Lydia chang if it makes you happy

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If It Makes You Happy Lydia Chang


Contents Chapter 1--------------------------------------------------5 Chapter 2--------------------------------------------------11 Chapter 3--------------------------------------------------16 Chapter 4--------------------------------------------------22 Chapter 5--------------------------------------------------25 Chapter 6--------------------------------------------------31 Chapter 7--------------------------------------------------35

Words checked: 2697 Words in Oxford 3000™: 91%


About the author I am a 4th year English major, 18 years old, currently studying in Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. This novel was assigned by my knowledgeable, respectful, charming English writing teacher, Smith. Much gratitude goes to him for giving me the chance to write my first novel. Also, much love to my friends Millicent and Carol for being inspirational. I have always been fascinated with time traveling although it might not exist. Me myself is crazy about traveling as well. I never let the chance to go abroad slip through my fingers. This story is simply a combination of my 3

dreams. As for the gay issue, I’ve always been supportive. Their rights cannot be neglected. I love gays. I hope you enjoy my story.


“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Olivia grimaced. “It was totally a disaster,” Lexie admitted. “Think of it this way, it’s just the latest in a long line of dumb things that we have done.”

1 “Two minutes,” Olivia whispered. She is a straight-A student who never seems to spend a quarter of her time at home studying. All those assignments and reports from the school don’t bother her. “I’m in the pursuit of my happiness,” she always says. However, it is her extraordinary intelligence that allows her to 5

have such an attitude. The bell rang, meaning the last semester in senior high school finally came to an end. The excitement was palpable in the air as the crowds of people were coming out of the gate. “Jesus Christ!” Jeffery yelled. “What did I do to get this?” Jeffery’s car was scratched really badly at the front, and one door was painted pink. “Calm down. Calm down. You are not hurt, are you?” Olivia was trying to look calm. Jeffery threw open the door. “I’m not, but my car is!” 6

“Honey, we can take care of this mess when we get home. It will be fine. It’s only the outside.” “Wow, what’s going on here?” Trevor looked at it with his mouth agape. “I thought everyone was busy going home.” “Well, this might happen a while ago,” Jeffery moaned. They were waiting for Lexie, Olivia’s best friend, and wondering how she would react to this. “Hey, guys.” Lexie carefully examined the car. ”this doesn’t look good, Jeff.” Jeffery shook his head. “We’ll be sitting in this car all the way to the airport, sorry.” 7

So this is how it was planned. A month before the entry exam, Olivia, Lexie, Jeffery and Trevor were beginning to fall asleep in the library. “Can’t believe we are going to different colleges in like, a week?” Olivia suddenly grabbed Jeffery’s arm. “Yeah, but don’t worry. I promise you I’ll come see you every weekend.” “No, I didn’t mean that. I meant all of us. I’ll miss all the good times we shared together.” “Don’t you think there’s missing something?” Lexie cut in. “Oh, you missy is so hard working. Are you going to tell 8

us some tips on the exam?” Trevor said sarcastically. “Shut up, Trev. I meant, we should do something exciting. I don’t want my senior high school life to end like this.” Olivia’s face went sober at once. “Neither do I. What do you reckon?” “How about going on a trip overseas? You said it’s what you’ve been thinking about this year,” Lexie replied. “A trip! That sounds tempting, but where does the money come from?” Jeffery leaned his head on the wall. 9

“That’s not a problem. I’ll ask my dad for it,” Olivia said with confidence. Olivia’s father is a doctor, and he gives her pretty much everything she wants. “So where do you want to go?” Trevor asked. Trevor is their good friend, but he was afraid he might be left out because Olivia is Lexie’s best friend, and Jeff is her boyfriend. “We should decide it together,” Olivia said firmly, ”Let’s write down all the places you guys want to go.” An hour passed. 10

“So that’s it. New Zealand,” Jeff confirmed. 2 “Happiness, happiness is fine but its momentary, A momentary lapse of reality. Reality is fine, but for the moment it can wait. I’m addicted to the chase of my happiness.” Sitting in Jeff’s car, four of them are on the way to the airport. “This is my favorite song of all time!” Olivia smiled. “I don’t like the rap part,” Lexie retorted. “Whatever you say,” said Olivia with apathy. Everyone looked at Jeff’s car curiously when they 11

arrived at the airport. “So you just graduated and you are going on a holiday trip?” asked by the man at the Customs. “Yes, sir,” Trevor said. They were all asked the same question. “What did he expect? No, sorry. I’m a drug dealer and I’m doing a big business over there,” Lexie laughed. They started to board in an hour, and all of them had nice sleep on the plane. When Olivia was woken up by weird noise, she realized there was only an hour left. She looked around because her friends were not sitting close to her. Their seats were not arranged 12

together. Suddenly, the guy sitting next to her turned to her, “Hey. Are you looking for something?” “No. I just want to see what my friends are doing. Thanks.” Olivia gave him a big smile. That was when she found him quite attractive. “Oh, okay,” he smiled back. “Are you going to Brisbane?” The plane would stop in Brisbane for an hour then head to Auckland. “No, I’m going to New Zealand.” 13

“Shame. I was thinking maybe we could have a cup of coffee after the flight.” “Haha. What are you going there for?” Olivia asked, just to be polite. “Another guy that likes to flirt with random girls,” she judged secretly. “To see a friend. By the way, I’m Jake.” “Olivia.” “Nice to meet you, Olivia. Have you heard of time traveling?” “What?” making sure she heard it clear, “You mean the thing that requires traversing at the speed of light?” remembering what she learnt from the physic 14

class. “Yeah.” “Well. I think no one’s been able to do that. Maybe no one will be.”


3 All of them finally found the hotel they booked on the internet. “This took us two hours,” Trevor whined. “Because someone can’t read the map,” Lexie said. “You are the one that was giving wrong directions,” Trevor retorted. They stepped into the front gate. “Sorry, but your name is not on the list. Did you book through the phone? Because the website is not on anymore,” said the woman at the reception. 16

“Great. Now what to do?” Lexie muttered. “I saw a hotel on our way here, but it looks cramped,” Jeff said. “We got no alternatives. Let’s get going,” Olivia didn’t seem upset. They got the key to their room. It was cheaper than they expected. At the first night in New Zealand, they stayed in Hamilton. They all had showers before going to bed. Olivia was looking at herself in the mirror when she felt a bit dizzy. “Jeff? Are you asleep?” She felt like she was going to faint. “Lexie?” 17

The pain was gone in a few seconds. She was relieved. But wait. There’s something wrong. “Where am I?” This bathroom looks like her own. She realized she was standing in the bathtub holding the nozzle. She opened the door, looking around. “Please tell me I’m dreaming. This is creepy as.” She was shocked to see Jeff talking to Lexie in her bedroom. “What are you guys doing here? And why are we still in Taipei?” Olivia was so confused. Jeff and Lexie completely ignored her. “You know I can’t do it. It will ruin our relationship,” 18

Jeffery said, looking rather painful. “When do you want to tell her, then?” Lexie asked, looking annoyed. “Maybe after the graduation. I’ll figure it out myself. Lexie, please don’t tell anyone. It’s not my fault I’m gay.” “I know. I know. She just has to know sooner or later, and you know it.” Olivia couldn’t believe what she heard. “Jeff is a gay?” They have been dating for a year and a half. She remembered him asking her out at 7-11. She thought 19

he was joking because he’s the guy that’s usually surrounded by girls. She even told herself maybe this wouldn’t last over a few months. However, Jeff was amazing. He is not only a nice guy, but a considerate boyfriend. They barely fight, and Jeff doesn’t even have to try to make her happy. “Okay. Is this just a ridiculous dream?” Olivia was waiting for the wake up, but it didn’t happen. She was a little freaked out. At the moment, her vision turned black, and the scene switched to the cafeteria. “He’s a liar. He is gay but he’s dating a wonderful girl that’s not supposed to be with him,” Trevor 20

complained. She saw Trevor talking to Ben, one of the most notorious guys in the school. “So, what can we do for you?” Ben smirked. “I don’t know. Something that will piss him off, but not too much.” “How about…painting his car pink? That color suits gays.” “Okay. Something like that,” Trevor looked scared. “But what am I doing that for?” “I don’t know. I promise I’ll keep my mouth shut.” “I don’t want your promise, boy. Let’s make a deal with 21

something that exists.” “I can give you my watch.” “That’s too boring as a reward! I want Olivia’s digits.” “Well. Okay,” Trevor took out his phone. This whole conversation was in conceivable to Olivia. A week before the exam she kept getting calls from an anonymous person saying her boyfriend is lame. She thought it was some kind of prank. 4 Lexie’s alarm went off. She got up to wash her face, but couldn’t see Oilvia. “Where’s our miss perfect?” she tried to speak loud. 22

There was silence. “Guys, wake up. Olivia disappeared!” she yelled. “What?” Jeff and Trevor could barely open their eyes. They walked for at least ten blocks from the hotel. “This is impossible. The only reason I can think of is murder,” Trevor was anxious. “We should call the police,” Lexie said. They just realized they didn’t know what the emergency numbers in Hamilton was. “Maybe she’ll come back soon. Why not stay in the hotel and wait?” Jeff said. “Your girlfriend was gone at seven in the morning! And 23

you’re not worried? I knew you don’t love her,” Trevor shouted at Jeff. “What? Of course I do, but there’s nothing we can do.” “You’re a horrible person. You’re a liar.” This is how they started to argue. “Shut up for god’s sake. You don’t know anything,” Jeff was furious. “I do. And if you don’t want to tell her about that, I’ll do it for you.” “Guys, stop,” Lexie was impatient, “We’ll find a way. That’s not the point now.”


5 “Do you like it so far?” Olivia heard a voice coming from nowhere. “Who’s there?” “Jake, the guy on the plane. I just showed you what a time travel is.” “No. You are trying to influence my opinions towards my friends.” “It’s the truth.” Olivia rushed out of her room, but on the other side of the door was their hotel room. When she turned back, 25

the door wasn’t there anymore. “Oh my god. What just happened?” Olivia actually squealed. Jeffery held Olivia as soon as he saw her. “Where did you go? We were so worried,” Lexie felt like a load off her shoulders. “I was just walking around. Today’s not so cold,” Olivia sounded like nothing has happened. “Lexie is probably the only one I can trust now,” she told herself. They didn’t plan anything, so there was no itinerary. They decided to have lunch in a small restaurant. “A big salad, as usual,” Lexie said. 26

“You should try different things, Lex. This is New Zealand,” Trevor suggested. “I’ll give the waiter our order and get you some napkins.” “Trevor is always attentive,” Jeffery smiled. “Attentive? He’s the one the scratched your expensive car,” Olivia thought. “But you’re no better. Liar.” “So what do you want to do tomorrow, Olivia? Everything’s okay except disappearing to scare the hell out of us,” Lexie interrupted her thinking. “Haha. I’m sorry about this morning,” Olivia apologized. “It’s okay, hon. I’m glad you’re not hurt,” Jeffery said. 27

Olivia didn’t even smile. “Hon? Did he just call me hon? Why is he pretending?” Olivia couldn’t help doubting him. “Hey. Are you alright?” asked Lexie with concern. “Why. Yeah. I’m just a bit hungry,” Olivia felt guilty. She wondered if the time travel thing was true, but if she asked them now, they will just think she hit her head. “They have nothing to hide from me. We’ve been great friends for three years,” she told herself again. After the lunch, they walked back to the hotel to take some rest. 28

“I’m going to nap for a bit,” Jeffery said. “Are you sleeping with me?” he asked Olivia. “No. I’m not tired.” Olivia didn’t think he was sweet anymore. Instead, Jeffery looked rather disgusting to her now. It felt so wrong. Why did she get involved in that stupid time travel? She knew she shouldn’t have talked to a random guy. No, a dangerous guy. What did he do to her mind? Now she’s looking at them from different points of view. “You really don’t look so happy today. What’s wrong?” Lexie looked worried. 29

“Hey. How would you feel if I hide the darkest secret of mine from you?” “That was abrupt. I would be sad if I found out by myself, but why bringing this up?” Lexie was shocked. “I was thinking, um, my mom used to tell me that everyone has secrets,” Olivia looked at Lexie, “but I didn’t believe her then.” “But now you do?” Lexie asked intently. “Sort of,” Olivia replied. “I’m going for a walk, alone. I’ll be back in an hour.” Lexie didn’t say anything back, just felt confused. There’s definitely something wrong with Olivia, she 30

thought to herself. Olivia went into a bar. She suddenly realized she left her wallet in the hotel room, and started to wonder if she should head back now. A guy sitting inside raised his eyebrows at her. Olivia wasn’t sure if she should smile back. There was an awkward moment. “One shot. My treat,” said the guy. Olivia went to sit next to him. 6 “It’s been three hours. She said she wouldn’t be longer than an hour,” Olivia said. “She’s just unpredictable,” Jeff was drinking his coffee. 31

“Or maybe you just don’t care,” said Trevor. “Don’t even try to pick a fight here!” Lexie went upset. She left the hotel alone to look for Olivia. After ten minutes walk, she spotted her in the bar. “Oh god. Are you drunk?” Lexie shook Olivia. “No. Obviously not. Let me introduce this guy to you. He’s pretty cool.” “Hi, I’m Mike,” he said as he put his hand around Olivia’s waist. “Olivia! You are drunk. Come back with me,” Lexie urged. “I’m not drunk. And I’m staying at his place tonight,” 32

Olivia’s face was reddened from the alcohol. Then there was a slap on her face. “What do you think you’re doing? Have you even thought about Jeff?” Lexie was mad. “He doesn’t love me!” Olivia shouted. “Yes, he does!” “No. Stop lying to me! All of you! I knew he’s gay!” “What? Why would you think that?” “That’s not an assumption. I just know it.” “How do you…” “Do you believe in time travel?” Olivia interrupted her question. 33

Lexie looked at her with fear. “I know this sounds ridiculous, Lex, but you have to believe me. I met this guy called Jake on the plane, and…” “He showed you what time traveling is,” Lexie said it before she could go on. “What?” “Jake showed you something that happened in the past. Is that it?” “Yes, has it happened to you?” Olivia was surprised. “I wasn’t sure if it was just a dream. Now I’m sure it’s not.” 34

“What did you see in that certain period of time?” “I saw you cheating during a quiz. Did you?” Lexie asked with her voice unsteady. “…” “So it’s real.” 7 “Sorry, girls. I can’t put up with this ass anymore. I’ll take the plane home tomorrow,” Trevor said. “And Olivia, you know I could be a better boyfriend than him.” Trevor left on the following day. They could sense the awkwardness in the air since then. The trip only lasted 35

for a week. None of them were in the mood anymore. Lexie felt sorry because she was the one that gave everyone the idea of traveling. Now, she and Olivia are sitting on a bench in a park, reminiscing all those things happened. “I thought I was doing things to make myself happy,� Olivia signed.

People can disappoint you if you see through their perfect smiles.



Cover picture: Inside pictures: s-hd-wallpaper/


Olivia, Lexie, Jeffery and Jeff were best friends. They were in the last year of senior high school. To make this ending special, they decided to go on a trip oversea. However, something they did not expect happened, and they did not know where it would lead them‌


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