Graduation Project

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Long-term aid


Quality (of life, of housing etc.)

Short-term aid

Humanitarian transition


Elements of the Humanitarian transition



Short term / Goal oriented focus

Issues involving the spending or accumulation of money

Short term focus of (private) donors


Problems are underestimated

Differances in jargon

Millenium Development Goals


Each creating a new structure, within a community without Stadardized a structure solutions rather then tailor made

Mindset challenges The way of reasoning by NGOs or governments

Common goals Commonly known goals set for humanitarian aid



Politicalization of aid material

CNN factor

Politically dubious


Cross-cultural challenges

Providing funding

Societal processes

Takes a long time

Inadequat funding

No ‘exit strategies’

Looking for solution rather then progress

Get out when emergency is over

Getting locals involved

Land ownership conflicts

Coordination of tasks

Culture depending issues



Communities getting paid in aid materials

Supply chain management

Communities start moving by themselves

Aid quality management

Providing infrastructure

Ownership & Maintenance

Global recession

Social Entrepreneurship

New government vs NGO way of working

‘Encouragement of bad policy’


Debt relief

Education Risk reduction

Macro level : politics Meso level : organizational Micro level : field experience



Global trends that influence humanitarian activities

System redesign

The way the provided aid is distributed.


Sustainable developement

Aid effecting trends


Planning of activities

Execution of aid

Too many agencies present

‘Dependency syndrome’

Increading amount of natural disasters

Paris Declaration of Aid effectiveness

Position of sexes


Challenges that occur when working local people


Aid policy focus


Aid enabling policies on governmental to local level

Economy Both macro- and micro economical issues in area





What is the problem?


How do we solve the problem?



} } } }

Sharing stories Exploring experiences & challenges

Common theme & issue selection Stakeholder analysis Reflection How to... Idea & concept generation Concept presentation List of solution requirements Reflection


Selected issue

“Experiences are rarely shared, and re the gap between relief and developem project management.” (Glen Brigaldino

“Experiences are rarely shared, and re the gap between relief and developem project management.” (Glen Brigaldino

Why this issue?

This is what we will be working on.

e.g. because we invest a lot of money on it,

Reason 1


We will be using these reasons later on in the workshop

without satisfying

Local institutions

Your organizations

e.g. less people in need of constant care

Law inforcement, hospitals, local aid groups etc.

e.g. Engaging people

e.g. equip people with platform to build on

MSF, Red Cross, Cordaid etc.

an event or emotion

The refugee, the homeless etc.


e.g. improved safety

Person you are helping


3. Quality is fostered through quantity; please add to, reverse, amplify or multiply each others ideas to achieve as many ideas as possible. Going over an idea multiple times only makes the idea better. 4. As a concequence of rule 3, every idea or concept that is presented here today is a product of the group and should be treated as such. When everybody adds onto each others ideas it becomes impossible to track who is the owner of which idea.

“With attention focused on the massive and pressing humanitarian relief operations and restoration [..], planning for medium and long-term recovery can take a back seat” (RICS, 2006)

Added values of the solution for...

2. As a consequence of rule 1, there is no right or wrong in any answer you give during this workshop.

“Experiences are rarely shared, and rehabilitation appears to be used [..] not as an approach to filling the gap between relief and developement, but rather as a gap-filler in their regular programme and project management.” (Glen Brigaldino, 1996)

Long-term aid

Rules of this workshop 1. Participants should postpone their judgement until the appropriate time in the workshop.

“Any international assistance to areas economic and civil systems [..], in orde (Michael Graf, 1997)

“In transition situations, the key is to develop national and international partnership in respect to primary health centres, with a clearly-defined, realistic and participative public health methodology.” (Stephane Du Mortier et al, 2010)

Imagine a solution to the issie is found, what are the

Short-term aid

Humanitarian transition

“Donors complain that it is hard for them to support projects that lack the proper paperwork. As a result, hospitals stand unfinished..” (The Economist, Jan 5th 2013)

Quality (of life, of housing etc.)


Please paste your post cards in the squares

Aid, design & collaboration

Welcome to the workshop!

During this workshop, requirements for new products and/or services that address collaboration opportunities within the humanitarian transition will be generated. This will be done by making use of a ‘bottom-up’ approach. Instead of traditionally looking at opportunities only, a bottom-up approach starts by examining the needs and wishes for a new solution and builds on these elements to develop new product requirements. Developing products this way incorporates in-depth knowledge of the situation into the development process and generates solutions that better fit the situations these products are designed for.


what we see during the humanitarian transition


e.g. growth o GDP

ehabilitation appears to be used [..] not as an approach to filling ment, but rather as a gap-filler in their regular programme and o, 1996)



How can we

by using

increase safety?

a lock

e.g. How can we build a platform?

Reason 3

Creativity = non sense Designing = making sense Using = common sense Disposing = obsole sense

e.g. by making all our products connectable


“You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards” (Steve Jobs)



How can we

by making it

make products

out of


one part

e.g. provide a feeling of home

e.g. be modular, so other product may be attached

“Trying to run [politics] without human relationships, is like trying to run a car without motor oil” (Jonathan Haidt)

e.g. fit into a glove box

“It always seems impossible until its done.” (Nelson Mandela)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” (Albert Einstein)

Least important

“We do not need magic to transform our world, we carry all the powers we need inside ourselves already.We have the power to imagine better.” (J.K. Rowling)

Solution requirements

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” (Albert Einstein)


How are we able to ... ?

“I've seen people try to connect [jazz] to other countries, for instance to Africa, but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Africa.” (Art Blakey)

Now ask yourself, how can we use these requirement in our daily practice?


to it

Now ask yourself, how do we treat this issue in daily practice?

Rest of the world, not dealing with the issue at hand

Reason 2 Country Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia etc.

e.g. less cost, more effective solutions

All future solutions for the selected issue must...

“What you do [to provide better aid is] you shut up.You never arrive in a community with any ideas.” (Ernesto Sirolli)



‘Aid, design & collaboration tool’ v1.0 created by Guido Jetten, as commissioned by

Thank you for your participation!

ehabilitation appears to be used [..] not as an approach to filling ment, but rather as a gap-filler in their regular programme and o, 1996)

Most important

Paste an added value from last excercise here

in need must be accurately researched to avoid negating existing er to not disturb the pre-existing development already in effect”

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