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Major Phases of Student Life ber of activities in which the recreational and social



are very closely

In the recreation halls students gather for dances.

In the parlors


They have

which young men and young women are invited from outside the institution. The Y. W. C. A. reception to freshmen during the opening week of the college where the new students meet the upper classmen and the faculty is a delightful occasion for all. The Founders Day celebration in March in which the students, the alumnae, and the friends of the college all participate is one of the great events of the year. The Mardi Gras Ball, held on Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, is a time of fun-making and jollity. The college circus given every year by the student body is a notable event in the whole community. The May Day Festival, an annual occurrence held in the Amphitheatre at Longwood and featuring the crowning of the May queen, involves pantomime and dancing by students in expression of the spirit of an original production by some member of the student body. The Athletic Association offers an opportunity for all students to participate in the numerous sports through class tournaments and varsity competition. Some of the more serious social and recreational activities consist they entertain their friends.

several dances a year to

of a series of entertainments provided by professional musicians, actors,

dancers, and

speakers given in the college auditorium at intervals

The College Choir and the College Oran opportunity for many students to participate in pro-

throughout the college year. chestra offer

grams for the entertainment and recreation of the whole college community. The Dramatic Club under the auspices of the department of speech offers a similar opportunity to students with some talent in the dramatic


Participation in activities of this kind lends

cance to



meaning and


students learn through the experiences thus pro-

vided to appreciate and enjoy the best cultural elements of the race.

They have

in them the happy experience of cooperating in bringing joy and delight to others. They learn to entertain themselves, to live together in a dignified, yet free and easy, atmosphere of culture and re-


ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE The academic and main emphasis tory.


It centers


professional all


of the college constitutes the

other activities are secondary and contribu-

mainly around the courses of instruction offered in

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