SUDS Program Planning Session

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SUDS Program Planning Session Event Planning Steps 1. Develop a goal and theme for your event utilizing girl planning and Girl Scout programming, including Journeys. 2. Ensure “The Basics” are included in your event planning 3. Create a timeline for planning your event. 4. Create a budget. 5. Secure site/location. 6. Submit Notice of Service Unit Event (form # 223) to VSS to notify the service unit of your planned activity and to ensure your event is not going to conflict with any others. 7. Purchase additional insurance if needed 8. Promote your event. Refer to the Style Guide for Volunteers when creating your flier. Be sure to send your materials to the event and travel coordinator for approval prior to distributing. 9. Create an event outline for the actual event to keep activities on schedule. 10. Purchase or order needed supplies. 11. Implement program. 12. Evaluate your program using the Participant and Facilitator evaluation forms. Share your evaluations with the event and travel coordinator to maintain in service team records for future reference.

#1. Goal & Theme  WHO is your target audience? Certain age level?  WHY are you having the event?  WHAT will be the theme of the event?  Is there a Girl Scout Badge or Journey you are offering the girls?  Do you have a group of girls you can include in your planning? (Team Members daughters? PA Group?) #2. The Basics  Committee! o Ask personally instead of a blanket invitation o types of people – group leader/people person; problem solver; money person; note keeper; session leaders o Good way to ease new volunteers into a bigger role o Ask girls to serve on committee o Shared Pinterest Board  Program Sessions (how many sessions? Divide by age group/How many girls per session/How long are the sessions/How many can come at each time slot  Progression o Age Appropriate o Make sure the girls will enjoy the event for their age o Don’t give them everything too early (helps with retention)  Being Inclusive o “My Guy and Me” vs “Father/Daughter” o Consider accessibility for possible disabilities  Individually Registered Girls o Formerly Juliettes o Offer girls whose troop does not plan to participate the opportunity to attend (i.e., provisional group) (committee member to lead group or does the parent need to attend?)

Timeline for when committee members need to have their part completed. Get flyer/registration form out at least 2 months prior to the deadline for registration Also create a “day-of” timeline (with job assignments)

o For Example SSSU Twilight Camp (Crafts, Games, Educational Sessions, Camp Supplies, T-shirt, Patch, Facility, Contingency Fee) Sit down with your program person (or yourself) and go through each and every activity that the attendees will be doing. What is needed for those activities? What consumables items need to be purchased? What supplies do you have on hand? (Scissors, glue, crayons, for example) Add all the categories and divide by estimated attendance to come up with “per girl fee” or “per person fee”. Events might have to be cancelled if minimum attendance is not reached Service Unit will need a bank account to handle fund Use a treasurer to manage budget  SSSU now uses Cheddar Up for all registrations

 Is there adequate parking, rooms, room size(s), outdoor facilities, bathroom facilities?

#4. Budget (Refer to budget sheet) Low ball how many girls you think may attend Decide how much money you need for each category of your event

#3. Timeline for Planning Event  Backdate from the event date o The longer the timeline, the more realistic it is o Not enough time? Move date! Maybe even to the next year 

#5 Location  Churches, schools, community centers, business partners Does location meet the needs of the event? Does the location require a fee? Can it be waved for the Girl Scouts? Is the location centrally or conveniently located for the target audience?

#6 Submit required forms to council  Depending on event – Overnights may require an approval form to verify numbers, safety, etc.  Day events – ex. Susan sends me list of registrants to verify membership  Note of any Tag-A-Longs – extra insurance may be required to cover them –Also, make it clear if tag-a-longs are allowed for activity.  Refer to Safety Activity Checkpoints or Volunteer Essentials – you can always ask council for any concerns that arise! #7 Additional Insurance  Trips longer than two nights (Insurance is PER DAY rate)  Pee Wees/Nonregistered Adults in attendance #8 Promote Event  Save the Date as soon as possible  Distribute Flyer (SU Meetings, Email, Facebook, Snail Mail)  Put a video on the SU Facebook page explaining the event (good for new leaders or new events)  Promote in a timely manner (AT LEAST 2 months prior to registration deadline) #9 Event Schedule  Decide rotation of group. How many in each group? Will group all do the same sessions or age level sessions? How many group leaders do you have/need?  Event Schedule – (round robin schedule for participants)  Schedule for set-up, behind-the-scenes, day-of timeline  We realistic on time frame of event (learn from mistakes)  Is there a gathering activity needed?

 Have a great attitude and remember to apologize when your attitude has not been so great. #12 Evaluate your program  Ways to evaluate: girls can put a token in a bag ; Ask the PA’s, Ask older girls for feedback; send a survey out through Survey Money, Qualtrics, Squarespace  Get back together with your team to have a final wrap up meeting to discuss what when well and what can be improved upon. Share results of survey.

 After the event, complete the Best Practices form and file away until time to submit. Q&A and Idea Share Time

 Remember shipping times when planning your registration deadline. I like to make my deadline 6 weeks before the event. That gives you a week or two to figure out how many things need to be ordered, and a month to get the packages delivered.

 Be prepared for things to go wrong (backup plan – presenter doesn’t show up; AV Equipment doesn’t work; the electricity goes out, etc)

 I mainly order from Oriental Trade, S&S Worldwide, Making Friends, Amazon. I get my custom designed patches from Moritz Embroidery. I get my t-shirt from New Wave in Myrtle Beach. #11 Implement program  You’ve put all the time and effort into the plan, now it’s time to give the girls a quality Program!

#10 Purchase or order needed supplies  Don’t be afraid to ask for donations  Remember that detailed list from the budget process? That’s your ORDER/GET DONATED/GATHER SUPPLIES list.

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