Multum in Parvo 2011

Page 9


A Gunston Hero Laura Newbery ‘84 spends her life making a difference in this world. Combining her love of horses with her innate understanding of children, she has created the non-profit Children, Hope & Horses. Now in its tenth year, the program is designed for children who have been abused, neglected, abandoned or who suffer from attachment disorder. These children need a place where they can build self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment and Laura’s program, Children, Hope & Horses, is designed to provide that place. “The sheer size of a horse magnifies a child's every accomplishment. Caring for the horses gives the child a sense of responsibility and opens the door to healing. Experience shows this program to be one of the most effective ways of treating attachment disorder children,” commented Laura. “The horse is a wonderful therapeutic tool for so many reasons. Their body language mirrors that of a person, their reactions are pure and they are intuitive. These attributes speak for the child when the child is too afraid to speak.” Gunston students supported Children, Hope & Horses two years ago through their fundraising efforts.

Laura Newbery, Sarah Everdell & Maggie Bond in 1984. Seniors Laura & Maggie pose as reporters about to interview Gunston juniors, who came dressed as the authors they wrote about for their Junior Symposium project.


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