3 minute read

The Herald

Newsletter of St Andrew’s Church - Compton Dundon

If you need to contact the church, about Weddings, Baptisms or anything else, we'd love to hear from you: -


Reverend Ana Lawrence –Rector

Tel: 01458 841373 or email: revanalawrence@gmail.com

Mrs Sonia Beaty - Benefice Administrator

Tel: 01458 442671 or email: churchoffice8@gmail.com

Church Warden: Pat King 01458 274926

Services & Events - 4th to 25th June 2023

All services start at 10.00am unless otherwise stated

Check ‘Upcoming Events’ at www.swcd-churches.org.uk

Date Service

Sunday 4th June Morning Worship

Sunday 11th June Holy Communion

Sunday 18th June Morning Worship

Sunday 25th June Holy Communion

The Bible for everyday life

Saturday, 1st July in the Mission Church. A one day interactive journey through the Bible, focussing on how we can apply the 'big story' of the Bible to our everyday lives as Christians. A nominal charge will include refreshments and a simple lunch. More details from the Church Office

Offering a break this summer

Following the success of our two day ‘holiday at home’ last year it is hoped to offer something similar in August. Please contact Ana if you would like to be involved, whether by offering an activity, preparing and serving refreshments or being a welcoming presence.

Dear Friends,

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3.

Recently I spent a few days away on retreat – whilst this was an opportunity to ‘rest’ and step back from normal routines, it was not a holiday! Thank you for allowing me to take a few days away from the parish for such a space to spend time with God alone in the quiet and stillness of the Devon countryside. Whenever I go on retreat, whilst not seeking to put pressure on myself, I like to be able to do the following: read, walk, eat, pray, sleep & journal and I am pleased that I managed all of these over my few days away.

One book I read during my time away (that has been sitting on my shelf for a number of months ‘waiting to be read’) was entitled ‘how to hear God’ by Pete Greig. This subject is something I, and I suspect many others of you wrestle with and it was good to read the author’s honest and powerful teaching as well as engaging more deeply in Scripture as one way of seeking to discern what God might be saying to me at this time. The author reminded me that we can hear God in many ways: through the bible, through Jesus, the Holy Spirit, through his whisper both in dreams and out in the community, creation and culture. Part of this process of hearing God is being prepared to allow ourselves to be attuned and to give God the space for his voice to be heard. Perhaps God’s voice in the bible may be easier to discern than the still small whisper that we could so easily miss in our daily lives if we are not listening.

Jesus throughout his ministry regularly took time away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd to be alone with his father in prayer, listening and responding. My encouragement to you, as I was encouraged on my retreat, is to give yourself space and time to listen to what God may have to say to you.

With my love and prayers, Ana

News from St Andrew’s Church

Our annual Spring Clean took place at the end of April: thank you to everyone who worked hard to make the interior of our church spick and span!

In preparation for the Coronation weekend, bunting was hung above the church gate, along the path handrails and in the porch. A team of florists decorated inside the church to give it a regal feel with red, white and blue arrangements

Plants and Preserves

On Coronation Sunday, St Andrew’s was kindly offered a stall at the Cricket Club Coronation Celebration, selling jams and chutneys, cakes and plants, raising over £150 for church funds. Thank you to those who donated, served and bought. The remaining plants are now on sale in the church porch until mid June and any donations of plants would be greatly appreciated. Homemade jams and chutneys are also now on sale, inside the church, and any donations of them will also be very welcome.

A growing church, cars and being good neighbours

The good news is that numbers at all our churches are increasing and joint services or special events at our churches are now wonderfully full. However, all but one of our churches have no dedicated car park so, when attending Benefice events, please could you share lifts or walk or cycle wherever possible. We want to be good neighbours both to each other and to those who live around our churches.