat to Super Bowl of the Saul S t a b l e a n d I s n ’t S h e Charming of the Jumbo Jet Stable over Cat Messiah of the Singh Stable although, photographic evidence showed Cat Messiah in front in a three way battle for the finish line. Campador placed fourth. King Stanley of the

Sooklall stable with Richmond won the three years old maiden event from Miss Angelie and Prince Saria. The winner of the event for horses classified ‘I’ and ‘J’ and lower was Party Time, ridden by Colin Ross of the DeMattos stable, as it won from Mary Ann and Amazing Run. Something Special, of

the Woolford stable with Julius the rider edged past Confusion to take the K class event with Lil Dude and Blondie rounding out the placings. The L class non-winners five furlongs event saw Y. Drepaul guiding Blondie of the Ramcharitar Stable to victory ahead of Party Time, Blue Lightning and Physical (Continued on page 31)

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News


SPR Enterprises sponsors 6th Prize for GCB 75th Anniversary Raffle The Guyana Cricket Board recently announced the launching of its grand fund raising 75th Anniversary Raffle in aid of youth and female cricket development. The Guyana Cricket Board was officially formed in 1943 and next year, 2018, would be which is usually referred to as the Diamond Anniversary. The sixth prize, which is an Acer laptop computer which is sponsored by SPR ENTERPRISES located on Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown. Marketing Manager of the Guyana Cricket Board, Mr. Raj Singh, recently collected that prize from Tracy Seepersaud, Manager of SPR ENTERPRISES. Tickets go on sale from the first ODI between West Indies and Pakistan on Friday at Providence. The Raffle tickets cost $200 per ticket. The final drawing is set for April 7th 2018.

The controllers for the raffle are: Anand Kalladeen, Raj Singh &Anand Sanasie. There are 8 attractive prizes to be raffled out at its final drawing. The first and second prizes take care of your transportation woes, an awesome motor car would be the first prize with a motorcycle as the second prize. The 3rd prize is a return airfare to New York. There is a condition attached to this prize that it does not include a visa but it is anticipated that the ticket holder can either obtain a visa on his/her own or the GCB and the sponsor may be flexible to agree to a transfer of the ticket to a relative or friend of the ticket holder. The fourth prize is a 60" Television set. The fifth prize is a beautiful gold necklace which is already sponsored by popular jewellery establishment, STEVE’S JEWELLERY. The sixth prize is an Acer

laptop computer which is sponsored by SPR ENTERPRISES located on Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown. The seventh prize is a return trip for 2 to Kaieteur Falls with the eight prize, being a day trip for 2 to one of our most exotic resorts, Arrow point resort, which is sponsored ARROWPOINT TOURS, a member of the RORAIMA G R O U P O F COMPANIES. Tickets would be on sale at the Providence National Stadium during the 3 ODIs, WI vs Pakistan, so be on the lookout look for our ticket vendors as there would be a consolation drawing during the 3rd ODI on Tuesday, the 11th April. There would be other consolation drawings in August during CPL and December. Tickets will be on sale afterwards to specified outlets around the country and from any executive member of the GCB.

Marketing Manager of the Guyana Cricket Board, Mr. Raj Singh (left), receiving the sixth prize ACER laptop computer from Tracy Seepersaud, the Manager of SPR ENTERPRISES.

Toucan Industries Skill Fight for final berth today level tournament underway Milo 18 and Under Schools Football Competition

-Parents, guardians, scouts, fans urged to attend By Rawle Welch After weeks of action over the weekends, the Milo 18 and Under Schools Football Competition is in the homestretch and heading for the finish line. Today, at the Ministry of Education ground on Carifesta Avenue, the semifinals will be played featuring Morgan Learning Centre versus Masters Academy and Chase Academy vs. Sir Leon Lessons, starting at 17:00hrs. The opening encounter between Morgan’s Learning Centre and Masters Academy should be the perfect precursor for the feature clash. Morgan’s, a team that usually brings a large number of supporters, are favoured to win this one and advance to the final. They have a cadre of outstanding players including the prolific David Coates, Osafo Matheson, C h r i s M a c e y, A d r i a n Adolph, Daniel Clarke and Orin Moore and they should prove to be too much of a handful for Masters Academy to contain. H o w e v e r, M a s t e r s Academy, not known as a

high scoring team will rely on defence and a swift counter-attack to bolster their chances of winning and the two players who will most likely be the spearhead of their quest for victory are the in-form Calvin Peters and Akeem Giddings. The feature between defending champion Chase Academy and Sir Leon Lessons is a football fan’s dream matchup and fireworks are expected to fly in this one. No doubt, the champs will be heavily favoured to advance to the championship round, but Sir Leon Lessons have been waiting one whole year for this game and could be fired up for the engagement. Chase Academy is loaded with an abundance of young talent, most of who have already been playing at the First Division and Elite levels and clearly has the superior element of experience. Reshawn Ritch, Job Caesar, Nicholas McArthur, Jeremy Garrett, Malachi Adonis, Rondell Peters and Ryan Hackett are the key players in their lineup, all of who are in magnificent goalscoring form so it will be a

difficult ask for Sir Leon Lessons backline to contain them throughout the duration of the match. Sir Leon Lessons on the other hand, have been a bit inconsistent and only survived to this stage through a heart-stopping penalty shootout against a determined Bishop’s High unit. However, Omari James, Tyrese Forde, Richard Rayside and Adrain Aaron are all players with rich talent and they will not want to be embarrassed so on determination alone they are expected to put up a good fight. The race to play in the final is truly on this afternoon and fans, scouts, parents and guardians are being asked not to miss the action. Winner of the tourney will collect $500,000 towards a school project and the championship trophy, while the second, third and fourth placed sides will receive $300,000,$200,000 and $100,000 respectively towards a similar endeavour and trophies. The event is also being held in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health.

The Guyana Squash Association (GSA) in collaboration with its corporate sponsor Digicel is h o l d i n g t h e To u c a n Industries Junior Skill level tournament, its first Junior for 2017 at the Georgetown Club Inc. courts. Play commenced on Monday night at the Georgetown Club Inc. courts with matches in four of the eight categories being contested. The results from this tournament will be used to select the junior national squad who will commence training in preparation for

the defence of the Overall Junior Caribbean Title. Guyana are the 20 times defending overall team champions and the Junior Caribbean Championships will be hosted here in Guyana from July 1 - 9, 2017. In results from Monday night: Category H Javed Saul defeated Grant Fernandes 11 - 4, 11 - 9 Joshua Verway beat Noah Rahaman 11 - 5, 14 12 Category E Shiloh Asregado

defeated Liam Carpenter 15 - 13, 4 - 11, 12 - 10 Category D Louis Da Silva defeated Nathan Rahaman 11 - 9, 7 11, 11 - 1, 11 - 7 Category C Madison Fernandes beat Aliyah Persaud 7 - 11, 11 - 8, 11 - 7, 11 - 8 Kirsten Gomes beat Dominic Collins 11 - 6, 11 3, 11 - 0 Abosaide Cadogan defeated Lucas Jonas 15 13, 11 - 1, 11 - 2 Matches continue daily at the Georgetown Club courts starting at 6.00pm.

Kaieteur News


EDFA Senior League 2016/17

Golden Stars maul BAPSC; Plaisance Panthers edge Mahaica

Vincent Thomas A double each off the boots of Devon Skeete and Kevaughn Garnett propelled Golden Stars to a massive 60 win over Bachelors Adventure Paradise Sports

Club (BAPSC) when play in the East Demerara Football Association Senior League continued on Sunday last at the Golden Grove ground, East coast

Demerara. The other match played saw Plaisance Panthers securing full points from Mahaica Determinators, Vincent Thomas blasting home both goals for the winners. It was the second successive defeat for the BAPSC having lost the week before to Buxton Stars. Skeete hit the network in the 3rd and 20th minute with Garnett converting in the 12th and 22nd minute. The other goals were scored by Rondel Jacobs in the 4th minute and Derrick Thomas in the 70th minute. Plaisance’ Thomas was on target in the 25th and 26th minute and that was enough to seal the win despite Mahaica being able to pull one back in the 50th minute. Plaisance was able to defend their one goal advantage until the final whistle. Matches will continue Sunday at the same venue.

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Commonwealth Games 2018: Schedule announced for Games in Gold Coast

Gold Coast’s mayor Tom Tate and Queensland’s minister for tourism Kate Jones took part in an event marking one year to go. (Getty Images) BBC Sport - The schedule for next year’s Commonwealth Games in the Gold Coast has been announced, marking one year to go before competition gets under way. Women’s triathlon will be the first gold medal to be won on the Games’ opening day - Thursday, 5 April 2018. The men’s and

women’s 100m finals are on day five, while the rugby sevens will bring events to a close on 15 April 2018. The Gold Coast is a coastal city in the Australian state of Queensland. The BBC was awarded the UK broadcast rights for the 2018 Commonwealth Games last year. In March, Durban was

stripped of the right to host the 2022 event. Birmingham, Liverpool, London and Manchester have expressed interest in replacing the South African city - and officials have said they would consider a joint UK bid. (Go to website https://www.gc2018.com/sc hedule#home – for full schedule)

Kusal Perera 77 aces Sri Lanka chase ESPNcricinfo - Kusal Perera made a roaring return to Sri Lankan colours, cracking 77 off 53 balls to lead the hosts on a successful hunt of Bangladesh’s 155 for 6. That Sri Lanka had so few to chase was partly the work of Sri Lanka’s bowlers, who made breakthroughs whenever a partnership threatened, though they were helped to that end by offcolour Bangladesh batting. Mashrafe Mortaza, who as it turned out, was playing his penultimate game in the format, was by a distance the visitors’ best bowler. He claimed 2 for 32 from his four overs, and only one other bowler - Taskin Ahmed - mustered a breakthrough. Sri Lanka sauntered to the target with seven balls and six wickets to spare. This match was Kusal’s first international since his unseemly Test outing in Port Elizabeth, for which he was dropped from the Test XI, then subsequently axed from the limited-overs squads altogether. Having returned to national reckoning via good innings for Sri Lanka A, Kusal outlined his value to Sri Lanka in an innings that showcased a little batting nous as well as

characteristic brutality. The bludgeoned drives and whipped pick-up shots over midwicket did eventually come, but not before he had laid low for the first four overs; and the big shots were, in any case, well devised as well as nicely executed. Instead of trying to clear fielders as Kusal often does, he strove to hit even his most ambitious shots into gaps. Having made only 5 off his first eight balls, Kusal smoked four fours and a six off his next seven, to help move Sri Lanka to 57 for none at the end of the Powerplay. Upul Tharanga, who had given the innings its initial impetus, departed in the seventh over, but Kusal stayed long enough to almost see the chase through. He reached his 50 off 31 balls, and when he fell in the penultimate over, Sri Lanka needed only nine runs, which they would proceed to gather over the next four balls. Seekkuge Prasanna was not out with 22 off 12 at the close. Though their bowlers responded poorly to Kusal’s shellacking, Bangladesh may reflect that it was with the bat that they made the

Upul Tharanga and Kusal Perera struck a 65-run opening stand © Associated Press more substantial mistakes. They had flown to 57 for 1 after five overs, for example, but then Sabbir Rahman ran a poor line to get himself run out, and Soumya Sarkar holed out in the same Vikum Sanjaya over. Suddenly, at

57 for 3, all that momentum they had developed was surrendered. Mushfiqur Rahim and Shakib Al Hasan fell playing expansive shots to slow bowlers, who should, in fact, have been less effective on

this track, which retained a little grass and had been rolled until hard. Mosaddek Hossain and Mahmudullah put on 57 off 42 together to lift their side from 82 for 5, but could not quite crack enough runs through the

back-end of the innings to lift Bangladesh to a winning score. Lasith Malinga was especially good through this period, giving away seven and eight in his last two (Continued on page 31)

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News


Brighto Paints Presents Q Mobile ODI series

Pakistan, Windies face-off from Friday at Providence

Anand Sanasie

Green Stand already sold out for Sunday By Sean Devers With stories and photos of the arrival of Pakistan and West Indies cricket teams to Guyana on Monday publicized in the News yesterday sparked a marked increase on tickets by yesterday afternoon with tickets for Sunday’s game being the most sold so far. West Indies and Pakistan face-off in the three-match ODI series at Providence on Friday, Sunday and Tuesday and the matches will be played on the new pitches which curators says will have good pace and bounce and unlike in the past where the low bounce produced low scores, the new surface should be good for batting and good totals are predicted. The last time Guyanese saw Pakistan in action in an ODI was in 2013 when the first two matches of a five-match was played at Providence with West Indies being bowled out for 98 to lose the opening game by 126 runs before leveling the series with a 37-run win in the second game of the series which was won 3-1 by Pakistan after the third match in St Lucia was tied. Secretary of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) and Director of the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) Anand Sanasie told Kaieteur Sport yesterday that ticket sales have been slow but picked up tremendously by yesterday afternoon. “After people knew that the teams had arrived, ticket sales increased and I can say that tickets for the Green Stand for the second match on Sunday have already been sold out. I have not had information as yet about the amount sold on-line but I would encourage fans to buy their tickets early so as to avoid the last minute rush and the possible disappointment of getting to the match,” Sanasie said. Tickets for the Red and Green Stands cost $4,000, while children under 12 years-old will pay $2,000. The cost to enter the Mound is $2,000. Senior Citizens over the age of 60 don’t have to pay for a ticket but get one from the GCB office and must show proper identification to prove their age and the elderly population should take advantage of this policy and support their team. Sanasie, who had a very busy day rushing from GCB to Providence to check on preparations, expressed satisfaction with the ways things were going leading up to day one of the ODI series. “Administratively, everything is on target and everyone is working hard to get all that is required for the successful hosting of the series in place before match day,” Sanasie added. “I am calling on Guyanese to come in large numbers to support the West Indies. We have gotten International cricket here again and if we show the other Territories that we can full the stands and are behind our team, this could help Guyana get more such matches here at a time when every Island has an International venue,” Sanasie disclosed. The last time ODIs were played in Guyana was in June last year when three games in the Tri-nation series between West Indies, Australia and South Africa were contested at Providence. Pakistan won the last ODI series against West Indies in the UAE last September 3-nil and the result of this series could ultimately determine if the two-times World Cup Champions will have to play in the qualifiers next year in Bangladesh or have an automatic entry into the 2019 World Cup in England. West Indies are presently ranked ninth just below Pakistan and only England along with the other top seven team as of September 30 will gain automatic qualification to the next World Cup. Sanasie, like most others, is anxiously looking forward to see how the new pitches play and is confident that with one day left to the opening day, everything will be in place for another successful hosting by the GCB.

The fans buying tickets at the GCB office on Regent got larger as the day progressed yesterday.

Kaieteur News


Wednesday April 05, 2017

Nicola Adams aims for Smarter cricket needed to beat Pakistan: Law multiple professional world GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC — West Indies head coach Stuart Law says the regional side will have to raise their game and play “smarter” cricket if they are to get the better of Pakistan in the three-match one-day series starting here Friday. The hosts are coming off an emphatic 3-1 loss to Pakistan in the preceding f o u r - m a t c h Tw e n t y 2 0 International series, and find themselves under pressure ahead of the one-day rubber.

Law said it was important West Indies did not attempt to simply use “brute force” in the upcoming rubber, especially bearing in mind the venue. “Form is one thing but determination and the way these boys go about their cricket, we understand now it’s not going to be easy,” the Australian said here. “Pakistan are a quality unit so we’re going to have to train hard, put our thinking caps on and play smarter rather than use brute force.

“The conditions here may suit not suit the brute force style of play but once we have a look at the centre wicket, we can then go about accordingly — training accordingly, working out strategies and going forward that way.” West Indies have made two changes to the 13-man squad that suffered a 3-0 whitewash to England last month, bringing in Chadwick Walton and Miguel Cummins for Carlos (Continued on page 31)

Late Ibrahimovic penalty earns draw for Man Utd against Everton

Manchester United’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic scores their first goal from the penalty spot. (Action Images via Reuters / Jason Cairnduff Livepic) (Reuters) Zlatan Ibrahimovic returned after suspension to rescue a 1-1 draw for Manchester United against Everton at Old Trafford with an injury-time penalty. Ibrahimovic coolly struck home the 93rd-minute spot kick after Ashley Williams had been sent off for deliberate handball keeping out Luke Shaw’s shot. But United’s push for a top-four place in the Premier League still suffered a huge setback with a rare and deft Phil Jagielka goal giving Everton a first-half lead and ensuring them a share of the

points. Jose Mourinho’s side, whose form has been so underwhelming recently at their “Theatre of Dreams”, were facing the end of their 19-match unbeaten streak in the league as luck had earlier deserted them. England centre back Jagielka showed all the predatory instincts of a goal poacher, latching on to a Williams header from a 22nd-minute corner and, with back to goal, holding off Marcos Rojo to conjure up a shot that trickled between the legs of David de Gea. His first goal of the

season prompted an urgent response from United, with an Ander Herrera effort striking the bar, but even with Ibrahimovic back in the team, United were blunt. There was misfortune, too, when Paul Pogba headed against the bar after the break before Ibrahimovic also had a headed goal ruled out for offside, with TV replays suggesting it had been the closest of calls. Tuesday 4th April 2017 Results: Burnley 1 – Stoke 0 Leicester 2 – Sunderland 0 Watford 2 - West Brom 0 Man Utd 1 – Everton 1

titles like Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali poses with daughter Laila. (Getty Images) BBC Sport - Double gold medallist Nicola Adams wants to emulate Muhammad Ali’s route from Olympic glory to world titles as she prepares to make her

professional debut in Manchester on Saturday. Ali, who died in June, won gold at Rome 1960 before becoming a threetime heavyweight champion

in the paid ranks. “I had to think a lot about the triple but I wanted to follow in the footsteps of my hero,” Adams told BBC (Continued on page 31)

Wednesday April 05, 2017

Kaieteur News


Carlos Brathwaite left out to work on fitness, bowling - Stuart Law ESPNCRICINFO West Indies head coach Stuart Law has said Carlos Brathwaite was left out of the squad for the upcoming ODI series against Pakistan to allow him to work on his fitness and bowling. Law also confirmed that the selectors had allowed Brathwaite to play in the IPL, which he personally believed was “a good thing”. “From [those who played] the series against England, Carlos Brathwaite has been left out. I thought the opportunity was there for Carlos to go away and work on a few aspects of his game, namely his fitness and bowling, and getting back to bowling how he wants to bowl. That’s why he’s been left out, and it’s just coincided that the IPL is there and we have no cricket after this IPL series and he hasn’t been part of the last Test series. So the selectors gave him the option of going to the IPL as well, which I think is a good thing. [He’ll] get to talk to guys like [Delhi Daredevils coach] Rahul Dravid, learn how to play spin, get plenty of practice, and work on his fitness and

West Indies T20I captain Carlos Brathwaite goes through fielding drills, Lauderhill, August 26, 2016 ©WICB Media Photo/Randy Brooks bowling.” Despite Brathwaite’s reputation as a devastating power hitter in T20 cricket, his numbers in ODI cricket have been disappointing throughout his career, both with bat and ball. In 23 ODIs, he has scored 270 runs at an average of 13.50, only once crossing 25 in an

innings. In the same period, he has taken 21 wickets, averaging 47.47. In the recently concluded ODI series against England, which the West Indies lost 3-0, Brathwaite scored 12, 23 and 7 while failing to take any wickets, conceding 148 runs in the 24 overs he bowled.

Law put down the omission of the other Brathwaite in the West Indies set-up - Kraigg - to a desire to see a more positive approach in the first Powerplay during an ODI. He has been replaced by Chadwick Walton, who scored three hundreds in his last five domestic games before being called up for the four-match T20 series against Pakistan, where he accumulated 80 runs in four innings. “We spoke to Kraigg after the last series and we’ve spoken to him since. We’re just looking for a bit more impetus at the top of the order in the first ten-over Powerplay. We need to make a bit more use of those overs, and Kraigg’s aware of that. It’s not like he’s never going to play for the West Indies in ODI cricket again. He’s got the opportunity to return to first-class cricket and score runs which he has done, and also a good opportunity for him to get in good nick and feel comfortable about his game before the Test series starts. “Chadwick Walton, I saw

Stuart Law said playing the IPL would be a “good thing” for Carlos Brathwaite and give him the opportunity to work with the likes of Rahul Dravid © AFP him for the first time in the flesh in the ODI series, he had an outstanding 50-over [regional] tournament. He also scored a hundred in the warm-up against England in St Kitts. So he comes in with form under his belt so I’m looking forward to seeing what he can offer in the first ten overs.” Law also lamented what he considered a failure on his side’s part to play to their potential in the T20I series, stressing that they had to become more consistent. “ We u n d e r a c h i e v e d during the T20 series. The

second game was the one that we threw away. We got in the driver’s seat, got the total down to under a run a ball and unfortunately messed that one up. The fightback began in the third game where Evin Lewis basically took the game on single-handedly. In the last one we made poor decisions in the middle order. Players have got to start performing consistently.” The three-match ODI series between West Indies and Pakistan begins on April 7, with all three games to be held in Guyana.

Young stars on show at Georgetown Grand Prix Friday’s second edition of the Georgetown Grand Prix which is being organised by GT Motorsports at the Guyana Motor Racing & Sports Club (GMR&SC) will witness the emergence of young and exciting talent in the sport. According to a source from the Organising Committee, a bunch of young karters have been confirmed to participate in the event and the Organisers are eager to showcase the skills and abilities of the next generation of motor racing stars. Among those expected to be part of the activities are Elan Rahaman, Mikhail

Persaud, Nathan Rahaman, Paige Mendonca, Jeremy Te n P o w, J u s t i n Te n Pow, John Phang and Faroud Mohamed among others. Jeremy Ten Pow and Mikhail Persaud dominated the 60cc and 125cc Junior Classes respectively and while their aim will no doubt be to successfully defend those titles, they’ve now become the hunted so with that state of affairs as real as ever, the atmosphere lends itself to some enthralling battles. Both Ten Pow and Persaud won two races and a third place each, but their rivals will be looking for their own individual success

on Friday. The G/town Grand Prix is being staged for the second time and the large turnout that attended the inaugural event is anticipated to be easily surpassed. Once again, karters from

-Karters from Canada, T&T returning Canada and Trinidad & Tobago will be coming to challenge the locals in what should be a fascinating duel for spectators. The event is being

sponsored by Stag Beer, Sun Burst Juices, E-Networks, ISG, Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club, Optique Vi s i o n C a r e , K i n g ’s Jewellery World, Truck

Masters, Trophy Stall, Prem’s Electrical Store, Honda Powersports, Super Bet Sport Betting, Vishal Auto Toy Store and Cyril’s Taxi Service.

t r o Sp Nand Persaud Karibee Rice Fight for final berth today Stable takes top honours Milo 18 and Under Schools Football Competition

-Parents, guardians, scouts, fans urged to attend

Part of the action in this year’s Milo 18 and Under Schools Football Competition.

-Brave Sky upsets field to take feature from stablemate Golden Blue Echo

Brave Sky of the Nand Persaud Stable with Prem Chandra winning the feature E class event in a close finish from stablemate Golden Blue Echo and Settling Star with Goodwill Boy fourth.

Young stars on show at Georgetown Grand Prix -Karters from Canada, T&T returning

Members of the young exciting cadre of karters pose for a photo op for Kaieteur Sport.

Pakistan, Windies face-off from Friday at Providence Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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