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LETTRED' AMOUR Love Letters Book for 53Renade’s First Anniversary 14th November 2021

WHO IS 53RENADE? They are the 5th wave of NIJISANJI ID that debuted on November 14th, 2020. 53Renade means “5th wave, 3 livers, serenading together”. The name is announced in their first collab stream on November 28th, 2020. The members of 53Renade are: Reza Avanluna Derem Kado Nagisa Arcinia The name of 53Renade’s fan is Grenade. It’s also announced on the same stream they announce their wave’s name. Please kindly check 53Renade’s social media and subscribe to their YouTube channel! 01

Letter for Reza Avanluna

#artvanluna Letter for Derem Kado

#Derem_Art Letter for Nagisa Arcinia

#Nagisa_ArciArt Letter for 53Renade

#Grena_Date #Anniver53ry


Terima kasih atas kerja keras kalian bertiga selama satu tahun. Benar-benar tidak terasa, lho. Baru rasanya kemarin kita merayakan 6monthversarry. It was a blast. Aku bersyukur bertemu kalian bertiga. Aku pelan-pelan mengenal kalian dan pesona kalian masing-masing. Kalian bertiga luar biasa. Semoga kita bisa membuat banyak kenangan indah ke depannya. Kami sayang kalian! C: Jaga kesehatan dan jangan lupa istirahat. Let's do our best again for another year, and year, and years ahead. Thank you! ( Yaku ) Dear Ejak, hi, it's me the clown. First, thank you for this one year. Lots happened huh, thank Lord, I was fated to follow you and wave 5 since your debut. So sorry if I ever made you mad, I really sorry. Second, YOU, A TALENTED KING. Please listen to us, things you made might feel not perfect enough, but you improved A LOT. I love to see people improving, little by little, the progress is what important in life, to me especially. You are doing GREAT, Ejak. Lastly, I think for now, let's face the future together. I hope our journey won't end fast. Another year, in this virtual adventure! ( クミクミクミ ) Dear Derem, hemlo! Thank you for being here, especially being the most logical and neutral between the two chaotic livers in 53renade. You are a very talented magical girl! I love your creativity and your stream always so fun to watch. Never change Derem, never change. I hope we can enjoy another year of virtual adventure together again! Thank you very much, Derem! ( クミクミクミ )


Dear Nggis-eh, Nagisa, hemlo~ Thank you for existing here and being an adorable fruit liver (also chaotic) in 53renade! You are also, a talented manggis, I enjoy your streams and of course Sebuah Review. I love your sassy-ness too. Please keep them and unleash more of your moe, fresh from Moeland. I hope we can enjoy another year on this virtual adventure together! Thank you very much~ ( クミクミクミ ) All i wanna to say. Thanks a lot for 53renade for exist, for giving Ejak, Derem, Nagisa a place to shine. A place to define them as "Reza Avanluna:, as "Derem Kado", as "Nagisa Arcinia" Terimakasih, 53Renade ( IzunaLord ) Ejak, you were my first true introduction to the Nijisanji-verse and by extension the whole vtuber culture. I was about to finish my thesis, at the end of a stage in my life and after a bad break-up. My friend invited me to Tamvanluna. Honestly I didn't have high expectations; I was looking for friends, just trying to get out there and start fresh. Oh boy did I get more then I bargained for. I got so many new friends I love with all my heart. Some of the warmest, nicest and down right awesome people I've ever met. I spend the remainder of my college days before the thesis defense just hanging out and vibing with them. I'll always be thankful of the community you've created. There's also something else, something much more important. 05

Ha o o e ja ko kr Reza Avanluna Ll e t te r f Idk, i just wanna say thanks Tiap liat stream ejak bikin mood naik, bikin seneng. Ya soalnya dirumah trus gaada hiburan kwkwkw xD. Trus lagu ori ejak yang "Mimpi" itu suka banget dengernya. Yaaa, smoga sukses trus ya, dan selamat atas 1 tahunnya 53renadee ( Anonymous ) 53 e n a d e. .or you r e x is ta ed nc Lr e t t e r f D er e m K oe have been a joyful grenade for me! The three of you have really made a lot of my days and it have truly been fun! I hope it will continue to always be like this and I hope that the three of you will have good health and to always grow bigger! ( SPDX ) Hai Jak! Terimakasih sudah menghibur kita semua selama satu tahun ini. Aku seneng banget ngeliat Ejak bercanda bareng Tamvanluna di waiting room atau sebagainya. Walaupun saling berjauhan satu sama lain, tetapi terasa sangat dekat. Aku tau, Ejak pasti sudah berjuang Letter for Nagisa Arcinia sampai bisa ke titik ini, kamu juga pasti berusaha keras untuk bisa terus maju kedepan. Semua itu pasti ada pengorbanannya, seperti waktu bersantai yang lebih sedikit dari sebelumnya dan sebagainya. Maka dari itu, mas Ejak jangan sampai lupa makan ya! Jangan lupa istirahat yang cukup juga. Mas Ejak kan yang ngingetin kita buat istirahat di lagu Lullaby, masa masnya sendiri malah kurang istirahat, hehe. Sekali lagi, terimakasih untuk kerja kerasnya selama ini, otsukarejak. Letter for 53Renade ( Calyn ) Happy first anniversary ejakkkk(/^v ^)/ Inget jaga kesehatan, jangan lupa minum air, kurang ikut angin begadang nya *meresahkan Sehat selalu, jangan lupa istirahat, pokoknya semoga aminn(*´v `*) ( Padsma )

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Jalan-jalan ke pasar rau Jangan lupa beli pomade Setahun telah berlalu Datanglah anniv 53renade! Cie anniv, cie jadi senpai www. Maaf pantunnya kalau tidak nyambung XD Benaran tak terasa sudah setahun, rasanya cepat sekali. Masih ingat waktu kalian debut, dari Nggis yang ternyata bisa banyak bahasa, Derem yang huwuh imut, sampai Ejak yang koneksinya tidak tertolong wkwk. Setelah itu, banyak juga keseruan selama kalian stream dan interaksi dengan orang lain, khususnya dengan liver 2434!! Terima kasih sudah meramaikan NIJISANJI ID >///< semoga ke depannya makin banyak goals dan plans yang terwujud, aamiin~ Semangat berkarya, 53renade! Ditunggu kon10 selanjutnya UwU ( Radice ) Teruntuk My Lovely Magical Girl yg WANGY-- a salah maksudnya yg cantik, manis dan yg ku sayangi I just want say, thank you very much for making my day ! I love your Content, i love your Voice especially your Buka kado voice, i love your eyes, i I like your shyness, because it's so cute, and also... i love staff-san wwww no no no, jk. Jaga kesehatan yahh, jgn kebanyakan Stream Endurance mulu hihihi, because... We love you! Derem Kado <3 ( Chibbo ) 13

Hello Derem, gak kerasa yaa udah 365 hari aja Derem,Reza dan Nagisa debut hehe.. Perasaan Letter for Reza Avanluna baru kemarin liat pengumuman debut Gen 5 Nijisanji ID di FB ehh ternyata itu udah lewat 365 hari. 365 hari bisa dibilang gak sebentar juga cuma akan serasa sebentar atau malah tidak serasa sama sekali kalo kita menikmati dan tertarik dengan hal itu khususnya Derem disini Banyak momen yang sudah terlewati dari pas awal - awal Derem stream ori masih kerasa tegang L e t t er or D e r em ad o ba n g e t taf pi ma l a h jaK di k awaii, terus pas stream ulang tahun Derem yang dimana kebanyakan livers stream dengan merayakan dengan maybe konser atau liat liat hasil karya para pendukungnya ini malah maen getting over it #bukanmaen emang Derem wkwk,terus stream pas valentine Derem baca "love letter" walau love nya gak bakal diterima tapi aku suka stream itu berharap tahun depan ada lagi hehe,terus ada stream voice acting yg awal awal aku kirim teksnya kebanyakan dari madomagi sampe jadi voice acting ngedate di bioskop wkwk,terus Derem ju a r a b alf lm st e r d ea nga k e k u atan chuuninya yg luar biasa wkwk,terus bikin cover pertama kali L e t te r oa r N a gi s An rc i n i a yaitu zero yang dimana aku suka banget animasinya kaya cocok aja gitu api api terus mode buka kado wkwk,terus Derem pertama kali buka membership dan yaa pas Derem buka membership ini aku seneng banget bisa jadi magical domikado 01 hehe dan terus sampe sekarang Derem udah berani ngeroasting domikadonya hmm luar biasa wkwk yaa walaupun tidak semua momen itu menyenangkan di beberapa saat ada juga momen yg sedih juga sih...

L et t e r oi r 5 3R e n Ak u b o l ehfn ti p p e sa ad ne enggak? "Semakin tinggi pohon semakin kencang angin menerpa" Aku harap Derem bisa memanfaatkan apa yg telah terjadi setahun kemarin untuk menghadapi tahun tahun berikutnya, aku pernah bilang Derem punya potensi kok untuk jadi vtuber besar tetap semangat yaa ( Madoka_ ) 15


Wa h h g ar kk e r as aeu ah s en ta u n L e tt e f o r R zd a Av a lh u n aaja nih #53Renade perasaan baru kemarin stream bareng sore - sore terus ngumumin nama dari generasi 5 ini wkwk dan aku masih inget Reza cerita kalo Derem dan Nagisa gak tau salah satu band terkenal yg make nama Serenade juga wkwk Menurut aku jujur #53Renade ini merupakan paket komplit yang nyaman untuk di tonton Kaya Reza orangnya asik banget terus kalo ngobrol sama dia di pasti nyambung khas anak tongkrongan banget lahh hehe, terus Derem kalo Derem gimana yaa karna aku ngeoshi in Derem udah L e t te f or D rk e m Ka ok overall Derem enak diajak ngobrol-ngobrol nyantai apalagi kalo soal pa s t i br aka l su be je t if wd kw makanan pasti nyambung soalnya Derem punya selera unik khususnya terhadap makanan hehe dan terkahir Nagisa kalo Nagisa moe moe kyun yaa wkwk dulu pas awal aku rasa Nagisa ini orangnya pasti ada "cute girl doing cute things" dan ternyata benar wkwk. Aku inget waktu stream the sims masteam bisa ikutan dengan donasi berapapun ehh akhirnya malah jadi battel royal wkwk terus yg aku suka Nagisa yaitu stream educationnya entah itu mengenai bahasa,buah atau suatu tempat it u s a t u s i s i m e n g h i b u r s a t u s i s i l a i n m e m b e r i k a n m a n f a a t j u g a h e h e Letter for Nagisa Arcinia Aku berharap kalian makin Wangy - Wangy dan Huha - Huha ehh salah maksudnya makin solid makin kompak makin bersinar hehe ( Madoka_ )

HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY TO MY FAV WAVE, MY ADORABLE SIBLINGS 53RENADE <3 <3 <3 Semoga di masa yang baru ini kalian bisa menjadi semakin dekat satu sama lain, semakin L e t t e r f o r 5 3 R e n a d e dikenal oleh banyak orang. Juga semoga kalian bisa terus menyambut pagi kami dengan senyuman dan mengantar kami tidur dengan nyenyak. Terima kasih sudah hadir di hari-hari kami dan membuat hari-hari kami yang tadinya berat jadi ringan, yang sudah ringan jadi makin ringan ^^ Semangat terus 53Renade! ( Bommu )

1 06 2

Ha p p y a nnf iv rs a r y 3r n a d e ! L e t te r oe r R e z a5A ve a n l u n a All three of you have been very entertaining to watch and I hope that all of you can continue to bring more smiles in the future! Keep doing your best and don't forget to rest when you need it. I'll be here to support you and watch your content. Looking forward to the future! ( Banyu ) Kepada Nagisa Arcinia, Lr e t t er f rt D e r e mmK du o Te i m a ka so ih e l a h ua nc l di kehidupanku. Stream subuhan kamu yang biasa tiba-tiba ngebahas hal-hal tak terduga, selalu menghibur aku yang sedang kecapean. Berapa kali aku sakit dan mengisi waktu sambil dengerin kamu, sering ketawa sendiri sampai lupa kalau diri sendiri masih belum sembuh. Anggapannya, Nagisa lah obat paling manjur bagiku hehe. Tapi kalau harus bilang secara serius, aku sungguh sangat berterima kasih karena kamu sering ng e a p r e s i a s i k a r y a k a r y a k u . D i w a k t u w a k t u a k u h a m p i r m e n i n g g a l k a n k o m u n i t a s i n i , s r e a m Letter for Nagisa Arcinia Nagisa lah yang menahan aku untuk menetap. Sejak saat itulah, aku berjanji pada diri sendiri, kalau Nagisa pengen di gambarin apa-apa akan aku bikinkan sebisaku karena aku ingin membalas kebaikan hatimu. Aku sayang banget sama Nagisa. Itulah kenapa, jaga kesehatan bener-bener. Jangan sampai jatuh sakit. Begadang boleh, gak mandi boleh. Tapi aku mohon, jangan sampai kamu tepar yah. Makan bener-bener, minum air putih juga banyakin. Aku gak pengen tiba-tiba denger Nagisa istirahat Lr e t t er f r.53Renade ka e n a sa ko it Semangat terus streamnya, Nagisa. Aku dan Masteam semuanya akan terus mendukung apapun yang kamu pengen lakukan!! ( Anna Freyya )



Ha p y o ne ye a n ni vv ea rs r y 53renade!!! Congratulations to you on this very big occasion. Lp e t te r fo rar Re z a A na l u na Thank you always for all the memories that we made together~ I'm really grateful that i can meet and know you guys. Thank you for everything and i hope we can spent more years to come together~ Sayang 53renade and 53renade world domination!!!!! <3 ( Kei )

Ly e tt e rCf rN D e r e m ao d o He , M y uo te a g i s a!KG o d work for the first year! Wow, time flies so fast! Honestly, it's only been 11 months for me, but I've seen you try and fail, learn and grow during it. And I’m so glad to have found a "lil' sis" like you. I wish you all the best and hope all your dreams will come true~! If Nagisa needs anything, just tell us! We will help you as much as we can !! (っ´ ω` ) ノ(f Oo vO ヾ( O *r c ) Let te r r✿) Na gi swO aA cinia P.S. I'm sorry if this is kinda rude but could you have a stream about your story before becoming a Liver and your homeland, Moeland? I want to know more about Nagisa, thanks in advance. Who knows, maybe someone can make a (A)

Letter for 53Renade 53renade 1 year anniversary omedetou ! ! ! I really enjoy my 1 year journey with you guys, so i hope that we can continue this journey for many many years later ♡ ♡ ♡ ( 35 )



terima kasih Derem, sudah menemaniku di masa-masa sulit, seperti halnya liver Nijisanji lainnya Letter for Reza Avanluna (I love everyone though!). maaf ya, belum bisa support via donasi atau beli VC nya meski udah ngikut sejak Derem debut... sekali lagi, arigathanks gozaimuch KABOOM! ( Carmine ) Dearest Derem, Letter for Derem Kado I wrote this letter when I was struggling to finish coding in your route, wishing that there would be no bug left so you could enjoy the route to the fullest. Truthfully, coding isn't my strong suit, but everytime I look at your smiling sprite, it feels like all of that exhaustion just melt away and I am left with more determination to finish everything. If there's one thing that stays the same during my stay in this fandom, is that you bring a L e t te f or N a in s ac A r ir n ia sm i l e tr om y fa c ega d o mc fo t to my heart. Weirdly enough, it feels a lot like I see a lot of myself in you, but also that it feels like I have a little sister that I want to tease. I also desperately want to protect your smile. Due to obligation and exhaustion, I haven't been able to visit your stream a lot, and when I do, I haven't had the energy to talk in the livechat, but I always treasure each second I spent watching your stream and your antics. Like your name, Kado, you are indeed a gift in this world, a treasure that is incomparable. Thank you, Derem, for being part of Nijisanji. Thank you for being brave and thank you for L e t t e r f o r 5 3 R e n a d e sharing a part of you in this wide web, that allows us--me to meet you. Happy anniversary! Here's to many, many years to come! Not-so-magical Domikado ;w; ( Wawa )

2 00 2

Ha i 5 3 rr ena d e .R Se uz da hA s e tn al hu n sejak kalian debut dan sudah hampir setahun pula aku mengikuti L et t e f o r a v a u na stream kalian. Sejauh ini pun kalian masih menjadi bagian dari vliver favoritku. Walau begitu, maaf jika sebagai seorang penggemar, aku mungkin nggak termasuk dalam 'penggemar sejati' karena belum bisa untuk mendukung kalian dengan membeli voice content atau donasi atau selalu menonton semua stream kalian. Meski begitu, aku akan terus mendukung semampuku dengan menjadi penonton yg budiman. Kalian menginspirasiku untuk berkarya. Jadi, makasih banyak Reza, Derem, dan Nagisa. Ke depannya juga aku harap kalian sehat, sukses dan bahagia selalu. Letter for Derem Kado ( Dreamcatcher craftsman ) Hallo 53renade yang ku cintai dan ku banggakan.. Gak terasa udah mau satu tahun anniversary aja nih kalian, semoga kedepannya semakin baik dan tidak ada kendala apapun di kehidupan Channel kalian masing masing.. Ka l i a n itu l ay a kg ny ap i un g u n sih, yang selalu berkobar kobar untuk menyemarakkan Nijisanji L e t t er fo r N a ia sa A rc ig n i a Indonesia dan tentu saja buat wave 5 itu sendiri, juga yang pasti menghangatkan hati kami para fans yang merasa dingin. Thank you ya buat semua kenangan yang telah dijalani satu tahun belakangan ini, tawanya, kebersamaannya dan memori yang ga bakal dilupakan. Ayo kita menjelajahi dunia luas yang baru ini! L e t t er f o ry 5 3 e3 n a d e Su k s e s ter u s a ,R5 r e n ade! Salam cinta, your silent audience.. ( RatihCahyaa )



Halo Derem yang cantik dan imut, happy 1 year anniversary~ ^_^ Letter for Reza Avanluna Gk kerasa sudah 1 tahun aja Derem bersama Domikado disini, what a magical moment really meeting you last year and joining the magical journey for a year now, never would think I could meet cute and funny magical girl in my life before, until last year. Your stream really help me through a lot of tough times, whenever I'm feeling down or just need some mood booster, I watch your stream and it's always a fun time there, your energy, happiness, smiles, and laughter (and screams hehe) really light up my days when I needed that magical light. Thank you for all the L e t t e f o r De ep m K a d en t e r t ar inm e n t, hr ap in e s so , and interaction that you given us this past year, I hope I can stay and join you and Domikado for another year and more magical journeys. That being said, I hope you stay happy and energize just the way you're right now, and can always entertain us, Domikado, for one year and more after that. Again thank you for everything that you've done for us o cute magical girl from the magical world, Derem Kado, Domikado will always stay and support you through your journey finding a magical cat.

Letter for Nagisa Arcinia

We love you~ ^_^ ( BlackCrow ) Halo abrakadabra Derem!!! (◜v ◝) Gak nyangka udah satu tahun sejak Derem, Ejak sama Nagisa debut. Waktu berlalu cepat, ya? Lewat L e t te fo r 5 3 en a d e pe s a n ir ni, m un g kR in c u m a bisa bilang terima kasih atas satu tahunnya! Selama satu tahun, melewati suka dan duka, ditemani stream Derem. Aku cuma bisa bilang sekali lagi terima kasih atas satu tahunnya. Semoga channelnya semakin berkembang! Semoga Domikado bisa support lebih banyak! ฅ^• u• ^ฅ ( MoenMoens )



I wish you everyone a very happy 1st anniversary!

Letter for Reza Avanluna

It has been a magical journey of one year!! Spending the past 365 days with everyone has been amazing. everyone showed me a whole new world~ Time really does fly when you’re having fun! It seems just like yesterday you guys were debuting! Let's continue to walk this journey together <3 ( Ifa )

L e t t e r f o r D e r e m K a d o Hello Reza! It's amazing how it's been a year already... It felt like I just found you

yesterday... Terima kasih ya! Karena Ejak, aku bisa ketemu komunitas yang kucintai dan teman-teman yang sangat penting bagiku. Karena Ejak ada, aku dapat belajar menghargai diri sendiri lebih banyak... Dan yang paling penting adalah, karena Ejak, aku jatuh lebih dalam ke dalam lobang VTuber ini dan mendalami Nijisanji yang aku gemari sampai sekarang. It ' s a lr lb e c au sa eg t h a tA or nc ei d a y .. I decided to watch your stream, Ejak. Your laugh, your voice, L e tt e f o r N i s a n i a your comedy, your personality, your everything... Thank you, Ejak. And thank you for all your hard work until today! Because of you I could find a place where I belonged, so thank you for creating such a warm and welcome community! Thank you so much! ( GrilledCheez ) Derem is so cuuuute! Dari semua Liver yang aku nonton, Derem itu selalu menguasai hatiku dengan Letter for 53Renade suara, personality, dan ketawamu yang imut semua! Pas nonton Derem, pasti hatiku meleleh mendengarkan ketawamu yang begitu manis, dan kelakuanmu yang bikin gemes... I LOVE YOU DEREM! (I AM DEFINITELY TIDAK HALU!) ( GrilledCheez )

2 04 2

Im n o t rea l l yR g oz od i t h wo d s but i will try my best! Le t t er f o r e aw A v a nl ur n a It has been 1 year since we meet huh, time sure does fly! If you ask me i never thought I'd love someone so much for this long of time www but hey here i am! What a journey huh, during this 1 year so much happened. I watch as you grow and be who you are now, i saw how much your mixing, designing, and even something as simple as thumbnail and also many more improve, i still vividly remember how proud and excited i was to hear Eri-chan in L e t t e r f o rt D e ei m K ad Ni j i s o r ef o r h erf rs t to ime. Looking at you now you've grown so much that i just can't help but be proud of you. I just want to say thank you for everything mas, Thank you for letting me to meet you and tamvanlunas. Thank you for all the hardwork you put into this. Thank you for being here and making our life more colorful, there are more but in the end thank you for being you and be here with us! Letter for Nagisa Arcinia This is our first year together and I'll be here tagging along in this journey with you and the others until we finally meet the end of this journey! ( Liruu ) Halo mas Ejak! Aku harap kamu sehat selalu yaa! Pertama, aku ucapkan selamat satu tahun! Bagaimana perasaannya mas? Pasti kamu deg degan banget L e t te f or 53Renade ta h u n lr alu ~ Aku masih inget pertama kali aku tau mas Ejak dari stream Lullaby mu dan lagumu yang Mimpi! Terima kasih banyak sudah membuatkan lagu Mimpi! all your songs will always have a special place in my heart! I also notice on how you always improving even on small details and like learning new stuff!

2 06 2

kayak improving mixingmu, MV, layout stream baru (thumbnails!), logo sendiri untuk semua Letter for Reza Avanluna kontenmu, you even upgraded your audio stuff! Mic untuk gitarmu atau binaural mic untuk konten-kontenmu! Melihat kerja kerasmu dan semua proses kamu berkarya membuat semua orang jadi ikut semangat untuk berkarya! Thanks to you! you’re enjoy expressing your ideas through artwork, music and writing! I have loved watching your improvement, talent, and personality continually improve every day! And ooh! I also grow thanks to you! Your growth motivates me to grow in everything that I do! L e t t e o r De ee mk K a d Te r a k h ir!f N e xt tr im a l ookamu ragu dengan progressmu, ingat lagi masa-masa pertama kali kamu megang gitar, campaign pertama kali kamu jadi DM , pertama kali kamu membuat lagu atau pertama kali kamu menulis cerita~ you’re a creator and that's not an easy thing to do! always love your creation! Even when you don't feel so great I'll stand by you! I got your back! and oh don't forget to be gentle with yourself! i know you really love your job soo much but don't forget to take care of yourself, stretches after sitting all day, eat and drink more water! Thank you for letting me be a tiny part of your giant journey! Letter for Nagisa Arcinia ( Ifa ) What a journey huh! Before we realize it, it has been 1 year since we've met! Thank you for all the chaos and laugh! It has been a very fun and pleasant ride with you guys! Its our first and im sure there will be more to come. Until we meet the end of it, I'll be here L e t te fo r 53 es na d ethis journey al o n g wr ith y ou gR uy o n ( Liruu )

I'm bad at writing pretty words, so I'm just going to say thank you. And love you :) ( Saku ) 27


Te r i m a kr asi h su d az ha me n g i bl ur k ita semua setahun ini. Semoga kita tetap bisa seperti ini di L e t t e f or R e A v a n un a tahun-tahun berikutnya. Happy Anniversary! <3 ( Saku )

I might not be around that much and just lurk around your streams, but your random antics amuses and cheers me up every single time. I hope you enjoy our presence as much as we do. Happy 1st year anniversary dearest Nagisa! <3 ( Saku ) Letter for Derem Kado Happy 1 year anniversary! Tak terasa sudah setahun kalian menemani hari-hariku, siang bersama Derem, sore bersama Nagisa, dan tengah malam bersama Ejak. Terima kasih atas semangat dan kerja keras kalian, teruslah berkarya, semoga kita masih bisa bersama hingga tahun-tahun yang akan datang. Akan kutunggu 2.0, kostum baru, bahkan 3D kalian dan semoga kalian sehat se a l u ! 3or Nagisa Arcinia Ll e t t e r<f (S) Happy 1st year debut anniversary setan-setan kita tersayang! Terimakasih atas momen-momen yang sangat menghibur setahun terakhir ini. Semoga kita bisa merayakan anniv bareng lagi di tahun-tahun selanjutnya :) love you all <3 ( Anonymous )

Letter for 53Renade

2 08 2

THANKYOU, 5 3 RENADE WI TH LOVE, GRENADES Design by Elle Nut | Lay out by Bommu | Reza’s Sprite by Hunji, RatihCahyaa, Zee | Derem’s Sprite by Liruu, Sanz, Fryna | Nagisa’s Sprite by Anna Freyya, Namika, HaRuKa | Letters by Grenades

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