The brochure about main threats for the UNESCO World Natural Heritage properties

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World Natural Heritage in Russia is in Danger.

were made), but leaseholder’s (“Istok” company) barrier did not allow inspectors to come there. Prosecutor’s office already started to investigate some infringements but the park Director did not do anything to prevent the violations. ( In February 2011 group of Pribaikalsky park staff wrote an appeal to the President f the Russian Federation with the description of the situation in the park and in protected areas system as a whole with complaint to the MNRE activities in this field. Violating the Federal Law “About order of examination of the Russian Federation citizens’ appeals” the President administration resent this appeal to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology ( blog/36729/). After that the repressions against the park staff who signed the appeal had been started. Senior State inspector of the Elantsinskoye forestry S.Goncharov (father of 5 children) found himself in especially hard. Starting from 28.09.2011 by the order of the park director O.Apanasik № 149 dated 27.07.2011 his position was cancelled in connection with the junction of the Elantsinskoye and Beregovoye forestries «with the aim to optimize the production process». The complete sense of this «optimization» boils down to the cancellation of the Senior State inspector of the Elantsinskoye forestry position. Meanwhile this forestry plays the key role for preservation of the unique natural complexes of the Western coast of the Baikal Lake for control upon the coastal territories that are most frequently visited by tourists. During last years the protocols about violations of nature protective regime could be drew up only by Senior State inspectors. Cancellation of even one position of Senior State inspector in the conditions of constantly reinforced press upon nature of the national park contradicts to the common sense. Such an important question as junction of forestries is necessary to discuss on the Scientific-technical council of the national park, but it was not discussed even on the plenary sessions. MNRE did not accept any measures to the national park guidance. At the end of December, 2011 in spite of pressure from the director’s side the park staff members wrote a new appeal to the President of the country. It was signed by 9 staff members including 5 Senior State inspectors, who lead the forestries of the national park. Their position is shared by the absolute majority of forestry staff of the park. Inspection made by the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in Siberian Federal District revealed a considerable number of violations in the national park including those that are connected with forest logging. In the inspection act of the department 38 violations of the obligatory demands to nature use and demands of the municipal legal acts are reflected. Among them there are shortcomings in the organization of the national park territory protection, in the work with violators of the nature protective regime, in realization of fauna objects use, in realization of the recreational activity, in questions of environment pollution etc. It is marked in the materials that all revealed during examination “administrative infringe| 17

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