GNN Online Newspaper - JAN 12, 2015

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Tuesday January 12, 2016

ncn ceo & hr resign

Ministry seeks legal opinion on PPP’s claim of conflict of interest by Broomes Ministry noted that the PPP’s statement is designed to impugn Broomes’s character, adding that it “wishes to make it clear that it has abundant confidence in the capacity and integrity of Minister Broomes, and stands firmly behind her in the course of her execution of the responsibilities that fall under her new portfolio.” The statement continued “we reject entirely the assertions that allude to ‘conflict of interest’ alluded to by Rohee in his statement. That notwithstanding, the Ministry has solicited a legal opinion on the matter of conflict of interest, and will

pronounce with greater specificity on this issue very shortly.” The Ministry of Natural Resources also declared that the shenanigans of the PPP will do nothing to diminish its confidence, and for that matter, the confidence of the Government of Guyana, in the Honourable Minister. Broomes reportedly has an agreement with an Australian mining company. It was reported that the company has the option of acquiring a 100 percent interest in three medium-scale prospecting permits in keeping with an agreement signed in June, 2012. Broomes owns the three mining

properties located in the Issano area. “I don’t see it as a conflict of interest. I have three mining properties in the Issano area and Pharsalus and I had a contract gone back years, and if they are to mine the area, it is simple, we come back to the table; if I am to get a percentage or if they are going to buy me out, then that is simple. I don’t see any conflict of interest there and that is very straightfor ward” Broomes said at a recent press conference. She also stated that President Granger is aware of her involvement in the mining sector.

component through the walls of the fabric, with the aid of a polymer’. He said ‘another benefit of using Geotubes is the possibility of re-using the filtrate, which is water removed from the sludge, in the treatment process.

90% of the sludge volume is reduced and recovered as filtrate…in addition to this, about 8% of treated water which was once wasted through backwashing processes, can also be reused in the treatment

process, thus recovering significant costs’. This provides a dry product (25-30% solids) that can be easily handled and disposed of; this process would allow GWI to dispose of the solid sludge in a more efficient manner. According to Anderson, the use of the Geotubes is the most environmentallyfriendly option. The Geotubes, which are currently being tested for effectiveness by GWI at

the company’s ShelterBelt Water Treatment Facility, Georgetown, are supplied by Tencate, a multinational company established in Almelo, the Netherlands. The investment by GWI to employ the use of Geotubes would cost in excess of GY$5 Million, which is the most cost-effective option the company has explored with regard to the disposal of sludge.

post yesterday. Recently rumors were circulating that she may have been asked to resign by the eight month old coalition government. However, Hassan said her action was voluntary.

In keeping with her contract, she has given the company three months’ notice and will therefore remain in her position until April 30. A d d i t i o n a l l y, Human Resource Manager, Daren

Khan, today resigned with immediate effect. Efforts to contact Khan to ascertain his reason for leaving have proven futile. Hassan held the position with the company in May 2014 after

Some concerns were raise in the public domain with regard to Broomes’ new placement, prior to Rohee’s comments. The government was chided for reassigning her, since it is believed that it could be a case of conflict of Minister Simona Broomes interest. Some posited The Ministry of at a press conference that had the former Natural Resources on Monday January administration made says it has sought legal 11, pointed out that such a decision in Broomes the past, it would opinion to fully address Minister claims that Minister new portfolio creates have come in for criticism. in the Ministry of a conflict of interest, grave Natural Resources, given her ownership It was also stated Simona Broomes, is of mining concessions. that the government in a conflict of interest “Whether she was should have for her considered whether it situation, given her ties moved to the mining sector. performance or non- was a case of conflict This statement comes performance, we before appointing the after General Secretary should not overlook Minister in the position of the People’s the conflict of interest rather than seeking exists,” the legal advice after. Progressive Party that (PPP), Clement Rohee PPP GS lamented. The Natural Resources

GWI RECYCLING SLUDGE FROM TREATMENT PROCESS Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) has commenced exploring the possibility of recycling the sludge which remains after the treatment of water by separating the solid from the liquid and reusing the liquid in the treatment process and properly disposing of the solid. This process would provide GWI with a more effective method of disposal; one that does not require the need to release significant

amounts of sludge into the Irving Street Canal. According to a statement, the company commenced testing in June 2015 with the use of polymers and Geotextile containers, referred to as ‘Geotubes’. According to Senior Chemical Engineer at GWI; Deon Anderson the Geotubes are capable of thickening and dewatering the sludge by trapping solid constituents and separating the liquid

NCN CEO & HR Manager RESIGN Molly Hassan

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Communications

Network (NCN), Molly Hassan, said that she resigned from her

Daren Khan

being appointed by the former a d m i n i s t r at i on while Khan joined a few months after.

No division in Cabinet on prosecuting PPP/C officials found guilty -President President David Granger has rejected the notion that there is a division in his Cabinet when it comes to prosecuting officials under the former Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) administration for alleged wrong doing. Ever since the coalition government took office in May last year, there has been numerous allegations of corruption against officials of the past administration, however, there has been no movement in having these officials prosecuted. However, the President a few weeks ago cited lack of evidence as the sole reason for this hesitation, as some may see it. He said publicly that so far there has not been evidence to prosecute anyone. He said too that once the evidence is provided the necessary actions will be taken. Despite the many articles being published in the Newspapers on a daily basis highlighting alleged corrupt practices that were carried out under the previous administration, the

President says he will not convict persons based on “articles and editorials” but wants hard core evidence. “If people were assumed to be guilty based on a newspaper article or a letter to the editor the country would be in chaos,” he reasoned. “There is a difference between anecdote and evidences, there is a difference between speculation and surmise and actually providing proof. Sometimes people make allegations and you ask them for evidence and there is no evidence to prove,” Mr. Granger explained. The President did recognise that he cannot spend all of his time on audits and probe, highlighting that he has to move on with the business of running the country. However, while the President is saying this, other Ministers of government are conveying a different impression. They are apparently pushing for more punitive measures

to be taken against PPP/C officials who are allegedly fingered in corruption. This has given rise to speculation of a division at the level of Cabinet on the issue. The President has however dismissed this notion, saying that all decisions that come out of Cabinet are taken in a consensual manner. “Cabinet members are obliged to comply with whatever decisions are taken as part of their Ministerial responsibility…it is not the National Assembly, we don’t vote in the Cabinet,” he clarified. According to the President, once a matter is discussed, there is one position coming out of Cabinet. There is no division, people are free to express their opinion, Granger assured. According to him, “as far as the tempo is concerned, I don’t interfere with the course of justice if people commit offences it is up to the police or the DPP or the other

The Commission of Inquiry into the operations of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), has recommended a reversal of the sale of Skeldon Energy Incorporated (SEI) to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) and government holding company, National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). In its factory report, the CoI stated that the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) should be renegotiated. “It is recommended that the sale of the Steam & Power plant at Skeldon to Skeldon Energy Inc. (S.E.I.) be reversed.

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between GuySuCo and the Guyana Power & Light (GPL) needs to be urgently renegotiated as the 4 US cents/KWH (kilowatt Hour) for power generated by the Turbo Alternators is considered to be much too low” the report said. It was added that “the 2 US cents/ KWH for power generated by the Wartsila engines is also considered to be low, notwithstanding the fact that the HFO fuel for these engines is supplied free of cost by GPL.” The co-generation plant and three Wartsila power units at Skeldon was sold to GPL in April, 2015 at

a price of US$30 million. According to a press statement issued, SEI will be funded with equity financing of US$5M from NICIL and US$4M from GPL and US$21M in debt financing from GPL and local and international financial institutions. Repayment of the financing will be via the sale of power under the two PPAs to GPL and GuySuCo. In relation to the US$4M in equity financing from GPL, Head of NICIL, Winston Brassington, said that due to the drop in fuel prices, GPL has the available cash flow. It was also disclosed that on the basis that GPL will purchase most

President David Granger

authorities to take action against the persons who commits that offence.” He went on to state that “if somebody from the previous administration murders somebody I’m not going to say let’s get on with it we have more important things, the law must take its course ….I don’t interfere with the course of justice, I never will.” He said he is not waging a vendetta or some form of witch hunt but he will not stand in the way of justice. Meanwhile, PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee said Granger’s comment about him not interfering with the course of

justice lacks merit. He said Granger’s comment that he does not interfere with the course of justice is “duplicitous if not disingenuous, especially when consideration is given to the garrulous and reprehensible outpours to the media by Harmon, Clive Thomas et all that they are, ‘going after the big fishes for acts of corruption and to restore national pride’ and that former government ministers were thieving all over the place,” Rohee stated. He added that “it is okay for Granger to say that he do not interfere with the course of justice, what he

did not go on to say was that that must happen in an institutional manner on the basis of due process without interference from any quarter and that such actions should never be guided by political consideration. The PPP wishes to emphasize that no one in the PPP/C has ever sought to pervert the course of justice meaning to obstruct, prevent, or to defeat the course of justice notwithstanding that a certain political cabal who are an integral part of the Granger administration are hounding political opponents in the name of “justice.”

Reverse sale of Skeldon Power Plant - GuySuCo CoI

of the power from SEI under a PPA and the plant being operated by Wartsila, Wartsila will provide financing for the rehabilitation of the 10MW plant. According to the statement, GuySuCo will be paid US$30M for the transfer of the assets and SEI will supply power to the sugar company at

the same prices that GPL currently pays GuySuCo today. GuySuCo will also sell to SEI the bagasse for the co-generation plant. The Skeldon sugar factory has over the years experienced several difficulties in optimizing electricity supplies. Brassington had said that expected benefits of the restructuring

of the Skeldon energy assets include the enhancement of the generating capacity of the Skeldon Wartsila and bagasse co-generation plants and providing GPL and GuySuCo with a stable and reliable source of power and relieve GuySuCo of the responsibility to manage the power generation.

Guyana among 12 emerging destinations to visit in 2016

Guyana was listed among the Business Insider UK’s ‘12 Emerging destinations you have to visit in 2016’. The list compiled by

a broadcast journalist and photojournalist, specialising in travel to emerging destinations; Anisha Shah, the list includes; Glacier

Bay National Park: Alaska, Japan, Gabon, Uganda, Iran, Taiwan, Madagascar, the Arctic: Iceland, Greenland, and Norway, Mongolia,

Papua New Guinea and Kyrgyzstan. Shah said 2016 is all about emerging destinations noting that “Wilderness, wildlife and culture; these themes will illuminate the year’s travel itineraries. Escapism and authenticity are key and nowhere offers them quite like fledgling and far-flung nations.” “Dripping in rainforests, Guyana’s untouched pristine interior is sparsely populated, home only to few Amerindian villages. Wildlife far outnumbers the people, with jaguars, pumas and sloths the real locals.” is her description of Guyana. “Why Now? You’ve heard of Iguazu and Angel Falls, read about

Galapagos wildlife and Brazil’s rainforest but Guyana is a small nation with all of the above, where you won’t come across another tourist… just yet” she added. This augurs well for Guyana as it prepares to celebrate its 50th Independence Anniversary with much fun and flare. Over the years, Guyana has cemented its position as a leading Sustainable Tourism Destination, and has gained international recognition as ‘National Geographic Traveler 2014’s must-see places on planet earth. Guyana earned a coveted spot on this exclusive, very short list for the very first time in 2014’and BBC Travel’s ‘Five destinations you

should know more about’, among many others. The Destination features an irresistible combination of captivating natural beauty; pristine Amazonian rainforests; immense waterfalls; amazing wildlife, blended with a vibrant indigenous culture, rich heritage and the most hospitable and friendly people in the world; niche products include Bird Watching, Sport Fishing, Community Based Tourism, Wildlife Spotting and Yachting. Taken and reworked from Business Insider (UK)

Public asked not to be alarmed over Joint Services exercise at Timehri The Joint Services will be involved in an ‘exercise’ over the next two days at Timehi and its environs, East Bank Demerara. A statement from the police says that the exercise which is under “Operation

Dragnet”, will be conducted from 06:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs on Wednesday, January 13, and Thursday January 14, 2016. During the exercise there will be movement of Joint Services

personnel and pyrotechnics will be used which will result in periodical loud explosions. The Joint Services is asking members of the public not to be alarmed during the period of the exercise.

Police say Stabroek News took ‘cheap shot’ Seelall Persaud

In responding to an article in today’s edition of the Stabroek News, the Guyana Police Force noted that the Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud expressed resentment

at the ‘cheap shot’ taken by the paper. The article in question is captioned, “Ramjattan withholds comment on botched SOCU Operation”. According to the Police, the article

stated that the “Stabroek News also reached out to Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud but to no avail as after a wait of more than 30 minutes at his Eve Leary Office, this newspaper was told he was preparing to head off to a meeting.” The response noted that yesterday, Stabroek News reporter, Ms. Zoisa Fraser, who according to the police, is

known personally to the Commissioner for about 7 years, came to his Office and told the Personal Assistant that she was making a courtesy call on the Top Cop. She was informed that the Commissioner was in a meeting. The Police explain that upon conclusion of the meeting the Commissioner was informed and immediately indicated

to his Personal Assistant that he had to attend another meeting and could not accommodate the courtesy call at that time. This was communicated to Fraser and according to the Police, she would have witnessed the Commissioner exiting the Conference Room among a number of officers, and she left the Office.

Persaud is advising that Fraser not allow herself to be pressured into unprofessional behavior and directed reporters seeking information on Police matters to contact his office and that of other senior of officials of the force including Divisional Commanders and the Head of the CID.

Opposition speaks out against re-establishment of Peoples Militia

In light of the recent announcement of the re-establishment of the Guyana People’s Militia, the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) has spoken out against this move by the eight month old coalition APNU + AFC government. Former President Donald Ramotar told GNN what he recalled transpired under the past Peoples National Congress government when the Peoples Militia existed and is adamant that history will repeat itself. He said the paramilitary organization was created during the time when the border dispute

between Guyana and Venezuela arose. Following the move to re-establish the body, Ramotar believes that the Venezuela border dispute will again be used as the excuse. “What is happening here could very well be a repeat of what happened when the People’s Militia was formed before in the 1970’s…it was at a time when they used the excuse of the Venezuela border issue there was this suggestion used that in order to deepen the cost of defence we should create the People’s Militia,” the former President stated. He recalled then

government made the para-military body very partisan since they only organized training in areas of their support. “I think is the same thing they will do now, they will use the excuse of Venezuela issue and put all kinds of obstacles in the way to get people who they perceive not to be supporters of the government from getting involved in the Peoples Militia like they did when they formed the People’s Militia….they only used to had them in Afro-Guyanese villages and not in Indian villages,” said Ramotar. In addition to Ramotar’s comment, General Secretary for the PPP Clement Rohee at his weekly press conference yesterday weighed in on the issue. He expressed fear that what obtained under the watch of former President Forbes Burnham will repeat itself. He opined that the

Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry, explained that CAL has been the sole airline, thus far, to approach the National Commemorative Commission to partner in support of the 50th Independence anniversary celebrations. She explained that no way does the partnership make, CAL the official airline, of the jubilee celebration. “This is not a case of sole sourcing,” she said, explaining, that the Government is still open to and would welcome, other airlines coming on board and offering similar packages. Caribbean Airlines (CAL) has come on board to support the Government and people of Guyana

in commemorating the country’s 50th jubilee anniversary. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), the airline has partnered with the Ministry of Education, Department of Culture, Youth and Sport to brand three of their aircraft with the 50th anniversary logo. The branded planes will be unveiled at a simple ceremony at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) on Friday, January 15, 2015. According to Henry, apart from the logo, which is branding and publicity, the CAL partnership also has a travel component, whereby the airline has agreed to airlift to Guyana, and free of cost, certain items, including memorabilia

and souvenirs that the National Commemorative Commission would require to purchase outside of Guyana, for the celebrations. The arrangement also caters for reduction in passenger fare for VIP passengers who would be required to travel to the country or to the Diaspora destination of Toronto and New York as part of the celebrations there. Given the volume of the activities planned and the amount of air traffic expected, “we might very much need other support,” she noted. For its part, CAL is delighted that the Government and people of Guyana have chosen it as one of the preferred carriers for the 50th

Donald Ramotar

reintroduction of the Guyana National Service and the People’s Militia, it is clear Guyana is going back to the past. Rohee said “you have to have experience and live through those days to be able to speak with authority on what is perceived to be emerging now… the use of the coercive apparatus of the state to monitor, carry out rickety exercises to do reconnaissance of persons who are suspected to be political opponents whether individually or within an organization.” Rohee recalled that the military institutions had played a dominant role in keeping the PNC dictatorship alive, and according to him, it appears to be the same approach being taken by the new government. The PPP GS reminded that in the past, the People’s Militia was used as an initiative for government

supporters to undergo military training and to be armed to parade the streets and instil fear within others. He however, is concerned that this appears to be repeating. Rohee also contended that the return of these programmes would only add unnecessary burden to the treasury. In the past finance was provided from the Guyana Defence Force’s budgetary allocation, however, this time the People’s Militia will have its own budget. Meanwhile, President David Granger is on record saying that the ranks will not be receiving full salaries but will only receive a stipend for the parades or training that they attend, as obtained in the past. He refuted the PPP’s claims that Guyana is moving in the direction of a militarized state. “We are not trying to militarize society but it is a very useful

organization in the time of flood for example Militia people could be churned out and mobilized and they could help in flood relief and of course it is a cheap form of having a military force so rather than decreasing he regular force you can keep the regular force small and increase the strength of the Militia so in an emergency they can be mobilized.” The Guyana People’s Militia was established in December 1976 under the PNC government and was disbanded in August 1997 under the PPP/C administration. The original uniform of the Militia comprised brown caps and badges, beige shirts, and brown trousers but the trousers were later changed to olive green. The body now falls under the command of Colonel Partick West.

CAL not official airline for 50th Anniversary celebrations - Henry

Minister within the Ministry of Education with responsibilities for the Department of Culture, Youth and Sport, Nicolette Henry with Caribbean Airlines’ Guyana, Sales Executive, Dion Inniss at the press briefing

celebration in Guyana and its, Diaspora destination of Toronto and New York, CAL’s Guyana Sales Executive, Dion Inniss told the media.

Questioned about whether the airlines would be offering its customers a reduced cost for flying in for the celebration; Inniss said that this would

be based on demand. (Adapted from GINA)

Granger says vendors must adhere to Municipal by-laws President David Granger has warned vendors plying their trade around Georgetown to adhere to the city by-laws. In his most recent televised programme, Mr. Granger was spoke specifically to the issue surrounding the removal of vendors from the Merriman Mall which created much controversy. “All I can advise is that they should confirm to municipal by-laws and regulations, that’s what I tell the vendors,” said the President. “They must not leave debris and rubbish [scattered on the ground], and they must not go

into prohibited areas,” the Head of State added. In acknowledging that there is a large vending population in Georgetown, the

Guyanese leader posited that “we must accept that. Some people prefer to buy from vendors, but vendors must conform to the laws.”

On the other hand, taking into consideration that a change in location can affect the vendors’ livelihoods, the City Council was mandated

to put arrangements in place to ensure that those displaced are given accommodation at appropriate locations to ply their trade. Last week tempers flared as City Council said it was forced to temporarily suspend vending in that section of the Merriman Mall between Cummings Street and Orange Walk since vendors were not adhering to guidelines in regard to waste disposal and other guidelines that they were told about since last November. This led to them protesting outside the Ministry of the Presidency, demanding an intervention from the President. A temporary area on the Mall, between Cummings

and Light Streets, has been identified for the vendors to operate while the council evaluates their operations to ensure that it falls in line with city by-laws. The area where vending has been temporarily suspended will be cleaned, and based on the vendors’ adherence to guidelines, a decision will be made on whether they can return to that location. The Council now has to make a determination between the right to vendors making a livelihood and its responsibility to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

NCN being restructured – Board In a statement this afternoon, the Board of the National Communications Network (NCN) said several changes will be made to improve the state-owned media entity. It noted that, having reviewed the strategic direction, operations and conditions at the State-owned Media entity, it has embarked on a vitalization project at the start of this year. To this end, it said there will be restructuring of the management to meet the new strategic direction, re-branding and vitalizing the programming on NCN’s radio and television stations, vitalizing plant and infrastructure

Senior positions to be advertised

and identifying a clear strategic direction based on national imperatives. To this end a comprehensive document has been produced by the Board which provides the basis for the project. According to the statement, the strategic direction now set has necessitated several changes includes changes at the administrative level of the organization based on revised terms of reference and competencies for the new structure. The Board announced that “several positions including those of CEO, Human Resources,

ICT, Engineering and Programming have been rationalized” noting that over the last two days the positions of the CEO, Human Resources and ICT have been voluntarily vacated. As a consequence, advertisements will soon appear for suitably qualified persons to fill various posts within the entity. The Board said there has been an intense and ongoing review of both the current programmes, systems, staff and technical facilities. In addition to internal work being done on re-branding, re-programming, training and creating a new content

Biswha Panday - Chairman NCN Board

culture, a nationwide call is currently out for announcers, producers and fresh programme ideas.

It added that following months of extensive tours to NCN’s national substations, as well as equipment audits

and technical consultations with local and international experts, several urgent needs in the area of physical space, telecommunications infrastructure, training, management and equipment have been identified and it has been vigorously pursuing resources to rectify these problems and intends to continue this process in 2016. The Board of NCN appointed just 3 months ago in October 2015, has re-iterated its commitment to resolutely pursuing this clear strategic direction in the best interest of the nation. As such, all four pillars of the vitalization project are being pursued simultaneously.

Fogging continues to tackle vector Bourne diseases

The Ministry of Public Health, in a media release this morning, said it is actively pursuing preventative measures for vector borne diseases such as Zika, Chikungunya and Malaria transmitted by the Aedes aegypti and Aedes polynesiensis mosquitoes. The Ministry Vector Control Services has begun fogging for vector control in identified communities and reminds residents in the targeted communities are reminded to open their windows to allow the fog mist into the buildings to kill the adult mosquitoes. To avoid any health problems residents are reminded to cover all drinking water and secure all food stuff (Uncooked and Cooked) to prevent possible contamination, secure all domestic animals and poultry, and to keep

persons who suffer from asthmatic conditions, young children and the elderly away from the direct flow of fog. The fogging exercise commenced on Monday, January 11, 2016 and will be completed on January 30, 2016. The exercise will commence at 17:30hrs daily in the following areas: • Kingston • Guyhoc • Cummingsburg • Guyhoc Park • Lacytown • Tucville • Bourda • North East La • Alberttown Penitence • Queenstown • East La Penitence • Bel-Air Park • East Ruimveldt • Lamaha Gardens • West Ruimveldt • Newtown Kitty • Castello Housing • Campbellville Scheme • Kitty • Albouystown • Subryanville • Alexander Village • Bel- Air Gardens • Charlestown • Prashad Nagar • North Sophia • Bel-Air • South Sophia • Bel-Air Springs • Turkeyen • Croal Street • Cummings Lodge • Werk-en-rust • Industry • Wort-Man-ville • Ogle • Lodge • Meadow Bank • Meadow Brook • Rahaman’s Park

• Mc Doom • Agricola • Eccles • Mocha • Timehri • Sosedyke • East Bank Demerara Areas The Ministry of Public Health reminded in the release that vector control is a partnership. Residents were encouraged to keep their yards clean by removing all empty containers that can breed mosquitoes and to always sleep under mosquito nets. In order to control the spread of these mosquitoes, individuals should conduct systematic searches in and around their environment for any stored or exposed body of water and re-

move these sources which serve as breeding grounds. The ministry is also advising that all pregnant women and children sleep under a mosquito net; since the zika virus causes some abnormalities in developing fetuses. Additionally, Persons who travel to Guyana should inform the Port Health Authority at the airport, seaport or land crossing or contact the nearest health facility, if they had symptoms of fever within the last week. The necessary advice and follow up care would be provided.

Stroke incidence rises for people Under 45

We all know the symptom rundown – if you’re experiencing numbness, weakness, severe headache, or difficulty speaking or seeing, go to the near-

“Timely treatment for stroke is probably more important than for almost any other medical problem there is,” says David Liebeskind, MD. “There is a very limited window in which to start treatment because the brain is very sensitive est ER. But, most 18 to to a lack of blood flow 45 year olds say they or to bleeding, and the would delay going to longer patients wait, the hospital, according the more devastating consequences.” to a nationwide sur- the “Treatment starts vey of 1,009 adults rewith recognition,” Dr. leased today by UCLA.

Libeskind says. “The time window to reverse stroke is 3 hours after the first symptom presents itself.” Too bad the survey reveals that 3 out of 4 of us wouldn’t know when a stroke was occurring. But committing the acronym FAST to memory may help: Face drooping Arm weakness or Speech difficulty, it’s Time to call 9-1-1 These are the signs of stroke and, if you see

anyone — no matter his or her age — exhibiting them, get medical attention quickly. “There is an aggressive policy to use imaging to help diagnose the stroke. The younger the individual, the more accurate and informative MRIs and CT Scans are in diagnosis,” Dr. Libeskind says. The sooner a stroke can be identified and the sooner treatment can began. Ultimately, knowing

about our brain health should be as important as knowing about our cardiovascular health, Dr. Libeskind says. Keeping both of your brain and your heart functioning properly is simple: don’t smoke, eat well and exercise. If you’re curious about your own stroke risk, you can use this calculator to assess it. (Adapted from Yahoo)

How to Raise Your ‘Good’ Cholesterol Q. My “good” cholesterol is low. How • Choose healthier fats. Eating more can I raise it without medication? monounsaturated fats (in avocados, nuts, and olive and canola oil) was found A. “Good” HDL (high density in one study to increase HDLs by 12.5 lipoprotein) cholesterol protects the heart percent. Fish rich in omega-3 oil can by sweeping up cholesterol and clearing boost HDLs, too. Also helpful is eating it from the arteries. So a low HDL level two to three servings per week of fatty, increases your risk of heart disease. low-mercury fish like wild or canned Anything under 40 milligrams per salmon, sardines, pollock, or tilapia. deciliter (mg/dL), is considered low. While there are a few drugs that raise • Don’t smoke. If you smoke, ask your HDL, there’s little evidence that taking doctor for help quitting. Stopping isn’t easy, • Watch your meds. Talk with your doctor if them reduce the risk of heart attack. but you can increase your odds of success you take a beta-blocker or benzodiazepine, The good news is that a number of by trying more than one strategy at a time. because that can reduce HDL levels. (Yahoo) lifestyle changes that are clearly good for your heart and overall health can also raise your HDL. Here’s what can help: • Exercise: Regular aerobic exercise may boost HDL levels by about 11 percent, some research suggests. Aim for 30 minutes five times a week. (For indoor workouts, see our Ratings and reviews of the best treadmills, ellipticals, and alternative motion exercise machines. • Lose weight. If you’re overweight, losing a few pounds can help; for every 6 pounds you drop, you may increase your HDL level by 1 mg/dL. (See how to lose weight without diet pills.)

Venezuela court rules against three Opposition MPs Venezuela’s Supreme Court has declared that the new oppositiondominated National Assembly’s decisions are void until it unseats three barred parliamentarians. Monday’s ruling brings the South American country caught in an economic crisis worsened by falling oil prices, closer to a showdown over power in the legislature. Opponents of the socialist revolution launched by Hugo Chavez recently took control of the

National Assembly for the first time in 17 years. The election of the three MPs has been questioned by the ruling socialist party, and the high court had previously barred them from taking their seats - to give officials time to look into allegations of electoral fraud. That ruling angered members of the opposition, who called it an attempt to undermine their historic victory in legislative elections in December,

and they swore the parliamentarians in anyway. They accuse the Supreme Court of being an arm of President Nicolas Maduro’s socialist government and of seeking to steal away its two-thirds majority in the National Assembly with the ruling. Some in the opposition denounced the ruling as a coup and vowed to continue defying the court. “We will not cede one iota of the power that the people of Venezuela

gave us,” Freddy Guevara, an opposition politician, said. Al Jazeera’s Virginia Lopez, reporting from Caracas, said: “One of the possible consequences is that Maduro will now be addressing the country in his yearly State of the Union speech, not from the National Assembly but rather from the Supreme Court.” The opposition plans to introduce an amnesty law on Tuesday for jailed politicians and activists, while government

pockets to buy several items, such as rice (except parboiled and boiled), flour (except all purpose and wheat), coffee, orange and grapefruit juices, mauby, tea

and tomato ketchup. This, as these items are among those that will no longer be VAT zero-rated when the new 12.5 per cent rate of VAT is effected on February 1. This is according to Finance Minister Colm Imbert who presented the Finance Bill 2016 for debate in the House of Representatives yesterday. While the measure also seeks to reduce the 15 per cent VAT to 12.5 per

cent, Imbert said that would not result in lower gas prices. “Even though we are reducing the rate of VAT from 15 per cent to 12.5 per cent, this will not result in the price of petroleum products. Instead we will adjust the duty on petroleum products so that the prices at the pump will remain the same as announced in the national budget,” he said. Imbert said the

lawmakers intend to push for a declaration of “national emergency” over the economic crisis. The opposition also wants to sack Supreme Court justices sworn in

by the then Socialistled congress last month, which the opposition said would then allow for the ban on the three lawmakers to be lifted. (Al Jazeera)

Food prices to go up in T&T

While an estimated 1,300 businesses will no longer have to pay Value Added Tax (VAT) from next month, thousands of citizens will have to dig deeper in their

country expected to suffer a shortfall in oil revenue of $2.4 billion this year if oil prices remained depressed at about US$40 a barrel. He said the price of West Texas Intermediate yesterday was US$31.05 a barrel. “This dramatic energy price shock, combined with a steady reduction in domestic production, is having a debilitating impact on our fiscal and

external accounts and there will be spillover effects on level of economic activity and employment,” Imbert said. The minister said tax collections from the energy sector averaged $26 billion or 16 per cent of GDP over the period 2010 to 2014 but fell to $19 billion in 2015 or 11 per cent of GDP. (Adapted from the Trinidad Guardian)

World’s most expensive substance has been created; £100 M a gram Scientists at Oxford University have created the world’s most expensive material and recently sold a sample one third the weight of a human hair for a whopping £22,000. Made in a spin-off lab called Designer Carbon Materials, the endohedral fullerenes are spherical carbon molecules. The nanostructures are by no means new, they were first discovered way back in 1985, but they

are now being used in atomic clocks to make the timepieces more accurate than ever before. While super-accurate atomic clocks are currently huge, cabinetsized devices, it is hoped that in future, tiny versions can be integrated into GPS devices. This would improve accuracy down to 1mm, while the current margin of error is up to 5m. It is hoped that if the technology can be

shrunk down to the size of a Microchip, it could be used in smartphones. Designer Carbon Materials founder and nanomaterials scientist Dr Kyriakos Porfyrakis, said to the The Telegraph: “Imagine a miniaturised atomic clock that you could carry around in your smartphone. This is the next revolution for mobile.” (Yahoo)

Scientists discover terrifying prehistoric Crocodile that weighed 6,000 pounds Machimosaurus rex. “We were very happy to find out that several skeletons of this new species were fossilized in very good condition,” Fanti, a researcher at the University of Bologna in Italy, said. The fossils indicate that M. rex belonged to a group of crocodiles that inhabited the sea and coastal areas around the end of the Jurassic Period, but the species is not directly

related to modern-day crocodiles, Fanti said. It was also a whole lot bigger: The creature weighed three tons and likely grew to more than 30 feet long, National Geographic reported. Scientists believe M. rex had a powerful bite and short, stocky teeth. It likely ate turtles and fish, and may have scavenged for food as well. “It would likely have been something of an ambush predator, hanging

An extraordinary crocodile that terrorized the seas some 130 million years ago has been discovered, and scientists are going gaga. Paleontologist Dr.

Federico Fanti and his colleagues recently unearthed a skull and other fossilized bones in southern Tunisia that belong to the prehistoric beast

around in shallow water hunting turtles and fishes and maybe waiting for some land animals to come a little too close to the shore,” Dr. Stephen Brusatte, a paleontologist said. “This is a neat new discovery from a part of the world that hasn’t been well-explored for fossils.” The remains of other species that belonged to the extinct Machimosaurus genus of crocodiles have been discovered in Europe and

North America. Analyses of those fossils reveal that the marine crocodiles were affected by a mass extinction near the end of the Jurassic Period. However, the newly discovered remains of M. rex show that the species was still alive at that time, and may have continued to thrive for another roughly 25 million years after the supposed extinction event in other parts of the world, Fanti said.

From New York City to Tokyo, Madrid to Moscow, tens of thousands of people descended upon train stations around the globe on Sunday with one ballsy mission: To ride on public transportation with no pants on. The bottomsless folk were

celebrating the 15th annual No Pants Subway Ride, originally started by the New Yorkbased comedy collective Improv Everywhere. As the name suggests, the event involves people taking trains in their underwear while otherwise decked “The participants do not know each wear winter coats, out in winter garb. behave as if they other, and they all hats, scarves,

and gloves,” explained Improv Everywhere on their website. “The only unusual thing is their lack of pants.” According to the group, participants in this year’s event hailed from more than 60 cities in over 25 countries. (Huffpost/Yahoo)

Tens of thousands strip down to celebrate ‘No Pants Subway Ride’

Deadly suicide blast rocks Turkey’s tourist area Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said a Tuesday blast that killed 10 when it ripped through a popular tourist area in central Istanbul has “Syrian roots,” further proof Turkey is not immune to the troubles plaguing its southern neighbor. At least 15 people were wounded in the

explosion around 10:20 a.m. (3:20 a.m. ET), the Istanbul governor’s office said. The city’s Sultanahmet Square, already a heavily guarded area, was swarming with security forces and ambulances in its aftermath. Erdogan did not specify which group, specifically, his

government thinks is responsible for Tuesday’s explosion, which happened between the Hagia Sofia and Blue Mosque tourist attractions in the cultural and historic heart of the city. And no group immediately claimed responsibility. Yet it’s no secret ISIS and various militant factions have been

battling in Syria, with Turkey siding against those groups. Officials feared the toll -- of both

intended to be a provocation or threat, as it laid out

plans for a weapons system capable of obliterating the entire United States. A lengthy commentary by the official KCNA news agency underlined the North’s claim that last Wednesday’s test was of a powerful miniaturised hydrogen bomb which marked a “new high stage” in the country’s search for a credible nuclear deterrent.

Experts have largely dismissed the claim, saying the test yield was far too low for a full-fledged thermonuclear device and was similar to the simple fission implosion devices it has tested three times in the past. The KCNA commentary said the test was an indispensable stage on the “normal course”

affairs ministry said “it cannot be ruled out that German citizens have become victims.” Germany’s Foreign Office issued a travel advisory, following the blast. Turkey is a popular destination for German tourists. “Travelers in Istanbul are urged to avoid larger gatherings, also in public squares and to avoid tourist attractions for now,” a statement said. The blast comes at dead and wounded a time Turkey is -may include dealing with multiple foreign nationals. threats to its security. Germany’s foreign (Adapted from CNN)

N. Korea threatens to wipe out US North Korea said Tuesday its nuclear test was not

which other countries have taken to the development of a two-stage fission-fusion H-bomb. “The test was neither to ‘threaten’ anyone, nor to ‘provoke’ someone for a certain purpose,” KCNA said, insisting that the main focus was on providing a “sure guarantee” of the North’s immunity from attack by hostile forces.

Prime among those forces was the United States it said, offering an apocalyptic vision of how it would respond to US aggression. North Korean scientists and technicians “are in high spirit to detonate H-bombs of hundreds of kilotons and megatons, capable of wiping out the whole territory of the US all at once,” it said. (MSN)

told of ISIS fighters fresh off defeat in Ramadi being shunned – and executed – for not fighting to the death in Ramadi. Michael Pregent, a terrorism expert and former intelligence adviser to Gen. David Petraeus in Iraq, said such an act isn’t new for the callous terror group. A similar fate was meted out to fighters who lost

Saddam’s hometown to Kurdish forces last year. “There is no surprise on executing ISIS fighters from Ramadi,” he said. “They did the same to fighters after Tikrit.” With government, Kurdish and coalition forces now mustering to recapture Mosul, which fell to ISIS approximately 18 months ago, an increasingly paranoid ISIS has stepped up its murders of women and children, according to people trapped in the city.

“They come to the house and take the children and accuse them of being spies,” said a stateside Iraqi with knowledge of the situation. “If the mom cries and gets upset

at them, they accuse of “Everyone just lives their lives in complete fear,” he said. “They don’t know who will be next – man, woman or child.” (Adapted from Fox News)

Iran has detained 10 US sailors after their vessels were stopped in the Gulf, a US official told the BBC. “We lost contact with two small US naval craft en route from Kuwait to Bahrain,” the official said. He said that the Iranians informed the US

that the sailors were safe and “will promptly be allowed to continue their journey”. The incident happened near Farsi Island after one of the ships encountered mechanical problems. After the incident, US Secretary of State John Kerry immediately

called Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to begin negotiations. An unnamed official told the Associated Press that Mr Kerry “personally engaged with Zarif on this issue to try to get to this outcome”. It is not clear when the sailors will be released.

In December, Iran’s navy conducted rocket tests near US warships and other commercial vessels in the Strait of Hormuz. The tests were “highly provocative”, a US military commander said at the time.

ISIS burns fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall ISIS fighters who fled to the terror group’s Iraqi stronghold of Mosul after being defeated in Ramadi were burned alive in the town square, sources told FoxNews. com, in an unmistakable message to fighters who may soon be defending the northern city from government forces. Several residents of Mosul recounted the

grisly story for stateside relatives, describing the deadly reception black clad jihadists got when they made it to Mosul. “They were grouped together and made to stand in a circle,” a former resident of northern Iraq said. “And set on fire to die.” Several Iraqi-Americans and recent refugees with close relatives in Mosul

Iran detains 10 US sailors

Tuesday January 12, 2016

Australia beat India in first ODI

Steve Smith made 149 as Australia beat India by five wickets in the first one-day international in Perth. The captain added 242 for the third wicket with George Bailey, who scored 112, to help the hosts overhaul India’s 309-3 with four balls to spare. Earlier, India’s Rohit Sharma hit 171 not out to break Viv Richards’ record for the highest score by a visiting batsman in an ODI in Australia. The second game of the five-match series is on Friday in Brisbane. Rohit’s 171 off 163 balls, containing 13 fours and seven sixes, surpassed West Indies

legend Richards’ unbeaten 153 in Melbourne in 1979. Smith compiled his best ODI score, he and Bailey shared the fourth highest Australia stand in ODIs and the hosts completed the third highest ODI chase in Australia. Bailey, who joined Smith at the crease with Australia 21-2 at the Waca, should have been given out first ball when he gloved Barinder Sran down the leg side. Umpire Richard Kettleborough turned down the appeal, and India were unable to review it because they have not agreed to use the decision

review system (DRS). Smith and Bailey’s stand, which spanned 37 overs, trumped the

207 added for India by Rohit and Virat Kohli, who made 91. It was India’s highest

second-wicket stand and VVS Laxman in against Australia, Indore in 2001. (BBC) beating the 199 added by Sachin Tendulkar

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