GNN Online Newspaper - Dec 23, 2015

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Wednesday December 23, 2015


Brassington and Deputy sent on immediate leave

No issue raised with Youman Nabi on Christmas Eve -PAGE 5


Ramjattan relaxes 2:00am bar curfew for the holidays

GPSU calls on gov’t to ensure sweeper-cleaners get at least minimum wage Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes stated that her Ministry will be looking into the complains of the Unions, including the Guyana Public Service Union’s (GPSU) recent complains relating to sweeper-cleaners being paid below the minimum wage. During a Press Conference on Tuesday, she noted that “definitely this government, not only with the GPSU but all the other unions in the country, we will be looking into those matters.” The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) on Tuesday suggested that the coalition administration so far appeared to have

given lip-service to the plight of the lowly-paid sweeper-cleaners in their quest to be paid at least the minimum wage. President of the GPSU, Patrick Yarde on Tuesday stated that the Coalition Government had prior to the elections been sympathetic with sanitation workers at public schools, however the administration has failed to implement a decision by the Cabinet of the previous administration for the sweeper-cleaners to be paid the minimum wage of GYD$35,000 per month retroactive to July, 2013. “While in opposition President Granger also gave a commitment…that the

APNU supports an acrossthe-board minimum wage of fifty thousand dollars a month taking into consideration the cost of living. Minister Ramjattan, while in opposition also supported that these employees be paid at least the minimum wage,” GPSU 2nd Vice President, Dawn Gardener told Junior Finance Minister, Jaipaul Sharma in a letter dated December 17, 2015. The GPSU President barely credited the eight-month old administration with increasing the hourly rate from less than GYD$202 per hour to GYD$312 per hour. In effect, Yarde said they were merely being paid GYD$17,996


The Ministry of Social Protection will be taking further action against the former management of Hotel Tower in relation to monies owed to former employees of the Hotel.

During a Press Conference at her Brickdam Office on Tuesday afternoon, she stated that a payment was supposed to have been worked out to ensure that the former employees receive

their benefits, however, no communication was made between the Ministry of the Former owner of Tower since the court action earlier this year. “The court

Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes

per month, a little less than the minimum wage. While the sweeper-cleaners are contracted to be on the job six hours per day, five days per week but Yarde said they actually work eight hours. In the letter to the Junior Finance Minister, the GPSU said the sweeper-cleaners are employed as contractors although the employer fixed the working hours and provided the material to carry out the work and that they must pay their

own National Insurance Scheme and Income Tax. It also stated that the contract does not provide for meal breaks, gratuity, pension or annual leave. However, at a Post Cabinet Media briefing today, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said that there are some peculiar features relating to sweeper-cleaners that needs to be addressed and the Government has started working on it. He explained “they are not the same

know that the matter that we’ve had with Tower that we won and the judge has given the six months period, we’ll have to take the matter to the other level because they have not so far come forward” she said. On Monday, October, 05, the case put forward by the prosecution was unchallenged and that the defendant; Hotel Tower Ltd was guilty on each of the charges laid by the former Ministry

of Labor, the court ordered that the hotel be fined accordingly and pay the sums of monies outlined in all of the charges. This sum covering wages and salaries, severance pay owed to the employees after the hotel abruptly closed in May 2014 without making its obligated payments of termination benefits. The owner of the Hotel was West Demerara Businessman; Salim

category of workers, these are people who work for specific hours in the school system and therefore the arrangements for them have to be carefully worked out.” He added that the proposals made by the Union is being looked at. “I met with the GPSU last month and gave them the assurance that we continue to work with this issue to ensure that it is resolved in the shortest possible time so I understand the Unions anxiety and I want the sweeper-cleaners to understand that we have them at heart but there are specific features for the services which they provide that will have to be categorized…we have started working on it and there are not many hurdles to be crossed” the minister pointed out.

Azeez, US based business man; James Manbahal, Varendra Shiwratan and Bharti Persaud Misir. Additionally, Minister Broomes stated that the Ministry would have recovered $79M owed in wages to workers for this year; a figure she noted will increase to over $80M by the end of this month. This is compared to the $31M recovered for the entire last year.

Man’s naked body found between rocks at Seawall After repeated efforts, the Police earlier this morning were able to retrieve the naked body of a male which was crammed between rocks at the Sewall.

According to reports, the body was discovered west of the Kitty Pump Station by persons in the area at the time The body is yet

to be identified. D e t a i l s surrounding the incident are not available as investigation c o nt i nu e s .

Amna Ally distributes to Region Ten children

Some of the children at today’s toy distribution exercise in Linden, Region Ten

Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, yesterday continued the goodwill of the

season by distributing a quantity of toys to children in Region Ten, as part of a partnership

between the Government of Guyana and ‘Caring for Others’, an Atlanta based non-governmental

organis at ion. According to the Ministry of the Presidency, Ally said that the Government had embarked on the toy drive, while in Opposition and has continued the tradition since it brings joy to many children, particularly those that are underprivileged. “We’ve been going around the country, sharing gifts for both our young children and the elderly and certainly Region Ten cannot be left out. We are doing this because our President loves children and cares about you,” she told children.

Junior Minister of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson, who accompanied Ally extended Christmas greetings, while reiterating government’s commitment to the young people of the country. In the meantime, ‘Caring for Others’ Guyana Representative, Shabakie Fernandes, in explaining the genesis of the partnership said that Minister Ally, along with First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger had travelled to Atlanta in November and had visited the organisation. After having a first-hand glimpse of the organisation mandate

put into action, Minister Ally immediately asked that Guyana be considered in their projects. With efforts from both sides, the shipment of toys arrived in Guyana a few days ago and will be shared among several communities. Already, similar activities have been planned for Kwakwani, Ituni and Malali. Minister Ally also noted that toys and gifts have been sent to all ten administrative regions in the country, to be distributed to the children. (MOTP)

Winston Brassington

Marcia Nadir-Sharma

can be determined is if this matter goes to court and be heard and no one has ever challenged us.” The forensic audit report commissioned by the APNU+AFC government of controversial holding company NICIL has recommended criminal and/or disciplinary action against all those responsible for the interception

of state revenues totaling $26.858 billion allegedly in violation of the constitution. N I C I L ’ s activities had long been a source of contention for APNU and the AFC while they were in opposition and its auditing was one of the earliest assignments after they entered office as a coalition government in May this year.

Brassington and Deputy sent on immediate leave Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), Winston Brassington and its Deputy CEO, Marcia Nadir-Sharma, have been sent on leave to facilitate an investigation into the entity. During a Press Conference today, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon stated that Cabinet considered the comprehensive report of the forensic audit of NICIL’s operations and recommendation which were submitted by the former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran. He pointed out that several directions

were given to the Minister of Finance on the way forward. He said the board has not yet deliberated on the report, “however cabinet gave the directions to Minister of Finance that the reports and accompanying notes of the consultant and the advice of the Minister be handed to the Commissioner of police and the Special Organized Crime Unit for investigation as to whether there was any acts of criminality committed by those concerned and to take the process forward… Also for the Minister gives instruction for a transaction audit of NICIL to be conducted.”

Harmon added that “to facilitate all of these things, that the Chief Executive Officer and the Deputy Chief Executive Officer be sent on administrative leave immediately pending the outcome of the actions that have to be taken.” A leaked forensic audit report on the operations of NICIL suggests that under the former administration, head of the entity engaged in alleged malpractices, and reportedly would have made poor decisions on behalf of the people of Guyana. How e v e r, according to reports Brassignton today said he had already applied

for an commenced on leave from yesterday (December 22). During a press conference on Monday last, Brassington denied having committed any crime and accused Goolsarran, the forensic auditor, of divulging contents of the draft report without giving the company’s principals an opportunity to comment. Brassington said “As far as I know, and in good faith, I have not broken any laws and if Mr [Anand] Goolsarran is suggesting it, then I believe I have a clear defence on why what we did was properly done and we should not be held responsible and the only way this matter

Let’s work together to make the roads safe Fellow citizens. Indeed we are well and truly into the choice Christmas season, a time when our interaction with each other is usually guided by the words of peace on earth and goodwill towards all men. Typical of our traditional Guyanese celebrations is the usual hustle and bustle to provide the best for our loved ones.

Commendable as our efforts are we need to be especially careful as we go about our various activities. The recent incidents of road accidents highlight an area of our national life where the exercise of greater civic mindedness is extremely necessary. The horrific road accidents which have resulted in the

tragic loss of lives are certainly not reflective of a season in which the precious gift of human life ought to be valued and celebrated by all. The carnage on our roads leads not only to the wanton loss of valuable lives which as a nation we can ill-afford but also the destruction of property and untold pains and suffering to

survivors and grieving relatives alike. The cumulative effects of road accidents we would agree are not only limited to the affected families but also to our communities and they strike at the heart of our Guyanese civility. To stem the pain and suffering associated with accidents we must not merely possess a sound knowledge of

the pertinent rules and regulations but more importantly we are required to actively consider, participate and intentionally apply the time tested and proven five (5) Cs for good road use – Care, Courtesy, Consideration, Common Sense and Caution. Given our noted hospitality and resilience as a people, adopting

safer road practices is certainly not beyond our collective capacity to achieve. We can do it together, so let us assign greater value to the sanctity of life by reducing road accidents and make our roads safe. May we all have a joyous and peaceful Christmas. Cops and Faith Community Network

PPP accuses Parliament Office of breaching Standing Orders The Opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic says Parliament office is in breach of the standing orders when it comes to adequate notice being given to Members of Parliament on the agenda. A sitting of the National Assembly is scheduled for next Wednesday (December 30) and the Opposition’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira is of the view that the order paper should have been sent out by Tuesday (December 22). She told a news conference today that

it is mandated by law that a period of six days notice be given prior to a sitting, this, she explained does not include public holidays. “I did a special check this morning before I came in here and there is no order paper around telling us of the contents for the December 30 sitting and one must note that this is not a special sitting under the standing orders convened by the Speaker, this is an ordinary sitting that was announced at the last

sitting on December 17, said Ms. Teixeira. She lamented that the party has not so far received an electronic copy of the agenda either. According to the Chief Whip, the fact that some MPs are not residing in Georgetown and do not have access to internet it is important that they see a hard copy of the agenda before the sitting. “So we’re very concerned that it is now December 23rd and we do not have the order paper,” she pointed out. “We need

to see the documents to be able to study them, particularly…as you would have noticed that there are a number of bills listed for second reading which have to be studied and of course we understand that they are new,” the Chief Whip continued. Among the new bills to be tabled at next week’s sitting is the Pcychotropic Substances (Control) (Amendment) Bill 2015-No. 17 0f 2015.

Gail Teixeira

Gov’t/PPP Budget 2016 consultations in limbo Minister Winston Jordan

There is a slim possibility that there will be any budget talks between the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government and the Opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). The government has already indicated its intention to present the 2016 National Budget early in January. So far, there has been no consultations between the government and opposition on the preparation of

the financial document. Last week, PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee told the media that his party will only engage the government on budget talks once it provides the documents that it had earlier requested. The PPP requested the following documents Rohee said “Commission of Inquiry report on GuySuCo, five year public sector investment programme, most recent Bank of Guyana report statistical bulletin,

Gail Teixeira

submissions made by the ten administrative regions to the Ministry of Finance, International Monetary Fund (IMF) article four strategy report, action income/expenditure/ revenue statements to the end of October 2015 and projections for the end of the year.” The PPP also requested that the Minister make available

a copy of the government’s sector strategy reports for the rice, sugar, Information communication technology, quarrying, mining, tourism, health, education, crime, housing, and forestry. He said these background documents will allow the party to prepare for meaningful consultations. However, Finance Minister

-No documents, no consultations-PPP Winston Jordan is quoted in the media as saying that he is not in possession of the documents requested by the opposition. He also said that the party has until December 31 to engage the government on budget consultations. At a press conference today, opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira was definitive that the PPP will not be talking with the government in the absence of the requested documents. She noted that the request made by the PPP is not unreasonable. “Our request is not unreasonable and therefore it should be considered, even if the government say look you want ten but you can’t have ten, but here is three. There is no such movement on the part of the government,” Ms. Teixeira stated. The party is hopeful that the government will rethink its position and make if not all, some of the documents

before December 31 since that is the only way talks will forge ahead. Reference was made to the access to information act that was passed in 2009 under the former administration. According to Teixeira, there is nothing under that law that prevents the government from submitting those documents. She spoke of the act being ignored by government and the media. “It is really a sad story feature that the issue of access to information which was made a big story of in the last parliament and the previous parliament now seems to be of no interest to anybody including some of you in the press.” The PPP/C is of the view that government appears to be unwilling to share information that would assist in the process of any dialogue.

GuySuCo must be efficient – Gov’t Stakeholders to be consulted on way forward

The future of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) no longer lies entirely in the hands of the Government as it is moving to take it to the National Assembly and consult with stakeholders. This was disclosed Minister of State, Joseph Harmon during a post Cabinet press briefing today where he noted that the Commission of Inquiry (CoI), into the operations of GuySuCo will be taken

to the National Assembly by December, 30. “It was agreed at cabinet that given the importance of the sugar industry to the economy and the number of people that depend on it for a livelihood, there was a need for wider consultation with all stakeholders and the wider public on the future of the industry. It was also agreed that the CoI report be sent to the National Assembly for deliberation at that body

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

before final decisions are made” he said. He further stated that the recommendations were made to have the industry

more efficient, however the administration of GuySuCo have taken some decisions to do such. “ M y understanding is that

that those claiming to wage numerous wars in Islam’s name are themselves unfaithful to their faith it added. GAWU in its statement said “it must be noted that in the Prophet’s area of this world many of the virtues he preached – sacrifice, charity, peace, unity and understanding – are all seemingly in very short supply. Conflicts of all types beset countries surrounding the Prophet’s Birthplace. Refugees cry out for help holding on to the

Prophet’s teachings to keep them alive and sane.” It therefore urged that this Youman Nabi join envelop them and rid their leaders of intolerance and lust for pure power adding that “Some of our leaders preach social cohesion, peace, equality and economic fair-play and progress. That is what any society needs to survive and prosper. What is preached needs to be sincerely translated into action.” Youman Nabi celebrates the birth and

GuySuCo and on its own has actually decided to merge some estates so e.g. the estate at Wales; my understanding is that will be merged with the estate at Uitvlugt and therefore the canes from there will go to Uitvlugt. So that in a way will efficientize the operations” Harmnon disclosed. He added that recommendations, however were made to have the operations of the estate a little more independent but

those proposals will have to be subject to wider consultations. “The whole idea is to make the industry more efficient so it does not become a sorted of drain on the economy,” said the Minister. The Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the sugar industry was launched to investigate the operations of the Corporation and to make it more viable in the future.

Trade Unions Extend Youman Nabi Greetings The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) and the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) has expressed Youman Nabi greetings to the Muslim community in celebrating the Birth of Prophet Mohamed (On Whom Be Peace). In a statement on Wednesday, FITUG stated that “this year’s Islamic observance falls hours away from the Christians’ celebration of the Birth of their Messiah – the Baby Jesus,

who was to become their spiritual savior and after whom an entire religion was named and founded” adding that “whilst elsewhere in this world persons of one faith or tribe attack and harm people of different beliefs, Guyanese are blessed with the wisdom and tolerance to understand, to participate in and even celebrate both of these anniversaries in some way.” It therefore urged that this phenomenon of peace and unity continue to prevail. FITUG knows

death anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad who dedicated his life to the teachings of Islam and showed it through his life how wonderful it is to follow Islam. This which is observed on December, 24 this year, is spent in prayers. A

special service is kept or this occasion as well as religious programmes is broadcast throughout the day. On this day as well they give alms to the poor and persons who are in need.

No issue raised with Youman Nabi being celebrated on Christmas Eve day tomorrow- PSC People around the world, both Christians and non-Christians are getting ready to celebrate Christmas on December 25. Traditionally, on the eve of Christmas persons use that day to put their final touches to decorating their homes, baking the usual Christmas goodies or to go last minute shopping to grab some items needed for their homes. C e n t r a l Georgetown on Christmas Eve day

is usually a hive of activities and is said to be one of the brightest days in terms of business for Store owners. However, it was anticipated that this year it will be different since a national holiday, as Muslims will be celebrating Youman Nabi tomorrow, December24. It is the first time in recalled history that Christmas Eve Day is also a national holiday. This means, that many business places that are owned by

Muslims may not be open for business as usual. This publication spoke with Chairman for the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Norman Mclean who said he does not see a problem with nonMuslims going about their normal activities in the traditional way. “It’s a holiday but if people want to work you have to pay the people if you have people working,” Mclean said. He noted that no concern has been raised

with the Commission with regard to the holiday clashing with Christmas Eve day. However, the issue was being debated in the public domain whether Youman Nabi will be treated as a normal holiday whereby businesses close their doors. Government has not issued any statement or made any declaration barring the usual hype in economic activities tomorrow. Youman Nabi is celebrated throughout the Muslim world in

observance of the birth and death anniversary of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) who is regarded by Muslims as the last and final prophet of God. Meanwhile, Christmas is a Christian holiday on December 25 that commemorates the

birth of Jesus. So while Muslims are celebrating the birth of Prophet Mohamed, Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Ramjattan relaxes 2:00am bar curfew for the holidays

Minister of Public Security, Khamraj Ramjattan

The Ministry of Public Security announced today that it is relaxing the enforcement

of the 2:00am business deadline for bars, night clubs and other places of entertainment

p r e a n n from noted

v i o u s l y o u n c e d . A statement the Ministry that

consequent upon an inundation of requests from businesses and the general public seeking to fully enjoy the Christmas Season, the Ministry in conjunction with the Guyana Police Force has relaxed the enforcement which takes effect today until January 01, 2016. According to the statement, the Ministry noted that it is a time

for celebration and knowing the Guyanese spirit, Minister of Public Security, Khamraj Ramjattan, has seen the need for this relaxation. As of January 2, 2016, the aforementioned stipulated closing time will be back on stream. The Ministry extends best wishes for the season to all Guyanese and urges all to be particularly

safety conscious during this busy season, especially on the roadways. GNN had reported last month that Ranjattan had planned to relax the curfew for Old Year’s Night. He had noted then that he was willing to extend to days within the holiday season based upon request from the business community and the public.

In spite of the challenges which delayed the commencement to the expansion works for the West Coast Demerara highway from Vreed-en-Hoop to Hydronie, the project is now approximately 20 percent completed. This is according to Kester Hinds, Project Coordinator of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. He informed the Government Information Agency (GINA) that 20 percent completed indicates that significant strides were made; therefore from 2016 the project will move at a faster pace. The objective of the project is to increase traffic efficiency and improve road safety along the West Coast Demerara highway, not only with the construction of the road, but also a range

of programmes aimed at safety education in schools, and public education along with consultancies. Hinds said, “We’re going to be installing infrastructure that can contribute to enhancing safety on the road in the form of cycle lanes, not throughout, but in some areas. Pedestrian sidewalks and highway lights will be installed in areas where they are absent, (and) high intensity visible traffic signs and proper road markings will be done.” The scope of works for the project which is expected to be completed over the next three years, include widening of the road in some areas to accommodate cycle lanes and pedestrian sidewalks, the reconstruction of a bridge at Groenveldt, repairs to existing

West Coast road upgrade 20% completed culverts, capping the entire surface of the road and raising some sections, and construction of concrete drains in heavily populated areas. Additionally the corridor will be widened to accommodate the comfortable parking of vehicles and stopping of passenger vehicles without traffic being disrupted. The widening of the West Coast Demerara road from Vreed-en-Hoop to Hydronie is a partnership project between the Government and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) valued at US$46.8M.

Road widening ongoing at Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara, Region Three

This project which is being executed by overseas construction company Surrey Paving

and Aggregate Company Ltd in joint venture with local company, BK International will see

approximately 36 km of road being widened.

PPP claims its geographic MPs are not receiving 15K allowance

The opposition Members of Parliament that are residing out of Georgetown are not receiving a

special allowance to cover for their travel. This was revealed by the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic

(PPP/C) Chief Whip Gail Teixeira at the party’s weekly parliamentary press conference today. “We also have

some concerns that Members of Parliament who are geographic MPs on our side….. receive according to the law what is the Ministers/Members of Parliament and Special Officers act they receive a fifteen thousand dollars allowance as a geographic MPs which the other MPs do not receive,” Ms. Teixeira told reporters. Under the last administration the geographic MPs on both sides of the House received the special allowance on a monthly

basis, which is separate from their salaries. She said her party is concerned about the development since it is the law that is being violated. However, following queries the party was promised that its geographic MPs will start receiving the $15,000 from January 2016. Notably, this is the fourth month since the PPP/C Members of Parliament have been attending sittings. T h e Parliamentary

opposition was absent from Parliament for approximately two months following the opening of the 11th Parliament on June 10 of this year. The PPP/C had refused to attend the first six sittings of the National Assembly to occupy its 32 seats following the May 11, 2015 elections which it is maintaining were rigged and fraudulent. Ho w e v e r, in August the MPs returned to the House and have been attending every sitting.

Prime Minister in Paraguay

Prime Moses Nagamootoo being greeted in Paraguay yesterday where he attended the MERCOUUR meeting. (GINA Photo)

A Million for Christmas!

GTT ‘Crazy For Cash’ promotion ends and a lucky woman from Essequibo won a million dollars. GTT staff and winners pose after the handing over ceremony earlier today

Gov’t signs US$1.3M agreement with IDB to craft response to crime, domestic abuse Minister of Finance Hon. Winston Jordan today signed three nonreimbursable t e c h n i c a l cooperation agreements valuing US$1.3million ($268, 450,000) with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the design and implementation of three surveys that will provide critical data for effective planning and policy making in relation to craft effective national and local responses to crime, domestic abuse, and incidences of victimization, unemployment and living conditions. According to a statement from the Ministry of

Finance, “the Crime and Victimization Survey, Labour Force Survey and Household Survey on Living Conditions will enable state agencies to improve their capacity to gather and analyze available social and economic data as well as monitor and evaluate the impact of government policies and programs.” The grants will cover both expenses related to training the staff of the Bureau of Statistics and the actual execution of the surveys. Under the household survey of living conditions, information will be gathered on income, health, employment,

educational attainment and housing conditions. This data will allow for the calculation of poverty rates and income inequality. Information on unemployment and employment participation will be gathered under the labour force survey which will be conducted on a quarterly basis. The crime and victimization survey will examine perceptions on crime, violence, and domestic abuse as well as the underlying issues of pervasiveness, underreporting, socioeconomic profiles, and geographic patterns. Minister Jordan

during the signing said he was heartened by the agreements as very early in the life of the Government, a premium was placed on statistical data so that government policies and plans can be undertaken in a structured and more informed manner. This he said will in turn ensure that resources are

optimally expended so that they bring the greatest benefits to the country. IDB Country Representative Sophie Makonnen, said that the signing is the first of the 2016 support Guyana will receive from the Bank which is a result of a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Finance

and the IDB. She pointed out that data on living conditions and unemployment are from 2006 and 2007 respectively. The surveys will address gaps and weaknesses that emerged during the past decade and will be executed within the next 4 years.

Steve Harvey has multi-year deal to host Miss Universe pageant despite mistake Despite his embarrassing mistake at the conclusion of the Miss Universe pageant on Sunday, host Steve Harvey will likely be returning to the stage next year, multiple sources confirm to ET. A source close to production tells ET that the 58-year-old comedian and Family Feud host signed a multi-year contract to host Miss Universe just days before the pageant aired Sunday, and that his paycheck is

“more than they’ve ever paid before for a host.” The source says the deal is for at least three years, possibly even as many as six or seven. Contract negotiations came down to the wire, according to the source. While Harvey had already been announced as this year’s host before the contract was finalized, the production didn’t start booking his travel until just a few days before the show.

During Sunday’s broadcast, Harvey mistakenly named Miss Colombia as the new Miss Universe, when the title was supposed to go Miss Philippines. Harvey awkwardly apologized and explained the error on live TV while the crown was removed from Miss Colombia’s head and placed on a shocked and confused Miss Philippines. In light of the attention Harvey’s blun-

While many were taken with the accidental Miss Universe announcement on Sunday, some other historical moments were happening Saturday night at the Miss World competition in Sanya, China.

Sanneta Myrie, the 24-year-old Miss World contestant from Jamaica made headlines earlier this year when she announced her plan to leave in her signature dreadlocks (also called locs) for the 2015 Miss World

competition. While locs have appeared at the Miss Universe competition – Miss Jamaica, Zahra Redwood, famously wore her hair in locs to break down Rastafarian stereotypes in 2007 – Myrie was to be

der has brought to the pageant, they likely have no qualms about bringing him back. According to Harvey the mix-up came about because he didn’t rehearse

who would be Miss Universe, as the winner had not yet been decided. Multiple sources said that Harvey didn’t attend Friday’s rehearsal and wasn’t present for the entire

rehearsal on Saturday, however other sources close to the pageant tells us Harvey was at every rehearsal he was required to be at. (ET/Fox News)

the first Miss World contestant to appear on stage with them. “My life has always been rooted in the arts and culture which has significantly impacted my own personal style. So even when I select glam, it has to have

an ethnic urban twist to it,” she told Jamaica Observer back in August. As promised, Myrie’s hair remained in locs coiled on top of her head in a high bun for the duration of the competition. While Miss Spain

ended up taking the crown Saturday night, Myrie walked away with a fourth place finish to the delight of her supporters. (Yahoo)

Dreadlocks make first appearance at Miss World pageant






HIS HOLINESS SWAMI KAIVALYANANDA KAIVALYA ASHRAM INDIA CHAIRMAN, INTERNATIONAL VEDANTA UNIVERSITY TRUST DATE: 14th – 18th December, 2015 CAMP TIME: 8.00 AM - 10.00 AM (DAILY) VENUE: VALMIKI VIDYALAYA HIGH SCHOOL 169 PETER ROSE AND CROWN STREETS, QUEENSTOWN, GEORGETOWN TELEPHONE: 226-1293 or 628-1242 The five days training sessions is specially designed for your children. It focuses on the Science of Yoga, mental development of the Child as well as spiritual and cultural aspects of life. The aims and objectives of the camp are to develop and prepare Your Child for the future and provide the necessary tools for them to understand this rich culture, its traditions and human values.

We encourage ALL parents to register their children for this once in a lifetime rare opportunity to be taught by Swamiji THE HEADMASTER, STAFF AND MANAGEMENT VALMIKI VIDYALAYA HIGH

Swami Kaivalyanandaji, a renowned Yoga Guru, former Academician attached to Universities. Swamiji has been teaching Vedanta, Yoga and Sanskrit for many years in India and abroad. He hails from Kerala, the birth place of Aadi Sankaracharya in India.

Drug firm announces advance in quest for HIV cure A Norwegian drug firm on Tuesday announced an advance in its quest for an HIV cure with a drug combination which seeks to force the virus out of its hiding place and kill it. A trial with 17 HIV-positive patients yielded a “statistically signficant decrease” in the virus, biotech firm Bionor announced.

“This is a major achievement on the path to a functional cure for HIV,” Bionor spokesman Jorgen Fischer Ravn told AFP. There is no cure for the disease AIDS, caused by HIV. but anti-retroviral treatments help people live longer, healthier lives by delaying and subduing symptoms. In some

who undergo treatment, however, the virus takes cover in cells and hides away, only to reemerge once therapy is stopped. This latency has been one of the biggest hurdles in developing a cure. “Waking up” the virus and then destroying it—the so-called “kickand-kill” approach—is a promising strategy for

The zika virus poses a serious threat to Jamaica and other countries as it continues to spread across Latin America and the Caribbean. Now an epidemic in nine countries - Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela - it is only a matter of time before

it reaches Jamaica. The zika virus is transmitted mainly by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is endemic to Jamaica. Let’s do our part to minimise the spread by cutting down on the mosquito breeding sites. Some useful tips on the zika virus and ways to minimise mosquito breeding-:

• Mosquitoes lay up to 250 eggs at a time in still water, which will hatch in seven to 15 days. • During the off season, mosquitoes can lay dormant for up to one year! • Mosquitoes can breed in any open container that has as little as a drop of water! • If standing water is eliminated weekly, many mosquitoes will

Qingdao University in Shandong, China. Your resting heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats a minute. When you’re seated or lying down and relaxed, a normal heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats a minute, according to the American Heart Association. Zhang’s team analysed 46 studies involving more than two million patients in all. Compared to people with the lowest resting heart rate, those with

ridding patients of HIV. Bionor’s approach involves an anti-cancer drug called romidepsin to wake up the dormant HIV, and a vaccine called Vacc-4x to prime the body’s own immune T-cells to recognise and destroy the virus. “After an activation of the virus, which would normally lead to detectable virus in the blood, Vacc-4x ensured killing of the virus-producing cells to maintain non-detectable

or very low levels of virus in the blood in 15 out of 17 patients,” said Fischer Ravn. No-one has yet been cured of AIDS. Thirtynine million people have

died of AIDS, according to UN estimates, and about 35 million are living with the immune system-destroying virus today, overwhelmingly in poor countries. (Yahoo)

be kept from breeding in the first place. • Common mosquito breeding sites include:

pet water dish, old tires, bird baths, hollow trees, flower pot trays, drainage

ditches, wading pools, swimming pools, baptismal pools, water gardens, ponds, fountains, open containers with as little as an ounce of water (cans, jars, water storage drums/ tanks, bottles, trash cans and lids) and any area with standing water of as little as a drop. (Adapted from the Jamaican Gleaner)

a resting heart rate of more than 80 beats a minute had a 45 per cent greater risk of death from any cause, while people with a resting heart rate of 60 to 80 beats a minute had a 21 per cent greater risk, they found. However, Zhang said the absolute risk is small that is, the odds of any one person dying from a rapid resting heart rate are low, he said. Also, the study doesn’t prove that heart rate actually caused premature deaths; it merely

finds an association between the two. “However, people should pay more attention to their resting heart rate,” he said. “These results also indicate the importance of regular physical activity that could lower resting heart rate.” You can check your heart rate by putting your finger over your pulse and counting the number of beats in 60 seconds, the heart association says. For every 10-beatsa-minute increase in resting heart rate, risk

ZIKA VIRUS FACTS: Ways to reduce mosquito breeding

High ‘resting’ heart rate linked to early death

New research is suggesting that a rapid “resting” heartbeat could mean you have a higher risk of dying early. “Higher resting heart rate is an independent

predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular death,” said lead researcher Dr. Dongfeng Zhang, of the department of epidemiology at the Medical College of

of dying from any cause rose nine per cent, and risk of dying from heart disease increased eight per cent, the researchers found. When resting heart rate approached 100 beats a minute a rapid heart rate called tachycardia risk of death from heart disease grew significantly. Tachycardia can be a sign of serious heart problems, Zhang said. (Adapted from the Jamaican Gleaner)

Miss Iraq pageant held for the first time in 43 years When Shaima Qasim was crowned Miss Iraq last weekend, she not only triumphed over the other women in the competition but over threats against her life. The pageant was the first to be held in Baghdad in 43 years. “Iraq needed this,” pageant director Ahmed Leith said. “The situation is weak here, and we wanted to celebrate this the same way other

countries like Lebanon and others do. To have a sense of normalcy.” But as the date of the event approached, the number of competitors dwindled. The pageant website and its Facebook page were inundated with death threats against the women -- so much so that the nearly 200 participants dropped to less than 10. In the end, Qasim, 20, an economics major at

Marriage isn’t always a gas. A 55-year-old woman in Port St. Lucie, Florida, was arrested earlier this month for domestic battery after allegedly attacking her husband for farting in bed, according to According to the

police, Meikle’s husband said that she started elbowing him when he passed gas. “Dawn began kicking him and eventually kicked him out of their bed,” according to an affidavit obtained by The husband waited a few

Prime Minister David Cameron was urged to intervene Wednesday after a British Muslim family was prevented from flying to the United States for a visit to Disneyland. The family of 11 was stopped from boarding their flight to Los Angeles at London’s Gatwick airport on Tuesday last week by immigration officials. Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, who was travelling with his brother and nine of their children, said the officials gave no reason for blocking their travel plans. But he told the Guardian newspaper he believed it was because US officials “think every

Muslim poses a threat”. “Because I have a beard and sometimes wear Islamic dress, I get stopped and asked questions,” Mahmood added in comments to the BBC. “I feel that is part of the deal of flying.” The family has also been unable to secure a refund for the cost of the flights -- around £9,000 (12,000 euros, $13,400). Mahmood’s local lawmaker in London, Stella Creasy of the main opposition Labour party, has asked Cameron to look into what happened. Cameron’s Downing Street office confirmed that the prime minister would respond to Creasy’s request. “Online and offline

the University of Kirkuk, received her crown to the applause of a supportive audience cheering her on for prevailing against the odds. For the director Leith and the rest of the audience, Qasim’s victory was about more than winning a beauty pageant. “It is about having the courage to stand against all odds, something we all try to do.” (CNN)

Woman attacks husband for farting moments to clear the air (so to speak) before getting back in bed again. After another butt trumpet, the man said his wife started elbowing and kicking him again, according to the website. After a scuffle, Dawn Meikle told police she ran to the

bathroom to call 911. She discharged a canister of pepper spray in the bedroom, according to the Miami Herald. Meikle was charged with misdemeanor domestic battery and taken to the St. Lucie County jail, according to CBS12. com. She was later released. (Yahoo)

than shrug our shoulders at secretive American security policies that leave our constituents in such limbo.” The US embassy in London and

Britain’s Home Office did not immediately respond to requests for comment. (Yahoo)

British Muslim family barred from flight to US

discussions reverberate with the growing fear that UK Muslims are being ‘trumped’ -that widespread condemnation of Donald Trump’s call for

no Muslim to be allowed into America contrasts with what is going on in practice,” Creasy wrote in Wednesday’s Guardian. “We should do more

Maduro’s Party to challenge election of 22 opposition lawmakers spokesman for the MUD, told a press conference that Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) had filed a challenge against 22 incoming deputies before the Supreme Court. “These are not representatives of the MUD, they are representatives The leftist party of month’s landmark a resounding victory of the people,” Venezuelan President polls, according to in the December 6 Torrealba said of the Nicolas Maduro opposition leaders legislative vote, ending lawmakers targeted. Tuesday challenged who slammed a 16 years of leftist With 112 of 167 the election of “procedural coup.” majority in the oil-rich seats in the new 22 opposition The opposition but troubled nation. National Assembly, lawmakers in this coalition MUD won Jesus Torrealba, the opposition

would be able to call a referendum, launch constitutional reforms, replace senior judges and even take measures to try to depose Maduro. But if the challenge goes ahead it could prevent the lawmakers concerned from being sworn in as planned on January 5, leaving the opposition short of the crucial twothirds majority. “We say without hesitation that what we are facing here is an attempted procedural coup against the will of

the people expressed clearly and decisively on December 6,” Torrealba said. He said he had informed the Organization of American States and the European Union of the development. Analysts have warned of a tough political struggle ahead after Venezuela’s election, which dealt a dramatic blow to Maduro and the “revolution” launched in 1999 by his late predecessor Hugo Chavez. (Yahoo)

the Kingston West Division, which had already lost two members of their team this year in violent attacks. Bunting has pleaded with members of the public to help the police in their investigations by providing them with information that may lead to the apprehension of the perpetrators.

“I express deepest condolences to the families, colleagues, and communities that have tragically lost these policemen and call upon all law abiding citizens to support the police in apprehending the culprits of this heinous crime,” he said. (Jamaican G l e a n e r )

Two Police shot to death in Jamaica The National Security Minister Peter Bunting has joined Police Commissioner Dr Carl Williams in condemning the murder of two policemen in St Thomas last night. Corporal Kenneth Davis attached

to Protective Services Division and Constable Craig Palmer, attached to the Kingston Western Division, were ambushed while playing a game of dominoes with friends in their community.

A civilian was injured in the attack and has since been hospitalised. “ T h i s demonstrates the risk that the police are constantly exposed to by virtue of their occupation and

incidents of this nature remind us of the extremely difficult challenges facing the security forces, and the great sacrifices they continue to make in the fight to rid Jamaica of the scourge of crime and violence,”Bunting s a i d . He noted that one of the officers killed was from

Russia air strikes ‘killed 200 civilians’ in Syria At least 200 civilians were killed in Russian air strikes in Syria from 30 September to 29 November, an Amnesty International report says. Quoting witnesses, the human rights group accuses Russia of using cluster bombs in civilian areas, and says such attacks could constitute war crimes. Moscow insists it is

targeting only the positions of “terrorist” groups. Amnesty said in its report it is also researching concerns about the US-led coalition air strikes in Syria. The US has rarely acknowledged civilian deaths in its air bombardment of the so-called Islamic State (IS), which

began in September 2014, although some monitoring groups say the toll could run into hundreds. In the report, Amnesty said it had “researched remotely” more than 25 Russian attacks that took place in Homs, Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Aleppo between 30 September and 29 November. It had interviewed by phone

or over the internet witnesses to the attacks, and had audio and video evidence, as well as “advice from weapons experts”. Amnesty said. It said there was evidence that Russia’s military “unlawfully used unguided bombs in densely populated areas and inherently indiscriminate cluster munitions”. On 29

November, for example, it said at least one suspected Russian warplane fired three missiles into a busy public market in Ariha, in Idlib province. A local activist group said a total of 49 civilians were either killed or missing and feared dead. “Some Russian air strikes appear to have directly

attacked civilians or civilian objects by striking residential areas with no evident military target and even medical facilities, resulting in deaths and injuries to civilians,” Amnesty’s Philip Luther said. “Such attacks may amount to war crimes,” he added. (Adapted from the BBC)

Tourism to Bethlehem is down this Christmas, the mayor of the city revered by Christians as the birthplace of Jesus said, as violence continued to grip Israel and the occupied

Palestinian territories. Bethlehem’s hotel owners are struggling to fill beds, with 11 new hotels opening in the last three years. Mayor Vera Baboun said hotel occupancy in the

city did not breach the 40 percent mark this year. Last year, she said, hotels were fully booked with some 78,783 tourists. “Bethlehem is empty this year,” Baboun told reporters on Tuesday. Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, who was scheduled to perform in December, has called off his concert and sellers of olive wood souvenirs say they have nearly no customers, the AP news agency reported. Christmas Eve is usually

a major event for the town, drawing thousands of foreign tourists and giving a huge boost to local businesses. But this year, the holiday spirit will be harder to find. Baboun said city authorities would only decorate Manger Square, home to the church that hosts the traditional birthplace of Jesus, and two nearby streets, instead of the entire downtown area. “Every year, when we light the tree, usually

there is a huge display of fireworks, but this year we will ring church bells instead,” Baboun said. The bells, she added, would remind everyone “that we exist despite all the catastrophes.” The latest wave of violence, which erupted in mid-September, has killed at least 106 Palestinians and 19 Israelis. Adding to the difficult environment for tourism, was a call by a Jewish far-right leader to ban Christmas

celebrations in Israel. Benzi Gopstein, who heads the far-right Lehava organisation, called Christians “vampires”. “Christmas has no place in the Holy Land,” wrote Gopstein, who lives in a Jewish settlement in Hebron in the occupied West Bank. The Coalition Against Racism in Israel and other activist groups called on authorities to investigate him. (Al Jazeera)

Rescuers have pulled a 19-year-old man from under the rubble caused by a landslide in China more than 60 hours after a disaster that has left scores of people missing. The dramatic development at a dump in Shenzhen came on Wednesday as police raided the offices of the company in charge of the site and arrested the deputy general manager. Al Jazeera’s Adrian Brown, reporting from Beijing, said the rescue of Tian Zeming had raised the morale of

the thousands-strong team of rescuers. According to the official Xinhua news agency, Tian was in a stable condition and doctors were trying to save one of his feet, which had been stuck in the debris. Tian told rescuers another survivor may have been close to where he had been trapped, but officials later said that person was found dead. Sunday’s landslide came after heavy rain in the area, with mud and waste careening into multi-storey buildings

at the Hengtaiyu industrial park in the city’s northwestern Guangming New District, toppling them in collisions that sent rivers of earth skyward. More than 70 people were still missing on Wednesday, with only a handful of bodies found so far. “Big questions are being asked here about how this was allowed to happen,” Al Jazeera’s Brown said. “We are seeing a familiar theme here: lax government regulations. We know that the pile

of waste had grown to be about 100m high ... and that, according to one local report, the government had warned about an accident

like this happening.” The mudslide was the latest in a series of high-profile industrial accidents in China and came just months after

almost 200 people died in a massive chemical blast in the port city of Tianjin. (Al Jazeera)

Violence hurts Bethlehem’s Christmas tourism business

Teen found alive after 60 hours in mudslide rubble

Steve Smith wins cricketer and Test cricketer award

Australia captain Steve Smith has been named cricketer of the year and Test cricketer of the year by the International Cricket Council.

He becomes the fourth Australian to lift the Sir Garfield Sobers trophy after Ricky Po nt i n g , M i t c h e l l Johnson and Michael

Clarke. South Africa’s AB de Villiers won the ODI cricketer of the year award for the second year in a row. Australia captain Meg Lanning was named

the Women’s ODI cricketer of the year. Smith, 26, was the sixth highest runscorer in Australia’s triumphant World Cup campaign this

year, with 402 runs at an average of 67, and made 1,734 in 13 Tests, at an average of 82.57. He succeeded Clarke as skipper of the national

team and led his side to a 2-0 Test series win over New Zealand last month. Englishman Richard Kettleborough was named umpire of the year for the third time.

International Cricket Council awards in full: Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for cricketer of the year: Steve Smith (Australia) Test cricketer of the year: Steve Smith (Australia) ODI cricketer of the year: AB de Villiers (South Africa) Women’s ODI cricketer of the year: Meg Lanning (Australia) Women’s T20I cricketer of the year: Stafanie Taylor (West Indies) T20I Performance of the Year: Faf du Plessis (South Africa) Emerging Cricketer of the Year: Josh Hazlewood (Australia) Associate/Affiliate Cricketer of the Year: Khurram Khan (UAE) Spirit of Cricket Award: Brendon McCullum (New Zealand) (BBC)

Wednesday December 23, 2015

Stag Super XVI

Goalkeepers shine as Grove Hi Tech and Pouderoyen advance on PKs

It an unusual night of football at the Golden Grove ground, East Coast Demerara on Tuesday night last, both matches in the second edition of the Stag Super XVI knockout tournament were decided via penalty kicks. It was also a night where the respective goalkeepers from defending champions Grove Hi Tech and Pouderoyen stepped up to be recognized since their respective matches had to be decided via the penalty kicks route having ended in a stalemate at the end of regulation and extra time. Battling home team Golden Stars in the feature game, Grove Hi Tech, aiming to become back to back

champions had to pull out all the stops as Golden Stars clawed their way back twice to push the game into extra time. Seasoned campaigner for East Bank’s number one side Grove, Orson Francois netted for the visitors on 20 minutes to hand his team the advantage as they dominated the home team early on. With their fans out in fair numbers urging them on, Golden Stars kept in the hunt even though the equalizer took some time in coming. The first half ended with Grove in the ascendancy but it was the Stars that shone bright early in the second half. Eight minutes into the half, Moses Fraser

found shooting range and did not make any mistakes in banging the ball past custodian Michael Matthews in the 53rd minute to bring the home team back into the match. Grove suffered a setback when goalkeeper Matthews suffered a dislocated left shoulder and had to be replaced by Seon Simpson in the 61st minute. Little did anyone know that Simpson was going to be the hero for the defending champions at the death. Grove restored their one goal cushion in the 64th minute compliments of a Denzil Crawford goal. But while the on field action was in full swing, the elements above was

equally consistent as rain poured down but did not dampen the end to end action by no means. After Grove went ahead again, Golden Stars never let up and were rewarded with another goal through Dexter Archer’s effort in the 72nd minute to equalize proceedings yet again. The remaining minutes did not yield any more goals as did extra time. Penalty kicks was then required to determine the winner. Golden Stars’ goalie ….. was perfect as was Grove’s Lloyd Matthews with their respective opening penalties. Carambo Holder them sent his shot wide for Golden Stars on their second

attempt while Grove’s goalie Simpson saved their third attempt that was taken by Stephon Walcott. Despite scoring their 4th attempt through Justin Bristol, Grove Hi Tech was able to seal a date with Pouderoyen on Christmas Night at the Farm ground since they were flawless from the spot. Captain Shermon Doris, Francois and John Matthews all sank their shots to send Grove through, breaking the hearts of the home team and supporters in the process. The evening’s opening match was also decided via penalty kicks and a similar 4-2 result in favour of West Demerara’s Pouderoyen over East Bank’s Soesdyke

Falcons following a goalless stalemate in regulation and extra time. Both sides created a few chances but were unable to penetrate in each other’s attacking third. From the spot, Pouderoyen was perfect from the four kicks that they needed to seal their quarter final date with Grove Hi Tech. Marvin Frank, Deron Chilcott, Adrian Giddings and Delon Josiah were all spot on for Pouderoyen. On target for Soesdyke Falcons were Kelcey Benson and Larrey Steel while missing the target as a result of goalkeeper Sherwin Bernard’s efforts were Alvin Adams and Andy Higgins.

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