1 minute read

The Fears I Overcame Mea Giovannone ’24

The Fears I Overcame.

I used to fear dreaming at night, So scared of what would happen once I closed my eyes, and released my control to my own mind. To leave the day behind as if just a mere cliff note in the novel I was writing, Felt underwhelming.


Now, I wish to never wake up from them, To stay in a forever peaceful state of release. No worries of school, or drama, Only the freedom to move mountains and journey to neverland.

I used to get mad at myself for slipping into my daydreams. I feared that I would miss something great in the real world. I feared I would be looked at as strange as I was too busy conversing with imaginary Beings I created within my own mind.

Now I long for the escape Because as I grew so did my world. It brought me strength in my toughest times and gave me the power to truly live. Because I realized who was anyone to tell me my world was not real? Who was anyone to tell me it could not be a part of me?

I used to fear being me.

Mea Giovannone ‘24