GNN Online Newspaper - Nov 09, 2015

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Monday November 09, 2015

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Students of the Valmiki Vidyalaya school singing a popular Diwali song as part of their annual concert today


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PPP hypocritical on Parliament rescheduling - AFC -Not afraid to debate salary increase The Alliance for Change (AFC) has denied that Members of Parliament of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) government are making attempts to avoid the debate on a motion filed by the Opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) challenging the astronomical salary increases that the government has given itself. The motion which seeks to annul the increases was set to be debated at the next sitting of the National Assembly which was originally scheduled for Thursday November 12, before it was rescheduled for an indefinite date by the government. The request was made by AFC Executive Member and Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, who explained that several key

G o v e r n m e n t functionaries, Members of Parliament and the Clerk of the National Assembly will be out of the jurisdiction on official business. The PPP/C f o l l o w i n g t h e announcement of the rescheduling of the sitting had accused the APNU+AFC of avoiding the debate on the salary increases. The Party's Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira had said that it is a clear move by the government to avoid the debate on the salary increases that was scheduled to appear on the November 12 sitting. “An important issue such as the salary increases, we're saying no, the Guyanese people want to hear their position and hear the debates and find out what's going to go on. It appears as though they are going to use their travelling itinerary to prevent that,

not just on this sitting.” However, the AFC has issued a release denying that it is afraid of any debates, noting that he PPP/C was guilty of same. The statement added that “The AFC finds this to be hypocritical for the simple reason that it was the PPP, when faced with a motion of no confidence in 2014 that not only postponed the sitting of the National Assembly but shutdown the House.” The AFC said the PPP was fearful of that motion to the extent that it recklessly prorogued the Parliament which was derailed for a full nine months. “It was the APNU+AFC coalition Government that rescued Parliament and reconvened the Assembly after the polls,” the statement pointed out. T h e A F C maintained that the Government is ready to

Members of the National Assembly during a sitting

debate the motion while at the same time, accused the Opposition of playing a “game of cat and mouse” with Parliament. The statement noted that the PPP/C first boycotted important sittings, and then, not to lose pay for its MPs, quietly slipped into the House whilst petitioning the court to declare the

Parliament illegal. Further, the AFC said it is “armed with cogent facts and statistics” that would “shame” the political Opposition “for giving its fat cat super salaries and perks for stashing away fabulous sums in secret bank accounts and causing the disappearance of vehicles and other state

assets.” The party said evidence of these “wrongdoings” are now coming to the fore, although in actuality, no such evidence of these allegations were presented nor were charges made against former Government Ministers to the extent which is alleged.

National Dialogue on HIV and the Law meeting to be hosted

The Ministry of Public Health with support of the United Nations D e v e l o p m e n t Programme (UNDP) will be hosting a National

Dialogue on HIV and the Law. “The National Dialogue is a meeting for a range of stakeholdersprimarily from

government and civil society- to share insights and experiences on HIV, Law and Human Rights. It is a policy space where those who influence, write

and enforce laws, and those whose lives are impacted by them, engage in constructive, frank and pragmatic dialogue. A National Dialogue may address all legal and human rights issues related to HIV and AIDS in a country, or it may focus on a more limited number of priority issues” a statement from the UNDP said. In this regard, members of Civil Society desirous of participating in the dialogue are encouraged to make written submissions on the themes stated below. 1. Sexual orientation and gender identity

and HIV 2. Sex work 3. Prisons and detention centres

11. Access to HIV services 12. Religion

4 . Vi o l e n c e a g a i n s t women or gender-based violence 5. Children and adolescents in residential homes/ orphanages 6. People with disabilities 7. Indigenous populations 8. Migrant and mobile populations 9. Discrimination is social and health services 10. Uniformed services

Submissions should be addressed to the National Advisory Committee on HIV and the Law: C/o National AIDS Programme Secretariat, Hadfield Street and College Road Werk-EnRust, Georgetown OR E m a i l e d t o hivandthelawgy@gmail.c om by Friday 20th November, 2015.

Code of Conduct not applicable for Opposition MPs The Code of Conduct that is being pushed by the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government that will soon come on board as a guide to the conduct of government officials, Members of Parliament and Ministers of government does not apply to Opposition Members of Parliament (MP's). This was clarified by Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman today. However, he noted that the members of the opposition benches are welcome on board. “They are all invited to come on board, it's still in the draft stages and right now we're asking for consultations on it so we can't unless it becomes a legally binding

document, which it is not, but the Opposition is of course invited to be a part of it but they are not compelled to be a part of i t , ” Tr o t m a n f u r t h e r clarified. In a recent interview with Chief Whip of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Gail Teixeira she told GNN that the party was not clear as to whether the Code of Conduct is applicable to them since they were not consulted on same. The Code of Conduct prohibits Ministers from significant gambling unless such action would be deemed socially unacceptable. The document explained that “Ministers, Members of Parliament and public office holders must not engage in frequent or

excessive gambling with persons who have business dealings with the Government as well as among colleagues, particularly with subordinates. If on social occasions where refusal of gambling (provided that the activity is legal) is considered unsociable, the amount of money involved should not be significant. Gambling in the Government's premises, government venues, and locations where activities of the Government take place is strictly forbidden.” It also states that Ministers, Members of Parliament and public office holders must not accept lavish or frequent entertainment from persons with whom the Government has official

Minister Raphael Trotman

dealings. “The acceptance of gifts and other forms of rewards, worth more than ten thousand dollars, by Ministers, Members of Parliament and public office holders in their official capacity, shall be reported to the Integrity

Commission. Ministers, Members of Parliament and public office holders should consider declining such gratuities if the acceptance of same could be perceived to have an affect their objectivity and lead to complaints of bias

o r i m p r o p r i e t y, ” t h e document stated. The government will be moving to create a final document following extensive countrywide consultations on the draft Code of Conduct.

PPP peeved by GECOM's refusal to address their concerns

Clement Rohee

A delegation from the People's Progressive Party (PPP) led by General Secretary, Clement Rohee, met with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Tuesday last, where it raised a number of concerns were raised. Rohee told a media conference today

that the PPP delegation informed GECOM about its reservations and concerns with regard to the issues relative to the holding of Local Government Elections (LGE). The party spoke about the qualifying date of February 29, 2016, the period for Claims and

Objections versus a 9th cycle of continuous registration, the nonavailability of lists for each constituency for use during the Claims and Objections period, the listed number of registered voters in each constituency and municipality, the nonavailability of sketch

maps showing each constituency with clear lines of demarcation, voters education, the status of preparation of NDC's for local government elections, and voting by the Disciplined Services. Rohee said of the eight issues that were raised, only one was addressed to their satisfaction. “The prevailing attitude of the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) throughout the meeting was characterized by indifference, being defensive and evasive in respect to questions and clarifications sought by the delegation,” Rohee noted. Moreover, whatever “clarifications” offered by the Chairman and the CEO the reality is that they were already in the public domain and consequently, did not add

anything new to what was already known by the PPP with regard to the holding of LGE. “ I n t h e circumstances, the PPP delegation was disappointed with the answers provided particularly as regards the demarcation of boundaries, and the reemployment of persons as election officials who are known party activists belonging to the PNC/APNU/AFC. Also, the PPP delegation expressed its dissatisfaction with GECOM's public relations activities in connection with the holding of local government elections and advised that were the elections to be held in March of 2016 it would be competing with a host of other national events that are likely to be held around the same period and therefore the need for GECOM to put its

messages out early to the electors,” Rohee stated. He said the PPP delegation informed the Commission that it was leaving the meeting dissatisfied with the attitude of noncooperation and nondisclosure towards the delegation. The party is of the view that GECOM will end up being its own worst enemy since it refuses to address comprehensively and objectively the reservations and concerns of a major national stakeholder with thirtytwo (32) seats in the National Assembly and that controls seven (7) of the ten (10) administrative Regions. The PPP vowed to continue to press its demands for electoral reforms and for free and fair elections.




Retrieving a bag of boulanger may have led to truck driving off Harbour Bridge

The late Gangadai Persaud

The hydraulic crane retrieving the canter truck without its tray. The vehicle was placed on the Harbour Bridge and was towed to the Providence Police Station. (Delano Williams Photo)

Following the accident early yesterday morning in which a canter truck headed for the Plaisance market drove off the Demerara Harbour Bridge

and plunged into the Demerara river, information received suggest that the reason for the tragedy is reportedly, because the driver was

trying to reverse to retrieve a bag of boulanger (egg plant) that fell off. W h i l e investigation are ongoing

to ascertain the cause, persons on the scene are sure that the truck ran off the bridge because the driver was reversing on the ramp of the retractor span causing a wheel to slip over the ridge. The accident which occurred at about 4:30 hrs yesterday, resulted in the death of twenty-two year-

old Gangadai Persaud, a Tu s c h e n E a s t B a n k Essequibo and who was the mother of a nine-year old baby. The driver, Dharam Ramdeo called “Rico”, was her reputed husband. After the truck ended up in the river, Rico swam to safety while Persaud is believed to have been pinned in the

passenger seat. According to information, Rico reportedly gave various stories as to what may have caused the accident including that the truck's steering failed causing him to lose control. It was even said that one reason might have been that he fell asleep as it was raining at the time. He is in custody assisting with the investigation. Following the accident, the bridge was closed for several hours resulting in massive build-up of traffic on both sides.

Investigation launched into prisoner's reported suicide On Saturday afternoon the Guyana Police Force launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of a prisoner, Sham Harrinauth, at the East Ruimveldt Police Outpost who was found hanging in his cell by his vest. The man, according to Police Commander Assistant Commissioner Clifton Hicken who was on the scene, was earlier in the day locked up after his

two teenage children reported to the police that he was threatening them and running them with a cutlass around the yard. The man was previously charged and placed before the court for his very abusive behavior and was also placed on a bond by a city magistrate but breached that condition when he attempted to again abuse his children. It is believed that the man's wife

walked out of the marriage of his abusive b e h a v i o u r. P o l i c e sources indicated that the man became enraged on Saturday after he became aware that his teenage daughter was speaking to a young man who he did not approve of. A postmortem is expected to be performed on his remains today to determine the cause of death.

Man walked pass dead wife On Sunday the police picked up a man who admitted that he saw his wife lying close to the river bank in an East Bank Demerara community but paid her no mind. However the police later found out that at the time the man saw his wife and passed

her straight she was dead. The man and the woman reportedly are alcoholics and some reports suggest that the man was in the constant habit of abusing the woman. The police who are investigating the

matter confirmed that they have observed what seems to be marks of violence on the woman's body and that would have also informed their decision to take her husband into custody. e-Mail: Tel: 611-9698


DECIDING DIWALI DATES -What drove the November 11 date? Much has been said about the controversy surrounding this year's date for the Hindu festival of lights, Deepawali or Diwali. The result is for the first time in recollected history, there is a public disagreement by Hindus regarding which day should be the designated a holiday for the festival. The division has led to major organizations opting for different dates; in other words, two Diwalis, but o n e h o l i d a y. S i g n i fi c a n t l y, t h e original designated day of November 11 was reassigned by the s u b j e c t M i n i s t e r, Khemraj Ramjattan, to November 10; again, another first. W h i l e disagreements may not have been new, clearly the escalation and the eventual reassigning of the date, create new precedence. These developments have not only led to pertinent questions being asked, but have by its mere actions, also led to some enlightenment. First and foremost it clearly demonstrates that the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) no longer has a fist-tight control on Hindus in Guyana. This was revealed after a number

of prominent Hindu organisations and individuals oppose the G H D S o n t h e November 11 date, which it decided and which was reflected on national calendars. This has to be the most significant aspect given that the date was reassigned to November 11 based on a petition presented to the Minister by organizations and individuals not affiliated with the GHDS. It includes prominent Hindus who were once part of the GHDS and who held significant portfolios. From all indications, it appears that over recent years, many parted company with the GHDS. This could have been a possible reason for the establishment of o t h e r H i n d u organizations including the Viraat Sabhaa which was integral in gathering the petition. This seemingly quiet exodus from the GHDS may have precipitated a situation whereby influence has been shifted away from it. This shifted influence appears to be rooted in religious sentiments, which allows for the teachings of the religion to be the guide in decision making. Of

course, the GHDS has reiterated that it is also guided by religious teachings. However, an a rg u m e n t c o u l d b e made which may result in the GHDS being contradicted. This is premised solely on what appeared in the public domain pertaining to the c o n t r o v e r s y surrounding this year's Diwali date. Hindus and non-Hindus here in Guyana were always of the belief that Diwali must be, and has always been, celebrated during the darkest night of the year. There are some folklore in this regard, but that aside, ironically all the Hindu organisations in the date controversy have o n e c o m m o n agreement. They all, including the GHDS, agree, that the new moon would be born on Wednesday, November 11 at around 13:47 hrs. This means that the new moon is “arriving” during the day, and given the current weather patterns, in the midst of the scorching heat. This can only mean, whether you are a Hindu or not, that during the night of N o v e m b e r 11 , t h e moon is out. By this

simplest of reasoning, it means that Diwali on the night November 11 would be in some amount of moonlight thereby contradicting the tradition. If it was a mere tradition and not necessarily rooted in fact, then the GHDS could have argued differently. However, learned Pandits and Hindu Leaders have declared as fact and have reiterated that the festival must be in the darkest night of the year, which according to their calculations, is November 10. This position has been supported by learned Hindu Pandits and Hindu Leaders out of Guyana. Trinidad and Tobago is observing Diwali on November 10

would only derive a similar observation. Some have ventured to analyze the possible political implications this public division have, especially for the now Opposition, the People's Progressive Party (PPP) which traditionally would have enjoyed much support from the Hindu community. More so, this support over the years, may have been influenced by the GHDS. Its founder was the charismatic and astute politician and PPP executive member and former Minister, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud. Following his death, his daughter, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, a

such shows, would know that generally these arrangements are concluded long in advance with fixed t r a v e l a n d accommodation dates etc. Some who support the November 10 date allude of efforts to have the Diwali date issue resolved before it reached the public. They made known their disappointment and the related futility to reconcile the Diwali situation. With that in mind, a question would seemingly naturally surfaced whether the lack of interest was a manifestation of a reluctance to correct what is perceived as a wrong regarding the

and according to one of its prominent Hindu personalities, they (the Hindus of T &T) have been able to reconcile their differences regarding this year's date. There were some uncertainty there earlier in the year, but it was ironed out. It begs the question as why the same could not have been achieved here. The Tr i n i d a d i a n H i n d u scholar explained that the division over the date in Guyana is demonstrative of Hindus here not m a t u r i n g i n understanding. It may sound h a r s h , b u t u n f o r t u n a t e l y, a n y analysis of what played out in the public domain

current Member of Parliament of the PPP, became the head of the organization. The political implication naturally birth itself given the public disagreement over the date. It should be recalled that the PPP publically supported the GHDS on the November 11 date. While religious sentiments can be separated from political sentiments, there may be some cause for worry. Given all of that, the GHDS has some international artistes billed for two Diwali shows, one at the Guyana Marriott. Those with experience regarding planning

N o v e m b e r 11 d a t e taking precedence over arrangements for the shows which were already made. There is also the possibility of the shows being finalized after the mistake in date was uncovered and attempts made to reconcile. That would dismiss a commercial interest. However, its uncertainty cast a s h a d o w o f commercialism being a possible factor for the a d a m a n c y o n November 11. What is for certain in the uncertainty that seems to prevail among ordinary Hindus.




Driver in fatal Mahaicony accident in hiding Meanwhile later on Saturday evening a woman was killed on the Mahaicony Public Road as she and other friends stood awaiting public transportation to make their way home after exiting a birthday party. The woman's three other friends were injured in the accident and while one remains at home, two other are still hospitalized but not in a serious condition. The accident took place after two cars traveling in opposite direction

crashed when one ended up into the lane of the other. The impact the caused one of the car to spin and ended up on the other side of the road hitting the pedestrian who were standing a w a i t i n g t h e transportation. One of the drivers has since gone into hiding while the other remains in the custody of the police. The police TrafďŹ c Chief is of the view that the driver in hiding decided on that

course because he is believed he was under the inuence of alcohol at the time of the accident. Meanwhile the relatives of the dead woman are not ruling out seeking compensation from the relatives of the errant driver especially to assist with the funeral expenses. They have since indicated that they will only engage in those discussions through the respective lawyers of both families.

Police hunt alleged woman stabber Also on Sunday the relatives of a 22 year old young woman said that they need justice after her 40 year old child father allegedly climbed through her house window and attempted to murder her by stabbing her two times to the neck and once to the wrist. The young lady is presently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital where she is receiving medical attention. The young

lady and the man who investigations onto the lives just around the matter are ongoing. corner from her, shared a six year-old relationship and have a three year old son together. Reportedly, the woman however dumped the man in July after she got tired of his alleged abusive way. The man has since gone into hiding the police are hunting for him even as the mother of the man has refused to speak on the issue. The police




President calls for a “world at peace”

His Excellency, Brigadier David Granger, President of Guyana, as he lays a wreath in remembrance of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice during World Wars I and II

President David Granger who joined with Veterans, members of the Cabinet, the Joint Services, the diplomatic community and a large number of Guyanese at the Remembrance Day c e r e m o n y y e s t e r d a y, spoke highly of those who fought and lost their lives in World War I and II, referring to them as gallant men and women, who

wreath laying ceremony which was held at the Cenotaph on Main Street, the President said, “We are forever indebted to them for their supreme sacrifice in the cause of peace and freedom.” He also took the opportunity to honour all Guyanese, who died in service to the nation and thanked those who continue to serve.

“Let us thank D u r i n g t h e those who continue to

defend our territory and our patrimony throughout our country”, he said. He added that because of the example of all who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, Guyana is resolved to “maintain our efforts for a world at peace with justice and prosperity for all peoples”. Also laying wreaths at the ceremony were Prime Minister

Moses Nagamootoo, the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Mark Phillips, Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud, members of the Diplomatic Corps and representatives of regional and international bodies and organisations. Memorial Day 2015 was observed with the solemnity befitting the occasion and included a two minute silence, during

which attendees were encouraged to think or pray “in remembrance of those who made the great sacrifice”.

ordinary Guyanese gathered to watch the ceremony and followed the parade along Main Street.

Following the ceremony, the President was given a military salute, during a MarchPast by the Joint Services and members of the Guyana Veterans Legion Association at the corner of Main and New Market streets. A large number of

T h e W a r Memorial, popularly referred to as 'the Cenotaph', stands in memory of all Guyanese soldiers, who died in service during the two World Wars. Built of marble, the War. (Adapted from GINA)

His Excellency, Brigadier David Granger, President of Guyana delivering his message during Remembrance Day 2015 observances

Prime Minister of Guyana, Hon. Moses Nagamootoo, just after he placed a wreath at the War Memorial, this morning

His Excellency, Brigadier David Granger, President of Guyana during the March-Past

Guyana Veterans Legion Association at the corner of Main and New Market streets during the March-Past


The Private Sector Commission (PSC) has written to Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Basil Wi l l i a m s , e x p r e s s i n g concerns with regard to the Amendments to the Financial Institutions Bill that paves the way for the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to request banking information for various

persons. The Commission says while it welcomes the bill that it currently before Parliament, it is concerned about data protection and privacy rights. The PSC stated in the official letter that “We are cognizant that the granting of legislative authority for access to citizens' bank account data is not peculiar to Guyana

and many countries around the world, particularly the more developed ones, have similar provisions in their legislation. However, jurisdictions where such legislation exists usually have corresponding provisions dealing with criteria for access and protection of the data once accessed or released.” T h e

Commission added that it has researched the issue and has found examples in the United Kingdom which has a Data Protection Act and in the United States of America where the protection is built in to the same Act which provides for access, along with Regulations governing the criteria for federal revenue authority's access to and usage of the data. The letter stated that “as a short term measure, the latter approach may be more prudent while we develop a more general data protection mechanism. We have appended the relevant provisions of the USA's Right to Financial Privacy Act for your ease of reference.” The letter added that in the absence of a Data Protection Act, it would prefer to see an Amendment which caters to these concerns, and corresponding Regulations guiding the GRA on the following, inter alia:

Criteria governing requests for access Notice to be served on citizens regarding intended request for access along with an indication of the l a w f o r w h i c h enforcement is being sought via such access Care and control which such data is in the custody of the Revenue Authority R e c o u r s e available to citizens if said data is unlawfully released or published by the Revenue Authority The Commission said it is willing to have its legal and finance teams sit down with the Attorney General and examine the concerns. The Guyana Revenue Authority has indicated that citizens have nothing to fear once the new amendments come on stream. Opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo at a media conference last month noted that persons have expressed concern with regard to GRA

having access to their information. He explained that persons may pull their money out of the system. “If that happens you will have a large scale movement of resources, switching to US dollars or to be externalized to capital fund. This could cause a run of the banks as well as major problems with our currency and I urge the government to be careful about the signals they're sending because if that were to ever happen, we will trigger a crisis of unimaginable proportions in this country,” said Jagdeo. Meanwhile, Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur has brushed aside these concerns noting that GRA will be professional in the discharge of its responsibilities.

GAWU HOLDS STRIKE ACTION FOR ANNUAL INCENTIVE The Guyana Agriculture and General Workers Union (GAWU) have taken a decision at its General Council meeting on Saturday to forfeit industrial action to be able to file for its Annual Production Incentive for the year 2015, today. This is according to President of GAWU; Komal Chand who explained that a strike this week would've made that difficult. “We decided to hold our hands on Industrial Actions as of then and to submit our claims for Annual Production Incentive for 2015. Workers do receive annual production incentive taken into account the production for that year so this year,

they are hoping to produce 227, the workers ought to be given a number of days pay so have put in our claims…if they had strike this week, then they would not see any claim…to be in order but we wanted to not have any disruptions so we can submit our claims which we have done” Chand said. The API is given to all staff when the industry achieves and exceeds the production targets set for a given period. Chand said majority of the representatives at the General Council Meeting felt that the Union needed to engage the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) to see whether its posture would differ from the one

exhibited in relation to increases for workers before the year end. GuySuCo has consistently reported that it has been achieving its weekly and monthly production targets at all of its estate as a result of the consistent dry weather. He added that GuySuCo self-inflicted some loses on Saturday last as it failed to prepare fields and estates for harvest in anticipation for strike action, noting that every day of strike causes the corporation to lose 2000 pounds of sugar. Last week, in a statement, the government urge sugar workers and unions to cooperate with GuySuCo to help in

rescuing the industry and keep it on the path to continuous growth. “It is government's view that any industrial action at this time will place the industry into f u r t h e r j e o p a r d y. Government is regrettably unable to increase the

bailout package above the $12 billion for 2015 and strike action will not change this reality.” The government encourages sugar workers to remain committed to their jobs to earn as much as they can before the current crop comes to an end. It

expressed agitation at the recent strike action taken by workers represented by the Guyana Agriculture and General Workers Union (GAWU), noting that such action could cripple operations and close down the sugar industry.

Govt. breached its own code of conduct - Rohee The Peoples Progressive party has described the government's Code of Conduct for Ministers, Members of Parliament, and other government officials as “Farcical,” saying that the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) administration from the time it assumed office breached the very code that is being touted. Addressing a media conference on Monday at the party's Robb Street Headquarters, Rohee said the government breached the code when it failed to declare the amount of money that was spent to host the inauguration of President David Granger on May 26.

The draft code stipulates that “The acceptance of gifts and other forms of rewards, worth more than ten thousand dollars, by Ministers, Members of Parliament and public office holders in their official capacity, shall be reported to the Integrity Commission. Ministers, Members of Parliament and public office holders should consider declining such gratuities if the acceptance of same could be perceived to have an affect their objectivity and lead to complaints of bias or impropriety.” The General Secretary called for a complete breakdown of the donors to be tabulated; showing the total value of the monetary donations

and cash gifts received to be made public. Meanwhile, the government had stated that funds from the treasury were not used to fund the event but rather it was financed by donors. In addition, Governance Minister, Raphael on Thursday last promised that audited statement with regard to the contributions and donations will be made public, despite the fact that some donors wished to be anonymous. Rohee noted that “While in government, all public events would require that a budget be drawn-up as a result of i n t e r - a g e n c y consultations. A Cabinet

Clement Rohee

paper by the lead agency would then be presented to Cabinet and following deliberations, a Cabinet decision would be issued to the Ministry of Finance for a specific sum per agency and department for the release of funds to the

requisite government agencies and departments responsible for specific aspects of the public event. “The point is whether the money came from wealthy donors, wealthy power brokers,

small donors, reliable money spigots, the nouveau riche or the filthy rich the public has a right to know,” Rohee further explained.

Investigation into fractured baby shoulder to be completed this week

Minister of Public Health; George Norton

says investigations into surrounding an incident t h e c i r c u m s t a n c e s at the Suddie Public

Hospital where a newborn baby suffered a fractured shoulder and right hand is expected to be complete this week and submitted to the Ministry. During an interview with GNN, Norton said “that is in investigation because being Suddie, while we set about a process, it is not as easy as if it was in Georgetown for me to get all the information right away. They have to do internal investigation in the hospital and then they will send the record to us” He added “I am hoping by this weekend we will get it, if not, I will make

every effort to speed it up”. A mother of R e l i a n c e Vi l l a g e , Essequibo Coast, Parbatee Ramdat said she delivered her baby boy at the hospital on October 26, but did not get to see him immediately but was told that the baby was in critical condition after inquiring. She said that after demanding to see her child, the baby was brought to her with his right hand in a cast. The 29-year-old mother said she was discharged from the hospital on November 2 and when she returned with the

baby on Thursday, she was advised that the child needed another Xray. Following this Xray, she said, the doctors informed her that the child's shoulder was fractured and they needed to cast both hands. The incident was reported to the hospital authorities and an investigation was launched.


The opposition People's Progressive Party (PPP) has made it clear that it is not interested in the post of Deputy Speaker. This was made clear by PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee at his weekly press conference on Monday November 9. He was responding to questions posed by the media on whether the party will be naming a nominee to the post. “No we are not,

we are not interested in that,” Rohee told the media. During the sitting of the National Assembly on August 17, PPP/C's Chief Whip told the House that the Party had no nominee to fill the position. However, her position was concretized by Rohee who was definitive that the party is “not interested in the post.” The position has been left vacant due to the

PPP/C's no show in Parliament for about two months. The Party was scheduled to select someone from its list of Parliamentarians to occupy the post, but never did. The post is traditionally filled by a nominee from the Parliamentary Opposition.

Harbour Bridge accident was unaviodable An accident on the Demerara Harbour Bridge which claimed the life of a female yesterday was unavoidable, given that it occurred at the retractor span. This was according to General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Rolstan Adams who explained to GNN that no safety mechanism can be installed at this point in the bridge. This, he said, is because of the dynamics and requirement of the retractor span, which is where the bridge opens for vessels to pass through. "Any attempt made at installing any safety mechanism could compromise the integrity of this key point in the

bridge" the GM said. The accident occurred at about 4:30 hrs yesterday morning where a canter truck headed for the Plaisance market drove off the Demerara Harbour Bridge and plunged into the Demerara river. Information received by GNN suggests that the reason for the tragedy is reportedly, because the driver was trying to reverse to retrieve a bag of boulanger (egg plant) that fell off from the truck. Other reports surfacing indicate that the driver allegedly fell asleep which the truck was on an incline, which caused the vehicle to reverse automatically off the

bridge, into the river. The accident resulted in the death of twenty-two year-old Gangadai Persaud, a Tuschen East Bank Essequibo and who was the mother of a ninemonth old baby. The driver, Dharam Ramdeo called “Rico”, was her reputed husband. After the truck ended up in the river, Rico swam to safety while Persaud is believed to have been pinned in the passenger seat. Following the accident, Rico was taken into custody to assist with the investigation. Subsequently, the bridge was closed for several hours resulting in massive build-up of traffic on both sides.

Deepawali Messages FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF GUYANA Make Diwali a day of hope On the occasion of the celebration of Diwali as a national holiday on November 10, the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (GCRG) extends greetings to our Hindu brothers and sisters and all Guyanese.

The universal message of Diwali is one of hope. It highlights the triumph of good and light over evil and darkness. Diwali is also an occasion on which Guyanese reflect on how they overcame challenges and effect

change that gives new meaning to their lives. It is a time to forgive and to forge enduring bonds that go beyond our differences. Our multiethnic, multi-cultural Coalition Government cautions that as we celebrate, we do so

solemnly with restraint and respect for our neighbours and avoid excesses that could result in injury to anyone. It is the sincere h o p e o f o u r Government that Diwali, the Festival of Lights, will serve to

reinforce our common aspiration for a brighter, stronger and unified Guyana.


Let the occasion inspire us The members of the Viraat Sabhaa would like to extend Diwali greetings to all Guyanese especially, the Hindu community. T h e

organization hopes that the auspiciousness of this occasion would serve to inspire all to celebrate with deep significance and purpose.

M a y o u r leaders also be inspired by this occasion being cognizant of the underlying messages to provide a stable and economically vibrant


M a y t h e M a y t h e blessings of Mother occasion also serve as Lakshmi be abundant to another opportunity to all. Shubh Deepawali. reflect in an effort to derive unify among mankind.


Let's reach out to each other The Indian Action (formerly Arrival) Committee (IAC) extends Shubh Diwali greetings to the entire nation, especially our Hindu brothers and sisters. Deepawali or Diwali is certainly the biggest and the brightest of all Hindu festivals. It's the festival of lights (deep = light and avali = a row i.e., a row of lights) which literally illuminate the many Hindu homes and villages with its brilliance, and dazzles all

with its joy. In each legend, myth and story of Deepawali, the significance of the victory of good over evil is trumpeted. Diwali takes us from darkness unto light — the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity. During Diwali, lights illuminate

every corner of Hindu homes and villages and the scent of incense sticks hangs in the air, mingled with the sounds of Bhajans, joy, togetherness and hope. Diwali brings with it a significant and positive impact on the lives of Hindus. It has a universal message of hope, peace and prosperity. Hope for a brighter tomorrow;

when we pray, we say Dhan Dayee Namastute – Oh Universal Mother, Bless us so that we can have a more prosperous future and rid ourselves of poverty in all its forms (Poverty of thoughts, intellect, wisdom). Maha Lakshmi who is revered at this time represents wealth, peace and prosperity, which all Guyanese share in this

beautiful country. Maha Lakshmi also represents motherhood and womanhood at large, that which the Hindus preserve, cherish give the highest reverence. Diwali is indeed a national festival for us in Guyana and Guyanese of all walks of life participate in activities nationwide. The IAC hopes that the divine light of Diwali shines within ourselves so that knowledge and wisdom can be shared and that we show greater affection and compassion for each other. On this Diwali, let us continue to reach out to our brothers and sisters in our dear land and dedicate our efforts towards the progress, prosperity and peace of our nation.


OF DEEPAWALI Also at this time, relationships are unified and new accounts are established pertaining to a beginning of another economic year. The understanding is that debt is either forgiven or serviced. There are many stories, Puranic stories (from ancient books) associated with the advent of Deepawali.

The word “Deepawali” means a “row of lights” and is commonly known as the “Festival of Light”. It is a time when devotees invoke the presence of Mother Lakshmi within to seek inner peace, while at the same time using an introvert intelligence to conquer all vices and negative propensities.

The blessings of Mother Lakshmi, the giver of wisdom and knowledge, is being sought during this auspicious time. It is believed that knowledge and wisdom is the criteria to threaten any form of negativism and ignorance which can precipitate darkness.


The return of Lord Rama to Ajodhya, after vanquishing the Demon King, Ravana. The return ended his fourteen-year exile after being banished by his father.

2. 3.

The conquering of Raja Bali by Vaman Autar The churning of the oceans


The return of the Pandawas


Harvesting time.

Traditionally here in Guyana, Hindus light thousands of Diyas on the night of Deepawali creating a wonderful display for all to experience.

“Raam-leela” successfully staged at Lusignan

Residents of Lusignan and neighbouring villages on the East Coast of Demerara, were over the weekend threated with the grand spectacle of Raamleela” which is a brief story of the advent of Lord Rama.

Presented by students from various Mandirs (Temples) under the guidance and Pandit Hardesh Tiwarie and under the auspices of the Viraat S a b h a a , t h e l a rg e audiences over the three nights were

enthralled by the splendor which “Raam-leela”, a brief story of the advent of Lord Rama, brought. It was done as part of the observances of this year's Deepawali. President of the Viraat Sabhaa, Pandit Rabindranauth Persaud, said the event was extremely successful and expressed profound gratitude to all the students involved. He said it also served to inspire and encourage the students while providing knowledge to all. The students of various ages have been training for some four months to present through drama and music, this rich cultural event.

Govt. setting foundation for progress Government has committed to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the procurement system becomes more transparent and competitive with a new approach that tackles waste. This is according to Minister of Finance Winston Jordan as he addressed a procurement symposium hosted under the theme “Strengthening and Modernizing the procurement process to bring about positive Change” at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre today. The Minister believes this will allow for more resources to be redirected to other government services and efforts to reduce poverty.

The Minister said the transformation that the current administration is seeking is one that will require a change in the way public business in done. He said despite what is being said, the government has set the stage for rapid progress that occur over the next few years during its months in office. He says the government is aware of attempts being made to bring down the Coalition government, however it will not allow “loose lips and idle talk” to dissuade it from transforming Guyana's economy. The Opposition People's Progressive Party has been critical of the new government for not doing

- Jordan enough to turn around the economy in six months. Jordon said the government had taken steps to change the composition of the National Procurement and Tender Administration (NPTA) to address the perception of corruption and unfair treatment in the tendering procurement system “The public believes that there are credible allegations of corruption in public procurement, such a perception breeds suspicion and distrust and it has to be fixed,” Jordan said while also restating the government commitment to setting up

Minister Winston Jordan

the Public Procurement Commission. NPTA Chairman, Berkley Wickham also spoke of some of the ills in the system which includes

a lack of fair play and transparency, corruption and favoritism among others. He also assured of small business being

the beneficiary of at least 20% of government goods and services as stipulated by law.


GWI CEO inspecting an overhead storage tank at Mahdia Region 8

T h e G u y a n a Wa t e r Incorporated (GWI) will be collaborating with the R e g i o n E i g h t administration to provide better services to the Campbelltown community in Mahdia. Th e C h ief Executive Officer or GWI; Van West-Charles visited the region to address challenges faced by the administration. During the visit, it was observed that the community required a new electrical pump for the facility which supplied the a r e a w i t h w a t e r. A commitment was made to collaborate with the Regional Administration within the next 10 days to replace the pump. T h e C E O promised that the company will also commence exploring the drilling of a new well for Mahdia with the aim of providing alternative water supply to the community including Campbelltown. It will also develop a long term water development plan to address all the water supply needs of Mahdia and surrounding communities in Region 8' and install a reservoir in 2016 to improve the performance of the water supply system.

In addition, GWI will assist with the extension of the water supply mains to sections of the community in order to improve the level of service' and collaborate on the repair of the transmission main within the area which had signs of damage in several areas, causing low levels of service within Mahdia. The GWI team also observed that the flow of a key source of water within Mahdia,the Salbora Creek, was below the normal level. “There were several leaks observed along the catchment area,' stated the Director of IPID, 'this caused the accessible volume of water to be reduced. We will be working along with the Regional Authorities to explore solutions”. During the visit, Dr. Van West-Charles warned of the impact of mining within the area which can cause damage to the water supply infrastructure. “ W e h a v e observed several sections of the transmission mains in areas used for mining…these mains are at risk of being damaged due to mining activities which

would directly affect the water service supplied to Mahdia. Should the infrastructure be compromised due to mining, GWI will collaborate with the Regional Administration to take swift action against the parties responsible through the relevant authorities” he says. D r. Va n We s t Charles indicated that a team of engineers from GWI will remain in Mahdia to assess all urgent remedial works including repairs to be undertaken in the Salbora Creek area as well as works to be executed on the transmission/distribution system. The GWI CEO also stated that GWI will appoint an officer, recommended by the Region, to provide daily operation, maintenance and management of the water supply system in Mahdia. During the discussion with the GWI Chief Executive, Regional Executive Officer, Rafel Downes stated that 'the Region is fully supportive of GWI commencing works to ensure that water is restored within the community and the system is managed efficiently'.

Two charged in America street robbery

Tw o m e n t o d a y appeared in Court charged with the America street robbery which

Georgetown appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the G e o r g e t o w n Magistrate's Court to answer to the charges. T h e d u o pleaded not guilty and were remanded. The Court heard that the men were involved in the robbery which occurred on Tuesday West Coast Demerara resulted in money last. a n d 3 0 - y e a r - o l d c h a n g e r , Vy b u r n F o r t y - y e a r - Anthony Primo of F r a s e r l o s i n g old Troy Abrams of We s t R u i m v e l d t , G Y D $ 8 2 , 0 0 0 , US$300,000,

TT$200,000 and SRD$2000. Abrams told the Court that he was with his sister watching television when the robbery took place. T h e Prosecution objected to bail due to gravity and nature of the offense. He told the Court that there are four witnesses in the matter who are willing testify at trial. They are scheduled to make

their next Court appearance on December 11. Several gun toting bandits riding CG motorcycles carried out the robbery in the busy America Street area. No one was injured during the robbery despite the fact that several shots were ďŹ red, forcing passersby to run for cover.

'SPECTRE' RULES THE BOX OFFICE It took the combination of James Bond and Charlie Brown to save the box office after a disastrous few weekends of flops. Both "Spectre" and "The Peanuts Movie" reinvigorated moviegoers who turned out in droves to check out the new fare, including buzzy limitedrelease titles like "Spotlight." "Spectre" took an easy first-place spot with an estimated $73 million,

according to Rentrak estimates Sunday, to become the second-biggest Bond opening of all time. The 24th film in the 53-year-old series stars Daniel Craig as the dapper spy and cost a reported $250 million to produce. But "Spectre" failed to live up to the recordbreaking standard set by "Skyfall," which debuted to $88.4 million in 2012 and

went on to become the first film in the franchise to earn over $1 billion worldwide. The film has been playing internationally for two weeks, breaking records in the U.K. Reviews have been mixed stateside, and "Spectre," unlike "Skyfall," had competition in its first weekend in theaters with another beloved set of characters — Charlie Brown and Snoopy.

"The Peanuts Movie" provided a familyfriendly alternative to James Bond's guns and martinis and took second place with a strong $45 million. The film cost around $100 million to make. Audiences, 70 percent of whom were families, gave "The Peanuts Movie" a strong A CinemaScore, suggesting that word of mouth will be strong for the animated pic.(Adapted from Yahoo)

SUNNY LEONE TO FEATURE IN A SINGLE TITLED 'SUPER GIRL' After Ek Paheli Leela, Sunny Leone and Ahmed Khan are teaming up yet again for a single titled 'Main Supergirl'. The single which is produced by Bhushan Kumar, also reunites Sunny and 'Baby Doll' singer Kanika Kapoor, who is also the composer of the single.

"It's a peppy number that everyone's going to love," asserts Ahmed, "Sunny Leone has been waiting to do a single for a long time and will be seen donning several avatars, including that of a waitress, nurse, chef and a gym instructor," says Ahmed, who kicked

off the three-day shoot on Sunday. Sunny Leone's stylist was recently packed off to London to shop for her outfits. "Sunny has eight-10 costume changes, we wanted her to look glam," concludes Ahmed K h a n . (Bollywoodhungama)

SALMAN KHAN TO CELEBRATE DIWALI WITH KIDS Knowing the generous side of Salman Khan, it does not come as a surprise that the superstar would like to do something special for children during the auspicious occasion of Diwali. So, the actor has made some plans for the festival and will be celebrating with a band called Dharavi rocks. Salman Khan

has invited the band members which are kids at his Bandra residence as the actor was left impressed by them. These kids make music with the help of junk things like buckets, old tins, wooden planks which are waste. Salman Khan, who believes in an environment friendly Diwali devoid of

crackers, thought he would rather celebrate the festival in this manner this year. On the other hand, we hear that the kids are super excited to meet Salman Khan. Salman who recently stepped into playback singing will also be jamming with them and will also have lunch with them. The superstar has already

started the preparations and has even order mithais (sweets) for them. Salman Khan is also gearing up for the release of the family drama, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo directed by Sooraj Barjatya which is all set to release this week on November 12. (Bollywoodhungama)


Gunnar Hansen, who Leatherface in the original played the iconic villain " T e x a s C h a i n S a w

Massacre," died Saturday of pancreatic cancer at his home in Maine, his agent said. He was 68. Hansen starred in the 1974 film that has become a classic among horror-movie aficionados and spawned a series of sequels. In the movie, friends visiting their grandfather's house a r e h u n t e d b y Leatherface, a chain-saw wielding maniac. H a n s e n ' s character in the movie "is

one of the most iconic evil figures in the history of cinema," said his agent, Mike Eisenstadt, who confirmed the death. In 2013, Hansen published his book "Chain Saw Confidential," which gave readers a behind-thescenes look at how the film was made, Eisenstadt said. Hansen lived in Maine for about 40 years, where he worked as an actor and writer,

Eisenstadt said. At the time of his death, Hansen was at work on a film called "Death House," his agent said. Hansen was a writer and producer of the film, which the Internet Movie Database says is about how a secret government facaility becomes ground zero for the most horrific prison break in the history of mankind. The film is scheduled to come out next year, Eisenstadt said.

Hansen was born in Reykjavik, Iceland. He came to the U.S. and studied at the University o f Te x a s , w h e r e h e majored in English and Scandinavian Studies, Eisenstadt said. Surviving Hansen is his partner of 13 years, Betty Tower. (Fox Entertainment)


Hypertension in pregnancy linked to future heart disease Women who develop high blood pressure or gestational diabetes during pregnancy may face a greater risk of having these conditions again later in life, a study suggests. To see how these pregnancy complications impacted health later in life, researchers started following more than 22,000 women when they were in their mid-50s, about 27 to 29 years after their first pregnancies had occurred. They found that women who had high blood pressure during pregnancy were more than twice as likely to have it later as women who didn't experience this complication when they were younger. Women

with this problem during pregnancy were also more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. In addition, women who developed diabetes during pregnancy had a four-times-higher risk of developing diabetes again later on. And among women who developed diabetes or hypertension later in life, those problems typically got recognized earlier if they had previously experienced the conditions during pregnancy, researchers found. “ I f w e understand that women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are at increased risk of developing hypertension

and subsequent cardiovascular disease, and women with gestational diabetes are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, these women could benefit from screening programs,” lead study author Karst Heida of the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands said by email. Overall, almost 6,200 of the women in the study, or about 28 percent, had hypertension, or high blood pressure, while pregnant and almost 1,100, or 5 percent, had gestational diabetes. In the intervening years, there were more than 2,500 cardiovascular

events, including about 1,500 caused by heart disease and 720 due to stroke. Women with high blood pressure during pregnancy were diagnosed with hypertension around age 44 on average, about eight years earlier than women who developed hypertension without having had it during pregnancy. Women who had gestational diabetes were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, a form of the disease linked to obesity and aging, around age 53, about eight years earlier than women without a history of diabetes during pregnancy. T h e m a i n limitation of the study is its

reliance on the women to accurately recall and report whether they had high blood pressure or diabetes during pregnancies that occurred many years before the start of the study, the authors acknowledge in the journal Hypertension. In addition, high blood pressure is riskier

when it develops earlier in pregnancy, and researchers didn't have data on the timing of this complication. Women who have this pregnancy complication, however, are less likely to enter the study at an older age because they have a higher risk of future disease and poorer survival rates. (Fox News)

New brand of peanut butter has more caffeine than a Red Bull A new brand of peanut butter is packing more than just some extra crunch— it's loaded with more caffeine than a Red Bull. STEEM has 170 milligrams of caffeine per serving— and could pose a danger to people who eat it not realizing just how much of a jolt they are getting from an otherwise normal-looking spread, Sen. Charles Schumer warned on Sunday.

“This may look like an ordinary jar of peanut butter, and it may cost the same as a jar of peanut butter, but the fact is, it's much more dangerous than an ordinary jar of peanut butter,” Schumer said. “There is a new caffeinated product that has goes to where no previous such product has gone before.” So far, STEEM is

sold only at a handful of Massachusetts and Connecticut stores, but Schumer, a Democrat, is worried about the effect it will have if it becomes more readily available and called on the Food and Drug Administration to regulate it. “The FDA does not require the amount of caffeine to be listed on food labels. So this stuff and other

snacks can have a lot of caffeine and the consumer w o u l d n ' t e v e n k n o w, ” Schumer said. “If they allow it, it can spread to all kinds of other snacks, even Popsicles, candy, things that kids eat. It needs some regulation. We need the FDA to let everyone know they're not asleep at the wheel about the high levels of caffeine being infused into our snacks.” (Fox News)

How Vitamin D can turn you into Superman For some people, vitamin D deficiencies, which, like any vitamin deficiency, can cause a host of health problems. This week, though, researchers completed a preliminary study on vitamin D and found that if you do happen to get enough of this essential vitamin, it not only reduces the risk of heart disease, but also helps you exercise more strenuously, while simultaneously exhibiting lower signs of exertion. In layman's terms, vitamin D helps you exercise harder without becoming more tired, or even more simply, vitamin D turns you

into Superman. Vitamin D, which is also a hormone, is used in such critical bodily functions as the formation of bones and teeth, as well as in the absorption of other nutrients, but a lot of people don't get enough through diet alone. L u c k i l y, m o s t everyone enjoys some fun in the sun, which exposes skin to ultraviolet B rays and generates substantial amounts of vitamin D in the body. But, once winter hits and sunlight dissipates, even more people fail to get the necessary amount of this critical vitamin. Understanding this

conundrum, researchers from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, U.K., sought to investigate the bodily mechanisms and subsequent health benefits people with vitamin D deficiencies were missing out on. I n t h e s t u d y, participants were matched by age and weight and either given 50 micrograms of vitamin D, or a placebo, each day over a period of two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, participants went through a series of tests, and those who took the supplement not only showed lower blood pressure levels,

but also had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. T h e m o s t surprising finding, though, was that in a fitness test, participants who had taken the vitamin D supplement were able to cycle, on average, 6.5km in 20 minutes, compared to just 5km before the two week period had begun. Even with the 30% increase in distance, participants showed lower signs of physical exertion, which may be due to vitamin D's ability to lower cortisol levels, which has been known to restrict and narrow arteries and blood vessels.

Previous studies have found that up to 40% of the American population does not get enough vitamin D, and considering that it may play a role in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes,

depression, and weight gain, taking a supplement might be your best choice. There is one side effect, though: increased strength and endurance. Yeah, go get yourself a bottle. (Adapted from Yahoo News)


Climate change could create 100 million poor, over half a billion homeless

Rising sea levels from unchecked carbon emissions could drive more than 100 million people into extreme poverty and submerge the homes of over half a billion, two new reports say. The reports have been released ahead of the United Nation's 21st annual global conference on climate change --

known as COP21 -- being held in Le Bourget, France from 30 November to 11 December, 2015. Climate change is an acute and pressing threat to the poor and any climate stabilization policies must be integrated with efforts to e l i m i n a t e p o v e r t y, according to a new report from the World Bank. The

study found that rising global temperatures stand to push more than 100 million people into extreme poverty in the next 15 years, with subSaharan Africa and South Asia most at risk. Climate-related "shocks" are already impeding efforts to reduce poverty, according to the report, particularly

through crop losses, food price shocks and other impacts on agriculture, which is the main source of income for most poor families. Climate change also increases the risk of waterborne diseases and the transmission of malaria, with a warming of 2 to 3°C likely to put an extra 150 million people at risk for malaria. "The report demonstrates that ending poverty and fighting climate change cannot be done in isolation -- the two will be much more easily achieved if they are addressed together," said Stephane Hallegatte, a Wo r l d B a n k s e n i o r economist who led the research report team. "And between now and 2030, good, climate-informed development gives us the best chance we have of warding off increases in

poverty due to climate change." Other than reining in carbon emissions -- one of the major topics to be debated at the COP21 global climate summit -countries can prepare by developing early warning systems for flood protection and introducing heat-resistant crops. Another report released by Climate Central on the same day found that rising sea levels caused by a 4°C increase in warming from carbon emissions could submerge land that is currently home to up to 760 million people. Aggressive carbon cuts that limit warming to 2°C could reduce that number to as low as 130 million people. The top 10 cities with the largest threatened populations were all

located in Asia and include Shanghai, Hong Kong, Calcutta, Mumbai, Dhaka, Jakarta, and Hanoi. China, the world's leading carbon emitter, carries the most coastal risk according to the report, with 145 million people living on land that would become submerged. Limiting climate change to an increase of 2°C would cut their exposed population by 64 million. The U.S. and India -- the second and t h i r d l a rg e s t c a r b o n emitting countries in the world -- would cut their exposure to submerged land by half if they meet the 2°C goal. The report named the U.S. as the most threatened nation outside of Asia, with roughly 25 million people presently living on vulnerable land. (CNN)

Rwanda says Burundi leaders 'killing own people' Rwanda's President has accused Burundi's leaders of killing their own people as human-rights activists accuse security forces of killing 11 people over the weekend. Paul Kagame's comments could cause tensions between the neighbouring countries to rise. He made them after Burundi's president, Pierre Nkurunziza, repeatedly accused Rwanda of precipitating violence and instability in Burundi. "Are these leaders or what who kill their own people from morning to evening, dump them on the street and in streams and then

stand up and start accusing Rwanda?" Kagame said in a speech that was released on Sunday. Activists said about 200 people have been killed in Burundi since April when Nkurunziza announced his intention to seek a third term, which his critics said was unconstitutional. Nkurunziza, however, went on to win an election boycotted by the opposition in July. The latest violence occurred on Saturday night in Bujumbura when nine people were executed at a bar, human rights groups said. It was not clear who the assailants

were, witnesses said, but the killings occurred as a deadline given by Nkurunziza for "criminals" to surrender illegal firearms or be treated as enemies of state approached. The slayings came a day after police killed the son of a prominent human rights activist in Bujumbura. Willy Nzitonda, whose father was a critic of Nkurunziza, was killed in the Mutakura area. Willy Nzitonda, who had been working for the Association for the Protection of Human Rights and Detained Persons, had

been arrested Friday morning before he was killed. His father, PierreClaver Mbonimpa, was shot and wounded by unknown assailants in August. Mbonimpa's son-in-law, Pascal Nshirimana, was killed in Bujumbura by unknown attackers in September. Kagame charged that Burundi is in intensive care and said its leaders are to blame because they started their country's problems. Both Rwanda and Burundi have similar ethnic make-ups. They are dominated by the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups. About

800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed in Rwanda's 1994 genocide. A 1993-2006 civil war in Burundi was touched off by a

similar ethnic conflict. It killed 300,000 people. The International Crisis Group has warned that the country risks sliding back into conflict. (Al Jazeera)

Big stink made over toilet paper theft A branch of the New York Public Library is trying to flush out toilet paper thieves, reported. It seems the rash of toilet tissue theft has become so common at the Morrisania branch in the Bronx that library staffers put up a sign warning readers that “stealing is punishable

by the law.” "If you are caught stealing the bathroom tissue from dispenser, you will be barred permanently from all New York Public Libraries," the sign reads. The sign also warns that the restroom will be inspected "immediately after each person leaves" to see if

any tissue is missing or if the dispenser has been damaged, according to the news site. A library spokeswoman told that patrons can be banned for stealing library property, but that is a last resort, and toilet paper theft likely would not qualify.

The sign has been taken down, as it's not an official library directive, the spokeswoman told DNAinfo. Seth Wheeler of Albany, New York, was granted the earliest United States patents for toilet paper and dispensers. (Fox News)



Venezuela says U.S. intelligence plane violated air space Venezuela said a U.S. Coast Guard intelligence plane violated its airspace on Friday and that other planes with capacity to gather information were circulating close to the South American country. "Forty-eight hours ago, an intelligence plane for the U.S. Coast Guard took off from the air base in Curacao," Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said in a televised broadcast on Sunday. "The most serious part is that this plane, a

Dash-8 ... violated air space, our air space," he said, adding the aircraft was close the western Los Monjes archipelago on the Caribbean coast. The U.S. embassy in Caracas and the U.S. Coast Guard did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Ve n e z u e l a ' s leftist administration frequently accuses the United States, its ideological foe, of plotting to overthrow the government and lay its

hands on the OPEC country's oil wealth. Government critics say Venezuela's increasingly unpopular rulers are manufacturing foreign threats to rally its fraying coalition. Padrino, dressed in military fatigues, said other planes able to collect information and take photos were close to Venezuela. A U.S. aircraft carrier circulating in the region would be "very close" to Venezuela on the Dec. 6 parliamentary

elections, he added. "This deserves our attention," Padrino said. "Taking into account the precedents that exist, especially in the year 2002," he said in reference to the U.S.-endorsed coup that briefly deposed late leftist leader Hugo Chavez. Opposition politician Henry Ramos took his criticism of Chavez's struggling successor, Nicolas Maduro, to Twitter after Sunday's accusations. "Not even

vultures fly around here," he added, referring to the lack of international flights after airlines cut routes to Venezuela over debts. Maduro has also clashed with neighboring Colombia over alleged air space violations.

Colombia protested in September after two Ve n e z u e l a n m i l i t a r y airplanes reportedly flew into its air space. (Yahoo News)

Priest to criminals: Put down your guns

Rev Carl Williams, the interim rector for the Trinity Cathedral, called for people throughout TT

to put down their guns. Williams made the call at yesterday's special Eucharist called

Remembrance Sunday, held at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Abercromby St,

Port-of- Spian. The special mass was held even as Memorial Day was being held at Memorial Park, Port-ofSpain. During his homily, Williams told the parishioners that those who used guns to take the lives of others were cowards. The country, he said, needed to get rid of the guns which caused so much harm throughout the country. He, however, also thanked and remembered those who died in world wars I and II as well as prayed for the country's protective services. Williams said those people

gave their lives to the cause of freedom during the world wars. Those who lost their lives during the wars, made an enormous sacrifice in the names of justice and peace. “Remembrance Day brings home that there are some things worth dying for like justice and peace,” he said. Sacrifice, he added, lies with one's national consciousness. T h e c h u r c h ' s Remembrance Day paid homage to those who died for their country, he said. But Williams also made a passionate call for the

parishioners as well as the wider national community to say that it has had enough of the gun violence. “Children are without fathers. There are mothers who are now f a t h e r, m o t h e r s a n d grandmothers. There are many consequences when you take someone's life...It (gun violence in TT) is going on for too long now,” he said. “We need to live a life of peace and let us tell people to put those guns down,” he said. There have been 359 murders for the year so far. (Adapted from the Trinidad Newsday)

St. Vincent elections set for December 9 Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves Saturday night named December 9 as the date for the general election in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Gonsalves, addressing a rally of his Unity Labour Party (ULP), said that Nomination Day will be November 20 and that Parliament was dissolved on Saturday. The election comes ahead of the

constitutional deadline of March 2016. Gonsalves, s e e k i n g a n unprecedented fourthconsecutive term in o ffi c e , w i l l f a c e a challenge from the main Opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) led by the former Prime Minister Arnhim Eustace. In the last general election on December 13, 2010, the ULP won eight of the 15 seats.

It received 32,099 of the popular vote, edging out the NDP which received 30, 568 to win seven seats. The St Vincent and the Grenadines Green Party, which received a paltry 138 votes, was the other party that contested the general election. (Jamaican Observer) Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves


Myanmar opposition claims big gains in election

Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi's party is claiming gains in Myanmar's parliamentary election, with supporters already celebrating an anticipated landslide victory. At least 2,000 people braved the

afternoon downpour on M o n d a y i n t h e commercial capital, Yangon, as they awaited the announcement of the results and a possible speech by the democracy icon. Supporters

waved the red flag of the Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party while singing along the campaign theme song, shouting "NLD, we will win." They also cheered when the election

commission announced wins for NLD candidates in a news conference which played live on a widescreen TV. The country's first openly contested election in decades saw an estimated 80 percent voter turnout. The NLD had won about 70 percent of the votes counted by midday Monday, party spokesman Win Htein said. The nation breathed a collective sigh of relief as polling closed on Sunday, with no major incidents of violence or voter irregularity reported. The opposition NLD party, however, filed an official complaint before the election commission about violations of voting regulations. Initial results

showed the NLD winning seats in its stronghold of Yangon, and even in the capital Naypyidaw, where the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) was expected to win. Suu Kyi called for the country to remain "calm, peaceful and stable" as it awaits the outcome of the election. "There is no official result yet. But the people already know who has won," she told her supporters outside the NLD headquarters on Monday morning. "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, but your dignity is important. The winner should show empathy to the losers." A government newspaper on Monday

hailed the election as the "dawn of a new era". Min Aung Hlaing, a senior general, was also quoted as saying that there is "no reason not to accept" the election results. The military government handed power to a semicivilian government in 2011, but the army still dominates politics after decades in power. Tw e n t y - fi v e percent of seats in parliament will be reserved for the army. Even with a win for her party, Suu Kyi cannot become president, according to the country's constitution as she married a UK citizen and her children have UK passports. (Al Jazeera)

1 dead, 2 wounded in NYC subway shooting New York City police were hunting for a gunman Monday who shot and killed one person and wounded two others in an attack near Penn Station during the height of the city's morning rush hour. The shooter has not been reported captured, but the NYPD could not confirm that the gunman was still at large. Police are reportedly searching for suspects who fled the scene after the 6:15 a.m. shooting in a darkcolored vehicle, according to Newsday. One of the wounded was shot in the leg and the other was shot in the stomach, authorities

told Fox News. Their injuries were not considered lifethreatening, police said. All three individuals were male and in their 40s, Newsday reported. The shooting occurred outside of a McDonalds near 35th St. and Eighth Ave. and the three men were shot at point-blank range, a c c o r d i n g t o NBCNewYork. "This kind of thing doesn't happen over here," said Michael Gessow, 39, of the Bronx. "There's a group of us here that don't let things like this go down here. They were real nice guys,

straight guys. I can't believe it." Richard Buckley, 59, of Queens, said: "I have never seen anything like this happen...This is terrible." Police said they could not immediately confirm that the victims were from the methadone clinic, where people with drug habits receive treatment, but investigators were interviewing officials and patients at the building, a half-block west of where the shooting occurred. Police closed off 35th Street between Seventh and Eighth avenues. Detectives were

interviewing people at a McDonald's near the subway entrance, where a cane could be seen resting on the top steps. It was not

immediately known if the A, C and E subway lines were affected by the shooting, but two entrances were taped off.

There was a heavy police presence at the scene. (Fox News)

Two Americans killed at Jordanian training Centre A Jordanian police officer has shot dead at least two Americans and one South African at a police training Centre near the capital, officials have said. Police colleagues gunned down the shooter after the attack on Monday. State news agency Petra said the three instructors killed were on contract with Jordanian police.Four Jordanians were also critically injured. Government

spokesman Mohammed Momani told Al Jazeera that the shooter, Anwar Abu Zaid, had served in the criminal investigation department and the police intelligence unit, before joining the training programme in Muwaqar. P e n t a g o n Spokesman Major James Brindle told Al Jazeera that the Pentagon was trying to verify information, adding that he could not yet confirm the identity of the two

dead Americans. The police training centre is in Al-Mowager, 30km from Amman. The attack coincides with the 10th anniversary of suicide bombings in Amman hotels that cost 60 lives and wounded dozens more. (Al Jazeera)

Indigenous Olympics' in Brazil

From the Amazon to the shores of New Zealand, 2,000 competitors converged on the frontier city of Palmas for the first

World Indigenous Games. Over the course of nine days they competed in an array of traditional sports such as archery, log-

carrying and tug-of-war. But they also took plenty of time to talk politics and indigenous rights. "We're distant

from other cultures of the world, but this gives us a chance to mingle with the rest of the indigenous peoples from all over the place," said Maori athlete Marino Thompson. The opening ceremony started with athletes shooting arcs of fire with their bows and arrows to light the symbolic torch at an event widely dubbed the "Indigenous Olympics" -just nine months before the 2016 Olympic Games kick off in Rio de Janeiro. Tribes from two dozen countries paraded around the purpose-built stadium, displaying feathered headdresses,

velvet robes and, despite the sweltering heat, Arctic furs. The games themselves were plagued by disorganization and late starts, but participants each got an opportunity to showcase their sporting prowess and traditions. Brazil excelled in the log relay, passing 100-kilo (220-pound) logs from shoulder to shoulder as they raced around the stadium. Mongolia was strong in archery and New Zealand in spear-throwing. Heavily built Maori warriors were also the tugof-war favorites, although they lost a major competition to the

Brazilian Bacairis tribe. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff turned out for the opening ceremony but was booed and heckled by activists who say the country's tribes face continuous threats from illegal logging, ranching and National Congress influenced by the powerful agribusiness lobby. But for most of those participating, competition was the reason they were there and the biggest cheer came when athletes learned a second Games -- in Canada in 2017. (CNN)

AUS vs NZ – First Test

Australia wrap up vast win at Gabba Australia's vast victory over New Zealand in the Gabba Test was not achieved without some rancour on the final day, as umpiring decisions and a pesky last-wicket stand for the visitors caused some frustrations at the end of an otherwise commanding performance by the hosts. The steep and increasingly variable bounce of the pitch accounted for most of New Zealand's last seven wickets, while Nathan Ly o n ' s g r o w i n g f o u r t h innings expertise was demonstrated by his three wickets and constant threat to the batsmen. Brendon McCullum offered a typically defiant riposte but lacked support, and then found his innings ended by one of two umpiring calls that left a bitter taste in New Zealand mouths. H o w e v e r, t h e r e

was evidence that McCullum's men would fight this series out as the last pair of Mark Craig and Trent Boult hammered a partnership of 46 that entertained the smallest of crowds while also causing the red mist to descend upon several Australian players. All this left Australia in possession of a 10 series lead but a feeling that New Zealand will be a more difficult proposition in the second Test at the WACA Ground next week, even if they have lost the allrounder Jimmy Neesham to a back ailment and will be in some doubt about being able to choose Tim Southee for Perth due to a similar problem. McCullum and Ross Taylor had begun with plenty of positive intent as they took 15 runs from the

first two overs of the day. The injured Neesham was also to fall victim to the short ball, his stiff back doubtless making it difficult for him to evade a Mitchell Johnson bumper that was fended off the shoulder of the bat into the hands of Joe Burns at short leg - a simpler chance than those he had turfed earlier in the match. L y o n ' s contribution then continued when he added the wicket of BJ Watling to those of Martin Guptill and Kane W i l l i a m s o n . Wa t l i n g reviewed the lbw decision by Richard Illingworth, but balltracking showed a sharp off break to be thudding firmly into leg stump to end a partnership that was New Zealand's last real hope of escaping defeat. F o r t h e

Australians, there are far fewer questions about their top-order batting than at the start of the match, though at times the bowling attack might have been more ruthless. New Zealand meanwhile must hope for a

more competitive showing in Perth, with the benefit of another week on bouncy pitches to guide them. Scores:- Australia 4 for 556 dec (Khawaja 174, Warner 163, Voges 83*, Burns 71) and 4 for 264 dec

(Burns 129, Warner 116, Craig 3-78) beat New Zealand 317 (Williamson 140, Starc 4-57, Johnson 3105) and 295 (McCullum, 80, Williamson 59, Lyon 3-63) by 208 runs. (Adapted from Espncricinfo)

Narine reported for suspect action Sunil Narine, the West Indies offspinner, has been reported for bowling with a suspect action during the third ODI against Sri Lanka in Pallekele. Narine finished with figures of 0 for 24 in the Pallekele ODI, which Sri Lanka won by 19 runs based on the Duckworth-Lewis method. The match officials' report, handed to the West Indies team management after the game, cited concerns about the legality of

Narine's deliveries. Narine will need to undergo testing on his action within 14 days, and will be permitted to continue bowling until the results of his testing are known. This is the first time Narine has been reported in an international game, though he has undergone scrutiny of his action during the IPL and the Champions League T20. He was reported twice in two matches during the 2014 edition of the CLT20, forcing

him to miss Kolkata Knight Riders' final against Chennai Super Kings. Though he was free to bowl in international c r i c k e t , We s t I n d i e s withdrew Narine from their tour of India to allow him "the opportunity to have his action assessed and plan his return to cricket". West Indies left him out of all their subsequent international assignments until they picked him for the 2015 World Cup. Though he had

remodeled his action in the interim, Narine pulled out of the tournament, saying the return would be "a little too much too soon". N arine endur ed further trouble with his action during the 2015 IPL - he was first cleared to bowl in the tournament, reported and sent for a re-test, banned from bowling his offbreaks, and then cleared again, with a "final warning". (Adapted from Espncricinfo)

Monday November 09, 2015

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