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Launched in 2017, the SIM EDGE Award is a prestigious award developed in partnership with employers, to recognise your cumulative achievements in your learning journey.

Through your journey at SIM, we aim to provide a conducive and supportive environment by creating many opportunities to foster: • Core attributes of resourcefulness, resilience and responsibility; • Deep professional competencies in your chosen disciplines and equip you with the ability to continue learning throughout your lives; and • Corporate-readiness by being confident leaders in your own right, being good team-players, taking the initiative to solve problems and being able to communicate effectively across all levels.

While working towards the award, you will get the opportunity to demonstrate your learning experiences and skills to potential employers via: 1. University involvement 2. Community engagement 3. Work/voluntary experience 4. Global awareness 5. Additional skills

While this opportunity is open only to final-year undergraduate students, you should start building your portfolio from Day One on campus in order to consolidate your best experiences.

Abhishek was the former President of the nowdefunct Marketing and Communication Career Chapter, and also served as the Senior PAL leader in his final year. Besides being in the EXCO for various CCAs in SIM, he was also a part of CPA Australia as a Student Ambassador. He is currently a Risk Assurance Services Specialist at PwC.

Abhishek Gupta

Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance, SIM-UOL

Your motivation in applying for the award

I always had the motivation to make the best of my student life. Aside from academic growth, I was also looking for areas that would groom my overall profile. The EDGE Award provides a platform for students to showcase their involvement in multiple categories.

I took the challenge to demonstrate my achievements in all the categories for the EDGE Award, as it meant I made the best of my student life. Pursuing this award acted like a guide and gave me a direction when I planned my student life.

One quality that made you stand out from the rest of the applicants

Being goal-oriented is one quality that has helped me in the long run. Focusing on achieving my targets allowed me to shape my student life more productively and build my plans right from the start. When I was applying for the EDGE Award, it gave me an opportunity to reflect on my years at SIM and review my involvements to see how everything aligned with my goals and ambitions.

How do you think this award is able to give you the competitive edge

The EDGE Award is one of the highest student honours in SIM, and being a recipient showcases my growth during my time at SIM. This award has not only boosted my self-confidence, but also signalled my abilities and potential to future employers. This title has enhanced my profile and improved my overall satisfaction with the programme.

My advice to students

Start from DAY ONE! Always frame your end goals in mind and work towards them from the beginning. Do not shy from taking up leadership roles, even if you are in your first year, and be proactive throughout your university life.

Plan your university life in such a way that by the time you reach your final year, you have fulfilled all requirements set for the EDGE Award. Keep track of your progress from the start and be creative when you apply.

Cherylene was the President of the SIM Tennis Club 2019. There, she took charge of proposals, finance, events and social media. Now, she is employed as an IT specialist and administrator at Lloyds Medical.

Cherylene Tan

Bachelor of Arts in Communication, SIM-UB

Your motivation in applying for the award

The EXCO of EcoSIM encouraged me to apply for the award when I pitched my movement for recycling plastic cup waste in SIM to them; they said I have a good chance of getting it based on my credentials.

It was an opportunity for me to reflect on the things I have done, and obtaining the award would alleviate my chances of getting a job in Singapore. As a foreigner, it is my dream to start my career here!

One quality that made you stand out from the rest of the applicants

Everything in my application that got me this award was due to the fact that I wanted to learn more and gain experience. I believe that life is more interesting if you follow your passion, try out new things, take more responsibility and make a change wherever you go.

How do you think this award is able to give you the competitive edge

This award shows that I am more than just my grades; that I am recognised for my efforts in building my leadership skills and that I am a globally-aware, responsible member of society and a lifelong learner. It provides a full view of me as a person in a holistic way.

My advice to students

Be curious, try everything and learn from everywhere. Go to where you feel a sense of purpose and work hard on it. Dream big, celebrate effort – not victories – and have courage. You will be surprised where self-confidence can bring you!

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