Exploring Durable Relationships

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hese stories show just a small glimpse into the world of durable product relationships, but still point in several definitive directions for future study. The direct and obvious route is to explore these same themes through in depth interviews. One product, such as here, or several products could be explored by the researcher and participant. The themes drawn out from these stories could each be explored further into how they impact a person’s decision to keep a product. These types of topics are typically very qualitative by nature, but a quantitative study of the different types of products people keep for long periods of time could provide a firm basis for future studies. These stories are all of successfully durable products. What about those they don’t last long at all? What can be learned from them? Similarly, what can be learned from Pack Rats? This was just a small glimpse into this world that needs to be discovered in great depth if we are to create products that hold meaning for people and have less impact on our planet. Thanks to all the participants in this project.


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