Guilfordian Issue December 2, 2010

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Budget committee presents on 2011-12 outlook


Students discuss religious diversity, awareness

current budget remains balanced; next year may bring financial challenges

Keyla Beebe/Guilfordian

The Budget Committee held a forum on Nov. 17 to present the year’s upcoming budget and to share information about the college’s financial challenges. A slow yet steady stream of people entered Bryan Jr. Auditorium for the PowerPoint presentation given by Budget Committee Chair Bob Williams. The forum addressed the current budget’s realities and challenges, along with the plans for the upcoming school year. In the spirit of Guilford values, the committee has committed to keeping the budget process transparent. “I appreciate the opportunity to have a forum so that the information about the budget is shared with the public,” said Associate Professor of Sports Studies Lavon Williams. “Keeping the faculty informed means fewer surprises. That’s healthier for the community and I appreciate that.” Bob Williams presented the budget priorities, focusing on capital spending and deferred maintenance. According to the Budget Letter for 2011-2012, “We must control operating costs and maintain sufficient cash flow.” After experiencing major setbacks and shortcomings in 2008, the Budget Committee has planned cautiously

Professor of Economics and Budget Committee Chair Bob Williams gives a PowerPoint presentation to those gathered in Bryan Jr. Auditorium for the budget forum on Nov. 17.

This week online

See "Myanmar" on page 6

In order to become a more internationally diverse college, Guilford is sending representatives around the world. Efforts to increase international appeal could lead to an increase in full-time international students over the next few years.

Vice President for Enrollment Services Randy Doss travelled to Bahrain in mid-November as part of an initiative to appeal to potential Middle Eastern students. The visit was part of the international education and diversity plan goals cited in Guilford’s See "Global" on page 2 Nicaragua positions troops based on Google map error By Keyla Beebe

The return of Duke/ UNC basketball rivalry By Michael Foxx

Courtesy of Guilford Athletics

By Amanda Dahill-Moore

As part of Guilford's push for international diversity,Vice President for Enrollment Services Randy Doss travelled to Bahrain to appeal to potential Middle Eastern students.

Independent Weekly

Feature on senior swimmer Kim Abbott

By Elaine Kellogg Staff Writer

See "" on page

Wikimedia Commons

Jack Sinclair/Guilfordian


See "" on page

See "Religion" on page 8

Guilford makes progress on international diversity goals Courtesy of Randy Doss

Thousands of enthusiastic supporters watched in a state of awe as Aung San Suu Kyi stepped outside of her Yangon home on the afternoon of Nov. 13. Wearing a lilac dress, she “took a flower from someone in the crowd and placed it in her hair,” according to BBC press reports.

Guilford is widely known as a religiously diverse and tolerant college. But as students settle into campus, do they continue to view the school as a spiritually supportive place? Do they find the community religiously transformative? Or does apathy weigh on their shoulders atop a mountain of different spiritual opportunities? Many clubs and organizations across


Myanmar's Suu Kyi released after 15 years in house arrest Largely regarded as Myanmar’s preeminent leader of democratic opposition to the military-controlled government, the 65-year-old woman was released after spending 15 of the past 21 years under house arrest. Suu Kyi’s release came six days after Myanmar’s first

By Nick Bunitsky Staff Writer

See "budget" on page 3

world & nation

By Omar Hamad Staff Writer

IFP Gifts Discernment Coordinator Frank Massey lounges in the Light of the Hut, Guilford's shared space for religion and spirituality.

Liz Nicholson/Guilfordian

By Keyla Beebe Staff Writer

Women's basketball defeats Angels By Paul McCullough

Check online for these webexclusive stories and videos!




Guilford makes progress on long-term international diversity goals Continued from page 1 Strategic Long-Range Plan for 2011-2016 or SLRP II. Bahrain is one of the many abroad destinations being surveyed for potential students. In addition to the Middle East, locations of interest include India and China. “Expanding our recruitment of full-time international students is an important long-term goal for the college,” said Doss. “(In addition to Bahrain) we’ve also taken trips to India recently and will be going to China in the spring.” The SLRP II draft for October 2010 describes the recruitment of international students as a way to “enrich the global perspectives of our students and encourage exchanges of faculty and students.”

“It certainly isn’t just about increasing diversity,” said Nancy Riemer, assistant director of admissions. “It can introduce new voices and perspectives. We need to think of education on a global-level.” The draft outlines improvements to international programs and language education as part of these initiatives. New positions are planned for language education faculty and study away/abroad staff. Additional language resources will support both international education and study abroad. “Promoting international diversity is incredibly important to Guilford,” said Jeff Favolise, assistant to the president for planning and management via e-mail. “SLRP II and the Diversity Plan place a very high priority on preparing students for a globalized society,

which is very consistent with our core values and principled problem solving.” Although the changes proposed by the SLRP II were expected to be gradual, recent success in Bahrain suggests that Guilford may attract interest from the Middle East sooner rather than later. “So far everything has gone well,” said Doss. “There has been a lot of student interest and we’re following up on inquiries.” Riemer believes that increased international diversity will be well-received. “According to what we hear from prospective students, they are seeking diversity,” said Riemer. The SLRP II draft states that an increased international focus will help students “understand, respect, accept, and celebrate differences

of all kinds in a culturally, ethically, and socially diverse world.” Conversely, support from international students benefits students by enriching the community and encouraging appreciation of cultural diversity. “Lots of work and planning has gone into this,” said Associate Director of Admissions Tania Rachkoskie. “It’s an important goal for the college because it’s good for students to have diverse perspectives. It enhances their overall experience.” Rachkoskie believes that the benefits of increasing international diversity on campus are obvious. “For me, it’s a given,” said Rachkoskie. “One of the things that’s great about college is that you’re exposed to new things.”

Diversity Action Committee hosts hate and bias prevention workshop By Terah Kelleher Staff Writer In September 2009, a Bryan Hall resident found two anonymous letters containing threatening homophobic slurs in their room. Soon afterwards, President Kent Chabotar issued a statement to the Guilford community. "There is no room whatsoever at Guilford for persecution, oppression and harassment of individuals or groups,” said Chabotar in his statement. Student Success Mentor and Hall Director Meg Evans and Binford Hall Head Resident Advisor Brian Daniel decided to educate themselves on ways to prevent these acts in the future. They attended a training called “Stop the Hate, Train the Trainer” by Campus Pride, a national nonprofit organization. Evans and Daniel decided to share what they learned. “We wanted to be able to come back to campus and facilitate conversations, rather than stay angry at what had happened,” said Evans. The Diversity Action Committee (DAC) heard that Evans and Daniel attended this training. Sherry Giles, associate professor of justice and policy studies and co-chair of DAC, said DAC asked the duo to share what they learned with the Guilford community. On Nov. 17, 2010 Evans and Daniel held a presentation entitled “Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate at Guilford.” “The DAC felt that it would be important to sponsor workshops for students, staff, faculty and administrators that would help us to create a culture on campus that will prevent bias incidents and hate crimes in the future,” said Giles. The presentation covered the differences between a hate crime and a bias incident, taught ways to prevent and respond to these types of incidences, and touched on the roots of bias and hate. They began by teaching the audience the difference between a bias and hate crime. “Many people, me included, assumed the (Bryan) incident was a hate crime,” said sophomore Emily Stamey. “But something being labeled a ‘bias incident’ does not detract from the horror of the event.” In 2003, Chabotar formed the Bias Incident Group to respond to anonymous acts of bias on campus. “The (Bias) Group addresses acts when no perpetrator can be identified: acts that are anonymous, serious, publically known, and seen as potentially threatening to an individual or group,” said Professor of Theatre Studies David Hammond, who attend-

ed the presentation. The presentation also deconstructed the misconception that bias or hate crimes happen to strictly one group of people. “Oftentimes, people think hate and bias are only directed to minority groups,” said Daniel. “This is not true. Everyone has potential to experience bias and hate.” A pyramid designed by the 2003 Anti-Defamation League and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation demonstrated the levels of hate. The levels included prejudiced attitudes, acts of prejudice, discrimination, violence, and genocide. Prejudiced attitudes included acts such as accepting stereotypes and not challenging belittling jokes. Acts of prejudice involve name-calling and more. Evans and Daniel want to stop hate and bias at these first steps above. They want people to confront the biased and hateful statements they hear. The presentation then moved to participating in role plays to practice ways to prevent and respond to these incidences. They shared the slogan “Name it, Claim it, and Stop it.” This slogan combats inappropriate comments one may experience. The “Name it” part of the slogan involved asking the person who shared the undesirable comment: “Did you just say that?” This gives the individual the power to confront the comment and not let it simply pass. “You are responding immediately and focusing attention effectively then and there on the inappropriate comment,” said Hammond. “You also buy yourself a moment of time that gives you a chance to think on your feet and, if necessary, calm down.” “Claim it and Stop it” means that someone explains why it is offensive to them and asks the speaker to stop. Also, the one offended has the opportunity to educate the speaker. The presentation closed by illustrating how the Internet can be a tool to spread hate. It featured a video “ Extremists on the Internet.” “The Internet has created a place for people to spew hateful, bigoted, and oftentimes violent messages while being able to hide behind a blanket of anonymity,” said Evans. Both Evans and Daniel shared their desire to give the presentation again. The audience’s survey comments, filled out after the presentation, also indicated the thirst for more events like these. Evans read the comments to Daniel and they both smiled at the responses: “Not long enough,” “want to go more in depth,” and “interactive and relevant.”

(Dec. 8 meeting) Class registration process Continuing Serindipity 2011 discussion Input from 'Students for Senates' agenda for Spring 2011

Social Honor Code Community Center renovation

Input for improvements for class registration process

Contact: or Senate President Dana Hamdan


3 December 3, 2010

College faces budgetary uncertainties

Continued from page 1 for the subsequent years. Analyzing present challenges, the committee has not lowered its guard despite the surplus in last year’s operating budget. Factors contributing to the surplus include greater enrollment than expected last year and less student need for institutional financial aid. This surplus and increase in net assets totaled over $8.4 million, which then allotted $2 million to operating needs and capital projects, such as deferred maintenance and a 3.5 percent increase in the faculty salary pool. The college also funded raises in staff salaries. Currently, this year’s budget is balanced, with neither deficit nor surplus. However, with a higher retention rate countering lower enrollment for new traditional students, a slight surplus is predicted. “We are taking a conservative approach and being careful not to spend what we don’t have,” said Vice President for Finance and Vice Chair of the Budget Committee Greg Bursavich. “We will plan for the worst and respond to what happens.” Each year the Budget Committee maps out the worst-, middle-, and best-case scenarios for enrollment. With three different sets of numbers, the committee can plan to be cov-

ered even if enrollment is down. “I think it is good practice we do the three scenarios,” said Bob Williams. “We take a conservative perspective and I like that. I think it has saved us a few times.” Regarding a proposed hike in student fees, he noted that historically, Guilford has raised student fees at a lower rate compared to similar colleges. “Increases are necessary if we want to offer and improve education services here,” said Bob Williams. “We are looking at raising tuition to make the budget work in a way that doesn’t close accessibility to students.” Mapping the year’s possibilities also displays how beneficial the effects of even a three percent tuition increase could be, reducing the worst case scenario deficit by $1 million. While the purpose of the Community Budget Forum was to educate the entire Guilford community, student attendance was low. “I think it would be great for students to be more involved in the budget process,” said Jim Hood, professor and chair of English and director of study abroad. “Students should also voice their well-considered ideas about how tuition revenue should be spent, and they should know what a tuition increase entails.” The main challenges facing Guilford’s budget next year include how the budget will be distributed, as well as finan-

cial aid and the college endowment. Guilford competes with other schools whose endowments are much larger. Oberlin College’s annual endowment totals almost 11 times more than Guilford. “We live in dangerous economic times,” said President and Professor of Political Science Kent Chabotar in the annual budget letter. “We are pleased with what we have accomplished in these last two years … we must continue to be fiscally prudent and ever cognizant of external financial hazards.” The campus’ “wow” factor was considered. However, the factors that attract students to a school, the facilities and sports teams, are not always the main attributes Guilford focuses on. While significant facility upgrades have been occurring all over campus, there is an ever-growing list of repairs needed, amounting to $16 million in deferred maintenance. Bob Williams explained how Guilford may lack the “curb appeal” that other schools hold. To keep attracting and retaining students, the committee wants to highlight what Guilford excels at. “We spend time both in and out of the classroom acting as mentors to the students,” said Bursavich. “We should articulate and make what we do more apparent.” “It is part of the invisible nature of what we do well,” said Williams.

Post Secret discussion: combatting sexual shame at Guilford By Ashley Lynch & Ryan Gordy Staff Writers

Jack Sinclair/Guilfordian Jason Straus/Guilfordian

Shame. Desires. Pleasures. “Shame is physical, it affects your body,” said Associate Professor of English Heather Hayton. “Shame becomes more powerful when you realize it and it works to inhibit us as we get older.” Shame was a major theme discussed on Nov. 19 at the Greenleaf Co-op, where the Post Secret “What’s Your Pleasure?” event was held. The event was in celebration of the different desires and pleasures expressed by Guilford’s community. Over several weeks, both students and faculty designed decorative cards about sexuality, desires, gender, and body images. These themes portrayed on the cards were displayed on the wall of the Greenleaf Co-op. Hayton facilitated the dialogue at the event where one focus was on how to discuss sexual shame in a sexually positive way. “Shame is so powerful and we can’t find a way to get rid of it,” said Hayton. “Holding shame inside of you eventually leads to you putting shame on others.” Hayton stressed that everyone has different sexual desires and when we do not have sexual shame we lose the need to judge others and their desires. “By seeing all the different responses, people get to not only see things outside of their own comfort zone, but they also get to see the other desires reflected in the responses,” added Hayton. The purpose of the cards was to not only begin a dialogue within the Guilford community, but also to recognize that there is no such thing as abnormal. This discourse began in Hayton’s Gay, Lesbian and Queer Studies course held this past summer. Collectively, the class created a goal of trying to help the Guilford community express their sexual pleasures positively, since talking about desires and sexual shame are often tough topics to breech. “I think it’s important to express your desires, because if you don’t then that’s just not healthy,” said senior and co-leader of “What’s Your Pleasure?” Brian Daniel. “This project exemplifies that we are all different and we all have different desires, and that is OK.” Hayton articulated that the Post Secret event helped people to begin naming their desires in a way that is hon-

est and responsible. The project also acknowledges the shame that can sometimes prevent you from being your true self. “The project begins to show how sexually diverse our community is and begins to create a space that is healthy for folks to be in,” said Hayton. “People don’t feel like they have to closet themselves or be ashamed of who they are.” Co-leader and junior Benjamin Sepsenwol also discussed the importance of this project. He too agreed that it is an on-going discussion that should be emphasized in the Guilford community. “I look at this wall and this is our community, these cards could very well be from the people we know,” said Sepsenwol. “Acceptance is hard so in order to have a safe environment we had to have a dialogue to put these issues into the open.” Post Secret’s mission was for students and faculty to become more open and comfortable with themselves. For senior Morgaine Johnson, reading other peoples’ cards was an eye-opening experience. “I wasn’t brave enough to drop my card, so I wanted to see the others,” said Johnson. “Seeing these cards made me wish I would have been more supportive and put my card into the box.” The cards that hung on the Greenleaf walls ranged from confessions about body image issues to personal experiences and even sexual fantasies. One card stated that the author wanted to have a sexual fantasy with Leonardo DiCaprio and another that its author could never love their body unless they underwent plastic surgery. One card even confessed that the author quit playing basketball because they were paranoid their teammates would “out” them. The leaders of this project hope that this positive dialogue about sex will continue to spread throughout the community over the course of this semester and future semesters. “We really want to do this again,” said Daniel. “We were happy with our turn-out, but we know we can improve. Hopefully by next semester we’ll have all four walls covered with cards instead of just one.” “I want to just emphasize that it is a conversation that has to keep going; this is just the beginning,” said Hayton. “This project helps to defuse some of the power of shame, if we could all ‘just be’ then shame wouldn’t exist.”

Heather Hayton, Associate Professor of English, led the Post Secret discussion on shame held on Nov. 19. Sexual secrets scribed by students and faculty in the weeks before the event were posted on the coffee shop walls, and are still up for community perusal.



Calendar of Events HUG hosts Noche Buena celebration, Community Center, 5 - 9:30 p.m.

Last day to contribute gifts to "The Giving Tree," Bonner House, contact



Farmer's Curb Market, Yancey Street, 6 a.m. - 12 p.m.

First Friday, a selfguided art tour, Elm St., 6:30 - 9 p.m.

Weekly live jazz concert, Tate Street Coffee, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Litmag Clippings Brought to you by The Greenleaf Review

Welcome to the happy home of the Greenleaf Review and The Guilfordian. It's a special place where a submission doubles as an entry for the lit mag, and vice versa (this is a partnership, after all). Help this love bear fruit: submit your poetry, art, and photography to or And come over anytime. - Greenleaf Review


Winter AIDS Walk begins at downtown War Memorial, 1 p.m.


Email your event to



Trivia Night at the Green Bean, Elm Street, 8 - 10 p.m.

Central America Study Abroad information session, King 112, 4 p.m.

Photo Club meeting, basement of HegeCox, 7:30 - 8 p.m.

Africana Film & Discussion Series presents "Jungle Fever," Founders 203, 5:30 - 7 p.m.




Community Senate meeting, Boren Lounge, 7 - 8 p.m.

Cooking Club hosts meal, Mary Hobbs Basement, 4 - 6:30 p.m.

Seated Buddhist meditation, The Hut, 9 - 10 p.m.


Mixed Tape Series presents "Christmas Vacation," Carousel Cinemas, 7:30, 10 p.m.


Tate Street Jazz Jam, Tate Street Coffee, 8 - 10 p.m.

Charles' Muse You wonder if you are naked – everybody must see. Yes, reversed mirror-visage shows him again – heavy, dark features, scarred they say by adolescence, not the subsequent life, warm, far-seeing eyes – he possesses you, and you must submit to the vision. You leer through others because it is not you alone who are unclothed. Silk entangles you, but this thread is not spun by a spider, and not by a worm – so you flee, but you only get more of him on you,

in you. He slips into your viscera , grabbing your soul, and sucking it out. Your pulse pitches high in your ears, ring ring ring – heartbeat harmony of longing. Your throat strains for him but he sticks on your tongue. He knows you, and wrestling him to paper is your only chance. Now all see – your Bukowski is showing. by Chris Elder

Send your submissions to the Greenleaf Review at


The Guilfordian The Guilfordian is the independent student newspaper of Guilford College. The Guilfordian exists to provide a high-quality, reliable, informative and entertaining forum for the exchange of ideas, information and creativity within Guilford College and the surrounding community. General staff meetings for The Guilfordian take place every Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. in Founders Hall, and are open to the public

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5 December 3, 2010

Stories by Becca Heller Graphic by Sam Jenkins

RUSSIA 500 CONSERVATIONISTS AND WORLD LEADERS CAME TOGETHER IN ST. PETERSBURG this weekend to discuss the future of the endangered Siberian tiger, according to The Washington Post. Numbering close to 100,000 about a century ago, the population of wild tigers has dropped exponentially to around 3,000. While approaches to the problem varied widely, consensus to take action was undeniable. "If we can't protect the tiger, we can't protect the natural resources we rely on," said conservationist Dale Miquelle, according to The Wa s h i n g t o n Post. "If we can save the big cats, we can save ourselves."

BRAZIL AFTER DEPLOYING 800 SOLDIERS TO THE AREA, Brazilian forces defeated one of Rio de Janeiro’s most infamous drug gangs on Nov. 28, reclaiming the slum which the gang had brutally ruled and abused for years. Police forces confiscated 40 tons of marijuana, 50 assault rifles, and 9 antiaircraft guns, according to The New York Times. “Now the community is ours,” Jovelino Ferreira, a 60-year-old pastor, said to The New York Times. “This time it will be different. We have to have faith. Many people have suffered here who didn’t deserve to.”

SUDAN THE LAST UNCENSORED MEDIA OUTLET IN SUDAN FELL ON OCT. 30, as Sudan’s Intelligence forces raided the office used by Radio Dabanga and Darfuri human rights activists, according to The Washington Post. The raid resulted in the arrest of 13 people, who are now being held in unreleased locations, and the complete termination of uncensored news in the country. According to The Washington Post, government officials used state-controlled radio sources to publicly accuse Radio Dabanga of being “focused on inciting hatred among the people and aborting the peace process.” Amnesty International has expressed fear that the 13 arrested face the risk of torture.

NEW ZEALAND AFTER 50 DAYS ADRIFT AT SEA, THREE TEENAGERS WERE RESCUED BY A FISHING BOAT, after having floated into waters belonging to New Zealand. According to The Wall Street Journal, the boys, ages 14 and 15, told their rescuers that they had survived off of rainwater, raw fish, a few coconuts, and a seagull that had landed on their tiny aluminum boat. Upon hearing of their rescue, their hometown on the tiny island of Tokelau rejoiced, claiming the event a miracle.

China struggles with mental illness treatments By Alexandra Miller Staff Writer An ancient Chinese adage explains that to control a beast, you must first see it as beautiful. The inability of Chinese society to find beauty in those with mental disorders has led to cultural stigmas inhibiting treatment-seeking, inefficient mental health care, and lack of resources for patients and family members. Steadily, China’s beast is growing uglier, and the opportunities to control it are disappearing. A disquieting sequence of events involving attacks on Chinese children has received international attention. The attackers have been men believed to be suffering from serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Unable to control their hallucinations, these men have unleashed their demons on the schoolyard. Sociologists attribute these attacks to an apathetic attitude toward mental illness and the stress associated with China’s significant social inequalities, reports USA Today. According to USA Today, there have been five assaults against children this year in China, leaving 17 dead and at least 50 injured. The attackers have been men described as deranged, in their 30s and 40s, armed with knives and hammers, probably due to heavy

gun restrictions by the Chinese government. The government’s response to pleas for mental health treatment has been as invisible as the diseases. In April, Yang Jiaqin attacked his neighbor with an ax. Jiaqin was not arrested, and three days later, he embarked on a grizzly rampage, kitchen cleaver in hand. Two children were injured and another child’s throat was slashed. Two more citizens were murdered before he was detained, reports The New York Times. Despite intense schizophrenic symptoms, Jiaqin has received only one month of treatment in five years. The victims' families are holding the government and police accountable. “They are completely responsible for this,” said Wu Huanglong, a victim’s father, to The New York Times. “They did not protect us.” Many believe these attacks could have been prevented. “If he had been given medication and treatment, his illness would not have developed,” said Chief Doctor at the Hepu County Psychiatric Hospital Chen Guoqiang to The New York Times. “If he had been able to control his hallucinations, he would not have killed anyone.” With no national mental health law in place, not enough in-patient beds, an insufficient number of mental health

professionals, and expensive government mental health resources, China’s mentally ill usually find themselves out of help, medication, and luck, according to The New York Times. Concerns about societal appearance and lack of government funding could be significant factors. "It's quite common to hear discriminatory remarks like 'insane' or 'lunatic' on TV or other media,” said psychiatrist Zheng Zhangpei to USA Today. “Lots of people dare not seek medication because they have concerns that they might be labeled 'mad,' they just endure their mental illness until they explode." The Chinese have considered mental illness a plague of other countries, a form of disease they are not vulnerable to, reports Business Week. "It's a problem of the West," said Dr. Norman Sartorius, former director of the World Health Organization's mental health program, to Business Week. "The Americans have depression. The English have depression. It's their disease." The statistics prove otherwise. The data reflects the need to acknowledge, diagnose, treat, and accept the mentally ill. Last year a British medical journal, The Lancet, reported figures regarding China’s citizens suffering from mental disorders.

Out of the 173 million people (17.5 percent of the population) that suffer from some type of mental disorder, over 158 million have not sought treatment. According to Business Week, for every 100,000 people, China suffers 22 suicides, compared to the global average of 15 per 100,000. Only one mental health professional is available per 100,000 people, and a degree, even in the mental health field, is not a requirement. In Europe, there is one mental health professional for every 3,000-5,000 people. “The government has to invest more so that we can take care of all the patients who need treatment, regardless of whether or not the family can pay for it,” said Dr. Chen, chief doctor of Shanghai's Psychiatric Hospital to The New York Times. Without the support of mental health facilities, would-be patients and their families are left to drastic and devastating last resorts. Although it is not too late for the Chinese government to work to understand mental illnesses, invest in public awareness, and provide affordable, accessible health care, it is yet to be seen if the adage will prove true; the question remains whether China will be able to reign in this beast by first recognizing its complexities and accepting its beauty.




Suu Kyi's release renews hopes for democracy in Myanmar

Continued from page 1 first election in two decades, which many international observers claim was rigged in favor of the military-supported Union Solidarity and Development party. Outside media, like The New York Times, "speculate that her release by the Burmese government may have been an attempt to both appease the international community and control unrest at home." Speaking to BBC’s John Simpson in her first press appearance in seven years, Suu Kyi said that the government’s decision to free her boiled down to “a question of: are we (the Burmese government) going to go to the trouble of trumping up another charge, or do we let her go; and I think they decided in the end it would be easier to let me go.” However, the significance of Suu Kyi’s release for Myanmar’s political future remains largely speculative. “Though the military will still hold power, there will be new political institutions and new office-holders who could alter the dynamics of her interactions with the government,” reported The New York Times the day after Suu Kyi's release. The daughter of the prominent Burmese statesman Aung San, Suu Kyi has been intimately connected to the country’s politics since her childhood. For 28 years, she lived abroad, leaving Myanmar to study at Oxford University in 1960. Returning in 1988 to care for her ailing mother, Suu Kyi faced a country in political chaos due to the resignation of longtime dictator Ne Win. Amid massive protests for democracy, Suu Kyi founded the National League for Democracy (NLD). After the effective takeover of the government by a military junta, she was placed under house arrest on July 20, 1989, in an attempt by the military leaders to suppress

opposition. Associate Professor of Political Science George Guo gave some insight into Myanmar’s history of political turmoil as he discussed the 1990 Burmese elections. “Only a year after her house arrest, Suu Kyi’s National League of Democracy won a majority in the elections despite the country’s military control, but the results were nullified,” said Guo. “Her efforts for parliamentary democracy were very courageous and seen as a legitimate challenge to the regime.” Throughout her captivity, Suu Kyi was briefly released several times under the pretense of unconditional liberty. During these periods of freedom, she and her supporters faced danger from government-sponsored attacks. The most notable incidence of violence occurred on May 30, 2003, when her convoy was attacked by members of the ruling party. Although Suu Kyi survived, 70 of her supporters were killed in what became known as the “Depayin Massacre.” Suu Kyi was once again placed under house arrest shortly afterwards. “Before my own eyes, people were being beaten savagely,” said eyewitness U Khin Zaw of the massacre in a report by the Ad Hoc Commission. “I was hearing the wounded, dying victims moaning and wailing in pain, shrieking in agony, and crying out for help," Zaw said. "At that time, as the attackers ... were shouting unspeakable abuses, it was just like the hell boiling over.” The next several years saw mounting regional and international pressure for Suu Kyi’s release. Most notably, Former Malaysian Prime Minister

Matathir bin Mohamed declared that Myanmar would face possible expulsion from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) if Suu Kyi was not released. “We have already informed them that we are very disappointed with the turn of events and we hope that Aung San Suu Kyi will be released as soon as possible,” Mohamed said in a press statement to BBC in 2003. By 2007, internal anger over Suu Kyi’s captivity had come to a head. Nationwide protests were led by Buddhist monks to lobby for political reform. Suu Kyi appeared outside her house to accept their blessings on September 22, 2007. The Burmese government began to debate her potential release, facing trade embargoes from both the EU and the United States as well as solidarity protests worldwide. On Oct. 1, the military junta announced that Suu Kyi's house arrest would terminate on Nov. 13. Speaking shortly after her release, Suu Kyi urged her supporters to aid her in efforts to reform Myanmar. “I’m not going to be able to do it alone,” said Suu Kyi to the cheering crowd, according to CNN. “One person alone can’t do anything as important as bringing genuine democracy to a country.” Many world leaders remain unsure of how Suu Kyi’s release will aid democratic efforts in Myanmar. “Whether Aung San Suu Kyi is living in the prison of her house, or the prison of her country, does not change the fact that she, and the political opposition she represents, has been systematically silenced,” President Barack Obama stated in a press statement to BBC. “Suu Kyi’s release represents a major step for Myanmar, but they’ll still continue to harass political opponents,” said Guo. “This step shows that they’re open to outside influence however.”

FDA proposes new, in-your-face cigarette warnings By Kyle Dometrovich & Helen Gushue Staff Writers

People will indeed smoke, despite the risk or the cost of a pack. "I don't think it's really going to make a difference," said first-year Alice Gushue. "I think people are aware of the dangers of smoking and still choose to smoke." Some feel that the new law will result in further alienation and stigmatization of smokers. When cigarettes are portrayed as a purely reckless and self-deprecating endeavor, the smokers themselves are labeled as such. "Smoking is often a habit picked up at an early age," senior Zack Pinsky said. "Although it has a vice connected to it, nicotine is a serious addiction. One would not berate a heroin user for being addicted. It is a matter of addiction, which is a serous issue, not something to be mocked or looked down upon." The topic of tobacco use and control is a controversial issue for Americans. It is coming to the forefront of health issues in our generation and the government is seeking input from the nation, as it begins to take new legislative steps. The FDA is looking for opinions and feedback on the labels and images being chosen for the proposed rule. According to HHS, these opinions can be submitted by mail or online between Nov. 12 and Jan. 11, 2011. The final regulations will be issued on June 22, 2011, and will take effect no later than 15 months after the requirements are set. When they do take effect, these labels will be loaded with meaning. For some, it will be a triumph over corporation and a commitment to a cleaner, healthier America. For others, it will be a slight loss in profit. Undeniably, it will act as a glaring reminder of the health risks and social stigma of smoking cigarettes for smokers everywhere in the nation.

Images from

In its most recent incarnation, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) war on tobacco has expanded its regulations to include the labels and advertisements of cigarettes. The new initiative seeks to scare potential smokers away from a pack with sharp messages and poignant depictions of the negative effects of cigarette smoke. The warnings are as unwavering as the staunch opponents of tobacco, including grim messages such as: “WARNING: Smoking can kill you.” According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the FDA has recently issued a proposal entitled "Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements." This measure would require tobacco companies to put bolder warning labels and graphic images on cigarette packaging and advertising. For many, the proposed act would signify a great victory for health in America. “Today, (the) FDA takes a crucial step toward reducing the tremendous toll of illness and death caused by tobacco use by proposing to dramatically change how cigarette packages and advertising look in this country,” said Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., Commissioner of the FDA, according to The New York Times. “When the rule takes effect, the health consequences of smoking will be obvious every time someone picks up a pack of cigarettes.” This initiative is a part of the HHS tobacco control strategy and is an extension of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Previous restrictions have focused on preventing the sale, distribution, and general access of cigarettes to people under the age of 18. According to the

FDA, the proposal will push regulations into unprecedented territory: to expand preventative measures to include blunt warnings about the repercussions of habitual cigarette smoking. The FDA will choose nine different warning labels and images explaining the negative health effects of tobacco use. The labels include warnings such as “WARNING: Cigarettes cause fatal lung disease,” and “WARNING: Smoking during pregnancy can harm your baby.” Of course, a picture says a thousand words. The images chosen by the FDA are forthright, full color, and range from illustrations of a person dying in a hospital bed to a picture contrasting healthy and cancerous lungs. The bottom line of their message: cigarette smoke kills — in horrible ways. “Every day, almost 4,000 youths try a cigarette for the first time and 1,000 youths become regular, daily smokers,” said Kathleen Sebelius, secretary for the U.S. Department of HHS. “Today marks an important milestone in protecting our children and the health of the American public.” The new anti-smoking initiative is one of deterrence, prevention and education. It is directed at the young, attempting to mold a smoke-free generation by depicting the harsh reality of cigarette-related illnesses. According to HHS, tobacco use is the leading cause of premature and preventable death in the U.S., responsible for 443,000 deaths each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the prevalence of smoking among U.S. adults (18 years or older) has declined from 24.7 percent in 1997 to 20.6 percent in 2009. However, tobacco use is still particularly high among low-income groups and those with limited social mobility.


7 December 3, 2010

Finals week: survival tips for the weak and weary By Amanda Dahill-Moore Staff Writer In every adventure tale, the final battle is the hardest. Not only is the hero exhausted from all of his or her other trials and tribulations, the final battle will be the culmination of all that she or he has learned. Finals week, dear hero, marks just such a battle in your own tale. It is the one remaining obstacle between you and freedom. But how do you muster the strength to get through? “Reward yourself,” said sophomore Chaimaa Azizbi, a business major. “Every single night at 10 p.m., me and a group of friends have family dinner at The Grill. We all work like crazy to get done in time.” Gerina Auguste, a junior and a double major in English and primary education, takes the reward strategy to a whole new level. “I get something pierced or I get a tattoo,” Auguste said. “I just hope that experience is more painful than the final.” If our professors are a model of success, rewarding yourself must be a good strategy. Kathryn Shields, assistant professor of art history, remembers using a similar method when she was a student. “If I achieved some kind of goal … then it would be time for a little reward,” Shields

said. “A short bike ride, trip to Starbucks or some special chocolate. It's like a mental game in some ways. You have to do the work before you get the reward.” Diya Abdo, assistant professor of English, motivates herself in the same way, even now. “If I grade a batch of papers, I indulge

We are all different, and the strategies that save one person might do nothing for another. “Learn what works for you” said senior Esta Broderick, a English major who works in the Learning Commons. For more help with studying, you can always make an appointment with a Learning

There are as many strategies for motivation and stress management as there are people in the world. Stress can motivate us and help us perform better, if we manage it properly. Remember: do not let stress manage you. myself in a guilty pleasure, like watching America's Next Top Model or Project Runway,” Abdo said. Benny Rosenstein, a junior and a double major in English and women studies, has another tactic. “I scare myself into focusing,” Rosenstein said. “I literally go to the mirror and tough talk myself.”

Commons tutor. “If you're stuck or don't know what your best learning strategy is, come on up (to the Learning Commons),” Broderick said. Some suggestions are common sense, but sometimes we forget the fundamentals during the times we need them most. “Good food and some exercise help your body refuel and keep germs from taking over

when you get run down,” said Director of Student Health Helen Rice. Many students also stress the importance of exercise in one form or another. “I dance as much as possible,” said Azizbi. “I like to choreograph random hip-hop pieces.” Delphine Uwase, a sophomore and an economics major, recommends taking a walk to clear your head. Uwase also uses varying musical genres for different types of homework. “Gospel motivates me, classical helps me stay calm and focused, and really fast dance music gets me going,” Uwase said. There are as many strategies for motivation and stress management as there are people in the world. Stress can motivate us and help us perform better, if we manage it properly. Remember: do not let stress manage you. “Figure out what works for you,” said Director of Counseling Gaither Terrell. “Try lots of things. Organize your tasks, make a list, let go of everything that is non-essential.” If you have not figured out strategies that work for you, try one of these on for size. Stress is something we will all have to deal with throughout our lives and creating a repertoire of ways to handle it will make every battle that much easier to win. Godspeed!

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Students, staff desire more religious and spiritual dialogue

Continued from Page 1 campus are trying to promote awareness of the variety of perspectives and faiths that students can learn about here on campus. According to some student sentiments, Guilford’s spiritual forum may be falling on deaf ears. Although quite diverse and rather tolerant, community participation remains underdeveloped. “I would suggest that there is a sense of spiritual apathy on campus,” said Dave Walters, sports information director/assistant director of athletics and faculty advisor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. “It’s up to the students to really pursue those things of interest to them," said Walters. "No matter how many religious activities and events there are, if there’s not an interest on the part of the individual student, those opportunities are not going to be enjoyed.” The Guilford Community of Religious Observants (GCRO) is a team of students and faculty who work to cultivate the spiritually enriching environment of Guilford by putting together an open forum for students of any background, including nonreligious students, to be heard and respected. “I am consistently told by students that Guilford is a place where religion and spirituality has a place at the academic table,” said Max Carter, director of the Friends Center, campus ministry coordinator, and GCRO advisor. “At the same time, I have been told by some students that the expression of certain religious sentiments can be met with opposition — enough to make them uncomfortable.” Part of what makes us a diverse and tolerant campus is our community’s actions as a whole. Individuals may bring biases and complicated past experiences, but we learn tolerance as a group. “People are hugely more tolerant and accepting in group settings. It’s easier to cast judgment when you’re not around (people of other faiths), but in a classroom setting I have bonded with many people who have different beliefs than I do,” said GCRO member and junior Yahya Alazrak. However, this does not excuse hateful actions within our

community, such as the recent anti-Semitic bias incident in Binford. “The Guilford community could stand to be more tolerant,” said Sasha Lipton Galbraith, student president of the Buddhist meditation group. “I’m not suggesting that Guilford is worse than any other community, but I think that there is so much responsibility we have as an institute of higher education to identify our biases and learn about them.” Some groups feel that this responsibility is not being taken as seriously as it could be, leading to respectful apathy from students and faculty alike. Kelly McGregor, student president of the pagan mysticism group, said that Guilford is diverse in terms of religous representation, but that there is still room for improvement. "For clubs like ours, there is simply a ‘live and let live’ approach being enacted," said McGregor. "Essentially, you can meet, we just don't want to know about it.” “I have heard from some students that is almost uncool to be religious of any kind,” said Assistant Academic Dean for Advising and Academic Support and Hillel faculty advisor Barbara Boyette. “There is an interesting mix of students we have here — some who are religious, those who are not but respect it, and those who are not religious and don't get why others are.” A recent unscientific survey conducted by The Guilfordian anonymously polled 120 students about religious diversity and tolerance on campus. Of the responses gathered, 13 percent identified as religious, 35 percent as spiritual, 22 percent as both, and 30 percent as neither. Furthermore, the students polled seem divided on whether Guilford was very diverse, fairly diverse, or not very diverse at all. The majority agreed that Guilford has a wide variety of religions represented, but how well they are represented and if that denotes actual diversity seems undecided among many community members. “There is religious diversity on campus, but I don’t feel that all of it is accurately represented,” said student president of Hillel Ali Krantzler. “Some students are hiding under the covers when it comes to their religion. I think it’s easy to say, ‘I don’t

... Tistheseason to get your By David Pfederkamper Staff Writer

The winter holidays are here at last. That means delicious holiday foods and beverages are here too. Right now you can get my favorite holiday beverage — eggnog — at any grocery store. Instead of spending your money on mediocre commercial eggnog, try this easy recipe.


1/3 cup of sugar 4 pasteurized eggs 1 cup heavy cream

2 cups milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1/3 cup rum (if over 21)


Separate the egg yolks and whites. Over a small bowl, crack an egg without opening it. Hold it upright and remove the shell’s top half, keeping the yolk in the bottom half. Dump the yolk into your hand, allowing any white to fall into the bowl. Pass the yolk from hand to hand over the bowl so that the white will fall in. Put the yolk in a large bowl and repeat.


Beat the yolks until their color lightens to the color of pineapple juice. Add one-third cup sugar. Beat until the sugar dissolves; if the mixture is grainy, keep beating.

feel comfortable in this community,’ but you can only say that so much if there are a variety of meetings put on for you to attend. There is a give and take to all of this.” The statistics that The Guilfordian gathered indicate that we do have a diverse campus. There are students from a wide range of different religious backgrounds, and many have groups that represent them on campus. The lack of awareness regarding the clubs seems to be the factor that keeps them from gaining traction. Most of the responses to the survey asking what students would like to see change in regards to religion on campus revolved around the bias incidents and a need for increasing religious tolerance and awareness. But for this to happen, there needs to be more student participation in activities that encourage inter-spiritual learning. Sixtyfour percent of the students polled did not specify anything they would like to see changed. “When more people are able to come out and be completely true and honest to themselves and others about who they really are, that’s when we can start having open dialogue about religion,” said junior and GCRO member Audrey Henneman. “The anger and animosity only rise when we don’t understand ourselves.” In order to keep our campus bias-free, students need to keep spiritual and religious discourse active, so that both religious and non-religious students feel comfortable expressing themselves. “A couple of years ago, a student showed me the ‘meditation room’ in the Community Center that he sometimes used to performs his daily prayers and it was quite shocking,” said Parveen Hasanali, religious studies professor and faculty advisor to the Muslim Student Association. “This small windowless space with an old seat, some cigarette butts and graffiti on the walls could definitely use an HGTV makeover. We do have other, better spaces. The Hut is a wonderful space for all students. But the point I'm trying to make is that a Muslim student might still feel alright praying in a really bad place because physical space doesn't matter — it is the mental space that we need to provide our students with.”

NOG on!

3 Add the milk, cream, nutmeg, and alcohol if you are over 21 (I prefer spiced rum). Stir to combine.

4 In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites to soft peaks. yolks

This means that if you pull your beater out, the egg whites will rise up, and then round back down or fold over. Add the tablespoon of sugar and beat the whites to stiff peaks. This means that the egg whites will form a stiff peak when you pull the beater out.


5 Whisk the two mixtures together. Chill, serve, enjoy. Using pasteurized eggs significantly reduces your risk of illness. I get some foam with this recipe. If this happens to you, you can either mix the foam back into the liquid or you can use it as a dip for sugar cookies. Photos by David Pfederkamper - Layout by Sam Jenkins


9 December 3, 2010

Palin's show is a political sham

By Alex Minkin

Staff Writer

Sarah Palin’s new show “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” debuted on Nov. 14 to almost five million viewers. She shared the top-10 ratings spots with the Pittsburgh Steelers, WWE wrestling, and Spongebob Squarepants. Some believe the show has the potential to expand her constituency and land her a nomination for the 2012 presidential election. I personally believe this gimmick will end up reinforcing her image as a dummy and a hack. Palin’s show airs every Sunday on TLC. She describes it as a “documentary,” its purpose being to bring the people and wonders of Alaska to everyday Americans. From what I have seen, however, it is just another ill-contrived reality TV show, sprinkled with lines spoon-fed directly from the producers. Palin’s expeditions into the beautiful Alaskan wilderness are contrasted with her often awkward family interactions. There are also several moments of blatant political advertising. In one instance, Palin compares the giant fence around her house to the kind of fence “we need to build to secure our nation’s borders.” When her husband Todd catches a fish, she says, “He’s bringin’ home the bacon, and that’s the way it should be.”

Palin’s hockey mom image has already won her popularity with certain conservatives who believe politics have become disconnected with American lives. Some analysts believe Palin’s show has the potential to strengthen her constituency by focusing on family values. Yet Palin does not seem to truly connect with her family on the show. She is glued to her Blackberry, Todd is just her little puppet, and the kids basically ignore her. The youngest daughter, Piper, calls her "Sarah" and another daughter, Willow, seems like she is plain unhappy to be there. It is clear that Palin is just as disconnected from her children as any other politician. Palin’s daughter Bristol has been a formidable competitor on this season of "Dancing with the Stars." I cannot figure out how accidentally becoming pregnant at 18 years old makes one a star. It baffles me really, almost as much as her mother getting a show on The Learning Channel. It seems Bristol is a chip off the old block. I do not believe the show will do any favors for Palin, but I could be wrong. America has a problem of getting its information solely from the media. I just hope America will first remember Palin’s 2008 interview with Katie Couric during which she could not name a single U.S. Supreme Court case or even a newspaper she liked. “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” ends up being exactly what it is trying to avoid being: elitist. She “reconnects” with Alaska’s working class by having a floatplane pick them up at their lakefront property. A leader does not receive millions for a show about her family’s vacations; a leader makes it their sole business to serve the people.

US history glosses over racism, resistance

By Zack Pinksy

Staff Writer

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Everyone who completed grammar school in the United States has heard some form of this children’s rhyme. It is a great way for students to remember a pivotal date in American History. The issue with this catchy phrase is that it hides the dirty reality of the event. By making it short and charming, teachers are able to browse over the trickery and murder that accompanied the discovery of our great land. “It doesn’t matter how you feel about racism,” said Jorge Zeballos, Latino community coordinator and international student advisor. “We all come out of school with a racist outlook.” On Nov. 18, the Center for Principled Problem Solving, along with the multicultural education department, hosted America’s Walk of Shame Through History, part of their White Privilege: Whiteness Series. The event focused upon timelines that surrounded the walls of King Hall 126, and the lines separating racist events from acts of resistance. The discussion began by looking at 1492, with the real events that surrounded the story of Columbus, and went all the way to 2010, culminating with Arizona’s new immigration policy. There were dates along the timeline that re-

ceived special attention, typically linked to acts or policies that affected America’s identity. Some were controversial, with people unsure of why some items were placed on the timeline. “Some policies can be seen as neutral on paper,” said Zeballos. “But, in execution, they are clearly racist.” A great example of this can be seen with the USA Patriot Act, proposed by the U.S. Congress, and signed into law by George W. Bush on Oct. 26, 2001. It was meant to assist Homeland Security, but instead resulted in clear cases of racial profiling. It was troubling to see the ratio of racist acts to examples of resistance. Embarrassed by my lack of historical knowledge pertaining to the resistance of racism, I was quick to find a chair and take notes on the activity taking place. Eventually we were told that this was a desired result of the activity. White people are taught to feel guilty about the past, with countless events being directly linked to Eurocentric thought. The history of resistance is typically taught as the work of minorities, excluding the white partners that assisted the cause. It is important to note the work of white activists in different situations, realizing the consequences and outright betrayal they were risking. Without this knowledge, it is easy to feel some guilt about a nation founded on racism and bloodshed, with the acts usually performed by white Europeans. History classes, although beginning to shift, have typically been a nice, clean version of white oppression. If history was taught differently, there would be a better discussion of the work done by people as a whole that resisted racism. It would remove a lot of the cultural separation that affects Americans every day, and hopefully help move toward a society in which history is not something to be feared.



Cancer sticks: reflections from a nonsmoker

Staff Editorial

part, all been serious smokers, I have struggled with being the person constantly ragging on them about the dangers of smoking, making snide comments when they have to go out in the rain or make a stop at the store for their “cancer sticks.” "Isn’t that disgusting and disturbing?" I ask, showing them pictures of a dying cancer patient, a child getting cigarette smoke blown in their face, a man with a tracheotomy. The carton labels read: “Warning: Cigarettes cause cancer,” or “Warning: Tobacco smoke can harm your children.” My friends all responded that they knew the dangers of smoking; putting it on a box is not going to stop them or anyone else. They just find it gross. When I mentioned the possibility of it stopping children from trying out a pack they seemed equally unfazed, responding that kids are kids; if they want to try cigarettes they are going to no matter what you tell them. I, on the other hand, disagree. You cannot see something that disturbing everyday, multiple times a day, every single time you crave a cigarette and not have those images and words sink in. This strategy is part of a larger plan of the FDA’s to start preventing people from smoking and helping people quit. The labels will not come out until around September 2011, but it all seems

Website debut: The Guilfordian tweets, likes, and blogs its way into the future

By Helen Gushue Staff Writer Tobacco use can cause cancer, lung disease, stroke, heart disease, and harm nonsmokers. Tobacco can kill you and those you love. Yet Americans are still smoking, and still justifying their behavior with lame excuses: It is not a big deal. I need it for stress. I am addicted. I will stop when I am older. I am too old to stop. In a new tobacco control strategy, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is going to require cigarette companies to put bolder warning labels and graphic images on their packs and other products. I think these new marketing strategies are a good step in the right direction. After looking at the proposed images and labels, I immediately wanted to show them to my smoker friends. As a nonsmoker whose boyfriends and best friends have, for the most

to be heading in the right direction. Two of my grandparents died from lung cancer, one of them had emphysema for the last 10 years of her life. But when they started smoking, the health effects of smoking were not widely known or believed. Cigarette companies hushed up the studies done about the harm it could cause. In this generation, we do not have that excuse. We have grown up knowing the health risks, being warned by our parents, mentors, and teachers. It is time that we start listening and stop buying into social excuses and corporate marketing. Think about how difficult this habit is making your life, the lives of those you care about, your wallet, your time, and decide this little stick of poison is not your friend. Once you become empowered and jump on that better smelling, cheaper, healthier horse, do not get off, not for a bad day, a bad month, or a bad year. Because as soon as you give in to that excuse, more will follow and those bad times will start spiraling and get worse and worse until you cannot even remember why you started again. The last proposed label by the FDA reads: “Warning: Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health.” The images that accompany this label are of a woman blowing a bubble and a man standing strong. I implore you to join them.

Professors using new methods to market classes

By Quinn Gray Staff Writer At one point I am sure all of us watched the classic MTV show "Pimp My Ride." Washed-up cars past their primes are reconstructed into true pimp-mobiles, and the unwanted then becomes a prized possession. This concept has now arrived on the Guilford campus. With spring semester approaching rapidly, professors are trying to persuade students to take their classes. Most of this encouragement is being shown on the daily Buzz e-mail that all students receive. Professors are essentially “pimping” out their classes. The act of pimping is usually something that society looks down upon, however, this new version of pimping sparks interest and supports academic involvement. This model could end up being the backbone of education as we know it. Every year I have run across a teacher or professor that simply views teaching as their job. Their interest in the students is minimal, and they lack the enthusiasm needed to keep their

class interested. I would say that the majority of the time a professor dictates what a student gets out of a course. Although the material they present is crucial, their attitude towards their job is even more important. Making it through these types of classes is a struggle that no one wants to encounter. From the moment we start the long path of education, we are told that academics is not only supposed to teach you the information needed to be successful, but it is also supposed to be fun and exciting. Reading a book is supposed to bring you into the moment that is being written about. Learning history informs us of our past and inspires patriotism. It is very hard to do this if there is no outside source of motivation. I want a professor that comes to class everyday and inspires me to do my work. They have to find the perfect balance between work and fun, and their work needs to be their passion. Class-pimping is one way to show students that professors care about what they teach. It allows them to reach out and express why their class is important. To those who see this as a joke or demeaning to academics I ask you to think twice. We have marketing strategies attacking us anytime we flip the page in a magazine or change the channel while watching television. Most of these advertisements are for unhealthy food choices and over priced clothing. Now marketing has seen the light. Academics has taken a role and found a way to inspire students through professor marketing. Welcome to New Age education.

Now marketing has seen the light. Academics has taken a role and found a way to inspire students through professor marketing.

As we hope you are all aware, the new Guilfordian website is up and running. It was a long journey but The Guilfordian has finally gotten hip and entered the new era of journalism. Members of the community are now able to follow the news via Facebook and Twitter. This allows for direct interaction with the content and opens up many more opportunities for upto-the-second news. There is much more potential for community involvement, and all it takes is one click of the mouse. Through Twitter you can tweet articles. On Facebook you can “like” them. We encourage comments on the articles; it is our hope that the content we provide sparks an open forum among members of the community and builds a cycle that brings more ideas back to us. The new tools that the website offers will allow us to broaden our mode of news coverage. We now have the ability to enhance articles with timelines, in-house graphics, audio bits, interactive maps, slideshows, and much more. It takes us into a whole new realm of reporting that was not previously possible. In the past semester we have been able to add The Guilford News Network—a video series that combines print and web coverage into one setting—which has allowed us to cover more news in less time. Video offers a different mode of coverage and captures moments in time that articles are unable to. The best part of all of this is that we are now able to bring you more news, more often, with more in-depth coverage. It also offers increased opportunities for Guilford students to become part of the exciting new future developing in web journalism. This can be through readership or the offer to lend your skills as a staff member. Visit all the latest news and information about Guilford and the greater Greensboro area. Email Liz Farquhar at farquharel@guilford. edu if you have any interest in joining The Guilfordian web team.


editorial board of the Guilfordian consists of five section editors, a photo editor, layout editor, web editor, sports web editor, video editor, executive copy editor, managing editor, and the editor-in-chief.

Reflecting Guilford College's core Quaker values, the topics and content of Staff Editorials are chosen through consensus of all 13 editors.


11 December 3, 2010

Top 16 teams: 2001-02 women's basketball #9 By Daniel Etter Staff Writer

We continue our countdown this week at number nine with the 2001-02 women’s basketball squad. An exciting and high-scoring team, the lady Quakers created a schoolrecord with 25 wins on their way to a 25-4 overall record and 18-2 record in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC). The 2002 team notched the second in a three-season streak of 20 or more wins and also took home their second straight ODAC title on the way to their second straight appearance in the second round of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Tournament. The winning season came at the peak of coach Barb Bausch’s memorable career. Bausch can be given a great deal of credit for the team's success that year, as the above-

mentioned winning streaks were a testament to the program she created and the winning pattern she established. That their success came through a total team effort, rather than the work of one or two players alone, becomes apparent after looking at the statistical breakdown. The team started more than 10 players that year and boasted five different players leading statistical categories like field goal percentage, three-point percentage, steals, rebounds, and blocked shots. Among those category leaders were stars Erin Beacham ’02 and Courtney Hill ’05. Beacham, who led the team in scoring and assists, earned first-team All-ODAC honors and was awarded the Most Outstanding Player award for the ODAC Tournament. Meanwhile, Hill led the team in rebounds per game, shooting percentage, and earned the ODAC Rookie of the Year award. After downing 13 straight ODAC opponents, the team

Junior Tobi Akinsola drives the ball to the basket during the Nov. 20 men's basketball home game against Emor y University. Despite similarly strong offensive moves, the Quakers lost 61-69.

finished their regular season with a tough loss to Emory and Henry College. But they did not let it hurt their momentum. Following the loss, the lady Quakers tallied three wins in the ODAC tournament, capturing the title with an 18-point victory over Bridgewater. Then, after defeating Methodist in the first round of the NCAA tournament, the team suffered a heart breaking, onepoint defeat to Hardin-Simmons in Abilene, Texas Although the final loss was difficult to bear, the team’s 25 wins remains the highest in school history and no team has since made it to the NCAA tournament. So there you have it. In the middle of a record-breaking streak of winning seasons for women’s basketball and at the peak of the career for one of the program’s greatest coaches, the 2001-02 lady Quakers find their home in the history books and at number nine on our countdown of Guilford’s greatest sports teams.



SPEED ★★ ★ Photo by Jim Schlosser '65








Quakers swim into fourth at Yellow Jacket Invitational Moments that we live for

Keyla Beebe Staff Writer

With Paul McCullough

File photo by Jack Sinclair

The Yellow Jacket Invitational was held Nov. 19 and 20 at Randolph-Macon College, where the Quaker swim team competed in a total of 18 events. Swimming against Bridgewater College, RandolphMacon College, Frostburg State University, College of Notre Dame, Hood College and Emory and Henry College, Guilford earned 176 points for fourth place. Randolph-Macon is predicted to be second in the conference with Bridgewater fourth and Guilford eighth. “The girls swam as if they were on fire,"said head coach Steve Kaczmarek. "It was amazing and shows their hard work. I haven’t seen them this fired up in a long time.” With their largest team ever, the swim team competed at this pre-conference meet in Ashland, Va, supported by banner-waving parents. Proving their consistency in relays throughout the meet, the Quakers placed sixth in the 200-yard freestyle and the 800-yard freestyle relays. They also placed seventh in 400-yard freestyle and medley relays. Both sophomore Allison Semmler and senior Kim Abbott swam in four of the top Guilford relay teams. “The relay teams were great,” said first-year Susanna Herrick. “They worked really well together.” With a final time of 27.31, Herrick placed fifth in the 50-yard freestyle, leading Guilford’s results of the first session. “A lot of girls had some personal bests and swam really hard," said senior Abbott. "It definitely showed we need the entire team there at every meet." At the end of the first day, after swimming five events, Guilford held third place behind RandolphMacon College and Bridgewater College. At 58 points, Frostburg State University trailed the Quakers by a single point. The second day started with the 200-yard medley relay, where the Guilford team of Abbott, Herrick, junior Kelcey Johnson and Semmler placed sixth. Gaining a total of 16 points for the team, senior Daphne Murphy, Abbott and first-year Kendra Medina took seventh, eighth and ninth respectively, in the 200-yard individual freestyle. The 100-yard butterfly featured another Guilford back-to-back with junior Rebecca Bacon and senior Sara Waitsman placing seventh and eighth out of 16 competitors. Beating her seed by seven seconds at 1:28.13, Johnson placed eighth in the 100-yard breaststroke, gaining five points for the team. Murphy completed the 1650-yard, 66 lap freestyle for 10th place, while University of Mary Washington’s Jessica Singer set a new pool record of 17:47.38. At the end of the two days, Guilford placed fourth, trailing third place Hood College by one point.

Home-team Randolph-Macon totaled 774 points to clinch first place. In men’s swimming, Frostburg took first over Hood and Mary Washington. “We left knowing we gave it our all, said Murphy. “I think we need to improve in putting less pressure on ourselves.” “Guilford swimmers strive in our balancing acts; we all work so hard in swimming, while at the same time completing school work, and each of us is involved in extracurricular activities,” Murphey said. The girls have proven their skills at balancing too, as they have the highest GPA of all Guilford sports teams. For a team whose home pool website says, “please check back later,” the Guilford women's swim team has been training and competing diligently. “It’s such an effort just to get to a pool,” said Herrick, “but we were competitive in the meet and have a lot of potential. I just wish more girls would decide to join.” The team’s next meet is at Bridgewater, which placed second at the R-M invitational. “I am excited about the rest of the season," said Murphy. “We have some of the best swimmers I have ever seen in my four years here and I can't wait to see what we can accomplish together. “ Coach Kaczmarek is proud of the girls' hard work while expressing enthusiastic about the team’s future. “Swimming isn’t like other sports; if you swim well you’ve won,” said Kaczmarek.

As sports fans, we can all remember a moment of sheer awe when we thought time stood still. An over-the-wall catch to rob a home run or an Olympic dive that seemed to defy the laws of physics altogether — these are the things that we sports fans live and breathe for. In the spirit of athletic awesomeness, here’s one fan’s opinion of the top five sports performances to date. There’s one sprinter that won’t soon be forgotten by sports history — Usain Bolt. A dominant competitor in every event he graced at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Bolt led Jamaica’s runners to the gold, and set a number of records in the process. But he didn’t stop there. Bolt broke his own records for the 100m — 9.69 seconds — and 200m — 19.30 seconds — set in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when he participated in the 2009 Berlin World Championships. There, he shaved off precious fractions of a second on each record, replacing them with 9.58 seconds for the 100m, and 19.19 seconds for the 200m. If you haven’t heard of the 1980 “miracle on ice,” the story of the 1980 USA Olympic hockey team’s triumphant victory over the thenundefeated and daunting USSR team, you’re missing out. The USA team’s victory has been dubbed one of the greatest moments of sport's history by numerous sources, and even inspired the film “Miracle,” which reenacts the underdog team’s rise to glory. Fans might recognize some legendary names from the team: coach Herb Brooks, team captain Mike Eruzione, and dominant scorer Mark Johnson. Hear the words “Hail Mary,” and some may think that they’ve stumbled upon a religious service in progress. To sports fans, however, the term “Hail Mary” has become synonymous with former Boston College quarterback Doug Flutie due to his unforgettable game-winning pass to wide receiver Gerard Phelan to defeat Miami by a score of 47-45 in the last hair-raising moments of their 1984 Cotton Bowl game. Kevin Love of the Minnesota Timberwolves pulled down an incredible 30 rebounds and scored 30 points in just one game, making him the first NBA player in 28 years to achieve the famed “30-30.” The last player to post up a 30-30 was Houston center-forward Moses Malone in a 1982 game against Seattle when he had 32 points and 38 boards. Last but certainly not least, our own Jordan Snipes ‘07 put up a game-winning shot against Randolph-Macon College that has accumulated over 9 million views on YouTube. With 0.6 seconds left in overtime, Snipes retrieved the other team’s missed free throw, turned around, and tossed the ball with one hand the full length of the court to win the game. Snipes excelled throughout the game, putting up 34 points overall in just 34 minutes. Shawn Melanson also contributed to this article.

Compiled by Will Cloyd


place first-year Susanna Herrick took in the 50-yard freestyle in the Nov. 19-20 RandolphMacon Invitational swim meet. Guilford finished fourth out of eight teams.


number of NFL teams tied for the best record in the league at 9-2. The Atlanta Falcons, New York Jets, and New England Patriots are all deadlocked. Both the Falcons and Patriots are undefeated at home.

total points and rebounds for junior Jazlyn Gibbs in women’s basketball team’s Nov. 29 win against Emory and Henry College. Gibbs was 9-17 from the floor.

File photo by Jack Sinclair

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total points and rebounds for senior TC Anderson in men’s basketball team’s Nov. 23 win over Averett University. Both are career highs for Anderson who was 13 of 14 from the free throw line.

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