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The Artists That Define A Region


Music is the product of a musician's surroundings and experiences, and an artist's city of origin can play a massive role in shaping their sound and the subject matter in their songs. From the signature jazz quintets of New Orleans to the invention of hip-hop in the Bronx, a city can be defined by the musicians it raises and the art form that is born out of it. Just like a sports team can represent a city or region by creating a shared interest for people to rally around, musicians can help personify their city, giving outsiders new context for places and lifestyles that they do not yet know of or understand. Boston's rich history of music has done just that, with local acts like the Pixies, Donna Summer, and Aerosmith putting the city on the map and pushing their respective genres into new directions and uncharted sonic territory. Our city is also notable for the artists that have passed through it, gaining insights and inspiration along the way. With lauded music programs such as the Berklee School of Music and the Boston Conservatory, we are no strangers to producing pop stars; the list includes Charlie Puth, Psy, and Megan Trainor. With that being said, the modern Boston music scene is more diverse than ever. It spans across and weaves between a wide array of sounds and genres with ease, refusing to pigeonhole itself into one sound or identity. At Green Line, we will take a deeper dive into which artists are leading the charge in maintaining the legacy of the Boston arts scene.