10 tips to help you decide which juicer is perfect for you

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10 tips to help you decide which juicer is perfect for you Drinking fresh juice every day is a nice habit to establish, it will give your body the required dose of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Because the human body needs different types of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, you need to drink a variety of juices like fresh vegetable juice, fresh fruit juice, mixed fruit juice, and mixed vegetable juice. Mixing different types of produces has always been the best way to get all required nutrients, minerals, and vitamins because one produce cannot fulfill the requirement of the different nutrients that our body needs.

Whereas drinking fresh juices extracted from different produces offers a number of health benefits, using the perfect juicer is also a must. You might be thinking what is the relation between juicing and the juicer? There is a direct relation between the juicer and the produces that will be used for juicing. Not every type of juicer can extract juice from every kind of produce, for example, a citrus juicer cannot extract juice from vegetables like carrot, spinach, etc. Therefore, when buying a juicer, you should ensure that you buy a juicer as per your juicing needs. Here are 10 tips that will help you to choose the perfect juicer: 1. The very first tip is deciding the produces from which you will be extracting juices. For example, if you want to drink juices from citrus fruits then you should buy a citrus juicer nothing else. In case you want to drink different types of juices like mix vegetable juice, mixed

fruit juice, etc. then you need a centrifugal juicer. Likewise, twin gear juicer or masticating juicer should be your choice if you want to extract juice from hard vegetables and/or leafy vegetables like spinach, celery, wheat grass, etc.

2. Second tip is to look out for the noise. Many people love to drink juice in the morning and therefore, you would most likely prefer buying a juicer that produces less noise. 3. Third tip is to look into the cleaning procedure and timings. When you are buying a juicer for daily needs then you should not buy a juicer which is hard to clean. For your daily needs, most prefer a juicer that can be cleaned easily. 4. Fourth tip is look out for the setup. If you have been thinking to make the most of the benefits of drinking juices on regular basis then you should buy a juicer, which is easy to setup. The juicer must not be heavy either.

5. Fifth tip regards choosing the motor power. Depending on your juicing needs, you can make a decision about the power of the motor. If you want to produce more juice then a heavy motor juicer is recommended, otherwise a juicer with low power motor will be fine too. 6. Sixth tip is about ensuring the durability. Yes, when you are buying a juicer for daily needs then ensure that it is durable enough for long term use. 7. Seventh tip is to look for the brand. There are many good brands in the market from which you can select the one you feel suited for daily juicing needs. Never buy a non-branded juicer because they do not follow any standard. Being on the safe side is always recommended.

8. Eighth tip regards the period of warranty. When you buy a juicer, never forget to ask about its warranty period. You may get around 1 year to 5 years of warranty. If you find that the juicer of your choice has less warranty then you can ask the seller for extended warranty too. Many manufacturers offer extended warranty for a small amount. 9. The ninth tip is to compare the prices. Whether you buy a juicer from a store nearby your home or through an online store, always compare prices of different brands and buy the one, which is affordable for you. 10. Tip number ten is to read juicer reviews. Yes, this is one of the major tips and we urge you to follow it. Juicer reviews may help you find the best juicer that can meet all your juicing needs while being within the means of your budget. Juicersandrecipes.com provides juicer reviews that help you find the best juicer for you. Click here to visit the site for honest, good quality juicer reviews.

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