GNN Online Newspaper - Dec 24, 2015

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Thursday December 24, 2015

Seasons greetings

Toys displayed for sale along the pavement on Regent Street today (Christmas Eve)

“I don’t believe in ‘bush’ and ‘town’. I believe in one country” - Granger

Berbice Bridge robbed



GPL acting CEO could be sent on Administrative leave It appears that Colin Welch, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) acting of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), may be sent on administrative leave in an effort to facilitate an investigation into allegations of misconduct and corruption. Recently, it was reported in the Sunday December 13, edition of the Kaieteur News that there is emerging evidence that Welch allegedly intervened in a multimillion contract for prepaid meters and reportedly asked the supplier to lie to authorities in Guyana

about the specifications. According to reports, the award of the contract to Tesco PLC in April ran into early trouble when one of the bidders who was unsuccessful complained that the assessment of the bids was flawed and that Tesco’s manufacturer of the meters, Shenzhen Clou Electronics Company Limited, was not making those types of meters that were being requested by the power company. The purported text messages sent by Welch to the two foreign companies were leaked to Minister

of Public infrastructure David Patterson, GPL Directors and Managers, and Government officials weeks ago. It was also stated that GPL had gone to tender for 28,000 prepaid meters worth over US$4 million which started the entire squabble. However, no action has yet been taken even. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Welch may soon be asked to proceed on leave in relation to the allegations. However, he has maintained that the allegations fabricated and that he was framed.

Colin Welch

On Tuesday last, Transparency Institute Guyana Inc (TIGI) chided the government for treating the matter lightly. “TIGI denounces the cavalier treatment by the government of this matter where instead of a thorough investigation

in the face of allegations against a sitting CEO the matter is instead quashed which appears to have the effect of averting in-depth investigation, and giving the CEO the chance to correct himself in future, if not completely absolve him from any consequences

of his actions,” the statement added. The corruption watchdog said it feels that the matter has not been treated with the gravity that has been meted out to some former government officials facing allegations of corruption. The statement said it is troubling to note that Minister of Public Infrastructure David Pattersen, in aborting the tender on the basis that it started under the PPP, fails to appreciate that an illegal act is still illegal regardless of when it is committed or its origin.

Man shot and robbed in Sophia; bandit escaped with alcohol Early this morning a Sophia resident was shot after being attacked by an armed bandit. The Police say that at about 0500hrs today, Lloyd Scott, 34 years, was walking

along the roadway to his home at ‘B’ Field, Sophia, when he was attacked by a man armed with a gun. A scuffle ensued during which Scott was shot and to his left foot and hand.

The bandit escaped with a bag containing alcohol and clothing. Scott has been admitted to hospital as the investigations c o n t i n u e .

Missing man found dead at 63 Beach The Police have reported that the body of a fifty-six year-old man was found on the foreshore at No. 63 Village, Corentyne. A Police statement noted that Mohamed Fizal Baksh,

of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, was found at about 07:00 hrs this morning. He was reported missing since December 21, 2015. A Post Mortem examination which was

conducted by Pathologist Dr. Vivekanand Brijmohan, revealed that Baksh died from haemorrhage and shock due to a fractured skull Investigations are continuing.

two night deposit bags and escaped. According to reports, the Police responded promptly and

searched the area. A man has been arrested as investigations c o n t i n u e .

Berbice Bridge robbed A staff of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. (BBCI) was robbed yesterday morning as he was about to make a deposit in

safety deposit box at a nearby Bank. G N N spoke to the Chief Executive Officer of the BBCI, Omadatt Samaroo, who

confirmed that the robbery took place yesterday morning at about 06:00 hrs. on the West Berbice side of the bridge.. It is believed that about $5M in cash and cheques were taken.

G N N understands that as the staff was about to make the deposit, a lone gunman ran from across the road and pointed a gun at him. The gunman demanded and snatched the


ISLAM PROMOTES THE UNIVERSAL DESIRE OF PEACE On December 24th, 2015, our Muslim brothers and sisters celebrate Youman Nabi which commemorates the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad. The APNU/AFC government took the opportunity to extend Youman Nabi greetings to the people of Guyana noting that “the exemplary life of Prophet Muhammad, his teachings of the Islamic principles

of brotherhood and humanity towards all mankind are particularly reflected upon at this time.” It noted that “at this juncture of history when the world is affected by cowards and extremists who use the peaceful religion of Islam as cover for their barbaric activities, the teachings of the Holy Prophet are of particular relevance.” The government says Islam promotes an end

to human suffering, injustice and inequality and embraces the universal desire of peace and harmonious living throughout communities, countries and globally and this message resonates with our government that is committed to ensuring a good life for all Guyanese, regardless of religion, creed, ethnicity, gender or any other man-made segregator boundaries. The Government of the

Cooperative Republic of Guyana wishes a peaceful

and enjoyable celebration of Youman Nabi to all

our Muslim brothers and sisters countrywide and in the Diaspora.



The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) would like to extend to all Guyanese, especially the Muslim community, greetings on the occasion of Youman Nabi which is being observed today, December 24. This occasion which commemorates the birth and death anniversary of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (On Whom Be Peace), is sacred to the Islamic community. It has been observed as a national holiday for decades in Guyana underling the freedom of religion enshrined in our Constitution. Our religious holidays further exemplifies the tolerance

and appreciation which abounds in this multifaceted society of ours. The PPP urge that the pertinent messages that are associated with this sacred occasion be a reminder to us all on virtues, humility and compassion which can forge and further strengthen bonds among our people. To our Muslims brothers and sisters, we remain cognizant of the stigma that has unfortunately befall your glorious religion of peace in some quarters i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y. This occasion of Youman Nabi offers yet another opportunity for

continuous education and enlightenment on the virtues that Islam gives to the world and rejection of those who use the name of your faith to bring it into disrepute. The PPP is also cognizant of the challenges Muslims face on a daily basis, and which appear to be continually exacerbated in some parts of the world. To this, we urge tolerance and understanding on behalf of those and encourage continuity in your propagation and adherence to the virtues of your religion, which is a hallmark of peace. As you observe this occasion, this has to

be the first time that, a national holiday, more so, a religious holiday, falls on Christmas Eve. The local traditions on this day, Christmas Eve, are expected to unfold unhindered, demonstrative of the profound religious tolerance

that is associated with Guyana. This surely provides another opportunity to imbue a sense of pride and accomplishment as a people in a diverse country. Once again, our Party extends Youman Nabi greetings to all and

reminds of the relevant messages it continues to present as a guide for all humanity.


RECOMMIT OURSELVES TO A TRULY MULTIFACETED SOCIETY The People’s National Congress Reform extends Youman Nabi Greetings not only to our Muslim brothers and sisters but to all Guyanese. Youman Nabi or Mawlid al-Nabi or Eide-Milad, fixed at the 12th day of the month of Rabi al-Awwal in the Muslim calendar, is a celebration of the Birth Anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The day is marked by sermons, recitation of litanies, honouring of religious dignitaries, gift giving, and a feast. The occasion also serves as a reminder that whatever trials and tribulations we face, the prophet of God faced even greater and yet he never allowed anger and hatred to determine his actions. We, in Guyana, can benefit from the legacy by using it as an instrument, not only for promoting understanding among our various ethnic, religious and social

groups, but also, and more importantly, for bringing a healing towel to dilemmas and challenges which affect the nation as we usher in our 50th year as an independent state. As we all celebrate Youman Nabi 2015, we need to recommit ourselves to the achievement of the ideals of a truly multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multireligious society where there is unity in diversity. Happy Youman Nabi to all Guyanese!



Today as we face a rapidly changing world dominated by man’s inhumanity to man. Where might is right and the poor are taken advantage of by the rich, where women and children are abused and we witness daily the senseless acts of war, where innocent people are killed in large numbers in the name of fighting terrorism, we must ask ourselves, are we better off today or more advanced

than our ancestors? The answer is simply, No. Fourteen hundred and thirty years ago God Almighty, ALLAH SWT sent the Prophet Mu h a m m a d (owbp) and in a period of twentythree years, he was able to change the conditions of his society which were similar in almost every respect to the one we are living in presently. He did this with the message of

the Quran and his beautiful conduct of living. Each year, Muslims all over the world celebrate with joy, the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (owbp) and this celebration of the Prophet’s birthday is known to Muslims as Eid Milad un Nabi or Youman Nabi. In Guyana and many countries in Africa, the Middle East and the far east the 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal is

a national holiday. The Prophet’s life and his conduct has become a model on which every Muslim aspires to build his life according to the situation in which he finds himself, as ALLAH SWT says in the Holy Our’an: P r o p h e t Mu h a m m a d (owbp) participated fully in social life. He married and had a household. He was ruler, judge and fought many battles in which he underwent painful

ordeals. In life, both as an orphan and adult, he underwent many hardships. In spite of, this, he always exhibited humility and tolerance. He also made time to detach himself from the hustle bustle of daily life and indulged in contemplation and meditation. By this practice, he integrated his physical aspect of his life with spiritual activities. I therefore, on the occasion of the

birth anniversary the Holy Prophet Muhammad call on all Guyanese to reflect on the message of the Holy Quran and the numerous examples left by the Holy Prophet Mu h a m m a d (owbp). By doing this we would be able to change our lives and be successful in this life and in the life to come.

“I don’t believe in ‘bush’ and ‘town’. I believe in one country” - Granger his administration will continue to focus on ensuring that not only is the coastland linked to the hinterland, but that all residents have access to the resources of the country. “You are entitled to the same quality if education, the same quality of transportation, the same

quality of development”, the told the residents. The President also used the opportunity to set a lofty but worthwhile goal of 100 percent school attendance across Guyana. He said, “The country is not rich but we will see how best we can make sure that

every single child in this country gets to school... if they need footwear, we will get... if you need transportation we will do our best, if you need books we will do our best, if you need something to eat we will do our best.” (MOTP)

President David Granger arriving at Friendship in the Pomeroon

President David Granger, yesterday said that he believes in one Guyana and is focused on fostering deeper national unity across the nation. He was at the time addressing residents of Baracaro and other surrounding villages in the Akawini Creek and at Friendship in the Pomeroon River.

During the visits he shared Christmas gifts to about 600 children from the communities. He was accompanied Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally and Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson. He added that even as Guyana’s

50th Independence Anniversary approaches, it is time Guyana unites. “My love for you and my desire to create greater national unity, deeper national unity. This is one country and I don’t believe in ‘bush’ and ‘town’. I believe in one country; one Guyana,” the President emphasized. He noted that

Little boys excitedly examining their new toys at Akawini

Another boat donated to President’s ‘Three Bs’ programme Another boat was yesterday donated to the President David Granger’s Boats, Buses and Bicycles or ‘Three Bs’ Programme by Charity Fisherman, Mr. Kumar Lallbachan. The programme is aimed at providing transportation for children to get to school. Lallbachan said that he decided to make the donation after hearing numerous complaints from parents of the region about being unable to get their children to school due to the high cost of transportation. The boat, David GV, is intended to serve the children of the Upper Pomeroon. The President said this gift to the children of Guyana was the best Christmas gift he could have received. He used the opportunity to call on businesses and all Guyanese to pledge to do all they can to ensure all children get to school. “That is the spirit of [being] Guyanese...

of Social Cohesion, school at Charity by Amna Ally, who has boat. Following that been instrumental in the President on his organising the ‘Three birthday, on July 15, Bs’ programme, said 2015, called for school that another boat, the boat donations to ensure David G VI, will soon children can get to school. The David G be commissioned President Granger commissionfor the Canje River. V cost $1.4 million ing the 'David G' V, today, as The ‘Three to be constructed Kumar Lallbachan, who donated Bs’ initiative was born and Mr. Lallbachan the boat, and his wife Hardai when President Granger coordinated with three Lallbachan look on visited the Pomeroon other businessmen The David G V in motion on the Pomeroon River and a father told him from the area to Giving these boats is a would be eliminated. removed,” he added. of the high cost of purchase the outboard (MOTP) public good... it is not Inequalities would be M i n i s t e r getting his children to engine. a matter of supporting one party or another party... I want to see that we as a community, not as a government, not as a political party, as a community, let us take responsibility to ensure that all those children get to school,” the President said. He emphasised that the development of Guyana is hinged on his Every Child in School Policy. “I am sure if Guyanese got their children to school this country would turn around in President Granger commissioning the 'David G' V, today, as Kumar Lallbachan, who donated the boat, and his wife Hardai Lallbachan look on no time at all. Poverty

Tourism Ministry spreads Christmas cheer Spreading the Christmas cheers with Guyanese traditional Christmas dishes, The Tourism Ministry and the Guyana tourism Authority (GTA) greeted its passengers at all of the main ports of entry with black cake over the last few days. According to a release from the GTA, 1000 passengers arriving at Moleson Creek, Ogle and

the Cheddi Jagan International Airport received the warm Guyanese welcome during the annual ‘Christmas Welcome’. “Despite the hassle of travelling, broad smiles lit the faces of the passengers as they were warmly welcomed at the immigration areas; many expressed gratitude to the GTA staff and port

Visitors receive their Christmas Balck cake at CJIA



they accepted


Christmas treats” the GTA said. “This is part of our annual calendar of event and we also organise similar events for Emancipation, Diwali, and other national holidays. Visitors and returning Guyanese are given a taste of our Guyanese culture,” explained the GTA Director, Indranauth H a r a l s i n g h .

The GTA is expressing heartfelt thanks to their partners in development and corporate sponsors for their unwavering support in the promotion and development of tourism in Guyana. The GTA head then took the opportunity to extend warm holiday greetings to everyone.

BEWARE OF PURCHASE OF POWDERED MILK IN UNLABELLED, TRANSPARENT PLASTIC BAGS The Government Analyst Food and Drug department is advising consumers against the purchase of powdered milk in unlabelled, transparent plastic bags. It is also advising retailers to discontinue the

practice of repackaging milk without being in possession of a permit to repackage. The sale of milk powder in this manner is in breach of the Food and Drug Act 1971 and the Food and Drug Regulation 1977.

The Food and Drug department says milk is often repackaged in unsanitary conditions by unlicensed repackagers; milk sold in this manner may be subjected to adulteration; and the true weight of

the milk cannot be determined or reflected on a transparent bag. The department says any milk being traded or sold on the local market that does not reflect the prescribed standard will be seized. Consumers are asked to report this practice to the Food and Drug department or any environmental

or municipal health officer in the respective regions for their own




burning of tyres and two buildings. The victims were wrongfully accused of electoral infractions by members of the mob. At polling stations countrywide, many persons were victims of the brutal violence administered by residents who believed there was a threat to the integrity of the ballot boxes. In Tucville, Georgetown, two persons were also assaulted after being accused of attempting to steal ballot boxes. PPP activist

Kwame McCoy also suffered due to the eruption of violence on May 11 to the point of hospitilisation. He was confronted by an angry mob as he was about to exit the polling station at St Sidwell Primary School at Hadfield Street and Vlissengen Road, Georgetown. He was at the time performing his duties as a Candidate of the PPP. The PPP had laid the eruption of violence on Election Day squarely at the feet of the then opposition.

PPP seeking compensation for Election Day violence victims The opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) will be pushing for government to provide compensation packages for the persons who suffered at the May 11 Election Day Violence. This advocacy will be done by way of a motion that is expected to be tabled in the National Assembly. P P P / C Chief Whip Gail Teixeira told a press conference yesterday December 23 that the motion is scheduled to be tabled at the next

sitting of the House next Wednesday (December 30). A number of persons suffered as a result of the many instances of violence that was perpetrated

Gail Teixeira

on Election Day 2015 even before the results were declared. On Election night the homes of two supporters of the PPP were torched by a mob in Sophia

Georgetown who openly voiced their allegiance to the then opposition. In addition two vehicles were also torched. Some persons suffered injuries during the

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) to be more effectively tackled The Ministry of Social Protection is working to improve its capacity to tackle Trafficking in Persons (TIP) by setting up a structure at the Ministry and seeking to amend the TIP act. This is according to Minister with the ministry; Simone Broomes, who recently addressed the media. She said that meetings will be held with judges for them to have an input on the act. She noted that “e.g. the act speaks about compensation; we’ll be meeting more with the judges on compensation to be a part of it (the

meeting)…we’re setting up the structure; to deal with Trafficking In Persons there was no unit in the Ministry.” She further pointed out that trafficking in persons in not only sexual exploitation but also child labor, labor trafficking. She also stated that a number of persons will be recruited and trained to tackle the TIP scourge country-wide. “It is a huge responsibility and we need to have a structured unit, with a well laid out plan, and persons with different roles and

responsibilities, so that one person will not be pressured,” she said. In the area of training, she said “If you receive a complaint and conduct a raid and there is a survivor, the unit is the first person to interact with the person and take a statement… that is why it is important to pull the unit and ensure those persons go through the right training. They will be trained in such a way that they will be able to take statements.” She further added that one must be able to determine when it is TIP and

Minister Simone Broomes

when there is the need for an investigation. Section 36 of the Act mandates the Ministry of Social Protection to address this scourge, and according

to the Minister: “It is our philosophy that all forms of Trafficking In Persons become something of the past.” She said there will also be

comprehensive training on the fundamentals of the legislation which speak to TIP.

termination, which takes effect at the end of December. These persons are office support staff, drivers, etc and they are all Indo-Guyanese. The only high official who has been removed from his position is a professional diplomat who worked for many years with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr M.R Khan (an Indo-Guyanese), “Ramotar pointed out. He said the PPP/C’s political appointee, Mr Brentnol Evans, an Afro-Guyanese has been retained (after he pledged his loyalty to the new regime). This, according to him is another demonstration of the regime’s discriminatory policy being exercised in various sectors of the economy. R am ot ar continued “what should be noted is that the mining industry has a majority of Afro-Guyanese who were ‘looked after’,

while the rice and sugar industries, which have a majority of Indo-Guyanese, were ignored by the regime.” T h e A P N U + A F C , when they were in opposition, were very critical of the hiring of contract workers in the public service. However, when they assumed office, they terminated the contracts of IndoGuyanese perceived to be PPP/C supporters employed by state agencies, the statement highlighted. It said the APNU+AFC government has since increased the number of contract workers and the salaries of persons they have hired and continue to hire have seen whopping increases. Almost 100% of the new recruits are of one ethnic group – Afro-Guyanese, Ramotar said. D e s p i t e these claims, the David Granger-led

government has denied witch hunting anyone. The coalition government has said that it is seeking to rid the country of the massive corruption it claimed existed under the previous administration, hence the firing of “corrupt officers.” Minister of State Joseph Harmon and other government Ministers have sought to justify the dismissals of persons from the public sector, indicating very grey areas in their particular Ministries where wrongdoing may have taken place. The PPP is also accused of witch hunting supporters of the Peoples National Congress (PNC) when it took office back in 1992, an accusation it has since denied.

Ethnic cleansing continues, former President cites new cases Donald Ramotar

Former President Donald Ramotar is registering his concerns with regard to what he claims continued ethnic cleansing in the public service. Ramotar, in a statement noted that the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) regime, which assumed power in May continues to push Guyana back to the path of undemocratic rule. “The regime came into office and almost immediately

began dismissing persons employed in the public service. Ninety-nine percent of those persons dismissed are IndoGuyanese and a large number of Amerindians (almost 2,000), who were trained as Community Development Officers to assist their villages in projects aimed at enhancing their livelihood,” the statement said. According to the former President, Indo-Guyanese have always been a minority in the public service. And now, in just over six months

of APNU+AFC rule, their presence is almost non-existent in the service. He went on to state that most of the persons who are being dismissed are ordinary working class citizens; not decision makers or top level personnel, but ordinary citizens working to sustain a decent living. He made reference to recent dismissals, all of whom are IndoGuyanese. “At the New York Consulate, for instance, five workers have been served letters of

Rice exports increased; value decreased Despite marketing challenges, the Ministry of Agriculture has seen the rice industry performing favorably. During its end of year Press Conference on Wednesday, it was disclosed that exports has seen an increase as “for the period January -December 16, 2015 exports stood at 510,807 tonnes compared with 501,208 tonnes for the entire of 2014.”

However, the value was 15 % lower than the value for 2014. “For the period January – December 16, 2015, the value of the exports was UG$ 211,834,746 compared to US$ 249,504,955 for 2014” the ministry said. The Ministry said as at the December 16, 2015, “paddy production was 1,051,563 tonnes equivalent to 683,516 tonnes of rice. This

figure was 48,278 tonnes or 7.60% higher than the production of paddy and rice for the entire of 2014. In 2014, 977, 289 tonnes of paddy equivalent to 635,238 tonnes of rice were produced.” In the areas of Research capacity, both the GRDB 14 variety and the Aromatic Variety were released along with its production package for commercial cultivation by farmers

in Spring 2015. It was also disclosed that nineteen advanced breeding lines are currently being tested in Advanced Yield Trials in four location across the country. These candidate varieties will be tested in Farmers fields and if found suitable will be released. Another, Sixty Five (65) Advanced Breeding Lines are currently being tested at the Research

Station. Each season, over 4,000 breeding lines are studied by the team at the Rice Research Station. It is expected that the new varieties released will continue to contribute to improving the productivity of rice in Guyana in the coming years. It is foreseen that GRDB 12, GRDB 13 and GRDB 14 will continue to expand

in acreage in 2016. The GRDB will be implementing a proactive programme to manage ‘red rice’. Similarly comprehensive studies will be done on the paddy bug menace and its management aimed at reducing losses. At least 500 varieties will be accessed from international research institutes/ centers in 2016.

Inspections of businesses to continue next year- Broomes

Following inspections by the Minister within the Ministry of Social Protectio, Simone Broomes to several

businesses on Regent Street and other parts of the country, there have been increased compliance with

the laws of Guyana. The Minister, there were follow-ups with the businesses to ensure that there

is compliance adding that “it is also not a one-off something, the inspections will continue next year and we are looking for compliance but already on Regent street, compliance are taking place.” She disclosed that not only do the workers know of their rights now, but employers have also been seeking to improve their services. “Since we left Regent street, we have had business owners,

employers coming in to be trained; they want to know how to know how to do their books, how to get it right so on both hands, it has been working” she said. She noted that some larger companies would have had return visits while some sent before and after pictures of the changes that were made to satisfy their employees. M i n i s t e r Broomes on Tuesday September 08, conducted

a spontaneous inspection at on Regent Street establishments following several complaints by employees of irregularities. During the visits, it was found that there were several breach of the labor laws including workers being paid under the minimum wage among others. The minister also visited RUSAL, Demerara Timbers Limited and Qualfon Guyana Inc. among others.

No opposition day in Parliament from August to December- Teixeira The Parliamentary opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is concerned that its business will not be addressed in the National Assembly anytime soon. Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, PPP/C Member of Parliament and Chief Whip Gail Teixeira lamented that from August 17th to December there has been no opposition day, hence their business is constantly being deferred. This, she said contradicts the Standing Orders which

states that every fourth sitting is supposed to be designated for Public business (Opposition business), “we anticipate that the first opposition member day will probably be in February March,” Teixeira said. This, she deemed another indication of a breach of parliamentary d e m o c r a c y . She added that “the last Parliament sitting was the 17th, you have the 18th, 19th, 20th, and by then if I’m correct they’re going into the first reading of the budget presentation, that’s if they’re ready, then you

have three weeks of that which is budget, then you’re going to come into February and so we don’t anticipate a fourth sitting that is our day exclusively where our business gets precedence.” In the meantime, Ms. Teixeira said the party will be submitting its matters. The PPP/C had also predicted that there will not be many sittings of this Parliament, hence it wouldn’t be a robust Parliament. Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs told this publication this week

that the opposition business is scheduled to come up at the twentieth sitting of the National Assembly, which is scheduled for some time in January. He explained that every fourth sitting opposition business is given priority over government’s business, however, if there is a financial paper or the estimates that would be given priority over the opposition’s business. “The standing order says financial papers estimates and so on should stand as the first item of public business on the order

paper. Although it’s an opposition day financial paper or so these things will still be given priority over opposition business,” Isaacs further explained. Financial paper number 1 of 2015 supplementary estimates current and capital totaling $3.2B for the period October

25 2011 to December 2014 is expected to be considered at the next sitting of the House. Financial paper number 2 of 2015 statement of excess on the current and capital estimates totaling $6B for the period January 1, 2012 to June 16, 2014 will be considered as well.


The Birth of Hope and Leadership

The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) finds it easy to welcome and participate in the festival of Christmas 2015. Before the traditional twelve (12) days which celebrate the

Birth of the Christ Child – the bedrock of the Christian Faith, we Guyanese are all caught up in some form of preparation if only to welcome a New Year. This Christian festival is almost now secular in nature that

it is embraced by all groups of Guyanese. GAWU knows that is so because of the universal symbolism of the Christmas Story of the Birth of Hope. It is said that “hope springs eternal in the breasts of men”. What is life if

not blessed with the future of hope? But the Infant’s birth was surrounded with the realities of mankind’s earthly vices and “values” of greed, lust and power. The Christian Bible’s Gospel Writers tell of taxation time and a census to ensure a ruler’s or government’s access to finance; of a crowded city where the poor carpenter could find no room at any inn or guest house; then of a King’s ruthless jealousy enough to kill innocent infants. But the Jesus Child was sheltered, protected, cared and

blessed. His parents were wonderful in saving their family. The Birth and Life of the Christ prevailed. What lessons for today’s parents are there! It must also be noted that according to Christian beliefs, the adult Christ became a spiritual leader extraordinaire. He taught compassion and offered spiritual salvation but his “Everlasting Life” seemed not for those leaders who preyed on the poor and sought to accommodate wealth selfishly. Let us hold both our past and new leaders

to such standards that the Christ exemplified. We must be provided with the hope of a bright future collectively – as promised in all the election campaign manifestos. The Birth of the Christians’ Lord provided hope and salvation. May all Guyanese experience such hope in promises fulfilled during this season on 2016. A Great Christmas and Satisfying New Year from GAWU!


Christmas Time Resolutions for All A joyous festival of celebration of a miraculous and divine birth is now an occasion that transcends Christianity and embraced by all. Guyanese have made Christmas all their own. If it is sometimes too commercial it is never-the-less still characterized by the spiritual aspect which Christian belief teaches. The drama of the virgin birth in a tale complete with expressions of poverty, even King Herod’s murderous exploits in killing male babies he was jealous of. But the

Baby Christ survived and he became a savior for the later Christians and all who would believe. The foregoing sentiments inform the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) message for our Christmas Guyana 2015. Our leaders all promise us good things – for workers, youth, women, hinterland residents, et al; policies and programmes are structured for our benefit, we are assured. But do we as a people receive the good consequences

of those promised. Yet there is a lot of charity at Christmas. The gift of the Baby Christ does inspire a plethora of gift giving at this Season. FITUG is happy at

this spirit. However, our thousands of members look beyond charity and gifts for their future. They, as most Guyanese, want justice, fair-play,

opportunity and employment to earn a future even as they contribute to national development. FITUG says: may the year of the Independence

Golden Jubilee 2016, bring progress and all the prosperity promised. Merry Christmas and a New Year


May reflection be integral during the season

The Indian Action (formerly Arrival) Committee (IAC) extends Season Greetings to all Guyanese as we all prepare to celebrate Christmas. We call on all Guyanese to strive to truly make it a season of giving in the spirit of bringing

joy and happiness to each other. Christmas is another festival that transcends religious boundaries and has sustained its tradition of forging unity among all of our people. The camaraderie and sharing over

time have resulted in our unique style of making a Guyanese Christmas a truly enjoyable experience. We trust that all would be able to so indulge. The IAC would also like to urge that in this season of goodwill, we be

reminded of the pertinent messages in an effort to foster peace and tolerance. The IAC recalls the part of the nativity story relates the challenges that Mary and Joseph encountered in their efforts to secure a resting

place to give birth to the Saviour Jesus Christ. We believe that the humility they demonstrated through this story and the humble upbringing of Jesus Christ, remain a beacon for all mankind to be guided by. Further, we believe that humility and respect are integral in the quest for universal peace which appears to be elusive. The IAC would like to urge that as we celebrate, we remember those who would be unable to do so for various reasons and for them to be kept in our prayers. In every society, the celebrations are therefore never holistic. Closer to home, the IAC remains cognizant of the challenges some of our fellow countrymen and women face that would prevent them from partaking in the related celebrations. Recently, we learnt that some families may have their homes repossessed. If this were to be realized, those persons will be deprived of a shelter which would result in suffering, not mentioning the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we also learnt that those who may potentially lose their homes are of one particular ethnic group giving rise to the suspicion of a selective

approach. We can only hope that is not the policy of the authority, however, from what appeared in the public domain, it seems compelling. The IAC would therefore like to urge the authority to ensure that no unnecessary hardship befall those Guyanese and for them not to endure a forced deprivation of their humble habitation. In the recent past, we spoke out against the dismissal of Guyanese from one ethnicity which we believe is counterproductive to efforts of social cohesion. In the same way, we believe selective repossession of homes will scuttle the much needed efforts to foster unity and confidence. We hope that this season would afford an opportunity for reflection and eventually, correction and halting of such action to deprive persons of their homes. We believe that the unfortunate price Mary and Joseph paid, could be spared for some of our fellow citizens. The IAC hope that in the spirit of goodwill, the situation can be amicable be resolved. Once again we wish each and every Guyanese a merry Christmas.

GUYSUCO reduces debt by $4B General Manager of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO), Errol Hanoman, has revealed that the corporation had been able to reduce its debt by some $4B within the last month. S p e a k i n g yesterday at the end of year press conference of the Ministry of Arriculture, Hanoman noted that the debt, which was pegged at $82B last month, currently stands at $78.6B. T h i s announcement was made by the Government who hinted at a possible bailout for the industry in 2016. The issue of repeated strikes was also cited as one of the major setbacks, and Government had offered that further strike action could possibly

bring sugar to its knees. Over the years, despite having an insolvent status, GUYSUCO has been receiving massive bailouts from the Government through the annual National Budgets. This year, the corporation had received a $12B subsidy from the Government as was provided for in the 2015 Budget. And while this has aided to some extent in the reduction of the debt, the General Manager of the corporation yesterday revealed that that 100 per cent of this year’s earnings has gone to salaries for workers. S u g a r production for the year which stands at 229,215 tonnes, has surpassed the projected target of 227,443 tonnes. The

second crop production is presently at 148,372 tonnes against the latest estimate of 146,300 tonnes. Four estates Skeldon, Albion, Blairmount and Uitvlugt - exceeded their production targets with Skeldon factory recording its highest output since its commissioning. And according to Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder, “The Skeldon factory performed creditably during the second crop and the average thruput was 230 tonnes cane per hour which is a marked improvement from previous levels. Tillage and planting operations are ongoing with most estates expected to achieve the 2nd crop target which

will be beneficial for the 2nd crop of 2016.” While the Average cane harvesting attendance for the industry as at December 11, 2015 was 60.9% compared with 59% for the second crop in 2014, it is anticipated that there will be no canes carried over into the first crop of 2016. S u g a r production for 2016

is projected to be at 242,287 tonnes; a 5 per cent increase over 2015’s production. Grinding operations for the first crop is expected to commence at the end of January. A d d i t i o n a l l y, at a post-Cabinet press briefing yesterday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon disclosed that even without the COI’s findings and

recommendations, his understanding is that GUYSUCO on its own volition has decided to merge some estates. To this end he hinted at the estate at Wales and the one at Uitvlugt merging which will result in the canes from wales going to Uitvlugt.

Grand jury indicts truck driver in Tracy Morgan crash A grand jury on Wednesday indicted a truck driver accused of crashing into a limo van last year on the New Jersey Turnpike, injuring comedian Tracy Morgan and killing one of his comic friends. The grand jury charged Kevin Roper with first-degree aggravated manslaughter, second-degree vehicular homicide and third-de-

gree aggravated assault in the June 2014 crash. Roper’s attorney, David Glassman, was in court Tuesday arguing to have the initial charges of vehicular homicide and assault by auto thrown out because of adverse publicity surrounding Morgan’s settlement of a lawsuit with WalMart earlier this year. A judge tentatively set a

date for early January to revisit the issue. Roper, of Jonesboro, Georgia, was driving a Wal-Mart truck when the crash occurred on the New Jersey Turnpike. He was not in court Wednesday, and an arraignment will be scheduled at a later date, said a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office. The crash killed comedian James McNair

and seriously injured Morgan and others. Morgan, a former “30 Rock” and “Saturday Night Live” star, suffered brain trauma, broken ribs and a broken leg. Glassman said he wasn’t surprised by the indictment after 18 months of negative pretrial publicity, the settlement, Wal-Mart admitting “full responsibility be-

fore anyone walked into a courtroom” and the prosecutor permitting the National Transporta-

tion Safety Board “to pronounce (Roper) guilty in a public hearing.” (Adapted from MSN)

opining that it “fails most spectacularly” in its representation of evil. The newspaper owned by the Holy See also wrote that the latest installment in the franchise is not a proper sequel but more of a reboot. “Not a classy reboot however, like Nolan’s Batman, but a twisted update which fits today’s tastes and a public more accustomed to sitting in front of a computer than in a cinema,” the anonymous reviewer said, adding the film seems to draw from the “sloppiest current action films derived from the

world of videogames.” The L’Osservatore Romano review also laments too many close-ups, and even faults the “muchpublicized” return to in-camera effects, saying they are “often anonymous and lacking in dramatic value.” As to why the pic supposedly fails spectacularly in its representation of evil, the caustic critic claims that “Darth Vader and above all the Emperor Palpatine were two of the most effective villains in [the sci-fi] genre of American cinema.” But

the film’s new villain, the Darth Vader-inspired Kylo Ren, is slammed as “insipid;” while Supreme Leader Snoke – the Emperor Palpatine-like character, is called “the most serious defect of the film,” with his representation described as “awkward and tacky.” These isolated observations certainly have not impacted box office for ”The Force” in Italy, where the film has grossed over $10 million to date, in line with expectations, after scoring the country’s top December opening frame ever. (Adapted from MSN)

Vatican paper slams ‘Star Wars’ calling it ‘confused and hazy’

Amid a chorus of overwhelmingly stellar reviews around the planet

for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano

begs to differ, calling the film “confused and hazy” and, even worse,

50 Cent filed a lawsuit against Rick Ross on Wednesday in federal court, according to Billboard, claiming the Maybach Music Group founder improperly sampled “In Da Club” without permission. The beat from 50’s early hit appears on one of Ross’s recent Renzel Remixes, one that touts the rapper’s

eighth studio album, The Black Market. 50 and his legal team essentially contend that Ross used 50’s work as a means of promotion, according to reports, and that 50 had nothing to do with Ross’s mixtape or album. “50 Cent’s most valuable asset is the name and reputation

he has painstakingly built through his Grammy-winning music, acting, and business endeavors,” a legal rep for 50 told Billboard. “He chooses his projects carefully for the very purpose of protecting that name and reputation.” (Ross had yet to release a comment.) Some have speculated

50 Cent Suing Rick Ross for $2 million the suit is another retaliating move in the long-running 50Ross beef — or maybe he just wanted “In Da Club” to stay in 2003. Regardless, 50 and Co. reportedly want an injunction against Ross’s use of 50’s material, as well as $2 million in damages. (MSN)






HIS HOLINESS SWAMI KAIVALYANANDA KAIVALYA ASHRAM INDIA CHAIRMAN, INTERNATIONAL VEDANTA UNIVERSITY TRUST DATE: 14th – 18th December, 2015 CAMP TIME: 8.00 AM - 10.00 AM (DAILY) VENUE: VALMIKI VIDYALAYA HIGH SCHOOL 169 PETER ROSE AND CROWN STREETS, QUEENSTOWN, GEORGETOWN TELEPHONE: 226-1293 or 628-1242 The five days training sessions is specially designed for your children. It focuses on the Science of Yoga, mental development of the Child as well as spiritual and cultural aspects of life. The aims and objectives of the camp are to develop and prepare Your Child for the future and provide the necessary tools for them to understand this rich culture, its traditions and human values.

We encourage ALL parents to register their children for this once in a lifetime rare opportunity to be taught by Swamiji THE HEADMASTER, STAFF AND MANAGEMENT VALMIKI VIDYALAYA HIGH

Swami Kaivalyanandaji, a renowned Yoga Guru, former Academician attached to Universities. Swamiji has been teaching Vedanta, Yoga and Sanskrit for many years in India and abroad. He hails from Kerala, the birth place of Aadi Sankaracharya in India.

Charlie Sheen dedicated to finding a cure for HIV Charlie Sheen says he’s dedicated to finding a cure for HIV in a new interview with the National Enquirer. “I said to my mom, ‘This disease picked the wrong guy.’ If anybody can fight this thing and discover a cure, it’s me. I will exhaust every resource available to me. I will

sit with every expert. I will move forward until something’s revealed,” Sheen said, noting that his mom was with him when he learned about his HIV-positive status. Sheen revealed in November that he’s HIVpositive and had known about it for four years. The admission, made

on the “Today” show, came after the National Enquirer published a story about his diagnosis. “I am in a rare position to turn my diagnosis into a positive, and that began with telling my truth to Matt Lauer, and now I’m talking to you and The National Enquirer so that I can reach your

audience with my story and continue to shine a light on this disease while brilliant scientists continue to search for a cure,” he said. Sheen says as part of his treatment he takes three pills a day, which costs about $4,000 a month. “I know that’s prohibitive to a lot of people’s

economic scenarios. Perhaps in my research, and in my journey, we

can help develop ways that make it affordable for all,” he said. (Yahoo)

of complications.” The groups urged to get the vaccine include healthcare workers, children aged six months to five years, pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy, people who are 65 years and older, and people with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, heart, lung and kidney disease. As well, the ministry urged the public to

practice good personal hygiene to prevent the spread of respiratory viral infections. Simple measures such as covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing, disposing of used tissue paper, and frequent hand washing are effective in limiting the transmission of influenza and other viral illnesses, the release said. T&T Guardian

understands that there is another patient, a woman, being treated for H1N1 at Mt Hope. However, officials from the North Central Regional Health Authority said they have not received any confirmation on another case of swine flu. (Adapted from the Trinidad Guardian)

even high-quality nutrition) are going to do better when it comes to school and tests. But are book learning and intelligence really

the same thing?” asks Jacqueline Cote at Cafe Mom. “And I’m not saying that simply because the two children I had in my

20s are honor students! Really, I’m not.” (In the US, more women are waiting until their late 30s to have kids.) (Yahoo Health)

4th Swine Flu death confirmed in T & T

The Ministry of Health of Trinidad and Tobago yesterday confirmed that Anastasia “Stacy” Ramkissoon died of the H1N1 virus. Ramkissoon 28, died at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope, on Saturday night more than two weeks

after being admitted to the hospital for pains related to her pregnancy. Her baby died a day after she gave birth. This is the fourth death attributed to the H1N1 influenza virus for the year to date. Twentyfive other cases were treated and the patients

discharged. The Health Ministry is once again urging the public to receive a vaccination to protect themselves from the virus. The treatment can be had at health centres across the country. A release from the ministry said the “vaccination is a safe and effective way to prevent influenza or reduce its severity in people at high risk

Think a mother’s age at childbirth plays any role in her child’s intelligence? According to data on British kids, it sure does. Using information on 18,000 children gathered over “an extended period of time,” researchers from the London School of Economics say kids born to firsttime moms in their 30s have better cognitive scores and “behavioral outcomes” than firstborn children with mothers in their 20s, the Independent reports. “First-time mothers

in their 30s are, for example, likely to be more educated, have higher incomes, are more likely to be in stable relationships, have healthier lifestyles, seek prenatal care earlier, and have planned their pregnancies,” lead author Alice Goisis tells the Times of London. These kids also outperformed children whose moms were in their 40s. Published in Biodemography and Social Biology, the study also found

that children born to women in their 40s are more often obese because their moms don’t play with them as much. This despite the fact that moms that age typically smoke less and breastfeed their kids, Marie Claire notes. But researchers acknowledge they culled data from only 53 mothers in their 40s. There’s also the question of what defines intelligence: “Of course kids who have parents with more resources to offer (i.e., good schools, tutors,

What a Mom‘s age has to do with her child’s thinking skills

Somalia joins Brunei and bans Christmas celebrations Somalia has issued a ban on Christmas celebrations in the Muslim-majority country after the Southeast Asian sultanate of Brunei announced a similar prohibition earlier this month with the threat of five years in jail. Sheikh Mohamed Khayrow, director general of Somalia’s religious affairs ministry, said

on Tuesday that Christmas and New Year celebrations threatened the country’s Muslim faith. “There should be no activity at all,” he told reporters, adding security forces had been ordered to break up any such festivities. “All events related to Christmas and New Year celebrations are contrary to Islamic culture, which could

damage the faith of the Muslim community.” Sheikh Nur Barud Gurhan, of the Supreme Religious Council of Somalia, also warned against celebrations, saying they could provoke al-Shabab “to carry out attacks”. Last year, the armed group launched a Christmas Day attack on the African Union’s heavily fortified headquarters in the

capital Mogadishu, killing three AU soldiers and a civilian. Somalia, which issued a similar ban in 2013, follows the Islamic calendar that does not recognise January 1 as the beginning of the year. There are almost no Christians left living in the country, although a bombed-out Italian-built Catholic cathedral remains

a city landmark permitted to mark the Mogadishu. Foreign day privately. (Adapted Al Jazeera) diplomats, aid workers, from and soldiers living in the AU compound are

was found by a landlord last Thursday after he smelled a strong odor emanating from the unit. According to the couple, Reyes passed away in August 2014. They said they placed her in the

refrigerator because they were afraid of immigration authorities showing up if they contacted police. They also said they didn’t have enough money to give her a proper burial. “The couple told detectives they did not report the death to authorities because of their immigration status,” according to a police statement. “They stated they planned on returning to the residence for their property

him when I first went to church after moving here from Loughborough. There was an

instant connection. with their young The couple are now daughter. (Yahoo) looking forward to their first Christmas together

Caregivers leave corpse in fridge for over a year because they feared deportation A female body found inside a refrigerator in a Santa Ana, Calif., home was left there by her caregivers, a pair of undocumented immigrants who didn’t report her death for over a year because they feared deportation. Police say the couple, who had moved out about three months

ago, identified the deceased as Mexican national Ricarda ReyesVillalobos. They said she was also their relative, but their exact relationship has not been disclosed. Police say the two lived with the dead body in the apartment for about a year. Reyes-Villalobos’ remains were finally find by authorities almost

a year and a half after her death. Police said that the couple rented and lived in a detached garage on the property. Reyes, who police believe was in her 50s at the time of her death,

One of Britain’s oldest dads is celebrating the birth of his second child with this girlfriend - who is 43 years younger than him. Coach driver John Willows, 73, first became a proud father on Christmas Day 2011- with partner Polly Jackson D’zaccheus - who is just 30 years old. But the loved up couple are now celebrating the arrival of new son David - who was

born at Lincoln County Hospital on November 21 weighing 6lbs 12 oz. They say that they are more in love than ever, and are now looking forward to Christmas with their new arrival. John said: ‘I’ve never been happier in my life. I lost my wife to cancer 11 years ago and it took a long time to move on from that.” He added, ‘We do get the odd comment about the age gap but it doesn’t bother us.

You cannot put an age on love and the majority of people are very supportive. The couple, from Lincoln, first met at their local Salvation Army church five years ago because they both played in the band. Polly says that John has proved to be a fantastic father and the pair ignore any criticism of their age gap. She added:“It doesn’t bother me. He is a brilliant father and a fantastic person. ‘I remember seeing

when they had the sufficient funds to do so.” The names of the couple have not been disclosed. Santa Ana police detectives said they are working with Mexican authorities to properly identify the deceased. An autopsy by the Orange County Coroner’s office found no signs of trauma, the Times reported, and the results of a toxicology report are pending. (Foxnewslatino)

73-Year-Old Dad celebrates birth of second child with girlfriend, 30

‘Christmas is dead’ in Venezuela, and 2016 looks grim Christmas is dead,” says Elise Belisario, who, like many Venezuelans, can’t afford to hang decorations or make a traditional holiday meal this year. And 2016 augurs bleak times too in this staggering oil giant, where the new year looks set to bring political power struggles and little respite from a crippling economic crisis. Belisario lives in the sprawling slum of Petare, on the outskirts of Caracas, which is

suffering this holiday season from the shortages and triple-digit inflation gripping Venezuela -the twin tribulations of the once high-flying economy’s demise. Where Christmases past brought exuberant decorations and balconies drenched in lights, this year Petare’s streets are drab and dark. “There’s just not enough money. We’ve switched off Christmas,” said Belisario, a 28-yearold with two kids who

recently lost her job. When the oil money was flowing, Christmas was a consumer bonanza in Venezuela, a predominantly Catholic country with a flair for celebrations. But that has changed as oil prices have plunged, and the opulent days under late leftist firebrand Hugo Chavez (1999-2013) have given way to the malaise plaguing his less charmed successor, Nicolas Maduro. “We were

rich and we didn’t even know it,” said Belisario. At a nearby shop, cashier Olga Gonzalez, 50, dejectedly picks up the nearly empty piggy bank she has dressed up in a little Santa Claus suit in hopes of getting some traditional Christmas tips. But there are no customers to leave them. “People are more worried about buying food than giving gifts this year,” she said. President Nicolas Maduro’s term runs until

2019, and the power struggles of divided government mean things are likely to get worse before they get better, some political analysts warn. Maduro, who called the poll result an “electoral coup,” has already made clear he is ready to do battle with the “bourgeois assembly”

from the moment it is inaugurated on January 5. The opposition appears ready to fight fire with fire. Jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez said the new legislature’s priority should be “to make Maduro quit before 2019,” in an interview from his prison cell. (Adapted from Yahoo)

Flooding caused by heavy rains has forced the evacuation of more than 70,000 people in Paraguay. Authorities say the Paraguay River rose to nearly 24 feet Wednesday after weeks of torrential rains. That’s near its highest level set in 1983, when it reached 25.3 feet. Paraguay’s National

Emergency Secretariat says about 72,000 people have been forced out of their homes in the Paraguayan capital. But many more are expected to be affected nationwide by the swelling of the Paraná and other rivers. Communities living in low-lying slums are especially at risk. Most are seeking

shelter in camps on higher ground, where they’re sleeping in improvised tents. Congress issued a state of emergency last week and authorized the government to spend $4 million to assist flood-hit families. (Foxnewslatino)

Flooding forces evacuation of more than 70,000 in Paraguayan capital

T & T fires Central Bank Governor Central Bank Governor Jwala Rambarran has been fired. The T&T Guardian confirmed that Rambarran was dismissed by the Minister of Finance, Colm Imbert yesterday. Word of this unprecedented dismissal came late last night, but only one day after Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said that a Government “ought to have confidence” in any Central Bank Governor. That comment and his refusal to give any ground to

Rambarran made clear that he did not have any confidence in the Governor. R a m b a r r a n’s dismissal comes after a series of actions that left him in an “untenable” situation, according to Rowley. Just two weeks ago, Rowley said that Rambarran was effectively creating problems for himself by his actions during his time as governor. In a stinging statement to the media, Rowley had then described Rambarran actions as reckless and illegal. Rowley’s harsh

critique came after a series of missteps by Rambarran, which brought him into conflict with Imbert. Earlier in December, Imbert criticised Rambarran for announcing that the country was in a recession without first consulting with him. One week later, Rambarran was again chastised for publicly revealing the names of the biggest foreign exchange users in the country. Adding to the sense of a Governor embattled and under severe pressure to keep his job, was

Central Bank Governor Jwala Rambarran

Massy conglomerate’s signaling its intention to take legal action against him for that alleged breach of confidentiality. While Rambarran enjoyed support from

the Opposition and even gained support in the form of an online petition to keep him in office, his continued clashes with the Government made his position

irretrievable. Rambarran did not immediately return calls to his mobile phone. (Trinidad Guardian)

31 killed, over 100 injured in Saudi Arabia hospital fire At least 31 people have been killed and 107 injured in a fire at a hospital in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, authorities said. The Saudi civil defence directorate said that the fire at the Jizan General Hospital started at about 2.30am local

time. It is not yet known what caused the blaze, which began on the first floor of the hospital. The intensive care unit and maternity ward are both on the first floor. Saudi Arabian authorities are investigating. At least 20 brigades

from the civil defence directorate were deployed to fight the blaze, which has now been brought under control. Dr. Ahmad Alsum, an emergency doctor at Jizan’s King Fahd Hospital, told Al Jazeera that most of those injured in the

fire were patients. Patients were transferred to a number of other nearby public and private hospitals. Alsum said early indications were that the blaze was an electrical fire. Jizan is the capital in southwest Saudi immediately north located of the Yemen of the Jizan region Arabia, border. (Al Jazeera)

At least seven people were killed Wednesday and several others were reported missing as a storm system forecasters called “particularly dangerous” swept across the heartland. Officials said four people, including a 7-year-

old boy, were killed in Mississippi, where multiple tornadoes were reported. An 18-yearold Arkansas woman was also killed when a tree blew over onto a house and crashed into her bedroom. In Tennessee, the

state’s Department of Health confirmed that a man and a woman were killed in severe storms in Perry County, southwest of Nashville, but had no further details. The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency says the county has reported debris across roads and some communications issues. M S N e w s N o w. c o m reported that three people were killed in Benton County, Miss. and two others were missing. Crews were searching

house-to-house and in wooded areas to make sure residents were accounted for. Police there said several homes were blown off their foundations. A 7-year-old boy died in Holly Springs, Miss., when the storm picked up and tossed the car he was riding in, officials said. Marshall County Coroner James Anderson says the boy’s relatives in the car with him were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Greg Flynn, a spokesman

India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) leader, Ram Madhav, believes that through “popular goodwill” parts of India that were separated 60 years ago will come together. He said that he believes India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will reunite to form ‘Akhand Bharat’ (undivided India). However, he clarified, “That does not mean we wage war on any country, [or that] we annex

any country. Without war, through popular consent, it can happen”. Since its landslide victory in 2014, the BJP has come under fire for allegedly contributing to a “climate of intolerance” in India, which is home to the world’s largest Muslimminority population. Responding to a statement made earlier this year, in which he said India was “a Hindu country”, Madhav explained, “It’s a land

where a particular way of life, a particular culture or civilization is practiced”. “We call it Hindu – do you have any objection? India has one culture. We are one culture, one people, one nation,” he said in a recent interview. When challenged on why a number of high-profile writers and intellectuals have returned their awards to protest against the BJP government in recent months, Madhav argued

they were doing so “to defame the government and in turn to defame the image of India,” and that their method of protest was “wrong”. Madhav, who is in charge of the BJP’s “Jammu & Kashmir affairs” also responded on how to bring peace to the region. “The only outstanding issue with regard to the Kashmir problem is the Kashmir under Pakistan occupation,” he said. “The Kashmir that is an

HOLIDAY HEARTBREAK: At least 7 killed as strong storms, tornadoes slam parts of the USA for the Mississippi Emergency management Agency, reported more than 40 injuries in six counties but said that number could rise as the night goes on. A tornado also damaged or destroyed at least 20 homes in the northwest part of the state. Clarksdale Mayor Bill Luckett said the only confirmed casualty was a dog killed by storm debris. Planes at a small airport overturned and an unknown number of people were injured.

Television images showed the tornado appeared to be on the ground for more than 10 minutes. Interstate 55 was closed in both directions as the tornado approached, the Mississippi Highway Patrol said. The threat of severe weather just before Christmas is unusual, but not unprecedented, Storm Prediction Center meteorologist Greg Carbin told the Associated Press. (Adapted from Fox News)

integral part of India, it has been proved time and again that it’s an integral part of India.” He assured the audience that “political

demands in Kashmir will be taken care of,” although with the caveat: “short of separating from India”. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

Leading India Party’s boss backs unity with Pakistan, Bangladesh

Schumacher walking claims denied

M i c h a e l S c h u m a c h e r ’s manager has said claims the seventime Formula One champion has started

walking again are untrue and have given “false hopes” to his supporters. The F1 legend sustained serious

brain injuries after hitting his head on rocks while skiing near the French resort of Meribel almost two years to the day.

Schumacher was allowed to return home from hospital last September and German magazine Bunte this week

published a story stating that the 46-year-old was now able to walk and could lift his arm above his head. The magazine was quoting a “confidante” of Schumacher, with the report claiming the German was “very thin — but he can once again walk a little with the help of his therapist”. H o w e v e r , S c h u m a c h e r ’s manager Sabine Kehm rubbished the claims and stated that is not the case. “Unfortunately, we are forced by a recent

West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) president, Dave Cameron, yesterday confirmed that following discussions with BCCI president, Shashank Manohar, the West Indies will host India in the Caribbean in 2016. This agreement is however subject to the WICB and the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) giving a joint commitment to complete, at a later date, the tour which prematurely ended in October 2014. Yesterday’s revelation was the culmination of close to a year

of deliberations between the two Boards and will come as a massive relief for the cash-strapped regional body as the BCCI had previously threatened a massive US$42 million lawsuit over losses incurred from the abandonment of the tour. That series was set to feature five OneDay Internationals, one Twenty20 match and three Tests but was cancelled after just four ODIs. The Windies oneday team, which was captained by Dwayne Bravo, were embroiled in a wage

conflict with WIPA and its president Wavell Hinds over the controversial signing of a fresh Memorandum of Underst anding (MOU) and

Central Bargaining A g r e e m e n t (CBA) which they claimed they never approved of. Players claimed the new agreements slashed their wages

by close to 50 percent and threatened to go on strike if the WICB and WIPA did not temporarily revert to the previous MOU and CBA. West Indies players

press report to clarify that the assertion that Michael could move again is not true,” Kehm said in a statement. “Such speculation is irresponsible, because given the seriousness of his injuries, his privacy is very important for Michael. “Unfortunately they also give false hopes to many involved people.” (Yahoo)

had also not signed contracts ahead of their tour and as no solution could be reached, the tour was significantly curtailed. (Trinidad N e w s d a y )

India coming in 2016






Thursday December 24, 2015

All set for KMTC Boxing Day meet

All lights are green for this year’s traditional K e n n a r d ’s Memorial Turf Club (KMTC), Boxing Day horse race meet according to President Cecil Kennard. Kennard, In an invited comment yesterday, said that the seven-race card is slated to bring the curtains down

on the 2015 season already has some of the country’s top animals registered for action. He added that to date, in excess of 70 horses have confirmed to participate at the KMTC’s Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, Berbice facility where the feature event will be for animals’ classified

C and Lower, which will run for one mile and carry a top prize of $1 million. The second- to fourth-place finishers will receive $500,000, $250,000 and $125,000 r e s p e c t i v e l y. The co-feature event is a six-furlong race for animals E and Lower, which will see the top horse and jockey

carting off $500,000 and the runnerup collecting half that amount. The one-mile race for G1 and Lower and Three and Four-year maidens has a winning purse of $300,000, while the H1 and Lower six-furlong showdown has $250,000 set aside for the champion. Other races carded

for the day include the J1 and Lower and Two-year-old Guyana bred, with a winning purse of $180,000, while the J3 and Lower and the K1 and Lower have a top prize of $140,000 and $120,000 r e s p e c t i v e l y. The day’s activities will be held under the rules of the Guyana Horse

Racing Authority. Meanwhile, Kennard added that vehicles transporting animals to the venue on race day will be exempt from paying the Berbice River Bridge toll. Race time is 12:30hrs.

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