Men Quotes

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Men Quotes September 19, 2019

Hello, friends nice to meet you I'm presenting the Quotes. Today I'm presenting the Men Quotes. Once you check this page you will definitely inspire by these quotes. Friends these quotes are especially dedicated to Men's. If you searching for Men Quotes then you are the perfect place. Friends, daily I'm publishing one post on this page if you want to see the daily updates then follow this site. Friends, share your opinion about this site in the comment section because your comments are useful for me to improve myself. More Quotes Husband Quotes Emotional Quotes Travel Quotes Mother's Day Quotes Interesting Quotes Sister Quotes Beauty Quotes Wedding Anniversary Quotes

Only the disciplined ones are free in life. If you are undisciplined you are a slave to your moods. You are a slave to your passions.

The only laughter makes a man rich, but the laughter has to be blissful. 1/3

A hungry stomach, an empty pocket, and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life.

It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can.

Men do not quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.

Dress like you're going somewhere better later.

Beards don't make you smarter. Smart men just grow a beard.

Don't be afraid to lose him, because if a man truly loves you, he's not going anywhere.

You are one of a kind and you have something great to offer.

No man stands so tall as when he stops to help a child.

There are some things that money can't buy... Like manners, morals, and integrity.

A good guy will tell you're beautiful. A real gentleman will make you believe it.

Too much ale and a man's heart is laid open for all to see.


It takes all kinds of men to make the world.

That moment when you spell a word so wrong, even auto-correct is like I've got nothing man.

Men are what their mothers made them.

No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.

Note: The above Quotes are for men's. I hope you all like these quotes. If you like it then share with your friends and bookmark us. Daily I'm publishing one post in this. If you want to see the daily updates then follow this site. And if you have more quotes then share it with us. We will add your quotes to the supporting page. And don't forget to bookmark this site.


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