GNN Online Newspaper - JAN 07, 2016

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Thursday January 07, 2016

President convenes emergency meeting on suicide prevention

Businessman stabbed to death

Businessman stabbed to death The police in Berbice are presently on the scene of what is being reported as the fatal stabbing of a businessman. The incident reportedly took place in the Rose Hall Town area. GNN has not

been able to confirm whether the incident is robbery related or other circ umst ances which could have led to the stabbing. The identity of the decease has not yet been

made available. Police sources in the area have confirmed the incident and are currently engaged in investigations. GNN will provide information as it becomes available.

Bank of Guyana, Republic Bank debunk KN money-laundering report

The Bank of Guyana (BoG) has rubbished a report carried in the Wednesday January 6, 2016 edition of the Kaieteur Newspaper captioned ‘SARU probes local Bank accused of money l a u n d e r i n g .’ The article alleged that Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited was involved in money-laundering. It also alleged that a prominent businessman deposited some $80M which ended up into the account of a then sitting Minister of the PPP/C government. BoG, in a statement noted that it conducted an investigation and found no evidence of wrong doing on the part of Republic Bank. The BoG noted that the newspaper report

had also suggested that there was inaction on its part. The Central Bank stated that in light of the recent article which has the potential to destabilize the financial sector, it found it necessary to issue this press release for the guidance of all parties. “The Bank wishes to advise that, subsequent to the receipt of a letter of complaint and request for prosecution of the financial institution, the Bank conducted an examination of the relevant records of the financial institution. Based on the documents and records examined by the Bank of Guyana, no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Republic Bank (Guyana

Limited) was found.” According to the Central Bank, “The examination revealed that the financial institution had taken steps to ensure compliance with the relevant Prudential Super vision Guidelines issued by the Bank of Guyana under the Financial Institutions Act No 1 of 1995. Meanwhile, Republic Bank has rejected the assertion that it is engaged in moneylaundering activities. The Commercial Bank in a statement said it has a rich history of integrity spanning over 175 years and views any suggestion of this nature to be malicious, libelous and unfounded. “In particular, the Bank denies that any deposit of cash or cash equivalents

was made to the referenced account by the named party on June 16, 2011 or any other date. In light of the article which seeks to tarnish the Bank’s reputation

and question its adherence to sound banking principles, Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited will take all necessary steps, including reviewing

legal options to address these false allegations, to protect its reputation and the interests of all stakeholders,” Republic Bank said in a statement.

FBI assisting with gold smuggling investigation Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, said during a press conference yesterday that he would not be giving the names of anyone who are on the radar for gold smuggling. He confirmed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United Stated Homeland Security Department recently visited Guyana and a joint investigation may be underway. It was noted that gold from Guyana is being smuggled to places such as Brazil, Suriname, Miami and the Middle East. Reportedly, smuggled gold from Guyana also ends up in Europe. According to the two US Agencies, gold is

also being smuggled into this country also. This was confirmed by Trotman who said that the information was news to him which caught him by surprised. According to the minister who was at the time sharing press conference with newly reassigned Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources Simona Broomes, the FBI and the United States Homeland Security Department informed them of the development. Asked if he believes that lowering the royalties and taxes on gold may reduce the instances of smuggling, Trotman told the media there is no empirical evidence to support that notion that could see an automatic

rise in the declaration. “You have to examine the reason of why people are smuggling gold, some of it has not only to do with a better price which can be obtained in Suriname it has to do with hiding income from the government to avoid taxes altogether and other people may be using it as a means

Minister Raphael Trotman

of laundering illicit or illegally obtained money.” Meanwhile, Trotman lamented that despite the millions given to large scale and small miners in the form of concession from the Government of Guyana in the area of mining, the state is of the view that it is not receiving value for the for amount it issues

to act as an incentive for those within the mining industry. During Wednesday’s press conference, he told the media what the government’s position on the issue is. “Concessions are granted by the Minister of Finance and once he agree to give concession our functions will just be to allocate

the actual acreage or size of the concession and physical size of the concession. In terms of taxes and whether or not we are getting value for is a matter for the ministry of fiancé and I think that I can safely say that Guyana has not received value for what it has given up and that is commensurate value that we may have received. So the ministry is conducting reviews and it will be continued this year and much of it will be announced in the budged to be presented at the end of this month” On Sunday the Ministry of Natural Resources would be heading into the mining community of Madhia to meet with the miners.

Nandlall calls of Commissioner to state mandate of Special Organize Crime Unit

Former Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall says the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) exceeded its mandate when it utilized a rank of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) to conduct surveillance o p e r a t i o n . Nandlall, in a statement explained that SOCU was

Anil Nandlall

established in 2013 as a law enforcement agency to investigate, exclusively, allegations and reports relating to money laundering and terrorism, which is the sole mandate of the unit. “It was part of Guyana’s international obligations to strengthen its Anti Money Laundering and Countering

the Financing of Terrorism ( A M L C F T ) apparatus. It was established as a Unit within the Guyana Police Force, the former AG stated. He clarified that SOCU falls under the superintendence of the Commissioner of Police and its officers are members of the Guyana Police Force vested with

the requisite powers under the Police Act Chapter 16:01. “As a result of recent public disclosures, it is obvious that SOCU is operating with an expanded and unknown mandate and consists not only of members of the Guyana Police Force, but of members of the Guyana Defence Force,” the statement added. Nandlall continued “SOCU officers are searching the homes of private citizens, seizing materials and documents, and are surveilling and are surreptitiously following citizens and their children.” From information made public, SOCU

appears not only to be operating with a sinister agenda, but is also being used as a political weapon of the State against the citizenry he added. The former Minister is calling on the Commissioner of Police to say to the nation, immediately, what is the current mandate of SOCU; why was this mandate changed from what it was conceived to be; and who are its current members. Last week GDF Sergeant Robert Pyle, his wife and another man were killed in an accident which occurred while the rank was chasing after a vehicle that purportedly contained the teenage daughter of head of the National Industrial

and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Chief Executive Officer, Winston Brassington. The opposition yesterday called for a full probe and for there to be answers provided based on what transpired on the night of the accident. However, President David Granger in response made it clear that there will be no probe conducted. He told the media that the request for the GDF rank to be utilized as part of the operation came from the Police force through the army’s head.

SASOD welcomes President’s LGBT position -disappointed issue not discussed at Cabinet Joel Simpson

Against the backdrop of support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community by President David Granger last week, the Society Against

Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD) has welcomed this position thought it remains disappointed that the issue has not been discussed at the

level of Cabinet as yet. Speaking with the Guyana News Network (GNN) yesterday, SASOD’s Managing Director, Joel Simpson noted that while the President’s rhetoric is a step in the right direction, it must be pointed out that his comments do not action the May 2015 Elections Manifesto commitments of the APNU + AFC Coalition to “putting measures in place to ensure that all vulnerable groups... and those marginalised because of sexual orientation are protected and not discriminated against.” And according to Simpson, the most basic

measure is “repealing the insidious laws” which criminalize same-sex intimacy and crossdressing and perpetuates, institutionally, antiLGBT discrimination in this society. Referencing the Head of State’s remarks that the issue has not been deliberated at the level of Cabinet, SASOD’s managing Director opined that this translates to here being no timetable for the review of these laws which criminalizes same sex relations and cross dressing. “SASOD is very disappointed that a clear commitment of the coalition government has

not at least been discussed for implementation in the now more than seven months since the administration has taken office. It would take very simple amendments to repeal the laws criminalizing same-sex intimacy and cross-dressing - nothing complicated” he said. Further, he is of the view that the Government needs to demonstrate that it has the political will and assume leadership on LGBT issues. “Repealing these archaic laws is the first step towards respect for human rights of LGBT Guyanese” Simpson said, adding that communities want real action in

2016; not mere rhetoric. During his weekly televised show “The Public Interest,” the President said last week that he is of the conviction that human rights should prevail in all circumstances. “I am prepared to respect the rights of any adult to indulge in any practice which is not harmful to others” President Granger told reporters. Presently, Guyana is the only country in South America where homosexual acts are still illegal. Under the laws of Guyana, homosexual acts carry a possible punishment of life imprisonment.

PPP to move motion for debate on GuySuCo COI report Leader of the opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Bharrat Jagdeo has signaled his party’s intention to move a motion in Parliament for there to be a debate on the recently concluded Commission of Inquiry (CoI) on the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) that was last week presented in the House. According to Mr. Jagdeo, this move stemmed from statements that were made by Agriculture Minister Noel Holder

during the presentation of the report that the PPP/C deem false. “What we’re disappointed about is that the Minister would use a section in the

Parliament (Statement by Ministers) to give a long dissertation, including what is being said etc… disparaging remarks etc…about the CoI and

about GAWU, and about the sugar workers, the former government and competence of different people, including staff of GuySuCo when he

knows that that part of the agenda should be short policy statement made by the Minister because we don’t have a right of reply,” said the opposition leader. Jagdeo continued “so because we didn’t have a right of reply in Parliament, we plan to have a motion be placed in Parliament to have the COI report on GuySuCo fully debated, we want a full fledge debate on the CoI report.” He accused the government of using CoIs and forensic audits to support pre-conceived ideas. Recommendations to privatise the industry and to cut cost were

Persaud allegedly impregnated her as a result of a relationship they reportedly shared. The incident has been deemed a double suicide, however, Alli’s relatives believe foul play may have been involved in her death given their claim that she never displayed

suicidal tendencies. According to information, Welfare officials had deemed the relationship as unacceptable given that Alli was below the age for sexual consent. She was staying with Sabena Latiff who cautioned her to wait on the right time to have a

serious relationship. Alli was discovered missing yesterday morning even though some efforts were made by other occupants of the home to keep her in her room. A report was made to the police who subsequently visited a relative of Persaud. The relative led police

to the home where Persaud was living where the gruesome discovery of them

14 year-old suicide victim was pregnant Fourteen year-old Sherry Alli who was discovered hanging in a house at Longsdale, East Bank Berbice, yesterday, is reported to have been pregnant. The body of twenty-one year-old Deoraj Persaud, was also found hanging alongside Alli’s. It is believed that

the positions of some of the persons who sat on the CoI that were made known before they heard any testimony or went through any document to formulate conclusions and make recommendations. Jagdeo pointed out that prior to the establishment of the CoI its Chairman Vibert Parvatan had said publicly that the best route for the corporation would be to privatise it. He said in 2016 the PPP/C will be pushing for fact based assessments on projects and not political based assessments. The country must not suffer because of political decisions in the economic sphere.

hanging from the roof was made. Investigations are ongoing.

UPDATE: Businessman killed in Berbice Following an earlier report of a fatal stabbing of a businessman in Berbice, he has since been identified as forty-two year-old Patrick Mohabir of Belvedere Housing Scheme, Corentyne. GNN understands that the incident occurred at his home where he was reportedly attacked by two men,

one armed with a gun and the other a cutlass. According to information, after confronting the men, Mohabir’s wife reportedly offered money in an effort to prevent harm to her husband and family members. However, the men reportedly shot and chopped Mohabir.

It is not clear if the men took the money. Speculation has arisen over the incident being a possible execution, however, details about the murder are not yet available. No one has been held as investigations c o n t i n u e .

Guyana records first Swine Flu related death Following the first reported case of the H1N1 virus commonly known as Swine Flu here in Guyana, the infected person has since died while receiving treatment at

an overseas hospital. A report in the Guyana Chronicle identified the person as fifty yearold City businessman, Vishnunarine Sugrim known as “Shook”. His death has been

confirmed by Public health Minister, Dr. George Norton. Recently, GNN reported that, Sugrim, whose identity was unknown then, travelled from China through the United States then to Trinidad and Tobago before returning home to Guyana. He reportedly showed no signs of being infected during the flight suggesting that there was no risk

to others travelling on the same flight or in his immediate environment. Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, had noted that the Public Health Ministry was monitoring some of Sugrim’s close relatives and health care workers who had attended to him at a private hospital. Sugrim died at the Jackson Memorial

Hospital in Miami. Dr. Persaud explained that the virus can only be transmitted if an infected person coughs or sneezes thereby releasing the virus infected particles into the air. The Ministry has tightened its surveillance security system at the main ports of entry in the country, primarily at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport

(CJIA) and the Ogle International Airport. Symptoms of the H1N1 virus include coughing, fever, sore throat, body aches and headaches. Trinidad and Tobago, recently reported four H1N1 related deaths. The Public Health Ministry is advising citizens to abstain from travelling to countries where the H1N1 virus is present, unless it’s very necessary.

Gov’t denies interference in GPF, GDF The A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government is refuting claims made by the opposition Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) that it is interfering with the operation of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and Guyana Defence Force (GDF). President David Granger denied to reporters yesterday that there is any such occurrence. General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement

Rohee at a press briefing on December 28, 2015 criticized the GPF for allegedly accepting interference from the political directorate of the country. He stated that such steps were rejected when he served as Home Affairs Minister. He told the media stated that several developments within the police force have led to the conclusion that there is political interference. The PPP had accused the government of misusing the security forces for political purposes,

an accusation the President has denied. The President said that the Police Force and Army have a history of conducting joint operations and that the mission should not come as a surprise. Concerns of political interference were raised after GDF Sergeant Robert Pyle, his wife and another man died in a horrific accident on December 30, 2015 during which time he was on duty on a highspeed chase pursuing the daughter of head of National Industrial and Commercial Investment

President David Granger

Limited (NICIL), Winston Brassington. The opposition has since called on the Police force and army heads to provide answers as to what transpired on the night of the accident and who gave the orders for the officer’s involvement in such operation. Chief of staff Brigadier Mark Phillips has

confirmed that late Sergeant Pyle was deployed on a legitimate operation in support of Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) when he met his demise. The President has also confirmed that the now dead rank was on official duty in support of SOCU which is “conducting some investigations.”

However, the opposition is contending that SOCU over-stepped its mandate when it utilized the GDF rank, since the body was set up to investigate exclusively allegations and reports relating to money laundering and terrorism. The opposition said SOCU appears not only to be operating with a sinister agenda, but is also being used as a political weapon of the State against the citizenry. But the president said it is nothing new for the law enforcement agencies to collaborate in fulfilling their mandate.

Alleged exploitation of passengers by Red Caps at CJIA

The management of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) says it will not condone Red Cap Porters demanding more than $200 from passengers per bag. This comment in

response to a letter in the local newspapers from Shadeo Bates and George Daniels who noted their observance of persons demanding more than their standard fee at the airport after assisting passengers

with their baggage. In his letter to the editor, Bates noted that “On Tuesday, 29th December… we started to observe men (mostly young) who were poorly dressed following the passengers and

the Red Caps. To our amazement, these men would quickly swoop in and start putting people’s suitcases into the vehicles that the passengers were travelling in, and when finished, they requested payment.” He added that “the Red Caps would also request more than $1,000 from those innocent victims, asking what this sum could do; I guess they are not being paid by the airport. The bottom line is that this is barefaced exploitation!” adding that this will give a bad impression of Guyana to visitors. The Management of the Airport in a letter stated that “the standard fee payable to the Red Cap Porters is GY$200 per

bag; this information is displayed in the Customs Hall. Anything paid above this is at the discretion of passengers for the service provided” noting that it will not condone Red Cap Porters demanding additional money from passengers as “such a practice is in breach of their code of conduct and attracts penalties of suspension and/or dismissal from the service.” Bates also stated that the taxi drivers at the airport are pestering persons to use their services and recommended at system where the visitors request taxis from airport personnel and that be communicated to the drivers. To this, the management

said “in like manner, each Airport Taxi is equipped with an approved fare structure and this must be displayed in the vehicle at all times for the passenger to see… Further, all our Red Cap Porters and Taxi Drivers have name tags making them easily identifiable to airport users. They are also required to adhere to the ‘turn’ system implemented by management.” Should passengers be subjected to this unethical practice, they are encouraged to contact our Public Relations Officer on 613-5117 or Airport Duty Officer on the following numbers 261-2281/6007022.

New Minister appointed to Cabinet President David Granger yesterday installed APNU+AFC Member of Parliament, Mrs. Valerie Adams-Patterson, as Minister within the Ministry of Communities and appointed her as a member of Cabinet. She replaces Minister Keith Scott, who will now take on the duties of Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection. The President spoke very highly of Mrs. AdamsPatterson, whom he said is very well-known for her community work

mainly in Region 10. “She has brought not only tremendous experience from Region 10, but she has also brought entrepreneurial and social experience... I am very confident that she is going to do well and is going to strengthen our Coalition in the quality of work that we deliver to the public,” President Granger said. Meanwhile, the new Minister said that she is very honoured for the appointment and, particularly, by the level of confidence that President

Minister Dawn Hastings- Williams

The Government Information Agency (GINA) is reporting that the move to clear the way for the hinterland community of Mahdia, Region Eight to become a town, before May 26, 2016 may be delayed by the lack of a functioning local government system.

However, according to GINA, the remaining three communitiesLethem, Mabaruma and Bartica remain on target and the Ministry has been visiting and holding consultations as the process progresses. Minister within the Ministry of Communities Dawn Hastings- Williams

Granger reposes in her. “I am always a hardworking person and I don’t intend to stop now. I am promising the people of Guyana that better will come and that some of the objectives that we have and we want to see become a reality in this Ministry will be realised. I will make it happen with the people that are there...,” Minister Adams-Patterson said. Adams-Patterson who has responsibility for Housing, has already met with the staff at the Ministry. (MOTP)

President David Granger (centre) and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo (third, left) flank new Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Mrs. Valerie AdamsPatterson, after she took the Oath of Office, during a brief ceremony this morning. Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon is pictured on the President’s right, along with, from left, Region 10 Parliamentarian, Mr. Jermaine Figueira; newly appointed Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Mr. Keith Scott (second from left) and Minister Adams-Patterson’s relatives, right.

explained that the lack of local government organs such as municipalities and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) in Mahdia is hindering the May 26 deadline set out for the community to attain township status. “We’re putting Madhia on hold for now because of these challenges,” she said. “It is not that we’re going to leave them out, but they are going to come on board

a little later,” she said. The Minister noted that the lack of the Local Government system for managing and developing the community is hampering the administration in identifying and implementing needed projects such as roads, bridges, playgrounds, parks, and sanitary landfills, projects that are critical to the community’s transformation into a town.

Mahdia’s township status to be delayed She explained that the Ministry is awaiting the formation of such councils to proceed with movement of the community towards township. Not having the Local government system in place before this happens, will be a setback, as these councils are important to the system, and their operations allow for the citizens to participate in the decision-making

process. It also allows for identifying the needs of citizens and delivery of services, Minister Hastings-Williams explained. She noted that in the absence of the systems, any decision made prior to completing the process, would have been made from some other body of persons that probably did not have the same interest or knowledge in the community’s affairs.

Police destroy marijuana field Police in “F” Division yesterday destroyed a oneacre plot of land that contained in excess of 1000 marijuana plants. According to the Police, the plants measured 8-12 inches in height and was discovered at

about 10:00 hrs by a roving patrol at Ebereku. No arrest was made. Also yesterday, ranks within the said Division while on patrol, conducted a search on a man at Agatash, Bartica. During the search, an unlicensed

.32 revolver was found. The man was charged and is expected to appear in court tomorrow.

Man, dog found in yacht off Guyana coast, coast guard en-route The body of a man suspected to be that of a French national along with his dog have been discovered dead at sea off shore Guyana on Wednesday. Information which the Guyana News Network has been able to confirm suggested that the body of the man and his dog were found drifting away in a French registered yacht by a passing oil tanker that was moving from one country in the Caribbean to another in South America. The captain of the vessel

sent a transmission of the sighting nd the transmission was picked up by the Guyana Defence Force Coast Guard. Chief of Staff Mark Philips confirmed that development last evening and also stated that his men along with personnel from the Marittime Administration Department and the police are en route to the location to recover the yacht with the man’s body and his dead dog. A postmortem would have to be conducted

on the remains to determine if the man died of starvation or if there was any foul play associated with his death. The local French Consulate here in Guyana has been informed of the development and is also said to be tracking the story. The team who are heading to intercept the vessel are likely to return by tomorrow Friday or Saturday according to the GDF head. The Guyana News Network will keep updated with respect to this development.

Sam Hinds accuses KN of inaccurate representation of forensic audits reports Former Prime Minister SAM HINDS

Former Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, in a letter today, noted what he describes as, “a totally inaccurate and malicious summary of the forensic audit reports”, by the Kaieteur News. His was responding to an editorial carried in the paper’s Tuesday, January 05, 2016, edition of which he quoted a section

of a paragraph; “The current forensic audit reports which revealed that billions of dollars were either embezzled or cannot be accounted for are proof of this.” According to Hinds, the paper “puts explicitly a belief that is untrue but which seems to prevail amongst members and supporters of the

Coalition Government”. He pointed out that “the forensic audit reports make charges against the purposes for which and the manner in which money was spent. For example there has been the charge of selling out state properties to complete the construction of the Marriot. These funds were neither embezzled nor unaccounted for.” The former Prime Minister also stated that the belief put explicitly in the paragraph in question, is inaccurate and untrue. He added that it is “a great and painful injustice to us

citizens of Guyana who constitute and support the PPP/C, and as well the Officers and other employees of the various agencies concerned.” He said the coalition in office should also see the need to urge an accurate representation of what the forensic audits report. In his letter, he recalled the early charges of moneys in private accounts, private banks, which he said proved to be spurious charges. He pointed out that the private accounts were held in the names of their respective agencies and recorded in the agencies books,

which he claims “no problems whatsoever.” He further stated that with such grave unfounded and unjust charges on the backs of the PPP/C, it “would be hard to put to cooperate with this governing coalition without sacrificing our pride and that is too much to ask of us.” He pointed out that the Coalition itself runs the dangers that any accommodation acceptable to the PPP/C would be seen to their supporters as a sellout. “One may already perceive some indication of this in sentiments that

were expressed in the media in early December which was succeeded by the aggressive, humiliating treatment of the heads of PU/NICIL and GRA, which has already generated excess with sad consequences,” Hinds noted. He added that substance would be given to the offers of olive branches and the President’s call for “togetherness” in this year of the country’s fiftieth anniversary of Independence, once such false and unjust charges about the PPP/C, were jettisoned.

GWI helping to alleviate effects of dry season in hinterland Communities in the hinterland affected by the prolonged dry season are receiving assistance from the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) which is conducting remedial works and other interventions in the regions. According to a statement from GWI, Hinterland Manager, GWI, Osei Manifold said “due to the prolonged dry season, the static water level of the wells in the communities we are currently monitoring, have decreased. (The static water level is the distance from the land surface (or the measuring point) to the water in the well.) The current climatic conditions have significantly affected these wells, however while the levels have decreased, the wells are

still producing water though at reduced levels.” The GWI Hinterland Team is currently conducting remedial works and other interventions in Central Lethem, Aishalton, Achiwib, Region 9, Kamwatta and Koko, Region 1. In addition, the well station serving the community of Aishalton is currently experiencing technical difficulties due to a defective control box which has caused the electrical pump, which supplies power to the station, to malfunction while the well station at Achiwib is also experiencing challenges due to a damaged electrical pump the statement said. The replacement parts necessary for these repairs have been

delivered to Central Lethem and the GWI Team will be travelling to each community by Friday, January 8 to assist the Regional Authorities with these urgent repairs the hinterland manager said. All repairs should be completed by Sunday, January 10. A programme to provide the Hinterland communities of Kamwatta and Koko, Region 1 with improved access to potable water through the construction of new well stations and the installation of stand-pipes for both communities at a cost of over G$10 Million has also commenced. Drilling will commence in mid January. According to the Hinterland Manager, ‘both communities have

significant water supply challenges. In fact, the residents of Koko depend on rain water harvesting for their water supply. Hence, the construction of these new wells is vital to improving the standard of living in both Hinterland communities’.

The programme will involve erecting overhead storage tanks capable of storing in excess of 1800 gallons of water for more efficient water service and the installation of standpipes at key locations within Kamwatta

and Koko which are easily accessible and convenient for residents to access the service. Emphasis will be placed on schools and health facilities to ensure these institutions receive consistent water supply.

President convenes emergency meeting on suicide prevention

President David Granger in discussions with Health Minister, Dr. George Norton, Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, Ms. Valerie GarridoLowe, and Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Ms. Dawn Hastings at the Ministry of the Presidency.

President David Granger today convened an e m e r g e n c y meeting on suicide prevention. It follows a double suicide at Longsdale, East Bank Berbice, yesterday in which a fourteen year-old girl and a twentyone year-old man were found hanging

from a roof. At the meeting were Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton, Minister of Social Protection, Ms. Volda Lawrence, Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, Minister within the Ministry of Health, Dr. Karen Cummings,

Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, Ms. Valerie Garrido-Lowe and Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Ms. Dawn Hastings. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), the outcome of the

meeting is a plan of action, which will see NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs), Religious organisations and other Civil Society organisations being engaged to work together with Government on a centralised approach to suicide prevention. The President indicated that he intends to have a hands on approach to addressing this issue and will be looking to implement a national programme that has measurable outcomes. During the meeting, he was also updated on the implementation of Guyana’s National Suicide Prevention

Strategy, launched by the Ministry of Public Health, last September, with a view to ramping up Government’s response to the on-going problem. During an interview earlier in the day, the President said that much more needs to be done and he intends to bring together international organisations and civil society organisations to ensure that all of the factors related to suicide are identified and addressed. “I am concerned as President that Guyana has a higher rate of suicide than other countries. It is not as though there is an average around the world and we are

just average. We are above average and that is disturbing,” he noted. He issued a call to parents, guardians, teachers and church leaders to be more sensitive and understanding of the emotional matters that affect young people. He said that, “the church needs to be more careful, the home needs to be more careful, peers need to be more careful. It is a delicate period but the state cannot bear the full burden of counselling, the home is where these matters should be resolved.”

Parliament Office now a constitutional body as Bill passed today

Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan

The CONSTITUTION (AMENDMENT) (No.2) BILL 2015 – BILL No. 20 of 2015 was this afternoon

passed in the National Assembly by a government majority. The bill which was presented by Minister

of Finance, Winston Jordan seeks to amend the Third Schedule relating to Article 222A of the Constitution to

insert The Parliament Office among the list of constitutional bodies. Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo moved a motion to suspend Standing Orders 54 to allow for the consideration of the CONSTITUTION (AMENDMENT) (No.2) BILL 2015 – BILL No. 20 of 2015. Peoples Progressive Party/Civic Member of Parliament Gail Teixeira rose to her feet saying that this is the 8th time the Prime Minister is moving a motion for the suspension of standing order for

a bill to go through. She stated that it is a dangerous road that the government is heading down. “This level of ineptitude is not accepted,” she stated. She said that she pointed out in August when the PPP/C came into Parliament that the Parliament Office was omitted from the constitutional

bodies and no one did anything about it. Constitution amendment No. 2 bill number No 20 of 2015 to insert Parliament office among the list of constitutional bodies. Finance Minister Winston Jordan stated that the bill is a simple one and it should be supported.

posed that the House take a break and for both sides to elect representatives who will be part of a meeting with him to come to an amicable decision on the way forward. PPP/C MP Anil Nandlall who rose to support his colleague’s argument stressed that what the Parliament is attempting to

do is illegal pointing to the law which supports his argument. He urged that the House take a break and come up with a decision on the way forward. His recommendation was supported by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and leader of the House proposed a short adjournment to find a way

forward on the issue. “It is a matter of too importance to have such a heated debate on the first sitting of the year, Nagamootoo said. The estimates of current and capital expenditures for the sixteen constitutional bodies for the year 2016 were laid in the House last Wednesday.

Gail Teixeira

Heated debate erupts in Parliament over budget for constitutional bodies

In what could be described as a heated exchange of words between the opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and the government side of the House erupted today as the two sides share different views on the consideration of the estimates of current and capital expenditures for the constitutional bodies. The opposition is contending that no Minister should be involved in the process which is

stipulated in the constitution, and on the other hand the government side of the House is in disagreement. The first agency on the agenda was the Audit Office. PPP/C MP Irfaan Ali stated that he should be the person fielding questions on the Budget for the Audit Office since he is the Head of the Public Accounts Committee. He rejected the government’s move to have State Minister Joseph Harmon field ques-

tions for the agency. Mr. Ali argued that this was specifically so since the audit office had to bring to the PAC its proposals, which the committee signed off on. The government is contending that there should in fact be no debate on the estimates of expenditure for constitutional agencies. After almost an hour of back and forth between the two sides, House Speaker Dr. Barton Scotland pro-

Priyanka Chopra wins People’s Choice Award Indian actress Priyanka Chopra has become the first South Asian actress to win a People’s Choice Award. Chopra won the “favourite actress in a new TV series” award for her role as an FBI agent in the US thriller Quantico. Other actresses nominated for the award included Emma

Roberts, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lea Michele and Marcia Gay Harden. Chopra tweeted an image of herself with the award, thanking fans for voting for her and said she was “fortunate”. Chopra also presented the award for favourite action movie to Furious 7, along with actor John Stamos.

Other winners at the awards include pop stars Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber, and Jim Parsons from The Big Bang Theory. Chopra’s win has pushed #PeoplesChoiceAwards, which is not followed widely in India, to the top of Twitter trends in the country. (BBC)

Janet Jackson reportedly battling Throat Cancer is reporting that singer Janet Jackson, who recently announced she’s set to undergo surgery, has a

tumor that could be cancerous. “Doctors found a growth on Janet’s vocal cords that could be serious,” a source close to the

due to a medical issue, writing on Facebook and Twitter, Most potentially devastating for a singer like Jackson, is that the voice box sits is also susceptible to throat cancer. The voice box is made of cartilage and contains the vocal cords that vibrate to make sound when 49-year-old the Jackson you talk – and sing. supposedly told Radar. “If only the throat The singer shared on is affected, the voice December 24th that may be relatively she was postponing well preserved with Miriam her world tour treatment,”

‘Stars Wars’ is the new box office ruler. Just a mere 20 days after it was released Disney’s “Star Wars: Force Awakens” blast past “Avatar” on Wednesday to take hold of the title as the highest grossing film at the domestic box office. The latter held the title for nearly six years. According to several reports, the megablockbuster surpassed on Wednesday the

$760.5 million that James Cameron’s sci-fi flick grossed during its seven-month release in December 2009 and subsequent re-release late summer 2010. The Hollywood Reporter said “Force Awakens” grossed $8 million on Tuesday for a domestic total of $758.2 million – putting it on the cusp of the record. Cameron’s “Titanic” has the No. 3 spot

with $656.7 million with “Jurassic World” ($652.3 million) and “Marvel’s The Avengers” ($623.4 million) around out the top five. While the feat by “Star Wars” is impressive, it still has a way to go catch up to “Avatar’s” worldwide box office tally of $2.78 billion. As of Tuesday, “Force Awakens” had earned $1.56 billion worldwide, however, it does not

Lango, MD, a head and neck cancer surgeon at Fox Chase Cancer Center, explains. “But with vocal cord involvement, it may be more difficult to preserve vocal function at the level demanded of professional singers or entertainers.” If Jackson is confirmed to have throat cancer, there are a few different treatment paths. “Initially, a careful examination and biopsy are needed. It’s important to

determine the extent of the cancer,” Lango says. “Imaging such as a CT scan or PET CT scan is also important and will help determine whether the cancer has spread to other areas. The extent of the cancer determines the type of treatment offered.” This is the second time Jackson has taken a medical break on this tour. Concert dates were also put on hold in October so she could give her voice a rest. (Adapted from Yahoo)

have suggested that the “Star Wars” sequel will ultimately gross between $2.2 billion $2.4 billion globally –

surpassing Cameron’s “Titanic” ($2.19 billion) to become the No. 2 film of all time. (Foxnewslatino)

It’s official: ‘Star Wars: Force Awakens’ takes over ‘Avatar’ box office record

include the major market in China – it is set to open there on Jan. 9. According to THR, box officer observes

$3B laundered in TT huge profit, which only represented the amounts reported, showed the attraction of crime “and that is why people take the risk that is why they conduct criminal activity that is why they commit crime, because of the huge profits which are generated.” Francois was speaking at the launch of the Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Institute in Trinidad and Tobago, a joint effort by the University of the Southern Caribbean and the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate

School of Business. The two institutions have teamed up with the Florida-based Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Institute (MLFC) which itself is a joint venture between the St Thomas University and ComplianceAid, an international consulting firm specialising in anti-money laundering; countering the financing of terrorism and preventing financial crimes. Francois added that while people consider money laundering as white

collar crime, the three billion dollars which were reported came from violent crime while white collar crime does not usually involve violence, or injury to the person. “But that three billion dollars, a lot of it could have come from kidnapping; murder for profit; extortion; intimidation and related offences such as drug trafficking; human trafficking; trafficking in arms, and ammunition and those crimes cause destruction, serious bodily harm, if not death to persons.”

She said that tracing the money back to the criminal was necessary in order to detect the crime to prosecute it, and to dismantle the criminal network and seize and confiscate their criminal wealth. She said measures to deter and detect the crime were crucial strategies in combatting the crime

of money-laundering. According to Francois, just as drug traffickers find inventive ways to hide and smuggle their drugs, so the money launderer will find new ways to disguise and move the money earned from his illegal activity. (Adapted from the Trinidad Newsday)

More than 8,000 Jamaicans are to benefit from employment opportunities in

Canada Seasonal Workers (SAWP),

under the Agricultural Programme this year.

The farm workers, 310 of whom were expected to leave yesterday as the first batch, will be engaged in various agricultural industries, including greenhouse crop production, food processing, vegetable and plant nurseries as well as other agricultural activities. Director of the Overseas Employment Service, Delroy Palmer, told JIS News that the crop and the duration of the crop will determine how

long they stay. “So, we have workers staying six weeks to three months, up to eight months,” he explained. The workers will be sent weekly, ending in September. The season officially ends on December 15. They will be working in Leamington, Simcoe, Owen Sound, West Lorne, Goderich, Stratford and Woodstock, in the province of Ontario. Minister of Labour and Social Security, Dr

Fenton Ferguson, said the programme was an important contributor to the local economy. He noted that preliminary figures for the 2015 period show earnings in remittance from the programme of more than Cdn$20 million (J$1.7 billion), an increase of 20 per cent over the Cdn$16 million earned in 2014. This overseas programme must be seen as a critical part of the growth agenda for our

country. It must be seen as part of the economic growth of the country” the Minister emphasised. The programme, which is in its 50th year, continues to be an important contributor to the economic development as well as a job generator for hundreds of Jamaicans, with approximately 8,090 Jamaicans benefitting from employment opportunities in Canada last year. (Adapted from the Jamaican Gleaner)

Ve n e z u e l a’s opposition will launch an offensive Wednesday against President Nicolas Maduro at its first full session in control of the legislature, having vowed to oust him within six months. Opposition lawmakers in the crisis-hit oil producer were sworn in during a rowdy session on Tuesday as Maduro vowed to

resist them with an “iron hand.” The feared street clashes did not erupt as supporters of both sides rallied peacefully near the congress, kept at a distance by lines of police. But inside the chamber the political struggle gripping Venezuela intensified. Lawmakers shouted and scuffled and the pro-gover nment group walked out accusing

the opposition of breaking debating rules. The new opposition speaker of the assembly, Henry Ramos Allup, said his side would within six months propose a way “to change the government by constitutional means” -- without giving details. “Here and now, things will change,” he said. Maduro responded later in comments

broadcast on television: “I will be there to defend democracy with an iron hand. They will not make me give ground or waver.” But he admitted he planned soon to announce a reshuffle of ministers in his government. The opposition MUD coalition holds a majority in the National A s s e m b l y legislature for the

first time in nearly 17 years after winning elections on December 6. One of the first measures the opposition wants to pass is an amnesty for some 75 political prisoners, but Maduro has

vowed to block that move. The US State Department backed the call for political prisoners to be released. It expressed concern over the case of the suspended deputies. (Adapted from Yahoo)

More than three billion dollars were laundered in Trinidad and Tobago over the last four years, according to information reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), Susan Francois, Director of the Unit, disclosed yesterday. She said the sum was reported by financial institutions and businesses as the suspected receipts of criminal activity. “This was not legal money, this was money that the financial institutions and businesses reasonably suspected came from crime.” She said the

More than 8,000 to benefit from employment opportunities in Canada

Venezuela opposition launches fight to oust government

‘Ghost on Horseback’ captured in chilling graveyard photo Where are you most likely to see a ghost? In a graveyard, of course. But not many graveyards have ghosts riding horses. Yet try telling that to amateur photographer Richard Durham, who captured a spectre on horseback in a snap he took at Weedon Bec cemetery in Daventry, No r t h a mp t o n s h i r e on New Year’s Day. The 45-year-old

gardener from nearby Boothville was testing out his new camera at about 9am when he took the picture of what appears to be a ghostly figure on top of a ghostly steed among some headstones. But it wasn’t until the father-of-three posted the image on Facebook that he found out about its frightening content. A friend saw the image and pointed out the

ghost rider to Mr Durham, who couldn’t believe he’d missed it first time around. “I do believe in ghosts but never thought I would ever capture one on camera,” he said. “All I was doing was trying to get a few nice weather shots on a frosty and misty morning. It is quite an old village so probably telling me the pub down he used to walk there has a few stories to tell. the road is haunted by a from the main church “Locals have been horseman. “Apparently though the graveyard

and up along the canal. “So maybe this is him.” He added: “The weird thing is, one friend told me her three-year-old daughter always acts quite strange around that area. “She stops and holds out her hand like she is stroking a horse. Another friend told me her child did exactly the same.” (Adapted from Yahoo)

Sometimes you are so hungry you say could eat a horse. But a Swedish rider has caused furore on social media by doing just that when her favourite steed had to be put down after

suffering serious injuries. Harness racer Helena Ståhl turned her one horse – named Iffy Mant - into one course and is now defending her decision to do so after a fierce backlash.

The 24-year-old told Swedish paper The Local: “For me there were no alternatives … to eat an animal that had a good life felt right for me.” “I told my mother that if I could not eat meat from an animal that had a good life, I will never eat meat again. To eat meat from an animal that might never even get to see the sun, nobody thinks is odd. But to eat an animal that you, yourself, have taken care of is suddenly the oddest

thing anybody has heard. I think that is scary.” Ståhl added there was nothing iffy about it - her horse tasted a “lot like beef ” and that she and all her friends gorged on the animal. She said: “They claim it’s the most delicious meat they have ever eaten,” describing how it could be used when making meals such as spaghetti bolognese, tacos or chili con carne. She aded on Facebook: “Maybe it sounds terrible... how I can eat

dead, it’s about what we do to the animals when they are alive.” One fellow racehorse owner said: “I honestly don’t understand all this hysteria. Mankind has eaten horsemeat since ancient times.” Another added: “Why throw away the meat? From a veterinary viewpoint, if not there is no objection, it was her horse.” (Adapted from Yahoo)

Abu Abdul Rahman has not eaten in four days. Hungry and weakened, Rahman and his family have been trying to limit their movements inside their house in the Syrian town of Madaya, fearing that any activity would drain the little energy left in their bodies. “There are no more cats or dogs alive in the town. Even tree leaves that we have been eating have become scarce,” he told Al Jazeera’s. Residents of Madaya, about 25 kilometres north-

west of Damascus, are suffering from severe malnutrition and have little access to fuel and medical supplies due to the siege imposed by President Bashar al-Assad’s troops since July. The Red Cross says that people in the town are heating plastic to keep themselves warm. And as days pass by, Rahman says he has little hope he and his family can stay alive. “Describing the situation as tragic is merely airbrushing reality on the ground,” he tells in a subdued voice.

I ate my horse after it was put down - Rider one of my very best friends? Either I ate her up, or the worms did it.” Many of the hateful remarks were posted on the Facebook page of the Swedish tabloid Expressen. “You don’t eat your friend, regardless if it is a dog, cat, horse or human,” fumed one user. But nag all you like… Ståhl isn’t bothered. She concluded: “I think everyone should think another step ahead. It is not what we do to the animals when they are

Weakened, cold and starving to death in Syrian town

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Wednesday said that at least 23 people, including children, had died in rebel-held

Madaya because of the siege and mines laid around the town by Assad’s forces, who are backed by fighters from the Lebanese

Shia group Hezbollah. At least 300 children in Madaya are suffering from malnutrition, the UK-based monitoring group said. Local

activists said an estimated 40,000 people in Madaya have little access to food and medicines. Medical professionals in Madaya said that people “were eating grass to stay alive.” “We cannot provide milk for infants,” Dr Khaled Mohammed told DPA on Wednesday. “Today, a 10-year-old child died of malnutrition.” The opposition Syrian National Coalition warned of a “humanitarian catastrophe” in Madaya. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

World powers vow to punish N Korea after nuclear test The UN Security Council has vowed to pursue new sanctions against North Korea after the reclusive country said on Wednesday it had successfully conducted a test on its first hydrogen bomb. In an emergency session, the council strongly condemned the nuclear test and said it would begin working immediately on a new resolution against Pyongyang, whose nuclear test claim sparked a global outcry even as some officials

and experts voiced doubts over its validity. The test was in violation of previous resolutions and “a clear threat to international peace and security continues to exist”, said the council, which started imposing economic and commercial sanctions on North Korea a decade ago because of its nuclear activity. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also condemned North Korea’s announcement, calling it “profoundly destabilizing for

regional security”. The international community must respond with “steadily increasing pressure” and rigorous enforcement

of existing measures, said US Ambassador Samantha Power. Meanwhile, South Korea said on Thursday it was limiting entry to the

Kaesong industrial park, which is jointly run by the two countries, in response to the nuclear test. Later on, Seoul also announced that it would resume cross-border propaganda broadcasts that Pyongyang considers an act of war. The North’s nuclear test was a “grave violation” of an August agreement reached between the two Koreas to ease tension and improve ties, Cho Tae-yong, a senior presidential national security official, said in a statement. “Our military is at a state of full readiness, and if North Korea wages provocation,

there will be firm punishment,” Cho said. The moves come after US President Barack Obama talked by phone with South Korean President Park GeunHye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about the international response to North Korea’s nuclear test. The US State Department confirmed North Korea had conducted a nuclear test but the Obama administration disputed the hydrogen bomb claim. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

the region’s two big rivals, Saudi Arabia and Iran, could ignite into something more serious. It is not clear whether the Iranian embassy was fully functioning, but a number of countries have withdrawn their staff or relocated

missions to the port city of Aden in the past year. Hossein Jaber Ansari, a spokesman for the Iranian foreign ministry, called the incident a “deliberate action by Saudi Arabia”. (Adapted from the BBC)

animal welfare in court documents and said it should up to the U.S. Congress and not a federal court to decide

whether copyright law applies to non-human animals. (Fox News)

Iran accuses Saudis of damaging Yemen embassy Iran has accused Saudiled coalition warplanes of damaging its embassy and injuring staff in an air strike on Yemen’s capital, Sanaa. State media quoted a foreign ministry spokesman as saying planes had deliberately targeted the site. But later reports in Iran said missiles struck only in the vicinity of the embassy. Residents and witnesses in Sanaa

reported there was no damage to the main embassy building. Sanaa residents reported dozens of air strikes on Thursday by the coalition, which is battling Houthi rebels. Residents quoted by Reuters said missiles had struck 700m (2,300 feet) from the embassy, causing shrapnel and rocks to land near the building. A coalition spokesman

said the strikes had targeted rebel missile launchers, and that the rebels had used abandoned embassies for operations. Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia has become embroiled in a diplomatic row with Iran after a Shia cleric, Nimr al-Nimr, was executed by the Saudi authorities. Iranian protesters in Tehran, angry at the

execution, then attacked the Saudi embassy, leading Saudi Arabia to cut off diplomatic relations. A number of Saudi allies have followed suit in taking diplomatic action against Iran. On Thursday, a statement read on Iranian state TV said the country had banned the import of all Saudi goods. Ever since the Saudiled air campaign began against Yemen’s Houthi rebels last March, there was always a risk that the cold war between

A macaque monkey who took now-famous selfie photographs cannot be declared the copyright owner of the photos, a federal judge said Wednesday. U.S. District Judge William Orrick said in a tentative ruling in federal court in San Francisco that “while Congress and the president can extend the protection of law to animals as well as humans, there is no indication that they did so in the Copyright Act.” The lawsuit filed last year by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sought a court

order allowing PETA to represent the monkey and let it to administer all proceeds from the photos for the benefit of the monkey, which it identified as 6-yearold Naruto, and other crested macaques living in a reserve on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The photos were taken during a 2011 trip to Sulawesi with an unattended camera owned by British nature photographer David Slater, who asked the court to dismiss the case. Slater says the British copyright obtained for the

photos by his company, Wildlife Personalities Ltd., should be honored worldwide. PETA sued Slater and his San Franciscobased self-publishing company Blurb, which published a book called “Wildlife Personalities” that includes the “monkey selfie” photos. The photos have been widely distributed elsewhere by outlets, including Wikipedia, which contend that no one owns the copyright to the images because they were taken by an

animal, not a person. Slater described himself as a nature photographer who is deeply concerned about

Judge rules monkey cannot own selfie photos copyright

Police “F” Division establishes Under-15 Football Team in Bartica

The Guyana Police Force says that in keeping with its Social Crime Prevention initiative, the Commander ‘F’ Division, Senior Superintendent Ravindradat Budhram,

and ranks yesterday established an Under-15 football team with a membership of twenty-five (25) youths in the community of Bartica. The name of the team is the Kaleidoscope

Football Club and its members will be exposed to training and practice matches under football coach Mr. Elvis Jones. According to the Police, the objective of the initiative is to

develop the skills of youths between the ages of 13-15 in this sport and instilling the importance of discipline, fitness, healthy lifestyles, staying away from drugs

and meaningfully occupying their spare time in the community through sports. This initiative is expected to develop a stronger relationship between members of the public and the

police, thereby creating safer communities where the responsibility of crime fighting is shared, the Police noted.

The Caribbean Regional AntiDoping Organization (RADO) today confirmed that they had recorded ‘Adverse Analytical Findings’ following testing done during the 2015 edition of the Tour of Guyana 5 stage cycle road race. According to a release, the body said it, “conducted testing in Guyana on Sunday, November

1st, 2015. The lab results from the mission confirmed three (3) adverse analytical findings. “ It went on to state that “The cyclists have been notified by their respective Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) and these matters are currently being reviewed by the Results Management Committee of the athletes’ ADOs.”

“To ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the results management process, and in order to respect Article 14.3.5 of the World AntiDoping Code, no further details can or will be provided at this time.” Guyana is one of fifteen member c o u n t r i e s comprising the Caribbean RADO.

‘Adverse Analytical Findings’ recorded during Five-Stage Cycle Race

Thursday January 07, 2016

Gayle to take legal action against Fairfax Media the West Indian opening batsman would be facing far more severe consequences if he transgressed further. It is believed a substantiation of Fairfax Media’s indecent exposure allegation against Gayle, which it claimed had taken place during a training session at the SCG before the start of the tournament, would be viewed by CA

as sufficient cause to tear up his existing contract with the Renegades. Gayle would also be banished from playing for any club in the BBL - a competition designed in part to be a welcoming tournament for females - in the future. “Chris Gayle has strongly denied allegations first published by Fairfax

Media that he indecently exposed himself to a woman during last year’s World Cup in Sydney,” Gayle’s manager Simon Auteri said in a statement. “Despite such denials Fairfax Media continues

to publish the false and defamatory allegations which have received widespread re-publication in media throughout the world. (Adapted from Espncricinfo)

double declaration that would have seen Australia chasing 370 runs off the final 70 overs to win. “Unfortunately they didn’t come to the party,” Smith said after the match ended in a draw after nearly three days were lost to rain. “I offered him 370 in 70 overs, which I thought was pretty generous. It would take some good

batting to get that on a day five SCG wicket, but they weren’t up for the challenge unfortunately.” “They would have had to declare this morning, I would have declared nought for nought and then bowled lob ups for seven or eight overs. “Potentially that could have been me bowling with three slips and two gullies and leaving every man up to

try for them to hit as many as they can to make sure we got 370 off 70 (overs) that was promised to them. Holder said his teammates considered the offer from Smith, but opted to maintain their focus on their goals for the tour. “We just felt at this stage of our development it wasn’t the best thing for us,” he said. “We had Ramdin who was scoring and looking

well and we gave him the encouragement to go out and build an innings and build some confidence.” “We set out at the start of the series to bat out 90 overs each time we batted and to get past the 300-mark and that was one of the things that we wanted to achieve today and we achieved that.” In an era with close scrutiny on match fixing and betting on results,

Smith said he believed the offer fell within the spirit and rules of the game. Australia won the series 2-0 after getting victories in the first two tests at Hobart and Melbourne. It had been chasing a series clean sweep that could have catapulted it to the top of the world test rankings. (Yahoo)

both represented Guyana at the Regional level. The organizers have collaborated with corporate sponsors and received support from the Guyana Cricket Board and Guyana Floodlights Softball Cricket Association (GFSCA) and exciting day is planned from 10:00hrs when the gates are opened. Five softball matches will be played with ‘Open’ 10/10 Final set to be played

under lights before the main event which features the top t20 players in the West Indies commences at 19:30hrs. The T20 game will be carried live on NCN Radio. Karibee Boyz Berbice, Essequibo and two teams from Demerara (Regal and Wolf Warriors) are the teams vying for the $500,000 first prize and a trophy The masters 15/15 game between Demerara and

Berbice carries a winner’s prize of $200,000 while the winner of the 10/10 female game between Berbice and Demerara will collect $150,000. Demerara will fancy their chances in the female game since three of Berbice’s top players Tremayne Smartt, Shamaine Campbell and Erva Giddings would be unavailable due to West Indies female team commitments. Tickets cost $2,000

Richard Persaud

Latoya Smith

Chris Gayle’s management have retained the services of a “leading Australian media lawyer” with the intention of “immediately” launching defamation action against Fairfax Media over allegations that he indecently exposed himself to a woman in Sydney during the World Cup last year. The allegation arose

following Gayle’s widely decried actions in an interview with the Ten Network sports presenter Mel McLaughlin while playing for the Melbourne Renegades in the Big Bash League. The Renegades fined Gayle $10,000 for the incident, and the Cricket Australia chief executive James Sutherland declared

West Indies captain Jason Holder declined a declaration offer from counterpart Steve Smith to set up a possible result on the final day of the rain-plagued third test at the Sydney Cricket Ground on Thursday. The visitors resumed their first innings on the fifth day at 248-7 despite an offer from Smith of a

Richard Persaud will lead the Demerara Masters team in the Legacy and 007 Promotions Unity Cricket set for the Providence Stadium on January 30. The team includes Wayne Jones and former Guyana First-Class batsman David Harper, while the Demerara lasses will be captained by National female player Latoya Smith, and will Kavita Yadram and Haseena Mohamed, who have

West Indies spurn Australia declaration offer in 3rd test

Persaud to lead Demerara softball team for Unity Cricket Match

and will go on two week before the event. Demerara Masters: Richard Persaud Capt. Ramo Malone, Yunis Yusuf, Lloyd Rooplall, David Harper, Eric Thomas, Mahendra Hardyal V/Capt, Fazil Baksh, Davanand Kannon, Tony Singh, Jagdesh Persaud, Wayne Jones, Mohamed Rafeek Manager:

Dharam Persaud. Demerara Female team: Latoya Smith Capt., Kavita Yadram V/Capt, Zola Telford, Matanna Cambridge, Roxanne Demonick, Haseena Mohamed, Tamika Wilson, Jinelle Nero, Amanda Bobsemple, Kaysia Shultz, Sangetta Sawh, Alicia Allen, Odessa Oneil. Coach is Linden Wilson.

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