2 minute read

Message for Postgraduates

Henry Yeo

Head Postgraduate Career Services

Welcome to the 2021 edition of the SMU Career Guide.

The past one year has been an extremely tumultuous one. On top of protracted issues such as climate change, rich-poor divide, trade wars and geo-political risks, the world has to grapple with a cataclysmic pandemic and a recession that continues to wreak havoc on most industries and countries. University students are not spared either – you may have already experienced disruptions to classes, social lives, internships and maybe even difficulty in securing a job offer. But you need to stay focused and quickly adapt to the “new normal” that will inevitably come. Many firms are trying to transform and adopt new operating models. The more you are able to articulate your contribution to their transformation journey, the better your chance of securing a role in their team. For example, how can businesses, such as restaurants or airlines, achieve maximum customers yet comply with the prevailing safe management measures?

Many jobs and roles will be radically transformed, and it is wise for students to understand the dynamics of these changes and be attuned to the skills needed. Perhaps, agility and the ability to constantly think out of the box may become highly prized attributes. Recruitment methods will also change as firms minimise face-to-face contact. Besides greater use of synchronous and asynchronous interviews, we may see recruiters adopt virtual reality and augmented reality for job interviews and assessments.

At Postgraduate Career Services, our experienced coaches will be available to guide you through this challenging period. They will continue to ensure that you are grounded on the basics of career management skills. They will continue to ensure that you have good self-awareness (much like understanding your passion and career interests), a solid resume, an ability to share your “stories” at job interviews and a clear idea of how to embark on your search (perhaps through Linkedin, networks, recruitment firms or other creative means).

Postgraduate programmes are relatively short and we encourage those seeking a job to do so as early as possible. Anecdotal experience does suggest that the time taken to secure a role may be longer than you would expect, and more so in this annus horribilis.

The services of the postgraduate career coach are available up to three years upon graduation. The coach will challenge, advise and act as your “sounding board”, but your drive and willingness to take the lead in your job search are critical success factors. Be resolute and optimistic in these times and remember to help those around you when you have achieved success.

I would like to leave you with two quotes:

“There is no education like adversity.” Benjamin Disraeli “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C. S. Lewis

Stay safe and all the best!

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