Guido Baechler MCU Fan Theories That Came True

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Top Five MCU Fan Theories (We Can’t Believe Were Actually True) By: Guido Baechler

5: Red Skull Came Back(Yeah, Weird, Right?) This theory wasn't a huge one to most Marvel fans. We assume a lot forgot about him after he was gone in The First Avenger. Red Skull was a really hated character by many Marvel fans and a lot more Cap fans. There were some people out there with the theory he would come back. Give those people credit because they were right.

Guido Baechler

4: Stan Lee Is More Than A Cameo We lost Stan Lee. He was the man who created all our favorite heroes (and villains). One thing we all love about Marvel's movies are the small cameos Stan had in each film. He would often play a bystander with one line and they were always funny. We'll certainly miss him in the future films. Fans speculated that Stan was more than a cameo, and they were right. Stan was actually a Watcher in the MCU. Guido Baechler

3: Peter Parker's First Cameo You might think that Peter Parker first entered the MCU in Civil War but a lot of fans would disagree with you. This one hasn't been specifically agreed to in the MCU, but Kevin Feige and Tom Holland have both accepted it, so it is true. There's a scene in the Iron Man 2 where a young boy in an Iron Man mask stands up to Whiplash's drones and shoots him with a toy blaster. Tony tells the kid he's doing a good job. Guido Baechler

2: Foreshadowing Strange All the way back in 2014, The Winter Soldier was released. It is one of the best-loved movies in the MCU, and if you've watched it as many times as we have, you'll already know Doctor Strange is kind of in it. At the end of the film, it's mentioned that Hydra has been tracking people and Stephen Strange's name is mentioned.

Guido Baechler

1: Spider-Man Was An Avenger After All! The first item on list is Spider-Man becoming an Avenger. We think this one was more of a hope for fans than a theory, but it still came true! Since The Avengers was released in 2012, people have been wondering about Peter Parker joining the MCU. The movies with Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield aren't in the same universe as The Avengers. Thanks to Marvel for listening, and now Tom Holland is official Spider-Man of MCU. Guido Baechler

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