The importance of life insurance

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The Importance of Life Insurance

To undermine the importance of life insurance because you are young and healthy and therefore death is not forthcoming is a recipe of financial disaster to your family and love ones left behind.

DEATH IS NOT A RESPECTER OF AGE AND HEALTH We have no control when we are going to die. Death can happen anytime to young and old; and to healthy and to sick people. The truth is, many people die daily around the world, who go to bed healthy and do not wake up in the morning for they die in their sleep.

ACCIDENT CAN HAPPEN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE We can be afflicted of a disease without cure like cancer and when it is discovered, it is already terminal.

If you do not have life insurance and no savings to cover for your funeral expenses, where do expect your love ones to secure the funds for your burial?

The foregoing is a reality, for the sake of your love ones, keep your insurance policy enforce and if you do not have life insurance you have to get one while you are healthy for once you have a health problem, you may not be able to get a life insurance policy anymore.

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