New Business Park in Riotinto: Site Selection and Pre-Investment Phase

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The present technical study was assigned to TASO by the Regional Development and Innovation

To that end, this report starts with an analysis of current supply in the area and also the supply to be

Agency of Andalusia (IDEA). The objective was first to assess the demand and supply of industrial and

foreseen in the short, medium and long terms. This information, combined with an objective prevision

commercial land in the Riotinto coalfield area (Spain), so as to determine whether new developments

of future demand of industrial and commercial land, is to allow to determine the relevance and the

were relevant. From the conclusions of this exercise and in the case of a positive answer, the study

dimensioning of a new business park in the Riotinto coalfield area. .

would additionally define the profile and basic features of a potential new business facility in the area. This first part of the report is followed by a spatial analysis intended to provide elements for the location choice of the new infrastructure and to define the intervention framework. This model seeks to define the spatial focus for implementation, rather than to identify with precision its geographic coordinates, and to point out the crucial conditions for the viability of the project within the reference area. This type of analysis brings a change in the usual process of choice location among a large number of practitioners, usually driven by the previous availability of specific land in the hands of promoters. The final part of the study deals with the preliminary planning of the potential development, in line with its strategic positioning. In the formulation of recommendations, particular attention has been paid to the current trends in the field of industrial-urban planning, so as to point out intelligent solutions in terms of mix of uses, plot configuration, mobility, integration in the environment and the landscape. Most of all, the challenge is to adopt a sustainable progressive growth strategy, which should allow a long-term life cycle. All these aspects will provide the new infrastructure with a sharp differentiation from conventional developments that have to this day taken place in the reference area. The combination of these analysis, considerations and recommendations makes this pre-investment report innovative in the area context. It is the result of a deep reflection on the territorial model of the coalfield area and on the nature of new industrial spaces, as the driver of the building of a new “production model�.


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