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Prepare SAP P_TSEC10_75 Exam To Get Certification: Certifications have gained a significant boom in the recent few years due to globalization and discovery of numerous fields in the information technology industry. Since these fields are large in numbers, candidates cannot learn all these fields and get a specialized degree in all these fields, therefore they are opting for SAP Certified Technology Professional - System Security Architect P_TSEC10_75 braindumps. certifications allow the candidates to learn a new set of skills, knowledge, and information. It also widens their perspective. certifications also provide the candidates a competitive advantage and companies also prefer SAP P_TSEC10_75 certified candidates because of their added set of skills and knowledge. However, clearing the SAP P_TSEC10_75 dumps is not an easy task to achieve as it requires a lot of practice, preparation, hard work and dedication. Candidates have to do right and relevant preparation and once they are fully prepared they can clear the SAP Certified Application Associate P_TSEC10_75 exam in the first attempt. Once they are P_TSEC10_75 certified, they can get the desired job anywhere in the world as the certifications are accepted globally.

Question No. 1 3 enterprise portal authentication mechanisms: A. User Id/Password (Form based iView) X. 509 digital certificate B. Third party authentication (Windows) C. Use external authentication (snc/extid_login_diag) Answer: A, B Question No. 2 SNC: Where are the private keys stored? A. In the SDC PSE B. In the SNC PSE C. In the SEC PSE Answer: A, C Question No. 3 What are the 2 possibilities to establish a trust when using the SAPCRYPTOLIB? A. Either use a single PSE for all communication partner B. Exchange public-key certificates C. Using groups at the creation dolmen level Answer: A, B Question No. 4 What is the transaction to maintain the SNC PSE? A. Use the trust manager S_Trust B. Use the trust manager A_Trust C. Use the trust manager D_Trust Answer: A Question No. 5 What are the 3 trust manager profile parameters? A. sec/libsapsecu, specify the location of the SAPCRYPTOLIB B. ssf/ssfapi_lib, specify the location of the SAPCRYPTOLIB C. ssf/name must be set to SAPSECULIB D. Using groups at the creation dolmen level Answer: A, B, C

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