Community Focus Fall 2016, Town of West Bloomfield

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Fall 2016

Supervisor’s Update By Todd D. Campbell THE INSIDE NEWS Town Supervisor................... 1 Highway Superintendent..................... 2 Millers Corners Cemetery.............................. 2 Lima Legion......................... 2 Fire Marshal/ Building Inspector................ 3 West Bloomfield Volunteer Fire Dept............. 4 Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts...... 5 Ionia Women’s Club............. 5 West Bloomfield Historical Society................. 6 West Bloomfield Congregational Church........... 6 Town Historian.................... 7 Ionia Vol. Fire Dept. ............ 8 Allens Hill Free Library....... 8 Ionia United Methodist Church................ 9 Bloomfield Lions Club......... 9 North Bloomfield Cemetery.............................. 9 Bloomfield Rotary.............. 10 North Bloomfield Community Association..... 10 Bloomfield Public Library..................... 11 Community Happenings.... 11 Town Information.............. 12 Welcome to West Bloomfield................. 12

Happy Fall! The Town Board is currently working on the budget - and depending on when you read this - you’ve had a chance to review and offer any input you had in writing, at a Town Board meeting/workshop, or during the public hearing. We are looking at all alternatives to effectively run the town while keeping a healthy fund balance, and to continue to build our reserves. We, like many other local governments, are facing increased costs for the many needed services we provide to the town and our employees. One of our most significant revenue sources is the sales tax revenue that is shared across the county. Ontario County is one of the few that has shown an increase on a year over year basis, even though it is extremely small (approximately .35%), so if you have a choice - shop in Ontario County! We are planning for the upcoming year, while keeping an eye on the future, so that we can continue to provide the level of service that you deserve from your town. One example: we are continuing to evaluate our options in regards to Court space, with one of the options being to temporarily utilize the East Bloomfield Town Court while we research a permanent solution. The long term answer will be dependent on the location and size of our future Town Hall and whether we partner with any other municipalities in building a new, shared court facility that would be large enough and meet the current regulations. As we begin to see more signs of fall, and the first signs of winter - please make sure that you’ve tested all of your heating equipment and are prepared for the colder weather we will be soon be seeing. Our Highway crew is prepared to begin their snow and ice control efforts, so please remember to give them the extra space on the road that they need to get their job done. Thank you to those who have attended our Town Board meetings over the last couple of months - your feedback is important to me and the Board as we work on the Town’s business - and if you have not been to a meeting in a while, please consider attending some Wednesday evening (2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7:00PM). Remember, we are always looking for residents to serve and assist us (please see the announcement elsewhere in this edition) on our Planning and Zoning Boards and also for potential committees - if you have an interest in serving please send a letter or e-mail to me. My door is open when I am in the office stop in and visit if you have the chance. I can be reached at my office (585) 624-2461, via e-mail, and also on Twitter and Facebook.

Happy T¬anksgivin∫

Highway Superintendent’s Update

Millers Corners Cemetery

Jim Powers

Wayne Parrish

At the writing of this article we had our first frost of the season which reminds us that winter will soon be upon us. For me, the mild winter last year was very enjoyable and did provide our Town Board and your highway team with the opportunity to utilize unexpended salt monies that we put to great use by paving a portion of Wesley Road. We had enough to do a little over 1 mile of the eastern end from the town line, west over the hill (what we call Codding’s Hill) and beyond the bottom a bit. We are hoping that we can continue this paving next year to do more of Wesley Road, which is in need of rehabilitation.

A load of topsoil was purchased this summer and the sunken graves were filled in and seeded. The dry summer weather required reseeding a couple of times. All flowers and flower pots should have been removed for the winter by now. If you have not done this, please do so immediately. It is now time for winter memorials to be placed on the grave sites.

In doing the project on Wesley Road we utilized tremendous help from our neighboring towns of Bristol, East Bloomfield, and Richmond. Without their help this project would have taken many more days to complete along with much higher expense. Please know, too, that we help these same neighbors with their projects. It’s cooperation like this that helps to minimize costs - which helps us all as taxpayers. Speaking of winter we have our salt barn full and we will, very shortly, be starting to get prepared for the snow. We will be installing snow fencing alongside some of our roads along with some state and county roads. Also to be done is to put the plows and wings on the trucks along with the salt spreaders. As I am sure many of you are aware there is a large dairy expansion that is happening on both sides of Cox Road just north of 5&20. It is very exciting to see this business and agricultural growth in our community. The investment from the new owners of Bonna Terra Farms is tremendous and the farm will be a showplace in the dairy industry throughout the northeast when complete. With this expansion has come, and will continue to come, very heavy traffic use on the road which was not too long ago a dirt road. This means we will need to “beef up” the road to handle the load. I am working with the town board to address this as we go through the budget process. If you have any questions or concerns concerning highway matters, please feel free to contact me at – email: jpowers@ or office: (585) 624-2900.

The cemetery will remain open from dawn to dusk on a daily basis through the fall and winter months. However, as in the past, the snow will not be removed from the driveway. Visitors should use the firehouse parking lot across the street when the cemetery driveway is snow covered. Save the date: The annual cemetery meeting is scheduled to be held at 7 PM on the last Wednesday of March. Lot owners or a family member of a deceased lot owner should plan to attend. Location to be announced at a later date. On a final note - If you wish to purchase a lot, or schedule the installation of a monument, please contact the Superintendent, Larry Evans, at (585) 624-4993.

Lima Legion Frances M. Dalton, Post 282 Located at 2475 State Route 65, in the old West Bloomfield Union School.

Regular Meetings: Legion - 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 PM (excluding July & August) Auxiliary - 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM (excluding July & August) Sons of American Legion - 1st Sunday of each month at 12 Noon Legion Riders - 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM If you or anyone you know would like to join the American Legion and/or the other organizations, stop in Tuesday - Friday after 3:00 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday after noon. Please check the sign out front for upcoming events!


Fire Marshal / Building Inspector Joel Richter Today - Please check your Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms, replace the batteries, and be sure they all work! If you have had any detector or alarm for 10 years or longer, replace it. Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms are the early warning devices that alert you and your loved ones of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning 24 hours each and every day. Remember, when your smoke detector or carbon monoxide alarm sounds, time is not on your side. Immediately, get everyone outside to your designated meeting place in the front and away from the building. Call 911 from your outside meeting place and make sure everyone waits together for emergency services to arrive. Upon arrival, they may have questions and need additional information from you.

Building Permits Required in West Bloomfield A permit is required for any work on a new or existing building in the Town of West Bloomfield and work must conform with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (Uniform Code) and the State Energy Conservation Construction Code (Energy Code). Any owner or owner’s agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system regulated by this code, or cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit.

Help Wanted Town of West Bloomfield Notice is hereby given that the West Bloomfield Town Board is accepting applications for the following positions:

Zoning Board of Appeals Member and Alternate Interested parties should submit resume and/or letter of interest to the West Bloomfield Town Board, PO Box 87, West Bloomfield, NY 14585. Fall 2016

Permit Examples Addition/Alteration/Renovation Permit Barn/Shed Permit Building Permit - New Residential, Agricultural, Commercial Change of Use Permit Chimney Permit Deck Permit Demolition Permit Electrical Permit Fireplace Insert Permit Foundation Permit Garage Permit Generator Permit Hot Tub Permit Mechanical Permit Manufactured/Modular Home Permit Plumbing Permit Pool Permit Roof Permit Solar System Permit Wastewater Treatment/Septic System Permit Woodstove Permit

New State Building and Energy Codes In Effect On October 3, 2016, the updated 2015 New York State Uniform Code and Energy Code and supplements became effective in New York State and the Town of West Bloomfield. The Code of the Town of West Bloomfield NY provides for administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (Uniform Code) and the State Energy Conservation Construction Code (Energy Code) by the Building Department located at the West Bloomfield Town Hall, 2650 County Road 37. Call the Building Department, (585) 624-2942, when you have a question about a permit or work you plan to do on a building. We are glad to help you and answer your questions! Please feel free to contact the Fire Marshal’s Office, located in the Town Hall at 2560 County Road 37, (585) 624-2942 or 3

West Bloomfield Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. John MacKenzie, President Well it looks like summer is leaving and the cold weather is finally arriving. Hopefully everyone has had the chance to clean their chimneys and check all your home smoke, fire and CO detectors for new and proper battery installations. Also, you must look at the date on the back of these detectors and if they are more than ten (10) years old, they must be replaced with new ones. Please remember, no matter what, if your detectors go off, meaning a steady alert, call 9-1-1, to have your local fire dept. come and check where the problem is. If any of the detectors are emitting just a small chirping sound, check and install new batteries, after installing new batteries, if the chirping continues, call 9-1-1. Always remember, we are just one phone call away to help you with these conditions. If you are not sure what the problem is, be safe, call 9-1-1, and we will come and diagnose the problem. E.D.I.T.H. - Exit Drills In The Home!! This is a must for every family to do periodically, practice safe ways to exit the home in case of any emergency, and establish a meeting place far enough away from the house so everyone can meet safely to be sure all individuals are safe and accounted for. Once you are out of the house, DO NOT go back inside for any reason until emergency personnel have determined it is safe to do so. We have recently purchased new “air bag” rescue equipment for use with all types of rescue and extrication issues. It is amazing how you can raise the entire rear of a car with less than 9psi in some of these bags. We also have a new set of hydraulic “jaws” extrication tool for cutting open car doors, roofs and many more uses in extrication situations. We are continuously training on these new tools and on all our equipment in the department. As the snowy and cold weather will be showing itself soon, make sure you have a snow brush, extra gloves, maybe a blanket and some extra warm clothes in your vehicle in case of emergencies. A couple other items you may stick in your glove box (or any place in the vehicle) are “space blankets” and hand warmer packs that may be purchased at most any store around the area. They both come in very small packages and can be stored almost anywhere without a problem and can be a very valuable item if you are stranded or stuck in snowy cold conditions, and maybe even a couple of those fruit and nut energy bars for your glove box. Always make sure that you clean your vehicle completely before venturing out, this includes all windows, front and rear turn signals, head and taillights, the more you keep your vehicle clear of snow, the more visibility you will have and you will be better visible to other traffic. This year law enforcement will be watching for snow covered vehicles and will most likely be ticketing people who do not properly clear their

vehicles off. So…Be Safe, Be Careful and avoid unnecessary tickets and more importantly, an accident. Recently we have had some motor vehicle accidents where we have had to block traffic and/or do our rescue work from the side of the highways - please, please remember, if you approach a scene where blue or red lights or a firefighter is directing traffic, slow down and obey all commands of the firefighter or traffic coordinator. It is dangerous enough for us to do our jobs without having to jump out of the way of a car skidding across the highway at the last minute because they weren’t paying attention to all the flashing lights, road flares and firefighters dressed in safety gear and reflective vests. YES, this happened to yours truly recently, and it scared the heck out of me and a fellow firefighter, who were working the accident scene. Luckily nobody got hurt, but that vehicle did end up doing a 360° loop across the highway and ended up in the ditch going in the wrong direction, narrowly missing a line of vehicles that were stopped for traffic control. Please pay attention at all times. Residents of the town of West Bloomfield should have received your annual fund drive letters by now, if you haven’t and would like to donate, you may send your tax deductible donation to: West Bloomfield Volunteer Fire Dept. Inc., P.O. Box 24, West Bloomfield, NY 14585. Or you can donate through United Way using Donor option # 1250. We are in the process of replacing two of our older pieces of equipment, our 1998 International Large rescue vehicle and our 1999 Pierce International pumper/tanker, these older vehicles are costing more for repairs than they should be. We are beginning the process of drawing up specs for a new pumper/tanker and a smaller rescue truck to replace these current vehicles. This is a long tedious project, and we want these vehicles to be designed specifically for our needs in protecting our town. We are always looking for new members, whether it be interior firefighters, scene support, or service personnel. We supply all protective equipment, training, and answer any questions you may have. We are available any Monday evening at 7:00 PM usually at the Firehouse or around town doing training classes or truck checks. Stop in and visit, ask questions, look around, or just say “hello.”

Photo Courtesy of West Bloomfield Fire Department


Photos from Fire Prevention Day at Bloomfield Elementary School – October 14, 2016

Ionia Women’s Club Mary Twardokus

Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts Pack/Troop 56 News Editor’s Note: The boys of Pack and Troop 56 were so busy having fun and getting out in the community that they didn’t have time to submit anything for this edition of the Focus – keep an eye out in the next edition as they share their adventures! For more information, you can contact: Tim Schiefen, Troop & Pack 56 Committee Chairman (585) 624-4420 Cam Whitmore: Scoutmaster (585) 747-5181 Heather Dora: Cubmaster (585) 303-1063 Boy Scouts meet every Tuesday night at 7 pm at Welch Hall located next to the Town of West Bloomfield Highway department. Any boy from 11-17 is welcome to come and see what we are all about - parents and siblings are welcome as well. Fall 2016

The Ionia Women’s Club welcomes all women living in the Ionia area to their meetings held on the third Wednesday of each month in a member’s home at 7 PM. This group began many decades ago (probably in the 1940’s) as a Home Bureau Cooperative Extension group. The basic purpose of the club has remain the same – to share friendships, homemaking skills, cooking and crafts, to keep abreast on the current trends, community action, and to give back to the community in the form of a scholarship each year. For information on joining in on the gatherings, call Kay Bennett, (585) 657-7483. Besides donating a scholarship to a graduating senior at Bloomfield High School each June, the group collects General Mills “box tops” for area schools, so if you have any to donate, give them to a club member. The group will meet on Wednesday, November 16th at the home of Nora Relyea to again make Christmas candy cane sleds for the Blessing Room families. December 21st the club will have their Christmas party & cookie exchange at the home of Jan Bartlett. Their annual “Loaf & Ladle” dinner of soup and bread will be held on January 18th at the home of Nancy Smart. 5

West Bloomfield Historical Society Sue Washburn, President Annual Meeting: The Society reelected the following Board members at the October Annual Meeting: President Sue Washburn; Vice President Mike Borgeest; Secretary Alicia Campbell; Treasurer Mary Twardokus; and Trustee Ann Stonewell. Members also voted unanimously to give special recognition to the outstanding volunteer contributions of Rick and Jeff Albert, who were named honorary members. The Members’ Holiday Party takes place Tuesday, Dec. 6th, at 7:00 pm, location to be announced. Historical Society Museum – Closed for the season: Our building closed on Nov. 1st, but we are so grateful for Jean Baker’s bequest and other gifts that made preservation work possible this year. Among the projects completed were foundation work, electrical updates, and repair of the historic lamp out front. Eagle Scout Project: Scout Ian Mitchell is partnering with community groups, including the Historical Society and Town of West Bloomfield, to make improvements at the Pioneer Cemetery on County Road 37. Ian’s project work day on October 15th truly brought the West Bloomfield community together. Here’s an account of the day from Society Vice President Mike Borgeest: “Volunteers started rolling in early in the morning. Ian offered up fresh donuts and coffee with the help of mom and sister. The entire Mitchell family was there to offer support. Volunteers were paired up and assigned various tasks. I was paired with Rev. Keyes and most of the Scouts were paired with their fathers. Ian’s goal was to replace the deteriorated sign, straighten eight historic headstones that he and Society Historian Pat Talley had identified, and to paint the wrought iron fence. The volunteers were all enthusiastic and headed to their assigned tasks. One Scout, Eli, noticed just the bottom corner of a stone that had years of dirt and debris burying it. He was intrigued enough to carefully remove this and find a beautifully engraved message from a son to his mother. It was one of the highlights of the project. "I began to get a sense of how our ancestors were so successful in building their homes and barns. With such a diversified group of skills, energy, and knowledge, the project went very smoothly. The group was able to straighten over twenty headstones. The wrought iron fence was prepped, sanded, and painted. The Pioneer Cemetery sign was replaced with a period look and appropriate feel. Ian’s Eagle Scout project was a great success and you will see the difference when you get the chance to visit or drive by. I got to meet new people from West Bloomfield as well

as Honeoye and Canadice. It truly was a great experience. Congratulations to Ian.” Youth Fund: Society members have been making donations to help fund Ian’s project. Anything we receive above what is needed will be set aside to help with other kids’ projects that have a civic or historic benefit to the Town of West Bloomfield, including North Bloomfield and Ionia. If you would like to donate to this “Youth Fund,” send your contribution marked “Youth” to WBHS Treasurer, PO Box 173, West Bloomfield, NY 14585. The Society has IRS non-profit designation and any gift to our organization is tax deductible. Your interest and support are always appreciated. Thank you! Our website has information on events, membership, and town history. You will also find event announcements in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver and Daily Messenger. For old-fashioned person-to-person contact, call (585) 657-7722 for membership or (585) 7038961 for local history questions. New Society members are always welcome. Dues are $15 per family, $12 single, $10 senior (age 62+), $8 junior/ student, $25 business, $100 lifetime. Contact Mary at (585) 657-7722 or send your dues to WBHS, PO Box 173, West Bloomfield, NY 14585.

West Bloomfield Congregational Church Sarah Williams • Service 10 am. • Sunday School for kindergarten through 5th grade during service. • Middle school youth group (6th - 8th grade) meets during service on the 1st and 2nd Sunday. • High school youth group (9th -12th grade) meets 4th Sunday during service. • Adult Bible Study Monday at 6:30 pm. • Nursery care available. Fellowship following service each week.


Town Historian If anyone is interested in writing an article for a future issue of the Community Focus, or to request we cover a specific topic, please feel free to contact Pat Talley at pwtdmthillock@ It is interesting to note that famed playwright, from Canandaigua, Mary Ida Parmele Hamlin, got her early beginning in West Bloomfield. She was the descendant of some of the early pioneers of West Bloomfield and North Bloomfield, all hamlets of the township of West Bloomfield. Many of her early relatives are buried in the Pioneer, Rural, and North Bloomfield Cemeteries. Mary’s maternal GreatGrandfather Daniel Gates (wife Rachael Coe Gates) and Daniel’s brother Marvin were the first settlers in North Bloomfield in 1790, coming from Colchester, CT. Their son, her grandfather, Melancton Gates married Huldah Babcock, and Mary Gates was born to them. Mary eventually married Hiram Taft Parmele and Mary Ida Parmele was born to them. She married George W. Hamlin. Mary’s paternal Great-Grandfather was Rueben Parmele (wife

Fall 2016

Sally Crittenton); they came early to West Bloomfield and are buried in the Pioneer Cemetery in West Bloomfield. They had a son Isaac Parmele and he married Laura Leach (her family was also one of the early settlers). They were the parents of Mary’s father Hiram Taft Parmele. As many of you know, Mary Parmele Hamlin wrote the first “Alexander Hamilton” play that was on Broadway. This play was later made into a movie produced in Hollywood in 1931. Sandra Noreen Bortle Schlenker wrote in her Book “Unmasking the Past” about Mary Ida Parmele Hamlin. (This book is for sale at Schlenker’s Farm Market and at the West Bloomfield Historical Society). Sandra’s story is not one I could improve on, so here are excerpts from her book: Editor’s Note: There is an additional page to this story… stop in to the Historical Society or Schlenker’s Farm Market to pick up a full copy of the book and enjoy the rich history!


Ionia Volunteer Fire Department Wayne Parrish In this edition we would like to address the safe use of propane around your home. Many of you use propane when heating your home, using your fireplace, cooking your food, drying your closes, and heating your water. First of all propane can usually be identified by its odor. It smells like rotten eggs, a skunk’s spray, or a dead animal. However, some people can’t smell it due to age, a medical condition, or the effects of medication, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Occasionally propane loses its odor due to air, water, or rust in the propane tank; or the passage of leaking propane through the soil. In the event that you smell even the faintest odor of propane you need to act immediately. If you smell propane gas do the following - in the order listed: 1. Immediately put out any open flames and do not operate lights, cell phones, appliances, or telephones. 2. Get out of the building where you smell the propane. 3. Shut off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank. 4. Report the leak to your retail supplier from a neighbor’s home.

5. If you can’t reach your supplier, call 911 so the fire department can respond. 6. Do not return to the building or area until a service technician or the fire dept. has determined it is safe. 7. A service technician has to turn the propane back on once your entire system is determined to be leak-free. A few last points you should be aware of: 1. If a pilot light is difficult to light or repeatedly goes out have it fixed by a qualified service technician. 2. Do not store gasoline, paint thinners, or other flammable liquids near the pilot light on an appliance. 3. Be sure the vent from a propane appliance is free and clear so it can “breathe.” 4. Be sure the area around a propane appliance is free and clear so air can get to the burner. 5. Don’t run out of propane gas as the pilot lights will go out creating a dangerous situation. 6. If a gas line is left open, a leak could occur when the system is recharged with propane. Remember: When in doubt, call for help! This information was provided by the Propane Education and Research Council.

Allens Hill Free Library News Dorothy Graziano The Allens Hill Free Library, located at 3818 County Road 40, Bloomfield, has many activities scheduled for the rest of the year. On October 22nd and November 12th at 1:00 PM, there will be a make and take for Essential Oils. The cost is $5.00 for either day. Then on Sunday, November 6th from 1:00 - 3:00 PM, there will be wreath making. The cost again is $5.00. On December 10th from 1:00 - 3:00 PM, there will be a “Wrap Up the Holidays” where parents may drop off their kindergarten age or older children so that they can have a few hours to wrap presents or do other holiday activities. We will have button making and the ozobots back. (People draw the tracks and the ozobots follow them.) There will also be snacks and other activities for the children. There is no cost for this activity.

There is limited space so please call (585) 229-5636 to make your reservation for these events, especially for the holiday activity. The library now has a sign so that you can check for upcoming activities. The library is now open on Sundays from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. The other hours are Tuesdays from 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Wednesdays from 6:00 PM - 8:00PM, Fridays from 2:30 PM - 8:00 PM, and Saturdays from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Please stop by to check out books, magazines, books on cassettes or CDs, and DVDs. Enjoy the holidays. Happy New Year. Check our website,, or call (585) 229-5636 for more information on our offerings!


Ionia United Methodist Church Mary Twardokus The Ionia United Methodist Church Sunday Worship is held at 9:00 AM at 2120 Elton Road with a “Coffee/ Fellowship Time” held after the service. The first Sunday of each month, our church family holds a Pot-Luck Brunch after our worship service, with good food and fellowship. All are welcome to come and worship with us! A Nursery is provided for preschool children during the worship service every Sunday. Sunday morning DVD Bible Study with Ray VanderLaan is held each Sunday at 10:20AM. In addition, Rev Mary Rublee will hold an Advent Bible Study series during Advent, “Redemption of Scrooge,” times TBA. On the 2nd Monday of each month, the church continues the mission of preparing & delivering dinner to the Veterans Club outreach house on Foster Street in Canandaigua. Our Food Cupboard continues to furnish food and holiday dinners to area people in need. Christmas Eve Service, Saturday, December 24th, 7:00 pm. All are welcome to celebrate Christ’s birth with us. Visit our website for more information about our events, newsletters, calendars, history, and other information. Our Upcoming Events: 48th Annual Holiday Fair Craft Show: Saturday, November 19th, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM at Bloomfield Elementary School, 45 Maple Ave/Route 444, Bloomfield, sponsored by our church. Crafters in 105 spaces will sell a wide variety of crafts, gifts and homemade goodies. Free admission & parking. Lunch will be available. This Bloomfield tradition continues to be anticipated by customers and crafters alike! Bring your holiday shopping list. We hope to see you there! Look for our church’s Homemade Candy Booth at the show!

Since 1993, the Samaritan’s Purse project, Operation Christmas Child, has collected and delivered more than 135 million giftfilled shoeboxes to children in more than 150 countries and territories. In 2015, Operation Christmas Child collected enough shoebox gifts to reach 11 million children. Shoebox gifts are collected in the U.S., Australia, Finland, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Spain and the U.K. More than 500,000 volunteers worldwide, with more than 125,000 of those in the United States, are involved in collecting, shipping and distributing shoebox gifts. For ideas of items to include in your shoebox, go to their website: Ionia UMC Drop-Off Hours: Monday, November 14th: 10:00 am - noon; Tuesday, November 15th: 10:00 am - noon; Wednesday, November 16th: 6:00 – 8:00 pm; Thursday, November 17th: 10:00 am - noon; Friday, November 18th: 6:00 – 8:00 pm; Saturday, November 19th: 9:00 – 11:00 am; Sunday, November 20th: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm; Monday, November 21st: 9:00 – 11:00 am. If you would like more information, call Maureen Thompson at (585) 657-4526.

Bloomfield Lions Club The Lions are currently looking for New Members who want to volunteer their service to our community. If you are interested please contact Bob Knopf at (585) 919-7592 Our primary dedication is to helping the sight and hearing impaired, but all forms of community service are included in what we do. The Lion motto is… We Serve.

North Bloomfield Cemetery Debbie Jahn For the 13th year, our church will be a Relay Center for Operation Christmas Child, November 14-21. Start collecting items to include in your shoe box now! These shoeboxes go to needy children all over the United States and the world. The toys and items in the shoebox may be these children’s only possessions! Fall 2016

** REMINDER** Please keep your cemetery in mind when you are making out your wills. Death notices can be put in the paper with contributions directed to: The North Bloomfield Cemetery Assoc. 9

Bloomfield Rotary Patricia Overmoyer The Bloomfield Rotary Club meets most Monday mornings from 7:30-8:30 AM at Veterans Park in Bloomfield. The 4th week of every month we meet on Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM, instead of Monday morning. The general public is invited to all meetings, and new members are always welcome. The Bloomfield Rotary supports such causes as Camp Onseyawa (for youth with disabilities), ARC home, Serenity House, the Blessing Room food cupboard, Boy Scout Troop 55, American Heritage Girls Troop NY0024, Arbor Day trees, literacy programs, international exchange students, BCS students of the month, summer concerts in the park, international aid projects, BCS scholarships, BCS all-night grad party, and many more community needs.

North Bloomfield Community Association Doreen Haller Welcome to our new neighbors! We are delighted to have you join our community and look forward to seeing you at our next event - the Memorial Day Parade. The North Bloomfield Community Association is a group of residents that live within approximately a one mile radius of the North Bloomfield Chapel, located at 1924 State Route 65 (at the end of Quaker Meeting House Road). We strive to preserve and share the heritage and history of North Bloomfield through the preservation and community use of the North Bloomfield Chapel. Dues are $10 per family annually. Dues are used to pay for maintenance and improvements to the building. Checks can be made payable to the North Bloomfield Community Association and can be mailed or dropped off to: Doreen Haller/ 1891 State Route 65/Honeoye Falls/14472. We make every effort to keep everyone informed about our community. We can keep everyone informed, up-to-date and our costs down if we have your email address. This list will not be sold or marketed to anyone other than for North Bloomfield

Community Association business. Please send your email address to: Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page: Hamlet of North Bloomfield. Be sure to help our Highway Department this winter. If there is a fire hydrant in your yard, please keep it clear in case of an emergency.


News From The Bloomfield Public Library There are many things going on at the Library this fall and winter! Photo courtesy of Please see our website at: www. or our Facebook page for up to date information! Programs already scheduled include:

honor all of our donors, patrons and volunteers! Coffee and cookies will be served. Holiday Closings: Wednesday, November 23rd - closing at 6:00 PM Thursday, November 24th (Thanksgiving Day) – Closed Saturday, December 24th and Monday, December 26th Closed Library Hours

Nov. 18th, 6:30 PM: Family Literacy Event – cosponsored with PTSA at the Bloomfield Elementary School Dec. 7th, 6:30 PM: Santa will be at the Library Programs coming but not scheduled yet include a presentation by a sleep technician from FF Thompson Sleep Center about sleeping better coming this fall, and a fitness fair coming in January. Story Hours with Mrs. Linda Miller have changed a bit. We now offer a longer story time on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 AM that includes stories, songs, fingerplays and a craft, and a shorter story time on Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM that includes stories and music. Please register by calling the library at (585) 657-6264, emailing, or just join us! The adult Book Club meets on the first Monday of every month at 2:30 PM to discuss a book the group members have chosen. All are welcome. Please call the library at (585) 657-6264 to find out what they are currently reading! We also have the Sit ‘n Knit group that meets on Fridays at 1:00 PM. They work on a variety of needle crafts and offer support and help to those just learning! Adult Yoga continues on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM. This is a gentle introduction to yoga for those looking to learn more about yoga. Interested in genealogy? is available inside the library. Come in anytime and use one of our public computers or bring your own laptop or tablet and use our wi-fi to research your family history for free!

Mondays & Wednesdays

2:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Tuesdays & Thursdays

10:00 AM – Noon 2:30 PM – 8:00 PM


2:30 PM – 6:30 PM


10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Community Happenings Church Women United, Friday, November 4th at noon, at the East Bloomfield 1st Congregational Church. This is a gathering of women from area churches for lunch, a program, and fellowship. Bring a bag lunch, beverages will be provided. Saturday, November 5th: Annual Roast Pork Dinner, East Bloomfield First Congregational Church Saturday, November 12th, 4:00 – 7:00 pm: Roast Beef Dinner, East Bloomfield United Methodist Church Saturday, December 3rd, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm: “Teazaar” Christmas Bazaar at 1st Presbyterian Church, Honeoye Falls “Hands of Hope” Kitchen: free noon meal every Wednesday at the East Bloomfield Firehouse.

Like to read magazines but don’t want the subscription fees? Check out our collection of digital magazines on your computer or mobile device. Visit our website and click on the Zinio link to get started! The Friends of the Bloomfield Public Library is a volunteer group that works in a variety of ways to support the library. They meet the second Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in the library. The more the merrier! Please plan to attend a meeting and see how you can help support the library! Please join the Friends on December 3rd from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM for an Appreciation Open House to Fall 2016




News Of The West Bloomfield Township 6735 County Road 30 Bloomfield, NY 14469


Permit No. 298 Rochester, NY

Deadline dates for articles are as follows: Jan. 15 • April 15 July 15 • Oct. 15

Town Information Town Meetings Town Board Regular Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 PM Town Board Workshop: 4th Wednesday at 7:00 PM Planning Board: 3rd Wednesday at 7:30 PM Zoning Board: 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Town Court: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Mondays at 4:00 PM

Town Clerk Hours Monday

9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon

Court Clerk Hours Monday

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM


12:30 PM – 1:30 PM


12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer: Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Wednesday afternoon Building Inspector/Fire Marshal: Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings **The above are “typical” hours; however they may be out of the office performing reviews and/ or inspections.

Welcome to West Bloomfield! Moving to a new home is an exciting and stressful experience. It takes some time to become acclimated to a new town. If you are new to West Bloomfield, or have a neighbor who is new to our town, please call Leslie Giering, (585) 624-3622, Judy Del Vecchio (585) 624-9772, or Sue Linder (585) 657-4715. We have some information that may be helpful to our most welcome newcomers. West Bloomfield is a town of just over 2,500 people. Like all towns there are many jobs that rely on citizen volunteers. Because of our size, your contribution can make a big difference. Won’t you consider a position on the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board or Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee? If you have questions ask any Town Board Member or feel free to call the Supervisor. Letters of interest and resumes can be sent to the Town of West Bloomfield, PO Box 87, West Bloomfield, NY 14585.

Editor’s Note We would love to hear from anyone in the West Bloomfield community who has town information, happenings, or historical information to share. Please don’t hesitate to send your article submissions and photos! Submission dates are January 15th, April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th; and all submissions can be emailed to me at I look forward to hearing from you! SAVE THE DATE: Submissions due date for the next edition of the Focus is January 15, 2017!



News Of The West Bloomfield Township 6735 County Road 30 Bloomfield, NY 14469


Permit No. 298 Rochester, NY

Deadline dates for articles are as follows: Jan. 15 • April 15 July 15 • Oct. 15

Town Information Town Meetings Town Board Regular Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 PM Town Board Workshop: 4th Wednesday at 7:00 PM Planning Board: 3rd Wednesday at 7:30 PM Zoning Board: 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Town Court: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Mondays at 4:00 PM

Town Clerk Hours Monday

9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon / 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM


9:00 AM – Noon

Court Clerk Hours Monday

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM


12:30 PM – 1:30 PM


12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer: Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Wednesday afternoon Building Inspector/Fire Marshal: Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings **The above are “typical” hours; however they may be out of the office performing reviews and/ or inspections.

ECRWSS Postal Customer

Welcome to West Bloomfield! Moving to a new home is an exciting and stressful experience. It takes some time to become acclimated to a new town. If you are new to West Bloomfield, or have a neighbor who is new to our town, please call Leslie Giering, (585) 624-3622, Judy Del Vecchio (585) 624-9772, or Sue Linder (585) 657-4715. We have some information that may be helpful to our most welcome newcomers. West Bloomfield is a town of just over 2,500 people. Like all towns there are many jobs that rely on citizen volunteers. Because of our size, your contribution can make a big difference. Won’t you consider a position on the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board or Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee? If you have questions ask any Town Board Member or feel free to call the Supervisor. Letters of interest and resumes can be sent to the Town of West Bloomfield, PO Box 87, West Bloomfield, NY 14585.

Editor’s Note We would love to hear from anyone in the West Bloomfield community who has town information, happenings, or historical information to share. Please don’t hesitate to send your article submissions and photos! Submission dates are January 15th, April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th; and all submissions can be emailed to me at I look forward to hearing from you! SAVE THE DATE: Submissions due date for the next edition of the Focus is January 15, 2017!

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