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Education differentiated




specialized courses are offered in three fields

lower elementary; upper elementary, and high school. Courses in the history of education, educational administration, educational psychology and philosophy enable the student to gain a perspective not provided in the more specialized courses.

The great demand for teachers in rural schools is recognized in the department of education. The five rural training schools and adequate transportation facilities make it possible to give the same degree of experience in the participation in rural school work as is given in the local training school to students who expect to teach in the city. The courses in rural education and the courses in sociology provide all the specialization needed by students who expect to become community leaders and teachers in In the rural training village and consolidated rural schools. schools the same relation exists between the courses in rural education and the teaching of the student that exists between the work in the local training school and the classroom work in the college. Courses in Rural Education.

definitely qualified for


Major in Elementary Education. The increasing number of students of Courses I and II who return for a degree has made necessary the provision of a course to meet the needs of teachers who have a view to becoming leaders in the field of elementary education. Consequently, in the Department of Education are

now arranged courses that are particularly adapted to the demands of teachers, supervisors, and principals in the elementary schools. Also provision is made for specialization in rural education for those who expect to enter this field. The courses

offered in the



Department are

as follows

Educational Psychology. Three hours a week. Offered every quarter. Credit, three hours. General survey of the field of psychology as applied to education with special reference to teaching in the elementary school. The nature and development of human traits considered at various levels, including observation, memory, reasoning, and feeling. Some attention given to the questions of personality, individual differences, and the measurement of intelligence. Required in first year of Courses I and II,

Education 121, 122 and 223. Principles of Teaching. hours a week for three quarters. Offered every quarter.

Three Credit,

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