Guilfordian volume 100 issue 5

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Volume 100, Issue 5 | October 4, 2013

the Guilfordian Guilford College | | Greensboro,NC



APSA News By Christianna Van Dalsen Staff Writer

with an immense number of Early College students, to lose that young student body,” said Lindeman. These recommendations are causing CCE, ECG and traditional students alike to feel disconnected from this process. “We’re feeling shut out from this,” said senior Daniel Raeder. “I hope (the committee) will take that into consideration. There’s the data-driven, but where’s the student-driven aspect of

numbers it can’t support when 1,000 students are separated out,” said Associate Vice President and Dean for Continuing Education Rita Serotkin. Another program targeted for reductions is The Early College program should negotiations fail to produce a more profitable contract. Professor of Music Timothy Lindeman advocated negotiations with Guilford County schools. “What a loss it would be, both to Guilford College and the departments

See APSA Hearings | Page 3

APSA Committee Members The following faculty and staff, selected by President Kent Chabotar, created the APSA proposal. The decisions were made on the basis of data submitted by the organizations in the assessment, and evaluations of that data by the committee over two years of regular meetings.

Greg Bursavich

Committee Co-Chair, Vice President for Finance

Kent Grumbles

Director of Institutional Research and Assessment

Erin Dell

Assistant Academic Dean

Bryan Bendley Assistant Professor of Biology

Former Members (Not Pictured): Fred Devine

Director of Human Resources

Caleb Whited-Ford

Jon Varnell

Committee CoChair, Vice Pres. for Administration

Christina Atkins

Senior Director of Advancement services

S budget | P 2 ee


Webexclusive content:

Video: Guilford College sexual assault resources By Francesca Benedetto Staff Videographer

Tom Palombo Athletic Director & Head Men’s Basketball Coach

Tracy Furjanic

Student ‘13

Assistant to the Athletic Director & Business Manager

Inside this issue

Video: Rumors trailer — a farce by Neil Simon

News | hispanic heritage month | Page 3

By Jordan Musick Staff Videographer

Features | Squirrel! improv group | Page 7

W&N | Peace for America and iran? | Page 5 Opinion | Defunding art gallery | Page 9

Eileen Martin/ Guilfordian

On Sept. 25, Dana Auditorium overflowed with students, staff and alum to discuss the new Administrative Program and Services Assessment report. “This institution has some really tough years ahead financially,” said Associate Professor of Business Management Betty Kane. “There are going to have to be some major structural changes.”

In light of this, the report focused on the financial feasibility of Guilford’s programs and services. “We spend so little money on staff compared to our peers with similar size endowments, debt, etc.,” said Associate Professor of Political Science Maria Rosales. “Yet most recommendations cut staff.” Other report recommendations added strain on Guilford faculty. “If we separate CCE, think about what would happen to the staff and the




Controversial new election laws suppress Democrat voters, opponents say North Carolinians riled up over recent changes to state voter ID laws By Bryan Dooley Diversity Coordinator & Senior Writer Throughout American history, debate has raged over which citizens have the right to vote. This debate has spawned some of the most famous and interesting quotes, from Patrick Henry’s “No taxation without representation,” to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh’s “More people vote in ‘American Idol’ than in any U.S. election.” More quotes will likely come from North Carolina voters now that Governor Pat McCrory has signed new election laws for the state. These laws demonstrate the pervasiveness of the Republican preoccupation with voter fraud rather than with making it easier to vote. “Our biggest problem is a lot of people who should vote, don’t,” said Maria Rosales, associate professor of political science. “Yet politicians in Raleigh are more concerned with the small number of people who vote, instead of the many people who

should vote but don’t.” The new law ends straight-ticket voting, reduces the amount of early voting days from 17 to 10, ends pre-registration for 16and 17-year-olds and, most controversially, requires a state-issued photo identification. The full law will not take effect for another two election cycles. The law already sparks discontent and has been challenged by two civil rights groups — the NAACP and the Southern Coalition for Social Justice — as well as by the Department of Justice. “You can probably count the number of voting fraud cases on one hand,” said Robert Duncan, visiting assistant professor of political science. “This law really is an attempt to limit the political voices of minorities, the elderly, and college students — in effect, to disenfranchise the Democratic Party base.” Bob Williams, professor of economics, expressed a similar opinion. “This is voter suppression,” said Williams. “All these reforms make it harder for those identified as Democrats to vote. “Interestingly, what they are doing is contrary to conservative values. This is more government intervention where there is no problem.” Changing voting laws is often done by the party in power, whether Republican or Democrat, in an attempt to stay in power.

Senate Update This Week’s Developments Jeff Jeske called attention to Guilford’s decision to stop offering public transportation to the Bryan Series. Parker Hurley and members of Trans*Action updated students on their efforts this semester. Students participated in another general discussion about APSA. PPS scholars came to Senate be a part of the discussion. Students were encouraged to email President Chabotar ( and the APSA committee ( to ask for a three-week extension on the deadline for community feedback.

Next Week’s Plans Students will be encouraged to help decide whether the rollover funds should be reappropriated to bolster the current state of the academic fund as well as the general fund. Jada Drew and Jorge Zeballos may also come to give an update

“Throughout our history, parties have used changes in voting laws as a way to seek partisan advantage while also asserting a principled argument,” said Kyle Dell, associate professor of political science, in an email interview. “Very rarely do you see a party backing a change in voting laws that the party does not believe would help them at the ballot box.” Isela Gutiérrez-Gunter, research associate and Latino outreach coordinator, provides an example. “All voting laws are partisan, and designed to maintain power,” said Gutiérrez-Gunter. “For example, in 2010 the Republicans gained a great deal of power in the state and took advantage of the fact that it was a redistricting year. They also undid some changes that the Democrats made to the absentee ballot procedure. “Republicans are good at getting the old people to vote by absentee ballot, so Democrats made the form more complicated and less accessible. With the Republicans in power, it is now easier to vote by absentee ballot.” Williams analyzes the conservatives’ motivation behind the new laws. “Studies have shown that during early voting days, the Republicans do most of the voting during the first few days,” said Williams. “In the last few days, that switches to Democrats. (Republicans)

Information for on-campus January term All you need to do to participate in an on campus January term experience is register in November at the same time as registration for the spring. Reduced cost: $500 flat fee for all experiences.

Questions? Email: or visit Compiled by Samir Hazboun, Community Senate President

In order to do an independent project, go to the registrar for the January Term Independent Project Form. For internships: see Megan Walters in the Career Development Center.

Calendar of January term deadlines Monday, Oct. 28

Grant application deadline for J-term.

Thursday, Nov. 7

Students notified of acceptance for activity and grant awards for programs at Guilford.

Monday, Nov. 11–18

Registration for J-term at Guilford and for Spring semester 2014.

Friday, Jan. 3

J-term begins at Guilford, unless your experience begins on another date.

Contact Us We need to hear your voice. Have an idea? Concern? Great recipe? It’s important to us.

eliminated those last days.” Limiting the days to vote and other aspects of the new law makes it harder for college students to vote, but it is not impossible. “Out-of-state voters should get a North Carolina photo ID at the address they are living at in 2014,” said Gutierrez-Gunter. “They should update their registration every time they move, including on campus, because sometimes the precincts change. Or voters can start practicing now, with the new absentee ballot process, because it does not require a photo ID.” Former student body president Tim Leisman ‘13 encourages students to get involved in the movement to change the law. “Get out there, vote, make your voice heard,” said Leisman in an email interview. “Get into the Moral Mondays movement, and write to Congressperson Howard Coble, Representative Marcus Brandon and others who represent our district. They need to know we are agitated.” Students can also join non-profit organizations that push for voting rights. “One of our most important rights as American citizens is our voting right,” said Sarah Dreier-Kasik, president of the Center for Continuing Education Student Government Association. “Our choices determine our future.”

October 4, 2013



APSA Hearings

Guilford fills Dana for open forum on APSA report


Eileen Martin/ Guilfordian

The recent APSA report has created definite and just concerns among the student population at Guilford College. As the Executive Board of the CCE SGA, we are astounded that suggestions were made in the report to completely “restructure” the CCE program into its own “separated product.” We are concerned as well that one justification given was to eliminate CCE student data so the College’s national ranking would increase. These suggestions abhorrently affect CCE student morale and are frivolous enough to be disappointing. Continued from Page 1 this?” Another program defended by attendees was the Art Gallery. “I witnessed huge turn-out, great student learning, great student engagement,” said Associate Professor of Religious Studies Eric Mortensen of Art Gallery events. “Therefore, how did (the committee) conclude it has minimal impact on student life?” Visiting Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies Jeremy Rinker also voiced concern regarding the valuation’s criteria. “I heard ‘qualitative’ and ‘quantitative’ data-driven approaches, but I get the impression the report is very much quantitative and not qualitative,” said Rinker. The Bonner Center raised a stir at the forum, too. “Through the Bonner Center, a goodwill and connection to the Greensboro community is created,” said Professor of Philosophy Lisa McLeod. “I’m not sure

how you would quantify or qualify that goodwill, but I encourage (the committee) to find someone who knows how.” Many students felt that the APSA committee’s recommendations disregarded Guilford’s core values. “The Multicultural and Quaker departments are very close to the innerlight,” said senior Noel Lane. “That’s why I came to Guilford. If there are other students who came here for the same reason, how will this affect retention rates?” Other attendees spoke out about preserving some of the school’s most treasured programs. “In the report the importance of community is acknowledged, and I think that’s something that is lacking from this report,” said sophomore John Madden. “I feel like the programs under scrutiny are the loudest and most vibrant programs here on campus.” The students expressed the importance of such programs to Guilford’s fundamentals. “The core of liberal arts education is

undercut by the recommendations,” said sophomore Noel McDonald. “Why are you choosing to eliminate or cut programs like Bonner, Multicultural education, the Friends Center, but programs like athletics are being maintained?” Committee member and Vice President for Administration Jon Varnell reminded attendees that the committee could only listen to their suggestions. “There’s nobody here on this panel, in this group, that can respond,” said Varnell. “The only thing we can do is help clarify and restate.” Varnell, along with the rest of the committee, will consider all feedback and revise the report before sending it to President Kent Chabotar. Chabotar, who also attended the forum, reminded attendees of their last opportunity for recommendations on the report. “By Oct. 4 APSA feedback is needed,” said Chabotar. “Sometime around fall break I will get the report ... you’ll come back and there will be no APSA recommendations.”

We are also deeply concerned that no CCE representative was invited to sit on the APSA committee, and we find the timing of the forum last week suspect, as it was scheduled during the daytime when the majority of CCE students were unable to attend because of work. We urge the CCE student population to send letters of response to the APSA Committee about the suggestion of minimizing our thriving program through unnecessary restructuring to

The deadline for submission of comments about APSA has been moved to Oct. 11, 2013.

Students celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month By Kinsey Danzis Staff Writer

Every year, people across the nation observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 by honoring the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens with Hispanic ancestors. This year, the Guilford College campus has its own unique plans for celebration, and students of all heritages are joining in on the cultural fun and education. These 31 days encompass the independence days for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Chile. Hispanos Unidos de Guilford has organized a series of events commemorating the cultures of Hispanic students. “We hope for the community to come out and learn about the different cultures and traditions that we provide for them in these events,” said senior Joyce Medina Allard, co-vice president of HUG. “I want people to have something that they are

able to take away from this, something meaningful to us and to them.” One of Guilford’s major events occurred on Sept. 23 when an organizer from Concejo Nacional Urbano y Campesino in Mexico spoke to the community. Luz Rivera Martinez told the audience about her 20 years of experience constructing autonomy in Mexico, organizing outside the electoral system and resisting genetically modified corn. Her experiences helped clarify the governmental issues that Americans have overcome for the most part but still exist for many Latinos and Latinas today in their own countries. “That specific event was for awareness about issues in Latin America that people tend to overlook, when in reality, we should be helping as well,” said Medina Allard. Guilford’s celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month is not just about spreading awareness of Latin American issues, though. Other events also mark the

importance of the month, such as En la Cocina con HUG, which took place Sept. 26. This event focused on a more lighthearted aspect of Hispanic cultures: food. Students cooked their own cultural dishes and brought them to Bonner House for a potluck. Each student shared the origin and cultural significance of their traditional dish, so the attendees got to learn more about Hispanic culinary cultures while eating. The education continued on Sept. 30 with La Cultura Hispana, where students learned more about interesting cultural aspects of different Hispanic countries. “There are so many different subcultures, and I think that gets glossed over,” said Maria Rosales, associate professor of political science. “It’s like people think ‘Latin Americans all speak Spanish,’ which isn’t even true. I think there’s that sort of sense sometimes.” Upcoming activities include the Salsa Evening, which will be held tonight on the

Grill patio. Students can come to listen to traditional Hispanic music and also take salsa and merengue dance lessons. Next Tuesday, Oct. 8, a forum titled Mi Camino will cover how and why Latino students identify themselves and what this cultural identity means to them. “I think it’s an absolute necessity for everybody to understand the Latino community, its history, its nuances, its culture and its traditions,” said Jorge Zeballos, director for diversity training and development. Maria Amado, associate professor of sociology and anthropology, agreed. “Effectively incorporating Latinos in our definition of community is seminal to our commitment to diversity,” Amado said in an email interview. “That is one way in which the Hispanic Heritage Month is congruent with our mission. “However, it is important to look beyond the celebrations of this month, making sure that the college affords support and voice to Latino students.”




The Guilfordian

calendar of events

The Guilfordian is the student-run newspaper of Guilford College. It exists to provide a highquality, reliable, informative and entertaining forum for the exchange of ideas, information and creativity within Guilford College and the surrounding community. General staff meetings for The Guilfordian take place every Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. in Founders Hall and are open to the public.


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Copy Editors Diana Gomez Julia Murnane

Taylor Seitz Nellie Vinograd

Videographers Francesca Benedetto Donovan Duvall Malikah French Taylor Hallett

Jordan Musick Carson Risser Eli Tuchler

Volleyball vs. Eastern Mennonite Ragan-Brown Field House 12 p.m.

First Friday Breakfast Info Desk, Founders Hall 9 a.m. Nightmares Around Elm Street Greensboro 8 p.m.



Women’s Soccer vs. Sweet Briar Appenzeller Field 2 p.m.


Wild Out Wednesdays Mugg’s Bar & Grill 9 p.m.

Community Yoga mind|body|fitness yoga 11 a.m.






SPCA of the Triad Adoption Event Petco 12:30 p.m.


Mah Jongg Leonard Recreation Center 1 p.m.


Letter to the Editor: observing APSA forum By maia dery visiting instructor of art and cape fear basin studies program/pps

I don’t prefer to sit still in a chair. But at the APSA Forum, I sat rapt for more than an hour and a half. I witnessed something I have only rarely seen at Guilford College: hundreds of students, faculty and staff engaged as a community. There we all were, articulating appreciation and concern, expressing a desire to be included in the difficult work of leading the college through unavoidable change, as we navigate the fiscal challenges we will face if we want this institution to survive. I had plenty to say, but I did something we all could stand to do much more of — I listened. And I did what we should all do at a college. I learned. Since I arrived at Guilford in 2001, I’ve witnessed a series of crises and responses that encourage a culture of scarcity and self-protection instead of transparency and creativity. At the forum, I heard the seeds of something different and altogether more forward-thinking, from everyone from our youngest students with the shortest view to wise experts willing to speak out. Greater fiscal transparency; more student, faculty and alumni involvement in administrative decisions to allocate resources; and more and better data were just a few of the requests to the committee, and, in turn, to all of us. There were also repeated expressions of sincere gratitude for the committee members’ hard work, and I now add mine to the mix. I suspect that the most important accomplishment of the APSA


Committee, and our strongest motivation for gratitude, could be the instigation of passion and stewardship that was palpable in the forum. From my limited vantage point, the committee’s task seems an impossible one. Impossible tasks have become a foundation of our culture at Guilford. Perhaps this was a glimpse into a strange land with a foreign culture, the land of the possible. We have so much here that is good and so many strengths upon which we can focus and build. But now, after the forum, I am left with questions I don’t think the committee is in any position to answer. Why were academic prioritization and administrative assessment two different undertakings and not part of a single, if difficult, conversation about who we are at our core? And why are these cuts coming before and not in tandem with doing the crucial work of developing a vision and mission shared by every single one of us? We have one role here, with which all tasks, all allocations, all cuts, and all jobs should prove integral, to provide our students with a transformative liberal arts education. Would we not be well served to take some time to understand and communicate what we are best at, what we can do like no other college, and who we as an educational institution could be in our most inspired and inspiring manifestation?

For the rest of Maia’s editorial, check out: WWW.GUILFORDIAN.COM

Dinner & Discussion with the Honors Program Featuring guest speaker Associate Professor of Sports Studies Robert Malekoff Gilmer Room 6:30 p.m.



See your event here email:

In case of hunger, please cut out the box below and paste in an easily seen spot in your room:

The Grill Monday–Thursday: 10 a.m.–11 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m.–9 p.m. (limited menu after 5 p.m.) Saturday: 2 p.m.–10 p.m. Sunday: 2 p.m.–10 p.m.

The Quakeria Monday-Thursday: 5 p.m.–11 p.m. Friday: CLOSED Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: 5 p.m.–11 p.m.

Stories by RISHAB REVANKAR graphic by Alicia hanchock

News in brief

October 4, 2013

World & Nation Brussels, Belgium The appearance and operations of the world’s most popular search engine may be in for a slight change. According to Agence-France Presse, Google and the European Union are settling on an agreement to end a long-standing dispute that highlighted Google’s “preference in search results to its own services.” While the new agreement will force Google to give greater visibility to competitors’ Web listings, Google would retain its EU surfers and avoid a $5 billion fine from the European Commission.

Washington, D.C., USA Since 1974, each fiscal year has begun on Oct. 1. And since 1974, Congress has only failed to agree on a spending plan on two occasions. Make that three. This week, Republicans and Democrats could not agree on a proposal by the Oct. 1 deadline, signalling the first government shutdown since 1996. Disagreement in Congress arises primarily from the president’s signature policy known as Obamacare. While Democrats remain content with the current provisions, Republicans demand that the spending plan include amendments to either defund or thwart Obamacare initiatives.


Seoul, South Korea A South Korean missionary operating under the alias “M.J.” came agonizingly close to helping nine North Korean escapees find freedom in South Korea. M.J. and the escapees, ages 15 – 23, evaded North Korean border patrol and had since traveled thousands of miles to Laos, a nation south of China. On the verge of claiming asylum in either South Korea or the U.S., the children were discovered by Laos airport authorities and returned to North Korea.

Caracas, Venezuela On Sept. 30,Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro accused three U.S. diplomats at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas of attempted sabotage. “Yankee go home … (you) have 48 hours to leave the country,” Maduro said on VTV, the state-owned television network. His accusations are on based on alleged meetings between the diplomats and Maduro’s right-wing political opponents. Last week, the Venezuelan president did not attend the U.N. General Assembly in New York, indicating a fear of “plots to physically harm him there,” according to CNN.

Iranian president seeks peace with United States By Nicole Barnard Staff Writer

Courtesy of

On Sept. 19, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani published an article for The Washington Post that resounded throughout the world: “Why Iran seeks constructive engagement.” “We must work together to end the unhealthy rivalries and interferences that fuel violence and drive us apart,” he wrote. Four days later, Rouhani spoke at the U.N. General Assembly, selling a peace pitch to the West. When asked what they thought about Rouhani’s position, students had a lot to say. “Ahmadinejad is no longer in office, and Rouhani sees an opportunity for a better relationship with the U.S.,” firstyear Chris Honein said. Joshua Weil, junior and president of the Guilford College Democrats, also hopes for a transformation. “The former presidents of Iran have all had policies that contradicted peace,” said Weil. “This is a new president. “I’ve been very skeptical up until this point,” he added. “But I’d like to think that political structures could change ... every year passes and you have new ideas … people might open up. I’m trying to keep an open mind.” Weil’s initial skepticism is valid in light of The New York Times writer Somini Sengupta’s argument. ”It was at times difficult to tell whether Mr. Rouhani was a genuinely transformative Iranian leader ... or a more polished avatar of the past,” Sengupta wrote in her article. Is Rouhani genuine, or is he simply trying to woo American support for an Iranian nuclear weapons development program?

According to Sengupta, “(Rouhani) insisted on Iran’s right to build what he says is a civilian nuclear program.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refuses to consider Rouhani’s diplomatic approach. “Israel will not be fooled by half-measures that merely provide a smokescreen for Iran’s continual pursuit of nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu told the U.N. General Assembly. Professor of Political Science Maria Rosales indicates the reasoning behind Israel’s hesitancy to extend ties with Iran. “(Israel) would be very uncomfortable with the U.S. being at peace with Iran unless the U.S. was not going to let Iran undermine Israel’s position in the Middle East,” she said. At the U.N. General Assembly, President Barack Obama acknowledged Rouhani’s claim that “the Islamic Republic will never develop a nuclear weapon.” Obama made it clear that “the U.S. (would) not tolerate the development or use of weapons of mass destruction” under any circumstances. After the Assembly adjourned, Rouhani and Obama spoke by telephone for 15 minutes about resolving the standoff over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Afterwards, Obama said to the American public that he believes (Iran and the U.S.) can reach a comprehensive solution regarding nuclear weapons. But the issue of peace with Iran goes beyond simply achieving it. It goes beyond nuclear weapons, too. The question is: if peace is achieved, can it be maintained? “I think it could be maintained assuming that Rouhani stays in office,” Weil said. “Change in political structure could lead to the next president deciding that they don’t want peace with the U.S.” “Maintaining peace would be difficult,” said Honein. “America and Iran have very different views on Israel. That is a decisive enough issue to alone cause strain.”

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani offered to end tensions between the U.S. and Iran via an article in The Washington Post.


World & Nation

Al-Shabaab turns Kenyan mall into a slaughterhouse by renee dehart Staff Writer On Sept. 21, al-Shabaab insurgents stormed Nairobi’s Westgate mall, killing at least 72 and leaving 175 injured. Affiliated with al-Qaeda as of last year, al-Shabaab claims that the attack was in response to a prolonged Kenyan military presence in Somalia. Kenya first intervened militarily in 2011, when al-Shabaab cut off humanitarian aid into southern Somalia. After the initial Westgate siege, terrorists held and tortured hostages inside the mall for nearly 72 hours. Besides hostages, other victims stranded in the mall struggled to avoid detection by terrorists. “I was next to this teenage boy who was laying flat on his tummy,” Sneha Mashru, a radio presenter who was trapped in the mall told Euronews. “I realized he was shot because he was bleeding … so I took a lot of his blood, as much as I could, and I tried to put it on myself to pretend that I was dead.” Charlotte, N.C., native Katherine Walton found herself in a toy store with her three young daughters. Her two older children were in a different store at the time of the attack. “My two-year-old immediately crawled

up in a fetal position facing the floor and just stayed in a ball,” Walton said. “She was so still that I kept touching her to check that she was still breathing.” Walton and her children were rescued by Abdul Haji, a civilian who provided cover fire and rescued roughly 1,000 people from the mall. Amidst the four-day hostage crisis, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta repeatedly reassured Kenyans that his troops were regaining control of Westgate. Members of al-Shabaab were quick to retaliate using Twitter to announce that they were “still inside the mall fighting the (Kenyans).” Finally, on Sept. 24, Kenyatta announced that all of the attackers had been “ashamed and defeated.” Five terrorists from alShabaab were killed in the mall, and the remaining were captured alive. Recent evidence, including blueprints of Westgate and concealed weapons inside the mall, suggests that the siege had been meticulously calculated. Equally well planned, one could argue, is al-Shabaab’s recruitment strategy. Two of the terrorists have been confirmed to be of American origin. Jeremy Rinker, visiting assistant professor of peace and conflict studies,

“ I took a lot of his blood, as much as I could, and I tried to put it on myself to pretend that I was dead.” Sneha Mashru, shopper in Westgate mall suggests the source of the problem is a lack of needs being met for these young men in high conflict areas. “It’s easy to prey on that frustration, and groups like al-Shabaab have become very adept at handling that,” Rinker said. Although there is no evidence linking her to the attack, authorities fear that Samantha Lewthwaite, dubbed the White Widow, was involved in plotting the attack. After her husband died as a suicide bomber in the London attacks in 2005, Lewthwaite fled to Kenya, where she is currently wanted on charges of a 2011 conspiracy to attack Kenyan hotels and restaurants. Allegations of a recent connection to the Westgate shooting have heightened the search for the elusive White Widow. Since the attack, many in Kenya have declared a need to revamp security.

They argue that a Kenya-Somalia border susceptible to illegal immigration accounted for Somali insurgents entering the country unnoticed. “Kenya needs to bring its citizens together to recognize security threats, to mobilize them into a common security consciousness and surveillance system that they trust and have confidence in,” Godwin Murunga, deputy director of the African Leadership Centre in Nairobi wrote in an article for CNN. While it remains unclear whether Kenyatta will tighten border control, it is clear that his troops will remain in Somalia. “We went as a nation to Somalia to fight the war against terror unleashed on Kenyan people, Somali people and people around the world,” Kenyatta said this week. “This is not a Kenyan war, this is an international war.”

Pope makes remarks regarding gay marriage and abortion, sparks criticism by Ty gooch Staff Writer

Courtesy of

The recently elected Pope Francis may be more liberal than you think. With his recent comments on gay marriage and abortion, the pope faces heavy criticism from Catholics and other Christians alike. “We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods,” said Pope Francis in a recent interview with La Civiltà Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal. Francis clarified that, while he said the Church should not be so “obsessed” with these topics, he was not justifying gay marriage and abortion. In light of Francis’ comments, some argue that the Church is becoming more tolerant of homosexuals. “The church has been calling for mercy and not condemning persons who have same-sex attractions,” Father Mack, a priest at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, told The Guilfordian in an email. Evidence behind this claim comes from the pope’s comments this summer on homosexual priests. “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” asked Francis. Although he may not be one to judge, the pope sent shockwaves through the Catholic Church after his interview went public. “Conservative Catholics think he is encouraging sinful behavior,” said President and Professor of Political Science Kent Chabotar. “What the pope is saying essentially is that we are all sinners, and that while you may hate the sin, you should still love the sinner.” Mack, however, argues that the pope’s message conforms to Catholic tradition. “He actually did not say anything new, radical, or depart from Catholic teaching,” said Mack. And even if he did, Chabotar stresses that the pope’s comments are not always a reflection of Church policy. “Oftentimes, people mistakenly think anything the pope says is supposed to be infallible,” said Chabotar. “Only when His Holiness speaks ‘ex cathedra’ on a matter of faith or morals is this true. That has happened once since the Vatican Council in 1870.”

Pope Francis has astonished some in the Catholic church with his comments regarding gay marriage, abortion and contraception. Chabotar went on to clarify that the pope’s words are not always official either. “When Obama talks, we don’t take everything he says as federal policy,” he said. “The same goes for the pope although I must admit that Pope Francis has more control over the College of Cardinals than the President has over the U.S. Congress.” “I view the Church as being less conservative and more tolerant of sinners,” said first-year Colin Macintosh. “I see the Pope’s comments as a step in the right direction.” On the other hand, Mack does not see an increase in tolerance. “I really haven’t seen, heard of, or read any convincing evidence that this is the case,” said Mack. Early College junior and practicing Catholic Erin Egan

stressed that the Church is still very conservative. “Last year, my priest went out of the way to encourage people to vote for Amendment One (an amendment to the N.C. Constitution that prohibited the state from recognizing same-sex marriage),” said Egan. Francis recently took similar action when he excommunicated a priest who supported same-sex marriage, as reported by The Telegraph. While recent news suggests that the Church is still conservative, can the argument be made for an emerging shift to the left? “With 2,000 years of experience, the Church is slow to change,” said Chabotar. “But it has changed. How much change we can expect now is, at this point, speculation.”


October 4, 2013


Nutty new improv group Squirrel! brings laughter, creativity to student life By Brent Eisenbarth Staff Writer

Kiera McNicholas/ Guilfordian

Guilford’s new improv group seeks to — Squirrel! Sorry, let’s start again. Guilford has a new improv group dubbed “Squirrel!” after both the well-known line from the movie “Up” and those pesky squirrels around campus. In “Squirrel!,” a mix of traditional students and CCE students crowd into Hendricks Hall to let their hair down, playing improv and drama games to sharpen their wit and think on the spot, an invaluable skill on a college campus.

“It’s really a stress reliever,” said senior April Rogers. “It’s fun … to know that if someone prompts you with a question … here, you can just say the first thing that comes to your mind. We all laugh. We all have a great time … (It’s) just a break from … the non-silly life, you could say.” The club’s founder, senior and CCE SGA president Sarah Dreier-Kasik, agreed, but said she also found improv allows one to think more quickly. “To me, this group is relaxation, but it’s also a focus,” said Dreier-Kasik. “Right after this meeting I had a study group, and I realized that ... things were coming very

CCE seniors Sarah Dreier-Kasik and April Rogers founded Squirrel!, the new improv group.

quickly because having done the mental exercises with improv made school easier.” Dave Dobson, both a professor of geology and a weekly improv performer at the Idiot Box in downtown Greensboro, concurred about the benefits of improv. “If you ask my family, the impact is that I make a lot more stupid jokes,” Dobson said with a chuckle. “But I think, for (everyone), learning those skills helps you be a lot more spontaneous, and it actually helps in conversations, because you have to be a really good listener to do well at improv. You really have to listen to what other people are saying to understand what they’re meaning.” This is not the only benefit this convivial group seeks to reap through improv. DreierKasik added that improv is important because it is the essence of an interview; in fact, it was Alan Mueller’s J-term class, Improv for Interviews, that inspired DreierKasik. “The concept is that every interview you do is improv, because no one ever gives you the questions ahead of time for a job interview,” said Mueller, assistant dean of career and community learning. “We thought we would make something as mundane as practice interviewing more fun. Dave Dobson came in and taught the students the basics of improv comedy, and then the counselors from the career center came in and gave practice interviews.” So if you like comedy, improv or just want to clean some cobwebs out of the ol’ noggin, then swing by one of Squirrel!’s meetings. Squirrel! meets almost every other Sunday from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. in the main room of Hendricks. Their third meeting is Oct. 6, and anyone is welcome to join this brand new improv group. The improv could lead anywhere.

Dates/Time of Squirrel!’s Meetings: Sunday 2-3 p.m. Oct. 6 Oct. 20 Nov. 3 Nov. 17 Dec. 1 Dec. 15 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. 16 March 2 March 16 April 6 April 20 May 4 Allan Mueller’s Improv for Interviews is offered this J-term.

Syrian-American doctor stuck between heart and home BY Robert Pacheco Staff Writer “I lost two cousins in one weekend due to violence from al-Assad’s forces,” said Dr. Muhammad Arida to the Guilfordian. “The people that are dying in Syria are being killed at genocidal levels.” It has been over two years since protests in Syria were violently suppressed by Bashir Al-Assad’s regime. In that time Dr. Arida, a cardiologist who immigrated to America shortly after finishing school at the University of Damascus, has done his best to help those affected by the Syrian civil war. Dr. Arida works closely with Al-Aqsa Community Clinic in Greensboro where he organized with clinic founder Amal Khdour to donate aid to refugees of the crisis through the Syrian American Medical Society. “The Syrian American Medical Society has focused on sending aid in the form of medical staff and supplies,” said Katrina Jorgensen

of SAMS through e-mail. “We’ve saved over 92,000 lives and sent $5.5 million in medical aid. Our organization runs on volunteers and donations alone.” Through the tenacious benevolence ingrained in doctors, Dr. Arida organized Al-Aqsa Community Clinic’s 45 volunteers and 2,000 patients to donate aid. Two trailers were filled with blankets, food and supplies this summer and given to SAMS to help the Syrian refugees. “Giving aid to those affected by the violence in Syria is like putting band-aids on someone who is dying from internal bleeding,” said Arida. “The alAssad regime are the cause of the nations internal bleeding; it is pointless to address any other wound until you heal the most drastic affliction.” The debate of military force in Syria rarely takes into account the perspectives of those affected by the violence, and the human cost of inaction. Often the discussion of Syrian intervention regresses to the foreign policy failure of the

Iraq War. “It is important to remember that the Syrian conflict started as a series of peaceful protests aligned with the ‘Arab Spring,’” said Dr. Arida. “It was the al-Assad regime that began brutalizing the citizens because they would not disperse. The rebels asked for our help then, and we chose to ignore them.” “Syria is a perfect storm for Al-Queda-type extremism,” said sophomore Omar Jasim, an Iraqi born student. “Al-Queda was dying during the Arab Spring, now it is blossoming in the chaos of the Syrian civil war.” Dr. Arida fears that if the growing influence of extremist groups is not curtailed now, they may become influential in Syria.

“Without American support to the rebel groups, the moderate forces will become the minority,” said Dr. Arida. “Our inaction will become action for extremist groups to radicalize the population. “The specter of Iraq hangs over this war; it is why the U.S. has not involved itself. It is a ghost that negatively affects U.S. foreign policy.” Amal Khdour, founder of AlAqsa community clinic, agrees with Dr. Arida that our collective sins in Iraq are blinding the recent success of U.S. diplomacy. “Intervention in Syria is more like the U.N. assistance of Libyan rebels in their civil war,” said Khdour. “Libya improved America’s standing in the Middle

East because the implementation of a no-fly zone balanced the equation for the rebels to control their destiny.” Khdour believes that balancing the field of war for rebel groups emboldens U.S. foreign policy. “It shows that democracy isn’t easy, it isn’t pretty; but it is fair,” said Khdour. “Not every intervention is bad, said Dr. Arida. “Going to war over false information was obviously a grave error. However, we cannot stand aside while one-third of the Syrian population is displaced and 5,000 people are killed each month. “In a democracy, inaction to stop a tragedy, essentially, is culpability to that crime.”

“Giving aid to those affected by the violence in Syria is like putting band-aids on someone dying from internal bleeding.” Dr. Muhammad Arida

Features 8


Unique look at homelessness comes to Greensboro The goal of the project is to reveal the personalities and stories of the people who experience homelessness and show that they are people first. “Through these beautifullywritten pieces, readers can see the people who experience homelessness as real people who contribute to the community,” said Frisbie-Fulton. The writers clearly have a fresh perspective on many aspects of the city that may pass under others’ radars. “I have never ridden a bus before,” wrote Melea G. Lail in her piece “Ode To The Depot.” “I have a 31 day bus pass. And a lot of places to go/ Calling Me the green and white blood that/ Runs through Greensboro’s veins of asphalt/ Steering me on my new life.” The poignant storytelling of these experiences provides a point of view that many of the readers would never have understood considering the authors’ backgrounds. “Often what we see and take in is a person on the streets with dirty clothes, but these people have lives,” said Yarbray. “They have lived, they have families, they’ve had jobs. They come from the same places that we all come from. Getting to know those people as people first and then looking at their life situation is important.” The pieces share stories that are unique and important, and bring fresh perspectives to the minds of every Greensboro citizen. And the stories deserve to The Storyscapes Project in downtown Greensboro features personal stories by people who previously have or currently are experiencing homelessness. be shared.

Guilford theatre department full of anticipation for new season and new faculty BY Emily Haaksma Staff Writer

An electric sander, manned by sophomore Lee Sisson, buzzes in the scene shop. Junior Patrick Brandt runs lines next to the Joseph M. Bryan Jr. Plaza fountain. Sophomore Nina Troy prances fearlessly along the catwalk. There is always something happening in the Theatre Studies Department. Right now, everyone is preparing for this year’s production season. The first step is choosing the season’s three shows. “We’re a little unusual because we take nominations into consideration,” said Marc Williams, instructor of theatre studies. “We use a very Quaker process. We talk through the pros and cons of each title and essentially the students select shows.” Williams is directing the first show of the season, “Rumors” by Neil Simon. “Rumors is a farce, and farces turn the existing society on its ear,” said David Hammond, chair of the Theatre

Studies Department. This play is about a group of highclass members of society that attend a dinner party together. However, the party never truly begins because the host has shot himself in the ear and the hostess is missing. Hilarity ensues as confusion heightens. “It’s a laugh a minute,” said Williams, eager to see the audience’s reaction to “Rumors.” The second show of the season will be “Animal Farm,” an adaptation of the classic novel by George Orwell. This show will be directed by Professor of Theatre Studies Jack Zerbe. Students will be rehearsing throughout J-term and performing when the rest of the student body returns to campus. The final play, “Heartbreak House,” will be directed by Hammond. “Heartbreak House” takes place on the precipice of World War I, and, like “Rumors,” revolves around the incorrect and often humorous preconceptions of the wealthy elite.

Hammond describes the show as “a heroic comedy and romance that faces the realization that everything we stand for may not be around forever.” The upcoming season will be enhanced by two recent additions to the department: Robin Vest and Bryan Coleman. “The design and technology portion of our department has been improved in an almost immeasurable way through their presence,” said Williams. Vest is the new resident designer and Coleman the technical director and production manager. “Working with Bryan is very entertaining, but he still treats us like professionals,” said Troy. Pleased with how this season ties together, Hammond claims that all three shows serve as commentary on the tenuousness of society. “These plays all happen when natural impulses hit circumstances that make them assert themselves very strongly, so that people behave as themselves but much more extremely,” said Hammond.

This kind of deep analysis is not uncommon in the Guilford Theatre Department. “Marc always follows a scene by asking how you think you did,” said first-year Emma Moreno. “He helps you figure out what’s happening instead of dictating it to you.” “I like the fact that the department is intellectually rigorous,” said Hammond. “There’s nothing more magical than the joy of creative problem solving.” Sophomore Victoria Saraldi, stage manager for “Rumors,” feels that the Theatre Studies Department has had an immensely positive impact on her college experience. “They have your betterment in mind,” said Saraldi about the department. “The professors will do everything in their power to make you successful.” “I think that Guilford has a moral involvement in its work,” said Hammond. “There are a lot of things that are joyous here, but I don’t think that there’s anything frivolous.”

Eileen Martin/ Guilfordian

stories that would seldom ever be heard. The project opens a new way “In captive, drugs and of thinking for the readers. alcohol/ Wondering will I live “There’s something really or die/ My soul a walking time powerful about stories, no bomb/ Living day by day/ matter the context of how we Hustling through life/ To meet share them,” said Kim Yarbray, my needs,” wrote Forrist Willis project and communication in his poem, “My Life Story.” manager for the Center for Willis is one of several Principled Problem Solving, storytellers taking part in a group that has worked the Storyscapes Project in with Greensboro’s homeless downtown Greensboro, all of population in the past. “Stories whom have or are currently are the things that make us experiencing homelessness. human.” The project shares the stories of Some of the stories go those aided by the Interactive beyond the perspective of the Resource Center and reveals writer and into sharing pieces those individuals’ intimate of Greensboro history. relationships with the cityscape. “Why justice never prevailed “The goal of Storyscapes is to … and the KKK went free …/ remap downtown Greensboro How this horrible act is a part from the perspective of of my legacy … / How this people who experienced changed my life forever, and homelessness,” said project forgiveness is/ Still taking creator Gwen Frisbie-Fulton. it’s time …,” writes Donna Each piece is exhibited where Harrelson-Burnett about the the story took place. The IRC Ku Klux Klan killings that has maps for people who want occurred in Morningside to walk the streets and read the Homes on Nov. 3, 1979. stories. Some are notes, some The poem was placed in are art pieces and some are Greensboro’s Civil Rights poems. Museum. This project explores “Ruptured sidewalks and the relationship between the hemorrhage stained blocks, people and the city. many strangers you have “When people who are deceived/ Rusted rivets and experiencing homelessness are arches, an ugly structure thou able tell their stories of place, it art, but abundance of character allows them to become visible you have received,” writes a as human beings, but it also participant known as Gas Man. adds a dimensionality to the His piece, called “Dream place we live,” said Yarbray. Bridge,” was placed on “As we walk across the the bridge crossing Davie world — on paths, on streets, Street, Martin Luther King Jr. in woods — every step we Boulevard and Elm Street. The take has been taken by others words of each of the writers tell before us.”

BY olivia neal Staff Writer


October 4, 2013


Defunding Hege Art Gallery would be a terrible waste This Week's It’s one of our most well-known features. It’s one of the few things that separate us in a great way from other small, private liberal arts colleges. And it’s in danger. Of course, I’m referring to the art gallery in Hege Library. Recently, there has been a lot of buzz about the Administrative Program and Services Assessment floating around campus. Our school is planning on changing a lot, and while most of the list focuses on simply reconstructing parts of our school, our library’s art gallery might be eliminated. “The art gallery’s survival is uncertain By anna because of lack of funds,” the Guilford oates Beacon said. “The elimination of the Staff Writer Administrative Assistant Position is recommended. APSA recommends a fiveyear timeline to raise funds, and if fundraising goals are not met, elimination of the Art Gallery, as well as Terry Hammond’s position as curator, will be unavoidable.” Five years may seem like enough time to pull together some money, but it’s questionable, considering the sum needed is $1.5 million. But why does this matter so much? “It brightens the atmosphere, and it makes Guilford a better place to be in general,” junior Amanda Williams said. And she’s not alone. The campus has lit up with discussion about this choice, and almost all of it is in favor of keeping the art gallery. “Over the 14 years I’ve been here, (the art gallery) has gotten more positive press than anything else here at Guilford,” said Visiting Instructor of English Caroline McAlister. “It brings together the Guilford community and the community outside of the college.” The art gallery expresses much of what the Guilford College community stands for. It showcases a wide variety of cultures and encourages us to come together. It opens closed minds to

new viewpoints. And it offers a source of inspiration to anyone who comes searching. Not to mention that it’s beautiful to walk through and makes our campus truly unique. Yet we’re thinking about getting rid of such a treasure? The board says it’s because the gallery lacks direct impact. However, that’s not easy to give when speaking about gaining new viewpoints and inspiration. “(The gallery) has a way of truly touching people, and that’s not something you can record or replace,” said Curator of the Art Gallery Terry Hammond. “Even though it’s hard to quantify how many people go into (the gallery) and are affected by it, I know a ton of people who do go and really enjoy it,” Williams said. The art gallery’s intangible value is important to many at Guilford. But the art gallery doesn’t just host art shows. It also features lectures and other events, raising its use and capital. “I’ve been to more lectures in the art gallery than anywhere else on campus, and I truly enjoy them,” McAlister said. The lectures attract students from all different majors, and many of them go on unrecorded walk-throughs after the lectures. “This is not something that is just for the art department,” Hammond said, “It’s used by many different disciplines. It’s surprising how integrated is. I’ve worked with everything from the English department to the economics department.” The facts remain that the art gallery is a huge part of our campus. It helps shape us, influence it and publicize it. And we’re on the verge of losing it. Chances are that decision isn’t going to change much in the two weeks the administration gave us students to read and respond to the report, and we certainly weren’t represented well in the APSA committee. A college is made up of students, faculty and staff. Having each group represented by a single person was a poor choice, and now we are left with the aftermath. Guilford, we have five years. Are you ready to fight?

Teachers deserve more respect, money Job description: seeking people willing to accept meager pay, high workloads and constant criticism. In today’s political and social environment, such conditions are all too common for teachers and those entering the education field. Yet they receive virtually no attention. Instead of reform, politicians like Sen. By aditya Rand Paul and Rep. garg Michelle Bachmann staff writer voice opinions to rid the country of education funding and even the Department of Education. While other countries are redoubling their investment in teachers and education, the United States continues to restrict and scale back its investment in those sectors. Talk about progress. “Folks who have no idea what it means to be an educator are making the changes that impact educators,” said Professor of Education Studies David Hildreth. “There is an erroneous belief among these folks that anybody can be a teacher.” Such “folks” are especially prevalent in North Carolina, where the General Assembly recently passed a bill eliminating teacher tenure, automatic pay increases for teachers who earn a

master’s degree and the N.C. Teaching Fellows Program. “It is embedded in our culture,” said Dana Professor of Psychology Richard Zweigenhaft. “For the past few decades, we have seen a decreased commitment to public education in America.” Rather than encouraging talented teachers to enter the field, legislators created stronger roadblocks and limits. “These legislative acts undermine the respect, however limited it already is, for professional educators,” said Assistant Professor and Chair of Education Studies Julie Burke. Burke explained that the effects of the recent laws are already apparent. “There were a lot more openings in local schools after the 10th day (of school) than I’ve seen in quite a while,” Burke said. “We are already seeing teachers leaving the state for Virginia and South Carolina, where salaries and benefits are more sufficient.” Such an exodus of teachers will likely increase in coming years unless the state provides greater compensation. Our teachers inherit the burden as the caretakers of our nation’s future and ultimately the future of human progress. Teachers are the foundation of our society, the stimulators of intellectual curiosity and experimentation, the progenitors of a future that will only be marked by increased complexities. And what do we do? We continue to pay them the lowest

salaries of any profession. We continue to repeatedly restrict their classroom budgets and capabilities. And we continue to discourage bright talent from entering the noblest of all fields. “Most teachers have a passion above and beyond tangible things like pay and those who really care will stay in education,” said Hildreth. “But it is harder and harder to do the things you love when you feel this constant sense of oppression.” “It is definitely frustrating when teachers cannot get the supplies they need for their class,” Executive Director of Talent Development for Guilford County Schools Amy Holcombe told The Guilfordian. Such oppression and frustration is simply unacceptable. Our society rests on the shoulders of our teachers, yet we show no sign of appreciation or gratitude. Instead, we inundate them with continued abuse and restrictions. The future of our society depends on the teachers that build it. If nothing else, we must stop the continual demoralization of teachers and the use of education policies as a means of expressing political or ideological differences. Education changes lives, ends poverty and inspires prosperity. If we do not give teachers the respect they deserve, the pay they are worth and the resources they need, we are digging the hole for our own future.


The future of Guilford Four big letters weigh heavy on our minds and hearts these days: APSA. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the proposals in the new Administrative Program and Services Assessment report. You’ve received emails, Facebook notifications, seen fliers on doors or maybe overheard people talking in the cafeteria. Undeniably, a huge controversy has ignited our campus. We are all concerned about the well-being and future of the College. And frankly, we should be. We at The Guilfordian hope that the services that strengthen our community and make Guilford the unique institution it is will not be discarded. We hope that the administration will view staff and administrative departments not just in terms of hard numbers or statistics, but in terms of their far-reaching effects on the community and the Guilford experience as a whole. We hope that the administration understands that many of the areas that face reduction or elimination are indispensable and essential to Guilford’s core. If you usually ignore documents that have scary words like “administrative” and “assessment” in them, you should brave through it for this one because, undoubtedly, the decisions made for the APSA proposal will affect you in some way. They will affect us all. In the report itself, the euphemism “restructure” can be found throughout the document. Much of what we love about Guilford now faces this fate of restructuring, or worse, elimination. Services like the Friends Center, the Art Gallery, Bonner Center, Career Development Center and Multicultural Education face downsizing, position cuts or being clumped in with other departments. And they are the lucky ones. Other services, like the Conflict Resolution Resource Center, could be cut altogether. Reducing resources that enrich student experience and propel community building and diversity does not reflect what Guilford stands for. As an institution that emphasizes core values of community, diversity, stewardship and justice, it seems like our priorities are off here — especially given that areas such as the PE Center and Athletics will most likely be maintained as is. The smell of contradiction lingers in the air. We feel grateful that we were eventually included in the conversation. We just hope this inclusion was out of more than just politeness. We hope our voices will not just be heard, but listened to intently. Guilford’s future depends on it.

Reflecting Guilford College's core Quaker values, the topics and content of Staff Editorials are chosen through consensus of all 16 editors and one faculty adviser of The Guilfordian’s Editorial Board.




Earbuds: surrounded by music, far from our friends Here comes that guy I met at the Olds last Friday. Oh no! He’s waving. I don’t really feel like talking to him ... iPhone out. Earbuds in. Head down. No conversation. As this familiar Guilford scene suggests, listening to music has become an increasingly isolated experience. While gaining instant access to our favorite tunes, we lose out on the conversations and experiences that instill the sounds themselves with great depth. Let’s dig deeper. First, removing ourselves from conversations about music, we often do By Gabe not understand a song’s context. Pollak Take Notorious B.I.G.’s diss track Staff Writer “Kick in the Door.” Before entering the ring with a combative first verse, Biggie dedicated this fight song ambiguously. “This goes out to you and you and you,” rattles off Biggie. It’s clearly a song for someone, but we don’t know who. Unless that is, we talk about the conversation going on in the song. “I had no idea that song was about (legendary hip-hop lyricist) Nas until I listened to it with some friends,” said sophomore Timmy Barrows. “It made so much more sense.” It’s like the difference between reading a book alone or in class. Oh! So, when Melville wrote about the whale, he was really talking about fate? Oh! So, when Biggie said, “Your reign on top was short like leprechauns,” he was really talking about Nas’ early

commercial failures? To facilitate these music-listening epiphanies — where, like a lock’s pins all clicking into place, we finally understand and appreciate the music more — we need to talk to each other. Another tasty layer within the cake of music listening is social. The power of music is also associative. You don’t just love a song because of the sound itself; you love it because of the memories you attach to that sound. Think about this year’s summer jam, “Get Lucky,” by Daft Punk. You love it for its disco groove, but also because it reminds you of driving fast late on a summer night, all your friends singing along. Listen alone and you leave behind more than your friends — you give up music’s inherent social meaning. Already sacrificing musical depth through both a loss of conversation and shared experience, we must ask ourselves: how much more are we willing to give up? Will we settle for ring tone-quality sound bites when we could have surround-sound experiences? And still, this issue of isolated music listening dives even further down, resonating deeper than the bassiest subwoofer. Changes in how we listen to music correlate with changes in human nature. Here’s the comparison. Often, when we listen to music with other people, we actively seek to understand other peoples’ perceptions of the music. “I jump back and forth between understanding the music from my perspective and trying to imagine how other people are hearing it,” said Raina Martens, junior and teaching assistant for the Art, Noise and Sound First Year Experience. This practice — attempting to understand other’s

Coming soon: Music Listening Parties Come hang out and enjoy good food, good music, and good conversation. Keep an eye on The Buzz for dates & times!

Sponsored by WQFS viewpoints — is the root of empathy. When listening to music alone, however, we leave this awareness behind. Is it any surprise, then, that college students are becoming less empathetic? According to a recent study by the University of Michigan, college students are 48 percent less empathetic than they were in the 1979, with 61 percent of that 48 percent drop suffered in the last 10 years — the same 10 years in which iPods have flooded the market. “We need to pay attention to how technology affects us and maybe anticipate better the consequences,” said Dana Professor of Psychology Richie Zweigenhaft. When we plug in, we are also plugging out, denying the possibility for conversation, shared experience, and perspective sharing. We limit more than our relationships to the music: we limit our relationships to each other. “Who knows what we might miss?” said Martens.

Racist comments towards Miss America pageant-winner illustrate ignorance Terrorist. Un-American. Miss 7-11. Miss alQaeda. This was the reaction to the crowning of Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri. The pageant took place Sunday, Sept. 15 in Atlantic City, N.J., where the pageant was first born in 1921. As I watched the pageant, I couldn’t help but be impressed by Davuluri’s poise, talent and ability to speak so eloquently about every By Shelby topic that was given to Smith her. Even though I was Staff Writer rooting for two close friends who were vying for the title, I couldn’t help but be excited to see someone of her character win. Not all of America shared my enthusiasm. Twitter was bombarded with racist tweets about Davuluri. “And the Arab wins Miss America. Classic,” wrote @Granvil_Colt. @EJRBuckeye said, “Well they just picked a Muslim for Miss America. That must’ve made Obama happy. Maybe he had a vote.” Here’s my personal favorite, from @JAyres15: “I swear I’m not racist but this is America.” This level of racism is not new within the pageant industry. “I had a contestant tell me there was no way that Miss Virginia (a state preliminary to the Miss America pageant) would crown a black girl two years in a row,” said Hester Fletcher, director of the Miss Virginia

Dogwood Pageant, in an interview with The Guilfordian. “It’s sad.” Having a Caucasian military member as a contestant also fueled the fire. “I saw tweets about how Miss Kansas is the ‘real Miss America,’” said Asian pageant contestant Laetitia Hua to The Guilfordian. “On one side you have the Caucasian blond who can shoot a gun. Then you have a woman of Indian descent who graduated from med school. “People’s anger stems from the fact that the woman who seemed ‘more American’ in terms of stereotypes didn’t win.” Yet no contestant is “more American” than the other. According to the rules, every contestant must be a citizen of the United States, making them all American. But this is more than an issue of citizenship. This is about perceptions of what is culturally American. “I experience racism on a monthly, sometimes weekly basis because I look Asian,” said Hua. “Even in the states, where I have been living for over ten years, many people see me and ask, ‘Where are you from?’ But I’m an American.” We live in a country culturally dominated by Caucasian traditions. Anyone who is not of European or mostly Caucasian descent must place a label in front of her or his American status like “Asian,” “African,” “Indian” or others. Also, we can’t seem to accept that a woman who was born in Syracuse, N.Y., raised in the United States, attended the University of Michigan to become a doctor and espoused a platform of “celebrating diversity through cultural competency” could truly be American because they don’t look white enough — and

therefore, not American enough. However, our new Miss America has not been quiet about this issue. “I have always viewed Miss America as the girl next door, and the girl next door is evolving as the diversity in America evolves,” Davuluri said during the Miss America finals. Indeed, despite traditional racism, Miss America has evolved along with the “girl next door” image. Past winners include African Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans — Norma Smallwood, a Cherokee, took the crown in 1926. 2014 marks the first Indian American and the second Asian American to win. “Race is not a factor when I judge,” said pageant judge Penny Smith to The Guilfordian. “The fact is, Nina was extremely consistent across all the categories. She had enthusiasm and passion for the organization.” Though disturbed, racial minority

contestants are not discouraged from pageantry. “I know that as long as I work hard and persevere past my obstacles, everything will fall into place,” said Miss America contestant Chrissy Ching to The Guilfordian. “Is there a chance I may encounter people similar to the infamous ‘tweeters?’ Maybe. However, as long as I am the best ‘me,’ that’s all I can control.” I’m not discouraged, either. As a queer, non-Christian pageant girl, I’m inspired to see someone like Davuluri win what is known as the “Super Bowl of Pageants.” It lets me know that someone like me could be in such a position one day. In the meantime, we can learn from Davuluri. As a society, we must take control of our thoughts and words to realize there is no one definition of what a Miss America — or any American — should look like.


October 4, 2013


Construction on new Jack Jensen Golf Center hidden from view behind gym By Lek Siu Staff Writer Have you wondered what’s going on with all the construction behind the gym? Brick by brick, the Jack Jensen Golf Center is taking shape. “The golf center is named in honor of former golf and basketball coach Jack Jensen, who passed away in 2010,” said Sports Information Director and Assistant Director of Athletics Dave Walters. “It’s a building constructed behind the RaganBrown Field House which is to be a training facility for the Guilford golf team.” Jensen developed Guilford’s golf success

during his 45 years as a professor and coach. The Quakers won three national golf championships and secured five runner-up finishes during Jensen’s reign. “Jack Jensen was a great man and a great teacher for young people,” Athletic Director Tom Palombo said in an email interview. “Our golf program is one of the best in the country.” The members of the 2013 golf team have high expectations for the season. “We are currently the number tworanked golf team in the nation,” said junior golfer Travis Tolbert. “This facility will only help us.” Head golf coach Corey Maggard believes

that the new center will be instantly valuable. “We will recruit more,” said Maggard. “(Also), players will be able to practice in inclement weather.” Unfortunately, the golf center is not for everyone. “The building will be exclusively for the golf team,” said Maggard. “No different than the baseball field and batting center for the baseball team.” The idea for the center was first put forth by the college’s Advancing Excellence campaign, with an overall fundraising goal of $550,000. In order to aid the fundraising efforts,

former professor and administrator Herb Appenzeller donated the first six months’ royalties from his book “Ethical Behavior in Sport” to the project. Appenzeller also dedicated the book to Jensen. “Every so often, a person comes along who touches the lives of countless numbers of people without fanfare or publicity,” said Appenzeller in his dedication. “This was Jack Jensen, golf and basketball coach at Guilford College for 45 years, who was a role model for ethical behavior in life as well as sport. “Jack, in a quiet, modest and humble way, exemplified all that is good in sport today.”

Kiera McNicholas/ Guilfordian

The Jack Jensen Golf Center is currently under construction behind the Ragan-Brown Field House. Herb Appenzeller donated six months’ royalties from one of his books to help fund the facility.

Miley Cyrus helps everyone find their inner twerker By Olivia Werner Staff Writer

Twerking. We have all seen it, we have all tried it, but only Miley Cyrus can call herself the queen of twerking. According to The Lapine, “Prime Minister Stephen Harper told a group of community leaders that he enjoys ‘twerking’ but only with close friends and every now and then with President Obama.” Twerking has been defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner, involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance.” While many are under the impression that twerking was recently invented, it can actually be traced back to the 1993 bounce music scene in New Orleans. Following this, musicians, such as the Yin Yang Twins, Beyonce and Justin Timberlake mentioned twerking in their songs, giving it more recognition. Since then, Miley Cyrus has taken twerking to a whole new level. It all started in 2010, when Cyrus traveled to New Orleans to film “So Undercover.” According to Fuse, this is where Cyrus first learned the art of twerking. The rest is history. The dance is so physically strenuous that some even consider twerking a sport. The Twerk Team, composed of three teenage girls from Atlanta, has reinforced the idea of

twerking as exercise since 2009. Can twerking actually be considered a sport, or even a form of exercise? “Anything that involves body movements can be considered a form of exercise,” said senior Kevin Tiller. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sport as “a physical activity that is done for enjoyment,” so according to this definition, yes, twerking can be considered a sport. “The booty dancing move is a good “twerkout” for your butt and thighs,” said Michelle Olson, professor of exercise science and a certified strength and conditioning coach at Auburn University, in an ABC News Article. “It also works the deep muscles of the hips and the core muscles of the lower back and abdominals.” Just imagine Monday night twerk contests on the ESPN. “If there was a competition with judges involved with different twerking teams and different categories of judgment, then I guess you could consider twerking a sport,” said sophomore Trenor Colby. Many people cannot even begin to consider whether or not this dance is a sport due to their concern with the racial and cultural issues tied to twerking. Following Cyrus’ performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, the public became outraged by her behavior on the basis that this was “cultural appropriation at its worst,” according to The Guardian. While possibly unintentional, Miley chose to use only African American females as her backup dancers.

“The African American women in Miley’s video were portrayed as ratchet,” said junior runner Jasmine O’Neill. “She created the stigma that these are the type of people that twerk, and she wants to twerk just like them.” This is where Cyrus crossed the line into controversial and potentially racist territory. “She used the tedious trope of having black women as her backing singers, there only to be fondled by her and to admire her wiggling derriere,” said Hadley Freeman in an editorial for The Guardian. “Cyrus is explicitly imitating crunk music videos and the sort of hip-hop she finds so edgy,” Did Cyrus have racist intentions in mind while performing, or was this simply a bold career move? The answer is most likely the latter. “Miley’s been very smart in all of her moves,” said freshman Najha Zigbi-Johnson. “She knows that twerking is going to give her attention, which she needs with her new album coming out. “Everyone is saying ‘Miley’s crazy,’ but all of these people will buy her album.” While there are right and wrong ways to do everything, Cyrus is an example of the wrong way to twerk. Twerking should not be done to mimic African American culture, but rather to embrace this culture while partaking in a fun, physically challenging activity. “Twerking is something that everyone should be able to enjoy,” said Christa Wellhausen, part-time lecturer in theatre studies and sports studies.




Rampage: the uphill journey of a Guilford footballer By Valeria Sosa Staff Writer

So far this season, Smith has 12 solo tackles and eight assists in Guilford’s three games.

Inside Sports Examining Miley Cyrus’ controversial twerking act

Courtesy of the golf team

Courtesy of

Golf team gets brand new training facility

By Lek Siu Staff Writer

Lisa Robbins/ Guilfordian

Eileen Martin/ Guilfordian

First team All-Old Dominion Athletic Conference recipient Robert “Rampage” Smith sauntered into Founder’s Hall with a smile playing wide on his face. At 6 feet 2 inches and 245 pounds, he’s pretty hard to miss. “He’s one of those guys who has made an impact on our team and our defense’s performance, especially because he’s such an explosive player,” said Faris El-Ali, senior football captain. “He’s one of those guys that always has a good time. “You can’t help but have a good time on field playing with him.” Rampage went to high school at R.J. Reynolds in Winston-Salem. There he learned he loved to play football. He committed to Catawba College, but after visiting he decided that it was too secluded for his taste. He then visited Guilford with a friend, where he got a chance to talk with the

football coaches. “He was very quiet, he kept to himself,” said football head coach Chris Rusiewicz. “I think he was just letting everything absorb in. I explained to him the opportunities academically and playing football. “He just kinda sat there and stared … but by the end of the conversation he opened up more and smiled, and started buying into what it is we want to do here at Guilford.” So Rampage came to Guilford, thinking that he would never have a dull moment. But life at Guilford was far from what he expected. “Guilford had the best education to offer me,” said Rampage. “I didn’t know it would be this hard. “I expected parties, fun and hype all the time. Instead I got squirrels and green grass.” Late ‘90s movies, apparently, distorted his expectations of college. “If this were ‘American Pie,’ then everyone here would be a happy camper,” said Rampage. “I expected college to be ‘American Pie.’ I got American lemon cake.” A l t h o u g h college was nothing like Rampage imagined it to be, he worked hard both in academics and in football. “He is a great student … and a pleasure to have in class,” said Vicki Foust, parttime instructor of business management Said fellow teammate and firstyear Tyler Correll, “Robert is very hard working and does whatever it takes to make the team better.” During his first year, however, he sprained his knee. Then, last year, he injured both shoulders, forcing him to have surgeries. “At first he was optimistic about his injuries,” said Satiir Stevenson. “But when he came back and he was not the same as he once was athletically, he became more determined to return to his natural form.” “He’s the type of guy who you can’t help but respect, because he’s always

Junior football player Robert “Rampage” Smith is a first team All-Old Dominion Athletic Conference recipient. He must balance challenging academics and a demanding football schedule. working and always trying to get better,” said El-Ali. “He doesn’t give up. He doesn’t quit.” When asked about the surgeries, Rampage shrugged off any concerns. “I got them fixed,” said Rampage. “At the end of the day, my team needs me and I need my team. I played through the pain and I didn’t let it stop me, because it’s

Who’s rocking out in the wide world of Guilford Sports? Check out these student-athletes! Samir Hazboun Senior Ultimate Frisbee

Rebecca Reyna Sophomore Cross Country

Nate Secrest Junior Ultimate Frisbee

At St. Mary’s: Huckin’ in the Ol’ Bay Tournament

At The Charlotte Cross Country Invitational

At St. Mary’s: Huckin’ in the Ol’ Bay Tournament

Scored 4 points, threw 7 assists and had 12 blocks. By Olivia Werner Staff Writer

always going to be there. “And if you let it become a robot, you’ll never get around it. I don’t let it stop me.” Admirably, Rampage continues to succeed as one of Guilford’s star players. “Robert is determined to play,” said Rusiewicz. “ Negative adversity doesn’t affect him. He just loves doing what he loves to do.”

Ran the seventh-fastest sixkilometer time in school history with a 25 minutes, 9.0 second mark, the 65th-best time in the 117-woman field.

Scored 3 points, threw 25 assists and had 6 blocks.

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