17 minute read


Ghost Birds

Passenger Pigeon. Carolina Parakeet. Greek Auk. These are just a few of the North American birds that have gone extinct at the hands of man. This class looks into the tragic tales of the demise of these and other birds that are no longer with us. We will look at other birds that are heading towards extinction but that can still be saved. We will also look at some conservation success stories that have brought some birds back from the brink of extinction. Instructor: Jeff Babson Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6517 11/11 F 9-11am LC-IRWD

The Mysterious, Fascinating World of Bats

Bats, the world’s only flying mammals, are truly wondrous going about their lives under the cloak of darkness, hidden from view. There are over 1,300 species of bat on earth, second only to rodents in diversity. Arizona has more bat species than any other state, except Texas. In this class, we explore the world of bats, including echolocation, migration, breeding, diet, and conservation. Join us for a nocturnal exploration into the amazing world of bats. Instructor: Jeff Babson Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6515 10/26 W 1-3pm LC-IRWD

Special Interest

10 Minute Makeup for Women 45+

In this class you will create a 10 minute personalized makeup routine that will help you look your very best. You will assess your facial features and learn the 4 most important research-proven steps you can incorporate into your makeup routine. Then you will learn the makeup techniques you can use to create your most beautiful look in the least amount of time. Material fee of $3 paid to the instructor, for a hand-out that will guide you through the entire process. Instructor: Elise Marquam Jahns Fee: Member $29/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6915 10/18 T 1-3pm MV-REC 6916 11/15 T 1-3pm MV-REC

Special Interest

Aging and Spirituality

We can’t escape the process of getting older. But we can gain insight into our developed lives by examining our spirituality in the context of aging. The aged possess what is called a reserve capacity - which refers to an individual’s potential for change and continued psycho-spiritual growth. This class will look at how we come to understand spirituality from childhood to the senior years; stages of spiritual growth, and insights concerning actualization and spiritual gerontology. We will see that spirituality has great potential as a vital region of continued growth in old age. NOTE: 10/25

class held in EC-LNGE.

Instructor: Mark Meadows, Ph.D. Fee: Member $32/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6487 10/18-25 T 11-12:30pm EC-AUD

Androgyny as Psycho-Spiritual Growth NEW!

Jesus, in the Gospel According to Thomas: “When the male shall not be male and the female shall not be female, then shall you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Androgyny is the psychosocial expression of “wholeness.” Come see how civilizations and the individual have the potential to express the androgynous principle. Scholars submit that healthy civilizations and individuals exhibit combinations of both feminine and masculine qualities. This two-session class will culminate in an androgyny measurement to ascertain your level of androgyny/wholeness expression. Instructor: Mark Meadows, Ph.D. Fee: Member $32/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6489 12/6-13 T 11-12:30pm EC-LNGE

AngelSpeake® I

This workshop, based on the book “AngelSpeake®” by Trudy Griswold and Barbara Mack, focuses on your relationship with your Angels and your spiritual path. The Angels want to speak to you even more than you want to speak to them. Contact your Angels in writing and have fun doing it. Learn the Four Fundamentals for accessing Angelic help, the Seven Steps to talking with your Angels and how they create miracles. There will be time for sharing any special Angelic encounters you may have had. Absolutely no writing experience is required to take this workshop! SUPPLIES: Please bring notebook or journal and pen. Instructor: Patricia Izzi, Certified AngelSpeake® facilitator Fee: Member $50/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6824 10/4 T 11-12:30pm EC-GAME 6825 11/10 Th 11-12:30pm EC-GAME 6826 12/9 F 11-12:30pm EC-LNGE

Special Interest

Anyone Can be a Healer NEW!

You will have an opportunity to experience the energy of Reiki, an ancient form of healing, and to explore the principles of Reiki. You will learn to use imagery and visualization, as well as, hands-on ways to tap into the energy all around us. Given the massive and long-term stress we have all experienced the last two years, Reiki can be a valuable gift for you and those you love. Instructor: Sheryl Fisher Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

7038 10/17 M 11-12:30pm DH-RMA 7039 11/14 M 11-12:30pm DH-RMA

Awaken Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities NEW!

This experiential class will explore various types of extrasensory perception (ESP) topics. Psychic abilities include clairsentience (feeling), clairvoyance (seeing), and clairaudience (hearing). Other topics include telepathy, astral projection, higher consciousness communication, and divination. Activating your psychic gifts is dependent upon shifting your energy vibration, awakening your intuition, and activating your psychic abilities. This is a two-part class. Instructor: Debra Peterson, MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $39/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6583 11/7-14 M 11:30-1pm LC-OCOT

Chakras, Meridians, and Healing NEW!

As a 30 year+ acupuncturist and having studied Eastern traditions, I began seeing how chakras and Chinese meridians work together to heal us. They actually change our energetic field to open us up to the exploration of what I call, our compassionate true self. Bring your curiosity and let’s explore the role energy plays in our day to day lives, our meditations, and our awareness of our higher selves. Instructor: Rhea Maloney Fee: Member $15/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6993 10/25-11/1 T 9:30-11:30am LC-JNPR

Chinese Face Reading NEW!

My extensive 30+ years acupuncture training included

Chinese Face Reading. Every line tells us so much about our life (past/present/future). We explore the tone, size, shape, color. This is a fun beginning exploration of the beauty and magic of faces, and will show you ways of understanding yourself and ways to relate to others.

Instructor: Rhea Maloney

Fee: Member $15/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6994 10/13 Th 9:30-11:30am LC-IRWD 24

Civil Discourse

This course involves discussion of current topics as they relate to past and present events. Prejudice, dogma and bigotry discouraged - informed civil discourse encouraged. Instructor: Paul McCreary Fee: Member $35/Non-member +$10 Classes: 3

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6687 11/1-15 T 10-12pm LC-IRWD 6688 12/6-20 T 10-12pm LC-IRWD

Drab to Glam: Makeup Tips & Techniques

Have you ever wondered: “How did that happen overnight?” Would you like to look like the very best version of yourself and feel more confident? Makeup routines we used in our 20s and 30s don’t work for us anymore, but what does? This class will offer demonstrations of makeup techniques for women 45+ and answer your questions. You will leave knowing the techniques and types of products that will help you look your very best and receive a comprehensive handout. Material fee of $2 paid to the instructor. Instructor: Elise Marquam Jahns Fee: Member $29/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6920 10/25 T 1-3pm MV-REC 6921 11/1 T 1-3pm MV-REC 6922 12/13 T 1-3pm MV-REC

Edward Curtis North American Indian

This class will explore the extraordinary life and work of Edward S. Curtis, chronicler and photographer of the North American Indian. Class will consist of discussion, videos, photographs and exploration of the many tribes Curtis brought to life. Instructor: Paul McCreary Fee: Member $30/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6684 11/2-9 W 10-12pm EC-AUD 6685 12/7-14 W 10-12pm EC-AUD

Electric Vehicles ~ All You Need to Know

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are coming. There’s a lot of curiosity and misinformation out there in regard to this disruptive change in how we transport ourselves. This course will explain where such vehicles came from, what you ought to know, and what are their positive and negative attributes. The course material supplied will be the lecturer’s book; Electric Vehicles What About Them?!? At the end of the course, all students will get a chance to go for a ride in an EV! Material fee of $5 paid to instructor. Instructor: Richard Rosenthal Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6640 11/14 M 10:30-11:30am LC-ACAC 6641 12/12 M 10:30-11:30am LC-CTWD Registration begins Monday, September 12

Energy, Consciousness, and Ascension NEW!

Our world is going through a new consciousness evolution called ascension. Learn specific steps to accelerate your ascension process. Understand how to energetically shift your human energy field from a 3rd dimension to 5th dimension higher state of consciousness. Learn how energy, frequency, and vibration relate to higher consciousness awaking. Experience guided meditation and exercises to raise your energy vibration. Science is helping to unlock the mysteries of consciousness through quantum physics. Instructor: Debra Peterson MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $39/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6584 12/7-14 W 11:30-1pm LC-JNPR

Exploring Near Death Experiences NEW!

Through discussion and video clips you will have an opportunity to learn about the variety of near-death experiences and the implications these experiences may have for your own day-to-day lives. Instructor: Joseph Ambrosic Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6860 10/17-24 M 9-10:30am LC-CTWD

Frankl’s Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning is the story of a man who became a number who became a person. Stressing man’s freedom to transcend suffering and find a meaning to his life regardless of his circumstances. We will explore the principles that have proved powerful to millions of his readers. SUPPLIES: Bring paperback book “Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. Instructor: Mark Horton Fee: Member $45/Non-member +$10 Classes: 3

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6796 10/11-25 T 1-3pm LC-IRWD

How to Get the Most out of Your Computer NEW!

Dr. Yulish has been teaching computers since 1982 and has helped people save thousands of dollars. In this class you will get many tips, some not even found in books, such as; care, scams, shortcuts, phishing and viruses, apps, and soooo much more. (It is not necessary to bring your computer to class.) Instructor: Samuel Yulish Fee: Member $30/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6642 11/14 M 2-3:30pm LC-CTWD

Special Interest

Introduction to Readers’ Theatre

During this class, we will first read each play as a “dry run,” with some input from the instructor on oral expression. Then the instructor will discuss how we can add acting techniques with minimum blocking to create a dynamic readers’ theatre experience. We will then “act” the script during a second reading. The chosen plays will combine dramatic and comedic elements to give participants a strong introduction to theatre arts. The instructor is a former middle-school teacher who taught drama. Material fee of $22 paid to instructor. Instructor: Richard Leighton Fee: Member $60/Non-member +$10 Classes: 6

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6639 10/10-11/14 M 10-11:30am CH-MSQT

Learn Meditation - Relaxation in One Day!

Dr. Sam Yulish has been meditating-relaxing since 1971. You will see IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Exercises are no pain and no strain. This will improve every aspect of your life; physical, mental and spiritual. Not affiliated with any organization whatsoever. In one day you can start improving the quality of your life. SUPPLIES: Bring a chair cushion if needed to make you feel more comfortable. This class has been repeated at GVR over 20 times. Instructor: Samuel Yulish Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6928 11/10 Th 2-3:30pm LC-JNPR

Lightworkers, Indigos, Child NDEs, & Reincarnation NEW!

This is an exploration of various types of higher consciousness beings that exist in times of spiritual awakening. Learn about the phenomena of children experiencing Near Death Experiences (NDE) and how that relates to the belief in reincarnation. Some of these beings are called Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children. Other enlightened types of beings are Lightworkers and Starseeds. Learn about the 3 waves of volunteers and the new earth. Understand how these concepts are related and weave together. Instructor: Debra Peterson MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $22/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6927 11/9 W 11:30-1pm LC-JNPR

Special Interest

Makeup Secrets for Beautiful Eyes

In addition to being the windows to our souls, our eyes are often one of the first places to reveal the wear and tear of years. In this class for women 45+, you will learn how to make your eyes look more lifted, bigger and brighter, so you can feel more confident and beautiful. With the right types of techniques, your eyes can become your best feature. Material fee of $2 paid to the instructor. Instructor: Elise Marquam Jahns Fee: Member $29/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6917 10/11 T 1-3pm MV-REC 6918 11/8 T 1-3pm MV-REC 6919 12/6 T 1-3pm MV-REC

Mystic Poetry of Rumi Hafiz & Darshan

We’ll begin with a discussion of what mysticism is. Then we’ll discuss why these poets have been popular through the ages and into modern time. We’ll talk about special symbolism used by these poets and examine some of their poems. Instructor: Joseph Ambrosic Fee: Member $10/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6859 10/25 T 10-11:30am LC-CTWD

Reiki Information Session

Reiki, (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. This healing art has proven to be an effective tool for numerous issues. Join us for this informational session to learn how it works on your chakras (energy centers) to put your energy field back into balance. Instructor: Patricia Izzi, Holistic Health Practitioner Fee: Member $15/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6829 12/6 T 11:30-12:30pm EC-GAME

Sacred Geometry of Creation and You NEW!

Sacred Geometry is an ancient science which uses geometric shapes to produce an energetic field. It is the blueprint of all creation, appearing in nature, the universe, and your physical form. It is based upon mathematical patterns and natural principles. Learn how these patterns affect you daily. Learn beneficial ways to work with sacred geometry for enhanced well-being and expansion of spiritual consciousness.

Understand the sacred geometry and scientific knowledge embedded in pyramids.

Instructor: Debra Peterson MS, Metaphysical Teacher

Fee: Member $39/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6558 12/2-9 F 10-11:30am LC-CTWD 26

Science, Logic and Energetic Fields NEW!

Through understanding science we can use our left and right brains to enhance our ability to send prayers and do hands on healing. This balance of both hemispheres removes the doubt our left brain has through the logic of science. You will be amazed at the FUN and understanding you will have after exploring the wonderful world of science. This is a class where we awaken our curiosity and allow ourselves to expand into who we can really be. Instructor: Rhea Maloney Fee: Member $15/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6991 10/11 T 9:30-11:30am LC-CTWD

Secrets of the Yellow Brick Road - The Spirituality of OZ

This most popular of all films contains messages most of us overlook. We’ll explore the making of the movie along with a deeper understanding of the background of author Frank Baum. Instructor: Joseph Ambrosic Fee: Member $10/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6858 10/18 T 9-10:30am LC-ACAC

Shungite Magic NEW!

Shungite is an amazing stone that is found in only one place in the world, northwestern Russia near the town of Shunga. Shungite has some unique energies that make it especially helpful in today’s technological and stressful world. You will have an opportunity to experience the special vibrations of the wonderful stone. Instructor: Sheryl Fisher Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

7042 11/29 T 11-12:30pm DH-RMA 7043 12/13 T 11-12:30pm DH-RMA

The Benefits of Adversity

“What doesn’t kill makes me stronger.” Nietzsche’s dictum can’t be literally true, at least, not all the time. This presentation is about adversity - and some scholars assert that adversity, setbacks, and perhaps even trauma may be needed in order to reach the highest levels of strength, fulfillment, and personal development. We will look at the research, psychology, and sociology of adversity to find out when it is beneficial and when it is harmful. Instructor: Mark Meadows Ph.D. Fee: Member $32/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6488 11/1-8 T 11-12:30pm EC-LNGE

The Genius of Novelist Kurt Vonnegut Jr. NEW!

We will look at the life of novelist and counterculture icon Kurt Vonnegut, and view two files made from two of his more famous books. Those books are Slaughterhouse-Five, and Mother Night. An eclectic mix of sources inspired his writing; pulp fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and action-adventure. He also read the classics, such as the plays of Aristophanes, like Vonnegut’s writings which have humorous critiques of contemporary society. Vonnegut’s life and work also share similarities with Adventures of Huckleberry Finn writer, Mark Twain. Instructor: Mark Horton Fee: Member $50/Non-member +$10 Classes: 5

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6785 10/20-11/17 Th 9-11am LC-IRWD

The Tao & How it Controls Your Life NEW!

The Ying Yang symbol, aka the Tao, is an ancient symbol. Through my experience as an acupuncturist I saw clearly how many ancient traditions see this symbol as an explanation of how our world works. When we understand this, we can then use this symbol, and other symbols, which we will explore to expand how we can create our lives. Bring your enthusiasm for exploration and curiosity and let’s discover how to create a better world. Instructor: Rhea Maloney Fee: Member $15/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6992 10/19 W 10-12pm LC-IRWD

Understanding & Balancing Your Chakras

The chakras are spinning energy vortexes which transmit and process life energies. Your chakra system defines your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical life forces. Hear the scientific evidence of chakras. A balanced chakra system provides harmonious energy flow to your body, mind, and spirit. Learn about energy therapies that can balance the chakras. Understand the intricacies of the basic 7-chakra system and a higher consciousness 13-chakra system. Experience how to test, balance, and strengthen your own chakras. Instructor: Debra Peterson MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $22/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6617 10/28 F 10-11:30am LC-CTWD 6926 12/19 M 1-2:30pm LC-CTWD

Special Interest

Understanding the Afterlife and NDEs

What happens when the soul leaves the body and transitions to the afterlife? What is the spirit realm like? Who meets us? Are our pets there? What does science say about the transition process? Hear near-death experiencers (NDE) who went to the other side and returned to tell their story. Spiritual regression case studies provide valuable answers about the afterlife, which helps alleviate the fear of the transition process. With a new understanding of the afterlife, we realize there is life-after-life. Instructor: Debra Peterson MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $22/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6557 10/21 F 10-11:30am LC-CTWD 6923 12/5 M 1-2:30pm LC-ACAC

Unlocking the Energy of Stones NEW!

All stones have a natural energy which stems from their mineralogical makeup. They each have a unique matrix vibration. We can access these vibrations to use for specific purposes. You will have an opportunity to experience some of the variations in how different stones feel and you can learn how that may be helpful in your life. You will each receive a small bag of varied stones and written handouts for reference. Material fee of $10 paid to instructor. Instructor: Sheryl Fisher Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1

CR# Dates Day Time Location

7040 10/12 W 11-12:30pm DH-RMA 7041 11/16 W 11-12:30pm DH-RMA

What is Metaphysics?

Understand what Metaphysics is and explore its variety of topics. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality and existence. The scientific viewpoint deals with energy, frequency, and vibration. Quantum Physics has similar concepts to Metaphysics. Spiritual Metaphysics explores what is beyond the physical world. Metaphysical topics include energy, therapy, consciousness, mind-body techniques, sacred geometry, karma, meditation, chakras, ascension, the afterlife, spirit guides, etc. This is a two-part class. Instructor: Debra Peterson MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2

CR# Dates Day Time Location

6556 11/11-18 F 10-11:30am LC-CTWD