GNN Online Newspaper - Nov 13, 2015

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Friday November 13, 2015

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-Crime Chief -PAGE 5



Today is Friday 13 . Its mere mention instill, for some, an immediate sense of fear largely premised on superstitious beliefs. For others, it's just another date and possible an opportunity for some hairraising pranks, though not s u g g e s t e d a n d encouraged. The date is believed to have much influence on a global scale and it is uncertain how authentic some of the related superstitions are. This probably adds to the mystery as to how, if at all the genesis has not been ascertained, these beliefs would have resulted in such global influence. On an individual basis, for some, the th mention of Friday 13 , triggers a seemingly “defensive” response to “protect” from the supposedly frightful consequences. Such group of persons may be deemed by others as overreactive and/or acutely sensitive. But there must have been, supposedly, some things or events

which would have inculcated such fear. The influence is not confined to just individuals. Some hotels around the globe do not have a thirteenth floor because of this belief. Some do not even have a room number 13. This further exacerbate the quest to comprehend what, at what point in history and where was the genesis of such beliefs that created so much influence. F r o m a commercial perspective, movies have fully capitalized on the related “fear and fright” factor associated with Friday 13 th . The movie and it sequels of the same name have not lost the intentions of their producers to implant a g o o d j o l t o f f e a r. Ironically, many who speak of being intimidated by the fear induced from these and other movies of a similar genre, still flock the cinemas or around televisions.

B u t w h y th Friday? Saturday 13 or th Wednesday 13 has no such effect. Is it because we all look forward to Friday giving praise to the lord in its name i.e. TGIF? Who knows! What for sure, many Guyanese harbor superstitious traits. The genesis of them makes for good conversations. Here are a few. Question is; how many are part of you? -Biting your fingers and counting your toes after pointing at a cemetery -Avoid walking under ladders -Worry when a black cat crosses your path - Wo r r y w h e n your left eye “jump” (the bad eye twitch) -Probably smile when your right eye “jump” (the good eye twitch) -Worry when a mirror suddenly cracks -Looks forward to someone coming after

a pot-spoon falls -Put garlic over windows and rice at door to keep out “Old Higue” -Throw salt over the shoulder to ward off “bad vibes” -Pour alcohol at start of construction or at grave site to share with “others” -Putting a piece of red cloth on a new construction to ward off danger -Cover mirrors when someone dies -Passing babies over the coffin of dead relatives

-Getting “ouchay” (passing a package made up of onion and garlic peels, pepper and salt seven times over your head) to ward off “bad eye”. Some use incense (Agar Bhatti) -Putting a dot on the foreheads of babies to avoid “bad eye” -Tying a band with “hing” on the hands of babies to avoid “evil eyes” -Entering your home by

your back after attending a wake or funeral These are just some, hopefully an accurate representation of what some Guyanese may endeavor to from time to time, given the related circumstances. GNN invites you to add and clarify where necessary. Happy Friday th 13 . Can that actually be said given what it connotes? How would the superstitiously superstitious react to such greetings?

Man jailed for 12 months for beating wife Forty-one year old Mark Singh of Bourda, Georgetown was sent to jail for 12 months for beating his wife. The charge which was read by Magistrate Annette Singh stated that on November 7, 2015 at Bourda, he unlawfully and maliciously assaulted Sujata Persaud, his reputed wife. The facts stated

that about 23:00 hours on the day in question, Singh went home after a drinking spree and physically assault his wife, causing her serious injuries. The woman, who was present in court, told the Magistrate that she is fearful for her life. She noted that on several occasions she had begged her husband to move out of the house.

Persaud also stated that she was still suffering from pain in her right side and a constant fever. T h e Prosecution told the Court that Singh is a constant offender and has served prison time for assaulting his wife. He served two consecutive sentences of 6 months each for similar offenses committed on Persaud.

Guyana prepared to handle swine flu - Health Minister Should the H1N1 virus hit Guyana's shores it will not catch the country off-guard. This assurance was given by Public Health Minister, George Norton in an invited comment by the Guyana News Network (GNN). D r. N o r t o n noted that Guyana has established a board that deals specifically with international health issues, adding that the board is functioning well. “That board keeps tabs on all viruses whether in the region or internationally. I have been attending

meetings, as recent as last week I attended a meeting with the board.” In 2010 Guyana implemented a number of measures to combat the novel flu-like virus which has had a global reach. The Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation ( PA H O / W H O ) h a d assisted Guyana in providing shipments of vaccine. Before the plans to acquire the H1N1vaccine were finalised, Guyana was one of the fortunate countries that was able

to formulate a treatment plan ahead of everything else. Meanwhile, Tr i n i d a d r e c e n t l y confirmed two cases of swine flu and there reports of other cases. However, the government is urging the public not to panic. Swine flu is a disease which attacks respiratory system. It is also known as Swine Influenza. Some of the signs and symptoms are 



Oozing Nose

Minister Dr. George Norton

disease which can be transmitted from  Headache and person to person. The muscle aches droplets exited through Necessary Precautions: coughing or sneezing Swine flu is a contagious activity of a victim can 


spread this disease. The ingestion or inhalation of these droplets is an open invitation to this disease.


Minister Amna Ally

The A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance f o r C h a n g e ( A P N U + A F C ) government is still to set a date for the next sitting of the National A s s e m b l y, a f t e r i t rescheduled the last sitting which was

supposed to be held yesterday to an indefinite date. This newspaper spoke with government's Chief Whip, Amna Ally who confirmed that the government is still to name a date for the next sitting, but could not say

what could possibly be that date. This move has angered the Opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) given that its motion to annul and reverse the salary increases recently g i v e n b y t h e

government to its Ministers, Advisors and Members of Parliament, should have tabled. At a press conference on Thursday, Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira said the move by the government to reschedule the sitting of the House is a wellorchestrated plan. She said the PPP/C has learnt that due to the government's travel itinerary there will be no sitting in the month of November. Meanwhile, questioned on this, the government's Chief Whip did not confirm nor deny, but stated that “a date will soon be announced.” Government recently requested to have the sitting of the

National Assembly scheduled for November 12, 2015, rescheduled to a later date. The request to reschedule was because of Guyana's attendance of the Summit of South American-Arab Countries (ASPA) which was held in Saudi Arabia from November 9. However, President David Granger and Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge who attended the summit are back in the jurisdiction. Government had said too that the Clerk of the National Assembly and other staff members were scheduled to travel to London on official duties from November 15-20. Speaker of the

National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland has turned down the PPP/C's request for an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly in the month of November to debate pending matters that are of public's interest. The Speaker stated that the request is not in order and will not be entertained. In addition, he ruled that the PPP lacks the locusstandi as prescribed by the Standing Order that deals with convening a sitting of the House on such occasions.

Ogle Airport Inc to address operators' concerns -division over suggested name change

Michael Correia Jnr

Chairman of the Board of th e O g le A ir p o r t I n c (OAI), Michael Correia Jnr will propose to the Board of Directors that the Airport construct an independent cargo terminal and rent space to small operators. He will also be proposing that the Airport consider a loan agreement that makes it easier for small operators who are desirous of owning their hangar. This will be done to address concerns raised by small operators relating to the insecurity they feel about being dependent on operators who own the six

approved Domestic Cargo Terminal. During a press conference on Friday, the Chairman rubbished claims made by the recently formed National Air Transport Association that the entity is being “Correia controlled” and that the environment is anti – competitive and oppressive. The NATA is also saying that OAI proposed a policy to seize their assets if they default on payments. To this, Chief Executive Officer of OAI, Anthony Mekdeci, explained that the Operators have to pay for

the use and services provided by the airport, however some of the Operators do not pay OAI, resulting in the loss of millions. “There are several instances where people have failed to pay the fees and the airport is owed a lot of money; so we have to find a mechanism in which to collect our fees,” the CEO said. It was explained that the airport has not implemented the draft document of seizing the assets if fees are not paid but management still has to seek approval from the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA). N ATA w h i c h includes nine operators – Air Services Limited (ASL), Roraima Airways, Hinterland Av i a t i o n , O x f o r d Av i a t i o n , P h o e n i x Airways, Domestic Airways, Jags Aviation, Wi n g s Av i a t i o n , Hopkinson Mining Aviation – and is headed by Annette Arjoon – Martins of ASL and Capt. Gerald Gouveia as Vice

President, recently hosted a press conference as well. Among other issues dealt, was the suggestion by President David Granger to rename the airport to 'Eugene F. Correia International Airport.' This was rejected by the group. Gouveia had posited that President Granger's suggestion to rename the airport would present disadvantages to other operators. He suggested that the President might not have taken into consideration those disadvantages when the idea was proposed. To this, Correia said that shortly after the President made the announcement, the Secretary of the OAI Board wrote to all stakeholders with “no objection” responses received, including Gouveia, “who called me personally to offer his support. When I put the matter to the Board, two members initially expressed reservation before the Board unanimously agreed to the proposed name change.

Gerry Gouveia

The Board subsequently advised the President of its decision, after which we received a letter from Air Services Ltd with a reversal of their position.” “It is clear from my discussion with the small Operators, who I believe are being misled, that this is more the Agenda of one or two of

the large Operators,” Correia said. He further noted that “Mr Gerry Gouveia, if nothing else, has proved himself a master of half-truths and deliberate deception.”

Amna Ally to Rohee: 'Do not instigate racial prejudice' Following concerns of employment based on ethnicity at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), which were raised by the People's Progressive Party (PPP) through its General S e c r e t a r y, C l e m e n t Rohee, Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally, has responded and rejected Rohee's statement. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), Ally, in rejecting Rohee's statement regarding his concern of ethnicity and

Minister Amna Ally

employment, says, “the sooner politicians realize that we are all Guyanese and not to divide Guyana based on race the sooner Guyana will be taken to a higher level in fostering social cohesion. It is unkind of the PPP's General Secretary to take GECOM's business to cheap political propaganda and political gains. She noted that G E C O M i s a n independent and professional body and is expected to do nothing less than working with

the laws, including those pertaining to labour. “It is therefore ridiculous that Mr. Rohee will trump us this factor of ethnicity which has the potential to further divide Guyana, which he is well aware of. Let me take this opportunity to let Mr. Rohee know that this Government does not support race based decisions” Ally added. She called on the PPP and Rohee to discontinue their efforts to divide the Guyanese community with the ploy of ethnic discrimination.

“ U n d e r t h i s A P N U + A F C Government we are promoting National Unity. We want long lasting love. We want our Guyanese brothers to see us all as one working in the interest of Nation Building. I call on you not to instigate racial prejudice,” Minister Ally stated.

Crime not spiraling out of control – Crime Chief “It goes to tell you that all these headlines that we were bombarded with that crime is spiraling out of control and crime is uncontrollable and nothing is being done and we lack the capacity to effectively deal with serious offences is nothing short of being absurd”. Those were the words of Crime Chief, Senior Superintendent Wendell Blanhum, as he addressed this morning the new found tag line of one Guyana's daily Newspaper whenever it reports on incidents of crime and security. He was at the time making a presentation at the Guyana Police Force annual Christmas Security arrangement in Georgetown. According to the senior police officer, while Guyana is presently dealing with an 8% increase in serious crimes, the percentage is down from a 13% mark that obtained earlier this

year when he took over the management of the Criminal Investigation Department. He did not single out the newspaper in question during his presentation. Facts and figures were presented during his presentation to refute the position taken by the newspaper and to highlight a “sexing” up of headlines even as the police force, as he claims, has been making numerous headways in solving some major crimes and other high profile criminal activities, since assuming the position as Crime Chief. He also gave an overview on crime with regard to serious crimes figures, firearm seizures, drug seizures, strategies, challenges, processes and preparations for the Christmas Season. Blanhum stated that it was unfair for a section of the media to be attempting to compare the present crime

situation with what obtained during the 2002 period. Additionally he also presented facts of crime analysis after the elections of 2006, 2011 and 2015 which again showed that nothing much has been different. He told the gathering also that that from evidence gathered, the police 'A' Division area has accounted for a large percentage of the serious offences. He noted that this is expected given the high level of economic activity the division is home to. Meanwhile the police Essequibo and Linden districts recorded the least amount of crimes in terms of percentage. Those divisions are headed by Commanders Kevin Adonis and Calvin Brutus. With regards to preparations for the C h r i s t m a s h o l i d a y, Commander of 'A' Division, Clifton

Senior Superintendent Wendell Blanhum

Hicken, revealed that the police will be improving its response timing, focus on more foot and vehicular patrols at hotspots and increase roadblocks. He added that the police will not be waiting until something happens in a community before the police responds but rather will be taking a proactive approach. “With the phone line sometimes it might be engaged and frustration steps in – call

the Commander…We are not going to wait until something happens then swarm the community. We are going into the communities now and nipping it in the bud,” he stated. Traffic Chief, Dion Moore said that the police force intends to ensure stricter enforcement of traffic laws, with emphasis being placed on minibuses and hire cars for carrying more than the prescribed amount of

passengers. He said there will be increased number of traffic officers during peak time of the day, more Breathalyzer and speed guns will be provided and more vehicles will be towed away or fitted with wheel clamps for illegal parking.

BANDIT SNATCHED LARGE SUM FROM BERBICE BUSINESS -Undisclosed amount taken from La Penitence business Ye s t e r d a y m o r n i n g another robbery was committed in Berbice resulting in the loss of a large amount of cash. According to reports, an armed man at 08:30 hrs entered and robbed Hack Variety Stall in the New Amsterdam Market while holding an employee at gunpoint. The brazen robbery was carried out in the presence of other vendors after which the

bandit escaped with reportedly two million dollars. Reports also indicate that the bandit took another employee hostage as he made his way to a waiting motorcycle firing shots into the air during that time. Some present during the robbery noted that the man was in the vicinity for some time waiting for the business

to open. Also yesterday, two armed men robbed a vendor at La Penitence Market and escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash and other valuables. A businessman was held up and two boxes with money were taken. Investigations are ongoing.

TWO CHARGED FOR RAPING ESSEQUIBO WOMAN Two men appeared at the Suddie Magistrate's Court yesterday charged for raping an Essequibo woman. The men, Zocan Albert, 36, and Recardo Force, 21, both of Henrietta Vi l l a g e , E s s e q u i b o Coast, were charged for the rape which is believed to have occurred last week in the said village.

According to reports, the woman was also sexually violated with objects and reportedly, the men filmed the incident. It is believed that the video, which was circulated, may have led to their arrest. They have been remanded by the Magistrate.

RAMAYYA TO SORT OUT REGION 6 ISSUES NEXT WEEK The Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Region Six, Dr. Veersammy Ramayya, has promised to fix the financial issues that exist at the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) in the coming week. During a telephone interview with GNN today, Region six Chairman; David Armagon disclosed that he was able to summon the REO to a meeting yesterday where he promised to sort out the issues. “I call him in yesterday to deal some matters and so on and he promised to get things moving…I called him in to discuss some of these outstanding things and he

promised to get them sorted out next week in terms of the spending and so” Armagon said. In the past multiple complaints were received regarding the conduct of the REO, who at that time refused to attend meetings and correspond with the office of the Chairman on a regular basis. Concerns were raised relating to the nonpayment of Contractors who were retained by the RDC to conduct projects within the Region, the holding back of $300,000 to the Skeldon High School for their travel to Region Nine (Upper

Takatu-Upper Essequibo) to participate in the JOF Haynes debating competition against St Ignatius Secondary, and attempting to do work assigned to the Regional Engineer. Ramayya also refused to attend the Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service in Berbice and failing to attend a scheduled and properly called meeting of the council without giving prior notice of absence. The Region 6 councilors on Thursday (November, 05) passed a no confidence motion against Ramayya at their statutory

sitting. The motion was tabled through former Alliance For Change member Mr Haseef Yusuf, and got full support from the 15 People's Progressive Party/ Civic councillors. The nine members representing the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition did not support the motion, however the number of persons were insufficient to throw out the proposal. GNN made multiple efforts to contact Ramayya, however his secretary refused to transfer the calls to him.

GECOM WILL NOT BE “WHIPPING BOY” Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission ( G E C O M ) D r. S t e v e Surujbally has dismissed the People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C's) complaints that it is dissatisfied with the manner in which the Commission handled the issues raised during a meeting on November 3. During a media conference on Thursday N o v e m b e r 1 2 , D r. Surujbally stated that the Commission answered all of the PPP/C's question to the best of its ability. “The bending over backwards is so blatant in our responses that it was very difficult to understand why these attacks were made.” We are not in the business of speculating so I am not going to risk saying why it was done,” Surujbally noted. He said the PPP/C requested the meeting on the day it was held and it took place with a fully constituted Commission. Further, he believes that the attacks by the PPP General Secretary

is meant to embarrass the Commission. Rohee, during his weekly media conference on Monday November 9, expressed dissatisfaction with the outcome of the said meeting, noting that GECOM was indifferent, defensive and evasive with regard to the q u e s t i o n s a n d clarifications sought by the PPP/C delegation. In addition, GECOM's Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield related that the respective answers GECOM provided to the questions which were posed by the Opposition during the meeting. Rohee first questioned the rationale relative to February 29, 2015 being the qualifying date to determine persons who would be 18 years and older to qualify to vote at the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE). The CEO explained that the date was set to ensure that every person who will

turn 18-years-old to ensure that as many 18years-olds as possible become eligible to vote for the LGE. He noted too that he could not understand PPP/C's concerns. His second question was in relation to the 9th Cycle of Registration versus the period of Claims and Objections. Lowenfield said the Commission has the authority to determine the duration of the aforementioned periods and based on their experience, the periods set were adequate. He noted too that the period of Claims and Objections far exceeds the previous periods. He explained also that there is no need for another cycle of registration because LGE structure does not cater for every elector across the spectrum but electors only in local authority areas. One member of the PPP delegation opined that the duration of the

-SURUJBALLY exercise was inadequate to treat with approximately 70,000 transfers which persons were likely to apply for. However, the CEO said based on previous trends, the duration of the exercise was adequate to treat with applications for transfers. T h e P P P delegation also questioned the non-availability of lists for each constituency for use during the Claims and Objections period. However, this was the only question which Rohee said the Party was given a s a t i s f a c t o r y a n s w e r. GECOM had provided the Party with both a softcopy and a hardcopy of the list. Rohee also questioned the effectiveness of the communication strategy relative to LGE, considering that the environment will be crowded with other preparatory activities for the 50th anniversary celebrations. Lowenfield in response said GECOM

Dr. Steve Surujbally

is charged with the conduct of LGE and cannot get involved with the other activities. He noted that GECOM still has elections to prepare for and the works of other entities are not its concerns. In addition, Rohee enquired whether N e i g h b o r h o o d Democratic Councils (NDC's) are ready for LGE. However,

Lowenfield stated that G E C O M i s n o t responsible to report on the preparations of the NDCs for the LGE. Following the questions raised and answers provided the Chairman and CEO are wondering why they are still being targeted at the PPP's press conference. Both said they cannot comprehend the PPP's disappointment.


Minister George Norton

Public Health Minister Dr. George Norton has admitted that there is a shortage of drugs at Hospitals across the countrywide. According to Dr. Norton, this has been an age old problem for the past ten years affecting the country. He however noted that the A Partnership for

National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government is working to u rg e n t l y a d d r e s s t h e problem. D r. F r a n k Anthony who is the P a r l i a m e n t a r y spokesperson for the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on the

health sector, recently raised a number of issues a ff e c t i n g t h e s e c t o r, including the shortage of drugs. “ W e a r e receiving complaints that almost in every region there are issues relating to drugs and availability of drugs. In some cases

things that are so common and so essential that you would expect that we could get them in the system and make them available, Paracetamol syrup for example, that's something that we should have them at the health facilities, there seem to also be a shortage of X-ray films in quite a number of the regions there have been complaints that X-rays cannot be done because there are no films available,” Anthony noted. In addition, he pointed to the lack of syringes at hospitals. “Whether they have them at the central bond and they' re not getting out to the region, that's something we need to find out or they don't have them in the system at all,” said Anthony. According to Minister Norton, “If Dr. Anthony had lived in

Guyana for the past ten years he would know that the shortage of drugs is an age old problem that the government is now working to address. He didn't had interest in the health sector all the time, he was busy building swimming pools for exorbitant cost.” A s t u d y conducted in Guyana in 2010 by a United States National Library of Medicine, revealed that access to essential drugs in Guyana remains a public health challenge. The study found that Guyana's pharmaceutical sector over the years has been faced with major challenges that limit access to essential drugs. D r. A n t h o n y noted that the supplies that are currently being used in the sector are those from 2014 and that monies allocated for 2015

have not yet being spent. According to him, “From our information almost right across the various regions monies that were allocated for drug supplies have not being spent or if anything is spent is a very miniscule part of it.” He spoke about the quality of care in the h e a l t h s e c t o r, w h i l e lauding the fact that there are a number of new doctors in the system, who seemingly lack supervision. Anthony said because of this, the Doctors are operating in an ineffective manner, hence persons are complaining of long waiting time. The PPP/C Member of Parliament also lamented the lack of sufficient emphasis being placed on the Diabetes which is one of the chronic non-communicable diseases.

Hinterland to benefit from clothing and scrubs donation

benefit residents of the hinterlands. Earlier this year, the Foundation, through its Founder, Mrs. Supriya Singh-Bodden, had arranged a courtesy visit for the Homlishs to visit Guyana. They were able to meet President David Granger and Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnarine. This visit proved to be a fruitful one, as the foundation announced yesterday that they have received a container of clothing and hospital scrubs for its charitable programs in the hinterland regions of Guyana. These items, donated by John and Leticia Homlish, were received through the charitable arm of their business - the Maria Milagrosa Foundation. It

Following a visit to Guyana by John and Leticia Homlish - the owners of one of the

largest garment manufacturing establishments in the Americas - the Guyana

was revealed that disbursement of the products will commence s h o r t l y, a n d w i l l b e channeled to needy remote communities by Guyana Foundation teams. Expressing gratitude for this humanitarian act, SinghBodden boasted that this is the largest material donation to date, that the Foundation has received. As such, she extended words of kindness to the donors, while highlighting the fact that many families are still "hand stitching" clothing in these villages where funds are hard to generate. "Clothing is oftentimes not affordable and rations to feed their families take precedence" she added. The Foundation, through its founder, also seized the opportunity to

extend words of appreciation to the Finance Minister and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) for granting its request for an exemption on duty and VAT fees on the donation. The support of rice farmers too, from the West Coast, who assisted in trucking and sorting the items was underscored. “The Guyana Foundation remains committed to serving as a c o n d u i t f o r donations from individuals and charitable entities around the world, and to facilitate the distribution in an accountable manner to underprivileged individuals and families" Singh- Bodden concluded.

Foundation was successful in soliciting a container of clothing and hospital scrubs which will

Find another Chairman if ethnicity becomes a stipulation – Surujbally -GECOM hires Guyanese; not Afro or Indo The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) have dismissed concerns raised by the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) regarding the involvement of some elections day staff who worked as representatives for political parties in the past. During a press conference on Thursday, GECOM's Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally stated that that there may be cause for some concern that a number of GECOM polling day staff might have been previously polling agents for a political party, but the persons have proven to be professional in carrying out their duties. The Chairman explained that “we were given a document last Tuesday that shows a list of names of persons who have

been employed by GECOM, don't forget we are the largest employer of labor at elections time...over 12,000 (at the last elections)…it's a lot of names. 'We got a list of about 50 or so with the concomitant remark; they work as party agents'. Well I have to tell you, that disturbs me in some way…because nothing tells me, out of the 50 people or the 50+ people where they erred, where they were miscreant, where they did things that were inimical to the interest of a party…the people come and pass their exams and are shown to be good, and carried out their jobs well”. The PPP/C have also raised concerns regarding the ethnic composition of the 12,000+ polling day staff.

Surujbally said he is very concerned about that and stated he will not head a Commission where there are stipulations on the number of persons from one ethnic group that should be hired. “ We a d v e r t i s e positions, we …the applications received, train personnel, employment is based on marks gain from the evaluation. I keep saying that GECOM does not, we have a process, we do not employ AfroGuyanese and we do not employ Indo-Guyanese, we employ Guyanese… The people has followed the process, if you want to change that procedure, where we will have x amount of these and y amount of that, then that will have to be under a next

Dr. Steve Surujbally

Chairman because I will not be part and parcel to that”, he said. The Commission is urging political parties to desist from pushing ethnic division. On Monday, at a press conference hosted by

PPP's General Secretary, Clement Rohee, it was noted that the Party had many unanswered questions with respect to GECOM's preparation for Local Government Elections. The PPP General Secretary said that both

Surujbally and Keith Lowenfield, GECOM's Chief Elections Officer (CEO) failed to address the concerns of the Party. As a result, the party considers GECOM to be “indifferent, defensive and evasive.”

"ONE LIFE TO LIVE" STAR DIES Former soap opera actor Nathaniel Marston died after being seriously injured in a car crash, his representative confirmed. He was 40 years old. Marston, who played Michael McBain on "One Life to Live" from 2004 to 2007 after starring as Alonzo "Al" Holden on that show from 2001 to 2004, was involved in a single-car accident in Reno, Nevada, on October 30. Police believe Marston was fatigued and fell asleep while driving. His pickup flipped several times. The actor was thrown

from the vehicle through the windshield, and several vertebrae in his neck and back were crushed when he landed. A statement released by his family said Marston underwent surgery November 4, and doctors were initially positive about the outcome. "However, in the early morning hours of November 5 his heart stopped on two separate occasions requiring doctors to use an external pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat. He remains in critical condition, fighting

pneumonia, a heart infection and irregular pulse." On Wednesday, the family said in a statement that it was likely Marston would be a quadriplegic as a result of the crash. His mother, Elizabeth Jackson, had been sharing updates about her son on Facebook. Later Wednesday, she posted about her son's passing in a note that began "Dear family and friends, it is with a heavy heart that I share this devastating news." (CNN)

SHAH RUKH KHAN QUESTIONED OVER SALE OF KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS Superstar Shah Rukh Khan was recently summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) over an issue pertaining to Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) violation case that can be traced back to 2008. The actor was questioned for over three hours on the matter that was related to the sale of Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) shares during the

IPL (Indian Premiere League). In 2008, Shah Rukh Khan was alleged of selling shares of his IPL team, KKR at a way low price compared to the one fixed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to the company Sea Island Investments Ltd, based in Mauritius and owned by actress Juhi Chawla's husband Mr. Jay Mehta. Readers may be

aware that KKR is coowned by Shah Rukh Khan's company Red Chillies along with his actress best friend Juhi Chawla. The superstar who was accused of violating FEMA guidelines, was questioned way back in 2011 when the ED conducted an audit and had found the sale of shares to be as low as eight times compared to prices fixed by SEBI after which the actor was called for questioning over three times. However, Shah

Rukh Khan requested for more time owing to his film commitments. From what we hear, the actor provided some more documents related to the transfer of shares when he was summoned by the ED r e c e n t l y . (

'MR. BEAN' AND WIFE DIVORCE IN 65-SECOND PROCEEDING Mr. Bean is no longer a married man. Rowan Atkinson and his makeup artist wife, Sunetra Sastry, are divorcing after 24 years of marriage, the Telegraph reports. The Mr. Bean's Holiday actor, 60, and Sastry reportedly split last year. According to the Telegraph, the comedian has allegedly been dating actress Louise Ford for the past 18 months. Several unconfirmed reports claim Atkinson had an affair with

Ford, 32, while still married. Atkinson was not present for the court proceeding in London on Tuesday, Nov. 10, the UK paper reports. Sunetra was granted a decree nisi after a 65-second proceeding because of the actor's "unreasonable behavior." No other details were provided. "Unreasonable behaviour is the most common ground for divorce," Andrew Newbury of the Slater and

Gordon Lawyers firm told the Telegraph. "Even in the happiest of marriages, it's always possible to find behaviour which can be d e s c r i b e d a s unreasonable." He continued: "Although described as granting a divorce, the divorce itself won't be made final until Sunetra Atkinson applies for the decree absolute." Atkinson and Sastry married in 1990 and are parents to son Benjamin, 22, and daughter Lily, 20. (Yahoo)


Surprise find: Mosquitoes hate Victoria's Secret perfume Camping trip in your near future? Maybe skip the bug spray and prepare like you're hitting the club instead. Popular Science reports that a new study out of New Mexico State University found two fragrances—including Vi c t o r i a ' s S e c r e t B o m b s h e l l perfume—work fairly well at repelling two common types of mosquitoes. Researchers compared eight insect repellents, two fragrances, and a vitamin B patch in order to figure out what worked best against mosquitoes, an important task because the bloodsuckers transmit

diseases, according to the study published last month in the Journal of Insect Science. “People need to protect themselves, especially if they travel to the tropics,” one professor says in an NMSU press release. “Insect repellents can be highly efficient, but you need to find out which work.” Among the repellents, the three that included the chemical DEET worked best. In fact, only one o f t h e D E E T- f r e e repellents even came close, and most did absolutely nothing. It's a huge knock against the "natural" repellents that have become more

popular amid concerns about DEET, the study reports. According to Popular Science, the most surprising result was that t h e t w o fragrances—Victoria's Secret Bombshell perfume and Avon Skin So Soft bath oil—were actually effective against mosquitoes for approximately two hours. That seems to refute previous research suggesting that flowery scents attract the bugs. "It was interesting to see that the mosquitoes weren't actually attracted to the person that was wearing t h e Vi c t o r i a ' s S e c r e t perfume—they were

repelled by it," says a The vitamin skin research assistant. patch, meanwhile, didn't

repel either type of mosquito. (Fox News)

Mom's favorite child is more prone to depression

Always hoped you're mom's favorite? A new study out of Purdue University finds that the

favorite child is actually more prone to be depressed as an adult, researchers report in the

Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. Looking at 725 adult children from 309 families in the WithinFamily Differences Study—a longitudinal project documenting various aspects of relationships between parents and their adult children—they say that depressive symptoms were most common in the adult children who claimed to be emotionally closer to their mother than their siblings, reports

Medical News Today. That also held true for "the children with whom their mothers had the greatest conflict, and in whom the mothers were most disappointed," write the authors. Interestingly, the study found no difference between male and female children, but it did find a racial disparity, notes Medical Daily. Adult black children felt their mother's disappointment more acutely than their white counterparts. Researchers

hypothesize that sibling rivalry may be behind the depression, meaning more attention or support from mom doesn't necessarily beat out the negative attention from jealous siblings. Or that the favorites are more often asked to help the aging mother, which is its own source of stress. (The adult children in the study had mothers who were 65 to 75 when interviewed.) And yet a third possibility is posed by Bustle: A

mother's attention may naturally drift toward the weakest or most sensitive child, thus her favoritism doesn't necessarily cause depression. Researchers plan to look at whether similar results play out with fathers, and whether it's possible to predict favoritism. (One study finds that young kids in religious households are less willing to share stickers.) (Fox News)

Thousands to be sterilised in global 'vasectomy-athon' Thousands of men around the world are to be sterilised Friday in what organisers dubbed a global "vasectomyathon", to encourage men to take a bigger role in family planning and combat resistance to the procedure. Some 750 doctors in 25 countries are to perform the procedure on more than 3,000 volunteers to mark World Vasectomy Day, with many operations being provided for free or at discounted rates. "In helping to shoulder responsibility for family planning, men become heroes to their partners, to

their families and to our future," said event cofounder Jonathan Stack. The event is being held as a report from campaigners and donors warned efforts to get modern contraceptives to women in some of the world's poorest countries are not on track, with millions fewer reached than had been hoped. At a ceremony in a temple on the Indonesian island of Bali, the headquarters for World Vasectomy Day this year, the first six men to undergo the procedure were presented to an audience before being

taken outside to mobile health clinics to be sterilised. The men lay on an operating table in the clinics - buses fitted out with medical equipment -- while doctors performed the short procedure, which involves cutting the tubes which transport sperm from the testicles, under a local anaesthetic. Vasectomies were also being carried out to mark the day in countries including India, the United States and Spain. Around four in 10 pregnancies worldwide are unplanned and event

organisers said that family planning is still too often left to women, who are the ones who must deal with the consequences of unintended pregnancies. In many countries, less than one percent of men get vasectomies, despite the fact the procedure is safe and in the majority of cases has no effect on sex life, the organisers said. In Muslimmajority Indonesia, efforts to persuade men to get vasectomies have been hampered after the country's top Islamic clerical body

several years ago declared the procedure "haram", or against Islamic law. Other attempts to encourage vasectomies have backfired. Elsewhere around the world the procedure is

burdened by controversies, and in many countries campaigners have to overcome the misguided belief that it impairs a man's virility. (Adapted from Yahoo)


It's Friday 13 and the sky is falling

A mysterious object is headed for a fiery collision with Earth on Friday, but scientists say there's nothing to fear. Astronomers who've spotted the object streaking through space say it's too light to be a space rock.

They think it's probably the abandoned upper stage from a man-made rocket finally coming home. At a couple of meters (about 6.5 feet) in diameter, it will pose little danger to anyone on Earth,

the European Space Agency says. The bits of the object that don't burn up on entering the atmosphere should come down harmlessly about 100 km (62 miles) off the southern coast of Sri Lanka, the agency predicts. "But the show will still be spectacular, since for a few seconds the object will become quite bright in the noon sky," the European Space Agency's Near Earth Object Coordination Centre wrote on its website. ESA Astronomer Marco Micheli said it will provide "an ideal

opportunity to test our readiness for any possible future atmospheric entry events involving an asteroid, since the components of this scenario, from discovery to impact, are all very similar." If it turns out to be man-made space debris, it would be "a lost piece of space history that's come back to haunt us," said Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell said in the science journal Nature. That harkens back to the reentry of the Skylab space station, an event that became a

media sensation back in 1979. Parts of the station survived the trip and showered Australia with debris. N o w t h a t scientists know WT1190F is coming, they're organizing a worldwide campaign to observe its approach and impact. Scientists have long been alarmed by the prospect that a previously unknown asteroid could suddenly pop into view on a collision course with earth. In fact, the encounter comes just a few weeks after a newly spotted asteroid, traveling 78,000

miles an hour, is expected to zip past Earth this Friday and Saturday at a distance of about 300,000 miles. Dubbed the Halloween asteroid, that rock is some 15-30 times the size of an asteroid that exploded in the sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2013, causing widespread damage and injuries. Astronomers found the Halloween asteroid only in early October, and they were caught entirely by surprise by the Chelyabinsk rock. (Adapted from CNN)

Zimbabwe's Mister Ugly pageant has record number of entries The man who reigns as Zimbabwe's Mister Ugly has tough competition in this year's pageant, with organizers saying they received a record number of entries for this beauty contest with a twist. For the first time since the competition began in 2011, organizers will hold preliminary rounds to whittle the number of hopefuls from 36 to 12 who will compete in the Nov. 20 finale, said pageant organizer David Machowa. "We are looking for natural ugliness,"

Machowa said.Facial features count the most, but contestants will also be judged according to their confidence when walking the runway and how they handle the question-and-answer round of the pageant. "People have always seen ugliness is something to be ashamed of," said Machowa, explaining why he launched this alternative pageant. "Looks are God given. We should all be proud of who we are." There is no female version of the contest. Machowa

plans to expand it to other countries in southern Africa. W i l l i a m Masvinu has held the title since 2012, when there were only a total of five contestants. He won $100 and a voucher for a night's stay at a hotel, which he cashed in for food. He still works at a market in Harare, hauling vegetables for $10 a day. He had hoped the wins would lead to advertising contracts but they haven't materialized. This year, the owners of a string of

Harare nightclubs donated $1,000 for prize money, a

crown and the event itself, to be held in a nightclub,

said Machowa. (Yahoo)

Utah judge orders child removed from same-sex foster parents

They're a same-sex couple in Utah who've loved and cared for a 1year-old girl for three months as foster parents. They want to adopt the baby. Now, they're in danger of losing her. Juvenile court Judge

Scott Johansen ordered Tuesday that the child be removed from their home and sent "to a more traditional home," according to the Utah Division of Child and Family Services. The parents, April Hoagland

and Beckie Peirce, said they are shattered. "Heartbreaking. We've been told to take care like a mother would and I'm her mother, and that's who she knows and she's just going to be taken away in seven days to probably another good, loving home," Hoagland told CNN affiliate KUTV. "But it's not fair, and it's not right, and it hurts me very badly, because I have done nothing wrong." Later Thursday, the child services division said it was asking Johansen to r e c o n s i d e r, fi l i n g a

motion with the judge to stay his order. If he declines, the agency said it would petition the court of appeals. "It is DCFS's position that this removal is not in the best interest of the child," the agency said. A n d t h e governor's office has weighed in. "I expect the court and the judge to follow the law. He may not like the law, but he should follow the law," said Gov. Gary Herbert. "We don't want to have activism of the bench in any way, shape or form." Hoagland and Peirce were legally married more than a year

ago. They were approved as foster parents after p a s s i n g h o m e inspections, background checks and interviews with the division of family services. They are already raising Peirce's two children. They say the Utah division of Child and Family Services, the biological mother and others involved in the case are supportive of the couple. But Johansen has objections. While he is not commenting p u b l i c l y, t h e f o s t e r parents are."He said through his research he had found out that kids in homosexual homes don't

do as well as they do in heterosexual homes and when they asked to show his research he would not," Hoagland told KUTV. "Removing a child from a loving home simply because the parents are LGBT is outrageous, shocking and unjust," Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement. The Human Rights Campaign is the nation's most prominent LGBT civil rights organization. (Adapted from CNN)



Mining company fined for deadly Brazilian dam burst The Brazilian government is fining the mining giants Vale and BHP Billiton for a dam burst at their jointly owned mine. The companies face preliminary fines of 250m Brazilian reais (£43.6m; $66.3m). President Dilma Rousseff said the country was "committed in the first place to blame those who are responsible." On 5 November two dams at the Samarco iron ore mine in southern Brazil ruptured setting off a deadly mudslide. Authorities have confirmed that eight people died and 19 people

are still missing. The mud is also being tested for potential toxins from the mine. The companies could face even higher fines from environmental regulators for water pollution and damage to local areas. State prosecutors are also considering whether to pursue criminal charges. At a press conference on We d n e s d a y c h i e f executive of BHP Andrew Mackenzie apologised for the incident. The head of the Anglo-Australian company said: "We are

100% committed to do everything we can do to support Samarco and make this right." The cause of the dam breach has not yet been determined, but one of the structures was being extended as part of an expansion project at the time. Mining is Brazil's third largest industry. Brazil's minister of mining said the government would undertake a review of dams at other mines in the country. (BBC)

Firecrackers blow off man's hand

11 persons including a two-year-old child and a 54-year-old man visited the hospital on Divali night

(Tuesday) and Wednesday visited the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH) for grievous injuries

caused by the bursting of fireworks. In the case of the 54-year-old man, three of the fingers on his right

hand were blown off when a firework he was holding, exploded. Medical Director of the SFGH, Dr Anand Chattergoon yesterday called for action against the use of fireworks given its expected heavy usage for the upcoming Christmas season. “The Ministry of Health and other authorities have to do something about this situation because it is in the public's interest for people to be made aware of the dangers posed by firecrackers and fi r e w o r k s , ” D r Chatoorgoon said. On Divali night, Arjun Maraj, 54, sustained serious injuries to his right hand when a firecracker

exploded as he held it. He underwent emergency s u rg e r y. M e d i c a l personnel reported that the maxi-taxi driver suffered serious injuries to the thumb, index and middle fingers of his right hand. It was not known up to yesterday if the three fingers were successfully reattached. In another case, a toddler remains warded at the San Fernando Teaching Hospital in serious condition after a firecracker exploded in his hand at his Debe home Wednesday night. Twoyear-old Joshua Rufus sustained severe injuries to his right hand and up to late yesterday was e x p e c t e d t o u n d e rg o

emergency surgery to his hand as several of his fingers were damaged during the mishap. It is believed the toddler who holding a firecracker when it came into contact with a lighted deya and ignited. The firecracker exploded in the young child's hand. Reports said that the toddler's parents who were in close proximity rushed to the gallery area to see little Joshua screaming with his hands covered in blood. (Adapted from the Tr i n i d a d N e w s d a y )

'Ganja' in bag of Parsad A fifty-one year-old woman was yesterday refused bail when she appeared before a Rio Claro magistrate charged with possession of marijuana allegedly found in a bag of Parsad (an East Indian sweet delicacy popular around Divali). The charge read to the accused woman alleged that on November 11, she had in her possession 13 grammes of marijuana at the Rio Claro Police



Seebraran pleaded not guilty to the charge. However prosecutor Sgt Rudranath Ramdhan told the magistrate that the accused woman had given police officers two different home addresses, one in Williamsville and another in New Grant. In objecting to bail, the prosecutor asked that the accused woman's criminal records be

The charge as read out in court alleges that the woman attempted to smuggle the illegal drugs to her brother who is remanded in prison on a murder charge. The Parsad was purchased to commemorate the festivities of Divali. It is further alleged that when police officers searched the bag containing the Indian delicacy, they

discovered the quantity of drugs . In addition a cellphone and cigarettes were also found in another bag with sweets. In refusing bail, the magistrate ordered that the accused be traced to see if she has an existing criminal record and/or convictions. She was remanded into custody. (Adapted from the Trinidad Newsday)


Myanmar election: Suu Kyi's NLD wins landslide victory

M y a n m a r ' s o p p o s i t i o n landslide election victory, N a t i o n a l L e a g u e f o r officials say. With more D e m o c r a c y h a s w o n a than 80% of contested seats

now declared, Aung San Suu Kyi's party has more than the two-thirds it needs

to choose the president, ending decades of militarybacked rule. A quarter of seats are automatically held by the military, meaning it remains hugely influential. U n d e r t h e constitution, Ms Suu Kyi cannot become president herself. Despite this, the election was seen as the first openly contested poll in Myanmar - also known as Burma - in 25 years. The Burmese like their numbers. So just maybe Myanmar's Union Election Commission waited for an auspicious day. Five days after polls closed, and exactly five years to the day since Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest,

her party's majority in parliament was confirmed. This historic outcome had been clear, but unofficial since early results on Monday and Tuesday. Earlier this week outside the headquarters of the NLD there had been jubilant scenes as results came in. Now as the majority was confirmed there was nobody. It may have been because the result was a foregone conclusion. Or, more likely, the NLD were respecting the wishes of Aung San Suu Kyi. Earlier this week she called on her supporters to avoid triumphalism and respect the feelings of those that lost. By early Friday,

the NLD needed two more votes to reach the threshold required for a majority. T h e n a t m i d d a y, t h e electoral commission said the party had taken 348 of the 664 seats in the two houses of parliament. This represents a two-thirds majority of the contested seats. With votes still being counted, the NLD's tally rose to 369 seats later in the day. The final tally is not expected for several days. The process of choosing a new president will begin in January, when parliament reconvenes. (BBC)

US guards 'taunt hunger-striking asylum seekers' A series of mass hunger strikes have rocked forprofit detention centres across the US, as rights groups call for asylum seekers to be released while their cases are pending. Hundreds of immigrants, including asylum seekers, have participated in the hunger strikes in California, Texas and Louisiana. At least 26 asylum seekers are on hunger strike in the Adelanto facility, a forprofit detention centre in southern California. They are all that remain of an original 90 hunger strikers who launched the collective fast on November 4.

According to CIVIC, a US-based advocacy group that campaigns for immigrant detainee rights, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has taken punitive measures in a bid to break the hunger strike. "There has been a lot of intimidation and threats against the hunger strikers to reduce [their] numbers," Victoria Mena, a monitor at CIVIC, told Al Jazeera, adding that guards have "threatened expedited deportation" in some cases. In some cases, guards have ordered pizza and eaten it in front of their cells "to tempt them into eating", she said. Mostly

fleeing from political persecution in countries in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia, the hunger strikers released a list of demands on Wednesday. "We will not eat until we see our freedom," the letter reads. After turning themselves in at the US border and requesting asylum, the men were brought to the detention centre and issued bails ranging between $24,000 and $54,000, according to Mena. "We can't buy our freedom with a bond of $50,000 or $45,000," the letter continues, adding that they fled their countries under the belief that the US "fights [for]

justice for all". The strike was held at the same time that another 300 other hungerstrikers - immigrants who were not seeking asylum refused food for more than a week in the Adelanto centre. They were protesting against harsh

conditions, including poor food, limited access to healthcare and harassment by guards. T h e U S Congress has set a national quota mandating that ICE hold at least 34,000 immigrants in detention centres each

day. Elsewhere, in the T Don Hutto detention centre in southern Texas, a mass hunger strike that started more than two weeks ago peaked with an estimated 500 women, mostly asylum seekers, refusing to eat. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

Dead babies found in Germany border town German police say the bodies of several babies have been found in a town close to the Czech b o r d e r. T h e d e a d , thought to number seven, were discovered on Thursday after a woman in the town of Wallenfels raised the alarm, police added. Police said they were yet to interview the previous occupant of the residence, a 45-year-old woman. Examinations are under way, but with the bodies in poor condition, the process could take some time.

It is not clear how long the bodies had been there for or how the babies died. German media reported that a couple with several children had been living in the property but had recently separated. The town's mayor, Jens Korn, told that residents were stunned. "This incident has occurred in this safe little world and now many people here are touched and sad about it." Germany has seen several cases of infanticide in recent

years. L a s t y e a r, a woman was convicted of killing two of her children and hiding their bodies in a freezer, while the bodies of nine newborn babies were discovered hidden in flower pots in a town close to the Polish border in 2005. (BBC)

Lewis Hamilton's crash 'result of tiredness after partying'

World champion Lewis Hamilton says he crashed his £1.6m super car in the middle of the

night in Monaco because "heavy partying" left him tired. The Briton revealed he

hit a stationary car in his home town on Monday, and delayed his flight to the Brazilian Grand

Prix after feeling run down. The crash was reported to have

occurred at 3.30am on Tuesday morning. "It was a result of heavy partying and not much rest for 10 days," Hamilton said of the crash and his health. "I am a bit run down. I have been non-stop and trying to fit training in at the same time and not getting a lot of sleep." It was also reported that Hamilton was believed to be driving his limited edition Pagani Zonda at the time of the incident. Explaining the accident o n We d n e s d a y, Hamilton said on his Instagram account: "I've not been well with a fever but I also had a road accident in Monaco on Monday

night. " W h i l s t u l t i m a t e l y, i t i s nobody's business, there are people knowing my position that will try to take advantage of the situation and make a quick buck. No problem. Nobody was hurt, which is the most important thing. But the car was obviously damaged and I made very light contact with a stationary vehicle”. "Talking with the team and my doctor, we decided together that it was best for me to rest at home and leave a day later." (BBC)


AUS vs NZ – 2 Test

Warner's double-century crushes NZ spirits -Khawaja hits another century After his performance at the Gabba, it seemed impossible that David Warner could bat any better. But there it took him both innings to reach 200 runs. Here he managed the same feat in one innings; in one day. Another day of utter disheartenment for New Zealand, forced to bowl in hot conditions at the WACA. Another day of complete domination by Australia, who went to stumps at 2 for 416, with the series all but wrapped up. That might be presumptuous only one day into the second of three Tests, but as the old cricket cliché goes, you need 20 wickets to win a Test. At this rate, New Zealand will struggle to take 20 in the series. So far in the Tests they have

taken 10 for 1230 and Warner, who finished the day unbeaten on 244, has scored 42% of those runs himself. Apart from Joe Burns and Usman Khawaja, the rest of the batsmen have barely been needed. Steven Smith might be in doubt for the Adelaide Test with a chronic case of pad-rash. He moved himself down to No.4 for this series but might as well have shifted to No.11 for all the work that has been left for him. Eventually he did get the chance to walk to the crease late on day one at the WACA, after a tiring Khawaja prodded a catch to cover off Doug Bracewell for 121, and Smith was 5 not out at stumps. Again Trent Boult was the biggest

disappointment for New Zealand, struggling to swing the ball, struggling to find the right length, and struggling to go for less than a run a ball. Of

the fast men, Bracewell adapted best to the conditions and consistently hit the right lengths, but pressure never built on anyone but

the New Zealanders themselves. At times Mark Craig bowled better than at the Gabba, but that said more of how poor he was in Brisbane

than of him being threatening in Perth. (Adapted from Espncricinfo)

Friday November 13, 2015

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Haroon Lorgat While South Africa's Test squad are negotiating their way through an obstacle course of injuries on the India tour, Cricket South Africa is facing obstruction from within its own ranks with regards to its

transformation policy. A group of black African cricketers calling themselves Black Cricketers in Unity, have asked CSA to address their concerns over their treatment in national squads, claiming they are

mostly being used as drinks carriers. The group has also questioned CSA's commitment to rebalancing the racial divisions caused by South Africa's Apartheid past. The group sent a letter to CSA on Monday

detailing their unhappiness at being included in squads but not starting XIs. The players claim they are "sick and tired" of not being included in playing XIs and state, "If we are not ready for international cricket, stop picking us." CSA's chief executive Haroon Lorgat and president Norman Arendse told the Cape Argus that the issue will be discussed before November 21. The letter was prompted by the case of Khaya Zondo, who was called up to the T20 and ODI sides in India, where he did not play a game. Zondo was the reserve batsman in the squad and would only have got a chance through injury to another player. However, when JP Duminy was injured, Dean Elgar was called up as cover and played ahead of Zondo in the final ODI. Zondo told Sports 24 he had seen reports of the letter but

refused to discuss it publicly. The letter also made mention of Aaron Phangiso, who traveled through the 2015 World Cup without playing a match; Lonwabo Tsotsobe, who has been overlooked for the ODI side despite strong performances in the domestic one-day competition; and Thami Ts o l e k i l e , w h o w a s centrally contracted as Mark Boucher's replacement but did not play a single Test despite being assured he would feature in the 2012-13 home series against New Zealand and Pakistan. C S A ' s transformation policy has been in the headlines throughout the year and came to a head at the 2015 World Cup semi-final. Vernon Philander, who was struggling with injury, replaced an in-form Kyle Abbott. At the time, South Africa's coach, Russell

Domingo, and captain, AB de Villiers, had met with Lorgat who reminded them to "properly consider the best XI bearing in mind the transformation guidelines." In the immediate aftermath of that match, CSA announced revised quotas at domestic level, which required at least six players of colour in every franchise team with at least two black Africans. I n M a y, C S A c o n fi r m e d i t s transformation policy to parliament and confirmed the "specific focus on increasing black African players." Since then, South Africa have fielded at least one black African player in every match, including in Test matches where only seven black Africans had earned a cap since readmission. (Adapted from Espncricinfo)

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