The guide final 30 12 2013

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:DOO 6WUHHW FRPHV WR 6HUHQLW\ 5HVRUW 5HVLGHQFHV To celebrate the 4th anniversary of Serenity Resort & Residences Phuket, the East 88 Beach Lounge and Serenity Team entertained hundreds of party goers into the small hours of Friday night, with it’s stock market themed event. The Annual high-season lift off party, featured a delectable buffet, live entertainment and drinks trading...there were even a few market crashes!

$Q LPSUHVVLYH ZHGGLQJ FHUHPRQ\ DW 3KXNHW )DQWDVHD On October 19th 2013 at the Golden Kinnaree Restaurant, Phuket Fantasea, Managing Director of Phuket Fantasea (Public Limited Company) - Dr.Phin Kiwpaisaan sent good wishes to the wedding couple Miss Xinyu Hao (daughter of Mr. Hongwei Hao and Mrs. Suyun Yan) and Mr.Phanthil Jongjitrtrakul (son of Mr.Chaiphan and Mrs.Nithatsanee Jongjitrtrakul’) who held their wedding ceremony at the restaurant. Both Thai and Chinese guests got to enjoy the warm atmosphere of the ceremony, which they all said was great and very impressive.

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