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pouring in from across the world for the characters and videos that George created. At the time of its abandonment, the TVFilthyFrank channel boasted 7.88 million subscribers and over one billion views.


Although Frank is gone, George has gone on to find wild success with his projects as Joji. He has released three full-length albums–BALLADS 1, Nectar, and Smithereens–all of which have received critical acclaim. Rather than being about memes or teriyaki sauce, George’s songs are now more personal and genuine. This only makes sense, as Joji isn’t a character like Filthy Frank or Pink Guy–Joji is just George.

TikTok has become a worldwide sensation due to its highly engaging and addictive format that has transformed the way we discover and consume music. As a social media platform, it has enabled emerging artists to reach a massive and highly engaged audience, propelling many to fame through viral music trends. TikTok has also facilitated collaborations between artists, resulting in exciting and unexpected duets and remixes.

Moreover, TikTok has encouraged the creation of new and unique music genres as users experiment with different sounds and styles. This has provided a platform for artists who may not have found success through traditional music channels. For instance, old songs like Aerosmith’s “Dream On” have been rediscovered by a new generation of music lovers on TikTok.

However, TikTok’s influence on the music industry is not without its downsides. One issue is the fleeting nature of many TikTok music trends, which can make it difficult for artists to establish a lasting connection with their audience. The algorithmic nature of the platform means that artists have little control over how their music is used on TikTok. While going viral on TikTok can lead to success, it may not translate into sustainable revenue streams for artists.

A case in point is the success of Gayle’s “abcdefu,” which initially gained traction due to a comment from her marketing manager asking her to write a breakup song using the alphabet. Although the song went viral on TikTok, it failed to establish a lasting connection with audiences. Gayle’s multiple versions of the song also did not gain much traction, leading some to view the song as a publicity stunt rather than a genuine artistic expression.

In conclusion, TikTok has revolutionized the music industry, both positively and negatively. While it has provided emerging artists with a platform for increased exposure and creative experimentation, it has also presented challenges such as a lack of control, revenue, and audience attention spans. It remains to be seen how TikTok will address these challenges and continue to support the growth of emerging artists in the long term.