How to sell house fast without the usual hassles?

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How to sell house fast without the usual hassles? It is always a “project” to prepare a house for sale. People that have never been through the process of selling will not know until they actually do it. It looks easy at first, but once you get going it may seem as a never-ending effort. Cleaning out the clutter, the piles of items collected over the years. Things that once seemed so important are now collecting dust. And there is so many of them. You may try to organize a tag sale to get rid of them. You might decide on hauling stuff to the transfer station, just to later realize this is too time-consuming and you need a dumpster instead. Once the house is clean, you notice the faded spots on the walls and floors. The small occasional drip under the sink turned into a steady drip that needs a small bucket under it. The roof has seen better days and the yellow leak stain on the ceiling is getting bigger every time it rains.

Obviously something needs to be done to this place. I mean you want the buyers to fall in love with it and buy it, right? So you ask yourself: 

Where do I start?

How much money do I want to spend?

Which contractors do I hire?

Who is going to manage them?

After you clean and fix everything, you are onto the next step, choosing an agent to sell house fast. The sign in your front yard comes next. Then, you have picky buyers parading through your house while you leave to make the house available for them. Weeks go buy, finally someone made an offer. But it is lower than what you were hoping for. You want more you say no and wait for another buyer to put an offer in. You finally get an offer that you are content with. Now the house is of the market and dealing with the inspectors and appraisers begins. Then, the mortgage commitment. You hope the buyer is actually able to buy the house, etc. It seems like a lot of work. If you have the time, the money and you are up for it then certainly this is the way to go. BUT, if you don’t have the time, money, energy, … or you simply don’t want to put up with it at all? What do you do then? Well here is your answer: Valley Residential Group LLC is a local home buyer and a real estate investment company that buys houses in Connecticut. They specialize in purchasing residential properties. One of the great benefits dealing with the company is that they buy houses “as-is”. They like to say “We buy houses regardless of condition or situation”. You will not be asked to clean up or fix up anything. You will be encouraged to take your valuables and leave everything else behind. They are able to buy your house fast. In a matter of days, if necessary. Valley Residential Group can help you: 

Avoid the uncertainty of IF and WHEN the house sells

Avoid fixing up your house

Avoid removing the clutter

Avoid putting your house on the market to sell house fast

Avoid keeping your house "spotless and ready for buyer showings" all the time

Avoid dealing with "picky" buyers parading thru your house

Avoid showing your house for months

Avoid dealing with "nosy" Home Inspectors

Avoid hassles with home buyer negotiations

Avoid "waiting and hoping" that home buyer qualifies for a mortgage

Avoid having the sale "fall apart" at the last minute

No more spending time, money and effort. No stress, just a fair, hassle free transaction. So if you are looking to sell house fast and sell for cash this just may be your answer. You will be dealing with a local reputable house buyer who can put you in the driver seat. They have helped countless sellers that wanted a fast, no hassle guaranteed sale. The company provides quick, easy and convenient way of selling. They buy houses in as-is condition, they pay cash, and they are able to close on the date of your choice. If you are looking for a fair, timely and a guaranteed sale, please give them a call at 860.589.4663 or visit their website

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