SABU Program Book 2015

Page 1








Borge en bedankings


Sponsors and thanks



Office Bearers

Ere-lewenslange lede en Vise-Presidente


Honorary life members and VicePresidents

Notas ter inligting van mededingers


Notes for the guidance of competitors

Sommige tegniese reëls wat deelnemers moet in ag neem.


Some technical rules for competitors to bear in mind


9 – 13


Voltal Medalje


Highest Possible Score

Meriete Medalje


Merit Medal


14 - 16

Prize Lists

Wedstryde Skyfgeweer, F Ope, F/TR en 303

16 – 63

Matches Target Rifle, F Open, F/TR and .303

SPONSORS Without the generosity and support of sponsors a sporting event of this magnitude would not be possible. The SA Bisley Union would like to express its sincere appreciation to Free State Rifle Association for the sponsorship of the Free State Match CCRS for the sponsorship of the silver medals for the Junior International Protea Match USA Shooters: Grant Ubl of Wisconsin, John Meade of Maryland and Bill Cooney of Virginia for the sponsorship of the Long Range Aggregate in memory of USA shooter Charlie Lavelle, winner of the 1999 Long Range Aggregate who was killed 2000 in an industrial accident A SPECIAL WORD OF THANKS IS EXTENDED TO The South African National Defence Force South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Comittee (SASCOC) via the South African Shooting Sport Confederation (SASSCo) For their support and assistance in making the 2015 Championships a success.


SA BISLEY UNION COUNCIL SA BISLEYUNIE RAAD 2014/2015 Mr. C.E. Schulenburg Mr. R..J. van Lingen Mr. J.B. De Beer Mr. S. H.Goslin Mr. G.J.P. Burger Mr. F.A.E. Naumann Lt.Col. C. Olivier Mr. J.B. De Beer Mr. P.A. van der Walt Mr. T.F. Breedt Mr. J.G. du Toit Mr. H.C. Jacobs Mr. W. du Plooy Mr. B. Reece-Edwards Mr. M. English Mr. P.D. Bramley Mr. H. van der Merwe Mr. H.Louw Mr. C.A. van Niekerk Mr. S.H. Goslin Mr. R. Burger Mr. T. Hayter Mr. D. van der Westhuizen Mr. A. Barnes Mr. S.W. Cullinan Mr. C. van der Vyver Mr. D. Wade Mr. D. Carver Mr. Merwe van Rensburg

President Vice President Chairman/Voorsitter Vice Chairman Constitution and Rules Development and Media SANDF/SANW Gauteng North / Noord Gauteng North/ Noord North West/ Noord Wes North West/Noord Wes Gauteng Gauteng Kwazulu Natal Kwazulu Natal Freestate/Vrystaat Freestate/Vrystaat Griqualand West/Wes Griqualand West/Wes Western Province Western Province Oos-Kaap / Eastern Cape Oos-Kaap / Eastern Cape Mpumalanga Mpumalanga SABU Veterans Club SABU F Klas Klub / SABU F Class Club SABU .303 Club Black Powder Shooting

SABU KANTOOR / SABU OFFICE UITVOERENDE BEAMPTE / EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ms Janine Buys Room 422, 4th Floor, 318 The Hillside, 318 Hillside St., Lynnwood 0081 Pretoria P.O. Box 75910, Lynnwood Ridge 0040 Tel: 27 12 361 4966 – Fax: 27 12 348 6315 E-Mail




SABU Chairman SABU Vice Chairman Development & Media Committee Finance & Administration Official Liasion Constitution & Rules SA Championships Selection Committee



Faxmail: 27 86 444 1700

JB De Beer S.H.Goslin FAE Naumann J.G.du Toit S.W. Cullinan G.J.P. Burger SH Goslin S.W.Cullinan

ERE-LEWENSLANGE LEDE HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS GW Berman M. Blake A.H. Bowden P.D. Bramley Mrs J.A. Burger Lt Col (Rtd) C.C.C. Cheshire A. Chown R. Cole J. de Havilland P.F. Erasmus C. Fitzpatrick Maj (Rtd) S.B. Fraser MBE J. Glen D. Gous S. Hijman W. Cdr(Rtd)C.J Hockley OBE H.C. Jacobs J. Jaehnke J.R. Killian C. Mallett Jnr R. Mason P. Mathenge K.M. Pilcher T.G. Rylands C. E. Schulenburg R. Singh Saond J. Sohal R.W.H. Stafford P. Swart M.W. Tompkins K. Westling R.J. van Lingen A.P.van Niekerk

Australia Australia Australia South Africa South Africa Great Britain Great Britain USA Great Britain South Africa Great Britain Great Britain Scotland Namibia Holland Great Britain South Africa Germany Great Britain Channel Islands Great Britain Kenya Great Britain Great Britain South Africa Malawi Malawi Great Britain Namibia USA Canada South Africa South Africa

ERE VISE-PRESIDENT HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Brig Gen E M Alexander J. de Havilland R. Mason W.F. Mfebe Brig Gen (Rtd) A.P. Moller Maj Gen (Rtd) A.L. van Graan R.J. van Lingen Maj (Rtd) S.B. Fraser MBE W. Cdr (Rtd) CJ Hockley OBE Lt Col (Rtd) C.C.C. Cheshire


South Africa Great Britain Great Britain South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain

NOTES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF COMPETITORS NOTAS TER INLIGTING VAN MEDEDINGERS Please note/neem kennis asseblief: Certain sections’ information is only provided in English due to the source documents only being available in English. / Sekere van die onderafdeling se inligting word net in Engels verskaf, aangesien die brondokumente slegs in Engels beskikbaar is. 1.

DIVINE SERVICE / EREDIENS No divine service will be held on Sunday 12 April 2015. Geen Erediens sal Sondag 12 April 2015 plaasvind nie.


OPENING CEREMONY / OPENINGSEREMONIE The official opening of the 79th SA Open Bisley Championships will take place on the range in front of the administration block at 07h00 on Monday 13 April 2015. Die openingseremonie van die 79ste SA Ope Bisley Kampioenskap vind om 07h00 Maandag 13 April 2015 voor die administratiewe blok plaas.


CHIEF RANGE OFFICER / HOOFBAANOFFISIER Brig Genl McG Alexander Extract from SABU rule 2B.1: The Chief Range Officer will be totally in command of the range, with full responsibility for its safety and management, for the full duration of the meeting. The CRO is accountable to the controlling authorities (SABU and/or the Range Owners – SANDF in the case of a military range) for all aspects of safety and security. The CRO will work closely with the Executive and Range Committees, but he has authority to summarily prohibit the use of any rifle, ammunition, equipment, or shooting procedure, which in his opinion is unsafe, or being used in an unsafe combination or manner. On all technical rule issues and protests on the firing point relating to the technical rules, the CRO will defer to the Match Referee (if one has been appointed under Rule 1.11), or the Range Committee, but he remains responsible for implementing decisions made.


REFEREE / RANGE COMMITTEE Refer SABU rules 1.11, 1.12 and 2B.1 (and ICFRA rules T1.5.2 and T1.5.3).


SPEED LIMIT / SPOEDGRENS The speed limit on the range is 20km/h.


Die spoedgrens op die baan is 20km/h.


RIFLES and AMMUNITION / GEWERE EN AMMUNISIE Must comply with SABU Rules. / Moet voldoen aan SABU Reëls


PRACTICE/FOULING SHOTS / OEFENSKOTE Practice shooting at 300 metres will be available daily from 07.00 until the start of the matches. The practice range will however be closed during the Opening Ceremony. Check the notice board for other times at which the practice range will be open. It is strictly forbidden to fire any shots on this range when it is not under the control of an official Range Officer. The range officer can limit number of practice shots. Geleentheid vir oefenskote sal elke dag om 07:00 beskikbaar wees voor die aanvang van die wedstryde. Die oefenbaan sal tydens die Openingseremonie gesluit wees. Ander tye wanneer die oefenbaan oopgestel mag word sal op die kennisgewingbord verskyn. Geen skote mag op hierdie baan gevuur word tensy dit onder die beheer van ‘n amptelike Baanoffisier is nie. Die Baanoffisier mag die aantal oefenskote beperk.


SQUADDING / INDELING The squadding for the championships will be in accordance with the “bisley”(3 on a target) method. / Kampioenskap se indeling in volgens die “bisley” (3 op ‘n skyf) metode. Example of squadding / voorbeeld van indeling: 2S1R = 2nd detail, sierra range, target no 1, right 2de aflos, sierra baan, teiken nr 1, regs 4


FAMILIES MATCH / GESINSWEDSTRYD Open to target rifle teams of two from the immediate family, eg: father/son, husband and wife; not cousins, etc. Based on Grand Aggregate scores. Entry fee: R20 per team.. Closing date 12:00 on Tuesday 14 April 2015. Oop vir skyfgeweer spanne van 2 gesinslede, bv. pa/seun, broers; egpare, nie neefs ens nie. Word gebaseer op Groottotaal. Inskrywingfooi: R20 per span. Sluitingsdatum 12:00 op . Dinsdag 14 April 2015.


PAIRS MATCH / PAREWEDSTRYD The Pairs Match is based on the aggregate of scores obtained in the Grand Aggregate by two competitors of the same class BUT of different clubs. Each competitor may only participate in ONE entry. There is no entry fee. Closing date: 17:00 Monday 13 April 2015. Die Parewedstryd word op die tellings behaal in die Groottotaal deur twee skuts van die selfde klas, maar van verskillende klubs, gebaseer. Elke deelnemer mag net by EEN inskrywing betrokke wees. Daar is geen inskrywingsfooi nie. Sluitingsdatum: 17:00 Maandag 13 April 2015.

11. PRIZE LISTS / PRYSLYSTE For each competition, a provisional Prize list will be published by the Statistics Office and displayed on the Notice Board. This will state the time (normally 6 hours after posting) at which the list will become final. Prize winners shall be responsible for calling attention to any omissions or errors in a Provisional Prize List. If a competitor fails to do so, within the time prescribed, he forfeits all claims to a prize, or a higher prize as the case may be, even if the omission or error is solely the fault of the Union. If there are special circumstances that prevented a competitor from checking the provisional list, an appeal may be made to the Executive Committee. Protest forms are available at the SABU Range Office. 12.

DRUG TESTING Drug testing in South Africa is undertaken in terms of the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport Act 1997 (Act No 14 of 1997). Random drug testing may be undertaken during the 2014 SA Open Bisley Championships. Members who have no alternative to the (prescribed) use of banned substances because of a chronic medical condition, are reminded of the provisions of the SABU Rules, Appendix C. In such a case, it is the sole responsibility of the member to obtain the relevant Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) form from the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS); to have the necessary information filled in by his medical practitioner, together with his own details, and to submit the form back to SAIDS. This should preferably be done prior to the commencement of the shooting season but at the latest for the TUE to be authorised prior to the commencement of the SA Open Bisley Championships.





CODE MESSAGES Other than the CRO’s communication with the Chief Butt Officer, the only means of contact between the butts and the firing point is that formally used between Range and Butt Officers. No person in the butts is to use any other means of communication that could be contacted by any person in sight of the firing point. In particular, mobile/cell phones must be switched off by all personnel in the butts and those within 20 metres of the firing point.


The following Code Messages will be used for communication between Range Officers and the Butts by radio. The target number will be given, followed by the message number. Message 1


Firing about to commence.

Message 2


No spotting disc visible.

Message 3


Spotting disc disagrees unmistakably with signalled value. Check that spotting disc shows LAST hit and signal its correct value (see Rule 19.9).

Message 4


A shot has been fired but no signal has been made. Examine the target and spotting disc carefully and signal the hit, if found. If there is no hit, signal a miss.

Message 5


The firer or his Register Keeper has challenged the value of the current shot. Recheck the shot hole (using a gauge if necessary) and signal correct value.

Message 6


It is suspected that there is a second shot on the target. If another shot is found, clear and patch out the existing shot hole, and mark and signal the further shot found. If no additional shot is found, re-signal the position and value of the original shot marked.

Message 7


A miss has been signalled but firer has challenged for a hit. Re-examine the target carefully and signal the hit if found. If not, re-signal the miss.

Message 8


Shot appears to be in the same position as the previous one. It is suspected that the wrong shot hole has been patched out. Please check and either rectify error or confirm that the two shots were very close to one another. NB. If the marker has changed the value indicator for the second shot, this fact must be communicated to the Butt Officer, as it is then almost certain that the wrong hole has been patched.

Message 9


Marking appears to be unduly slow. Butt Officer to investigate and, if justified, have marker speed up.

Message 10 :

Shooting finished on this target.

Message 11 :

Stand easy. Lower target, patch out and put target back up.

For Messages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 the results must also be confirmed by radio. Please note: 1 The restriction on use of mobiles/cellphones in the butts or within 20 metres of the firing point. 2

The distinction between messages 3, 5 & 7 – the latter two being subject to a possible challenge fee.


Whilst the use of message numbers only is encouraged, SABU as a concession to competitors and range/butt officers accepts the use of verbal messages as an alternative, provided that the words used must be basically the same as stated above next to the message numbers. Lengthy and confusing 'stories' must be avoided!



If the competitor decides to convert one or both sighting shots, the value/s must be struck through with a diagonal line and transferred to the blocks (boxes) for the first, or first and second, counting shot(s), as the case may be. Any scoring spaces left blank, crossed through or written “C” will count zero. Only the shot values in the scoring blocks will be counted. Examples are:6

V 4 V

V V 4


V 5 V

5 V 5

5 5 5

4 4 4



5 5 5

4 4 4

5 5 5

48.4 48.4 48.4

In the top example, both sighters have been converted. In the middle example, only the second sighter has been converted. In the bottom example, neither sighter has been converted. Please note: Sighters that are not converted must not, repeat not, be crossed out – only those that have been converted. C.


As a generalisation, all initial sighting shots, including the sighters in a tie shoot, are convertible, whilst additional sighters, permitted under certain circumstances, are optional and non-convertible. Attention is however drawn to the SABU rules where all information regarding sighters can be ascertained. D.


Competitors are warned that the safety rules regarding bolt removal or insertion of an Empty Chamber Indicator (Breech Flag) will be strictly applied. Refer rules 21.1, 34.2, 35.4 & Appendix F12. E.


Range Officers have been instructed to be strict in “policing” the time limit per shot of 45 seconds when there are three shooters on a target and 60 seconds with two shooters. This will also apply in tie shoots. F.


There is one significant difference. Under SABU Rules a ricochet counts as a hit. If it makes an elongated hole, the end closest to the centre of the target will be taken as the point of strike (Rule 17.7) NB: All tie-shoots will consist of two convertible sighters and five shots to count. This is now consistent with the ICFRA rule. G.


Competitors’ attention is drawn to the type of protests that must be handled on the range, as opposed to those that can be handled afterwards. The former cannot be resolved by lodging a protest at the SABU office afterwards. Extracts from the relevant rules (our emphasis again added in bold) are as follows: 26.2

Any claim or complaint by a competitor or team arising on the firing point must be made at once by way of protest to the Range Officer. (See the rule book for the full wording of rule 26.2.)


The CRO has absolute discretion to deal with matters involving safety or security in accordance with Rule 2B.1.


The ruling by the CRO as to outcomes on the range will be final. In the event that a ruling cannot be given on the spot, or immediately on the completion of the competitor’s (or team’s) shoot, the circumstances must be put in writing by the competitor or team captain concerned and handed to the CRO or the secretarial office within 30 minutes of the end of the match, for subsequent ruling by the Executive Committee.


Protests not directly related to occurrences on the firing point, must be made, in writing, to the Executive Officer for resolution by the Executive Committee.


An appeal against disallowance of score or any other penalty (or lack thereof) imposed by the CRO must be made in writing to the Executive Officer, within 2 hours of the end of the match, accompanied by any relevant appeal fee as set by the Executive Committee. This fee will be returned if the appeal is upheld. The Executive Committee will deal with the appeal as promptly as possible, consistent always with the principles of fair hearing under “due process.” 7


Should an appellant not be satisfied with a ruling of the Executive Committee, he has the right to request a review by the SABU Dispute Resolution Committee. (See Appendix K)


PROGRAMME FREE STATE PROVINCIAL OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS FRIDAY 10th & Saturday 11th APRIL 2015 Please note the Free State Championship ends at 12h00 on Saturday 11th April. The Scottish Sword which is a SABU match will be shot on the afternoon of Saturday 11th April. It will run by SABU. Entries will therefore be taken at the SABU office.

79th SA OPEN BISLEY CHAMPIONSHIPS 11th – 18th APRIL 2015 LW: / NB: 1 In all Team Matches in the program should there not be at least two teams to compete against one another in a discipline it will not be regarded as a match and no prizes will be awarded. / Sou daar nie ten minste twee spanne in enige skietdissipline in enige spanwedstryd soos gelys in die program deelneem nie sal dit nie as 'n wedstryd beskou word en geen pryse sal toegeken word nie. 2. F Class and .303 will be squadded separately. All F Class matches will be fired on the F Class target. / F Klas en .303 sal apart gegroepeer word. Alle F Klaswedstryde word op die F Klas teiken geskiet. WED Nr MATCH No









Scottish Sword / Skotse Swaard * See note above under Free State Provincial Open Championship

3, 6 & 900m

Inter Provincial Veterans / Inter Provinsiale Veterane

2 + 7 skote/shots Opwarmingskompetisie – telling nie ingesluit by SA Kampioenskap./Warm-up competition – score not included in SA Championships. Match Cancelled / Wedstryd Gekanselleer


MONDAY / MAANDAG 13 APRIL 2015 07h00




Free State Cup / Vrystaat Beker

300m 600m

2 + 10 Skote / Shots 2 + 11 Skote / Shots



Municipal Cup / Beker


2 + 10 skote / shots




Please Note The Dewar, Hamilton and Rhodes are only open to bona fide shooting clubs. Overseas clubs may enter and compete provided that SABU approves their status as a bona fide club. The SABU club championship is open to all clubs that are approved. The South African Club Championship however is only open to South African Clubs. Visiting countries and non approved clubs may enter and shoot alongside but are not eligible to win any of these matches. 5 14:10 Dewar Shield / Skild 300 & 600m 2 + 10 skote / shots Klubspan / Club team: 6 + 1 beampte / official 14:10

Dewar (F Open)

300 & 600m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


Dewar (F/TR)

300 & 600m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


Dewar (.303)

300 & 600m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


SABU Veterans Club Annual General Meeting SABU .303 Club Annual General Meeting SABU F Class Club Annual General Meeting TUESDAY / DINSDAG 14 APRIL 2015



Dalrymple Cup / Beker

300m 600m

2 + 10 Skote / Shots 2 + 11 Skote / Shots



Dave Smith Cup / Beker


2 + 10 skote / shots




Hamilton Cup / Hamilton-Beker

300 & 600m

2 + 10 shots at 300m and 2 + 11 shots at 600m Klubspan / Club team: 6 + 1 beampte / official


Hamilton (F Open)

300 & 600m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


Hamilton (F/TR)

300 & 600m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


Hamilton (.303)

300 & 600m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


SABU Annual General Meeting




Jack Mitchley


2 + 10 Skote / Shots



President Cup / Beker

600m & 800m

2 + 10 skote / shots at each distance




Rhodes Cup / Rhodes Beker

800 & 900m

2 + 10 Skote/Shots Klubspan / Club team: 6 + 1 beampte / official


Rhodes (F Open)

800 & 900m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official





Rhodes (F/TR)

800 & 900m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


Rhodes (.303)

800 & 900m

Klubspan / Club team: 4 + 1 beampte / official


RSA Junior (U19) International

800 & 900m

2 + 15 Skote/Shots Junior International teams of 6 + 1 Official 2 targets per team


SA Team Championships / SA Spankampioenskap - Target Rifle / Skyfgeweer - F Open/Ope - F/TR - .303 18h00

1st Prizegiving THURSDAY / DONDERDAG 16 APRIL 2015




State President 1st Stage Staatspresident 1ste Stadium


Gen K de la Rey Trophy Gen K de la Rey Trofee

2 + 7 Skote / Shots

Groottotaal van tellings behaal in die Vrystaat Beker, Dalrymple & Staatspresident 1ste Stadium. Aggregate of scores obtained in Free State Cup, Dalrymple & State President 1st stage.





Kings Norton Cup / Beker


2 + 10 Skote / Shots



Col R Bodley Memorial Match Col R Bodley Gedenkwedstryd


2 + 10 skote / shots




600m Aggregate / Totaal


Short range Aggregate / Kortafstand Totaal


Long Range Aggregate / Langafstand Totaal


Under 25 / Onder 25


Juniors (U/19) / Juniors (O/19)


Norma Seyfferdt Trophy /Trofee


Veterans / Veterane


Veterans over 70 / Veterane bo 70


Families Match / Gesinswedstryd


Pairs Match / Parewedstryd

( Ladies / Dames )



Grand Aggregate / Groottotaal


The Bramley Chain 19h30

Thomas Theron Trophy/Trofee

SABU / PROTEA FUNCTION - Announcing of Teams / Aankondiging van Spanne FRIDAY / VRYDAG 17 APRIL 2015 nd

300,500 & 600m

2 + 10 skote / shots Alle deelnemers van 1ste stadium gaan deur. 2 aflossings, 3 skuts per skyf. All competitors in 1st stage go through. 2 details, 3 shooters per target.

Inter-Provincial B Teams Inter-Provinsiaal B Spanne

300, 600 & 900m

2 + 10 skote / shots Team of / span van 4 + 1 officials/beamptes


Inter-Provincial Under 25 Inter- Provinsiaal Onder 25

300, 600 & 900m

2 + 10 skote / shots Team of /span van 4 + 1 Manager/Bestuurder



Inter-Provincial F Open Inter-Provinsiale F Ope

300,600 & 900m

2 + 10 skote / shots Team of / span van 4 + 1 official/beampte



Inter-Provincial F/TR Inter-Provinsiale F/TR

300 600 & 900m

2 + 10 skote / shots Team of / span van 4 + 1 official/beampte



Inter-Provincial .303 Inter-Provinsiale .303

300 600 & 900m

2 + 10 skote / shots Team of / span van 4 + 1 official/beampte



Grand Challenge Shield Groot Uitdaagskild (Inter Prov A /Prov A Teams)

300 600 & 900m

2 + 10 skote / shots Team of 12 + 6 Officials A maximum of 3 target coaches and 12 shooters. The top 8 personal scores will comprise the team total. Any discarded scores may not be used as ‘nominated’ scores for any of the province’s B teams.



State President 2 Stage Staatspresident 2de Stadium -








Chairman’s .303 Match Voorsitters .303 wedstryd

300, 600 & 900 m

2 + 10 Skote / Shots Spesiale gekeurde spanne van 4 + 1 Special selected teams of 4 + 1



Chairman’s F Class Match Voorsitters F Klas wedstryd

300,600 & 900m

2 + 10 Skote / Shots Spesiale gekeurde spanne van 8 + 5 Special selected teams of 8 + 5



Chairman’s Match Voorsitterswedstryd

300, 600 & 900m

2 + 10 skote / shots SABU, President, Honoris, SA Veterans Spanne van 12 + 6/Teams of 12 + 6



Junior Int Protea Match

300, 600 & 900m 12

2 + 10 skote / shots

Junior Int Proteawedstryd





State President 3rd Stage Staatspresident 3de Stadium

Team of 6 + 2 coaches & manager / Span van 6 + 2 afrigters & bestuurder.

800m & 900m

2 + 15 skote / shots

Qualifying Conditions: Shooters qualify for the SP3 on the combined scores of SP1 and SP 2 as follows: TR – The top 102 scores. F Class - The top 27 scores. (Split pro rata between F Open and FTR) 303 – The top 6 scores. Kwalifiserende voorwaardes: Skuts kwalifiseer vir die SP3 gebaseer op die gekombineerde tellings van die SP1 en SP 2 soos volg: TR – Die boonste 102 tellings. F Klas - Die boonste 27 tellings. (Pro rata verdeel tussen F-Ope en FTR) .303 – Die boonste 6 tellings 42


State President Trophy Staatspresidents Beker • .303 • F Class / Klas F/TR • F Class Open / Klas Ope • Target Rifle /skyfgeweer


SA Veterans Championship (TR.) SA Veterane Kampioenskap ( Skyfgeweer)


SA Championship SA Kampioenskap • .303 • F Class / Klas F/TR • F Class Open / Klas Ope • Target Rifle /skyfgeweer


Final Presentation of Prizes. / Finale Prysuitdeling




Die voltalmedalje word toegeken aan skyfgeweer skuts met voltal tellings van 100, 105 en 150 in wedstryde uit die loop.

The highest possible score medal is awarded to target rifle shooters for a full score of 100, 105 and 150 in fired matches.

100 - Donker Blou lint 105 – Ligte Blou lint 150 – Goue kleur lint Die medalje moet deur die deelneemer Afgehaal word by die SABU kantoor.

100 – Dark Blue ribbon 105 – Light Blue ribbon 150 – Gold colour ribbon The onus rests on the competitor to collect the Medal from the SABU Office.



Daar is 10 Meriete wedstryde naamlik:

There are 10 merit matches, namely:

Vrystaat Beker, Munisipale Wedstryd,

Free State Cup, Municipal Match,

Dalrymple Beker, Dave Smith Beker,

Dalrymple Cup, Dave Smith Cup, State


Staatspresidents 1 Stadium, Kings Norton

President 1st Stage, Kings Norton Cup,

Beker, Kol R. Bodley Gedenkwedstryd,

Col R. Bodley Memorial Match, Jack

Jack Mitchley, President Beker, Groot-

Mitchley, President Cup, Grand Aggregate

totaal Wedstryd.


Elke deelnemer ontvang ‘n merietemedalje

Every competitor will receive the Merit Medal

en sal met die paslike syfer uitgereik word

and will be awarded a ribbon numeral

volgens sy/haar telling in die Groottotaal-

designating the number of Grand Aggregate

wedstryde waarin kwalifiserende tellings

matches in which his/her score qualified for

behaal is. Deelnemers moet die lintnommertjie

a merit. Competitors must collect the ribbon

by die SABU kantoor op die baan afhaal.

numeral from the SABU office on the range.



PRYSLYSTE / PRIZE LISTS NOTES The SABU Council reserves the right to substitute any monetary prize with a tangible prize of equivalent value or higher. Die SABU Raad behou die reg voor om enige geld prys te vervang met ‘n tasbare prys van dieselfde waarde of hoër. Team matches: No award will be made where there is only one team entered in a match. Spanwedstryde: Waar net een span inskryf vir 'n wedstryd, sal geen pryse toegeken word nie.

Prize List No 1: Alle merietewedstryde uitsluitend die Groottotaal / All merit matches excluding the Grand Aggregate A Class / Klas, B Class / Klas, F/TR and/en F Open/Ope 1st/ste Gold Medal/Goue Medalje 2nd/de Silver Medal/ Silwer Medalje 3rd/de Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje .303 1st/ste

Gold Medal/Goue Medalje 14

Prize List No 2: Genl K de la Rey, Kortafstand en 600 m totaal wedstryde /Gen K de la Rey, Short Range and 600 m Aggregate Matches (See below for Long Range Aggregate) A Class / Klas, B Class / Klas, F/TR and/en F Open/Ope Gold Medal/Goue Medalje 1st/ste 2nd/de Silver Medal/ Silwer Medalje 3rd/de Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje .303 1st/ste

Gold Medal/Goue Medalje

Langafstand Totaal/Long Range Aggregate Match sponsored by USA shooters Grant Ubl of Wisconsin, John Meade of Maryland and Bill Cooney of Virginia in memory of USA shooter Charlie Lavelle, the 1999 winner of the Long Range Aggregate. A Class / Klas

1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/ste


plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje

B Class/Klas

1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/de


plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje

F Open/Ope, F/TR

1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/de


plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje




plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje

Prize List No 3: GROOTTOTAAL WEDSTRYD / GRAND AGGREGATE MATCH Target RifleOpen Class /Skyfgeweer Ope Klas (In open class TR matches the distinction between A&B class falls away and the two are are combined to form the open class) 1st/ste Gold Medal;/Goue Medalje. 2nd/de Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje 3rd/de Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje 4th/de - 10th/de A Class / A Klas

1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/de

R300,00 R150,00 R100,00

B Class / B Klas

1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/de

R300,00 R150,00 R100,00

plus Gold medal/Goue medalje plus Silver medal/Silwer medalje plus Bronze medal/Brons medalje

F-Open / F-Ope

1st/1ste 2nd/de 3rd/de


plus Gold medal/Goue medalje Silver medal/Silwer medalje Bronze medal/Brons medalje

F/TR & .303

1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/de


plus Gold medal / Goue medalje Silver medal/Silwer medalje Bronze medal/Brons medalje


1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/de


plus Gold medal/Goue medalje Silver medal/Silwer medalje Bronze medal/Brons medalje

Veterans over 70 , Under 25, Junior (Under 19) and Norma Seyfferdt 15

1st/ste 2nd/de 3rd/de


plus Gold medal/Goue medalje Silver medal/Silwer medalje Bronze medal/Brons medalje

Prize List No 4: SA CHAMPIONSHIP / SA KAMPIOENSKAP Target Rifle Open Class/Skyfgeweer Ope Klas 1st/ste R500,00 plus Sterling Silver Medal/Sterling Silwer Medalje 2nd/de R300,00 plus Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje 3rd/de R200,00 plus Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje 4th/de – 10th/de Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje SA Veterans Champion 1st/ste R300,00 2nd/de 3rd/de

plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje

F-Open/F Ope, F/TR, & .303 1st/ste R300,00 2nd/de 3rd/de

plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje

Prize List No 5: STATE PRESIDENT / STAATSPRESIDENT Target Rifle Open Class/Skyfgeweer Opeklas 1st/ste R250,00 plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje 2nd/de Silver Medal/Silwer Medalje 3rd/de Bronze Medal/Brons Medalje F-Open , F/TR and/en 303 1st/ste R150,00

plus Gold Medal/Goue Medalje

By die Algemene Jaarvergadering gehou op 11 April 2000 is die naam Suid-Afrikaanse Skietvereniging (SANSV) verander na die SA Bisleyunie (SABU). Vir geskiedkundige redes is SANSV nie verander na SABU nie, slegs waar toepaslik. WEDSTRYDE WEDSTRYD NR. 1 SKOTSE SWAARD VOORWAARDES: Opwarmingskompetisie: Die tellings van hierdie wedstryd word nie ingesluit in die SA Ope Kampioenskap nie 2+7 skote op 300,600 & 900m. PRYSE: 1ste plek A Klas: Goue medalje 1ste plek B Klas: Goue medalje 1ste plek F Ope, F/TR & 303: Goue Medalje TROFEE Geskenk aan SANSV deur Skotse vriende vir jaarlikse kompetisie. Handgemaak in Skotland deur Roy J. Mathews van Lesley. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1980 Janna Strydom, Vryburg 103

At the Annual General Meeting held 11 April 2000 the name South African National Rifle Association (SANRA) was changed to SA Bisley Union (SABU). For historical reasons SANRA has not been amended to SABU except where appropriate. MATCHES MATCH NO. 1 SCOTTISH SWORD CONDITIONS Warm –up Match: The scores of this match are not included in the SA Open Championship. 2+7 shots at 300,600 & 900m PRIZES: 1st place A Class: Gold medal 1st place B Class: Gold medal 1st place F Open, F/TR & 303: Gold medal TR0PHY Presented to SANRA by Scottish friends for annual competition. Handmade in Scotland by Roy J. Mathews of Lesley. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1998 J.H. Maritz, Groblershoop 16


1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

A.L. Bekker, KWilliamstown P.P. Breedt, Rustenburg H. Durand, Potchefstroom G.N. Dannhauser, Vryheid J. Strümpher, Port Elizabeth A.J. Steyn, Bloemfontein T.I. Fouche, Gerdau W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein A.P. Möller, Wierdapark G.J.P. Burger, Wierdapark D. Blaauw, Voortrekkerhgte A.L. van Graan, Lynnwood Manor J.P. du Plessis, Bloemfontein B.F. de Klerk, Durban A.N. Lesch, Ifafi W.J. Fölscher, Pretoria W.J. van Rooyen, Knysna

104 99 50 104 104 105 105 105 100 104 75 104 104 104 97 98 50

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) PRYS:-1ste plek : Goue medalje 2000 F.C. van Niekerk 2001 S.W. Cullinan 2002 R. Barnard 2003 FC Van Niekerk 2004 FC Van Niekerk 2005 H Forgie (Int) 2006 D.N. Wade 2007 W. Brits

B. Dombrowski, Canada D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston S.A. Burger, Carnarvon T Breedt, Rustenburg B.J. Pieters, Westgate D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston E. Stigant, Peninsula Rifle Club N.Tremlett, Great Britain J.G. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark J.G. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark M.J. Ensor, England P.A. Haasbroek D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston J.C.Jonck G.D. Higgs D.P.Calvert, RAF

160 150 100 50 99 100 98 99 97 100 100 100 99 99.11 100.8 100.12

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) PRIZE:-1st place Gold medal 2008 J.C.van Tonder 2009 G.F. Rautenbach 2010 J.J. Sauer 2011 J.J. Sauer 2012 H.C.Nieuwoudt 2013 J.C.van Tonder 2014 K. Witthaus

97 97 96 93 94.6 96.6 97.4

F/TR (F Class National until 2009) PRIZE:-1st place Gold medal 2010 J.G. Janse van Rensburg 2011 J.J. Faber 2012 A.J.Marx 2013 D. Buell, U.S.A. 2014 H. Rolfes

86 89 93.4 96.7 95.6

79 81 81 83 81

303 PRIZE:-1st place Gold medal 2010 J. J. de Villiers 2011 F.P. Malan 2012 J.P.Dippenaar, CLI 303 Club 2013 C. Gouws, CLI 303 Club 2014 A.CF. de Wet

86 82 78.2 83.3 81.2

583 417 572 573 566

MATCH NO. 2 INTER-PROVINCIAL VETERANS MATCH CONDITIONS 2 + 10 shots at 300m and 900m. 6 Shooters, Captain and coach. Time per distance: 300m 900m PRIZES: 1st place: 8 Gold medals WINNERS 2008 Gauteng North A 2009 Gauteng North A 2010 Noordwes/Gauteng 2011 North West/Gauteng 2012 North West/Gauteng

150 100 50 100 100 100 100 100

F/TR (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) PRYS:-1ste plek : Goue medalje 2004 H. Scherf (Nat) 2005 D.G. Meredith (Nat) 2006 D.G. Meredith (Nat) 2007 J.E. Lombard (Nat) 2008 M.J.Rautenbach (Nat) 2009 D.G. Meredith (Nat)

97 97 99 87 99 95

303 PRYS:-1ste plek Goue medalje 2005 A Volsckenk 2006 J. Botha 2007 J.A. De Beer 2008 J.A. De Beer 2009 S. Swanepoel

WEDSTRYD NR. 2 INTER-PROVINSIAAL VETERANE WEDSTRYD VOORWAARDES 2 + 10 skote op 300m en 900m. 6 skuts, kaptein en afrigter. Tyd per afstand: 300m 900m PRYSE: 1ste plek: 8 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2001 Gauteng Noord A 2002 Gauteng Noord 2003 Gauteng Noord A 2004 North West 2005 Gauteng / Noordwes

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

90 minute 96 minute


90 minutes 96 minutes

593 576 573 578 570.35

2006 Noordwes / Gauteng 2007 Gauteng Noord

567 560

2013 Gauteng 2014 No Match

WEDSTRYD NR. 3 DIE VRYSTAAT BEKER VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en elf skote op 600m.

MATCH NO. 3 THE FREE STATE CUP CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 300m and eleven shots at 600m.

TROFEE Die beker is geskenk aan die OVS Skietvereniging deur wyle mnr. W. Lambon, en deur die eersgenoemde aan die SANSV oorhandig.

TROPHY The Challenge Cup was presented to the OFS Rifle Association by the late W. Lambon, esq., and presented by that Association to the SANRA.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1. GEBORG DEUR: FREE STATE RIFLE ASS. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 W.A. Bremmer, Pietermaritzburg 1930 R. Bodley, Benoni 1931 H. Mayne, Durban 1932 A.H. Carver, Pietermaritzburg 1933 A.E. Spradbury, SAKD 1934 A.P. Alcock, SAP 1935 F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 1936 N.J. Servant, Durban 1937 A.H. Burton, RLI 1938 M.C. Dippenaar, Bloemfontein 1939 D.F. van Tonder, Bloemfontein 1940 – 1947 No Competition 1948 Jaco Bramley, Cape Town 1949 T.W. van Rensburg, Rustenburg 1950 H. Nel, Pretoria-Dist. 1951 C.G. Magnuson, NKGSK 1952 L. Hess, Kirkwood 1953 J.P. Coetzee, RRC 1954 G. Bekker, Colesburg 1955 P.J.J. Cronje, Theunissen 1956 J.S. Mitchley, Johannesburg 1957 H.L. le R. van den Merwe, Bethlehem 1958 J.H.P. du Plessis, Delmas 1959 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein-Stad 1960 L.J. Clarke, Grahamstown 1961 L.F. Jacobs, Bloemhof 1962 J.L. de Klerk, Aliwal Noord 1963 C.D.C. Geyer, Johannesburg 1964 D.J. Bredenhann, Warmbad 1965 J.A. Smit, Pretoria 1966 J.C.B. Irving, Kimberley 1967 P.F. Erasmus, Witwatersrand-Oos 1968 E.P. Griesel, Springfontein 1969 K.H. Seager, Rhodesia 1970 J.H.J. van Vuuren, Bloemfontein 1971 L.A. de Bruyn, Lichtenburg 1972 D.Hulbert, Petermaritzburg 1973 M.R. Funston, Durban and Coast 1974 H.A. Pienaar, KOVSWSK 1975 C.J. Ras, Sonop

PRIZES: Prize list no 1. SPONSORED BY: FREE STATE RIFLE ASS. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 C.F. Schoeman, Potchefstroom 1977 Willie Prinsloo, Peninsula, RC 1978 J.J. Taljaardt, Les Marais 1979 J.J. Bekker, Reitz 1980 J.H.D. Wilson, Stellenbosh 1981 P.J. Grobler, Middelburg 1982 H. Durand, Potchefstroom 1983 W.W. Grant, Pretoria 1984 J.A.P. du Toit, Ventersdorp 1985 A.Z. Grimbeek, SWA 1986 J.J. Erasmus, Brits 1987 P.S. Buys,Pretoria 1988 W.J. Fölsher, Vereeniging 1989 M.J. van Wyk, Hercules 1990 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrrivier 1991 P. Kotze, Niekerkshoop 1992 J. Wolmarans, Brits 1993 J.Wolmarans, Brits 1994 J.W. Matthee, Bryanston 1995 T.J. Botha, Pretoria 1996 P.L. Hoffman, Kathu 1997 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 1998 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 1999 T.G. Rylands, Great Britain 2000 P.B.M. Smith, Gravelotte 2001 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2002 PBM Smith, Gravelotte 2003 J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2004 N Mace, Channel Islands 2005 E. Stigant, Peninsula Rifle Club 2006 J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif 2007 D.M.C Dodd, Bryanston 2008 R.S.F. Shouler, Great Britain 2009 T.J. Whitaker USA 2010 P.S. Welgemoed 2011 G.M. Willemse, Peninsula Rifle Club 2012 JC Jonck, Wonderboom 2013 P.A. Haasbroek 2014 P. G. van Zyl (jnr)

103 103 103 103 103 103 103 104 102 102 102 102 103 101 103 103 104 103 103 104 103 104 105 104 103 105 104 103 102 103 103 103 105 105 103 105 105 105 104



105 105 104 105 105 105 105 104 105 104 105 105 104 105 105 105 104 105 104 105 105 104 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 104 105 105 105 105 105.17 105.16 105.15

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 A.L. Naumann 2001 C.S. Taljaard 2002 D.D. Venter 2003 R. Ilse` 2004 Ms.C.J. van Niekerk 2005 R. Mead 2006 C.S. Taljaart 2007 C.S. Taljaard

105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105

F/TR (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 P. Joubert 2005 D.G. Meredith 2006 W. Grant 2007 D.G. Meredith 2008 D.G. Meredith 2009 J.E. Lombard

104 104 103 103 105 105

303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

94 93 87 88 90

C Gresse S.J. Barkhuysen D.S. Carver B.A.Carver B.A. Carver

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 J.C.van Tonder 105 2009 F.C. van Niekerk 105 2010 Ms. C.J.van Niekerk 102 2011 J.C. van Tonder, Peninsula Rifle Club 102 2012 W. Brits, Winelands 104.13 2013 K. Witthaus 104.13 2014 K. Witthaus 104.15

F/TR (F Class National until 2009) 2010 F.J. Schnetler 2011 A.J. Marx 2012 W.J. O’Neill 2013 D. Pohlabel (U.S.A.) 2014 S.J.H. Venter

102 100 102.7 102.9 102.7

303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

94 94 85.4 94.7 85.4

J.J. de Villiers J.F.van Niekerk D.S.Carver, CLI 303 Club J.J. de Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club Amanda van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club

WEDSTRYD NR. 4 MUNISIPALE BEKER VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 800m.

MATCH NO 4 MUNICIPAL CUP CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 800m.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1

PRIZES: Prize list no 1

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1930 J.C.C. Stapelberg, Ermelo 1931 H. Starfield, Potchefstroom 1932 R. Bodley, Benoni 1933 J.M. Bekker, Bloemfontein 1934 J.C. Ford, Pietermaritzburg 1935 S.J. Scott, Kimberley 1936 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1937 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1938 S.D. Clarke, Albany 1939 G.M. Spence, Port Elizabeth 1940-1947 No Competition 1948 S.P. Mulder, Waterberg 1949 R. Clifton, NCGRC 1950 J. Claasen, Smithfield 1951 R.J. Froneman,Senekal 1952 D.W. Cornish, Rand RC 1953 H.E. Schultz, Kroonstad 1954 L.J.D. Clarke, Albany 1955 P.J. van der Merwe, Oos-Rand 1956 G.F.T. Naude, Rustenburg 1957 D. Nicol, Nottingham Road 1958 L.J.B. Serfontein, Koppies 1959 S.M. Bekker, Pretoria Moot 1960 W.A. Kusel, Umvoti

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 C.F.K. Smith (Snr), Ottosdal 1977 W.A. Durand, Pretoria 1978 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1979 I.F. Redelinghuys, Pretoria 1980 J.H.J. Wessels, Vryburg 1981 J.A. Kotze, Johannesburg 1982 E. Breytenbach, Rustenburg 1983 A.J. Steyn, Bloemfontein 1984 Jill Nevette, Jacobs 1985 D.J.A. Crafford, Pretoria 1986 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1987 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1988 W.S.H. Brink, Vryburg 1989 Peet D. Swart, Windhoek 1990 T.D. Ravenscroft, Rustenburg 1991 Hannes Linde, Dealesville 1992 N. Strydom, Vryburg 1993 J.Z. Moolman, Pretoria 1994 M. Joyce, Scotland 1995 G.M. van der Sandt, Pretoria 1996 B.M.L. Jacobs, Bryanston 1997 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 1998 J.S. Collings, Great Britain 1999 W. du Plooy, Pretoria 2000 S.A. Burger, Carnarvon

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50


50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100

1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

C.J.J. Olivier, Coligny J. Rencken, KNTWSK B.H. du Plessis, Bloemfontein J.H.P. du Plessis, Suikerbosrand P.S. Kruger, Moot F.P.J. Muller, Beaufort-Wes J.D. Buckle, Kuruman D.W. Cornish, Zambia H.A. Pienaar T. Musgrave, Bloemfontein A.L. van Niekerk, SAP M.H.B. Nel, Pretoria P.F. Erasmus, Uitenhage J.D. Bothma, KOVSWSK K.E. Griff-Griffiths, Durban

50 50 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

T. Breedt, Rustenburg I.W. Robertson, RAF J.H. Klopper H.M.J. Gerber, Baviaanspoort G.J. le Roux E.E. Stigant, Cape Town E.E. Stigant, Cape Town J.G Du Toit, Weltevredenpark J.L.W. Kidner (Scotland) A.Steyn D.M.C. Dodds E.E. Stigant, Peninsula Rifle Club P.M. Patel, England D.C. Luckman, England

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 D. Coetzee, Les Marais 100 2001 R. Ilze, Middelburg 50 2002 C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 50 2003 S.W. Cullinan 50 2004 C. van Niekerk 50 2005 J.S. Kleynhans 50 2006 C.S. Taljaart 50 2007 J.J. Sauer 48

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 G.F. Rautenbach 2009 J.C. van Tonder 2010 J.D.van der Westhuizen 2011 J.C.van Tonder 2012 K. Witthaus 2013 M. Mc Gill, U.S.A. 2014 M.C. van der Westhuizen ]

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 P. van der Walt 2005 D.G Meredith 2006 W.W. Grant 2007 M.C. Boshoff 2008 M.J. Rautenbach 2009 W.W. Grant

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 J.J.Faber 2011 H.C.Louw 2012 A.J. Marx 2013 Ms. J.E.Hausler, Australia 2014 A.J. Marx

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

SJ Barkhuisen J. Botha B.A. Carver C. de Beer S.J. Barkhuysen

50 48 49 43 49 49

42 37 46 41 42

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

J.F. van Niekerk J.F. van Niekerk J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.N. de Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club P.G. Engelbrecht

WEDSTRYD NR. 5 DIE DEWARSKILD SKYFGEWEER VOORWAARDES: Oop vir enige aantal spanne van ses plus plus een beampte wat bona fide lede is van ‘n klub wat geaffilieer is by die Unie

MATCH NO. 5 THE DEWAR SHIELD TARGET RIFLE CONDITIONS: Open to any number of teams of six plus one official who are bona fide members of a club affilliated to the Union.

Tyd per afstand: 90 Minute.

Time per distance: 90 minutes.

Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300 en 600m TROFEE Die Dewarskild, geskenk aan die Natalse Skietvereniging deur die here Dewar Beperk., en deur die Vereniging aan die SANSV oorhandig. PRYSE: 1ste prys: 7 Goue medaljes. 2de prys: 7 Silwer medaljes . 3de prys: 7 Brons medaljes

Two sighters and ten shots at 300 and 600m TROPHY The Dewar Challenge Shield, presented to the Natal Rifle Association by Dewar Ltd., and presented by that Association to the SANRA. PRIZES: 1st prize: 7 Gold medals 2nd prize: 7 Silver medals 3rd prize: 7 Bronze medals 20

50 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50.9 50.7 50.7

48 48 49 50 50.4 49.4 50.5

46 46 48.3 47.3 48.3

43 43 47.1 42.2 42.1

WENNERS 1929 Pietermaritzburg S.V./R.A. 1930 Durban & Coast R.A. 1931 East Rand R.A. 1932 Kimberley RC/Pietermaritzburg RC(Tie) 1933 Cape Peninsula D.R.C. 1934 Pietermaritzburg, DRC 1935 Oos-Rand SV 1936 Garnisoen SV/Garrison RC 1937 Rand RC 1938 Rand RC 1939 Bloemfontein SV 1940-1947 No competition 1948 Skiereiland .22 SV(PRC) 1949 Rand RC 1950 Rand RC 1951 Pietermaritzburg RC 1952 NKGSK 1953 Durban en Kus RC 1954 Willowmore Skietkommando 1955 Durban en Kus SV 1956 Bethlehem Skietkommando 1957 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1958 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1959 Pretoria Moot A en Bloemf.-Stad A 1960 Kommandement Noord-Transvaal B 1961 Kommandement Westelike Provinsie 1962 SWA-Sentraal Kommando 1963 Kitwe/Luanshya A 1964 Karoo Skietkommando 1965 Witwatersrand-Oos D 1966 Bloemfontein-Stad A 1967 Bloemfontein-Stad A 1968 Peninsula RC A 1969 Peninsula RC A 1970 Peninsula RC 1971 Wit-Oos A 1972 Rustenburg A 1973 Pretoria-Oos A 1974 KOVSWSK B 1975 Pretoria-Oos B

379 378 372 375 378 376 380 375 377 373 374 372 357 368 375 319 375 381 380 380 384 391 189 388 383 383 381 381 381 379 382 383 385 194 383 395 384 196 386

WINNERS 1976 Tygerberg B 1977 S.A. Polisie A 1978 Peninsula RC 1979 Uitenhage A 1980 Wonderboom B 1981 VTH Weermagskietklub A 1982 Wonderboom A 1983 SADF (WP) A 1984 Brits Skietklub 1985 Dept. van Gevangenis 1986 SWA Suide A 1987 Dept. van Gevangenis 1988 Pretoria-Oos Skietklub 1989 Dept. van Gevangenis A 1990 Pretoria-Oos A 1991 Pretoria-Oos A 1992 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1993 Pretoria-Oos Skietklub 1994 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1995 SANW Pretoria B 1996 SANW Pretoria A 1997 Pretoria-Oos A 1998 Pretoria-Oos 1999 Pretoria-Oos A 2000 Noordkaap A 2001 Pta SANW A 2002 Pta SANW A 2003 Baviaanspoort A 2004 Witwatersrand A 2005 Witwatersrand A 2006 North London Rifle Club 2007 Uitenhage 2008 British Commonwealth Rifle Club 2009 Closed: Baviaanspoort A Open: USA RC White 2010 Baviaanspoort 2011 Witwatersrand 2012 Witwatersrand 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Witwatersrand

F/TR VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige getal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat by die Unie geaffilieĂŤr is. Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en 600m

F/TR CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus official from clubs affiliated to the Union. Two sighters and ten shots at 300 and 600m.

Tyd per afstand: 60 minute.

Time per distance: 60 minutes.

PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2010 Bloemfontein 2011 Baviannswpoort 2012 Pretoria Military

PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Pretoria Oos

F OPE VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige getal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat by die Unie

268 361 373.16

F OPEN CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus official from clubs affiliated 21

389 382 381 388 388 394 388 389 388 388 391 390 387 191 391 387 393 390 391 401 407 392 595 589 595 593 591 592 586 577 585 588 598 590 592 592 592 592.77 591.65 593.73

369.23 380.23

geaffilieër is. Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en 600m

to the Union. Two sighters and ten shots at 300 and 600m.

Tyd per afstand: 60 minute.

Time per distance: 60 minutes.

PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2000 Middelburg F Klas A 2001 Middelburg Geel 2002 Winelands 2003 Winelands 2004 Middelburg A 2005 USA Red 2006 Winelands 2007 Middelburg A

PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 2008 Winelands 2009 Winelands 2010 Pretoria Military 2011 Peninsula Rifle Club 2012 Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 Uitenhage 2014 Peninsual Rifle Club

392 400 399 400 400 400 398 396

.303 VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige getal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat by die Unie geaffilieër is. Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en 600m.

.303 CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus official from clubs affiliated to the Union. Two sighters and ten shots at 300 and 600m.

Tyd per afstand: 60 minute

Time per distance: 60 minutes.

PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2005 CLI .303 2006 Pretoria Military 2007 CLI .303 2008 CLI .303 2009 Pretoria Military

PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 2010 Peninsula Rifle Club 2011 Spes Bona 2012 Pretoria Military 2013 CLI .303 2014 CLI .303

301 305 332 335 348

395 382 371 380 375.22 380.34 379.28

332 312 323.5 311.2 316.3

WEDSTRYD NR. 6 DALRYMPLE BEKER VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en elf skote op 600m.

MATCH NO. 6 DALRYMPLE CUP CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 300m and eleven shots at 600m.

TROFEE Die beker is aan die Transvaalse Skietvereniging geskenk deur wyle Sir William Dalrymple, KBE, en deur die Verenigingaan die SANSV oorhandig.

TROPHY The Challenge Cup was presented to the Transvaal Rifle Association by the late Sir William Dalrymple, KBE, and presented by that Association to the SANRA.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1 WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1936 C.R. v. Blommestein, SAKD 1937 H.H. Starfield, Potchefstroom 1938 J. P. Marais, Regt SWD 1939 R. Bodley, Rand RC 1940-1947 No competition 1948 H.W. Fockens, Durban 1949 L.P.A. Boxhall, Durban 1950 G.P. Nel, Potchefstroom 1951 D.S. Maartens, SWA-Sentraal 1952 D.W. Cornish, Rand RC 1953 J.P. Coetzee, RRC 1954 J.W. Fourie, Bloemfontein 1955 T. Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1956 H. van R. Marais, Kirkwood

PRIZES: Prize list no 1 WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1980 J.H.J. Wessels, Vryburg 1981 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1982 A.P. Möller, Pretoria 1983 A.N. Lesch, Pretoria 1984 L.A. de Bruyn, Lichtenburg 1985 P.S. Welgemoed, Pretoria 1986 J.C.C. Stapelberg, Hluhluwe 1987 J.C. Kruger, Pretoria 1988 D.J.A. Crafford, Pretoria 1989 Willem J. Pietersen, Despatch 1990 J. Keyter, Bloemfontein 1991 Rob Sinclair, Pretoria 1992 J.W. Matthee, Vereeniging 1993 A.P. Möller, Wierda Park

102 103 104 103 101 100 103 100 102 102 103 104 102


104 105 104 105 105 103 105 105 105 105 104 105 104 105

1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

D. Killian, Port Elizabeth E.K. Loach, Kaapstad J.F. Strydom, Vryburg A.H. Richardson, Durban C.A. Stirton, Nottingham Road H.L. van der Merwe, Bethlehem S.M. van Dyk, Suikerbosrand Geo Bramley, Peninsula S. Slier, Moot C.F. Steinman, Moot F.J.C. Sexton, Rhodesia A.B.J. van Rensburg, Port Elizabeth J.J. van Zyl,SWA G. Bramley, Peninsula RC R.S. Rosentrauch, Bloemfontein W.J. Botha, SAP W.J. Pietersen, Uitenhage J.C. Kruger A.F. Jordaan, Montagu F.Hough, Gochas C.J. Jacobs, Kroonstad E.F. Schultz, Kroonstad

104 105 105 101 103 102 103 104 103 104 104 104 104 103 104 104 105 105 105 106 105 105

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internationaal tot 2009) 2000 J.J. Rousseau 2001 F.C. van Niekerk 2002 C.S. Taljaard 2003 J.D. Stegmann 2004 R. Barnard 2005 M.W. Tompkins U.S.A 2006 J.S. Kleynhans 2007 C.S. Taljaard

105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105

F KLAS TR (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 H. Scherf 2005 G. Cronje 2006 D.G. Meredith 2007 M.C. Boshoff 2008 F.J.Schnetler 2009 W.W. Grant

104 104 105 105 104 105

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

94 90 95 92 92

C Gresse S.J. Barkhuysen S.J. Barkhuysen S.J. Barkhuysen J.J. de Villiers

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

C.R. van Heerden, Pretoria K. Potgieter, Edenvale D.P. Calvert, RAF J.H. Maritz, Groblershoop H.J. Groenewald, Langebaanweg Ms N.J. Zinsmaster, USA J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark D.P. Calvert, RAF D.M. Coleman, Great Britain R. Hayter, Port Elizabeth D. Lubbe, Prieska J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif J.C Jonck, Lynnwoodrif T.F. Breedt, Rustenburg N Ball, Great Britain M.J. Ensor, England J.G.du Toit, Weltevreden Park P.P.Prinsloo J.G.du Toit, Weltevreden Park P.M.Patel, England J.M. Di Bona

104 105 105 104 105 105 105 105 105 104 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105.15 105.17 105.16

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International Until 2009) 2008 F.C. van Niekerk 104 2009 F.A. van der Merwe 103 2010 G.F.Rautenbach 105 2011 I. Potgieter, Peninsula Rifle Club 102 2012 W.Brits, Winelands 103.11 2013 K.Witthaus 105.8 2014 C. van der Westhuizen 104.11

F CLASS TR (F Class National until 2009) 2010 F.J. Schnetler 2011 J.Faber 2012 W.J.O’Neill 2013 N.A.Kock, Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 J.J. Nezar

103 98 102.12 104.7 104.9

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

94. 89. 94.4 94.5 91.4 Villiers J.F.van Niekerk J.F.van Niekerk Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club F.J. Gorgens, Pretoria

WEDSTRYD NR. 7 DIE DAVE SMITH BEKER VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 900m.

MATCH NO. 7 THE DAVE SMITH CUP CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 900m.

TROFEE Die beker is aan die SANSV geskenk deur mev. Eva B. Howie ter gedagtenis aan haar oorlede vader, Kaptein Dave Smith, DCM, VD. PRYSE: Pryslys no 1

TROPHY The Challenge Cup was presented to the SANRA by Mrs. Eva G. Howie in memory of her late father, Captain Dave Smith, DCM, VD. PRIZES: Prize list no 1



1929 E.H. Halley, Ladysmith 1930 R. Bodley, Benoni 1931 W.H. Erasmus, Barkly-Oos 1932 R.E. Bodley, Benoni 1933 A.E. Spradbury, SAKD 1934 C.H. Baxter, Pietermaritzburg 1935 F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 1936 P.F. Stride, RNC 1937 F.E. vd Linde, SAP 1938 D.H. Joubert, Jacobsdal 1939 M.C. Eksteen, Rand RC 1940-1947 No competition 1948 G.W. Bent, Oos Londen 1949 L.P.A. Boxhall, Durban 1950 J. Claassen, Smithfield 1951 A.P. Liebenberg, Bloemfontein 1952 A.D. McDermid, Belfast 1953 J. Bramley, Bloemfontein 1954 P.J. van den Merwe, Nigel 1955 J.M. Potgieter, Willowmore 1956 E.J. Burger, Potchefstroom 1957 Theo van Rensburg, Rustenburg 1958 S.J. Fourie, Bethlehem 1959 J.C.B. Irving, Kimberley 1960 F.J. Lotter, NTKSK 1961 J.P. Coetzee, Rand Rifles 1962 D. Nicol, Nottingham Road 1963 D. Nicol, Nottingham Road 1964 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1965 C.J. Brink, Gevangenis 1966 J.S. van Heerden, Pretoria 1967 H.P. Potgieter, Gevangenis 1968 P.F. Erasmus, Oos-Rand Kommando 1969 W. Crankshaw 1970 J.D Bothma, KOVSWSK 1971 J.J. Venter, SAP 1972 J.J. van der Merwe, Coligny 1973 D. Crous, Natal Kmdmt 1974 C.F. Botha, Gevangenis 1975 D. Crous, Vryheid

68 69 70 69 69 98 100 100 98 95 95 97 90 95 95 49 50 48 49 49 49 50 49 48 50 48 99 49 49 49 50 49 35 49 49 50 50 50 50

1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

A.L. van Graan, Valhalla C.F. Schoeman, Potchefstroom J.G. Munro, Aliwal North C.F. Schoeman, Potchefstroom P.J.F. Gous, Clanwilliam J. van Blerk, Edenvale W.S. van Vuuren, Pretoria R. Lauterbach, Pretoria J.D. Bothma, Machadadorp J.H. Maritz, Groblershoop W.M. van Niekerk, Pretoria T.I. Fouche, Gerdau W. Weich, Boshof M.J. van Wyk, Hercules G. Finch, Cape Town Joseph Taljaardt, Pretoria C.L. Dreyer, Sunninghillpark I. du T. Fourie, Vryburg W.I.G. Engelbreg, Potchefstroom J.Joubert, Pretoria A.B.M.Z. Zainal, Malaysia G.J.P Burger, Wierdapark G.S. Potgieter, Valhalla W.A. Cooney, USA A.P. Mรถller (Snr), Wierdapark J.J. Bruwer, Sunnyside C.B. Cotillard, Great Britain H.L. Momberg, Kimberley A. Langley, Channel Isl J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif Miss L. Corner, Great Britain R.C. Holloway, Pretoria A.S.H McCullough, Ireland J.H. Maritz, Groblershoop P.J.van Zyl (Jnr) F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein A.J.T. Nel T.B. Hayter, Port Elizabeth D.M.C. Dodds, Rand Rifle Club

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 99 100 100 50 50 49 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50.9 50.7 50.6

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 100 2001 A.L. Laubscher, Centurion 50 2002 J.J. Rousseau, Middelburg 50 2003 C.S. Taljaard 50 2004 C.J. van Niekerk 50 2005 J. Brewer 50 2006 D.N. Wade 50 2007 J.J. Sauer 49

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 F.A.van der Merwe 47 2009 W. Brits 47 2010 D.N. Wade 49 2011 G.J. van der Merwe 50 2012 C.F.Snyman, PeninsulaRifleClub 50.6 2013 KWitthaus 49.7 2014 J.H. du Plessis 49.4

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 D.G. Meredith 2005 M.J. Rautenbach 2006 R.H. Sinclair 2007 Spencer 2008 D.G.Meredith 2009 W.W. Grant

50 49 50 45 49 46

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 I. Lamprecht 2011 I. Lamprecht 2012 N.A. Kock 2013 Ms.L. Perry (U.S.A.) 2014 S.J.H. Venter

45 47 49.0 49.4 49.3

.303 2005 2006

41 44

.303 2010 2011

46 40

SJ Barkhuisen S.J.M Swanepoel


D.S. Carver F.P. Malan

2007 2008 2009

D.S. Carver C. De Beer J.F. van Niekerk

35 41 39

2012 2013 2014

J.F. van Niekerk, CLI303 Club J.J. de Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club J.T.B. Brink

43.2 43.2 41.0



SKYFGEWEER VOORWAARDES: Oop vir enige aantal spanne van ses plus plus een beampte wat bona fide lede is van ‘n klub wat geaffilieer is by die Unie

TARGET RIFLE CONDITIONS: Open to any number of teams of six plus one official who are bona fide members of a club affilliated to the Union.

Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en twee telbare proefskote en elf skote op 600m . Tyd per afstand: 300m 90 minute. 600m 98 minute TROFEE Die Hamiltonbeker, geskenk aan die Transvaalse Skietvereniging deur wyle Kolonel J.G. Hamilton MVO, en deur daardie Vereniging aan die SANSV oorhandig. PRYSE 1ste Prys: 7 Goue medaljes. 2de prys: 7 Silver medaljes 3de prys: 7 Brons medaljes WENNERS 1929 Oos-Rand S.V./East Rand R.C. 1930 S.A.P. Pretoria 1931 Cape Town Peninsula R.A. 1932 Pietermaritzburg V.S.V./D.R.C. 1933 Kimberley S.V./R.C 1934 Pietermaritzburg S.V./R.A. 1935 Durban and Coast D.R.A. 1936 Rand S.V./R.C. 1937 Pietermaritzburg S.V./R.A. 1938 Bloemfontein SV 1939 Pietermaritzburg 1940-1947 No competition 1948 Uitenhage-Kommando 1949 Rand RC 1950 Rand RC 1951 Bloemfontein-Stad Skietkommando 1952 Nigel Skietkommando 1953 NGKSK/RC 1954 Pretoria Skietklub 1955 NKGSK/RC 1956 Durban and Coast R.A. 1957 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1958 NKGSK/A 1959 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando A 1960 Gibeon Kommando 1961 Uitenhage Skietklub 1962 KNTWSK/A 1963 KNTWSK/A 1964 Bloemfontein-Stad 1965 Bloemfontein-Stad 1966 Karoo RC 1967 Peninsula RC 1968 Rand Rifle Club

Two sighters and ten at 300m and two sighters and eleven shots at 600m Time per distance: 300m 90 minutes 600m 98 minutes

799 777 782 782 789 787 791 786 790 793 783 764 765 774 776 786 788 788 789 802 810 804 810 805 804 804 805 795 798 800 801 795

TROPHY The Hamilton Challenge Cup, presented to theTransvaal Rifle Association by the late Colonel J.G. Hamilton MVO, and presented by that Association to the SANRA. PRIZES 1st Prize: 7 Gold medals 2nd prize: 7 Silver medals 3rd prize: 7 Bronze medals WINNERS 1976 Tygerberg 1977 Kmdmt OVSWSK A 1978 Wonderboom A 1979 Bloemfontein-Stad 1980 Stellaland 1981 Witwatersrand A 1982 Pretoria-Oos A 1983 Peninsula Rifle Club 1984 SAW (WP) 1985 Dept. van Gevangenis 1986 Pretoria Weermag Skietklub A 1987 Pretoria Weermag Skietklub A 1988 Pretoria Weermag Skietklub A 1989 Pretoria Weermag Skietklub A 1990 Pretoria Weermag Skietklub A 1991 Kaapstad Weermag Skietklub A 1992 Kaapstad Weermag Skietklub 1993 Sishen 1994 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1995 Pretoria-Oos A 1996 Wonderboom 1997 Baviaanspoort 1998 Pretoria-Oos 1999 Baviaanspoort A 2000 Wonderboom A 2001 Noordkaap A 2002 Witwatersrand A 2003 SANW Potchefstroom 2004 Baviaanspoort 2005 Uitenhage 2006 British Commonwealth Rifle Club 2007 Bloemfontein A 2008 British Commonwealth Rifle Club 25

609 607 605 609 601 610 610 613 603 615 616 617 618 615 620 440 612 617 616 616 611 616 620 625 624 626 626 622 626 623 624 620 625

1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

Wit-Oos A Nottingham Road RC Nottingham Road RC Peninsula RC Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando Uitenhage SK A Peninsula RC

813 811 793 615 613 606 605

2009 Closed: Spesbona Open: Old Guildfordians 2010 Witwatersrand 2011 Witwatersrand 2012 Witwatersrand 2013 USA Rifle Team 2014 Witwaterswrand

F/TR VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige aantal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat geaffilieer is by die Unie.

F/TR CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus one official from clubs affiliated to the Union.

Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en twee telbare proefskote en elf skote op 600m . Tyd per afstand: 300m 60 minute. 600m 65 minute PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2010 Middelburg 2011 Noordkaap 2012 Pretoria Military

Two sighters and ten at 300m and two sighters and eleven shots at 600m Time per distance: 300m 60 minutes 600m 65 minutes. PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 282 2013 Bloemfontein Military 376 2014 Baviaanspoort 399.24

F OPEN VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige aantal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat geaffilieer is by die Unie.

F OPEN CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus one official from clubs affiliated to the Union.

Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en twee telbare proefskote en elf skote op 600m . Tyd per afstand: 300m 60 minute. 600m 65 minute PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2000 Middelburg F Klas A 2001 Winelands 2002 Middelburg 2003 Middelburg A 2004 Middelburg A 2005 USA Red 2007 Pretoria Military

Two sighters and ten at 300m and two sighters and eleven shots at 600m Time per distance: 300m 60 minutes 600m 65 minutes PRIZES: 5 Gold medals

417 419 289 419 420 420 419

WINNERS 2008 Winelands 2009 Pretoria Military Bisley Club 2010 Pretoria Military Bisley Club 2011 Peninsula Rifle Club 2012 Uitenhage 2013 Middelburg 2014 Peninsula Rifle Club

.303 VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige aantal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat geaffilieer is by die Unie.

.303 CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus one official from clubs affiliated to the Union.

Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m en twee telbare proefskote en elf skote op 600m . Tyd per afstand: 300m 60 minute. 600m 65 minute PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes. WENNERS 2005 CLI .303 2006 Pretoria Military

Two sighters and ten at 300m and two sighters and eleven shots at 600m Time per distance: 300m 60 minutes 600m 65 minutes PRIZES: 5 Gold medals

326 315

WINNERS 2010 Pretoria Military 2011 Spes Bona 26

627 627 625 628 623 627 624.74

398.29 408.45

398 409 403 401 406.33 403.33 408.42

334 338

2007 2008 2009

CLI .303 CLI .303 Pretoria Military

342 360 348

2012 2013 2014

Pretoria Military CLI-.303 Peninsula Rifle Club

WEDSTRYD NR. 9 JACK MITCHLEY Ter nagedagtenis aan oorlede J.A. (Jack) Mitchley.

MATCH NO. 9 JACK MITCHLEY In memory of the late J.A. (Jack) Mitchley.

VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 300m.

CONDITIONS Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 300m.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1 WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 Lt H.S. van der Merwe, Bloemfontein 1930 A.W. Hawtrey, Cape Town 1931 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1932 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1933 E.F.C. Kusel, Dalton 1934 V. Pohl, Bloemfontein 1935 Kapt C.E. Schulenburg, Lichtenburg 1936 D.J. Poacher, RDLI 1937 D.J. Poacher, RDLI 1938 L. Serfontein, Edenville 1939 D.J. Poacher, RDLI 1940-1947 No competition 1948 M.J. Human, Riviersonderend 1949 C.A.S. Breedt, Smithfield 1950 J.J. Bezuidenhout, BGSV 1951 N.J. Servant, Durban 1952 J.A. Dietrichen, Kroonstad 1953 G. Bekker, Colesberg 1954 R.V.E. Smith, Maritzburg 1955 T.E. Dicker, Pretoria 1956 J.W. Fourie, Bloemfontein 1957 C.J. Lourens, Bloemfontein 1958 T. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1959 L.J.D. Clarke, Grahamstown 1960 J.T. de Wet, Lindley 1961 N.C. White 1962 J.F. Strydom, Vryburg 1963 G.J. Coetzer 1964 G.D. Kotze, Warrenton 1965 C.F.K. Smith, Ottosdal 1966 J.L. Joubert, Roodepoort 1967 W.Coetzee, Dewetsdorp 1968 D. Hollingworth, Rhodesia 1969 B. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1970 J.S. van Eeden, SA Polisie 1971 P.N. Fabricius, SA Polisie 1972 W.A. Durand, Pongola 1973 H.J. Oberholtzer, Magol 1974 P.C. Nevette, Rhodesia 1975 C.F. Steinman, Pretoria

50 50 49 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

PRIZES: Prize list no 1 WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 C. Goosen, Edenvale 1977 S.D. O’Reilly, Pietermaritzburg 1978 A.D. Scates, Westville 1979 D. Gladwin, Scotland 1980 L.A. Terblanche, Kroonstad 1981 A.N. Lesch, Pretoria 1982 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1983 C. Pelser, Bothaville 1984 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau 1985 M. Kreuger, Edenvale 1986 Juba Grobler, Ermelo 1987 J. Strümpher, Port Elizabeth 1988 Luther de Bruin, Mondeor 1989 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1990 W. Fölscher, Vereeniging 1991 Kobus Nel, Queenswood 1992 I.H. Gliddon, Simonstown 1993 J.G. du Toit, Northcliff 1994 U.E.E. Steinbruck, Namibië 1995 M.P.J. Peens, Kuilsrivier 1996 C.W. Lauterbach, Centurion 1997 H.J. Groenewald, Langebaanweg 1998 J.F. Bremner, Muizenberg 1999 A.G. Owens, New Zealand 2000 J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2001 R.J. Lauterbach, Pretoria 2002 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2003 H.L. Momberg, Kimberley 2004 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 2005 No Competition 2006 J.G. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2007 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2008 Ms. J. Messer, Great Britain 2009 D.L. Crandall, USA 2010 J.J. Bruwer, Pretoria 2011 J.J. Bruwer, Pretoria 2012 D.M.C. Dodds 2013 M. Storey (U.S.A.) 2014 D.P. Calvert

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 A.L. Naumann, Middelburg 2001 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2002 W.W. Grant, Sinoville 2003 W. Scholze, Germany

50 50 50 50

50 49 50 50 50 49 50 50 49 49 50

339.9 316.7 305.5

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50.9 50.9 50.10 50.9

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 I. Potgieter 50 2009 C.S. Taljaard 50 2010 G.F. Rautenbach 50 2011 G.J.van der Merwe 50 27

2004 2005 2006 2007

W. Scholze No Competition G.D. vd Linde C.F. Snyman

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 D.G. Meredith 2005 No Competition 2006 F.A. vd Merwe 2007 F.J. Schnetler 2008 F.J. Schnetler. 2009 W.J. O’Neill .303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

No competition S.J. Barkhuysen S.J. Barkhuysen C de Beer S.J. Barkhuysen

50 50 50

50 50 50 50 50

44 44 45 48

2012 2013 2014

?? van der Westhuizen M.Mc Gill (U.S.A.) M.C. van der Westhuizen

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 J.G. Janse van Rensburg 2011 D.J.Theron 2012 G.Lamprecht, Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 J.J.Nezar 2014 S.J.H. Venter

49 50 50.5 50.6 50.7

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

48 42 46.4 45.2 42.2

J.J. de Villiers J.F van Niekerk J.F.van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F.van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club F.J. Gorgens



VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskoete en tien skote op 600 en 800m.

CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 600 and 800m.

TROFEE Die YEOVILLE-BEKER is in 1901 deur Sir Willem van Hulsteyn aan die Rand Rifle Club geskenk. Hierdie trofee is aan die Vereniging geskenk deur die gesin van wyle mnr. A.P. Walshe, geweersmid van Johannesburg, wat die beker omstreeks 1923 op vier agtereenvolgende geleenthede gewen en daardeur geregtig was om die trofee te behou.

TROPHY The YEOVILLE CUP was presented to the Rand Rifle Club by Sir Willem van Hulsteyn in 1901, this trophy has been presented to the Association by the family of Mr. A.P. Walshe, a gunsmith of Johannesburg, who won the cup on four successive occasions about1923 and was entitled to retain the trophy.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1

PRIZES: Prize list no 1

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 Capt R.C. Hall, Port Elizabeth 1930 Sgt Maj F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 1931 G.W. Church, Kimberley 1932 C.E. Todd, Pietermaritzburg 1933 A. Bolton, Kimberley 1934 J.E. van der Linde, SAP 1935 F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 1936 W.D. Chandler, RNVR 1937 A.W. Bright, Durban 1938 L. Boxhall, RDLI 1939 J.P. Marais, Reg SWD 1940-1947 No competition 1948 J.C.B. Irving, Volksrust 1949 A.P. Liebenberg, Bloemfontein 1950 D.W. Cornish, RRC 1951 J.H.P. du Plessis, Springs 1952 J.F. Boshof, Belfast 1953 H.M. Downes, Bloemfontein 1954 W.H. Hull, Maritzburg 1955 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1956 G.H. Muller, Frankfort

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 J.J. Taljaardt, Pretoria 1977 G.B. Labuschagne, Bloemfontein 1978 R.J. Thompson, Parys 1979 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau 1980 E. Breytenbach, Rustenburg 1981 J.H.J. Wessels, Vryburg 1982 G.J.P. Burger, Pretoria 1983 J. Strümpher, Port Elizabeth 1984 S.H. Goslin, PRC 1985 M.J. van Wyk, Beestekraal 1986 A.P. Möller, Wierda Park 1987 P.J. Grobler, Middelburg 1988 C.H.E. Hawthorne, Durban 1989 I.H. Gliddon, Rooihuiskraal 1990 P.R. Vermeulen, Kimberley 1991 H.C.M. Beukes, Petrus Steyn 1992 P. Kotze, Groblershoop 1993 P.J. van Zyl, Kakamas 1994 I.H. Gliddon, Simonstad 1995 J.J. de Lange, Bluff 1996 R.J. Lauterbach, Centurion 28

100 97 97 98 99 97 98 99 97 99 95 96 94 97 99 95 98 98 98 99

50.7 50.8 50.8

100 98 99 99 100 100 98 99 100 99 99 100 99 99 100 100 99 99 100 100 100

1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

G.F.T. Naude, Rustenburg B.J. Strydom, Vryburg G.J. van Zyl, KWPWSK H.J. Badenhorst, Mooirivier P.F. Erasmus, Uitenhage W.J. van der Westhuizen, Hay C.F.K. Smith, Ottosdal J.A. Smit, Pretoria R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg H. Ekkerd, Carnarvon W. Coetzee, Dewetsdorp A.A. Rahn, Springs P.P. Williams, Vanderbijlpark S.M. Bekker, Pietermaritzburg W. Prinsloo, Peninsula Rifle Club G.A. Smith, Rustenburg E.Z. Shaw, Rustenburg D.J. Kruger, Barberton H.F.P. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 A.L. Laubscher, Silverton 2001 W.W. Grant, Pretoria 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2003 C.S. Taljaard, Eversdal 2004 H.J. Mitera 2005 No Competition 2006 C.S. Taljaard 2007 F.C. Van Niekerk

99 98 99 98 100 98 100 98 99 99 99 97 98 98 100 100 98 100 84

149 100 100 100 100 100 97

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 G.F. Rautenbach 2005 No Competition 2006 R.H. Sinclair 2007 M.C. Boshoff 2008 W.W. Grant 2009 J.J. Faber

99 90 97 99

.303 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

83 82 87 83 84

J. Botha C. De Beer C. de Beer S.J. Barkhuysen J.J. de Villiers


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

K. Erdman, USA J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark A.R.H. Jones, Great Britain D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston C.J. Jacobs, Vanderbijl D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark No Competition W. Du Plooy, Pretoria East RC T.F. Breedt, Rustenburg W.J.van Rooyen, Cape Town J.J. Bruwer, Doornpoort P. A. Hassbroek, Wiwatersrand J.C.Jonck, Pretoria F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein R.Hayter, Port Elizabeth D.C. Luckman, England

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 J.A. Kruger 2009 J.S. Kleynhans 2010 C.F. Snyman 2011 D. van der Westhuizen 2012 J.S.Kleynhans 2013 ?? van der Westhuizen 2014 Dr. R. Barnard, Kirkwood

99 150 150 150 100 100 100 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 100.13 100.9 100.12

95 50 96 99 96.6 96.6 98.10

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 J.G. Janse van Rensburg 2011 I Lambrecht 2012 D. Buell, U.S.A. 2013 A.J.Marx 2014 J.J. Nezar

96 95 95.6 92.5 96.3

.303 2011 2012 2013 2014

86. 81.3 84.4 83.2`

J.F. van Niekerk F.P. Malan Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club F.J.Gorgens, Pretoria



SKYFGEWEER VOORWAARDES: Oop vir enige aantal spanne van ses plus plus een beampte wat bona fide lede is van ‘n klub wat geaffilieer is by die Unie Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 800 en 900m. Tyd per afstand: 96 minute. TROFEE: Die Uitdaagbeker, geskenk aan die Kaapse Skietvereniging (Oostelike Tak) deur wyle Agbare C.J. Rhodes, en deur daardie Vereniging oorhandig aan die SANSV PRYSE:

TARGET RIFLE CONDITIONS: Open to any number of teams of six plus one official who are bona fide members of a club affilliated to the Union. Two sighters and ten shots at 800 and 900m. Time per distance: 96 minutes. TROPHY: The Challenge Cup, presented to the CCNRA (Eastern Branch) by the late Hon C.J. Rhodes, esq., and presented by that Association to the SANRA. PRIZES: 29

1ste prys: 7 Goue medaljes. 2de prys: 7 Silwer medaljes 3de prys: 7 Brons medaljes WENNERS 1929 Kaapstadse VSV 1930 Oos-Rand SV 1931 Pietermaritzburg 1932 Oos-Rand SV 1933 Kimberley SV 1934 Pietermaritzburg RA 1935 Durban and Coast DRA 1936 Garnisoen S.V. Pretoria 1937 Rand RC 1938 Rand RC 1939 Rand RC 1940-1947 No competition 1948 Rand RC 1949 Rand RC 1950 Pietermaritzburg RA 1951 Bloemfontein Stad-Skietkommando 1952 NKGSK A 1953 Rand RC 1954 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1955 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando A 1956 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando B 1957 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1958 NKGSK B 1959 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando A 1960 Pretoria-Oos Kommando A 1961 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1962 Nottingham Road, RC 1963 Pretoria-Oos 1964 Bloemfontein-Stad A 1965 Rand Rifle Club A 1966 Thabazimbi B 1967 Witwatersrand-Oos B 1968 Peninsula RC 1969 Pretoria-Oos A 1970 Coligny A 1971 Wit-Oos B 1972 KNTWSK A 1973 Gevangenis B 1974 SWA Sentraal A 1975 Peninsula RC 1976 Bloemfontein-Stad A

488 520 537 518 498 742 542 526 503 508 508 496 471 477 489 321 508 483 501 485 494 370 363 265 370 376 370 370 370 364 370 367 373 388 384 196 574 487 852 874

1st prize: 7 Gold medals. 2nd prize: 7 Silver medals 3rd prize: 7 Bronze medals WINNERS 1977 Wonderboom Kommando 1978 Pretoria-Oos A 1979 SA Polisie (Noorde) A 1980 Noord-Kaap 1981 Hartsrivier A 1982 Pretoria-Oos A 1983 Witwatersrand Skietvereniging A 1984 SA Polisie (Noorde) 1985 Maritzburg RA 1986 SA Oud Studente 1987 Umkomaas 1988 Dept. Gevangenis A 1989 Wonderboom Kommando A 1990 Pretoria Weermag A 1991 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1992 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1993 Witwatersrand Skietvereniging A 1994 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1995 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1996 SANW Pretoria A 1997 Baviaanspoort KD A 1998 Pretoria-Oos A 1999 British Commonwealth Blue 2000 Witwatersrand A 2001 Pretoria-Oos A 2002 Baviaanspoort A 2003 Witwatersrand A 2004 PWSK A 2005 Noord-Kaap 2006 Witwatersrand A 2007 Noordkaap 2008 Baviaanspoort 2009 Closed: Witwatersrand A Open: Witwatersrand A 2010 Witwatersrand 2011 Witwatersrand 2012 Noordkaap 2013 Witwatersrand 2014 Peninsula Rifle Club



VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige getal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat by die Unie geaffilieer is. Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 800 en 900m. Tyd per afstand: 64 minute. PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2008 Baviaanspoort 2009 No Match 2010 Bloemfontein 2011 Middelburg

CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus one official from clubs affiliated to the Union. Two sighters and ten shots at 800 and 900m. Time per distance: 64 minutes. PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 2012 Noordkaap 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Pretoria Oos


392 243 333


564 577 582 582 493 292 584 576 577 585 581 575 574 582 585 578 585 588 863 837 1162 1179 1146 1169 590 573 587 586 585 587 590 594 595 595 580 591 580.44 593.58 588.56

331.8 366.17 357.14

VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige getal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat by die Unie geaffilieer is. Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 800 en 900m. Tyd per afstand: 64 minute. PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2000 Middelburg F Klas A 2001 Winelands 2002 Winelands 2003 Middelburg A 2004 Winelands 2005 Winelands 2006 Pretoria Military 2007 Middelburg A

777 398 392 396 399 399 398 360

CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus one official from clubs affiliated to the Union. Two sighters and ten shots at 800 and 900m. Time per distance: 64 minutes. PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 2008 Middelburg F Int 2009 Winelands 2010 Pretoria Military 2011 Uitenhage 2012 Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Peninsula Rifle Club



VOORWAARDES Oop vir enige getal spanne van vier lede plus een beampte uit klubs wat by die Unie geaffilieer is. Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 800 en 900m. Tyd per afstand: 64 minute. PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes. WENNERS 2005 CLI .303 2006 Pretoria Military 2007 CLI .303 2008 CLI .303 2009 Pretoria Military

CONDITIONS Open to any number of teams of four members plus one official from clubs affiliated to the Union. Two sighters and ten shots at 800 and 900m. Time per distance: 64 minutes. PRIZES: 5 Gold medals. WINNERS 2010 Pretoria Military 2011 Spes Bona 2012 Pretoria Military 2013 CLI-303 2014 CLI 303

265 282 316 336 324

312 312 292.3 316.7 300.5


WEDSTRYD NR. 12 RSA JUNIOR INTERNASIONALE WEDSTRYD SKYFGEWEER PRYSE: 1ste Prys: 9 goue medaljes 2de Prys: 9 silwer medaljes

TARGET RIFLE PRIZES: 1st Prize: 9 gold medals 2nd Prize: 9 silver medals

VOORWAARDES: 15 skote op elk van 800 en 900m met twee telbare proefskote. Bestuurder, 6 skuts en 2 opsionele nieskietende afrigters. Die bestuurder sal geen funksie op die skietpunt hĂŞ tydens die wedstryd. Twee Skywe per Span

CONDITIONS: 15 shots at 800 and 900m with two convertible sighters. Manager, 6 shooters and 2 optional non-shooting coaches. The manager shall have no role on the mound during the match.

Tyd: 68 minute per afstand.

Time: 68 minutes per distance.

WENNERS 2002 South Africa 2003 Great Britain U/19 2004 Great Britain U/19 2005 South Africa

Two Targets per Team

1192.74 788.25 815.29 854.56

WINNERS 2009 South Africa 2010 Great Britain 2011 No Match 2012 Great Britain 31

379 382 366 360 366.19 377.26 367.21

692.28 796.28 809.43

2006 South Africa 2007 Great Britian 2008 Great Britain

848.52 525.24 842.47

2013 Great Britain 2014 Great Britain

765.25 835.37



VOORWAARDES: Die SA Spankampioenskap vir klubs en die wedstryde wat daarvoor tel (die Hamilton, Dewar & Rhodes) is ope wedstryde waaraan bona fide buitelandse klubspanne ook kan deelneem. Daar sal egter ook afsonderlike pryse wees vir die boonste plaaslike span(ne), gebaseer op die totaal van die drie wedstryde. TROFEE ‘n Silwer bord geskenk in 2009 deur Old Guildfordians Skool ter viering van die 500ste herdenking van die skool PRYSE: SA Ope Span Kampioenskap 1ste Prys: 7 goue medaljes 2de Prys: 7 silwer medaljes. 3de Prys: 7 brons medaljes. SA Kampioen Klub 1ste Prys: 7 goue medaljes WENNERS 1970 Coligny Kommando 1971 Wit-Oos 1972 Peninsula RC 1973 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1974 KOVSWSK 1975 Peninsula 1976 Bloemfontein-Stad Kommando 1977 SA Polisie (Noorde) 1978 Wonderboom 1979 SA Polisie (Noorde) 1980 Wonderboom 1981 VTH/WSK 1982 Pretoria-Oos 1983 Witwatersrand Skietvereniging 1984 Wonderboom Kommando 1985 Dept. van Gevangenis 1986 SA Oudstudente 1987 Pretoria Weermag 1988 Dept. van Gevangenis 1989 Weermag Skietklub Pretoria 1990 Weermag Skietklub Pretoria A 1991 Weermag Skietklub Pretoria A 1992 Korrektiewe Dienste A

CONDITIONS: The SA Club Team Championship and its component matches (the Hamilton, Dewar & Rhodes) are open events for which bona fide overseas club teams will be eligible. There will however also be separate awards for the top domestic team(s) on the aggregate of the three matches.

1378 1558 1200 1563 1279 1835 1851 1546 1552 1570 1560 1491 1290 1578 1552 1568 1587 1580 1575 1365 1590 1406 1582

SA KAMPIOEN KLUB 2009 Witwatersrand 2010 Witwatersrand A 2011 Witwatersrand A

1803 1796 1811


TROPHY A Silver Salver presented by Old Guildfordians School on their 500th anniversary in 2009 PRIZES: SA Open Team Championship 1st Prize: 7 Gold Medals 2nd Prize: 7 Silver Medals. 3rd Prize: 7 Bronze Medals. SA Champion Club 1st Prize: 7 Gold Medals WINNERS 1993 Pretoria-Oos Skietklub 1994 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1995 Korrektiewe Dienste A 1996 SANW Pretoria A 1997 Baviaanspoort KD A 1998 Pretoria-Oos A 1999 British Commonwealth Rife Club 2000 Witwatersrand A 2001 Pretoria-Oos A 2002 Witwatersrand A 2003 Pretoria-Oos A 2004 Baviaanspoort A 2005 Noordkaap A 2006 Witwatersrand A 2007 Uitenhage 2008 British Commonwealth Rifle Club 2009 Old Guildfordians 2010 Witwatersrand A 2011 Witwatersrand A 2012 Witwatersrand 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Witwatersrand

1586 1595 1867 1848 3388 2394 2347 2380 1793 1781 1785 1789 1779 1788 1790 1818 1804 1796 1811 1790 1806 1800

SA CHAMPION CLUB 2012 Witwatersrand A 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Witwatersrand

1790 1806 1800


SA F Klas Kampioenskap Trofee geskenk deur Mnr J.J. Rousseau in 1999.

SA F Class Championship Trophy presented by Mr J.J. Rousseau in 1999

VOORWAARDES: Totale tellings van F Ope spanne behaal in Rhodes-, Dewar- en Hamilton-wedstryd.

CONDITIONS: Aggregate of scores made by .F Open teams in the Rhodes, Dewar and Hamilton competitions

PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2000 Middelburg F Class A 2001 Winelands 2002 Winelands 2003 Middelburg A 2004 -2006 No Results Avaliable 2007 Middelburg A 2008 Peninsula Rifle Club-F Int

PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 2009 Pretoria Military 2010 Pretoria Military 2011 Peninsula Rifle Club 2012 Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Peninsual Rifle Club

1586 1215 1074 1213 1165 1166



VOORWAARDES: Totale tellings van .F/TR spanne behaal in Rhodes-, Dewar- en Hamilton-wedstryd.

CONDITIONS: Aggregate of scores made by .F/TR teams in the Rhodes, Dewar and Hamilton competitions

PRYSE: 5 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2008 Baviaanspoort 2009 No Match 2010 Bloemfontein 2011 Middelburg

PRIZES: 5 Gold medals WINNERS 2012 Pretoria Military 2013 Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 Pretoria Oos

1195 789 1055



Trofee geskenk in 2001 deur Mnr Danie Joubert.

Trophy presented in 2001 by Mr Danie Joubert.

VOORWAARDES: Totale tellings van .303 spanne behaal in Rhodes-, Dewar- en Hamilton-wedstryd.

CONDITIONS: Aggregate of scores made by .303 teams in the Rhodes, Dewar and Hamilton competitions.

PRYSE: 1ste Prys: 5 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 1st Prize: 5 Gold Medals

WENNERS 2005 CLI .303 2006 Pretoria Military 2007 CLI .303 2008 CLI 303 2009 Pretoria Military

892 902 990 1051 991

WINNERS 2010 Pretoria Military 2011 Spes Bona 2012 Pretoria Military 2013 CLI .303 2014 CLI .303

WEDSTRYD NR. 14 STAATSPRESIDENT 1STE STADIUM VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en sewe skote op 300, 500 and 600m.

MATCH NO. 14 STATE PRESIDENT 1ST STAGE CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and seven shots at 300, 500 and 600m.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1 WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 C.E. Todd, Pietermaritzburg 1930 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1931 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1932 Lt Col J.C.c. Stapelberg, Ermelo

PRIZES: Prize list no 1 WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1975 P.C. Nevette, Salisbury 1976 L.M. Grobler, Middelburg, Tvl 1977 L.P. Strydom, Gobabis 1979 H.F.P. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 33

104 103 102 101

1163 1140 1136 1147 1148 1154

1102 1120 1135

972 962 954 955 921

105 105 105 105

1933 A.H. carver, Pietermaritzburg 1934 Lt K.E. Griff-Griffiths S.A.M.C. 1935 Lt F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 1936 Sgt H.P. Engelbrecht S.A.K.D. 1937 Lt K.E. Griff-Griffiths S.A.M.C. 1938 A.E. Spradbury, SAKD 1939 J.J. Bezuidenhout, GSV 1940 - 1947 No competion 1948 B. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1949 R.B. Attree, Bloemfontein 1950 E.H. Halley, Maritzburg 1951 A.J. Branch, Royal Rhodesia, RC 1952 R.M. Luke, Durban 1953 R. St. G. Maxwell, England 1954 L.G. du Pisani, Willowmore 1955 W.C. de Swart, Phillipolis 1956 A.M. Butcher, Rhodesia 1957 S.F. Symonds, Bloemfontein 1958 A.H. Few, Pilansberg 1959 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein-Stad 1960 J.J. van der Merwe, Coligny 1961 G.E. Weirsch, Aliwal-Noord 1962 J.F. Strydom, Vryburg 1963 D.G. Klonus, 1 Mobiele Wag 1964 J.L. de Klerk, Jamestown 1965 C. Goosen, Dunnotar 1966 H.D. Alport, Peninsula RC 1967 W.S. van Vuuren, KNTWSK 1968 B.P. van Niekerk, NKTWSK 1969 J.P.H. du Plessis, Suikerbosrand 1970 S.M. Bekker, Pietermaritzburg 1971 W.S. van Vuuren, KNTWSK 1972 C.J.E. Erasmus, Pretoria-Oos 1973 A.H. van Heerden, Vaalwater 1978 M.G. Spangenberg, Kroonstad 1974 W.S. Kotze, KNTWSK

100 101 101 103 103 103 102 104 104 104 105 104 104 104 104 104 103 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 A.L. Laubscher, Silverton 2001 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2003 W. Brits, Bellville 2004 J.J. Sauer 2005 I. Potgieter 2006 D.N. Wade 2007 J.A. Kruger

105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 DG Meredith 2005 DG Meredith 2006 W.W. Grant 2007 J.E. Lombard 2008 F.A.E. Naumann 2009 A. Fourie

105 105 105 105 105 104

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

90 92 93 93 91

SJ Barkhuisen SJ Barkhuysen J.A. De Beer J. di Bona S.J. Barkhuysen

104 103 103 102 102 103 102

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

E.E. Stigant, PRC C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny J.A. Smit, Pretoria P.S. Buys, Pretoria P.P. Breedt, Rustenburg G. Bramley, Cape Town R.J. van Rensburg, Aberdeen D.M.C. Dodds, Hyde Park A.J. Steyn, Bloemfontein J. Maritz, Groblershoop D.J. Terblanche, Bloemfontein G.J.P. Burger, Wierda Park P.P. Williams, Van der Bijlpark W.A. Botha, Merrievale W.J. van Rooyen, Knysna B. Pieterse, Ellisras R.J. Lauterbach, Centurion W. du Plooy, Wapadrand T.J. Whitaker, USA T.J. Whitaker, USA D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston H.C. Jacobs, Vanderbijl R. Hayter, Port Elizabeth D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston G.J.P. Burger, Wierda Park S.W. Cullinan, Middleburg P.J. Van Zyl (Jnr), Witwatersrand SV W du Plooy, Pretoria East RC D.C. Luckman, England P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand No Match J.A.du Toit P.Kent, England P.P. Prinsloo

105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 104 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105.16 105.13 105.17

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 C.F. Snyman 105 2009 C.S. Taljaard 103 2010 G.F.Rautenbach 105 2011 No Match 2012 J.C. van Tonder, Peninsula Rifle Club 105.15 2013 K.Witthaus 103.11 2014 K.Witthaus 104.13

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 J.G. Janse van Rensburg 2011 No Match 2012 N.A. Kock 2013 D. Buell, (U.S.A) 2014 J.C.C. Hartmann

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 34

J.J. de Villiers No Match J.F. van Niekerk, CLI303 Club J.F. van Niekerk, CLI303 Club A.C. de Wet

99 104.12 100.7 102.8

96 89.2 91.1 87.3

WEDSTRYD NR. 15 DIE GENL KOOS DE LA REY TROFEE VOORWAARDES: Tellings behaal in Vrystaat Beker, Dalrymple en 1ste stadium Staatspresident. 1ste Prys: Die Genl. K. de la Rey-trofee, geskenk deur VEKA en beheer deur die beheerraad van die Genl C. de Wet Skiettrofee; en ‘n goue medalje.

MATCH NO. 15 THE GEN KOOS DE LA REY TROPHY CONDITIONS: Aggregate of scores obtained in Free State Cup, Dalrymple and 1st stage State President. 1st Prize: The Gen K. de la Rey trophy donated by VEKA and controlled by the Control Board of the Gen C. de Wet Shooting Trophy; and a gold medal.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 2.

PRIZES: Prize list no 2.

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1952 Kommandement, Natal Command 1953 Dr J.P. Pellissier, Potchefstroom 1954 Cmdt L.G. du Pisani, Willowmore 1955 W.C. de Swart, Philippolis 1956 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1957 S.F. Symonds, Bloemfontein 1958 A.H. Few, Pilansberg 1959 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1960 J.J. van der Merwe, Coligny 1961 G.E. Weirich, Aliwal North 1962 J.F. Strydom, Vryburg 1963 D.G. Klonus, 1 Mobiele Wag 1964 J.L. de Klerk, Jamestown 1965 C. Goosen, Dunnotar 1966 H.D. Alport, Peninsula RC 1967 W.S. van Vuuren, KNTWSK 1968 B.P. van Niekerk, KNTWSK 1969 W.S. van Vuuren, KNTWSK 1970 S.M. Bekker, Pietermaritzburg 1971 W.S. van Vuuren, KNTWSK 1972 C.J.E. Erasmus, Pretoria-Oos 1973 A.H. van Heerden, Vaalwater 1974 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1975 P.C. Nevette, Salisbury 1976 J.J. Taljaardt, Pretoria 1977 D.J. Koen, Vrede 1978 M.P.J. Peens, Pretoria 1979 E.F. Schultz, Kroonstad 1980 A.P. Cilliers, Welkom 1981 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 1982 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1983 P.P. Breedt, Rustenburg

1936 103 102 104 102 104 105 104 104 104 104 104 103 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 309 313 309 309 310 311 311 109 311 310

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1984 L.P. Strydom, Vryburg 1985 E.R. Ashby, Empangeni 1986 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1987 P.S. Buys Tileba 1988 T.J. Botha , Pretoria 1989 D.J. Koen, Vrede 1990 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1991 W.S. van Vuuren, Pretoria 1992 P. Swart, Windhoek 1993 W.J. Spangenberg, Vereeniging 1994 C.R. van Heerden, Pretoria 1995 R.Hayter, Cape Town 1996 D.P. Calvert, RAF 1997 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 1998 H.J. Groenewald, Langebaanweg 1999 T.J. Whitaker, USA 2000 P.B.M. Smith, Gravelotte 2001 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2002 C. Holloway, Settlers 2003 R. Hayter, Port Elizabeth 2004 D.B. Lubbe, Prieska 2005 P.D. Bramley, Bloemfontein 2006 J. Langley, Great Britain 2007 D. Coleman, Great Britain 2008 JC Jonck, Lynnwoodrif 2009 D.C. Luckman, Great Britain 2010 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand 2011 G.M. Willemse, Peninsula 2012 J.G.du Toit 2013 G.Barnett, England 2014 J.A. du Toit

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 C.O. Fowler, USA 2001 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2003 W. Brits, Bellville 2004 R. Barnard 2005 E.Paslick III 2006 D.N. Wade 2007 D.N. Wade

314 314 314 315 315 315 315 315

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2005 D.G Meredith 2006 D.G. Meredith

312 313

313 308 311 313 309 312 309 314 309 312 309 311 310 308 313 313 315 314 313 312 313 314 315 313 315 315 315 210 314.35 314.40 315.39

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 J.C. van Tonder 309 2009 W. Brits 308 2010 G.F.Rautenbach 312 2011 I. Potgieter, Peninsula 201 2012 W.Brits,Winelands 311.36 2013 K.Witthaus 312.32 2014 K.Witthaus 311.37

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 F.J.Schnetler 2011 I. Lambrecht 35

304 193

2007 F.J. Schnetler 2008 D.G. Meredith 2009 W.J. O’Neill

312 314 310

.303 2008 2009 2010 2011

266 269 284 183

J Di Bona J.J. de Villiers Villiers J.F. van Niekerk

2012 N.A. Kock, Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 N.A. Kock , Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 J.J. Nezar

304.25 299.21 305.23

.303 2012 J.F. van Niekerk, CLI303 Club 2013 Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club 2014 F. J. Gorgens, Pretoria

261.7 262.12 256.4.

WEDSTRYD NR 16 KINGS NORTON BEKER VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 600m.

MATCH NO 16 KINGS NORTON CUP CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 600m.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 R.I. Small, Oos-Rand 1930 L.C. Alfred, Oos-Rand 1931 M.G. Bodley, Benoni 1932 L.L.F. Towne, Kimberley 1933 E.F. Edwards, SAKD 1934 J.J. Joubert, Belfast 1935 J.E. Johnson, RDLI 1936 S.G. van Niekerk, SAP 1937 J.M. Bekker, Bloemfontein 1938 W.B. van Reenen, Durban 1939 J.W. du Plessis, Bloemfontein 1940-1947 No Competition 1948 D.J.J. du Plessis, Bloemfontein-Suid 1949 S.J. Bekker, Willowmore 1950 W.J. Bramley, Kroonstad 1951 J.J. Bezuidenhout, BGSV 1952 L.P.A. Boxhall, Durban 1953 D.J.J. Strydom, Bethlehem 1954 L.J.B. Serfontein, Koppies 1955 J.F.F. Maritz, Weenen, Kliprivier 1956 A.P. Liebenberg, Bloemfontein 1957 D.H. Botha, Vereeniging 1958 B. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1959 J.F. Strydom, Vryburg 1960 C.F. Reinhardt, Kimberley 1961 P.F. Erasmus, Uitenhage 1962 J.C. Koch, Dundee 1963 I.S. Welthagen, Vereeniging 1964 C.F. Schoeman, PWOK 1965 P.D. Lourens, Coligny 1966 F.W. Buitendag, Rustenburg 1967 S.J. Fourie, Bethlehem 1968 S.L.J. van Vuuren, Delareyville 1969 M.G. Spangenberg, Gevangenis 1970 W.M. van Niekerk, Gevangenis 1971 W.J. Botha, SAP 1972 J.J. Venter, SAP 1973 W.J. Pietersen, Uitenhage 1974 G. Bramley, Peninsula Rifle Club 1975 F.J.C. Sexton, Rhodesia

PRIZES: Prize list no 1. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 P.C. Nevette, Salisbury 1977 P.J. van den Merwe, Nigel 1978 J.A. Smit, Pretoria 1979 A.P. Möller, Pretoria 1980 J.A. Connold, Pietermaritzburg 1981 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1982 J.J. Taljaardt, Pretoria 1983 K.M. de Jager, Dundee 1984 G.J.P. Burger, Simonstad 1985 S. Scheün, Rietbron 1986 J.H. Maritz, Postmasburg 1987 M.J. van Wyk, Brits 1988 J.L. van Blerk, Goodwood 1989 Izak Fourie, Vryburg 1990 C.L. van Vuuren, Bethlehem 1991 C.C. vd Heever, Schweizer-Reneke 1992 M.G. Naude, Vereeniging 1993 P. Bramley, Bloemfontein 1994 W.J. Fölscher, Vereeniging 1995 I.D. Terblanche, Cullinan 1996 C.R. van Heerden, Pietersburg 1997 E.E. Stigant, Cape Town 1998 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 1999 R.J. Lauterbach, Pretoria 2000 J.C. van Schalkwyk, Gezina 2001 A.F. Jordaan, Montagu 2002 G.J.P. Burger, Wierdapark 2003 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2004 A.P. Möller, Pretoria 2005 M. Walton, Great Britain 2006 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2007 J.G. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2008 P Patel. Great Britain 2009 M Black, England 2010 F.W. Viljoen 2011 H.M.J. Gerber 2012 F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein 2013 J.J. Bruwer, Pretoria 2014 R. Hayter, Port Elizabeth

103 50 50 48 50 49 50 48 49 50 49 50 48 50 50 50 49 50 47 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 W.H. Claassen, Koopmansfontein 50

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50.7 50.7 50.7

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 K Witthaus 50 36

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

R. Ilze, Middelburg R. Ilze, Middelburg H.W. Morley, Wales J.J. Rousseau D.N. Wade G Rautenbach W. Brits

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 H. van der Linde 2005 D.G Meredith 2006 D.G. Meredith 2007 M.C. Boshoff 2008 D.G.Meredith 2009 W.W. Grant .303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

C Gresse J. Botha J.A. De Beer Beer I. Noble-Jack

50 50 50 50 50 50 50

50 50 50 50 50 50

47 41 46 45 44

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

G.F. Rautenbach Ms. C.J. van Niekerk P Goldman J.C. van Tonder, Peninsula Rifle Club v.d. Westhuizen K. Witthaus

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 I. Lamprecht 2011 M.C. Boshoff 2012 A.J.Marx 2013 (Ms) J.E. Hausler 2014 C.J. de Beer

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

J.J. de Villiers G. Mac Gregror Amanda van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.J. de Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club J.T.B. Brink, CLI 303 Club



VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op 900m.

CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at 900m.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 1

PRIZES: Prize list no 1

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1957 A.H. Few, Pilansberg 1958 T. Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1959 J.C.B. Irving, Kimberley 1960 T. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1961 P.F. Erasmus, Uitenhage 1962 H.L. van der Merwe, Bethlehem 1963 P.P. Williams, Dundee 1964 W.Scholtz, Rustenburg 1965 W.H. Hull, Johannesburg 1966 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 1967 W. Prinsloo, Peninsula RC 1968 G.P. Louw. Windhoek 1969 D. Serfontein, Reitz 1970 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1971 J.Williamson, Britain 1972 J.L. van Blerk, Tygerberg 1973 S.M. Bekker, Umkomaas 1974 F.C. Clase, (Jnr) Britten 1975 J.L. du Rand, Mareetsane 1976 H.F.P. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1977 C.J. Jacobs, Kroonstad 1978 A.N. Lesch, Pretoria 1979 E. Breytenbach, Rustenburg 1980 R.J. van Rensburg, Aberdeen 1981 C.W. Smith, Verwoerdburg 1982 A.Z. Grimbeek, S.W.A.

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1986 P.C. Nevette, Linkhills 1987 P.D. Swart, Windhoek 1988 A.F. Jordaan, Montagu 1989 J.J.F. Gerber, Kuruman 1990 P. Potgieter, Vryburg 1991 Jan Joubert, Lynn East 1992 G. Bramley, Milnerton 1993 G.J. Jonck (Jnr), Pretoria 1994 B.M.L Jacobs, Pretoria 1995 F.D. Wentzel, Theunissen 1996 K.B. de Klerk, Dorpspruit 1997 E.A. Venter, Pretoria 1998 J.Z. Moolman, Faerie Glen 1999 J.Z. Moolman, Faerie Glen 2000 P.B.M. Smith, Gravelotte 2001 J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2002 A.M.Z. Zainal, Malaysia 2003 M. Higgs, Groot-Brakrivier 2004 S. Steyn, Vryburg 2005 H. Jacobs ( Jnr ) Pretoria 2006 J. Langley, Great Britain 2007 Ms D.S. Hume, Scotland 2008 P Patel, Great Britain 2009 M. Dunia, USA 2010 P.A.Haasbroek, Witwatersrand 2011 D.P. Calvert, RAF

97 97 97 198 198 195 50 50 50 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50


49 49 50 49.0 49.1 49.2

48 47 50.5 48.5 48.4

43 45 40.0 46.4 41.0

50 50 49 50 48 49 50 50 50 50 50 49 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 49 50 50 50 50 50 50

1983 R.J. Opperman, Roodepoort 1984 G.J. Hoon, Bellville 1985 R.J. Thompson, Parys

50 50 50

2012 D.C.Dyson, Great Britain 2013 Ms M.U.Burger, Pretoria 2014 W.J. O’Neill

50.4 49.5 50.7

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 B.F. Tyrrell, Lynnwood Ridge 100 2001 A.L. Laubscher, Centurion 50 2002 J.J. Rousseau, Middelburg 49 2003 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 50 2004 J. Wright 50 2005 E.Paslick III, U.S.A. 50 2006 G. Rautenbach 50 2007 G. Cronje 46

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 D.N.Wade 2009 I. Lamprecht 2010 N.P.Fourie 2011 Dr.J.J. Sauer 2012 W.Brits, Winelands 2013 C.S.Taljaardt, Cape Town 2014 K. Witthaus

48 48 48 50 49.2 48.4 49.4

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 D.G. Meredith 2005 MJ Rautenbach 2006 M.J. Rautenbach 2007 F.J. Schnetler 2008 D.G. Meredith 2009 W.W. Grant

50 48 50 42 50 50

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 M.C. Boshoff 2011 J.Faber 2012 A.J.Marx 2013 B.N.Southern, Australia 2014 J.J. Nezar

39 47 44.2 46.3 49.3

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

38 41 40 45 41

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

39 36 39.1 42.2 40.1

BA Carver DS Carver D.S. Carver J. di Bona S. Swanepoel

J.F. van Niekerk J.F. van Niekerk Amanda van Niekerk CLI 303 Club J.F.van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club Amanda van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club

WEDSTRYD NR. 18 600 METER TOTAAL VOORWAARDES: Die totaal van al die tellings behaal op 600m in alle wedstryde. PRYSE: Pryslys no 2.

MATCH NO. 18 600 METRE AGGREGATE CONDITIONS: The aggregate of scores achieved at 600m in all Matches PRIZES: Prize list no 2

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1957 H.L. le R v.d. Merwe, Bloemfontein 1958 G. Truter, Uitenhage 1959 G.A. Muller, Frankfort 1960 F. v. Z le Roux, PWOK 1961 D.J. Bredenhann, Warmbad 1962 D. Hayter, Kirkwood 1963 Theo Philips 1964 C.F. Schoeman, PWOK 1965 J.H.P. du Plessis, Delmas 1966 P.S. Kruger, Pretoria 1967 H.D. Alport, Peninsula RC 1968 C. Goosen, Wit-Oos 1969 H.J. Stoltz 1970 S.M. Bekker, Pietermaritzburg 1971 L.A. de Bruyn, Lichtenburg 1972 H.D. Alport, Peninsula RC 1973 T. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1974 J.L. van Blerk, Peninsula RC 1975 P.C. Nevette, Salisbury 1976 J.J. Taljaardt, Pretoria 1977 D.J. Koen, Vrede 1978 A.L. van Graan, Bloemfontein 1979 E. de Kock, Machadodorp

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1986 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau 1987 Johan Fourie, Colesberg 1988 A. Steyn, Kroonstad 1989 Manie Beukes, Petrus Steyn 1990 C. Lauterbach, Richardsbaai 1991 Hein Groenewald, Goodwood 1992 J.W. Matthee, Vereeniging 1993 J.Fourie, Douglas 1994 H.C. Strydom, Vryburg 1995 W.I.G. Engelbreg, Hekpoort 1996 C.W. Lauterbach, Centurion 1997 A.F. Powell, Australia 1998 S.F. Regan, New Zealand 1999 D. Armstrong, Great Britain 2000 R.J. Lauterbach, Rooihuiskraal 2001 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2002 G.J.P. Bruger, Wierdapark 2003 W.I.G. Engelbreg, Pretoria-Noord 2004 D.B. Lubbe, Prieska 2005 A.P. van Niekerk, Kimberley 2006 P.J van Zyl (Jnr) Witwatersrand SV 2007 D. Coleman, Great Britain 2008 J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif

149 150 151 166 165 166 176 196 198 196 201 195 200 178 167 221 219 222 221 220 217 200 221


220 222 219 221 217 222 219 219 239 240 241 222 223 224 225 224 223 224 223 174 224 223 225

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985

C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny J.J. Craven, Babanango J.H. Visser, Sannieshof P.J. Scholtz, Windhoek D.J. Koen, Vrede E.R. Ashby, Empangeni

222 220 218 218 223 218

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2001 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2003 R Ilse, Middelburg 2004 FC Van Niekerk 2005 E Paslick III 2006 D.N. Wade 2007 C.F. Snyman

225 224 225 225 225 175 225 175

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 DG Meredith 2005 DG Meredith 2006 D.G. Meredith 2007 J.E. Lombard 2008 DG Meredith 2009 W.J. O’Neill

222 172 223 173 223 221

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

160 183 151 189 192

C Gresse S.J Barkhuysen C. De Beer C de Beer J.J. de Villiers

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

C.N. Tremlett, England F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein J.O.Ahrens, Peninsula R.C. F.W.A.Coetzee, Bloemfontein J.G. du Toit P.M.Patel, England

225 224 189 224.31 224.20 245.27

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 JC van Tonder 219 2009 J.S. Kleynhans 220 2010 G.F. Rautenbach 221 2011 J.C.van Tonder, Peninsula RC 181 2012 J.C.van Tonder, Peninsula RC 220.14 2013 K. Witthaus 218.15 2014 K. Witthaus 239.22

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 F.J.Schnetler 2011 H. C. Louw 2012 A.J.Marx 2013 D. Pohlabel, U.S.A. 2014 W. du Plooy

213 171 216.15 206.10 234.18

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

195 162 183.2 186.11 194.5

J.J. de Villiers J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club F.J. Gorgens, Pretoria

WEDSTRYD NR. 19 KORTAFSTANDTOTAAL VOORWAARDES: Die totale tellings behaal deur mededingers The oor afstande van 300 tot 600m in die Dalrymple, Kings Norton, Vrystaat Beker, Staatspresident 1st Stadium, Jack Mitchley en en President

MATCH NO. 19 SHORT RANGE AGGREGATE CONDITIONS Aggregate of scores achieved by competitorstors at distances from 300 to 600m in the Dalrymple, Kings Norton, Free State Cup, State President 1st Stage, Jack Mitchley and President.

TROFEE Die Uitdaagbeker, geskenk deur mnre. KynochBpk aan die Transvaalse Skiet Vereniging en deur laasgenoemde o aan die SANSV. PRYSE: Pryslys no 2. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 W.H. Erasmus, Somerset-Oos 640 1930 Lt.-Col R. Bodley, Benoni 435 1931 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 443 1932 M.G. Bodley, Benoni 526 1933 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 441 1934 G.B. Meyer, Ladysmith 537 1935 Lt.F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 443 1936 J.S. Mitchley, Johannesburg 541 1937 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 535 1938 Lt. L. Serfontein, Edenville 537 1939 S.Sgt. D.J. Poacher, R.D.L.I. 536 1940-1947 No competition 1948 Capt. Jaco Bramley, Peninsula RC 335

TROPHY The Challenge Cup presented by Messrs. Kynoch Ltd., to the Transvaal Rifle Association and presented by that Association to SANRA. PRIZES: Prize list no 2. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 J.J. Taljaard, Pretoria 1977 D.J. Koen, Vrede 1978 C.J. Jacobs, Kroonstad 1979 H.F.P. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1980 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1981 J.J. Craven, Babanango 1982 A.P. Moller, Pretoria 1983 J.Strümpher, Port Elizabeth 1984 G.J.P. Burger, Simonstad 1985 E.R. Ashby, Empangeni 1986 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau 1987 J.H. Maritz, Groblershoop 1988 G.A. van Zyl, Bloemfontein 39

455 499 451 458 456 454 457 454 459 454 457 459 454

1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

J.C.B. Irving, Vereeniging J.J. Bezuidenhout, B.G.S.K. L.P.A. Boxhall, Durban Kapt. F.v.Z.le Roux, Potchefstroom S.Sers. L.D. Pienaar, N.K.G.S.K. Sgt. J.S. Stoole, Rhodesia W.J. Bramley, Senekal Sgt. S.J.G. Muir, Rhodesia G.F.T. Naude, Rustenburg S.M. Bekker, Pretoria-Moot Lt. G.A. Muller, Frankfort Lt. L.J.D. Clarke, Grahamstown J.L. de Klerk, Aliwal-Noord J.F. Strydom, Vryburg S.J. Scheun, Willowmore J.H. du Plessis, Suikerbosrand C. Goosen, Dunnotar J.J. Fourie, Thabazimbi P.F. Erasmus, Wit-Oos W.J. Prinsloo, Peninsula RC W.S. van Vuuren, K.N.T.W.S.K. S.M. Bekker, Pietermaritzburg S.L.J. van Vuuren, Delareyville B.D.L. Steenkamp, S.A.P. Kol. A.P. Moller, K.O.V.S.W.S.K. J.L. van Blerk, Peninsula RC P.C. Nevette, Salisbury

528 532 526 533 541 540 493 485 501 504 505 398 387 400 543 543 545 542 547 543 499 501 497 509 456 458 459

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 C.O. Fowler, USA 2001 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2003 R. Ilse, Middelburg 2004 R. Ilse 2005 E.Praslick III 2006 D.N. Wade 2007 C.F. Snyman

464 464 464 465 465 365 465 360

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 D.G. Meredith 2005 D.G. Meredith 2006 D.G. Meredith 2007 D.G. Meredith 2008 FJ Schnetler 2009 W.W. Grant

461 362 463 358 461 459

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

323 401 401 394 403

C Gresse S.J. Barkhuysen J.A. De Beer J di Bona J.J. de Villiers

WEDSTRYD NR. 20 LANGAFSTAND TOTAAL VOORWAARDES: Totaal van alle tellings behaal in die Munisipale Bodley, Dave Smith en President op 800 en 900m. PRYSE: Pryslys no 2. GEBORG DEUR: VSA Skuts: Grant Ubl van

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

D.J. Koen, Vrede A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier H.M.J. Gerber, Pretoria A. Ringer, England J. Fourie, Douglas G.J.P. Burger, Wierda Park T.J. Botha, Pretoria D.P. Calvert, RAF S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg S.F. Regan, New Zealand G.J.P. Burger, Wierda Park J. Fourie, Douglas D.P. Calvert, RAF J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark R. Hayter, Port Elizabeth D.B. Lubbe, Prieska A.P. van Niekerk, Kimberley J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif D. Coleman, Great Britain J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif D.C. Luckman, England F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein F.W.A Coetzee, Bloemfontein P.A. Haasbroek J.G. du Toit P.M. Patel, England

460 456 460 454 457 454 456 459 454 460 463 464 463 458 460 461 363 462 462 465 464 463 358 463.59 463.48 465.57

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 JC van Tonder 454 2009 J.S. Kleynhans 453 2010 G.F. Rautenbach 459 2011 D. van der Westhuizen 347 2012 W.Brits, Winelands 457.47 2013 K. Witthaus 457.43 2014 K. Witthaus 458.50

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 F.J. Schnetler 2011 I. Lamprecht, Peninsula RC 2012 A.J.Marx 2013 D. Buell, U. S.A. 2014 W. du Plooy

442 334 444.27 438.35 444.31

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

418 313 385.11 393.18 378.9 Villiers J.F.van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F.van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club F.J. Gorgens, Pretoria

MATCH NO. 20 LONG RANGE AGGREGATE CONDITIONS: Aggregate of scores achieved in the Municipal, Bodley, Dave Smith and President at 800 and 900m. PRIZES: Prize list no 2. SPONSORED BY: US shooters Grant Ubl of, 40

Wisconsin, John Meade van Maryland en Bill Cooney van Virginia ter nagedagtenis van ‘n VSA skut, Charlie Lavelle, wenner van die 1999 Langafstand Totaal, wat in 2000 in ‘n industriële ongeluk oorlede is. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1960 J. Verkes, Vereeniging 1961 J.P. Coetzee, Rand Rifles 1962 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 1963 R.A. Fulton, England 1964 J.H.P. du Plessis, Suikerbosrand 1965 C.J. Brink, Gevangenis 1966 J.L. de Klerk, Jamestown 1967 J.R. Jackson, Karoo 1968 R.M. Campbell, Natal Carbineers 1969 P.P. Williams, Vanderbijlpark 1970 J.D. Bothma, KOVSWSK 1971 K.M. Pilcher, Great Britain 1972 K. Venter, Hantam 1973 G. Bramley, Peninsula RC 1974 T.R. Fasy, USA 1975 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1976 A.L. van Graan, Valhalla 1977 M.W. Pretorius, Pretoria 1978 S.S. Slier, Pretoria 1979 R.J. Opperman, Roodepoort 1980 W.S. Kotze, Pretoria 1981 G.R. Finch. Pretoria 1982 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1983 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau 1984 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1985 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1986 S.B. Young, Kraaifontein 1987 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau

145 145 145 193 96 96 96 96 97 129 145 145 149 193 197 181 195 196 197 194 195 196 195 194 194 193 199 197

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 2001 A.L. Laubscher, Centurion 2002 J.J. Rousseau, Middelburg 2003 C.S. Taljaard, Eversdal 2004 A.L. Laubscher 2005 J. Brewer 2006 C.S. Taljaart 2007 J.J. Sauer

396 199 198 199 199 146 199 188

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2004 P.J. van der Walt 2005 M.J. Rautenbach 2006 R.H. Sinclair 2007 F.J. Schnetler 2008 DG Meredith 2009 W.W.Grant

194 145 194 158 195 193

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010

120 144 158 167 165

SJ Barkhuisen S.J.M Swanepoel D.S. Carver C de Beer D.S.Carver

Wisconsin, John Meade of Maryland and Bill Cooney of Virginia in memory of US shooter Charlie Lavelle, the 1999 winner of the Long Range Aggregate. Charlie was killed in an industrial accident in 2000. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1988 A.P. Möller, Pretoria 1989 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1990 G. Finch, Peninsula RC 1991 Jan Joubert, Lynn East 1992 J.C. Marx, Pretoria 1993 S. Penrose, Great Britain 1994 B.M.L. Jacobs, Pretoria 1995 J.J. de Lange, Bluff 1996 Mev. N. Borrett, Bredell 1997 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 1998 E.E. Stigant, Peninsula RC 1999 C.D. Lavelle, USA 2000 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2001 J.J. Bruwer, Sunnyside 2002 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2003 F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein 2004 R. Hayter, Port Elizabeth 2005 K.D. Seager, Bloemfontein 2006 R.C. Holloway, Pretoria 2007 R. Hayter, Port Elizabeth 2008 J.G.du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2009 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2010 P.A.Hassbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2011 D.P.Calvert, RAF 2012 T.F.Breedt 2013 J. C. Underwood, England 2014 F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein .

193 196 195 195 193 199 198 198 194 197 391 396 395 198 194 193 195 146 197 194 197 197 196 199 197.21 196.17 200.19

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 D.N. Wade. 187 2009 C.F. Snyman 184 2010 C.F.Snyman 186 2011 J.C.van Tonder 192 2012 C.F.Snyman,.Peninsula RC 191.15 2013 K.Witthaus 188.14 2014 K.Witthaus 194.15

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2010 F.J.Schnetler 2011 J.Faber 2012 D.Buell,. U.S.A. 2013 A.J.Marx 2014 J.J. Nezar

173 176 183.7 182.7 189.11

.303 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014

155 160 166.4 162.5 162.1


J.F.van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F.van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club Amanda van Niekerk, CLI.303 Club

MATCH NO. 21 UNDER 25 Open only to members of the Union who are under 25 years of age at the start of the Grand Aggregate. Trophy presented in 1998 by Mr Ockie van der Merwe.

WEDSTRYD NR. 21 ONDER 25 Slegs oop vir lede van die Unie jonger as 25 jaar aan die begin van die Groottottal Trofee deur Mnr Ockie van der Merwe in 1998 Geskenk

From 1962 – 1998 this competition was for the category “Juniors” (under 21).

Hierdie kompetisie was vanaf 1962 – 1998 vir die kategorie “Juniors” (onder 21). VOORWAARDES: Die telling behaal in die Groot total PRYSE: Pryslys no 3. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER (Voorheen bekend as “Juniors) 1962 F. C. Scholtz, Odendaalrus 1963 Mej. L van Rooyen, Rustenburg 1964 J.J. Kasselman, Oudtshoorn 1965 C. Barris, Leêrgimnasium 1966 A.L. van Graan, Leêrgimnasium 1967 G. Truter, Germiston 1968 J.A. Cilliers, Polisie 1969 Brian Seady, Uitehage 1970 Brian Seady, Uitehage 1971 Brian Seady, Uitehage 1972 Brian Seady, Uitehage 1973 Brian Seady, Uitehage 1974 Brian Seady, Uitehage 1975 W. du Plooy, Pretoria 1976 G.R. Finch, Peninsula RC 1977 R.P. van der Merwe, Pretoria 1978 W. du Plooy, Pretoria 1979 G.J.D. Jordaan, Sonop 1980 J.G. du Toit, Ventersdorp 1981 Eric Fletcher, RRC 1982 Dana Fourie, Niekerkshoop 1983 D. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1984 D. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1985 Petrus Steyn, Bloemfontein 1986 M.J. van Wyk, Brits 1987 M.J. van Wyk, Brits 1988 Albie van Niekerk, Modderrivier

WEDSTRYD NR. 22 JUNIORS (ONDER 19) Slegs oop vir lede van die Unie jonger as 19 jaar by die begin van die Groottotaal wedstryde. Hierdie kompetisie was vanaf 1974 – 1998 vir die kategorie “Penkoppe”. VOORWAARDES: Die telling behaal in die Groottotaal PRYSE: Pryslys no 3. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER (Voorheen bekend as Penkoppe) 1974 P. de Klerk, Pietermaritzburg 1975 W. du Plooy, Pretoria 1976 C.R. van Heerden, Vaalwater

381 631 509 523 508 524 515 415 481 491 496 446 451 449 448 449 453 446 452 448 448 448 455 444 453 456 441

445 449 442

CONDITIONS: The score achieved in the Grand Aggregate. PRIZES: Prize list no 3. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE (Previously classified as “Juniors”) 1989 J.J.G. van den Berg, Pretoria 1990 S.J. Weyers, Rustenburg 1991 Albie van Niekerk, Bloemfontein 1992 J.J.G. van den Berg, Lynn East 1993 G.D. Higgs, Prieska 1994 J.J.G. van den Berg, Pretoria 1995 G.M. van der Sandt, Pretoria 1996 C.J. Jacobs, Vanderbijlpark 1997 J.P. van Rooyen, Centurion 1998 D.B. Lubbe, Prieska 1999 D.C. Luckman, Great Britain 2000 J.P. van Rooyen, Centurion 2001 S.F. van der Vyver, Potchefstroom 2002 J.P. van Rooyen, Lyttelton 2003 D.B. Lubbe, Prieska 2004 D.B. Lubbe, Prieska 2005 A. van Zyl, Rooihuiskraal 2006 P. Holden 2007 R.C. Holloway, Pretoria 2008 R.C. Holloway, Pretoria 2009 T.L. Cooper, USA 2010 J.A. du Toit 2011 J.A. du Toit 2012 J.A. du Toit 2013 J.A. du Toit 2014 J.A. du Toit

448 441 451 447 446 440 444 447 434 453 851 850 452 625 634 649 493 643 650 649 653 642 553 654.85 653.64 661.71

MATCH NO. 22 JUNIORS (UNDER 19) Open only to members of the Union who are under 19 years of age at the start of the Grand Aggregate matches From 1974 – 1998 this competition was for the category “Tyros”. CONDITIONS: The score achieved in the Grand Aggregate. PRIZES: Prize list no .3 WINNERS TARGET RIFLE (Previously classified as Tyros) 1987 Tielman Breedt, Rustenburg 1988 Albie van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1989 J.J.G. van den Bergh, Lynn East

441 441 448


1977 J.P. Slabbert, Kroonstad 1978 C. W. Lauterbach 1979 E. Fletcher, Benoni 1980 J.G. du Toit, Ventersdorp 1981 J.A. Smith, (Jnr), Pretoria 1982 Johan Marais, Cradock 1983 D. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1984 D. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1985 Petrus Steyn, Bloemfontein 1986 Tielman Breedt, Rustenburg Junior (Onder 19) 1999 Miss M.M. Gallagher, USA 2000 E.C. Wood, Great Britain 2001 S. Steyn, Vryburg 2002 A. van Zyl, Rooihuiskraal 2003 P.J. van der Walt, Potchefstroom 2004 J.N. Thompson, Great Britain 2005 R.C. Holloway, Pretoria 2006 R.C. Holloway, Pretoria

440 440 444 452 436 432 448 455 444 429 838 839 755 617 631 628 496 647

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Pieter Bosman, Potchefstroom Albie van Niekerk, Bloemfontein J.J.G. van den Bergh, Lynn East G.D. Higgs, Prieska H. de Lange, Durban G.M. van der Sandt, Pretoria G.M. van der Sandt, Pretoria J.P. van Rooyen, Centurion D.B. Lubbe, Prieska

Junior (Under 19) 2007 J.A. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2008 J.A. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2009 E.J. McConnell, Great Britain 2010 C.J.F.Rivett-Carnac, Great Britain 2011 J.W Alexander, Ireland 2012 H. Hager 2013 L.Brand, Loeriesfontein 2014 Miss A.R. Southall, Great Britain

WEDSTRYD NR. 23 NORMA SEYFFERDT TROFEE VOORWAARDES Oop vir alle dames. Die telling behaal in die Groottotaal

MATCH NR. 23 NORMA SEYFFERDT TROPHY CONDITIONS Open to all ladies. The score achieved in the Grand Aggregate

PRYSE: Pryslys Nr. 3 WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1985 Wimpie Mojet, Bethlehem 1986 Ms S. van Hansen, Pretoria 1987 Mrs Jill Nevette, Linkhills 1988 Helen de Klerk, Kuruman 1989 Mrs J.E.R. Nevette, Linkhills 1990 Mrs J.E.R. Nevette, Linkhills 1991 M. Watkins, Mooirivier 1992 Mrs I. Putter, Graaff-Reinet 1993 Mrs G.J. Maritz, Groblershoop 1994 Mrs M.M. Peens, Kuilsrivier 1995 Miss A. de Pauw, Kraaifontein 1996 Miss K.M. Martin, Great Britain 1997 Mrs M.M. Peens, Kuilsrivier 1998 Miss J.H. Messer, Great Britain 1999 Miss J.H. Messer, Great Britain

PRIZES: Prize list No. 3. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 2000 Miss J.M. Rankin, Great Britain 2001 Mrs E. van der Vyver, Potchefstroom 2002 Miss A.J. Pilgrim, Great Briatin 2003 Mrs E. van der Vyver, Potchefstroom 2004 Mrs E. van der Vyver, Potchefstroom 2005 Ms S. Borrett, Pretoria East RC 2006 Ms S. Borrett, Pretoria East RC 2007 Ms D.S. Hume, Great Britain 2008 Miss J H Messer, Great Britain 2009 Miss J.H. Messer, Great Britain 2010 Ms J.A.Dyer,Australia 2011 Ms J.A.Dyer, Australia 2012 Mrs S. Borrett-Du Plooy 2013 Mrs N.Tompkins-Gallagher, U.S.A. 2014 Mrs S. Borrett-Du Plooy

103 102 105 103 102 101 104 102 101 630 627 639 617 840 856

WEDSTRYD NR.24 DIE VETERANE Slegs oop vir lede van die Unie wat met die aanvang van die kompetisie reeds die ouder dom van 60 jaar bereik het. VOORWAARDES: Die totale tellings deur veterane behaal in die Groottotaal.

MATCH NO. 24 THE VETERANS Open only to members of the Union who at date of the commencement of the competition, have already attained the age of 60 years. CONDITIONS: The aggregate of scores achieved by veterans in the Grand Aggregate.

TROFEE Uitdaagbeker, geskenk deur kmdt. S.J. Scott, DB, van Kimberley.

TROPHY Challenge Cup, presented by Cmdt. S.J. Scott, ED, of Kimberley.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 3.

PRIZES: Prize list no 3 43

441 451 447 446 431 444 446 434 453

631 649 630 627 533 636.56 628.37 638.52

837 646 622 635 641 503 642 643 653 648 651 542 646.60 646.51 644.64

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1950 V. Pohl, Bloemfontein 1951 V. Pohl, Bloemfontein 1952 G.H. Clayton, Durban 1953 D. Hess, Kirkwood 1954 R. Bodley, RRC 1955 R. Bodley, RRC 1956 R. Bodley, RRC 1957 D.J.J. Strydom, Bethlehem 1958 D.J.J. Strydom, Bethlehem 1959 S.J.J. Pretorius, Dordrecht 1960 M.J. le Grange, Nottingham Road 1961 D.J.J. Strydom, Bethlehem 1962 J.P. Coetzee, Rand Rifles 1963 P.J Gerber, Bloemfontein 1964 M.G. Willemse, Boshof 1965 J.P. Coetzee, RRC 1966 J.C. Erasmus, Vereeniging 1967 N. Jameson, Rhodesia 1968 J.P. Coetzee, Rand Rifle Club 1969 A.J. du Plessis, Boshof 1970 T. van Rensburg, Rustenburg 1971 D. Nicol, Nottingham Road RC 1972 K.E. Griff-Griffiths, Durban 1973 J.P. Coetzee, Rand Rifles 1974 L.F. Moore, USA 1975 G.F. Arnold, Great Britain 1976 J.S. Stoole, Rhodesia 1977 W.A. Durand, Pretoria 1978 S.S. Slier, Pretoria 1979 G.F. Arnold, Great Britain 1980 M. Victor, Pretoria 1981 S. Slier, Pretoria 1982 G.F. Arnold, Great Britain

522 512 515 518 525 478 488 489 487 489 477 391 393 536 514 531 535 529 530 497 489 484 491 439 449 662 639 637 638 636 638 632 634

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1983 M.C. Furstenburg, Verwoerdburg 1984 M.C. Furstenburg, Verwoerdburg 1985 W.S. van Vuuren, Pretoria 1986 Roly Commock, New Zealand 1987 W.S. van Vuuren, Pretoria 1988 G.J.J. Human, Kimberley 1989 W.F. Marais, Bloemfontein 1990 R.J. Opperman, Roodepoort 1991 W.S. van Vuuren, Pretoria 1992 A.P. Mรถller, Wierda Park 1993 W.J. Fรถlscher, Vereeniging 1994 W.J. Fรถlscher, Vereeniging 1995 A.N. Lesch, Ifafi 1996 A.G. Peden, Canada 1997 R.J. van Lingen, Sandton 1998 M.W. Tompkins, USA 1999 S.R. Dunstall, Austalia 2000 E.A. Venter, Doringpoort 2001 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 2002 E.E. Stigant, Durbanville 2003 W.I.G. Engelbreg, Pretoria-Noord 2004 B.J. Pieters, Westgate 2005 JAP du Toit, Ventersdorp 2006 B.J. Pieters, Westgate 2007 E.E. Stigant, Cape Town 2008 A.P.van Niekerk, Kimberley 2009 E.E.Stigant, Cape Town 2010 E.E.Stigant, Cape Town 2011 D.P.Calvert, RAF 2012 A.P.van Niekerk 2013 D.P. Calvert, Ireland 2014 D.P. Calvert, Ireland

633 642 631 635 644 633 640 634 654 638 641 643 641 638 638 844 845 849 638 633 644 646 499 646 650 656 653 649 552 654.59 649.66 659.75

WEDSTRYD NR. 25 DIE VETERANE BO 70 Slegs oop vir lede van die Unie wat met die aanvang van die kompetisie reeds die ouderdom van 70 jaar bereik het VOORWAARDES: Die totale tellings deur Veterane bo70 behaal in die Groottotaal.

MATCH NO. 25 THE VETERANS OVER 70 Open only to members of the Union who, at date of the commencement of the competition, have already attained the age of 70 years. CONDITIONS: The aggregate of scores achieved by Veterans over 70 in the Grand Aggregate.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 3

PRIZES: Prize list no 3.

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1977 P.J. van der Merwe, Nigel 1978 J.S. Stoole, Salisbury 1979 J.S. Stoole, Salisbury 1980 J.S. Stoole, Salisbury 1981 G.F. Hirst, Canada 1982 G.F. Arnold, Great Britain 1983 H.L. le. R. v.d. Merwe, Bethlehem 1984 S.S. Slier, Pretoria 1985 H.L. le R. v.d. Merwe, Bethlehem 1986 P.J. du Plessis, RRC 1987 C.F. Schoeman, Potchefstroom 1988 P.J. du Plessis, Florida

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1996 W.F. Marais, Bloemfontein 1997 M.J. Rautenbach, Alberton 1998 A.E. Clarke, Great Britain 1999 C.D. Dahlstrom, Canada 2000 J.A. Muller, Stellenbosch 2001 G.W. Aldrich, Bloemfontein 2002 B.D. Hayter, Addo 2003 A.P. Mรถller, Centurion 2004 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 2005 J. H Grobler, Ermelo 2006 A.N. Lesch, Ifafi 2007 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo

626 621 632 635 625 634 628 628 620 632 636 617


611 590 827 830 833 622 617 627 637 492 629 634

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

H. van der Merwe, Bethehem R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg W.F. Marais, Bloemfontein

WEDSTRYD NR 26 GESINSWEDSTRYD VOORWAARDES: Oop vir spanne van 2 van die gesin,bv. Pa/seun, Broers, egpare, nie neefs nie, ens. Word gebaseer op die Groottotaal. PRYSE: 2 Goue medaljes vir wenners. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1983 A.P. en J.J. van Niekerk 1984 H.F.P. en D. Rautenbach 1985 Dries en Petrus Steyn 1986 Jakes en Ben Jacobs 1987 Joseph en Izak Fourie 1988 J.Z. en J.C. Moolman 1989 G. en S. SchĂŤun 1990 C.W. en R.J. Lauterbach 1991 A.P. en J.J. van Niekerk 1992 J.M. en I. Fourie 1993 A.N. en A. Lesch 1994 C.W. en R.J. Lauterbach 1995 A.N. en A. Lesch 1996 R.J. en C.W. Lauterbach 1997 R.J. en C.W. Lauterbach 1998 A. and D. Luckman

618 609 630 628 637 637 627

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

1272 1286 1269 1283 1283 1268 1279 1269 1282 1269 1286 1264 1280 1276 1268 1671

MATCH NO 26 FAMILIES MATCH CONDITIONS: Open to teams of two from the immediate family, e.g. Father/son, brothers, husband and wife, not cousins, etc. Based on Grand Aggregate scores. PRIZES: 2 Gold medals for winners WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1999 A. and D. Luckman 2000 R.J. en C.W. Lauterbach 2001 A.P. en C.A. van Niekerk 2002 R. Hayter en T.B. Hayter 2003 R. Hayter and T.B. Hayter 2004 R. Hayter and T.B. Hayter 2005 JG Du Toit and JAP Du Toit 2006 J.G. Du Toit and J.A Du Toit 2007 T.B. Hayter and R. Hayter 2008 A.P. and C.A.van Niekerk 2009 P. and A. Jory, Channel Islands 2010 R and T.B. Hayter 2011 J.G. and J.A. du Toit 2012 J.G. and J.A. du Toit 2013 J.G. and J.A. du Toit 2014 J.G. and J.A. du Toit

J.H. Grobler, Ermelo M. Dunia, USA E.E. Stigant, Peninsula Rifle Club T.I. Fouche(Snr) E.E. Stigant, Peninsula Rifle Club E.E. Stigant, Peninsula Rifle Club E.E. Stigant, Peninsula Rifle Club

647 650 649 541 648.70 645.57 652.59

1693 1686 1285 1270 1288 1286 1004 1283 1290 1307 1293 1299 1104 1307.150 1310.130 1322.143

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2004 F.C. and C.J. van Niekerk 1323 2005 No result available 2006 C.J. and F.C. van Niekerk 1312

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2007 C.J. and F.C. Van Niekerk 1160 2008-2013 No Match 2014 D. and C. vd Westhuizen 1237.88


F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009)

.303 2005 2006 2007

(F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009)

B Carver / D Carver No Match J.A. De Beer / C. De Beer

698 1095

.303 2008 J.A. De Beer / C. De Beer 2009-2012 No Match 2013 J.J. and J.N. de Villiers

1101 1086.36

WEDSTRYD NR. 27 PARE VOORWAARDES: Die totale tellings behaal in die Groottotaal deur twee skuts van die selfde klas maar van verskillende klubs. (Tot 1991 gebaseer op tellings in die SA Kampioenskap.)

MATCH NO. 27 PAIRS CONDITIONS: The aggregate of scores obtained in the Grand Aggregate by two competitors of the same class but of different clubs. (Up to 1991 based on SA Championship scores.)

PRYSE: Goue Medaljes vir 1ste plek vir elkeen van die wenners van elke Klas en Dissipline pare WENNERS SKYFGEWEER A-Klas/ 1973 B.J. du Plessis en Dr. G.A. Smith 1835

PRIZES: Gold Medals for 1st place for each of the winners of each class and discipline pairs. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE A Class 1994 W.I.G. Engelbreg en S.B. Young 1285 45

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

S.J. Scheun en W. Prinsloo H.F.P. Rautenbach en M.H.B. Nel J.J. Kasselman en A.L. van Graan E.F. Schultz en C.J. Jacobs E.F. Schultz en C.J. Nel P. Nevette en R.V.E. Smith R.J. Thompson en M.P.J. Peens A.P. van Niekerk en A.J. Steyn W. Scholtz en W.S. van Vuuren A.P. van Niekerk en A.J. Steyn A.P. van Niekerk en A.J. Steyn A.P. van Niekerk en A.J. Steyn C.J. Jacobs en A.P. Mรถller C.J. Jacobs en A.P. Mรถller J.Z. Moolman en W.J. Fรถlscher S.J. Scheun en W.J. Prinsloo G. van Zyl en A.P. van Niekerk H.M.J. Gerber en T.J. Botha J.H. Maritz en E.F. Schultz J. Fourie en W.J. Spangenberg

B-Klas 1974 G.J. Hoon en S.W. Hanekom 1975 F. Cronje en W. du Plooy 1976 No winners / Geen wenners 1977 W.I.G. Engelbreg en A.H. v. Heerden 1978 J.T.M. en M.J. Rautenbach 1979 O.L. Otto en D.G. Klonus 1980 E.C. Strydom en F.M. Berkeley 1981 No winners / Geen wenners 1982 No winners / Geen wenners 1983 D. Rautenbach en P. Steyn 1984 M.C. Ekron en T.B. Hayter 1985 No winners / Geen wenners 1986 T.B. en R. Hayter 1987 No winners / Geen wenners 1988 T.J. Botha en T.J. Vermaak 1989 R.J. White and A. Evans 1990 No winners / Geen wenners 1991 J.J. Bruwer en P. Bosman 1992 J.J. de Lange en H. le Grange 1993 P.G.J. Conradie en A.P. Mรถller (Jnr)

1851 1811 1854 1854 1866 1862 1868 1870 1838 1852 1729 1853 1860 1862 1857 1858 1854 1869 1269 1297

1818 1801 1820 1844 1834 1860 1822 1673 1835 1827 1829 -

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2001 F.C. v Niekerk and G.J. vd Merwe 2002 F.C. v Niekerk and G.J. vd Merwe 2003 W. Britz and S.W. Cullinan 2004 J.J. Sauer and R. Ilse 2005 JS Kleynhans and D Wade 2006 C.S. Taljaart and J.D. Stegmann 2007 J.A. Kruger & J.S. Kleynhans (Int) F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2007 M.C. Boshoff & J.G.J v Rensburg 2008 MJ Rautenbach & FJ Schnetler (Nat) 2009 D.G. Meredith & M.C. Boshoff (Nat) 2010 No Match .303 2005 2006 2007

C Gresse / S Barkhuisen J. Botha / S.J. Barkhuysen J.A. De Beer / C. De Beer

1837 1258 1270

1319 1317 1319 1324 1025 1328 1273

1201 1298 891

857 1059 1095

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

J. Fourie en W.J. Spangenberg D.P. Calvert and G. Cox R.J. Lauterbach en E.A. Venter E.E. Stigant and H.J. Groenewald P. Patel and D. Luckman D.M.C. Dodds and J. Fourie D.P. Calvert and G.J.P. Burger D.P. Calvert and G.J.P. Burger D.P. Calvert and G.J.P. Burger A.P. van Niekerk and P.D. Bramley GJP Burger and D Calvert T.F Breedt and J.G. Du Toit R. Hayter and E.E. Stigant A. Mc Cullough and P.Patel P. Luckman and P. Patel J.H. Maritz and H.C. Jacobs (Jnr) T.F. Breedt and J.G.du Toit P.A.Hassbroek and A.P.van Niekerk T.F. Breedt and J.G.du Toit P.P. Prinsloo and J.A. du Toit

B Class 1994 N. Borrett en W.J. van Rooyen 1995 H. Niemann en H.W. van der Linde 1996 C.O. Scheepers en G. Klonus 1997 C.A. van Niekerk en J.P. Bosman 1998 S.G. Maritz en D.B. Lubbe 1999 P.J. Mienie en F. Fensham 2000 J.M. Rankin and J.S. Colquhoun 2001 P.P. de Vries en S. Steyn 2002 J.C. Jonck en A. van Zyl 2003 S.P. Berkemeyer and J. Clipstone 2004 P.A. Haasbroek and F. Fensham 2005 F Fensham and RC Holloway 2006 J.A. Du Toit and P.P. Prinsloo 2007 Ms M.U. Burger and Ms M. Ilse 2008 J.P.S.. Botha and K.Schutte 2009 M.C. Pretorius and R. Steketee 2010 H.H. Prinsloo and S.F.Scheepers 2011 B.M.R. Stroh and D.E. Pretorius 2012 D.E.Pretorius and B.M.R. Stroh 2013 &2014 No Match

1290 1280 1282 1686 1700 1716 1292 1285 1293 1297 1006 1305 1297 1313 1307 1302 1098 1313.137 1302.119 1322.143

1263 1261 1256 1222 1658 1639 1652 1235 1237 1238 1268 985 1257 1232 1264 1265 1251 1040 1267.94

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 C.J.v Niekerk & J.C.v Tonder(Int) 1259 2009 J.J. Sauer & D.N. Wade (Int) 1238 2010 & 2011 No Match 2012 W.Brits and J. van Tonder 1294.113 2013 C.S.Taljaardt and J.van Tonder 1253.88 2014 D.C. vd Westhuizen and R.Burger 1246.106

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2011 M.C. Boshoff and A.J.Marx 2012 I.Lamprecht and A.Marx 2013 No Match 2014 W. du Plooy and J.C.C. Hartmann .303 2010 B.A. Carver / J.J. de Villiers 2011&2012 No Match 2013 JN and JJ de Villiers 46

987 1232.63 1250.80

1077 1086.36

2008 2009

J.A.De Beer / C. De Beer B.A. Carver / I. Noble-Jack

1101 1038


No Match

WEDSTRYD NR. 28 DIE GROOTTOTAAL (DIE THOMAS THERON TROFEE) VOORWAARDES: Die totale individuele tellings behaal in alle wedstryde aangedui as Groottotaal Wedstryde.

MATCH NO 28 THE GRAND AGGREGATE (THE THOMAS THERON TROPHY) CONDITIONS: The aggregate of all individual scores in the designated Grand Aggregate Matches.

TROFEë Die Uitdaagbeker is in 1889 deur wyle President S.J.P. Kruger aan die Republikeinse Schietvereniging geskenk vir mededinging, en verower deur wyle mnr Thomas Arnoldus Theron, vader van mnr J.M. Theron, wat hierdie geskiedkundige trofee aan die SANSV geskenk het.

TROPHIES The Challenge Cup, presented to the Republikeinse Schietvereniging by the late President S.J.P. Kruger in 1889 for competitions, and won by the late Mr Thomas Arnoldus Theron, father of Mr J.M. Theron, who donated this historical trophy to the SANRA.

‘n Uitdaagbeker geskenk deur die Hertog van Westminster aan die Transvaalse Vereniging en aan die SANSV oorhandig, sal aan die B-klas mededinger toegeken word wat die hoogste totaal punte in hierdie wedstryd behaal.

A Challenge Cup presented by the Duke of Westminister to the Transvaal Rifle Association and presented by that Association to the SANRA, will be awarded to the B Class competitor who makes the highest aggregate score in this match.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 3

PRIZES: Prize list no 3

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 E.H. Halley, Ladysmith 1930 R. Bodley, Benoni 1931 M.G. Bodley, Benoni 1932 M.G. Bodley, Benoni 1933 M.G. Bodley, Benoni 1934 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1935 F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 1936 H.P. Engelbrecht, SAKD 1937 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1938 V.K. Melvill, Rand RC 1939 H.A. Burton, RLI 1940-1947 No competition 1948 Jaco Bramley, Peninula RC 1949 J.C.B. Irving, Vereeniging 1950 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1951 L.P.A. Boxhall, Durban 1952 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1953 P. Waterfall, NCGRC 1954 V.K. Melville, Durban 1955 W.J. Bramley, Senekal 1956 B.J. Strydom, Vryburg 1957 G.F.T. Naude, Rustenburg 1958 S.M. Bekker, Pretoria-Moot 1959 G.A. Muller, Frankfort 1960 P.F. Erasmus, Uitenhage 1961 P.F. Erasmus, Uitenhage 1962 M.A.H. Engelbrecht, Middelburg 1963 S.J. Scheun, Willowmore 1964 J.H.P. du Plessis, Suikerbosrand 1965 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1966 H.D. Alport, Peninsula RC 1967 P.F. Erasmus, Wit-Oos 1968 G.Bramley, Peninsula RC

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 J.S. van Eeden, Claremont 1977 C.J. Jacobs, Kroonstad 1978 C.F. Schoeman, Potchefstroom 1979 H.F.P. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1980 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1981 G.R. Finch, Pretoria 1982 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1983 P.P. Breedt, Rustenburg 1984 A.J. Steyn, Bloemfontein 1985 P.S. Buys, Pretoria 1986 S.B. Young, Kraaifontein 1987 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1988 E.F. Schultz, Kroonstad 1989 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1990 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1991 W.S. van Vuuren, Pretoria 1992 E.M. McGregor, Glenvista 1993 J. Fourie, Douglas 1994 G.J.P. Burger, Pretoria 1995 J.J. de Lange, Bluff 1996 D.P. Calvert, RAF 1997 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 1998 S.F. Regan, New Zealand 1999 Miss J.H. Messer, Great Britain 2000 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2001 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2002 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2003 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2004 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2005 J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif 2006 D.P. Calvert, Great Britain 2007 R.C. Holloway, Pretoria 2008 P Patel, Great Britain

900 569 577 505 598 810 632 723 727 719 711 --701 899 701 700 660 673 678 672 688 595 598 593 586 591 592 636 633 636 635 639 634


647 641 648 650 647 646 650 644 652 643 648 650 644 655 644 654 645 649 648 648 647 651 847 856 859 654 651 650 654 507 655 650 660

1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975

W.S. van Vuuren, KNTWSK T.Musgrave, Bloemfontein K.M. Pilcher, Great Britain B.D.L. Steenkamp, SAP A.P. Möller, KOVSWK J.L. van Blerk, Peninsula RC B.J. Kriegler, Verwoerdburg

620 641 635 651 641 648 634

B-KLAS 1959 H.C. Viljoen, Burgersdorp 1960 J.E.A. van Zyl 1961 A.D. Swart, Thabazimbi 1962 A.P. Möller, KNTWSK 1963 M.H.B. Nel, Moot 1964 J.A. Kritzinger, Pretoria 1965 W.H. Hull, RRC 1966 H.D. Alport, Peninsula RC 1967 W. Coetzee, Dewetsdorp 1968 B.P. van Niekerk, KNTWSK 1969 J.P. Bruwer, Belfast 1970 C.J. Jacobs, Gevangenis 1971 B. Seady, Uitenhage 1972 K. Venter 1973 M.R. Funston,Durban and Coast 1974 W.G. van der Hoven, Boesmanskop 1975 W. du Plooy, Pretoria 1976 J.H.J. Wessles, Vryburg 1977 T.P. Liebenberg, Windhoek 1978 W.W. Grant, Pretoria 1979 L.A. Terblanche, Kroonstad 1980 G.R. Finch, Pretoria 1981 C. Cowder, Pretoria 1982 P.C. Mojet, Pretoria 1983 J.H. Maritz, Postmasburg 1984 T.P. Liebenberg, Bloemfontein 1985 E.R. Ashby, Empangeni 1986 R. Hayter, Addo

589 577 582 580 631 623 628 635 634 624 619 626 632 645 634 641 628 637 640 646 642 641 638 633 630 642 641 640

C-KLAS 1990 S.J. Weyers, Rustenburg 1991 S.J. Terblanche, Edenvale 1992 J.J. Prinsloo, Settlers

622 641 612

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 2001 A.L. Laubscher, Centurion 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2003 R. Ilse, Middelburg 2004 J.J. Sauer 2005 D Wade 2006 C.S. Taljaart (Int) 2007 J.J. Sauer (Int)

858 663 660 662 663 514 664 652

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2006 F.A. vd Merwe (Nat) 2007 D.G. Meredith (Nat) 2008 J.H. Karstens (Nat) 2009 W.W. Grant (Nat) 2010 F.J. Schnetler

653 618 654 652 615

.303 2005


C Gresse

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV P.A. Haasbroek,.Witwatersrand SV J.G. du Toit, Witwatersrand D.C.Luckman, England

656 659 554 659.78 657.66 663.78

B CLASS 1987 Nico Viljoen, Heilbron 1988 H.C. Jacobs, Vanderbijlpark 1989 W.F. Marais, Bloemfontein 1990 P.R. Vermeulen, Kimberley 1991 J. Ahrens, Pietermaritzburg 1992 W.D. Steyn 1993 A. Lesch, Pretoria 1994 J.D. Thornton, Benoni 1995 K. Potgieter, Edenvale 1996 R.J.J. Van Vuuren, Pretoria 1997 O. de Klerk, Kuruman 1998 D.B. Lubbe, Prieska 1999 C.A. van Niekerk, Bloemfontein 2000 G.L. Strydom, Vryburg 2001 P.P. de Vries, Prieska 2002 H. van der Merwe, Bloemfontein 2003 S.P. Berkemeyer, Durban 2004 P.A. Haasbroek, Vanderbijlpark 2005 R.C. Holloway, Pretoria 2006 W.J. Myburgh, Pretoria 2007 Miss M.U. Burger, Wierda Park 2008 L.V.W. Brandt 2009 J. Hager 2010 J.D.A. Conradie,. Peninsula RC 2011 J.M. Di Bona, Peninsula RC 2012 P. du Toit 2013 Ms G. E. Coburn, Ireland 2014 W.J. O’Neill

642 641 640 633 643 642 646 636 638 633 630 835 829 845 625 631 631 643 496 638 629 643 640 638 540 643.55 634.40 645.53

C CLASS 1993 J.H. du Plessis, Kenhardt 1994 P.L. Hoffman, Kathu

627 621

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 J.A.Kruger (Int) 636 2009 J.S. Kleynhans (Int) 632 2010 G.F. Rautenbach 634 2011 J.C. van Tonder 537 2012 W.Brits,. Winelands 648.58 2013 K.Witthaus 645.57 2014 K.Witthaus 652.65

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2011 I Lambrecht 2012 A.J.Marx 2013 A.J.Marx 2014 J.J. Nezar

506 622.37 611.29 632.42

.303 2010



J.J. de Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club

2006 2007 2008 2009

S.J. Barkhuysen, CLI 303 Club J.A. De Beer, Peninsula Rifle Club Ms. C de Beer, Peninsula Rifle Club J.J. de Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club

667 551 559 547

2011 2012 2013 2014

J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club F.J.Gorgens, Pretoria

WEDSTRYD NR. 29 DIE BRAMLEY KETTING Aan SANSV geskenk deur die Bramley-gesin: Jaco, Bill en George. VOORWAARDES: Totaal van tellings behaal in die Groottotaalwedstryd in die huidige jaar plus die van die twee voorafgaande jare. PRYSE: 1ste: Goue replika van skakel, 2de: Silwer replika van skakel, en 3de – 10de: Brons replika van skakel.

MATCH NO. 29 THE BRAMLEY CHAIN Presented to SANRA by the Bramley family: Jaco, Bill and George. CONDITIONS: Aggregate of scores achieved by competitors in the Grand Aggregate for the current year plus those of the preceding two years. PRIZES: 1st: Golden replica of link, 2nd: Silver replica of link, and 3rd – 10th: Bronze replicas of link.

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1970 G. Bramley, Peninsula RC 1971 J.D. Bothma, KOVSWSK 1972 A.P. Möller, KOVSWSK 1973 A.P. Möller, KOVSWSK 1974 A.P. Möller, KOVSWSK 1975 A.P. Möller, KOVSWSK 1976 P.C. Nevette, Rhodesia 1977 P.C. Nevette, Umkomaas 1978 A.L. van Graan, Bloemfontein 1979 C.J. Jacobs, Kroonstad 1980 W. du Plooy, Pretoria 1981 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 1982 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1983 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1984 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1985 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1986 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1987 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1988 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1989 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1990 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1991 M.J. van Wyk, Pretoria 1992 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1993 P. Bramley, Bloemfontein 1994 G.A. van Zyl, Bloemfontein 1995 W.J. Spangenberg, Pretoria 1996 W.I.G. Engelbreg, Noord-Transvaal 1997 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 1998 B.M. van der Westhuizen, Boegoeberg 1999 G.J.P. Burger, Wierda Park 2000 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2001 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2002 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2003 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2004 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2005 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2006 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2007 J.G. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2008 J.G. Du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2009 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2010 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2011 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2012 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwarersrand SV 2013 P.A. Haasbroek, Witwarersrand SV 2014 F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein

1886 1880 1911 1915 1926 1902 1909 1911 1925 1932 1928 1927 1923 1925 1939 1928 1925 1924 1930 1943 1930 1931 1929

473. 551.15 549.23 538.11

1921 1929 1935 1927 1924 2123 2330 2548 2363 2161 1955 1955 1809 1814 1804 1953 1957 1969 1869 1872 1867.198 1971.230

F CLASS & .303 3 YEAR AGGREGATES PRIZES: 1ST Gold medal 2nd Silver medal 3rd: Bronze medal

F KLAS &.303 3 JAAR TOTALE PRYSE: 1ste: Goue medalje 2de: Silwer medalje 3de: Brons medalje F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2002 A.L. Laubscher, Centurion 2004 A.L. Laubscher, Centurion 2005 No results available 2006 D.N. Wade 2007 J.J. Sauer (Int) 2008 JA Kruger (Int)

1837 652 1936

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2009 J.J. Sauer (Int) 1895 2010 C.F. Snyman 1880 2011 J.H.Els 1769 2012 C.F. Snyman, Peninsula Rifle Club 1769 2013 J.C.van Tonder 1807.146 2014 K.Witthaus 1924.57

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2007 D.G. Meredith (Nat) 2008 F.A.E. Naumann (Nat) 2009 J.E. Lombard (Nat)

618 1830 1368

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2011 J. Faber 2012 I.Lamprecht 2013 A.J. Marx

2170 1977


1726 1701 1735.94

2010 No Resuts Available .303 2007 2008 2009 2010

S.J. Barkhuysen Ms. C de Beer S.J. Barkhuysen S.J Barkhuizen

1486 1653 1612 1563

2014 A.J. Marx


.303 2011 2012 2013 2014

1479. 1531 1566.39 1544.31

J.F. van Niekerk J.F. van Niekerk J.F. van Niekerk Amanda van Niekerk

WEDSTRYD 30 STAATSPRESIDENT: 2DE STADIUM VOORWAARDES: Twee telbare proefskote en tien skote op elk 300, 500, 600m.

MATCH 30 STATE PRESIDENT: 2ND STAGE CONDITIONS: Two convertible sighters and ten shots at each of 300, 500, 600m.

Alle skuts in die 1ste stadium kwalifiseer vir die 2de stadium. Twee aflosse, 3 skuts per skyf. Hierdie is ’n ope wedstryd met geen A of B klas. PRYS: 57 mm silwer medalje.

All competitors in the first stage qualify for the second stage. Two details, 3 shooters per target. This is an Open Match with no distinction between A or B Class PRIZE: 57 mm silver medal.

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 F.L.A. Buchanan, Port Elizabeth 1930 W.R. Kiley, Rondebosch 1931 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1932 N.G. Kruger, SAP 1933 W.D. Chandler, SASD 1934 J.M. Marais, Regt. SWD 1935 J.M. Bekker, Bloemfontein 1936 W.D. Chandler, SASD 1937 J.E. Johnson, RDLI 1938 L. Serfontein, Edenville 1939 C.H. Baxter, Pietermaritzburg 1940-1947 No competition 1948 G.H.F. Henning, Dordrecht 1949 J.W. Terblanche, Port Elizabeth 1950 P.L. Potgieter, Springs 1951 J.J. Bezuidenhout, BGSV 1952 R.T. Morrison, Bloemfontein 1953 C.C. Potgieter, Kirkwood 1954 E. Cahl, Hoopstad 1955 J.S.J v.d. Merwe, NKGSK 1956 B.J. du Plessis, Bloemfontein 1957 J.F.Strydom, Vryburg 1958 J.C.B. Irving, Kimberley 1959 I.B. Minnaar, Graaff-Reinet 1960 W. Pohl, Vereeniging 1961 C.J. Erasmus, Bothaville 1962 C.H. du Plooy, KNTWSK 1963 H.J.P. Human, Bloemfontein 1964 E.E. Stigant, Peninsula RC 1965 J.G.B. Stander, Thabazimbi 1966 P.F. Erasmus, Nigel 1967 H.L le R. v.d. Merwe, Bethlehem 1968 J.D. Bothma, KOVSWSK 1969 B.J. du Plessis, KNTWSK 1970 G. Bramley, Peninsula RC 1971 W.J. Bramley, Bloemfontein 1972 C.J. Erasmus 1973 J.J. Taljaardt, Pretoria 1974 H.D. Alport, Peninsula Rifle Club

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 M.H.B. Nel, Pretoria 1977 B.Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1978 C.J. Jacobs, Kroonstad 1979 R.J. van Lingen, Sandton 1980 D.J. Obermeyer, Kuilsrivier 1981 A.P van Niekerk, Kimberley 1982 G.Scheün, Rietbron 1983 Nico Venter, Vryburg 1984 M.J. van Wyk, Brits 1985 C.O. Scheepers, Pretoria 1986 J.H. Maritz, Groblershoop 1987 P.C. Nevette, Linkhills 1988 T.J. Botha, Pretoria 1989 Geen Wedstryd/NoMatch 1990 M.J. van Wyk, Pretoria 1991 A.P. Möller, Wierda Park 1992 P.D. Bramley, Bloemfontein 1993 D.J. Fourie, Bloemfontein 1994 I.S. du Toit, Touwsrivier 1995 P.S. Buys, Pretoria 1996 D.P. Calvert, RAF 1997 J.F. Bremner, Muizenburg 1998 B. Bowden, Australia 1999 T.J. Whitaker, USA 2000 G.M. Coleman, Great Britain 2001 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2002 F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein 2003 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2004 J.J. Bruwer, Doornpoort 2005 H.Jacobs ( Jnr ) Pretoria 2006 S. Collings, Great Britain 2007 J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif 2008 D. Calvert, RAF 2009 T.L. Cooper, USA 2010 P.S. Welgemoed 2011 P.P. Prinsloo 2012 F.W.A. Coetzee, Bloemfontein 2013 L. Buxton, U.S.A. 2014 P.M.Patel, England

249 144 147 144 147 205 146 146 145 144 145 144 144 144 145 146 147 146 147 147 149 147 147 150 148 147 147 149 148 149 147 147 149 148 144 149 148 149


149 148 149 150 150 150 149 150 149 150 150 150 150 150 150 148 150 148 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150.23 150.22 150.22

1975 P. J. Burger, Pretoria


F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 B.F. Tyrrell, Lynnwood Ridge 2001 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 2003 R. Ilse, Middelburg 2004 J.J. Sauer, Florida Hills 2005 J.S. Kleynhans 2006 F.C. van Niekerk

150 150 150 150 150 150 150

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2007 F.J. Schnetler (Nat) 2008 F.J. Schnetler (Nat) 2009 J.E. Lombard (Nat) 2010 F.J. Schnetler

150 150 148 144

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2011 W.J. O’Neill 2012 H.M.J.Gerber 2013 D.Buell, U.S.A. 2014 J.J. Nezar

142 147.11 144.10 147.16

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

137 130 131 135 141

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

132 129 128.5 134.5 126.3

C Gresse S.J. Barkhuysen S.J. Barkhuysen Ms. C de Beer J.J. de Villiers

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2007 G.F. Rautenbach (Int) 150 2008 GHJ Coetzee (Int) 149 2009 C.F. Snyman (Int) 150 2101 Ms. C.J.van Niekerk 149 2011 J.C.van Tonder 147 2012 ? van der Westhuizen 149.16 2013 K Witthaus 149.11 2014 C. vd Westhuizen 148.17

J.J. de Villiers J.F. van Niekerk. F.P. Malan J. J. de Villiers F.J.Gorgens

WEDSTRYD NR. 31 INTER-PROVINSIAAL ‘B’ SPANNE VOORWAARDES: Spanne van 4 en 1 beampte uit dieselfde provinsies soos vir Groot Uitdaagskild-wedstryd, waarvoor ‘n Provinsie moet inskryf vir die Groot Uitdaag Skildwedstryd ten einde sy B span te kan inskryf vir die Inter-Provinsiaal B Wedstryd, maar mag by die Uitvoerende Komitee aansoek doen om hiervan vrygestel te word. 2 + 10 skote op 300, 600 en 900m.

MATCH NO. 31 INTER-PROVINCIAL ‘B’ TEAMS CONDITIONS: Teams of 4 and 1 official from same provinces as for Grand Challenge Shield match. A Province must enter a team in the Grand Challenge Shield in order to qualify its B Team to shoot in the InterProvincial B Match. However application can be made to the Executive Committee for exemption.

Tyd per afstand: 60 minute – Kortafstand 64 minute – Langafstand

Time per distance: 60 minutes – Short range 64 minutes – Long range

PRYSE: 5 Goue Medaljes vir eerste plek. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1961 Wes-Kaapland/Cape Western 1962 Wes Transvaal/Western Transvaal 1963 Wes Transvaal/Western Transvaal 1964 Wes-Transvaal 1965 Suidoos-Transvaal 1966 Transvaal 1967 Natal 1968 Noord-Transvaal 1969 Noord-Transvaal 1970 Oranje-Vrystaat 1971 Wes-Transvaal 1972 Oranje-Vrystaat 1973 Kaap-Wes (Westelike Provinsie) 1974 Wes-Transvaal 1975 Noord-Transvaal 1976 Oranje-Vrystaat 1977 Noord-Transvaal

PRIZES: 5 Gold Medals for first place. WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1988 Noord-Transvaal 1989 Oranje-Vrystaat 1990 Transvaal 1991 Noord-Transvaal 1992 Griekwas 1993 Noord-Transvaal B1 1994 Noord-Transvaal 1995 Noord-Transvaal 1996 Noord-Transvaal 1997 Noord-Transvaal 1998 Griqualand West 1999 Gauteng Noord 2000 Gauteng Noord 2001 Noord Wes 2002 Gauteng Noord 2003 Gauteng North 2004 Gauteng North

2 + 10 shots at 300, 600 and 900m.

1565 1571 1472 1463 1482 1116 1086 1108 1226 1118 1496 1139 1133 1132 1189 1187 1174


1202 1215 1185 1210 1199 1212 1214 1208 1179 1178 1192 1193 1202 1123 1114 1131 1136

1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

Noord-Transvaal Noord-Transvaal Transvaal Oranje-Vrystaat Oranje-Vrystaat Oranje-Vrystaat Noord-Transvaal Noord-Transvaal Noord-Transvaal Noord-Transvaal

1187 1198 1202 1195 1200 1205 1170 1193 1209 1211

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Gauteng North Eastern Cape Gauteng North Gauteng North Gauteng North Gauteng North Free State North West Griqualand West Gauteng North

1131 1144 1123 1156 1133 1141 1163 1127 578.40 561.32

WEDSTRYD NR. 32 ONDER 25 INTER-PROVINSIAAL VOORWAARDES: Spanne van 4 Junior skuts onder die ouderdom van 25 jaar ingevolge die SABU reëls plus een kaptein/afrigter. Skote en afstande soos vir Interprovinsiaal B. PRYSE: 5 Goue Medaljes vir eerste plek.

MATCH NO. 32 UNDER 25 INTER-PROVINCIAL CONDITIONS: Teams of 4 Junior shooters under the age of 25 in accordance with the SABU rules plus one captain/coach. Shots and distances as for Inter Provincial B. PRIZES: 5 Gold Medals for first place.

Tyd per afstand:

Time per distance:

60 minute – Kortafstand 64 minute – Langafstand

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1974 Natal 1975 Noord-Transvaal 1976 Noord-Transvaal 1977 Oranje-Vrystaat 1978 Transvaal 1979 Wes-Transvaal 1980 Oranje-Vrystaat 1981 Noord-Transvaal 1982 Oranje-Vrystaat 1983 Oranje-Vrystaat 1984 Noord-Transvaal 1985 Noord-Transvaal 1986 Noord-Transvaal 1987 Noord-Transvaal 1988 Noord-Transvaal 1989 Noord-Transvaal 1990 Noord-Transvaal 1991 Noord-Transvaal 1992 Oranje-Vrystaat

267 300 385 393 387 400 397 400 400 398 393 391 398 398 400 401 395 389 402

60 minutes – Short range 64 minutes – Long range

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1993 Natal 1994 Natal 1995 Noord-Transvaal B 1996 Natal 1997 Noord-Transvaal A 1998 Griqualand West 1999 Griekwaland Wes 2000 Griekwaland Wes 2001 Noord Wes 2002 No Competition 2003 North West 2004-2007 No Match 2008 Gauteng North 2009 No Match 2010 Griekwaland Wes 2011 Gauteng North 2012 Gauteng North 2013 Griqualand West 2014 Gauteng North

402 391 387 389 398 405 402 403 563 565 572 522 579 547 553.31 550.34

WEDSTRYD NR. 33 INTER-PROVINSIALE F-KLAS OPE VOORWAARDES: Tien skote op elk van 300, 600 en 900m met twee telbare proefskote. Vier skuts en een beampte. Tyd per afstand: 60 minute – Kort afstand. 64 minute – Lang afstand.

MATCH NO. 33 INTER-PROVINCIAL F CLASS OPEN CONDITIONS: Ten shots at each 300, 600 and 900m with two convertible sighters. Four shooters and one official. Time per distance: 60 minutes – Short range. 64 minutes – Long range.

PRYSE: 5 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 5 Gold Medals

WENNERS F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2002 Western Province

WINNERS F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2009 Gauteng North 837



2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Western Province Mpumalanga Western Province No competition Western Province Western Province

894 1191 900 852 851

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Gauteng North No Match Western Province Mpumulanga Western Province

WEDSTRYD NR. 34 INTER-PROVINSIALE F/TR VOORWAARDES: Tien skote op elk van 300, 600 en 900m met twee telbare proefskote. Vier skuts en een beampte. Tyd per afstand: 60 minute – Kort afstand. 64 minute – Lang afstand.

MATCH NO. 34 INTER-PROVINCIAL F/TR CONDITIONS: Ten shots at each 300, 600 and 900m with two convertible sighters. Four shooters and one official. Time per distance: 60 minutes – Short range. 64 minutes – Long range.

PRYSE: 5 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 5 Gold Medals

WENNERS 2012 Western Province 2013 Gauteng North

WINNERS 2014 Gauteng North

543 552.27

WEDSTRYD NR. 35 INTER-PROVINSIALE 303-KLAS VOORWAARDES: Tien skote op elk van 300, 600 en 900m met twee telbare proefskote. Vier skuts en een beampte. Tyd per afstand: 60 minute – Kort afstand. 64 minute – Lang afstand.

MATCH NO. 35 INTER-PROVINCIAL 303 CLASS CONDITIONS: Ten shots at each 300, 600 and 900m with two convertible sighters. Four shooters and one official. Time per distance: 60 minutes – Short range. 64 minutes – Long range.

PRYSE: 5 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 5 Gold Medals

WENNERS .303 2005 Western Province 2006 Gauteng North 2007 Western Province 2008 Western Province 2009 Western Province

WINNERS .303 2010 Western Province 2011 Western Province 2012 Gauteng North 2013 Western Province 2014 Gauteng North

450 465 437 486 494

WEDSTRYD NR. 36 GROOT UITDAAGSKILD Inter-Provinsiale Wedstryd, Spanne van 12 Skuts VOORWAARDES: Tien skote op elk van 300, 600 en 900m met twee telbare proefskote. Drie skywe per span. Ses beamptes (Kaptein, adjudant, koördineerder en drie afrigters) Die boënste 8 tellings in elke span sal die wenspan bepaal. Tyd per afstand: 60 minute – kort afstand. 64 minute – lang afstand. TROFEE Die Uitdaag Skild, wat aan die SANSV geskenk is deur die NRA (Wes-Kaapland).

842 563 562.42 573.44


MATCH NO 36 GRAND CHALLENGE SHIELD Inter-Provincial Match, Teams of 12 Shooters CONDITIONS: Ten shots at each 300, 600 and 900m with two convertible sighters. Three targets per team. Six officials (Captain, adjutant, co-ordinator and three coaches). The top 8scores in each team will be used to determine the winning team. Time per distance: 60 minutes – short range. 64 minutes – long range. TROPHY The Challenge Shield, presented by the Cape 53

467 457 416 469.7 477.7

PRYSE: 1ste 18 Goue medaljes. 2de 18 Silwer medaljes. 3de 18 Brons medaljes.

Western Branch NRA to the SANRA. PRIZES: 1st 18 Gold medals. 2nd 18 Silver medals. 18 Bronze medals. 3rd

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 Natal (12 man) 1930 Natal (20 man) 1931 Transvaal 1932 Westelike Kaap/Cape Western 1933 Westelike Kaap/Cape Western 1934 Natal 1935 Transvaal 1936 Transvaal 1937 Natal 1938 Transvaal 1939 Natal 1940 – 1947 No competition 1948 Oos-Kaapland 1949 Transvaal 1950 Oos-Kaapland 1951 Oranje-Vrystaat 1952 Natal 1953 Transvaal 1954 Natal 1955 Oranje-Vrystaat 1956 Oranje-Vrystaat 1957 Oranje-Vrystaat 1958 Oranje-Vrystaat 1959 Oos-Kaapland 1960 Oos-Kaapland 1961 Natal 1962 Noord-Transvaal 1963 Noord-Transvaal 1964 Wes-Kaap 1965 Suidoos Transvaal 1966 Natal 1967 Suidoos Transvaal 1968 Natal 1969 Oranje-Vrystaat 1970 Oranje-Vrystaat 1971 Oranje-Vrystaat 1972 Suid-Wes Afrika 1973 Oos-Kaapland 1974 Oranje Vrystaat 1975 Westelike Provinsie

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 Noord-Transvaal 1977 Western Province 1978 Noord-Transvaal 1979 Oranje-Vrystaat 1980 Wes-Transvaal 1981 Noord-Transvaal 1982 Oranje-Vrystaat 1983 Transvaal 1984 Transvaal 1985 Transvaal 1986 Noord-Transvaal 1987 Oranje-Vrystaat 1988 Noord-Transvaal 1989 Oranje-Vrystaat 1990 Noord-Transvaal 1991 Noord-Transvaal 1992 Noord-Transvaal 1993 Noord-Transvaal 1994 Wes-Transvaal 1995 Noord-Transvaal 1996 Noord-Transvaal 1997 Noord-Wes 1998 Gauteng North 1999 Gauteng North 2000 Griekwaland Wes 2001 Gauteng Noord 2002 Gauteng Noord 2003 Gauteng Noord 2004 Gauteng Noord 2005 Gauteng 2006 Gauteng North 2007 Gauteng North 2008 Gauteng North 2009 Gauteng 2010 Gauteng 2011 Gauteng 2012 Griqualand West 2013 Gauteng 2014 Gauteng North

WEDSTRYD 37 VOORSITTERS .303 WEDSTRYD VOORWAARDES Span van 4 skuts + 1 beampte. 2 + 10 skote op 300m, 600m en 900m. Tyd per afstand: 60 minute – Kort afstand 64 minute – Lang afstand PRYSE: 5 Goue Medaljes WENNERS

1205 1976 1925 1963 1966 1961 1970 1979 1976 1978 1982 1893 1910 1925 1934 1942 1982 1949 1978 1973 1967 2017 1968 2012 2013 2006 2585 2573 2594 2606 2543 2549 2602 2608 1634 2872 2832 2862 2848

MATCH 37 CHAIRMANS .303 MATCH CONDITIONS Team of 4 shooters +1 official 2 + 10 shots at 300m, 600m en 900m. Time per distance: 60 minutes – Short range 64 minutes – Long range PRIZES: 5 Gold Medals WINNERS 54

2806 2842 2842 2885 2872 2880 2630 2660 1349 2677 2020 2840 2863 2819 2867 1727 1732 1742 1724 1753 1710 1705 2343 2327 2356 583 1747 1747 1744 1753 1753 1760 1753 1758 1774 1774 1744 1186.33 1188.127

.303 2009 Van Riebeeck 2010 Chairmans B 2011 van der Stel

432.9 467 458

.303 2012 Team Left Hand 2013 van der Stel 2014 Bokoms

83.3 475.14 456.5

WEDSTRYD NR. 38 VOORSITTERS F-KLAS WEDSTRYD VOORWAARDES President en Honoris spanne van 4 FTR en 4 FOpe Skuts en 5 beamptes 2 + 10 skote op 300m, 600m en 900m. Tyd per afstand: 60 minute – Kort afstand 64 minute – Lang afstand

MATCH NO. 38 CHAIRMAN’S F CLASS MATCH CONDITIONS Presidents and Honoris Teams of 4FTR and 4FOpen Shooters and + 5officials 2 + 10 shots at 300m, 600m and 900m. Time per distance: 60 minutes – Short range 64 minutes – Long range

PRYSE: 13 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 13 Gold Medals

WENNERS F KLAS 2006 SABU Team 2007 Red Team 2008 RSA Blue Team 2009 SA F Class (FCWC) team 2010 F Class Presidents Team

WINNERS F CLASS 2011 No Match 2012 Protea 2013 President’s Team 2014 SABU Team

1196 956 543 747 1095.79

683 .1102.65 1120.70

WEDSTRYD NR 39 VOORSITTERS WEDSTRYD Die Voorsitters wedstryd word meegeding deur die Presidentspan, Honoris span, Veterane span en enige ander besoekende spanne wat nie hul land verteenwoordig nie. (bv. klub spanne) VOORWAARDES: 2 + 10 Skote op 300, 600 en 900m. Kaptein, Bestuurder, Ko-ordineerder, 3 afrigters en 12 skuts.

MATCH NO 39 CHAIRMAN’S MATCH The Chairman’s match is competed for by a President’s Team, Honoris Team, Veterans Team and any visitingteams not representative of their country of origin (eg. Club teams) CONDITIONS: 2 + 10 Shots at 300, 600 en 900m. Captain, Manager, Co-ordinator, 3 coaches and 12 shooters.

Tyd per afstand:

Time per distance:

60 minute – Kort afstand 64 minute – Lang afstand

60 minutes – Short range 64 minutes – Long range

PRYSE: 18 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 18 Gold Medals

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 2001 Presidents Team 2002 Presidents Team 2003 Presidents Team 2004 Presidents Team 2005 No Match 2006 President Team 2007 Presidents Team

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 2008 Presidents Team 2009 Presidents Team 2010 Presidents Team 2011 SABU Team 2012 Presidents Team 2013 President’s Team 2014 SABU Team

1748 1752 1742 1754 1752 1761

1749 1765 1747 1771 1632 1734.158 1786.214



Trofee geskenk deur Maj S.B. Fraser MBE van Groot-Brittanje aan die SANSV in 1999. Die trofee word toegeken aan die wenspan in die Internasionale Junior Wedstryd

Trophy presented by Maj S.B. FraserMBE of Great Britain to SANRA in 1999. To be awarded to the winning team in the International Junior Match between South Africa 55

tussen Suid-Afrika en Groot-Brittanje.

and Great Britain.

VOORWAARDES Word gelyktydig met Internasionale Protea Wedstryd geskiet. 2 + 10 skote op 300, 600 en 900m. Bestuurder, 6 skuts en 2 opsionele nieskietende afrigters. Die bestuurder sal geen funksie op die skietpunt hê tydens die wedstryd nie.

CONDITIONS Fired concurrently with the International Protea Match. 2 + 10 shots at 300, 600 and 900m.

Tyd per afstand:

Time per distance:

Manager, 6 shooters and 2 optional non-shooting coaches. The manager shall have no role on the mound during the match.

45 minute – Kort afstand 48 minute – Lang afstand

45 minutes – Short range 48 minutes – Long range

PRYSE: 1ste Plek: 9 Goue medaljes 2de Plek: 9 medaljes geborg deur CCRS

PRIZES: 1st Place: 9 Gold medals 2nd Place: 9 medals sponsored by CCRS

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1999 South Africa 2000 Great Britain 2001 South Africa 2002 South Africa 2003 South Africa 2004 Great Britain 2005 South Africa 2006 South Africa

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 2007 South Africa 2008 Great Britain 2009 South Africa 2010 Great Britain 2011 Great Britain 2012 Great Britain 2013 Great Britain

1109 1111 834 870 818 846 853 846

WEDSTRYD NR. 41 STAATSPRESIDENT DERDE STADIUM VOORWAARDES: Skuts kwalifiseer vir die Derde Stadium op Grond van:

MATCH NO 41 STATE PRESIDENT THIRD STAGE CONDITIONS: Shooters qualify for the Third Stage based on:




Totaal van 1ste en 2de Stadium tellings, maar net die 2de Stadium telling word oorgedra na die Staats President Trofee Wedstryd. Beskikbare skywe, 3 skuts per skyf, een aflossing minus pro rata kwota vir F-klas. en .303

Total of 1st and 2nd Stage scores, but only the 2nd Stage score count towards the StatePresident’s Trophy match Available targets, 3 shooters per target, one detail, less the pro rata quota for F Class. and .303.

Two convertible sighters and fifteen shots at each 800 and 900m. Tieshoot immediately after match. This is an Open Match with no distinction between A or B Class PRIZES: 57mm gold medal.

Twee telbare proefskote en vyftien skote op elk 800 en 900m. Afskiet onmiddelik na wedstryd. Hierdie is ’n ope wedstryd met geen A of B klas PRYSE: 57mm goue medalje. WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1958 K.E. Griff-Griffiths 1959 B.J. Strydom, Vryburg 1960 B.J. Strydom, Vryburg 1961 J.J. Fourie, Thabazimbi 1962 J.D.J. Brand, Worcester 1963 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1964 S.M. van Dyk, Suikerbos 1965 J.P. Coetzee, RRC 1966 E.E. Stigant, Peninsula


858 842 846 836 850 786 828.47

145 146 142 141 146 143 144 140 144

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1987 M.P.J. Peens, Pretoria 1988 S.A. Burger, Bloemfontein 1989 Geen 1990 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau 1991 A.N. Lesch, Ifafi 1992 R.H. Sinclair, Pretoria 1993 J.H. Maritz, Groblershoop 1994 P.J. van Niekerk, Swellendam 1995 C. Strydom, Transvaal 56

147 147 146 146 143 147 146 147

1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

L.G. du Pisani, Willowmore J.A. Smit, Pretoria G. Bramley, Peninsula RC N.G. Grey, Potchvaal B. Musgrave, Bloemfontein W.H. du Toit, Rustenburg P.A. Linde, Bloemfontein G.L. Strydom (Jnr), Vryburg P.J. Grobler, Middelburg P.C. Nevette, Rhodesia G.A. van Zyl, Oudtshoorn W.A. Botha, Pietermaritzburg H.F.P. Rautenbach Geen wenner/No winner G.H. Dannhauser, Dundee G.B. Labuschagne, Bloemfontein A.S.F. Huysamen, Malmesbury T.P. Liebenberg, Bloemfontein Frans Hough, SWA A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier

143 142 144 141 95 147 145 147 147 142 146 147 147

1996 D.P. Calvert, RAF 1997 P.S. Buys, Tileba 1998 T. Breedt, Rustenburg 1999 S.N.S. Penrose, Great Britain 2000 J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark 2001 T.B. Hayter, Port Elizabeth 2002 J.M.A. Thompson, Great Britain 2003 J.C. Jonck, Lynnwoodrif 2004 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2005 J.J. Bruwer, Pretoria 2006 T.F. Breedt, Rustenburg 2007 T.B. Hayter, Port Elizabeth 2008 DC Dyson, Great Britain 2009 C.N. Tremlett, England 147 2010 J.Fourie 149 2011 J.A. du Toit 149 2012 T.F.Breedt 75 2013 P.A. Haasbroek Score Unknown 2014 D.P. Calvert, RAF 149

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) 2000 B.F. Tyrrell, Lynnwood Ridge 2001 D.J. Pickering, Great Britain 2002 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2003 R. Ilse, Middelburg 2004 W.R. Stroman, USA 2005 A.W. Warner, USA 2006 F.C. van Niekerk 2007 F.A. Van Der Merwe (Int)

287 74 149 150 150 150 150 139

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2007 Schnetler (Nat) 2008 Meredith (Nat) 2009 J.J. Faber (Nat) 2010 J.G. van Rensburgt

118 143 144 140

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

C Gresse J. Botha J.A. De Beer No Match B.A. Carver

59 64 129 123

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) 2008 C.F. Snyman (Int) 140 2009 C.F. Snyman (Int) 143 2010 C.F. Snyman 146 2011 K.Witthaus 142 2012 C.F.Snyman, Peninsula Rifle Club 133.5 2013 C.F. Snyman, Peninsula Rifle Club 142.10 2014 R.A. Burger Peninsula Rifle Club 143.8

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2011 I Lambrecht 2012 N.A. Kock, Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 S. Pate 2014 S.J.H. Venter

123 122.5 132.6 133.6

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

130 124 114.3 121.6 116.3

J.J. de Villiers J.F. van Niekerk J.F. van Niekerk Villiers D.S. Carver, CLI 303 Club



VOORWAARDES: Dit is die totaal van die 2de en 3de stadiums. Uitdaagbeker geskenk deur Burggraaf Gladstone, eerste Goewerneur-generaal van die Unie van Suid-Afrika

CONDITIONS: This is the total of the 2nd and 3rd stages. Challenge Cup presented by Viscount Gladstone, first Governor-General of the Union of South Africa.

PRYSE: Pryslys no 5.

PRIZES: Prize list no 5.

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1929 J.C.C. Stapelberg, Ermelo 1930 F.H. Morgan, Bulawayo 1931 O.M. Peckman, Pietermaritzburg 1932 G.W. Church, Kimberley

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1976 C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny 1977 G.A. van Zyl, Oudtshoorn 1978 J.J. Taljaardt, Pretoria 1979 H.F.P. Rautenbach, Bloemfonein

394 288 290 288

145 146 296 298 295 75 145 146 149 147 147 150 148 149 150 149 142.9 149.13 148.17


391 393 394 399

1933 S.J. Scott, Kimberley 1934 J.P. Marais, Regt, SWD 1935 M.C. Dippenaar, Bloemfontein 1936 W.D. Chandler, RNVR 1937 R.E. Bodley, ILH 1938 G.P. Nel, Vereeniging 1939 H.A. Burton, RLI 1940-1947 No competition 1948 S.M. Bekker, Bloemfontein 1949 G.P. Nel, Potchefstroom 1950 A.J. Bekker, Bloemfontein 1951 J.M.L. Keene, Rand RC 1952 L.P.A. Boxhall. Durban 1953 D.J. Stuywig, PGSV 1954 H.M. Downes, Bloemfontein 1955 W.J. Bramley, Senekal 1956 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1957 J.F. Strydom, Vryburg 1958 K.E. Griff-Griffiths, Durban/Coast 1959 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1960 D. Nicol, Nottingham Road 1961 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 1962 J.A. Smit, Pretoria-Oos 1963 Theo Wolmarans, Bloemfontein 1964 S.M. van Dyk, Suikerbosrand 1965 H.L. le R. v.d. Merwe, Bethlehem 1966 P.F. Erasmus, Nigel 1967 P.J. van der Merwe, Nigel 1968 J.A. Smit, Pretoria 1969 B.J. du Plessis, KNTWSK 1970 G. Bramley, Peninsula RC 1971 B. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1972 W.H. du Toit, Rustenburg 1973 P.A. Linde, Bloemfontein 1974 J.D.E. Grimbeek 1975 P.J. Grobler, Middelburg

290 294 288 287 285 282 282 286 275 286 274 279 289 291 286 286 283 287 290 288 285 290 289 287 285 289 286 289 289 387 335 395 335 395 393

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) TROFEE: Die Danie Joubert Trofee 2000 B.F. Tyrrell, Lynnwood Ridge 2001 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2002 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 2003 R.Ilse, Middelburg 2004 P.P. Joubert, Bellville 2005 D.N. Wade 2006 F.C. van Niekerk 2007 F.A. Van Der Merwe (Int)

437 224 229 300 300 300 300 289

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2007 F.J. Schnetler (Nat) 2008 D.G.Meredith (Nat) 2009 J.J. Faber (Nat) 2010 F.J. Schnetler

261 291 292 276

.303 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

186 257 135 254 262

S.J. Barkhuysen J.A. de Beer Ms. C. De Beer J.J. de Villiers J.J. de Villiers

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

E.E. Stigant, PRC R.J. van Lingen, Sandton G.B. Labuschagne, Bloemfontein C.E. Schulenburg, Coligny L.P. Strydom, Vryburg W.J. Fölscher, Vereeniging T.I. Fouche, Gerdau M.P.J. Peens, Pretoria P.J. du Plessis, Florida Geen/None T.I. Fouche, Gerdau A.N. Lesch, Ifafi P.D. Bramley, Bloemfontein D.J. Fourie, Bloemfontein P.J. van Niekerk, Swellendam P.S. Welgemoed, Akasia D.P. Calvert, RAF J.Fourie, Douglas T. Breedt, Rustenburg S.N.S. Penrose, Great Britain J.G. du Toit, Weltevredenpark D.P. Calvert, RAF J.M.A. Thompson, Great Britain A.P. van Niekerk, Kimberley A.P. Möller (Jnr) Pretoria D.P. Calvert, RAF T.F. Breedt, Rustenburg T.B. Hayter, Port Elizabeth DC Dyson, Great Britain C.N. Tremlett, England P. Welgemoed, Pretoria J.A. du Toit, Witwatersrand T. F. Breedt, North West P.A.Haasbroek, Witwatersrand P.M. Patel, England

400 398 393 395 325 395 293 295 294 293 294 290 294 293 293 295 294 446 448 444 224 292 294 299 297 296 300 298 298 298 298 290.29 297.29 298.37

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) TROPHY: The Danie Joubert Trophy 2008 C.F. Snyman (Int) 288 2009 C.F. Snyman (Int) 293 2010 C.F. Snyman 289 2011 K. Witthaus 283 2012 C.F. Snyman, Peninsula Rifle Club 281.20 2013 J.C.van Tonder, Peninsula Rifle Club 286.23 2014 R.A. Burger, Peninsula Rifle Club 290.18

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2011 W.J. O’Neill 2012 N.A. Kock, Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 S. Pate U.S.A. 2014 A.J. Marx

262 268.16 273.16 278.12

.303 2011 2012 2013 2014

253 240.9 255.11 237.6

. 58

J.F. Van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club J.F. van Niekerk, CLI 303 Club Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club D.S.Carver, CLI 303 Club

WEDSTRYD NR. 43 SA VETERANE KAMPIOENSKAP Die Bruce Heath Memorial Skild deur die Skuts van Astralië aan die skuts van Suid-Afrika geskenk in 1997.

MATCH NO 43 SA VETERANS CHAMPIONSHIP The Bruce Heath Memorial Shield presented to the rifle shooters of South Africa by the rifle shooters of Australia in 1997.

VOORWAARDES: Die skut se SA Kampioenskap Telling

CONDITIONS: The shooter’s SA Championship score.

PRYSE: Pryslys Nr 4

PRIZES: Prize list No 4

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1996 R.J. van Lingen, Sandton 1997 R.J. van Lingen, Sandton 1998 M.W. Tompkins, USA 1999 S.R. Dunstall, Australia 2000 E.A. Venter, Doornpoort 2001 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 2002 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 2003 W.I.G. Engelbreg, Pretoria North 2004 B.J. Pieters, Westgate 2005 W.A.Botha, Merrivale

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 2006 W.A. Cooney, U.S.A 2007 E.E. Stigant, Cape Town 2008 AP van Niekerk, Kimberley 2009 E.E. Stigant, Cape Town 2010 E.E. Stigant, Cape Town 2011 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2012 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2013 D.P. Calvert, Ireland 2014 D.P. Calvert, RAF

917 924 1281 1286 1283 783 907 932 939 792

WEDSTRYD NR. 44 SA KAMPIOENSKAP VOORWAARDES: Die totale tellings in die Groottotaal plus 2de en 3de Stadia van die Staatspresident.

MATCH NO 44 SA CHAMPIONSHIP CONDITIONS: The aggregate of scores fired in the Grand Aggregate plus 2nd and 3rd Stages of the State President

Pryse verskaf deur die Beheerraad van die Genl C de Wet Skiettrofee. 1ste Prys: Die Kmdt genl S.J.P. KrugerTrofee geskenk deur die ATKV en word deur die Beheerraad van die Genl C. de Wet Skiettrofee. PRYSE: Pryslys Nr. 4

Prizes provided by the Control Board of the Gen C. de Wet Shooting Trophies. 1st Prize: The Cmdt Genl. S.J.P. Kruger Trophy donated by the ATKV and is controlled by the Control Board of the Gen C de Wet Shooting Trophies. PRIZES: Prize list No. 4.

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1970 S.M. Bekker, Pietermaritzburg 1971 B. Musgrave, Bloemfontein 1972 W.S. van Vuuren, KNTWSK 1973 A.P. Moller, KOVSWSK 1974 J.H. Grobler, Ermelo 1975 R.V.E. Smith, Pietermaritzburg 1976 P.C. Nevette, Salisbury 1977 C.J. Jacobs, Kroonstad 1978 C.F. Schoeman, Potchefstroom 1979 H.F.P. Rautenbach, Bloemfontein 1980 F. Hough, Gochas 1981 A.P. van Niekerk, Kimberley 1982 W. du Plooy, Bloemfontein 1983 E. Stigant, Cape Town 1984 A.J. Steyn, Bloemfontein 1985 A.J. Steyn, Bloemfontein 1986 T.I. Fouche, Gerdau 1987 P.S. Buys, Pretoria 1988 A.P. Möller, Pretoria 1989 Geen kompetisie – No competition

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 1993 W.J. Spangenberg, Vereeniging 1994 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 1995 T.J. Botha, Pretoria 1996 D.P. Calvert, RAF 1997 S.W. Cullinan, Middelburg 1998 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 1999 T.J. Whitaker, USA 2000 D.M.C. Dodds, Bryanston 2001 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2002 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2003 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2004 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2005 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2006 D.P. Calvert, RAF 2007 P.J. Van Zyl (Jnr) Witwatersrand SV 2008 P. Patel, Great Britain 2009 D.P.Calvert, Ireland 2010 P.A.Hassbroek, Witwatersrand SV 2011 J.A.duToit 2012 J.C.Underwood, Great Britain

919 864 940 930 935 920 931 928 935 944 940 938 938 932 867 928 941 940 932


936 939 954 944 947 839 932.92 939.97 956.114

942 938 939 942 942 1285 1298 1298 878 942 943 952 802 950 944 954 949 953 851 947.92

1990 A.P. van Niekerk, Modderrivier 1991 G.S. Potgieter, Valhalla 1992 P.M. Kotze, Groblershoop

933 940 928

2013 P.M.Patel, England 2014 P.M.Patel, England

951.113 958.114

F KLAS OPE (F Klas Internasionaal tot 2009) TROFEE: SA F Klas Kampioenskap Trofee geskenk deur Mnr J.J. Rousseau in 1999. 2000 B.F. Tyrrell, Lynnwood Ridge 1285 2001 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 884 2002 G.J. van der Merwe, Middelburg 957 2003 R. Ilse, Middelburg 962 2004 F.C. van Niekerk, Durbanville 962 2005 D.N. Wade 814 2006 J.D. Stegmann 962 2007 J.J. Sauer (Int) 931

F CLASS OPEN (F Class International until 2009) TROPHY: SA F Class Championship Trophy presented by Mr J.J. Rousseau in 1999. 2008 C.F. Snyman (Int) 923 2009 J.F. Kleynhans (Int) 917 2010 G.F. Rautenbach 916 2011 J.C. van Tonder 819 2012 W. Brits, Winelands 927.79 2013 K. Witthaus 928.71 2014 K. Witthaus 936.82

F KLAS T/R (F Klas Nasionaal tot 2009) 2007 F.J. Schnetler (Nat) 2008 D.G Meredith (Nat) 2009 J.J. Faber (Nat) 2010 F.J. Schnetler

886 944 932 891

F CLASS T/R (F Class National until 2009) 2011 I.Lambrecht 2012 N.A.Kock, Peninsula Rifle Club 2013 A.J. Marx 2014 J.J. Nezar

767 887.51 881.42 906.62

.303 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

626 723 808 694 801

.303 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

820 726 791.24 804.34 775.15

C Gresse S.J. Barkhuysen J. A. de Beer C de Beer J.J. de Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club J..F.van Niekerk, CLI303 Club J.F. van Niekerk, CLI303 Club Villiers, Peninsula Rifle Club F.J. Gorgens, Pretoria



SKYFGEWEER RSA Internasionale wedstryd vind tussen mededingende Internasionale spanne plaas wat hul land verteenwoordig teen ‘n senior Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale span.

TARGET RIFLE The RSA International match is competed for by International teams representing their country against a senior South African national team.

VOORWAARDES 2 + 15 skote op 800m en 900m. Kaptein, Bestuurder, Ko-ordineerder, 3 afrigters en. 12 skuts

CONDITIONS 2 + 15 shots fired at 800m and 900m. Captain, Manager, Co-ordinator, 3 coaches (wind readers) and 12 shooters.

Tyd per afstand: 90 minute

Time per distance: 90 minutes

PRYSE: 1ste plek: 18 Goue medaljes

PRIZES: 1st place: 18 Gold medals

WENNERS 2002 South Africa 2003 South Africa 2004 South Africa 2005 No Match 2006 South Africa 2007 No Match

1728.142 1742.141 1752.148 1743.135

WINNERS 2008 Great Britain 2009 USA 2010 & 2011 No Match 2012 South Africa 2013 South Africa


1773.173 1742.157 1742.155 1741.47

WEDSTRYD NR RSA INTERNATIONALE F KLAS Die RSA Internasionale F Klas wedstryd vind tussen Mededingende Internasionale F Klas spanne plaas wat hul land verteenwoordig teen ’n Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale F klas span.

MATCH NO RSA INTERNATIONAL F CLASS The RSA International F Class match is competed for by International F Class teams representing their country against a South African national F class team.

F KLAS VOORWAARDES Internasionale Spanne van 4 FTR en 4 F Ope skuts + 5 beamptes. 2 + 15 skote op 800m en 900m.

F CLASS CONDITIONS International Teams of 4 FTR and 4 F Open shooters + 5 officials. 2 + 15 shots at 800m and 900m.

Tyd per afstand: 90 minute

Time per distance: 90 minutes

PRYSE: 13 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 13 Gold Medals

WENNERS 2003 No Competition 2004 South Africa Protea F 2005 USA Gold/Blue

WINNERS 2006-2012 No match 2013 South Africa

1184.143 1199.196




Span van 6, 1 opsionele nie-skietende Afrigter en 1 bestuurder. Die bestuurder sal geen funksieop die skietpunt hê tydensdie wedstryd

Team of 6, 1 optional non-shooting coach and 1 Manager. The Manager shall have no role on the mound during the match.

PRYSE: 1ste Plek: 6 goue medaljes

PRIZES: 1st Place: 6 gold medals

Tyd per afstand: 90 minute

Time per distance: 90 minutes

WENNERS 2004 Great Britain 2005 – 2008 No Match


WEDSTRYD NR RSA DAMES INTERNASIONALE WEDSTRYD SKYFGEWEER VOORWAARDES 2 + 15 skote op 800m en 900m. Kaptein, Afrigter en 4 skuts. Tyd per afstand: 90 minute PRYSE: 1ste plek: 6 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2013 South Africa


MATCH NO RSA LADIES INTENATIONAL MATCH TARGET RIFLE CONDITIONS 2 + 15 shots fired at 800m and 900m. Captain, Coache and 4 shooters. Time per distance: 90 minutes PRIZES: 1st place: 6 Gold medals

WINNERS 548.27

RSA UITNODIGINGSWEDSTRYD SKYFGEWEER VOORWAARDES 2 + 15 skote op 800m en 900m. Kaptein, Bestuurder, Ko-ordineerder, 3 afrigters en 16 skuts. Tyd per afstand: 90 minute

WINNERS 2009 South Africa 2010 - 2013 No Match

RSA INVITATION MATCH TARGET RIFLE CONDITIONS 2 + 15 shots fired at 800m and 900m. Captain, Manager, Co-ordinator, 3 coaches (wind readers) and 16 shooters. Time per distance: 90 minutes 61

PRYSE: 1ste plek: 18 Goue medaljes WENNERS 2002 South Africa 2003 South Africa 2004 South Africa 2005 South Africa 2006 No Match

PRIZES: 1st place: 18 Gold medals

2587.219 1742.141 1752.148 1764.151

WINNERS 2007 S.A. Palma Team 2008 & 2009 No Match 2010 South Africa 2011-2013 No Match

1527.124 1736.140

WEDSTRYD NR. VISE-PRESIDENT WEDSTRYD SKYFGEWEER Die Vise-President wedstryd vind plaas tussen die President, Honoris, SA Veterane en buitelandse spanne nie in die RSA Internasionale wedstryd

MATCH NO VICE-PRESIDENT’S MATCH TARGET RIFLE The Vice-President match is competed for by the President, Honoris, SA Veterans and overseas teams not in the RSA International match.

VOORWAARDES 2 + 15 Skote op 800 en 900m. Kaptein, Bestuurder, Ko-ordineerder, 3 afrigters en 12 skuts. Tyd per afstand: 90 minute

CONDITIONS 2 + 15 Shots fired at 800 and 900m. Captain, Manager, Co-ordinator, 3 coaches (wind readers) and 12 shooters. Time per distance: 90 minutes

PRYSE: 1ste plek: 18 Goue medaljes

PRIZES: 1st place: 18 Gold medals

WENNERS 2002 President Team 2003 President Team 2004 President Team 2005 No Match 2006 President Team 2007 No Competition

2576.199 1733.130 1720.108 1745.147

WINNERS 2008 President’s Team 2009 President’s Team 2010 President’s Team 2011 No Match 2012 President’s Team 2013 President’s Team

1749 1428.98 1701.114 1745.155 1722.121

WEDSTRYD NR. VISE PRESIDENT F KLAS WEDSTRYD F KLAS Die Vise-President F Klas Wedstryd vind plaas tussen die F Klas President enF Klas Honoris spanne en buitelandse F Klas spanne wat nie in die RSA Internasionale wedstryd

MATCH NO. VICE PRESIDENTS F CLASS MATCH F CLASS The Vice-President F Class Match is competed for by the F Class President, F Class Honoris and overseas F Class teams not in the RSA International match.

VOORWAARDES Span van 4 FTR en 4 F Ope skuts + 5 beamptes. 2 + 15 skote op 800m en 900m.

CONDITIONS Team of 4 FTR and 4 F Open shooters + 5 officials. 2 + 15 shots at 800m and 900m.

Tyd per afstand: 90 minute

Time per distance: 90 minutes

PRYSE: 13 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 13 Gold Medals

WENNERS 2006 SABU Team 2007 Team 3 2008 No match 2009 SA F Class Protea team

1196.178 688.26 747.40

WINNERS 2010 F Class Pesidents Team 2011 No Match 2012 Green Team 2013 President’s Team



.303 VOORWAARDES Span van 4 skuts + 1 beampte.

.303 CONDITIONS Team of 4 shooters +1 official 62

1044.34 1562.44 1030.35

2 + 15 skote op 800m en 900m.

2 + 15 shots at 800m and 900m.

Tyd per afstand: 90 minute

Time per distance: 90 minutes

PRYSE: 5 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 5 Gold Medals

WENNERS 2009 Van Riebeeck 2010 Van Riebeeck 2011 No Match

211.3 151.1

WINNERS 2012 van der Stel 2013 Team Bodley

289.6 446.12

WEDSTRYD PROTEA INTERNASIONALE F-KLAS WEDSTRYD Die Internasionale Protea F Klas Wedstryd vind tussen mededingende Internasionale spanne plaas wat hul land verteenwoordig, teen ’n Suid Afrikaanse F Klas Protea span.

MATCH PROTEA INTERNATIONAL F CLASS MATCH The International Protea F Class match is competed for by International teams representative of their country against a South African F Class Protea team.

VOORWAARDES Internasionale Spanne van 4 FTR en 4 FOpe skuts + 5 beamptes. 2 + 10 skote op 300m, 600m en 900m

CONDITIONS International Teams of 4 FTR and 4 F Open Shooters + 5 officials. 2 + 10 shots at 300m, 600m and 900m.

PRYSE: 13 Goue Medaljes

PRIZES: 13 Gold Medals

WENNERS 2004 South Africa 2005 U.S.A.

1195.173 1200.183

WINNERS 2006 – 2012 No Match 2013 South Africa




VOORWAARDES Word gelyktydig met Internasionale Protea Wedstryd geskiet. 2 + 10 skote op 300, 600 en 900m. Bestuurder, 6 skuts en 2 afrigters. Die Bestuurder sal geen funksie op die skietpunt hê tydens die Wedstryd nie.

CONDITIONS Fired concurrently with the International Protea Match. 2 + 10 shots at 300, 600 and 900m.

Tyd per afstand:

Time per distance:


Manager, 6 shooters and 2 coaches. The Manager shall have no role on the mound during the match.

45 minute – Kort afstand 48 minute – Lang afstand


1ste Plek: 9 Goue medaljes

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 2000 South Africa 2004 Great Britain 2005 – 2008 No match

1178 590

45 minutes – Short range 48 minutes – Long range

1st Place: 9 Gold medals

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 2009 South Africa 2010-2013 No Match




VOORWAARDES Word gelyktydig met Internasionale Protea Wedstryd geskiet. 2 + 10 skote op 300, 600

CONDITIONS Fired concurrently with the International Protea Match. 2 + 10 shots at 300, 600 and 900m. 63

en 900m. 4 skuts 1 afrigter en 1 beampte

4 shooters 1 coach and 1 official.

Tyd per afstand:

Time per distance:


45 minute – Kort afstand 48 minute – Lang afstand


1ste Plek: 6 Goue medaljes


45 minutes – Short range 48 minutes – Long range

1st Place: 9 Gold medals


WEDSTRYD INTERNATIONALE PROTEA WEDSTRYD Die Internasionale Protea Wedstryd vind tussen mededingende Internasionale spanne plaas wat hul land verteenwoordig, teen ‘n senior Suid Afrikaanse Protea span.

MATCH INTERNATIONAL PROTEA MATCH: The International Protea match is competed for by International teams representative of their country against a senior South African Protea team.

VOORWAARDES: 2 + 10 Skote op 300m, 600m en 900m. Kaptein, Bestuurder, Ko-ordineerder, 3 afrigters en 12 skuts.

CONDITIONS: 2 + 10 Shots at 300m, 600m and 900m. Captain, Manager, Co-ordinator, 3 coaches and 12 shooters.

Tyd per afstand:

60 minute – Kort afstand 64 minute – Lang afstand PRYSE: 18 Goue Medaljes

Time per distance:

WENNERS SKYFGEWEER 1998: Match 1-Great Britain 1998: Match 2 -South Africa 1999 Australia 2000 South Africa 2001 South Africa 2002 South Aftica 2003 South Africa 2004 South Africa 2005 No Match

WINNERS TARGET RIFLE 2006 South Africa 2007 No Match 2008 Great Britain 2009 South Africa 2010&2011 No Match 2012 South Africa 2013 South Africa

2366.215 2563.151 2336.196 2347.198 1774.190 1168.117 1759.163 1770.172

60 minutes – Short range 64 minutes – Long range PRIZES: 18 Gold Medals


1777.200 1765.180 1773.186 1722.137 1769.193

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