InFocus Edition 1 2024

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Good Shepherd

In Focus

Sharing news of Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School Number 1, 2024
Contents From the Principal 1 Community 2 Celebrating the Class of 2023 6 Confidence 8 Camps 11 Compassion 13 Service 14 Excellence 15 Campus Master Plan 18 Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School 53-57 Plymouth Road Croydon Hills Vic 3136 (03) 9726 2900 Principal Daniel Weller Editor Penny Soong

It is wonderful to see that our biannual publication has once again returned with many articles highlighting the advancement of our people, places and programs at Good Shepherd. I hope that you enjoy reading about the wonderful things that make our school such a special place.

The start of 2024 has been an exciting time for our school community. We have seen the inclusion of an additional class in Year 3, the completion of the new middle primary building, and the commencement of a literacy review to support the reading, writing and spelling outcomes of students in the Junior years. These have been just a few notable changes, however, despite our growth and development over the years it is important to acknowledge that the who and whose we are as a Lutheran School still remains. Good Shepherd is a place where God’s love abounds, where excellence is sought, innovation is encouraged, individual effort is applauded, and relationships are greatly valued.

2024 has provided our students and staff with new initiatives that aim to continue to provide quality Christian care and future focused education, where learning opportunities enhance the outcomes, confidence and character of all individuals. While new beginnings can bring us joy and excitement, they may also make us feel a little anxious at times – perhaps due to the unknown of what tomorrow may bring. In these situations, I encourage us all to look forward with hope.

Isaiah 43:18-19

18 Forget the things that happened in the past. Do not keep on thinking about them.

19 I am about to do something new.

It is beginning to happen even now.

Don’t you see it coming?

I am going to make a way for you to go through the desert.

I will make streams of water in the dry and empty land.

Isaiah’s words bring us hope and comfort in a promise of something new. A comfort in God’s plan. A comfort in knowing that He has it all planned for us. Even though at times we may face moments of fear and anxiety, God tells us that He will ‘do something new’. He wants us to look toward our future with hope, knowing that He is going to do something. We are encouraged to remember this promise the next time we are discouraged, challenged or faced with the unknown.

I wish you all God’s richest blessings for the year ahead. May it be filled with joy and positive growth as we walk the learning journey together.

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Greetings, and welcome to this edition of InFocus.

School News

Staff Updates

Staff Farewells Congratulations!

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Fiona Balthasar Visual Arts Teacher Michelle Humphreys Instrumental Music Teacher Emilie Fogarty Teacher Assistant Mrs Kara Large, Year 5 Teacher, and her husband Kenny on the birth of their son, Beau on the 14 September 2023. Mrs Mary Russo, Prep Teacher, and her husband Michael on the birth of their daughter, Concetta on the 7 October 2023. Hanford Lam Instrumental Music Tutor

Introducing our new staff members

David Kight

Year 5 Teacher

Hi, my name is David Kight and I am teaching Year 5 while Ms Large is on parental leave. I have taught in a range of schools across Melbourne as a Physical Education Coordinator and classroom teacher, largely in the Year 5 and 6 area across my career.

I have also taught in London, Rotterdam and a year in Canada above Edmonton and the Rockie mountains on a teacher exchange program in 2007.

I have really enjoyed the challenge of teaching in a variety of settings across my educational journey, including Catholic, Christian, state and independent schools. I enjoy promoting the ideals of a growth mindset, mindfulness and gratitude as key aspects in empowering children and creating a positive effect on their mental wellbeing. As a very sporty person growing up I am passionate about the benefits of physical activity as a strong part of educating the whole child and complementing the social, emotional and intellectual education of a child. I have also coordinated lunchtime Drama games and class production performances is a strong interest of mine.

Ebony Taylor

Visual Arts Teacher

My name is Ebony Taylor and I am one of new Visual Art Teachers. I will be teaching on Thursdays and Fridays.

I have been teaching for over 15 years, mostly as a classroom teacher. I have taught all year levels from Prep – Year 6. My favourite part of teaching is building relationships with students and the school community.

I have a strong passion for Visual Arts and I also work as a professional artist, painting vibrant still life pieces. I work with several Australian art galleries and have participated in a number of group exhibitions. In 2023 I had my first solo exhibition ‘Tablescapes’ at 26 Advantage Gallery in Highett.

Outside of school I like to go for walks in nature, ride, jog and play golf. Photography is another passion of mine and I have enjoyed taking landscape shots, particularly sunsets and sunrises over the years. I have also published two picture storybooks and a book about my time as a golf caddie.

I am really looking forward to embracing the welcoming Christian community at Good Shepherd and guiding students to continue their faith journey. I hope to be able to use my skills in Drama games and physical education to assist children to prepare for their interschool sport and District events and performing skills for school productions.

This was a wonderful opportunity to showcase my work and celebrate my art journey so far.

I am thrilled to be able to combine my passions this year teaching Art at Good Shepherd. Along with painting, I love to engage with all kinds of creative mediums. Some of my favourites include sewing, quilting and embroidery, and I’ve just started learning to crochet. I look forward to sharing my love of creative pursuits with my students.

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Virginia Gardner Learning Enhancement Teacher

Hi, my name is Virginia Gardner and I am one of the new Learning Enhancement Teachers at Good Shepherd. I am really looking forward to being able to support children with their learning in Years 3-6 this year.

Belinda Semos Teacher Assistant

I am also fortunate to already have connections with some of the staff and families as my own children attended Good Shepherd.

I have previously been a classroom teacher at Saint Andrews Lutheran Primary School in Darwin and then Bimbadeen Heights Primary School in Mooroolbark for many years. I have taught across all year levels and really enjoy working with children of all ages. I always aim to develop a professional relationship with the children I teach so I can understand what kind of learner they are to help them thrive. I enjoy creating learning experiences that are fun and cater for a wide range of abilities.

My hobbies include cooking, going to the gym and spending time with my family. I also love walking my fur baby Bonnie each day. I have been fortunate to travel and explore many parts of the world and look forward to many more trips over the school holiday periods. This year the opportunity arose to be a Learning Enhancement Teacher at Good Shepherd and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to me to join the community I have always admired. The high quality teaching, learning and commitment the teachers show to their students makes Good Shepherd a remarkable community that I now have the privilege to be part of. I look forward to getting to know students and families more in the coming weeks.

My name is Belinda Semos and I am joining the Year 1/2 level as a Teacher Assistant. I have worked in Education support for 7 years in local primary schools.

I live in the local area and am married with 4 children. My oldest daughter Kiara also works at Good Shepherd as a Teacher Assistant. She is currently completing her Teaching degree. I commenced work here in 2023 as a Casual Relief Teacher Assistant and have been lucky enough to have a permanent position now, and am looking forward to being a part of a beautiful school community.

My children are involved in lots of local sporting clubs so our weekends are busy watching them play. We also spend lots of time with family and friends. One of our favourite places to visit is Yo Chi for frozen yogurt!

I am looking forward to working with a great team of educators and helping to support the students at Good Shepherd.

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Jane Pooley Visual Arts Teacher

Hi! My name is Jane Pooley. I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Education. My journey began at RMIT, where I delved into fine arts, exploring painting, print making and art history.

My career unfolded with a brush in hand as I worked as a scenic artist for Channel 9, Channel 7, and the ABC. Following this, I ventured into entrepreneurship, running my own interior design consultancy for six years. Specialising in faux finishes and trompe l’oeil murals, my work adorns the walls of some of Melbourne’s finest homes, adding a touch of elegance and creativity.

Driven by a desire to share my passion and knowledge, I returned to study and completed a Bachelor of Education at Deakin University. This led me to become a specialist art teacher, catering to students with diverse learning skills. Eventually, I embraced the role of Junior, Middle, and Pre-Senior School Arts Teacher at an independent school, nurturing creativity in young minds. My commitment to promoting visual arts extended beyond the classroom. I actively participated in local art displays, competitions, and student exhibitions. Additionally, I conducted courses for the Council of Adult Education and Box Hill TAFE, passing on the intricacies of trompe l’oeil mural techniques to aspiring artists.

Through teaching, I blend my qualifications, expertise, and extensive experience to foster creativity and guide talented individuals towards a career in art. Yet, amidst the layers of my professional journey, one constant remains—my passion for drawing and painting, evident in my personal art collection spanning nearly three and a half decades.

Starting a new teaching job fills me with excitement and anticipation. I hope to bring my passion for education to this new environment, inspiring and guiding my students along their learning journey. I look forward to forging new connections and fostering a supportive community within the school. Building relationships with both colleagues and learners will not only enrich my professional experience but also create a positive and collaborative atmosphere where everyone can thrive. I’m eager to embark on this new chapter and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those I meet.

Welcome back to the following staff members

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Jacinta Fry School Counsellor Jess Bentley Year 4 Teacher Stephanie Witbreuk Year 4 Teacher

Graduation Dinner

The Year 6 Graduation Dinner is always a special occasion for our Year 6 students and staff and this year was certainly no exception.

The Graduation Committee and helpers transformed our gym into a magical experience. A Carnival extravaganza of lights, colour and high top fun. Weeks of preparations went into making the night such a success. Students danced to chosen songs, visited stalls of fairy floss, slushies and popcorn and played a variety of carnival games that were set up in the transformed gym. Past and present staff joined students to celebrate the occasion on the special evening.

The students and staff had a wonderful night that provided memories that will last a lifetime. We wish them all the very best for the future.

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End of Year Service & Graduation Ceremony

One of the highlights of our school year is the End of Year Service and Graduation Ceremony. This is an opportunity for our School community to come together and celebrate the year that has passed, farewell our Year 6 students, departing families and staff members.


to our Graduating Class of 2023. It was a privilege to watch you graduate from Good Shepherd and begin the next chapter of your lives.

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Commencing Prep

One hundred new faces, lots of new places.

Names to know, time to give learning a go. Routines to learn and when it is my turn.

I go to Good Shep, I am in Prep.

A B C, 1 2 3. Letters and sounds, numbers all around.

God created the world in seven days, and I am learning in new ways.

A big buddy that cares for me, a bond to last eternity.

Art, LOTE, Drama, Music, Tech, Library and Sport, all the specialist subjects I am being taught.

Science, Maths, Christian Studies, Humanities, Reading and Writing, Prep learning is very exciting!

With more still to come, our adventure has only just begun!

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Year 6 Leadership – Good Shepherd find time to ‘Aspire Higher’

Good Shepherd warmly greeted the Year 6 students of 2024 as they stepped into their new roles as leaders within the Senior School.

The initiation of the Unleashing Personal Potential’s Positive Impact Program, ‘Aspire Higher’, marked the beginning of their leadership journey. Through this program, students were challenged and guided with invaluable life lessons woven into real-life narratives and engaging activities. Collaborating during various challenges, they discovered the power of teamwork and mutual encouragement. From solving puzzles to tackling tasks that demanded courage and perseverance, they embraced the journey towards achieving their goals.

This dynamic workshop was an immersive experience, calling upon every student to contribute through their influence, strengths, and collaborative spirit. It was inspiring to witness students who typically don’t interact coming together to support one another. During the shout-out segment, there was genuine joy in hearing students offering direct, positive affirmations to peers, regardless of their prior acquaintance. The presenters captivated the audience with their expertise, friendliness, and infectious enthusiasm, ensuring the session flowed smoothly while delivering valuable insights.

Together, we explored the essence of leadership — setting goals, fostering collaboration, active listening, and sharing a compelling vision, all while remaining adaptable to changing circumstances. Leadership demands dedication, effort, and continuous selfreflection. Though challenging, it promises immense rewards.

Determination, commitment, and teamwork were emphasised as essential attributes for the Year 6 students stepping into their leadership roles. Teachers observed with pride as students embraced their responsibilities, collaborating within their teams and serving others with integrity. Inspired by the teachings of Luke 6:31, we encouraged students to adopt a culture of mutual respect in their leadership roles, highlighting the importance of treating others with the same kindness and consideration they themselves desire.

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Sailing Program

The sailing program, an integral part of our leadership curriculum, once again proved to be a standout experience for our Year 6 students during Term 1. Each student had the opportunity to engage in three lively sessions, lasting an hour and a half each, sailing across Lillydale Lake. Utilising two-man sailing boats, this program provided an ideal platform for students to grasp the fundamental principles of sailing within a dynamic and secure setting.

Thanks to innovative technical enhancements, even our most novice participants found themselves capable of mastering the art of sailing. With virtually no risk of capsizing, these boats ensured a safe and enjoyable learning environment for all. Throughout the sessions, students explored the various components of the vessel, gaining insight into their functions, including the boom, mast, centreboard, reefing line, and more. Moreover, they familiarised themselves with sailing terminology such as tacking, reaching, reefing, port, and starboard.

The unpredictable Melbourne weather added an element of excitement, with tranquil periods occasionally interrupted by sudden gusts of wind, propelling the boats across the choppy waters. This variability contributed to the richness of the experience.

The benefits of the program were manifold. Students not only learned through hands-on exploration but also honed their decision-making skills, fostered teamwork, refined their ability to assess risks, and strengthened their perseverance. Amidst all the learning, there was an atmosphere of joy, fun, and happiness, making the entire experience memorable and rewarding for everyone involved.

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Year 4 Camp

During March, the Year 4 students headed to Camp Rumbug, located in the hills of South Gippsland in the rainforest overlooking Wilson’s Promontory National Park.

There were many highlights for the students over the three-day camp. These included activities such as a giant swing, archery, canoeing, flying fox, bushcraft, aeroball, low ropes and group initiatives.

At camp the aim is to:

• foster co-operation and community spirit amongst the students

• build social skills while broadening and consolidating friendships

• develop an appreciation of the natural environment

• develop skills in outdoor education.

Across the three-day period, the students were challenged to co-operate with one another, show consideration for their peers, work together as a team and learn new and exciting skills. The camp experience included an evening disco and campfire. The students were great ambassadors for our school and the Year 4 camp is set to be one that students will reflect on with many happy memories.

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Year 5 Camp

This term, the Year 5 students explored the captivating era of the Gold Rush, immersing themselves in the stories of the Eureka Stockade and the allure of gold in historical context. They brought their learning to life during an unforgettable three-day camp at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat.

Upon stepping through the gates of Sovereign Hill, it felt as though we had been transported back to the bustling streets of the 1850s. Authentic buildings lined the dusty pathways and we found ourselves interacting with various characters; soldiers, miners, police officers, and more! We could smell the freshly made boiled sweets at Brown Brothers’ Confectionery and enjoyed exploring the small stores brimming with souvenirs.

The highlight of the camp experience was the re-enactment of the Eureka Rebellion, brought to life through the Aura Sound and Light Show. This immersive show not only shared the history of Ballarat from a First Nations perspective but also transported them back to the 1850s. Throughout their time at Sovereign Hill, the students were fortunate to experience various demonstrations, including the Gold Smelting Works, where a gold ingot worth $150,000 was expertly smelted and repoured.

The underground mine tours proved to be a highlight as students ventured beneath Sovereign Hill to explore the intricate network of mine shafts. Along the way, they uncovered the fascinating story of a record-breaking gold nugget that sparked a frenzy in 1858, gaining a deeper appreciation for the resilience of the miners who toiled in challenging conditions.

Gold panning emerged as a fun and exhilarating activity, with expert guidance leading to moments of excitement as a few fortunate students eagerly exclaimed “Eureka!” upon discovering gold in their pans. Students were lucky to also have the opportunity to enjoy life in the slow lane, boarding the carriage and letting the driver steer the beautiful Clydesdale horses around the sights and sounds of Sovereign Hill.

Camp was filled with joy, laughter and learning. As students bid farewell to Sovereign Hill and returned to the present day, they carried with them a treasure trove of memories and a deeper understanding of Australia’s rich gold rush history.

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Cultural Diversity Day

We celebrated Cultural Diversity Week with an array of activities, embracing the theme “Our Shared Stories — Celebrating Together.”

With our aim of always providing a safe, supportive and respectful learning environment for all individuals the school welcomed the opportunity to embrace our vibrant and multicultural landscape. In recognising the importance of God making us all different and unique, the school focus this year was ‘Loved by God, to love each other’. In recognising God’s love for us, and in rejoicing in the fact that we are all made different and unique, it allowed for us to give thanks in how our differences enrich our school community. Students and teachers alike united to honor our multicultural identity, reflecting the diversity of our community. The highlights included a vibrant dress-up day where students and staff proudly displayed their cultural heritage. Our Art Teachers led an art project. Students collaboratively crafted 3D peace doves in teams, students learnt and reflected on the values of respect and teamwork, while expressing their creativity. Students embraced different perspectives and discussed differing approaches to complete the 3D peace dove.

Cultural Diversity Week was purposefully integrated into our curriculum by classroom teachers guiding students through various activities. From writing poems celebrating cultural diversity to exploring the impact of significant Australians from diverse backgrounds, students delved into the richness of our multicultural tapestry. This week was not just about learning; it was a time of reflection and celebration, highlighting the importance of cultural diversity in shaping our collective identity and fostering a sense of belonging for all members of our school community. These activities reinforced the message that in our school, everyone belongs.

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Year 5 & 6 Buddies

Our Year 5 and 6 students have embraced their leadership role as Prep Buddies with remarkable compassion and care. They diligently ensure their younger peers have everything they need, from eating their lunches to guidance around the school grounds. The Buddy program not only benefits our Preps by helping them integrate into our school community but also provides invaluable opportunities for our Year 5 students to develop their empathy and leadership skills. This special friendship provided by buddies is of great comfort and support to our prep students. Witnessing our students’ compassionate acts as Buddies is truly inspiring. Well done Year 5 and 6 buddies!

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House Swimming Carnival 2023

It was wonderful to see the Years 3 – 6 students involved in Inter-House Swimming Carnival last year. It was a day of great participation and fun and the students are to be commended for their sportsmanship and teamwork. Congratulations to Angara who took out the shield for 2023.

Record Breakers

Year 5 Girls 50m Freestyle Mia Gu (32.59), previous record Ava Kernich (34.51).

Year 5 Girls 50m Backstroke Mia Gu (42.06), previous record Ava Kernich (42.62).

Year 5 Girls 50m Butterfly Mia Gu (36.97), previous record Ava Kernich (43.38).

Year 5 Boys 50m Butterfly Thomas O’Toole (39.69), previous record Jack Mullarvey (1.04.05).

Year 6 Boys 50m Butterfly Liam Joy (36.37), previous record Connor Joy (38.85).

Year 3 & 4 Boys 50m Freestyle Relay Karora (3.22.12) – Samson O’Toole, Ken Lin, Lucas Zou & Kalen Raban, previous record Talpa – (3.37.90).

House Points

Age Champions

Year 3 Ryan Lalwani & Karina Zhao

Year 4 Lucas Zou & Summer Newnham

Year 5 Thomas O’Toole & Mia Gu

Year 6 Liam Joy & Charlotte Clements

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EXCELLENCE Angara 410 points Karora 392 points Iluka 392 points Talpa 392 points

Swimming Squad

The 2024 Good Shepherd Swimming Squad consisted of 26 students from Years 3 to 6. These students qualified to be part of the team that represented Good Shepherd at the District Swimming Carnival, held at Tintern Grammar on Monday 26 February.

The District Carnival saw our squad of swimmers compete at a very high level with ten students achieving qualification to the Divisional Swimming Carnival held at Aquanation Pool, Ringwood.

After a successful District event, each of our 10 squad members swam with great determination in their individual and relay events as they attempted to earn their position at the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Championships on 22 March. As we celebrate all of our Swimming Squad members in 2024, we pay particular congratulations to the following students on their outstanding efforts at the Divisional stage of competition:

12 Years Girls (Year 6) Alana Eriksen, Chloe Fox, Sophie Zhao, Mia Gu

12 Years Boys (Year 6) Thomas O’Toole

10 Years Girls (Year 4) Amelia Sang, Emma Zhang, Jessica Qiu, Karina Zhao and Leah Gu

It is a great achievement to reach these stages of competition and we are extremely proud of the commitment and dedication students showed throughout their training and competition. Well done to our 2024 GSLPS Swimming Squad!

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Deakin Shield Award 2023

2023 was the first year Good Shepherd presented awards for the Deakin Shield. We had the pleasure of welcoming Michael Sukkar MP — Member for Deakin to present the awards to our winners. Mia Gu was selected for her outstanding Sporting Achievement and Jack Tiley for his outstanding Academic Achievement.

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Middle Primary Building: Embracing the Future of Learning at Good Shepherd

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the traditional classroom model is being reimagined to meet the needs of 21st-century learners. As technology continues to shape the way we live and work, schools are increasingly recognising the importance of creating dynamic environments that foster collaboration, innovation, and critical thinking. With this vision in mind, we are thrilled to introduce our new state-of-the-art Middle Primary Building, designed to promote 21st-century learning like never before.

Located at the heart of our school campus, our new Middle Primary Building represents a commitment to excellence in education. Every aspect of the design has been carefully crafted to inspire creativity, exploration, and a passion for learning. One of the most exciting features of our new building is the inclusion of collaborative spaces. Gone are the days of rows of desks facing the front of the room. Instead, our classrooms are designed to facilitate group work, discussion, and peer-to-peer learning. Flexible furniture arrangements allow for easy reconfiguration, empowering teachers and students to adapt the space to suit the needs of each lesson. Whether students are working on a group project, engaging in a debate, or participating in a hands-on activity, our collaborative spaces provide the ideal environment for active learning.

In addition to collaborative spaces, our new school building boasts dedicated innovation spaces where students can explore, experiment, and create. Here, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts, solving problems, designing solutions, and bringing their ideas to life.

Our new school building represents a bold step forward in our commitment to preparing students for success in the 21st century. It is a place where curiosity is nurtured, creativity is celebrated, and every student has the opportunity to thrive. As we embark on this exciting new chapter, we invite our community to join us in embracing the future of education at GSLPS. Together, we will inspire the next generation of innovators, thinkers, and leaders.

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The Learning Pod: A Haven for Integration and Learning Enhancement Support

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the importance of inclusivity and personalised support for every student cannot be overstated. Recognising this imperative, we are proud to introduce “The Learning Pod,” our school’s innovative new building dedicated to providing integration and learning enhancement support for students who require additional assistance.

As you approach the building you pass through a beautiful cottage garden, designed to create a multi-sensory experience, engaging students’ sense of vision, smell and touch. Sensory play equipment surrounds the area, engaging students in sensory play.

The Integration rooms are warm and welcoming, lined with timber, creating a cocoon for social-emotional support and specialised interventions.

The Learning Enhancement space is a flexible environment, able to accommodate both support group meetings with parents and student academic tutoring. The School offers a range of learning enhancement programs designed to empower students with the skills and strategies they need to succeed academically.

The Learning Pod embodies our commitment to fostering an inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive. The Pod is staffed by a dedicated team of professionals who specialise in providing personalised support to meet the unique needs of each student, helping them to reach their full potential. We are excited to see the positive impact that The Learning Pod will have on the academic success and wellbeing of our students.

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