MV Volunteer 2023 Annual Report

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Mount Vernon Volunteer 2023 Annual Report

Office of Events, Volunteers & Protocol

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2023 Volunteer Annual Report provides an overview of the operations, contributions, and achievements of the Mount Vernon volunteers. The mission of the Mount Vernon volunteer program is to assist the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association in achieving its mission to preserve the estate of George Washington and educate visitors and people throughout the world about the life and legacies of George Washington. Founded in 1992 by volunteer Jack Evans, the Mount Vernon volunteers’ program has grown from 30 volunteers in archaeology to an active corps of 241 volunteers. For over 30 years, the Mount Vernon volunteers have faithfully given their time and talents to the estate, serving as our most enthusiastic ambassadors supporting the estate in a variety of ways: Administrative support Archaeology lab work Curatorial research and historic reproduction Education and leadership program support Estate beautification Flag flying Guest Services Horticulture support Interpretation and fifer support Public and private event support Sewing Circle Transportation Volunteer Management Washington Library research and transcription According to the Independent Sector, a national membership organization that serves as a primary source for state and national data on the value of volunteer time in the United States, the value of a volunteer hour is estimated at $31.80. The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association recognizes that this estimated dollar amount cannot and does not represent the value of our volunteers, but it does assist in acknowledging and providing an important view into the time, dedication, and energy volunteers give this special place and, collectively, what a significant contribution and difference our volunteers make. In 2023, Mount Vernon volunteers logged 21,190.75 hours across the estate. This translates into volunteers contributing approximately $673,865 in value. The Mount Vernon volunteers stand out in providing true Washington hospitality to our guests, always striving to learn and better understand the life and contributions of General Washington and serving as true ambassadors and public servants to our nation’s history. The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association is deeply grateful to our volunteers. 1

Special Recognition Mount Vernon is proud to recognize volunteers who have served the estate for many years. Their faithful service and dedication to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association mission - through the years of changes, challenges and growth - is deeply appreciated. 10 Years

11 Years

Sharon Akins Malvina Ewers Harold Sinnett Martie Smith

Liz Dreazen Pat Duffy Tatiana Lisle Joe Sufczynski

14 Years Mary Jane Holt Judith Paulos Karen Robinson

12 Years

13 Years

Sher Blair Mickey Fenyk-King Mitch King Pat Getz Kathy LaBarre Carolyn Ostrom

Mary Albanese Gisela Carty Melissa Petersen Stevi Will

16 years

17 Years

Jack Coulter Rose Gunthorpe Elaine Harar Margaret Snow

Julia Gluck Nancy Harper Jan Mikolashek Gail Richmond Delores Taylor

15 Years Lori Arbuckle Andrea Boyce Betty Davis Jim Evans Darlene MacPherson* Bob Simoniz

18 Years

19 Years

20 Years

Sharon Fletcher

Irene Schubert

Pat Brown Tom Clutz Larry Ledbetter Judy Morrill

21 Years

22 Years

23 Years

Barbara Diehl Bob Howlett Diane Kapanowski

Gail Eger

Dan Matheis Bill McLoughlin

24 Years

25 Years

27 Years

James Carty Jeanne Howlett

Dick Noble*

Stephen Fahy Pat Veatch

29 Years

30 Years

31 Years

Pam Broka Kathleen McLoughlin

Betty Gunter

Ed Coan Ray Hawn

* denotes emeritus or emerita

500+ Lifetime Hours Shawna Abston Josette Ahlering Kitty Ahmad Mary Albanese Lori Arbuckle Charlene Bickings Rita Blacker Carol Boland Andrea Boyce Pam Broka James Carty Donna Cherundolo Thomas Clutz Ed Coan Jack Coulter Carolyn Creevy Patricia Creswick Betty Davis Jill Delligatti Barbara Diehl Richard Dorrier Elizabeth Dreazen Patricia Duffy Linda Durand Gail Eger Terry Enright Trish Enright Ann Ewers Stephen Fahy Roberta Feldman Jeanette Fellhauer Jim Fellhauer

Mickey Fenyk-King Susan Finkel Sharon Fletcher Patricia Getz Julia Gluck Linda Gower Betty Gunter Rose Gunthorpe Elaine Harar Nancy Harper Ray Hawn Jonathan Hill Mary Jane Holt Jeanne Howlett Bob Howlett Larry Jones Bill Kane Diane Kapanowski Mary Karchner Mitch King Mary Klappa Trish Klingenmaier Francois Krodel Kathy LaBarre Larry Ledbetter Tatiana Lisle Darlene MacPherson* Gay Massarsky Dan Matheis Townley McElhiney Bill McLoughlin Kathleen McLoughlin

Nancy Mendez Jan Mikolashek Judy Morrill Kathy Mulcahy Dick Noble* Linda Noble Carolyn Ostrom Judi Paulos Melissa Petersen Larry Porter David Rensch Gail Richmond Karen Robinson Sandra Ross Irene Schubert Debra Schwartz Cheryl Sharp Kathleen Shuster Robert Simoniz Harold Sinnett Margaret Snow Tom Sparks Joe Sufczynski Delores Taylor Pat Veatch Joseph Wagner Richard Walsh Stevi Will Dottie Worden Neil Worden * denotes emeritus or emerita

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO On behalf of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, thank you for your extraordinary contributions over the past year. We simply could not achieve our goals of preservation and education without you. I am happy to reflect on the great successes of 2023, including strong attendance, numerous successful events, and excellent engagement across the estate, all of which were made possible by the loyal and dedicated work of the volunteers. We are about to embark upon a once-in-a-generation project over the next three years that will figuratively and literally strengthen the foundation of Washington’s beloved home and ensure that future generations will be able to visit and experience the nation’s most important historic home firsthand. To know that Mount Vernon volunteers will be working alongside us, supporting our staff in their work, and welcoming our guests with Washington hospitality is humbling and heartening. The Spirit of Mount Vernon is built on volunteerism. We remain independent because individuals like you dedicate your time and talents to make sure this place survives. Mount Vernon volunteers perform exemplary work across and embody the mission of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association—each and every one of you do your part to ensure guests learn about the life and legacy of our greatest citizen. I thank you for helping us preserve this place to continue to tell the stories of Washington so that he will forever remain first in the hearts of Americans. I hope that you will be as encouraged as I am reading through this report. Because of your efforts, we continue on an upward trajectory that will safeguard George Washington’s Mount Vernon as an inspirational place where all are welcome. My very best regards,

Douglas Bradburn President & CEO


MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF EVENTS, VOLUNTEERS & PROTOCOL As I reflect on the past year, I am proud and inspired by the work of the Mount Vernon volunteers. 2023 saw the introduction of new volunteer opportunities to engage with guests in the historic area, an expansion of our Volunteer Enrichment Program, a focus on mentoring and training, and the provision of additional staff support to volunteers and their needs. These were the pieces we put in place for the constant and ongoing work of building our community. These were not the only foundational building blocks volunteers put their energy towards. As the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association launches the most ambitious preservation project ever undertaken—the Mansion Revitalization Project - Mount Vernon's volunteers stand ready to assist and support. Volunteers have shown an eager and enthusiastic response to this project; this support is deeply appreciated and critical to our success. Volunteers show up every day on the estate, 365 days a year. They greet our guests as they enter through the Texas Gate and provide information and guidance across the estate. Volunteers are present during our daytime operations, through every daytime and evening event and constantly behind the scenes working side by side with staff. Mount Vernon's leadership knows that volunteers can always provide us with a wise and unique perspective. As we head into 2024 and the next years of Mansion Revitalization - with all its successes and challenges - we know that we can count on Mount Vernon's volunteers to be our greatest ally. Thank you for sharing your passion and respect for Washington’s life and legacy with us. Huzzah!

Joan Flintoft Director of Events, Volunteers & Protocol


2023 in Review 241 volunteers gave 21,190.75 hours of service

That much time is equivalent to 883 days or $673,865 in value The Mount Vernon volunteers assist the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association in achieving its mission to preserve and protect the home and heritage of George Washington. The program has been in existence for over 30 years. Volunteers contribute their time and expertise across the estate.

373 hours of transportation coordination and driving

856 hours assisting Mount Vernon's Fifer

1,445 hours sewing and mending costuming

2,496 hours volunteering in Guest Services

2,729 hours volunteering for public and private events

1,833 hours volunteering in the archaeology lab

3,255 hours staffing administration front desks

860 hours of curatorial research

2,545 hours volunteering in horticulture

129 hours picking up litter

76 hours flying flags

Volunteers Building Our Community

"I love Mount Vernon and believe it is an important part of our history. I appreciate being able to make a material contribution to its mission. I also enjoy being able to volunteer with a lovely group of people who make doing so a pleasant experience."

Throughout the spring and early summer, we welcomed new volunteers by hosting orientations, training and onboarding sessions. In the end, 47 applicants became active volunteers in 2023 - a 68% retention rate - collectively contributing 2,284 hours supporting Mount Vernon. The hours contributed by volunteers demonstrates a curiosity and love of learning. Begun in 2022, Mount Vernon's Volunteer Enrichment Program (VEP) provides volunteers with continuous learning sessions that highlight the estate's history, ongoing and upcoming important projects, special tours and greater understanding about the work of Mount Vernon's diverse staff. The volunteer enrichment sessions also offer volunteers - new and veterans- an opportunity to socialize and spend time getting to know each other as we build our community and learn together.


new volunteers join in 2023


During the fall, we began a partnership with the Fairfax County Public Schools Secondary Transition to Employment Program (STEP). This program is for students aged 18-22 with disabilities to help them building independent living skills. Two students are volunteering weekly with us, volunteering in Guest Services, wayfinding and directing guests in the Historic Area, picking up litter around the estate and working in the O&M shops with our colleagues from Operations & Maintenance. The extraordinary support and enthusiasm from staff and volunteers to welcome and diversify our volunteer team is inspiring and goes to show that with cooperation and collaborative partnerships, we can achieve so much!


Volunteer Recognition Night is a highlight annual event; it is an evening of sharing and fun. The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association and executive leadership eagerly look forward to this celebration each year to socialize, thank and recognize the efforts and talents of Mount Vernon's volunteers.


Volunteers are Mount Vernon's best ambassadors, and as the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association strives to always be a good neighbor and member of the larger Fairfax County community, we know we can count on our volunteers to help. In the fall, Mount Vernon volunteers represented the estate at Pohick Church's 77th Annual Country Fair. Volunteers staffed the Mount Vernon booth, providing guests with Mount Vernon membership information, handing out upcoming events flyer and distributing marketing swag such as stickers, magnets, keychains, and pencils.


Volunteers Events

Mount Vernon's events and volunteers are an integral part of the our private and public events that take place during the day and after hours. Mount Vernon events are built around supporting the mission of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, complementing our educational mission and providing guests and members new ways to experience the estate and learn about the life and legacy of General Washington. Simply put, without our volunteers, Mount Vernon events would not achieve the level of success and signature Washington hospitality that they are known for across the region.


Volunteers Estate Beautification

With thousands of guests visiting the estate each month, the George Washington Memorial Parkway, our parking lots and the bus lane see tremendous amounts of car and foot traffic. Unfortunately, it also produces a significant amount of litter. Mount Vernon volunteers regularly patrol the perimeter of our gates and collect trash. Each spring, Mount Vernon volunteers participate in the annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, one of the largest trash cleanups in the region. Mount Vernon volunteers spend a day pulling trash and debris from the river shore along the seawall, placing it in bags and sending it away for proper disposal.


"I enjoy being outside, walking the entrance and parking lots. Guests often acknowledge the work I do to clean up and express their appreciation. While simple work, it has an impact. I can see the improvement as I go along. It still amazes me how some of the stuff gets where it does, and there are hot spots (bus line, by the restaurant and gift shop exit, bushes along the circle). School trips and summer months are especially messy. I like that it is independent work, straightforward enough to be done without supervision, and flexible in time."

"I like the satisfaction of knowing that the outside of the estate looks better than it did when I started my rounds." 18

“I enjoy meeting the visitors and also sharing time with the friendly staff in Guest Services.”

"I am excited every time I am able to come and support Mount Vernon because I find I often gain as much from the experience as the help I’m providing. I feel like I am needed for support and feel appreciated throughout this the experience."

I love being a small part of helping our nation's history - and particularly, the story of General Washington -

come alive for our guests.

Volunteers Interpretation Support

In the spring, we debuted a new opportunity for volunteers: interpretation support focused in the Historic Area, which includes a number of significant duties. Executed specifically at the crossroads, outside the Interpretive Center (IC), in the upper garden and on the bowling green, volunteers engage guests with 18th-century game demonstrations, inviting them to hear performances by character interpreters and posting at crossroads to welcome, direct and assist guests as they enter or exit the estate. Additionally, volunteers in interpretation support assist Mount Vernon's Official Fifer, Don Francisco, during his daily performances on the bowling green or in the greenhouse.


Volunteer Activity 2000





0 Jan






2022 Hours Per Month




2023 Hours Per Month

Full-Time Employee (FTE) Equivalent Hours Throughout 2023, the number of hours served by volunteers as an FTE value ranged between 6.59 FTE - 13.2 FTE each month.
















Volunteers in the General's Gardens

Mount Vernon staff are exemplary in their appreciation of the contributions made by volunteers to the staff. The volunteer opportunities provided feel needed and impactful, which, in my extensive experience volunteering at various organizations, is not always the case.

Volunteers can always be found assisting in Mount Vernon's production greenhouses, in the gardens and off the beaten path throughout the estate. Volunteers also play a key role in grooming, labeling and pricing plants in preparation for Mount Vernon’s Spring and Fall Plant Sales. Over the summer, volunteers harvest lavender from the lower garden; they tie, bundle, package and label the dried lavender for sale in The Shops. The lovely balsam cedar and orange clove cinnamon potpourri found in Mount Vernon’s Shops are assembled and made by Mount Vernon volunteers. Throughout the season, volunteers assist in transplanting, weeding, harvesting vegetables and general clean-up at the production greenhouses.

Mount Vernon’s horticulture staff has placed an emphasis on addressing and controlling invasive plants on the estate. Volunteers have provided critical support to the horticulture staff, spending many hours in the woods surrounding the historic area focusing on invasive vine control.


Volunteers Behind the Scenes

Volunteers provide assistance in the processing of the materials excavated from current archaeological projects on the estate. On a weekly basis throughout the year, the volunteers wash, sort, and label artifacts under staff supervision. This is both the essential first step in the archaeological curation process and provides excellent assistance to staff as they catalogue, interpret, and manage the archaeological collections. The volunteers have embraced educational opportunities for instruction in technique and process, which the Mount Vernon staff provide during the course of the volunteer sessions.


Mount Vernon's volunteer sewing circle meets weekly. Volunteers are highly productive, providing special hand-stitched items for development auctions and assisting in costuming staff and volunteers for the annual Mount Vernon by Candlelight event each holiday season. In addition to these special projects, the volunteer Sewing Circle spends hours mending trousers and gowns, sewing linen caps and aprons and keeping the costuming inventory at Mount Vernon in excellent condition.


Volunteers Vision for 2024

2024 will be a transformative year for the estate as Mansion Revitalization begins in full. Now, more than ever, the presence of Mount Vernon volunteers are needed across the estate. As a community and team, we want to ensure that volunteers have a full understanding of what work is taking place and how that will or will not affect daily operations and events. Transparency and communication will be key to ensuring this goal is met. Throughout the different phases of Mansion Revitalization, we are grateful to have volunteers at our gates and in the historic area to welcome our guests, provide information and interpretation support as well as work closely with staff behind the scenes. Every task performed by a volunteer contributes to the mission of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. Every hour accorded to the estate by a volunteer is a respectful acknowledgement to General Washington and to the lives of all who lived and worked here. Volunteers are an integral piece of the continued story of George Washington's Mount Vernon and the mission of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. We strive towards 2024 with a sense of history, purpose and cooperation as we work to secure the future of these hallowed grounds and ensure Washington's beloved home is here for ensuing generations.


98 % of volunteers are "very likely" or "likely" to continue volunteering at George Washington's Mount Vernon

97 % of volunteers are "very satisfied" or "satisfied" in volunteering at Mount Vernon

“No estate in the United America is more pleasantly situated than this" General Washington

94 % of volunteers feel connected to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association's mission

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