4 minute read

Meadway Village Hall

Weekly Events

Short Mat Bowls - Monday evening and Thursday afternoon


Dance group - Monday afternoon and Thursday evening

Toddlers & Baby group - Tuesday morning

Pilates and Kettlebells groups - Tuesday 4 to 6.30pm and Friday morning 10 a.m. to 12 noon

Line dancing - Wednesday morning and evening

Table Tennis - Wednesday afternoon

Yoga - Thursday morning

Music With Mummy - Thursday morning

Fortnightly events

U3A sewing bee - in meeting room Tuesday afternoon

U3A quilting for all - Thursday morning in the main hall

Craft Club - 1st & 3rd Tuesday 10 a.m. to 12 noon

Monthly events

Avalon Quilters - the first Saturday in the main hall

Women's’ Institute (WI) - second Wednesday - the meeting room

CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) - Coffee mornings 1st

Wednesdays 10-30 a.m. to 12 noon (see page opposite)

Gardening Club - first Monday - Meeting Room at 7-30 p.m.

Parish Council - first Wednesday (not Aug.) - Meeting Room 7 p.m.

Repair Café - 2nd Saturday - 10 a.m. to 12 noon

All groups are open for you to join

(Hall timetable - please see the website:https://comptondundonvillagemeadwayhall.co.uk/)

Hall monthly meetings 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m.

Are you able to give some time to help in some way?

If interested please contact Janet Davies ( Chairperson) 01458 272877 or Tiffany Kearton ( Secretary) 07855 328979


Meadway Hall - No Dogs

To protect the health and well-being of children and all other field and Hall users, with the exception of assistance dogs no dogs are permitted in the Meadway Hall or anywhere on the playing field and the children’s play equipment area at any time.

Notes of Compton Dundon WI General Meeting and AGM, held

on Wednesday, 10th May 2023

The meeting was opened and our guest Speaker, Nicola Penn together with “Long Suffering Ben” from Boo Cottage Botanicals were welcomed.

Nicola, after a short history of their business, commenced a demonstration of how to make your own soap. Nicola started her demonstration by gently melting some of the solid ingredients such as beeswax and cocoa butter together with other items including essential oils and olive oil. When all had been mixed, the mixture became cloudy and became ready to pour into the mould. The final process is to leave the soap to cure before being portioned into regular blocks of soap. All the soaps, as well as skin balm and solid skin lotion bars, are made including botanicals.

A display of some of their products was laid out for members to see. Many members were keen to sample and then purchase one or two products for their use. Boo Cottage Botanicals are based locally up on the Quantock Hills.


Sally read out the previous AGM’s minutes. Lots were then drawn for the position of President. Sally received the greatest number of votes for President and then for the posts of Vice Presidents, Pat and Val received the majority of those votes cast. Other members of the Committee had agreed to continue in their posts for a further year.

Janet reported on the activities of our WI over the past year. We had 14 members and an average attendance of 10 members. Pat had supplied the Treasurer’s report and Janet read out the highlights.

The Minutes of last month’s meeting which had been circulated were approved.

County News: Forthcoming trips were highlighted. Then raffle was drawn and also the 100 Club.

Compton Dundon Women's Institute

We have plenty of outings and activities planned and new members will be most welcome to help us reach our 95th birthday in 2024!

Please contact our Secretary, Janet Davies for further information: - 01458 272877.

Come along for a fantastic evening full of dancing and laughter, at the same time raising money for our greatly missed village church bells! There will be a bar, food van, raffle and another local support band to enjoy! Looking forward to seeing everyone come together!

“Mad Dog Mcrea blend a unique mixture of folk rock, pop, gypsy jazz, bluegrass and ‘shake your ass’ music. From selfpenned songs of adventure, drinking, love and life, to traditional songs of gypsies, fairies, legless pirates and black flies – Mad Dog never fail to capture their audience with their infectious songs and are, in every sense of the word, a live, band.”

Purchase tickets at The Castlebrook Inn or https:// www.wegottickets.com/event/581222

Golf Society Report May 2023

The weather report promised us bright blue skies and sunshine for several days ahead, so we set off to Minehead to find heavy overcast skies. The Met Office reports are as reliable as my golf swing!

Sam had got into his father in law’s good books prior to this visit by taking him out for lunch for his birthday – he then spoilt it all by beating Peter on the golf course AGAIN! (Will these young people never learn?) He even managed to mishit a shot some 100 yards from the green and watched it roll all the way and down the hole (how did that song go? –“That don’t impress me much!”) Peter meanwhile was failing to get out of a bunker and gave up after 5 attempts.

Nigel has just spent oodles of money on a new set of clubs – they obviously didn’t like the seaside – suffice it to say he didn’t have a good round. Nikky thought that the Golf Society needed some advertising and she inadvertently left a few CDGS monogrammed balls lying in the grass around the course.

This year we have introduced buying Mulligans ( a replayed shot without incurring a penalty) for charity. The idea is that, by using these, one can get a better score on a hole by cancelling out a bad shot. Royston’s use of these Mulligans leaves much to be desired, as when he used his he scored no points at all, which is not quite the object! It should be noted that Dave used his two Mulligans and still owes the money!!!!

The winning team was Hamish, Peter and Kevin. Dave had the highest Score, Gary nearest the pin, and Nikky, falling from her pinnacle of top scorer two months ago. won the prize for lowest score – she blamed the lesson she has just had – good value for money then!

The reckoning up of all the scores completely confused me as I read them out and announced two teams in third place and no second – I now realise that cider interferes with the ability to count.

The next visit is to Honiton on Tuesday 13th June. Anyone wishing to join us contact Richard Conway. We always welcome new members of any ability.

The other visits this year are to Long Sutton (July), Warminster (August), Brean (September) and Wheathill (October).