The Staff - Lent 2020

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“They say Aslan is on the move- perhaps has already landed.” The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe ~ C.S. Lewis

Robert Childers, Rector

When our children were young, around five and seven, as a summer reading project, we read C.S. Lewis’ entire Chronicles of Narnia. I had never read any of Lewis’ fiction and was as excited as Rob and Liz were to embark upon this literary journey. Aslan, the great Lion and Christ figure, is the central figure in all the books of this series, regardless of whether he is present or absent, seen or unseen. The above quote comes from Mr. Beaver who excitedly proclaims that Aslan might be about. This was a time of cold, of winter, the time of the White Witch. The inhabitants of Narnia were hopeful Aslan could free them from the reign of the evil witch. When the children who had come into Narnia - Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy - heard the name of Aslan, they each felt something jump within them. Though they knew nothing of the great lion, they sensed his presence would change their lives and even their world. As I read this passage to our children, each of us had a wonderful sense of excitement that something powerful, wonderful and even life changing was about to happen. Just as the children in the story felt a new sense of trust towards the talking beaver, as well as excitement and expectation regarding what might happen, so did we as we turned each page of the book. Since I first read the Chronicles of Narnia so many years ago, the phrase “Aslan is on the move” has reminded me that God is always at work - and moving - in our lives and that world in which we live. We, as God’s children, are called to pay attention to God’s movement, so we can follow the Spirit

as she moves about, in and amongst us. In recent months, the refrain, “Aslan is on the move” has been dancing about in my heart and mind. This past summer, when we realized we were not going to be able to meet our planned budget, I knew that our fall stewardship campaign would be a pivotal time in the life of the parish. Because of the death of several generous Good Shepherd members, the rest of us were going to have to step up and re-evaluate our commitment to our church and her future. What did we want Good Shepherd to look like in 2020? What did we want the church to look like in the future? What kind of church did we want to leave for our children and their children? To be honest, I didn’t know how we would react to this challenge. Moreover, I felt a heavy burden to “make” the stewardship campaign a success. Out of desperation more than inspiration, I gathered together a group of folks hoping for ideas and encouragement. George Robinson, Tina Currin, Henry Oehmig, Phillip Lang, Susan Stein, Mike Slocumb and Katherine Currin came together and provided wisdom, creativity, patience, perseverance, humor and a deep love of this church, proving to me there are no limitations to what we can do as the people of God and the body of Christ. Each of them dug down deep into their hearts to express their love for and devotion to Good Shepherd. Each of them expressed that love and devotion in their videos and words from the pulpit. They challenged themselves and the parish to stretch and more fully live into our call to be Christ to and 3

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