Zeolite for Personal Hygiene: Useful Zeolite Applications for Skin and Body

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Zeolite for Personal Hygiene: Useful Zeolite Applications for Skin and Body

Introduction ď ľ

Zeolite is a highly useful mineral that has diverse uses in commercial industries and for personal hygiene needs.

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While industrial zeolite is mostly manufactured in laboratories, zeolite for personal use such as zeolite clay powder is generally obtained naturally by mining from below the earth surface.

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The following slides show some useful applications of zeolite for personal hygiene and body improvement.

Zeolite as Deodorant Spray 

Zeolites are good absorbers of bad smell, i.e. they can easily deodorize an enclosed area.  This

makes them great for use as components of deodorant body spray.

 Body

sprays containing zeolite are shown to keep unpleasant body odors at bay for a longer time than nonzeolite deodorant sprays.

Zeolite as Face Wash and Face Mask 

Zeolites are very, very good at pulling out stubborn dirt and heavy metal particles stuck on skin surface. 

That is why many modern facewashes come with zeolites as important ingredient.

Zeolites are also available in form of zeolite clay powder, which can be mixed with water for cleansing face and skin surface.

Zeolite as Face Creams 

Zeolites are also often used as face creams, usually as a sunscreen for protection against sun rays.

Zeolites are shown to form protective film on skin surface, which allows skin to filter out harmful UV rays from the sun.

It is sometimes used in conjugation with titanium dioxide which allows it to undo any oxidative damage on skin surface.

Zeolites as Health Supplements 

Zeolites are mostly available as consumable health supplements, usually in form of zeolite powder that is safe to consume. 

They are mixed with water to form zeolite solution, which can be drunk as a health supplement.

Zeolite gets rid of most heavy metal ions, toxins and other harmful ions that line the internal stomach surface and gut in our body, making our body comparatively healthier and allowing prevention of most common diseases and body conditions.

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