1 minute read

LOVE Amanda Phifer ’24


Love. That simple word that fills you with life The word that fulfills you and makes your days bright Something that brings you absolute joy and laughter Giving you your happily ever after


That is how love is often described—described as the best parts of your lives. But how I describe it would not be so sweet. In fact, I describe it to be quite bleak.

In my eyes, love is simply a disaster. I don't believe in happily ever after. For me, there will never be a prince Because love isn't real, and of that, I am convinced.

I’d rather have my heart unshattered By a cold selfish man who doesn’t matter. I'd rather be alone than heartbroken. I don't want to leave my heart open ..to get ripped apart. And torn and marked.

I'd rather just be alone and unmastered Than have a fake not real happily ever after. Love.

Amanda Phifer ‘24