GNN Online Newspaper - JAN 16, 2016

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Saturday January 16, 2016


President David Granger takes the wheel of one of the newly commissioned buses

25 year old commits suicide in New Amsterdam Guyana’s 50th Independence celebrations kicks off in NY this evening -PAGE 5


Another suicide recorded A 23 year old Gold Miner of Cow Dam New Amsterdam Berbice was this morning found hanging by his neck at his home, dead. According to information reaching the Guyana News network the

young man who lived with his relatives was found by his brother. The young man, of African descent was not known to have any issues. However, according to persons, he may had taken his

own life due to personal issues which he kept to himself. He celebrated his 23 rd birthday in December. More details will be provided as they become available.

Guyana not on US travel alert over Zika virus; Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname listed U.S. health officials on Friday issued a travel warning for 14 countries and territories in the Caribbean and Latin America where infection with Zika, a mosquito-borne virus, is a risk. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in particular cautioned pregnant women not to travel to those areas as Zika has been linked to a serious birth defects. The travel alert applies

to Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, M a r t i n i q u e , Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela, and the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It also includes advice that women who are trying to become pregnant should consult with their doctor before traveling to those areas. Zika virus is transmitted by

Aedes species mosquitoes, which also spread dengue and chikungunya viruses and are common in Texas, Florida and elsewhere in the United States. Zika is usually a mild illness with fever, rash and joint pain. There is no preventive vaccine or treatment, according to the CDC. Dr. Lyle Peterson, director of CDC’s division of vectorborne diseases, said the agency has confirmed

that Zika virus was present in samples provided by Brazilian health authorities from two pregnancies that ended in miscarriage and from two infants with diagnosed microcephaly who died shortly after birth. Microcephaly is a birth defect where a baby’s head is abnormally small and brain development is incomplete. Genetic analysis showed that the virus in the four cases was

the same as the Zika virus strain currently circulating in Brazil. CDC officials said the biggest risk was in the first trimester of pregnancy, and continued into the second trimester.

CDC said all travelers should take protective measures against mosquitoes, such as netting and repellent, if they travel to areas where the infection is present. (Adapted from MSN)

Durban Park to become major public venue

President Granger speaking with Project Manager, Mr. Larry London as Minister of State, Joseph Harmon listens in

President David Granger and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, yesterday made a brief stop at Durban Park, where work is on-going to transform the area into a multi-purpose recreational facility. The Park is being developed mainly for the benefit of South Georgetown residents but is expected to have the capacity to house major

national events. The President used the opportunity to look over plans and discuss the progress of work with Project Manager, Mr. Larry London. He said that he looks forward to Durban Park, which will be equipped with an all-weather surface in some areas and flood lights, becoming a major public venue. London added that the first phase

of work will be completed within five weeks but there will be a second phase, which will continue until midyear. He said also that the venue, which will have a capacity of 30,000 persons; both seated and unseated, will be able to accommodate literary events, concerts, sporting activities and major public events. (MOTP)

Buses under President’s programme handed over to Region 5

President David Granger and a student of the Fort Wellington Secondary School participate in the ceremonial ribbon-cutting to officially commission the vehicles, while Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally looks on

President David Granger yesterday presented the keys to two 30-seater buses for school children to the Region Five, Regional Democratic Council (RDC). The vehicles were donated by corporate citizens to the President’s “Boats, Buses and Bicycles” (‘three Bs’) programme which aims to lessen the financial burden of transportation on parents of school-age children. The President was accompanied by

Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, who has been instrumental in garnering support from the business community, along with several other G o v e r n m e n t M i n i s t e r s . A large number of residents turned out to welcome the Head of State and his Cabinet, at the commissioning ceremony held in the RDC compound at Fort Wellington. A group, organised by Mr. Brian Tiwarie of BK International

Incorporated, donated the buses. Some of those who were part of the group are Mr. Nazruddin Mohammed of Jumbo Jet Trucking Service and Auto Sales, Mr. Eaton Chester, Managing Director of Citizens Bank, Mr. Eddie Boyer from National Hardware, and Canada--based Guyanese Mr. Art Ricknauth and Gordon Winter, who organised a fund raiser. Emphasising the importance of education in

President David Granger takes the wheel of one of the newly commissioned buses

eradicating poverty, the President said that once all of Guyana’s children are given equal opportunities to access education, the country will develop rapidly because education and economic prosperity are intrinsically linked. He noted that children who did not have access to basic education are more likely to be unemployed and fall prey to negative activities. “We are an Administration that is not daunted by

problems. We solve problems and one of the problems of youth unemployment is the problem of enterprise,” the President said. “Region Five produces sugar, rice, cattle, coconut and everything else that the Eastern Caribbean wants... but you have to unlock your talents and you have to get involved in agro-processing; produce something, make something, sell something... you can get rich out of what Region Five produces and we will help you

to help yourselves,” the Head of State said. He also said that the school buses, “will link communities to education and education will link to employment and employment will link to enterprise....we are going to set up schemes to enable you to get the micro-financing to get involved in a g r o - p r o c e s s i n g .” To date, the President has handed over six boats and hundreds of bicycles to communities under the ‘three Bs’ programme. (MOTP)

Executive Director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), the many questions raised by civil society had no merit. It was pointed out that in a society where incompetent implementation frequently obscured original intention, the GDF was vulnerable to having wellmeaning involvement in Government activities perceived in more sinister terms. According to the statement, “furthermore, creeping expansion of the role of the military is encouraged by enmeshing anti-corruption into the counter-terrorism rhetoric. This

development, prompted from abroad, is currently driving hasty realignment of Guyanese laws and financial institutions that far exceed domestic requirements.” Despite efforts to project SOCU as required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of Financing of Terrorism Act (AML-CFTA), this is not the case, GHRA said. The Human Rights body pointed out the fact that SOCU was initially set up without recourse to Parliament in order to strengthen Guyana’s capacity to “investigate suspicious financial transactions that are suggestive of money laundering.” Further, the GHRA noted

that when the Unit had been established, it was placed under the authority of the GPF, not the GDF. It said assurances would be welcome over the extent to which the shadowy electronic surveillance capacity established under the previous Government, referred to as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is being deployed in “Operation Dragnet.” The GHRA is of the view that a broader discussion of military involvement would allay any disquiet that these activities fall within their traditional constitutional role of assisting the civil power in maintaining law and order, when required to do so.

Line between gov’t, GDF and Police becoming blurred – Guyana Human Rights Association The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) has joined the list of organisations and persons in urging the government to answer legitimate and political questions concerning the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU’s) botched operation that led to the death of three persons on the night of December 30, 2015. The body, in a statement expressed concern that the extent to which good governance principles appear to be eroding. The GHRA pointed out that the existence of such an operation also suggests that lines between the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/

Mike Mc Cormack

AFC) coalition; the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) are becoming “once again somewhat blurred”. The statement added that the goodwill which the Government has thus far enjoyed from a wide cross-section of citizens “well beyond

active supporters” of the APNU/AFC is now being tested by a perception. It added that it was far from reassuring that Head of State David Granger “seems to feel that once the GDF is satisfied” concerning the surveillance operation that had been conducted outside the home of the

Ramotar questions what national security threat Brassington and his daughter pose Former President Donald Ramotar is calling for a Commission of Inquiry (COI) to be launched to determine the circumstance surrounding the three deaths. “The country has a right to know the truth,” he stated. In a recent press statement, he also chided President David Granger over the move to include ranks of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) to aid the operation of the police, more specifically the Special organized Crime Unit (SOCU). Last year the former President recommended that the Granger-led coalition government bring out the army to assist the police force in crime fighting, however, his suggestion was shunned by the President.

A few weeks later, the government announced that it had undertaken the decision to include the ranks of the GDF to support the police in crime fighting, when it launched “Operation Dragnet,” which has a six month life span. Ramotar in his statement questioned the sudden change of mind. He was speaking specifically to the incident which led to the death of three persons on Carifesta Avenue on December 30, which was caused by a speeding GDF rank who was called out on duty to undertake the task of supporting SOCU, which falls under the police force. “After all, it was no less a person than the President who was reported to have said that the army should not get

Former President Donald Ramotar

involved in police work,” Ramotar reminded. It was reported that the now dead Sergeant Pyle was engaged in a highspeed chase after a vehicle he thought contained the teenage daughter of head of National Industrial and Commercial Investments (NICIL) Winston Brassington. The former President also questioned what national security threat is Mr. Brassington and/ or his daughter “to have them followed by a GDF

intelligence officer?” He questioned that even if it is related to the current audit, how does that affect national security to have the army involved in chasing Brassington and his family down? “It is difficult to comprehend how NICIL’s audit has national security implications and even anything for the police to pursue. Indeed, the audit has confirmed that the auditors had the full cooperation of Mr Brassington.

Exxon Mobil to begin drilling shortly According to information on US oil company ExxonMobil’s website, the Stena Carron drillship is on its way to Guyana where it is expected to drill several wells for the company. The ship, owned by Stena Drilling is expected to arrive here later this month. The Stena Carron is a Harsh Environment dynamically positioned DP Class 3 drillship capable of drilling

in water depths up to 10,000 feet. During a meeting with President David Granger earlier this month, the company reported that it will continue exploratory work in Guyana, early in February. The President, expressed Government’s full support for the United States oil and gas giant, ExxonMobil, noting that “Exxon continues to be optimistic and positive. It is too soon to make

They never complained that they were not getting documents they requested. Everything was there for them to examine,” the statement added. “What then is the real reason for this military operation? Is this covering their embarrassment or creating the atmosphere for wholesale attacks? The seizure of documents and the use of the army – what are they for? Is it to try now to ‘manufacture’ evidence to frame people? Is this what our security forces are being forced to do during a period of escalating crime,” were some of the questions asked by the former Head of State. According to him, this is clearly a misuse of the army and shows that the rulers of today have once more picked up the cudgels from the Burnham era. He also commented

on SOCU calling in former Ministers, Presidential advisors and Permanent Secretaries to talk about NICIL. “It is another sign as to where we are heading - the blatant disregard of the law and even procedure,” he noted. “SOCU was established to investigate money laundering and to fight against terrorism (to prevent money from going to any terrorist organization in any part of the world). It was Guyana fulfilling its part of an international agreement. Therefore, why is it being misused as an instrument of harassment and possibly for other political ends of the governing parties? This will only tarnish the image of that organization and damage its credibility i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y ,” said Ramotar.

predictions. They are still in exploratory stages, but what I can say is, so far, the results have been very favourable.” Meanwhile, President of ExxonMobil Exploration Company, Mr. Stephen Greenlee said the company was especially happy with the discovery made in Guyana and as such it remains committed to advancing exploratory work here. “Last year, we made a discovery offshore

Guyana and it is very promising…so we want to follow up with data collection, to understand the size and the commerciality of the discovery. We want to acquire new data so that we can fully assess the potential of the Block offshore Guyana for the value that it will bring to Guyana and ExxonMobil in the future,” he said. ExxonMobil began oil and gas exploration in Guyana on March 5,

2015, drilling offshore in the Liza-1 well in the Stabroek Block. On May 20, the company announced that its exploration drill ship, the Deepwater Champion had made a significant oil find in the Block, about 120 nautical miles offshore Guyana.

Last month the company contracted the Fugro Americas, a multipurpose vessel designed to conduct high resolution geophysical surveys and sea floor mapping. This is expected to continue until March 2016.

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is moving to dispose of a container filled with items stored at the Demerara Shipping Company Limited wharf. According to Official Gazette of January

13, the goods listed as “Flag Pole and Accessories” were shipped to a ‘Bobby’ Ramroop over four years ago. GRA said that the goods are stored in the 40-foot container, which listed as the

items inside, came in on October 24, 2011, aboard the CONEAST V vessel. G R A ’ s CommissionerGeneral (ag), Ingrid Griffith, in the notice said that anyone with liens on the goods

must forward them to the Office of the CommissionerGeneral, Guyana Revenue Authority, within a month.

GRA Moves to Dispose ‘Unentered’ Goods Shipped To Bobby Ramroop

A 25 year old man commits suicide in New Amsterdam A 25 year old man of lot 28 Ogleton Dam, Angoys Avenue, New Amsterdam, this morning committed suicide. Sherlon Allen was found by his brother; Orin Sampson, at approximately 12:30 am. Sampson noted that he returned home from a visit to his cousin who resides a few houses away and upon entry to

Sherlon Allen

the house, saw a cat approaching the bird cage of his brother and proceeded to chase the animal away before approaching the room of his brother where he saw him hanging. “Whilst coming home back, I saw the bird cage in front he room and the cat was coming so I ran the cat and when I looked into the room and looked up, I saw

my brother with the rope around he neck. So what I try to do is rescue him because I don’t know how long he hanging there for. So I take he down and cut the rope and so on and try to see if he alive and later on, the police came in and take some statements” Sampson explained. He added that “when I came home from work at around 7:00, the guy saw me but he

didn’t say anything, he was in his room reading his bible and so but he didn’t tell me anything. And then I left him and go over by my cousin’s house to charge my phone and I spent like, upto 11-12 and decided to come home back.” This is the fourth suicide for the county of Berbice for 2016.

Council (RDC) by the Chairman at a recent meeting revealed that the REO used in excess of $1 million from the State House account without proper accountability. “At the RDC level, we know that this is unprecedented, it has never happened before because there are government houses that are available for REOs…I am certain there are other houses that are available that he can use” Ramdatt said. In relation to the large

amount of monies spent by the REO under the State House budget, he noted that the matter will be further discussed at the RDC Finance Committee meeting next month. “We are in the process of gathering some additional information and the matter will be deliberated on, at the next finance committee meeting of the RDC. That meeting will be next month” he said.

Region 2 REO living in State House is unprecedented- Chairman Devanand Ramdatt

Chairman of Region Two, Devanand Ramdatt, says that he was not officially informed that the Regional Executive Officer (REO), Rupert Hopkinson, is living at the State House at Anna Regina.

Ramdatt stated “when he came from the Ministry of Communities, they sent him, when he came here, he wasn’t formally introduced, I saw him at the State House and then; because I was there to meet another official

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, will this evening launch Guyana’s 50th independence celebration in New York. The ceremony will take place at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center, in Queens, home to one of the largest Guyanese communities in the United States. The ceremony will be attended by United States elected officials, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) diplomats, sponsors, corporate leaders and the Guyanese Diaspora. PM Nagamootoo is accompanied by Dr. Rupert Roopnarine, senior Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and Chairman of the 50th In-

dependence Commemoration Commission. Chairman of Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary Committee (New York), Rickford Burke, explained that “the launch will be a harbinger that will set the tone for a spectacular Golden Jubilee Independence celebration from June 4 – 12, 2016 in New York City, to which Guyana’s President David Granger has been invited.” The celebration will include an Interfaith Prayer Service; unity concert; symposium; art exhibition; Day of Volunteerism; investment conference; UN reception; flag-raising ceremony; cultural extravaganza; President’s Soccer Tour-

Rupert Hopkinson

for breakfast and then I saw him and it was only then I was told that he was the REO and that he stayed there. No one consulted me. These information have to be said through the Ministry of Communities which

was not said to us.” According to reports, Hopkinson is occupying the Regional State House at Anna Regina, which is designated for officials visiting the region. A report presented to the Regional Democratic

Guyana’s 50th Independence celebrations kicks off in NY this evening

nament and Youth Fun Day; State Dinner; and a grand finale Mashramani (carnival) and parade, at which President David Granger has been invited to address the Guyanese-American community. Meanwhile, earlier this week the North American Region (NAR) of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) disassociated itself from an event that is expected to be

held on Monday, January 18, 2016, at the Woodbine Ballroom Hall, NY NAR said it has been informed that a group of individuals promoting the reported Monday event have been deliberately pedaling. According to NAR, “Reports are that some are clandestinely touting this and other activities as if it was partly organized and, or supported by NAR…NAR, therefore,

wishes to dissociate itself from those engaged in this vicious propaganda.” NAR said it is fully aware that Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, will be making an official visit to New York to deliver the keynote address at the launching of New York Celebrations of Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary. “NAR wishes to make it pellucid that it is not a partner in any other event scheduled for this weekend or on Monday 18th January, during the Prime Minister’s official visit.” “NAR would, therefore, like to distance itself from any group or individuals engaged in promoting these, clearly, partisan and unhelpful

engagements during the Prime Minister’s official visit to the USA. NAR, therefore, urges those involved in these partisan undertaking to desist. At this point of our country’s history, we can ill afford these kinds of reckless, misguided and miscalculated under-workings,” the statement added. This statement comes on the heels of reports that there is a widening rift in the coalition, especially between the largest and second largest parties in the coalesce, the APNU and AFC respectively. The APNU has since denied that there is any rift in the coalition.

Céline Dion’s husband’s funeral to be held in church where he married her Céline Dion is preparing to lay her late husband René Angélil to rest. Angélil’s funeral will be held on Friday, Jan. 22, in Montreal, PEOPLE has exclusively learned. “According to his final wishes, his funeral will be held at Notre-Dame

Basilica in Montreal, where 21 years ago, he chose to marry the one who will remain as the great love of his life, the artist for which he had the most respect, the woman who gave him light and happiness until his very last breath,” his obituary reads.

The news comes one day after Angélil died from cancer. He was 73. In light of her loss, Dion – whose brother is dying of cancer – has cancelled her concerts at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. (MSN)

Miss Universe forgives Steve Harvey Steve Harvey, who mistakenly announced first runner-up Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutierrez, as the winner of the Miss Universe pageant on live TV in December, opens up about the highly publicized mishap in a special twoday event titled Miss Universe: The Truth on the Steve Harvey show. Gutierrez will be joining Harvey on the talk show for the first time since the gaffe, along with the newly-crowned

Miss Universe, Pia Wurtzbach, from the Philippines. “This has caused a lot of sleepless nights for me,” Harvey said. “I didn’t do any interviews until I could talk to the two people who were affected the most, Pia and Ariadna. No matter how tough it was for me, I can’t imagine how it was for these two women. This finally gives me a chance to have a moment of closure.” In a sneak peek clip, Harvey gets emotional

while reflecting on how his wife, Marjorie, supported him following the blunder. “That night I went to bed at 12:30, I woke up at 2:30 and couldn’t even sleep,” Harvey explains, when an audience member asks him what the hardest part about dealing with “this mess” was. “But my girl got up with me.” “She was the best,” Harvey continues, holding back tears. “Man, you gotta have somebody with you. Somebody to climb

down in a hole with you. And she did that. She kept telling me, ‘Steve, keep your head up. Keep your head up, you did the right thing.’ She kept saying, ‘You did what your father raised you to be. You went out there and you took the hit.’”

Unfortunately, his mistake prompted a ton of social media hate, with users even sending death threats to his children -Brandi, Karli, Broderick and Wynton. “People don’t understand the damage of social media,” he

explains. “Your kids go through this, your wife goes through this, everybody. There’s death threats against your family. I can’t let my kids go nowhere. That’s difficult, man. That’s very, very difficult.” (Yahoo)

Readers may be aware about Rangoon filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj’s ambitious love story that has been set against the Second World War’s backdrop. During the shoot of the film a couple of days back, a freak incident took place between the film’s lead actor Shahid Kapoor and a Japanese actor. The shoot of the film came to an abrupt halt when the duo were shooting a fight

sequence and the Japanese actor got hurt during the shoot. Shahid Kapoor (who plays an Indian army officer in the film), got his finger injured and also got fever as he was wet because he was shooting in rain for more than over six hours. Speaking about the incident, Vishal Bhardwaj said Shahid’s doctor has advised him to rest. He added that the Japanese actor, who got hurt in his chest,

was immediately rushed to the hospital. The reports of his X-rays test conducted on him revealed that he had developed a slight inflammation and, that’s why he has now been advised rest. On the other hand, Shahid Kapoor, who is reportedly also undergoing training in Japanese language for the film, has even hired a private tutor to help him in the scenes. (Bollywoodhungama)

Shahid Kapoor hurt on set

Swine flu cases rise to 67 in T&T

Minister of Health of GTrinidad and Tobago, Terrance Deyalsingh, is urging people in the ‘at risk’ group to get

vaccinated against the H1N1 (swine flu) virus. These included all health workers, pregnant women, children between the

ages of three and five, the elderly over 65, and anyone suffering from diabetes, or on immune suppressive drugs.

A group of scientists at MIT have developed a futuristic hydrogel Band-Aid-like device that can incorporate a range of sensors and electronics. The versatile, programmable dressing will allow doctors to treat a range of injuries, continuously monitor a patient’s temperature and even release medicine when needed. According to MIT, the stretchy hydrogel bandage—created by MIT professor Xuanhe Zhao and a team of graduate students—is

made mostly of water and “was designed to bond strongly to surfaces such as gold, titanium, aluminum, silicon, glass, and ceramic.” The hydrogel is flexible enough that it can be applied to most body parts, including elbow and knee joints, and it can be outfitted with electronics programmed to release medicine at intervals or when a patient’s temperature rises. “Electronics are usually hard and dry, but the human body is soft

and wet. These two systems have drastically different properties,” Zhao says. “If you want to put electronics in close contact with the human body for applications such as health care monitoring and drug delivery, it is highly desirable to make the electronic devices soft and stretchable to fit the environment of the human body. That’s the motivation for stretchable hydrogel electronics.” (MSN)

Deyalsingh said yesterday there were 67 confirmed cases of H1N1, up from 46 one week ago. This meant that between last Friday and yesterday, there were 21 new cases. The number of fatalities were five. The minister said the ministry has received 8,000 vaccines from Belize, 5,000 from St Lucia, and 37,500 from the Pan American Health Authority (PAHO) .

“We have more than enough vaccines to vaccinate everyone in the at-risk groups, please avail yourself to the opportunity to be vaccinated at any of the health centres,” he said. However, Deyalsingh said they did not vaccinate the healthy population, which included from teens to those in their early 50s. “The swine flu will not affect you severely. You brush it off because your

immune system is robust,” he said. The minister also addressed the issue of the mosquitoborne viruses Zika and CHIKV entering the country. He said the Centre of Disease Control was thinking of advising pregnant women against travelling to countries where there was the Zika virus because of the risk of microcephaly. (Adapted from the Trinidad Newsday)

Smart Bandage can take your temperature and administer medicine

Venezuela’s government declares ‘economic emergency’ Venezuela’s government has declared an “economic emergency” due to “catastrophic” inflation and growth figures. The government’s decree sets a 60-day period in which President Nicolas Maduro has wider powers to intervene in companies or limit access to currency. “We are confronting a true storm,” Maduro said during his stateof-the-nation address

of the recession, which is fueled by low oil prices. The central bank, already lambasted by critics of Maduro’s government for hiding statistics since the end of 2014, said the South American OPEC nation’s economy shrank 4.5 percent in the first nine months last year. Maduro lost control of the National Assembly in a December election due to voter ire over the crisis. He vowed the country would continue

servicing foreign debt despite slipping international reserves, negating growing Wall Street pessimism about a potential default this year. With massive shopping lines in Venezuela and widespread shortages of basics from milk to medicines, the government faces mounting pressure to change what critics call a failed model. Venezuela depends on oil for 96 percent of

hard currency revenues. The average price for its basket of oil and refined products fell this week to $24.38, the lowest level in more than 12 years. The opposition coalition says policy incompetence

is responsible for Venezuela’s economic mess. It has said it wants to find a constitutional way this year to remove Maduro. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

Gas prices in Jamaica are currently just below the world average, with Jamaican motorists paying US$0.94 per litre of gasolene — four US cents below the world average of US$0.98 — according to GlobalPetrolPrices. c o m . Jamaican gasoline prices rank alongside Kitts and Nevis, with world market has been India and Jordan, a price of US$0.95. declining to reach a and just below St The price of oil on the 13-year-low recently

of below US$30 per barrel. As a result, the price of gas in Jamaica has been falling – although in Jamaican dollars the decline has not been as radical. Some gas stations now sell gas for less than $100 per litre, as was the case earlier in 2015. Other regional countries with higher gas prices than Jamaica include: Costa

Rica (US$1.01), the Dominican Republic (US$1.03), Suriname (US$1.05), St Lucia (US$1.09), Cayman (US$1.10), Antigua and Guyana (US$1.11), the Bahamas (US$1.14) Belize (US$1.23), Grenada (US$1.21) and Cuba (US$1.33). The most expensive gas in the Caribbean area is Barbados (US$1.37). Venezuela has the

cheapest gas on Earth with a price of just US$0.02 per litre, followed by Libya (US$0.14) and Algeria (US$0.21). The three countries with the most expensive gas are: Hong Kong (US$1.82), the Netherlands (US$1.67) and Norway (US$1.61). (Adapted from the Jamaican Observer)

In a move expected to shake up the foreign used car industry, Trade Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon yesterday announced a new policy which bars the importation of gasoline-powered vehicles more than four years old. Previously, foreign used car dealers were allowed to import vehicles that were up to six years old. The policy, which takes immediate effect, also restricts prospective buyers importing cars for personal use to doing so every four years instead of every three years. “The decision was also taken that the current

with the terms and conditions for registration of their dealerships Gopee-Scoon said there has been a proliferation of people operating as unregistered dealers who are evading taxes resulting in lost revenue

for the Government. She added that the unregistered dealers were operating unscrupulously at the expense of consumers. Gopee-Scoon also denied that large numbers of employees in the industry were in danger of losing

their jobs. “We have not cut down on the ceiling of cars being brought into T&T at this time. Market conditions will dictate the industry,” she said. (Adapted from the Trinidad Guardian)

to Congress on Friday. “This is not Maduro’s storm, as some believe, it is a situation throughout the country that affects every Venezuelan family,” the president said. The opposition-led assembly said in a statement it has the power to approve or reject the decree. The move on Friday comes after the government published the first economic data in a year that revealed the extent

Jamaican gas prices now below world average

Old car imports halted in T & T age limit of three years for diesel-powered cars and four years for CNG-powered cars which are allowed for importation be maintained,” the minister said during a media briefing at the ministry’s offices at Nicholas Towers, Port-of-Spain. Gopee-Scoon said the application process for any new person or business seeking to register as a Foreign Used Car Dealer has been temporarily suspended as the Trade Ministry is currently undertaking a comprehensive review and audit of the existing policy.

The review, which will include discussions with relevant stakeholders, will be concluded by March 31. The minister acknowledged that the foreign used car industry has made a tremendous contribution to the country’s economy via increases in employment and income generation, as well as making vehicle ownership affordable for many lower and middle income families. However, she added, there were also challenges, including the failure by some dealers to comply

Walmart shuts 269 stores worldwide

On Friday, Walmart announced it will close 269 stores globally as it struggles to compete with online

retailers like Amazon. The news came as US retail figures showed lower than expected holiday sales figures

More than half of the 27 selfie deaths across the world in 2015 happened in India. The unfortunate trend shows no signs of abating, with three selfie deaths across India in the first two weeks of 2016 already. The 2015 list, included Indians who died while taking a selfie in front of an incoming train, drowned after tipping a boat while posing,

fell down from a cliff, and slipped into the water from a river bank. A Japanese tourist also died after sustaining injuries from a fall down a staircase at the Taj Mahal. In India, selfies have been celebrated by the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi who is known for clicking selfies with other world leaders, a government-

A Syrian refugee based in the northern suburb of the French capital, Paris, has won one million euros in lottery money after buying 10 euros scratch ticket. The 30-year-old former businessman, who won the national lottery, arrived to France in 2011 and has been doing odd jobs since then. He received his prize money last year in June, but

the story of his win has only just emerged this week after the Federation Francaise, the operator of France’s national lottery, confirmed it to Le Parisien, a local French newspaper. According to reports he used his money to buy an apartment and also wants to bring the rest of his family to France. He also plans to open a restaurant and

across the market. Sales rose just 3% in November and December, falling short of the expected 3.7% growth according to the National Retail Federation. The Walmart closures will affect 10,000 US workers and 16,000 worldwide. The announcement came three months after Walmart

chief executive Doug McMillon told investors the company would focus on becoming more nimble. “Closing stores is never an easy decision. But it is necessary to keep the company strong and positioned for the future,” McMillon said in October. The national shortfall in holiday shopping

came even as retailers offered steep discounts to attract customers. Online retailing did see a significant increase, rising 9% to $105bn (£73.4bn), but it was not enough lift the overall figures. “The growth of online, and especially of Amazon, has undermined that advantage and has given almost all

consumers easy access to a comprehensive and relatively cheap assortment of products,” says Neil Saunders, chief executive of retail analysts Conlumino. He added that where Walmart was going, others would follow. (Adapted from the BBC)

backed ‘selfie with daughter’ campaign, and even a popular Hindi song (“Selfie le le re”) from last year’s highestgrossing Bollywood film Bajrangi Bhaijaan. However, selfie accidents have raised safety concerns as well. Last year, a fear of stampedes led to a selfie ban during the large religious congregation of Kumbh Mela. This

week, Mumbai Police identified no selfie

zones in the city after two people drowned

in a accident.

India had more selfie deaths in 2015 than anywhere else in the world

selfie-related (Yahoo)

Syrian refugee wins a million euros in French lottery

improve his French. Before arriving in France, the man owned a small business in Syria, but was forced to flee the country due

to the ongoing war that has displaced nearly half the population and killed more than 250,000 people. More than a

million refugees have arrived in Europe for safety in the past one year. The majority of refugee escaping to Europe come from

camps in countries neighbouring to Syria. Millions are living in temporary shelters, dependent on aid agencies for food and with little hope of getting jobs. Last month, a Senegalese migrant saved from a sinking ship by Spanish coastguard won €400,000 in a Christmas draw. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

Islamic militants kill 20, wound 33 in Burkina Faso Hotel siege Security forces ended a siege by al Qaeda fighters at a hotel in Burkina Faso’s capital on Saturday, killing three Islamist gunmen and freeing 126 hostages, the West African nation’s security minister said. At least 20 people are believed to have been killed in the attack on Ouagadougou’s Splendid Hotel which began late on Friday. Al Qaeda in

the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) claimed responsibility for the raid. “The operations at the Splendid Hotel and the (nearby) Restaurant Cappuccino have ended. 126 hostages were freed, among them 33 were wounded,” the minister told Reuters. “Three jihadists were killed. They are an Arab and two black Africans.” A Reuters witness

said that clashes ended after a period of sustained gunfire and explosions that appeared to focus on the Restaurant Cappuccino early on Saturday. Burkina Faso’s new government, which was appointed on Wednesday following the election of President Roch Marc Kabore in November, was due to hold an emergency

cabinet meeting at 9 a.m. (0900 GMT). The Splendid Hotel is popular with Westerners and French soldiers based in Burkina Faso. A doctor who treated some of those wounded in the attack said they had told him that the attackers appeared to target Westerners. However, the nationalities of those killed in the assault were not immediately known.

a mutually acceptable means of interactions that are based on dignity and reciprocity. We must ensure that no provocation or accidents take place,” she added. Al Jazeera’s Adrian Brown reporting from the Taiwanese capital said Tsai’s election could lead to uncertainty between Beijing and Taipei.

“In many ways the DPP represents China’s worst nightmare because of her pro-independent stance but this is a woman they [China] now will have to deal with and how China responds of course in the coming days and weeks will really define the future of relationships between China and Taiwan.” Brown said. However, the DPP is

traditionally a proindependence party and opponents say Tsai will destabilise relations. Although Taiwan is self-ruling after it split with China following a civil war in 1949, it has never formally declared independence, and Beijing still sees it as part of its territory awaiting reunification - by force if necessary. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

Organization, the company owned by the presidential hopeful, said in a statement earlier this month that a

ban would result in the conglomerate pulling developments and investments it claimed are worth 700 million

pounds ($998 million) from Scotland. (Adapted from Al Jazeera)

Taiwan elects first female President

Pro-independence candidate Tsai Ing-wen has effectively won Taiwan’s presidential elections after Eric Chu, the candidate and chairman of the ruling Kuomintang (KMT), conceded defeat. Tsai of Taiwan’s main opposition party was on course for a landslide election victory on

Saturday, polls showed, as voters turn their backs on closer ties with China. The China-friendly KMT had been ruling the island for eight years. In a victory speech in the capital, Taipei Tsai said the results showed that democracy is ingrained in the Taiwanese people and that she

will strive to maintain stability with China. “We will work towards maintaining the status quo for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait in order to bring the greatest benefits and wellbeing to the Taiwanese people,” Tsai said. “I also want to emphasise that both of sides of the strait have a responsibility to find

British Members of Parliament are set to debate whether US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump should be banned from entering the UK, after a petition calling for him to be barred gathered more than 500,000 signatures. The politicians will discuss the motion on Monday in the House of Commons and debate, for three hours, whether Trump should be prevented from the UK on account of what the 573,149 signatories called his “hate speech”. Having received more

than 100,000 signatures, the petition had to be considered for debate by parliament under British law, and requires a written government response. “The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech,” the petition read. “The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK. “If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the ‘unacceptable behaviour’ criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the

weak as well as powerful.” The campaign was launched in response to a call made by the 69-year-old presidential hopeful to ban Muslims from entering the US until, in his words, “our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on” - a thinly veiled reference that Muslims were responsible for terrorism. After Trump made his anti-Muslim comments, the British Prime Minister David Cameron said that while they were unsavoury, he did not support a ban. The Trump

British Parliamentarians to debate banning Donald Trump

Saturday January 16, 2016

Budhan Memorial Turf Club meet on tomorrow Top horses and jockeys are priming for tomorrow (Sunday’s) One day horse race meet being set up by the Budhan M e m o r i a l Turf Club. The meet will be

held at the club’s Track at No 66 Village Corentyne , Berbice and will feature over 45 horses heading to the blocks. The seven race meet will not be short of action as some of the

best horses in the country going step for step for millions of dollars. The day’s feature event is the J1 and Lower class with a top prize of $200 000 with some of the top contenders in Red Jet, Lady

Secret, De Gump, Little, Affinity and Red Regent all chasing the purse. Other races set for the day include: J3 and Lower, K2 and Lower, L1 and Lower, L2 and Lower, Three-Year-Old

Guyana-bred and the unclassified. Accordingto information the track is in the best of condition and turfites are expected to turn out in large numbers to be a part of the day’s

action. Race time is 12:30 hrs. The one-day event will be run under the rules of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority.

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